Beautiful drawings with wax crayons. Master class on drawing "Autumn aspens - Astra

Beautiful drawings with wax crayons. Master class on drawing "Autumn aspens - Astra

Today, people know a huge number of different types of art in which any person will be able to implement themselves.

- This is an ancient art of painting with hot wax. Many early Christian icons are written in this interesting technique, as well as Fayum's burial portraits.

Enkaausky: History

Wax painting It goes back to the distant past, so it is impossible to say with accuracy, where this type of art originated. But the technique developed in ancient Greece in the 5th century BC. e., became the most durable and durable.

The essence of the Greek technology was that preheated paints (their composition included wax, resins, oil and coloring pigment) were applied to a heated base with a brush and a specially hot tool, and then the picture was placed with the help of a roaster.

Encausky was used by the ancient Egyptians, for example, fayum portraits - These are the earliest work in this technique that have survived to this day. Fayum portraits are small portraits that are made on wooden boards and covered with glue paint.

Encausky as popular view of painting It was widespread up to the Middle Ages, and then interest in wax painting disappeared. And the pictures drawn by wax colors were extremely rare, but in the 19th century in Germany, this revival of this type of art came.

Encaustics at home

Interestingly, for Encoustics is not so important the ability to draw, and more priority is a sense of measure and color, fantasy and mood. Of course, Encausky refers to expensive types of creativity, but to reveal the artist and experiment with wax painting, you can use cheaper materials.

In order to draw a picture in the technique of Enkautics, you will need wax crayons, cardboard and iron. Approximately ENKAUSTIC looks like this: wax shallows are neatly applied to a hot iron, and then with an iron tolerate on cardboard. It is desirable that the cardboard is glossy, and the iron is with a smooth surface (without holes).

It is also worth preparing a substrate under the cardboard, it must be soft and twice the cardboard. In addition, the substrates must be somewhat, since they are very quickly contaminated.

Iron need to include on the minimum power and quickly apply crayons (You can apply several colors at once, they are not mixed with each other). But do not tighten the applying chalk into the iron, because the shallow melts very quickly.

Enkaausky: Some techniques and types of techniques

Encausky, like any kind of painting, has its own main techniques. For example, Iron smoothing is the first and easiest reception of Enkaustika. The picture can be drawn using an impression, the essence lies in the fact that the hot iron is applied to the cardboard, and it is lifted by a few seconds. Apply the drawing can be an iron edge, but it should be done when the main background is applied. And small parts in the picture can be drawn by the tip of the iron.

Encaousti can be multi-layered, because the properties of wax paints allow the artist to impose one layer on another, and the paintings made in this technique are distinguished by a special depth and structure.

Encausky is a beautiful and fairly simple type of creativity, but with the help of this amazing technique you can show yourself and your creative abilities. Encausky does not limit your fantasy, you can experiment, for example, like Jasper Jones, which unites Encautics with oil and collage techniques. You can also come up with your drawing technique with hot wax paintings.

Consider four basic intake of wax painting: smoothing, print, working with iron side (edge) and work with edge.

Admission first- smoothing

Take the glossy cardboard format A5 or A6. Start from such a format. It will be easier for you.

Turn on the iron and adjust the minimum temperature.

Keep iron upside down. To the sole bring the pencil and start drawing along the sole, painting the surface of the iron.

Pencil should melt well and spread a bit , but not much. Otherwise, adjust the temperature on the iron.

Now turn the iron outlet down and spend on paper.

Cut the iron smoothly and slowly, without a strong push on paper.

Look what happened.

Second reception:ottisk.

With this reception, the so-called streaks are created.characteristic of Encaustics.

To do this, it is enough to apply the iron to the surface of the cardboard, and then slightly lift it.

In the space between the iron and cardboard, air rushes, and a streak is formed on the wax surface.

Treatery:operation side of the iron (edge).

Using the side of the iron turns white lines and bring the detail in drawing.

For the method of smoothing, apply wax to the cardboard. Then put the iron so that its edge slides on the wax, like the blade of the skate.

This is how different lines are created, for example, high grass.

Fourth reception: work with an iron edge.

Touch the outer edge (nose) wax, Picker a little wax and draw them.

Used for detailed drawing.

Draw a blooming magnolia

You will need

  • Wax chalk or pencils, dense and smooth (better coated) paper, a knife for sharpening chalk. Technique "Sgrafito" will require either Mastichin, or a stationery knife, or a craft knife, or engraving steps. For ENKAUSTIC equipment, iron is needed with a solid sole. For stained painting will be needed: the porcelain plate, metal tray or leaf for baking; Heating candles; Stand, for placing a plate or tray over candles.


Drawing wax crayons requires the artist knowledge of the basics of pencil drawing. In pastels, as when working with simple, there are perspective concepts and proportions. The form and texture of the objects of the pattern are transmitted using light, shadow, color gradation and stroke orientation. First you need to understand how wax pastel behaves on paper. Try to paint in one color different types of paper (Watman, watercolor, for pastel, cardboard or coated). This will give you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow wax crayons behave in different material. Mix several different colors by applying them on paper and rubbing. So you will understand how different colors are mixed, as well as what result you can get at. Wax chalks are sharpened with a knife as ordinary pencils.

Drawing with wax shallow begins with an outline that is performed by light strokes. Sketch can be made by a simple pencil or fine dominant color of the future picture. The outline indicates the contours of the objects that will be depicted in the figure, as well as the contours of white or bright areas. The next stage of the drawing is to fill out an outline color. Wax chalks, like oil, are applied to the drawing with layers, from dark to light. If you need to mix two colors, then: first impose a darker, then light color, then the colors are mixed with rubbing them in paper with the tips of the fingers. Before you start mixing the tone in the picture, mix them on another piece of paper. So you will not be mistaken with the choice of blended tones. When you split all the colors on the outline, according to the planned composition, you need to launch them into the paper drawing. Crumbles shallow shallow, and gradually add as needed. Wax pastel must have a flat, glossy surface, through which the texture of paper does not shine. At the end, work is brought to perfection by applying glare and shadows, drawing thinner lines and small parts. Finishing work must be remembered that, too pressing on the chalk, which is drawn along the lined background, you can move the wax already lying in the picture. Apply the last strokes easily and carefully.

There is also a method for creating wax pastels, which is called "Sgrafthito". This is translated "Scratching". For this method, you will be required, except for paper and, or mastikhin, or a stationery (craft) knife, or a special stack. Wax pastel is superimposed on paper with dense layers. First, light pastel, and then dark. Next, the stack (or other tools) on the surface the pattern is shown. Such a drawing will resemble engraving. The method of scratching can be created as two colored, so multicolor work.

The following method of drawing with wax crayons is original and easy to perform. It is called "Vitro-Enamel". To master it, you need to install on the mesh stand, under which the lit warm candles are placed, a metal or porcelain surface, withstanding heating tea. It is even suitable for baking a test metal sheet or flat shape. A newspaper sheet is stacked on a warm surface, and then paper for the pattern. Next begins drawing with wax crayons, which melt on a warm surface. Such work will have a look of bright and rich enamel.

The following drawing technique with wax crayons is called "Enkauska". To do this, take the iron with a solid sole (i.e. for steam) and put it with heating at a minimum. You will also need wax chalk and a dense cardboard with a smooth surface. Iron, which is weakly heated, turn over the sole up and apply a drawing with wax shallow pattern. Then they sharply turn it over and drive it in the cardboard. We get abstract wax divorces, which can then be brought to perfection drawing more subtle and accurate details. The masters can not only "stamp" abstract, but also create real masterpieces, drawing the parts with the edge of the iron sole.

Another way is the smelting of the wax with turpentine or White Spirit. The light strokes of wax chalk create a drawing, and then the wax is blurred by a turpidar and a brush. Artistic brushes from synthetics will be here as it is impossible to more by the way. You will get amazingly light, transparent as watercolor, drawing.

Video on the topic


Choosing wax chalks in the store, try to choose those manufactured from natural wax species. Cheap paraffin chalks are less plastic, it is worse mixed and rubbed the picture. No need to choose for mixing too many colors at the same time. It can give an unpredictable result that your drawing will spoil.

Helpful advice

It is better to rub wax chalks on paper with hands, paper retouchers are not very good for this. However, you can use retouchings, slightly moistened in turpentine or White-spirits, to mitigate the color transitions and mixing the tones on paper. Among other things, break out wax chalks on the halves to have both sharpened and blocked shameles of the same color. Not large crayons - with a variety of edges and chips - more convenient to draw.


  • Publishing Group of Parramon Ediscias, "Fundamentals of Painting", AOZT "Veslant", 1994
  • crafts for drawing on paper

Earlier stained glass Especially solely cathedrals, mansions of the rich, theaters, but now this technique is available to almost everyone. You can decorate stained glass Doors, balconies and loggias, as well as much more. Material for stained glass serves various paints and stained glass.

You will need

  • - Ready drawing;
  • - sheet of glass required size;
  • - glassographer;
  • - Special paints for painting on glass;
  • - brushes, and necessarily soft and good quality (it is also desirable to rinse them to preliminarize them to eliminate the sealing of the pile during operation);
  • - Contour paste in a tube (imitates the lead ribbon, which is used in stained glass, and also allows you to determine clear contours for the pattern).


There are several ways to make good stained glass windows. Unfortunately, most of them are not very suitable for creating stained glass in. They are used mainly in specialized workshops. To make stained glass in, use the following method - the so-called imitation. Imitation implies on special, not requiring temperature processing.

Next, with the help of a pencil on the glass (it just glassographer) apply on a pre-dried glass surface. If you immediately apply the picture to the surface of the glass, try first to portray it on a sheet of white paper. After that it will be possible to put it under the glass and copy the drawing is already on it.

Slim out contour puzzle lead (it is usually produced for convenience in tubes). Share patterns of drawing, different color.

Then, wait some time - let the contour dries.

Now neat and light movements of the soft brush begin to apply paint. If you want to make a color more saturated, just put several layers of paint, waiting for the drying of each previous layer before applying the following.


  • how to draw stained glass windows

If you have already mastered all drawing tools - from the brush and mastikhin to the pen and airbrush - look at domestic objects. Some will help you in creating paintings. For example, draw picturesque canvas with liquid wax in the technique of ENKAUSTIC using an iron.

You will need

  • - Colored wax / wax chalk;
  • - cardboard;
  • - Iron.


Prepare a workplace. Shipping the table with a loaf or tight paper (the watman sheet is suitable). Fold paper napkins or rags that will clean tools.

Purchase tools for drawing wax. You can buy a special iron for Enkautics. It differs from the usual size, an absolutely smooth sole and a comfortable stand handle. However, the usual iron will also fit - the main thing is that there are no holes on its sole. It is convenient to use old so-called road irons - they are smaller and easier than usual, they can be turned over and put on the handle using both the heating surface for drawing. Also in the online store or in the cabin of goods for artists you can buy Kaiteria. This tool is a heating metal rod with nozzles of different shapes. It allows you to create minor elements in wax patterns.

You will need a set of wax for Enkautics. It is sold in packs for several colors. However, conventional wax crayons are suitable if they melt at low temperature. Before starting work, make sure that the material is not toxic (the mark of this should be on the package).

Start drawing. Take a cardboard sheet. Its surface must be smooth, glossy. Turn on the iron to minimal power. When he is warm up, turn it over and spend the wax sole. Fill around at least half the surface. The layer must be dense enough. Turn over the iron and slowly sliding movement across the cardboard. You will have a uniform strip of color. To make smooth shades transitions, melt several wax colors on an iron and spend it in the cardboard not only forward, but down or in the opposite direction - changing the direction, you mix the colors.

To do on a non-cooled layer layer line, spend the side of the iron on the cardboard. Also, small parts can be withdrawn and the nose of the iron (if you did not buy Kaiteria for such work). If you move the iron is not evenly, but several times they touch them to paper and remove, the picturesque traces will remain on the sheet - their form is individual, you can control it, pulling out a little experience.

You can also draw directly on the sole of the iron. Turn it over and put on the handle. Apply wax to the surface, and at the top attach a cardboard and gently spend it to the side. Either put cardboard on the iron and when the paper is warm up, draw straight on it with waxing temperatures.

When the drawing is ready, the wax froze, polish it with a dry cotton cloth, it will make a picture glossy.

If you inspire engravings of famous masters, you can quite try your hand in the manufacture of engraving in the "GRUTAZH" technique - this is an imitation of engraving on dense paper or cardboard. You can make it even with children, to do this, arche with tips from this article.

You will need

  • - dense cardboard;
  • - paints;
  • - brush, sponge or cotton swab;
  • - wax candle, chalk or white clay;
  • - Mascara;
  • - Spin, needle or nail.


Apply a layer of wax or paraffin to the cardboard. This layer is called "primer". For her, not only wax and paraffin can be used, but also chalk, white clay, egg yolk. You can use the usual candle. Please note that the "primer" should be applied evenly throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe drawing, otherwise you will not work.

After that, apply mascara or paint. Note: Mascara will have to apply in several layers, because She first will go to wax badly and spread. Each layer needs to be dried before applying the following. It is more convenient to apply mascara with a wide brush, cotton swab or sponge.

Start scattering a pointed line and strokes that will open the colored foundation. For professional artists, special sets of incisors are sold, and beginners may well take advantage of the usual nail, needle or other sharp objects. Be careful - if you use a thin cardboard, do not make excessive effort, otherwise the engraving will be bored.


Very often, gouache is used as paint for pouring background, but such engravings will be not very durable, because Gouache over time lubricates and dirty hands. It is best to use acrylic paints: they are very easily divorced to the consistency you need, they are easily applied, quickly dry, and if you apply one layer acrylic to another - they will not be mixed with each other, forming dirt, as it often happens with gouache.

Helpful advice

Most often for such engravings, white cardboard and black mascara are used, but you can experiment: try to take a color cardboard instead of white, or pre-paint white cardboard. You can take a mascara or paint not black, but any other or different colors. You can cover the black cardboard with light paint. Remember: than an unusual combination, the more original result will be.


  • Master Class. Print Graphics - Cardboard Engraving
  • gravy on cardboard

Which methods do not resort to unwanted hair removal. Wax epilation is now gaining its popularity. It is a bit painful way to remove unwanted hair, but it is very fast and effective. After properly conducted procedure, the skin remains smooth and velvety for three weeks.

To achieve the desired result, hair should be at least 3-5 mm. Shortly before the procedure, the skin is desired to be treated with fruit acid or tonic. These funds perfectly clean the skin and prevent rustling of hair.

Wax for epilation

For wax epilation there are several types of wax: solid and soft wax, wax strips and water-soluble wax.

The solid wax has the form of a briquette and is used in beauty salons. It is warm up to about 30 minutes to 50 degrees with a special device called.

Soft wax can be bought in the finished form. It is used both in the salons and home.

Wax strips are designed for self-use. These are special paper strips with cold wax, which heats up with hands.

Water soluble wax is a special cream with sugar or honey.

How is wax epilation procedure?

Hot wax epilation is carried out only by a professional. It takes out a heated wax with a spatula, slightly becomes slightly and puts on the skin with a thin layer. After the wax freezes, the cosmetologist removes it with a sharp movement. Hot wax reveals the pores well and reduces pain.

For epilation with cold wax, it is slightly heated, applied on the skin along hair growth and tightly pressed the paper strip to it, then it is removed with a sharp movement. Optionally, this strip can be used several times. To remove the remnants of wax from the skin, you need to use the oil, since the wax includes resins that do not dissolve in water.

During the use of a water-soluble wax, a warm pasta cream is applied only on the hair, gluing them. After froze, the cream is removed, removing unnecessary hair.

Who can not do wax epilation?

This type of epilation is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. There are also diseases under which it is impilled, because it can have complications: diabetes, varicose veins, diseases of the endocrine system. It is impossible to make an epilation if there are moles or warts at the site of hair removal.

Our simple three-step process includes:

Rubbing chalks;

To draw a picture of the "Star Night" molten wax chalk, you will need:

Aluminium foil;

Grater (ordinary kitchen);


"Starry Night" is our attempt with children to recreate the masterpiece Van Gogh with melted and crawled wax chalk on aluminum foil!

Our simple three-step process includes:

Drawing on aluminum foil;

Rubbing chalks;

Cleaning chalk in the oven.

Honestly, at the very beginning, I could not assume that it would be from us. I just wanted to offer children some completely new way of drawing. Nevertheless, it turned out very well!

So, at the very beginning, I told the children about Van Gogh, showed them some of his paintings from the tablet, and since the case was deep in the evening, we also went to the balcony to look at the stars. And when we gained inspiration, we started the point ...

To draw a picture "Star Night" molten wax crayons you need:

Box from cornflakes or 2 sheets of cardboard;

Aluminium foil;

Wax chalk (shades of black, blue, yellow, white, purple);

Paints of different shades of blue, black, yellow, purple and white;

Grater (ordinary kitchen);


I gave every child along a sheet of cardboard (cut out of a large box of cornflakes) coated with aluminum foil, and distributed paints: 4 shades of blue, yellow, black, purple and white.

The son crushed his canvas completely, and the daughter caused only a few smears. Remember that this is an art, so you should not show children "as it should" - let them decide how much they like it.

We left the canvas on the watch to seek, and then finished work. Look like it's simple and beautiful!

To begin with, chalks should be grate. Older children can do it on their own. So it turned out the chips from blue, purple, yellow, white and black colors.

Finally, put the picture in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

Take out the picture from the oven neatly, because Fucking chalks are very hot and can flow.

Children are interesting to observe how small chalks are frozen. First, the colors are still merged with each other, but after a few seconds they begin to harden.

When they completely froze, it looked like this:

See, do not bend the picture, and then crayons crack. But if this happens, do not worry, you can just melt them in the oven.

The picture can be hung in the nursery and show guests, children will be proud of their skill!

And, finally, I think it will be interesting:

How to clean shames from the grater?

A quick and easy way to clean the grater from wax chalk is to pour hot boiling water from the kettle. It will instantly cleaned!

Enjoy your creativity!

Painting wax crayons Requires knowledge of the foundations of the pencil drawing from the artist. In pastels, as when working with a simple pencil, there are perspective concepts and proportions.

The form and texture of the objects of the pattern are transmitted using light, shadow, color gradation and stroke orientation. First you need to understand how wax pastel behaves on paper.

Try to paint in one color different types of paper (Watman, watercolor, for pastel, cardboard or coated). This will give you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow wax crayons behave in different material. Mix several different colors by applying them on paper and rubbing. So you will understand how different colors are mixed, as well as what result you can get when mixed.

Wax chalks are sharpened with a knife as ordinary pencils.

Drawing with wax crayons Starts with an outline that is performed by light strokes. Sketch can be made by a simple pencil or fine dominant color of the future picture. The outline indicates the contours of the objects that will be depicted in the figure, as well as the contours of white or bright areas.

The next stage of the drawing is to fill out an outline color. Wax chalks, like oil, are applied to the drawing with layers, from dark to light. If you need to mix two colors, then: first impose a darker, then light color, then the colors are mixed with rubbing them in paper with the tips of the fingers.

Before you start mixing the tone in the picture, mix them on another piece of paper. So you will not be mistaken with the choice of blended tones. When you split all the colors on the outline, according to the planned composition, you need to launch them into the paper drawing. Crumbles shallow shallow, and gradually add as needed.

Wax pastel must have a flat, glossy surface, through which the texture of paper does not shine. At the end, work is brought to perfection by applying glare and shadows, drawing thinner lines and small parts. Finishing work must be remembered that, too pressing on the chalk, which is drawn along the lined background, you can move the wax already lying in the picture. Apply the last strokes easily and carefully.

There is also a method for creating wax pastels, which is called "Sgrafthito". This translated means "scratching". This is the same method of engraving about which we talked to get acquainted with colored pencils.

For this method, you will need, except for paper and wax chalk, or Mastichein, or a stationery (craft) knife, or a special stack. Wax pastel is superimposed on paper with dense layers. First, light pastel, and then dark. Next, the stack (or other tools) on the surface the pattern is shown. Such a drawing will resemble engraving. The method of scratching can be created as two colored, so multicolor work.

The following method of drawing with wax crayons is original and easy to perform. It is called "Vitro-Enamel".

To master it, you need to install on a mesh stand, under which lithery candles, metal or porcelain surface, withstanding heating by tea candles are placed. It is even suitable for baking a test metal sheet or a ceramic flat shape. A newspaper sheet is stacked on a warm surface, and then paper for the pattern. Further, the magic of drawing with wax crayons, which melt on a warm surface begins. Such work will have a look of bright and rich enamel.

The following drawing technique with wax crayons is called "Enkauska". To do this, take iron with a solid sole (that is, without holes for steam) and put it with heating at a minimum. You will also need wax chalk and a dense cardboard with a smooth surface. Iron, which is weakly heated, turn over the sole up and apply a drawing with wax shallow pattern. Then they sharply turn it over and drive it in the cardboard. We get fantastic abstract wax divorces, which can then be brought to perfection drawing more subtle and accurate details. The masters can not only "stamp" abstract drawings, but also create real masterpieces, drawing the details of the iron sole.

Another way is the smelting of the wax with turpentine or White Spirit. The light strokes of wax chalk create a drawing, and then the wax is blurred by a turpidar and a brush. Artistic brushes from synthetics will be here as it is impossible to more by the way. You will get amazingly light, transparent as watercolor, drawing.

Drawing lesson for children 8-9 years

Master class on drawing. Studying mixed equipment: wax shallow + watercolor.

Thematic composition "Round ride fish" in mixed technique: wax chalk and watercolor.

Age category - 8-9 years
The master class is designed for beginners: Acquaintance students with new mixed appliances - wax chalk and watercolor. In this technique, work can be performed in any genre of fine arts: decorative landscape, portrait, still life, decorative glass composition, greeting card, ornamental composition, illustration. For children of a smaller age category (7 years and younger), you can apply fish patterns.
Type of classes: practical. An occupation of learning new knowledge and skills.
View: An image on the memory plane, representation.
Purpose: Acquisition of work skills by various graphic and picturesque materials.
Tasks: Search for an expressive colorsistic and composite solution.
Training: Acquaintance with mixed appliances - wax crayons and watercolor.
Developing: development of work skills in various techniques;
- development of combination skills in a decorative image;
- development of imagination, fantasy, creative potential;
- development of associative, figurative thinking, ability to imagination;
- development of the charming, imagination, ability to create an image;
Raising: Educating the attention of students, conscious attitude to work, education of discipline, accuracy, independence, the impulse of the feeling of love for the Motherland, admiration for the beauty of the native land.
Knowledge: Statistics, dynamics, frieze, symmetry, asymmetry, compositional center, equilibrium, proportionality, scale, format, contrast, nuance, flavor.
Skills: Competently and consistently work, apply various technical techniques for the transfer of artistic design.
Skill: Application in various technical techniques.
Methods used in class:
by the nature of students' cognitive activity:
- explanatory - illustrative;
- reproductive;
- method of creative tasks;
- partially search;
- Research.
By source of knowledge:
- verbal;
- visual;
- practical.
Form of holding:
Lesson - conversation
Equipment and materials required in class

For students:
- sheet of paper A3,
- eraser,
- simple pencils,
- cutter or sharpener;
- watercolor;
- jar for water;
- brushes;
- wax crayons;
- Fish templates;
- colour pencils.
For the teacher:
a) books with illustrations.
b) Reproductions of artists in various techniques.
c) Graphic materials and a sheet of paper A3 format.
d) Methodical manuals.
e) student work from the school fund.
Travel course.
I. Message themes and goals of classes.
II. Introductory conversation. Statement of new material.
The lesson can be started with reading poems on the topic and questions: Where are fish in nature? Where, in addition to natural water bodies, can fish live? What fish do children know? What fish live in aquariums in children and their characteristic features?

Literary Row:

At the sunset a dormant pond.
On water circles float -
These are small fish
Planned there and here.
Any water to splash
Scales on the moment shine, -
Fish jump over the air.
I don't care what to dive us.
"Gold fish".

This fish is not simple,
This fish is gold.
You will find an understanding with her

Follow three wishes!

"Fish in aquarium."
In the aquarium - fish,
They have their own world:
There are stones and snails,
And bubbles flow.

Sasha has a home pond
His aquarium is called.
And there are a lot of secrets,
In the pond glass it.
In it Garden green under water,
Sedoy's moss hangs with stones
At the bottom there are shorts,
Where the soma and crayfish are sleeping.
The garden has a glass grotto,
In there, fish will drive round
And crawl on tiles
Horned snails.
Big fish swelled
Stopped in glass
Stands with cheeks breathe
And stewed fingers,
And Sasha says something,
But he does not hear her.

For glass transparent
Fish dance,
Not sad, not crying
Taming people.
The medium of grass green
Like lights
In the New Year tree
In winter days.
Brilliant bright fish
Like tinsel.
Let their smiles
Gives a defortion.

Fish house not for people
It's neither windows or doors
Neither sweets, nor defones
Neither computer game
There live away from the cat,
Silent fish
Water bubbles
Yes funny worms,
Four pencils,
I paint them with flowers,
Blue, red and simple,
And, of course, gold!

Aquarium - pussy,
Fish came close to the fish.
Paw tries to catch
And it does not understand
What is fish - behind the glass!
Do not get a pussy.
So, pussy, eat food
From cat bowl.
Anyway, she sits,
At the aquarium looks
And trying again
Fish at least one catch.

My aquarium is not the sea,
The world is underwater small.
Fish lives a lot in it,
And life there is real.
Decorate the bottom of the shell
And toy frigate.
Pearl Bus for the bottom scattered.
Wonderful algae garden.
Lives Goldfish there
Scaled flames.
Tail Beautiful waves
And floats into the crystal house.
And there is snails
Clear can be on the glass.
Play Fish in Catching
Feed, grabbing on the fly.
My aquarium is not a fairy tale.
Much requires worries.
Change water, clean bottom
I am growing up of trouble.

Students show photos of various types of fish. During the show, attention is focused on a variety of forms, painting, sizes.

The first stage of the work is to perform a sketch in which you need to place various fish, algae, pebbles on the bottom. It is advisable to place fish in different places of format, at different levels, of various sizes. Better if the fish are saved in different directions.

The most successful sketch increases. On large format, parts are specified and added.
Next, the technique is explained in which the work will be performed.
Watercolor, thanks to its transparency properties, allows you to create lungs and aircraft.
Waxing chalk is a graphic art material that allows you to create bright compositions on its own texture. Wax crayons can be operated by edge, end or plafhone, side surface of chalk. The chalk leaves the track in the form of a stroke on the paper surface. Closely located strokes form a stain. Smalls have a rich, bright color. The main property of wax is to push water. On this property, the method of work in this technique is based. The combination of watercolor and wax chalk gives a completely unexpected effect: if the watercolor go over the wax, the places on paper, not painted with crayons, paint paint. This technique of work is called mixed.
The next stage of work - drawing the contour of fish with wax crayons.

You can make contours of fish only with a white shallow. For these purposes, the paraffin economic candle can come. But the contour looks neat, the pencil drawing should be barely visible. If pressure on the pencil when performing the contour was very strong, then it needs to be loosened with an eraser or a cush. You also need to draw fins, scales, eyes and tails of fish. In addition to white chalk for contour, colored chalk can be used. It is better to use contrasting colors. If the fish is red, the contour can be taken green if the orange - contour purple, yellow fish - contour blue. You can also take into account various tonal relationships. For more pale fish, take a more saturated circuit tone and vice versa. In this case, if the contour was blue, then it is better to take more purple or blue paint for water. The contour can also be black.

After that, the silhouette of the fish is wrapped in water.

Then, in accordance with the sketch of watercolor, fish are drawn.

Since the fish float in water, which has a cold blue gamut (we use blue, blue and purple paint), then fish are better done in the warm range.
To convey the plannedness and show some fish closer, they are performing brighter and saturated tones. The same, which are located further, draw more pale tones. You can draw on top of the wax pattern, using various techniques: fill, stretching, infusion of one color in another. Surplus paint with wax can be removed by a semi-dry brush.
After all the fish are fulfilled, the remaining sheet space is wetted and filled with cold blue, purple and blue paints.