Beautiful chinese names and surnames. Chinese female and male names and surnames - the history of the emergence

Beautiful chinese names and surnames. Chinese female and male names and surnames - the history of the emergence

In ancient times, the Chinese knew two types of surnames: surnames (Chinese: 姓 - Xìng) and clans names (氏 - shì).

Chinese surnames are patriilinean, i.e. Transmitted from the Father to children. Chinese women after marriage usually retain the virgian surname. Sometimes the surname of the husband is written in front of their own surname: Juan van Jescin.

Historically, only Chinese men possessed Xìng (surname), in addition to SHì (the name of the clan); Women only had the name of the clan and after marriage took Xìng her husband.

Before the period of fighting kingdoms (V c. BC), only the royal family and the aristocratic elite could have surnames. Historically, there was also a distinction between Xing and Shi. Xing were names, weared directly by the members of the royal family.

Before the Qin dynasty (III century BC), China was largely a feudal society. Since feudal possessions were divided and divided among the heirs, additional surnames were created to distinguish between the seniority of origin, known as SHI. Thus, the nobleman could have shi and xing. After China's states were combined by Qin Shihuan in 221 BC, the names gradually moved to the lower classes and differences between Xing and Shi erased.

SHI surnames, many of which have been preserved to the present, appeared in one of the following ways:

1. From Xing. They usually persist in the members of the royal family. Approximately from six common Xing only Jiang (姜) and Yao (姚) Preserved as frequent surnames.

2. In the Imperial Decree. In the imperial period there was an ordinary thing to assign the named after the emperor.

3. From the names of states. Many ordinary people took the name of their state to show their belonging to him or national and ethnic identity. Examples include Sleep (宋), Wu. (吴), Chen. (陳). It is not surprising that due to the mass of the peasantry they are among the most common Chinese surnames.

4. From the name of feudal possessions or places of origin. Example - Di, Marquis Oyanting, whose descendants took the surname Oyan. (歐陽). There are approximately two hundred examples of this type of surnames, often two-sided surnames, but few have come to this day.

5. On behalf of ancestor.

6. In antiquity syllables meng. (孟), zhong (仲), shu. (叔) and ji. (季) were used to indicate the first, second, third and fourth sons in the family. Sometimes these syllables became surnames. Of them Meng. It is the most famous.

7. From the name of the profession. For example, TAO. (陶) - "Potter" or Wu. (巫) - "Shaman".

8. From the name of the ethnic group. Such surnames sometimes took the Nekhan peoples of China.

Families in China are unevenly common. In North China, the most common is Van (王), which is 9.9% of the population. Then Lie (李), Zhang. (张 / 張) and Liu (刘 / 劉). In the south, the most frequent surname Chen. (陈 / 陳), covering 10.6% of the population. Then Lie (李), Zhang. (张 / 張) and Liu (刘 / 劉). On South Chen. (陈 / 陳) the most common, being divided by 10.6% of the population. Then Lie (李), Juan. (黄), Lin (林) and Zhang. (张 / 張). In the main cities on the Yangtze River, the most common surname - Lie (李) from 7.7% of carriers. Followed by it Van (王), Zhang. (张 / 張), Chen. (陈 / 陳) and Liu (刘 / 劉).

The 1987 study showed that more than 450 surnames are used in Beijing, widely used in Beijing, but there were less than 300 surnames in Fujiani. Despite the presence in China thousands of surnames, 85% of the population wears one of the one hundred surnames, which make up 5% of the family fund.

The 1990 study showed that 96% of the person in the 174900 sample are 200 surnames, 4% are 500 other surnames.

Three most frequent Mainland China names - Li Van, Zhang. They are worn, respectively, 7.9%, 7.4% and 7.1% of people. It is about 300 million. Therefore, these three surnames are the most frequent in the world. In Chinese there is an expression "Three Zhana, four Lee", which means "any".

Most surnames common in China have one syllable. However, about 20 surnames have two syllables, for example Summer (司馬), Oyan. (歐陽). There are also surnames with three or more syllables. In terms of its origin, they are not Han, but, for example, Manchurian. Example: Surname Aysin Göro. (愛 新 覺羅) Manchurian imperial family.

In China, all the same names are considered relatives. Until 1911, marriages between the same name were prohibited, regardless of the existence of real kindative relations between them.

© Nazarov Alois

Chinese names. Chinese surnames. The meaning of Chinese names and surnames. The most common names and surnames in China. European names from the Chinese. Beautiful chinese name for a child or nickname.

01 8.01.2018 / 05:42 | Varvara Pokrovskaya

The Chinese are the most numerous nation on the ground with ancient culture. However, their names are whether Qian, Mao Dun, Huang Bodzhing - for a Russian person sounds exotically. It is also interesting that in China it is customary to change a name during life, due to various important events or life stages. Let's figure out what is special in Chinese names, and how they are transferred to Russian.

Chinese surnames that they are special

The Chinese began to use the names even to our era. At first they were available only to members of the royal family and aristocracy. A little later and ordinary people began to use with the name of the name, which passed from generation to generation.

Initially, the names had two meanings: "Sin" and "Shi". The first concept was used among close blood relatives. It was only for the highest Chinese nobility and imperial family. The second concept, Shi, used ordinary Chinese to designate the entire kind, and even later - for people with the same genus activity.

In modern China, the list of surnames is very limited. It does not go beyond the framework of the "Baytsexin" table, which in translation means "one hundred surnames" (although they are actually more than a hundred, but still not so much).

Chinese family names, as a rule, have one syllable. On the letter they look like one hieroglyph. Their origin is different. So, some went from the type of activity (for example, Tao - Potter), others from the names of the states that have formed the basis of modern China (for example, Yuan). But all of the strangers called Hu.

After marriage, the woman often does not take the surname of her husband, but leaves a maiden, or takes a dual surname his + husband. In writing it looks like this: the maiden name + the surname of the husband + name is your own.

For example, 李王梅丽. The first hieroglyph 李 is the maiden name of Lee, the second, 王 - the surname of the wife Wang, and the latest symbols are the name of the own, sounding in Russian as Mail (literal translation of "Beautiful plum").

Children mostly inherit the surname of her husband, but not necessarily. They can be recorded on maternal surname.

The most common Chinese surnames

Interestingly, the first two surnames from the list (Li and Wang) are more than 350 million Chinese.

Chinese names - Chinese names

Surname and name in China are picked together, and it is precisely in this order - first a surname is followed, then the name. This is all because the Chinese are very reverent about the ancestors and their own roots. In the old chronicles, the name and name were recorded through a hyphen, but separately - never.

A few decades ago, the child could be called intact, even the ugly, including the Chinese, name. It was done in order to scare up evil spirits. Those will think that the baby in the family does not like, and will not disturb him. We are talking about such names as:

  • Tedan - Iron egg;
  • Gowhen - Dog Food Rests;
  • Goudan - Missing Egg Dog.

Parents called children as frightening names that the Government of the PRC had to release a separate order, according to which the baby cannot be given a name with the hieroglyph:

  • death;
  • dead body;
  • excrement;
  • debauchery (lover, seduction, maintenance);
  • curse;
  • evil.

Nowadays everything has changed. But in some places (mainly in the villages), this tradition is maintained in the form of homemade nickname or child name.

The name of the citizens of the subwayless rarely means an object, mainly epithet. Popular Chinese names most often doubled, i.e. Consist of two hieroglyphs.

Male and women's Chinese names do not have grammatical, spelling or other differences. Separation by sexual features is, but it is based on the value.

For the boy, parents pick a name that symbolizes:

  • wealth;
  • physical superiority: force, high growth, fast reaction;
  • character features: honest, smart, diligent, honorable ancestors;
  • high goals: discovere room, scientist, patriot receiving greatness;
  • nature: revered the river, the top of the mountain, the wind, the sea;
  • the ancestors and cult facilities: the Yangtze River, the rain (sea) of the elder brother, the golden mirror.

Often the name displays a good parent parting. It is known that when Yue Fei was born, who later became the General and National Hero of China, the swans sat on the roof of his house. They were a whole pack. The mother of the boy wished the Son to fly as far away and high. The newborn was decided to call the FEEM that in translated means "flight".

  • Girl Parents call a beautiful benevolent name, meaning something beautiful:
  • Precious stones: pearl, jasper, peeled jade;
  • Flowers: Morning jasmine, rainbow orchid, small lotus;
  • Weather conditions; a little dawn, autumn moon, morning cloud painting;
  • Intellectual abilities: smart, clear wisdom, indigo;
  • Attractive external data: Beautiful and prosperous, charming, elegant;
  • Natural facilities: Peking Forest, Swallow, Spring Flower, Cloud.

Popular Mens Chinese Names

Beautiful chinese names for girls

Ai - love Liling - Beautiful jade call
Venkian - purified Mei - pluma
Ji - clean Ehuang - Beauty August
Jiao is beautiful Shan - grace
Jing - abundance Nuying - Girl Flower
JU - Chrysanthemum Row - Gentle
Zhaokhui - Clear Wisdom Ting - Elegant
Ki - wonderful jade Fenfang - fragrant
Kiaolian - experienced Haling - Heather
Kingzhao - understanding Shikhong - the world is beautiful
Xiath - Morning Jasmine Yun - cloud
Xiaofan - Dawn. Yanlen - Forest Swallow
KSU - Snow Huizong - wise and loyal

Changing names

In the subwayed many years there was a tradition of changing the name of the achievement of a certain age.

At birth, the baby gave the official name ("Min") and children's ("Xiao-min"). When he went to school, the child name was replaced by the student - "Xuein". After passing the exams, a person received another name - "Guanmin", according to which he was treated at celebrations or important holidays. The representative of the nobility has yet "Hao" - novel.

Most of the names are not used now in the PRC. Paste student "Xuemin", official "Guanmin". Child name and nicking still applied.

Features of children's and school names in China

Children's (dairy) name is used only by close relatives in the family circle. At the request, parents give newborns, in addition to the official first name, one more. But this is optional. Dairy name is very similar to our homemade nickname.

Earlier, immediately after the birth of the baby, the father or another relative went to the provincial to learn the fate of the child. This was especially common in rural areas. If she predicted that something threatens something in the future, for example, fire, then it was necessary to give a child name associated with water. Conversely, if fate is destroyed to fear water, the child received a dairy name associated with matches, fire or flame.

Sometimes parents made a child with a child name, often meeting among the monks. It served as a faith.

Now the dairy name, as a rule, emphasizes some individual features, the appearance of the child, contains a parental farewell or simply this is a beautiful poetic word.

The most beautiful children's Chinese names

  • Hong - Rainbow;
  • Lee is a small dragon;
  • Chunlin - Spring Forest;
  • Chunong - Spring Light;
  • Dun - Warrior Shield.

When a child went to school, a teacher (less often his parents) made his school name. It was used in all documents during his school life. The name was displayed most often intellectual or physical abilities (flaws) of the student. Now in the PRC school name is not used.

The second name of the Chinese

When Chinese enters the marriage age (20 years in the young men and 15-17 years old in girls), he receives the second name ("Tzu"), according to which friends, relatives, neighbors appeal to him.

Name change is a whole ritual. The guy puts on cap, becomes his father and the one comes. The daughters challenge the hairpin into the hair, and then the procedure for changing the name is the same. Interestingly, the girl changes the name most often during the engagement.

Tzu includes two hieroglyph, and based on the name, which was given at birth, complements it. For example, the second name of the Great State Worker of Mao Zedong - Zhudgji. Both names are translated as "benefit."

Sometimes the second name means the order of the child's birth in the family. For this use hieroglyphs:

  • Bo - first;
  • Zhong - the second;
  • Shu - the third;
  • Ji - for all other children.

Beautiful Chinese names (second name)

  • Bo Yang;
  • Mande;
  • Taiya;
  • Pengty;
  • Kunmin;
  • Zhongni;
  • Zhunda;
  • Zhongzhi;
  • Suanghede.

Note in China

Well-educated people, representatives of the nobility in China still had a haw - nick. They could choose him alone. This name was used as a pseudonym, and consisted of three, four or more hieroglyphs. Most often chose rare hieroglyphs or the name of the whole city (village, regions), where a person was born. For example, the nickname of the poet Su Sha was Dongpot Jigi - the name of the mansion in which he lived, being in the link.

Hao did not display the first or second name. This is something deeply personal. Nope is very popular among scientists and writers.

Borrowing names from other languages

Modern parents in the PRC, as well, in any other country, often call children beautiful, but unusual for the country's cultural tradition. The basis for this is the abbreviated form of a foreign name. Most often borrow names:

  • Eastern: Amber, Alibea, Mohammed;
  • Celtic: Brin, Dylan, Tara;
  • French: Olivia, Bruce;
  • Slavic: Nadine, Vera, Ivan;
  • Indian: believed, opal, mind;
  • Italian: Donna, Mia, Bianca;
  • Greek: Angere, George, Selena;
  • German: Charles, Richard, William.

So, if you manage to get acquainted with Lee Gabriella or in mind, especially do not be surprised.

Fact first. Surname is written in the first place.

The surname of the Chinese is written and pronounced first, that is, the head of China - Si Jinping - the last name Si, and the name - Jinping. The surname does not inclined. The Chinese have all the most important "endowed forward" - from an important less significant, both in dates (year-month-day) and names (surname-name). Surname, belonging to the family - very important for the Chinese, which make up the genealogical trees to the "50th knee." Hong Kong residents (South China), the name is sometimes taken forward or instead of the Chinese name they call English - for example, David Mac. By the way, about 60 years ago, the use of a hyphen was actively practiced in Chinese to designate the border of Chinese syllables in the names: Mao Tse-Dong, Sun Yat-sen. Yat-Sen Here is a record of the South China Revolutionary on Cantonese, which is often confused by Chinese who do not know the existence of such a dialect.

Fact second. 50 percent of the Chinese are 5 main surnames.

Wang, Lee, Zhang, Zhou, Chen - here are five major Chinese surnames, the last Chen is the main name in Guangdong (South China), there is almost every third Chen. Wang 王 means "Prince" or "Tsar" (head of the region), Lee 李 - pear tree, a dynasty that ruled in China Tang, Zhang 张 - Archer, Zhou 周 - "Cycle, Circle", ancient imperial genus, Chen 陈 - "Old, westered" (about wine, soy sauce, etc.). Unlike the Western people - the Chinese surnames are homogeneous, but in the names, the Chinese give their fantasy space.

The fact is the third. Most Chinese surnames are monosyllars.

Favorite surnames include rare surnames, Owyan and a number of others. However, a few years ago, the Chinese government allowed double surnames when the child was given the surname of the father and the mother - which led to the emergence of such interesting surnames as Wang Ma and others. Most Chinese surnames are single-staples, and 99% of them can be found in the ancient text "Bayjia Sin" - "100 surnames", but the real number of surnames are much more, almost any nouns can be found among the names of 1.3-billion Chinese population.

Fort Fourth. The choice of the Chinese name is limited only by the fantasy of the parents.

Chinese names are mainly selected by value or by the advice of the gadel. It is unlikely that you guess that each hieroglyph refers to one or another element, and they all have to bear good luck together. In China, there is a whole science of choosing a name, so if the name of the interlocutor is very strange, then most likely it is chosen by a gadel. Interestingly, before in the Chinese villages, the child could be called inactive name, in order to deceive evil spirits. It was assumed that evil spirits would think that such a child is not appreciated in the family, and therefore do not marry him. Most often, the choice of name retains the old Chinese tradition of the game of meanings, for example, the founder of "Alibaba" is the name Ma Yun, (Ma - Horse, Yun - Cloud), however, "Yun" means "luck", most likely his parents invested In his name, this meaning is this sense, but to protrude something or speak openly in China - a sign of bad tone.

Fifth fact. Chinese names can be divided into men's and female.

As a rule, for men's names, hieroglyphs are used with the meaning of "study", "mind", "power", "forest", "dragon", and women's names use hieroglyphs to designate flowers and jewels, or just a hieroglyph "beautiful".

Fact first. Surname is written in the first place.

The surname of the Chinese is written and pronounced first, that is, the head of China - Si Jinping - the last name Si, and the name - Jinping. The surname does not inclined. The Chinese have all the most important "endowed forward" - from an important less significant, both in dates (year-month-day) and names (surname-name). Surname, belonging to the family - very important for the Chinese, which make up the genealogical trees to the "50th knee." Hong Kong residents (South China), the name is sometimes taken forward or instead of the Chinese name they call English - for example, David Mac. By the way, about 60 years ago, the use of a hyphen was actively practiced in Chinese to designate the border of Chinese syllables in the names: Mao Tse-Dong, Sun Yat-sen. Yat-Sen Here is a record of the South China Revolutionary on Cantonese, which is often confused by Chinese who do not know the existence of such a dialect.

Fact second. 50 percent of the Chinese are 5 main surnames.

Wang, Lee, Zhang, Zhou, Chen - here are five major Chinese surnames, the last Chen is the main name in Guangdong (South China), there is almost every third Chen. Wang 王 means "Prince" or "Tsar" (head of the region), Lee 李 - pear tree, a dynasty that ruled in China Tang, Zhang 张 - Archer, Zhou 周 - "Cycle, Circle", ancient imperial genus, Chen 陈 - "Old, westered" (about wine, soy sauce, etc.). Unlike the Western people - the Chinese surnames are homogeneous, but in the names, the Chinese give their fantasy space.

The fact is the third. Most Chinese surnames are monosyllars.

Favorite surnames include rare surnames, Owyan and a number of others. However, a few years ago, the Chinese government allowed double surnames when the child was given the surname of the father and the mother - which led to the emergence of such interesting surnames as Wang Ma and others. Most Chinese surnames are single-staples, and 99% of them can be found in the ancient text "Bayjia Sin" - "100 surnames", but the real number of surnames are much more, almost any nouns can be found among the names of 1.3-billion Chinese population.

Fort Fourth. The choice of the Chinese name is limited only by the fantasy of the parents.

Chinese names are mainly selected by value or by the advice of the gadel. It is unlikely that you guess that each hieroglyph refers to one or another element, and they all have to bear good luck together. In China, there is a whole science of choosing a name, so if the name of the interlocutor is very strange, then most likely it is chosen by a gadel. Interestingly, before in the Chinese villages, the child could be called inactive name, in order to deceive evil spirits. It was assumed that evil spirits would think that such a child is not appreciated in the family, and therefore do not marry him. Most often, the choice of name retains the old Chinese tradition of the game of meanings, for example, the founder of "Alibaba" is the name Ma Yun, (Ma - Horse, Yun - Cloud), however, "Yun" means "luck", most likely his parents invested In his name, this meaning is this sense, but to protrude something or speak openly in China - a sign of bad tone.

Fifth fact. Chinese names can be divided into men's and female.

As a rule, for men's names, hieroglyphs are used with the meaning of "study", "mind", "power", "forest", "dragon", and women's names use hieroglyphs to designate flowers and jewels, or just a hieroglyph "beautiful".

Chinese names. Chinese surnames. The meaning of Chinese names and surnames. The most common names and surnames in China. European names from the Chinese. Beautiful chinese name for a child or nickname.

01 8.01.2018 / 05:42 | Varvara Pokrovskaya

The Chinese are the most numerous nation on the ground with ancient culture. However, their names are whether Qian, Mao Dun, Huang Bodzhing - for a Russian person sounds exotically. It is also interesting that in China it is customary to change a name during life, due to various important events or life stages. Let's figure out what is special in Chinese names, and how they are transferred to Russian.

Chinese surnames that they are special

The Chinese began to use the names even to our era. At first they were available only to members of the royal family and aristocracy. A little later and ordinary people began to use with the name of the name, which passed from generation to generation.

Initially, the names had two meanings: "Sin" and "Shi". The first concept was used among close blood relatives. It was only for the highest Chinese nobility and imperial family. The second concept, Shi, used ordinary Chinese to designate the entire kind, and even later - for people with the same genus activity.

In modern China, the list of surnames is very limited. It does not go beyond the framework of the "Baytsexin" table, which in translation means "one hundred surnames" (although they are actually more than a hundred, but still not so much).

Chinese family names, as a rule, have one syllable. On the letter they look like one hieroglyph. Their origin is different. So, some went from the type of activity (for example, Tao - Potter), others from the names of the states that have formed the basis of modern China (for example, Yuan). But all of the strangers called Hu.

After marriage, the woman often does not take the surname of her husband, but leaves a maiden, or takes a dual surname his + husband. In writing it looks like this: the maiden name + the surname of the husband + name is your own.

For example, 李王梅丽. The first hieroglyph 李 is the maiden name of Lee, the second, 王 - the surname of the wife Wang, and the latest symbols are the name of the own, sounding in Russian as Mail (literal translation of "Beautiful plum").

Children mostly inherit the surname of her husband, but not necessarily. They can be recorded on maternal surname.

The most common Chinese surnames

Interestingly, the first two surnames from the list (Li and Wang) are more than 350 million Chinese.

Chinese names - Chinese names

Surname and name in China are picked together, and it is precisely in this order - first a surname is followed, then the name. This is all because the Chinese are very reverent about the ancestors and their own roots. In the old chronicles, the name and name were recorded through a hyphen, but separately - never.

A few decades ago, the child could be called intact, even the ugly, including the Chinese, name. It was done in order to scare up evil spirits. Those will think that the baby in the family does not like, and will not disturb him. We are talking about such names as:

  • Tedan - Iron egg;
  • Gowhen - Dog Food Rests;
  • Goudan - Missing Egg Dog.

Parents called children as frightening names that the Government of the PRC had to release a separate order, according to which the baby cannot be given a name with the hieroglyph:

  • death;
  • dead body;
  • excrement;
  • debauchery (lover, seduction, maintenance);
  • curse;
  • evil.

Nowadays everything has changed. But in some places (mainly in the villages), this tradition is maintained in the form of homemade nickname or child name.

The name of the citizens of the subwayless rarely means an object, mainly epithet. Popular Chinese names most often doubled, i.e. Consist of two hieroglyphs.

Male and women's Chinese names do not have grammatical, spelling or other differences. Separation by sexual features is, but it is based on the value.

For the boy, parents pick a name that symbolizes:

  • wealth;
  • physical superiority: force, high growth, fast reaction;
  • character features: honest, smart, diligent, honorable ancestors;
  • high goals: discovere room, scientist, patriot receiving greatness;
  • nature: revered the river, the top of the mountain, the wind, the sea;
  • the ancestors and cult facilities: the Yangtze River, the rain (sea) of the elder brother, the golden mirror.

Often the name displays a good parent parting. It is known that when Yue Fei was born, who later became the General and National Hero of China, the swans sat on the roof of his house. They were a whole pack. The mother of the boy wished the Son to fly as far away and high. The newborn was decided to call the FEEM that in translated means "flight".

  • Girl Parents call a beautiful benevolent name, meaning something beautiful:
  • Precious stones: pearl, jasper, peeled jade;
  • Flowers: Morning jasmine, rainbow orchid, small lotus;
  • Weather conditions; a little dawn, autumn moon, morning cloud painting;
  • Intellectual abilities: smart, clear wisdom, indigo;
  • Attractive external data: Beautiful and prosperous, charming, elegant;
  • Natural facilities: Peking Forest, Swallow, Spring Flower, Cloud.

Popular Mens Chinese Names

Beautiful chinese names for girls

Ai - love Liling - Beautiful jade call
Venkian - purified Mei - pluma
Ji - clean Ehuang - Beauty August
Jiao is beautiful Shan - grace
Jing - abundance Nuying - Girl Flower
JU - Chrysanthemum Row - Gentle
Zhaokhui - Clear Wisdom Ting - Elegant
Ki - wonderful jade Fenfang - fragrant
Kiaolian - experienced Haling - Heather
Kingzhao - understanding Shikhong - the world is beautiful
Xiath - Morning Jasmine Yun - cloud
Xiaofan - Dawn. Yanlen - Forest Swallow
KSU - Snow Huizong - wise and loyal

Changing names

In the subwayed many years there was a tradition of changing the name of the achievement of a certain age.

At birth, the baby gave the official name ("Min") and children's ("Xiao-min"). When he went to school, the child name was replaced by the student - "Xuein". After passing the exams, a person received another name - "Guanmin", according to which he was treated at celebrations or important holidays. The representative of the nobility has yet "Hao" - novel.

Most of the names are not used now in the PRC. Paste student "Xuemin", official "Guanmin". Child name and nicking still applied.

Features of children's and school names in China

Children's (dairy) name is used only by close relatives in the family circle. At the request, parents give newborns, in addition to the official first name, one more. But this is optional. Dairy name is very similar to our homemade nickname.

Earlier, immediately after the birth of the baby, the father or another relative went to the provincial to learn the fate of the child. This was especially common in rural areas. If she predicted that something threatens something in the future, for example, fire, then it was necessary to give a child name associated with water. Conversely, if fate is destroyed to fear water, the child received a dairy name associated with matches, fire or flame.

Sometimes parents made a child with a child name, often meeting among the monks. It served as a faith.

Now the dairy name, as a rule, emphasizes some individual features, the appearance of the child, contains a parental farewell or simply this is a beautiful poetic word.

The most beautiful children's Chinese names

  • Hong - Rainbow;
  • Lee is a small dragon;
  • Chunlin - Spring Forest;
  • Chunong - Spring Light;
  • Dun - Warrior Shield.

When a child went to school, a teacher (less often his parents) made his school name. It was used in all documents during his school life. The name was displayed most often intellectual or physical abilities (flaws) of the student. Now in the PRC school name is not used.

The second name of the Chinese

When Chinese enters the marriage age (20 years in the young men and 15-17 years old in girls), he receives the second name ("Tzu"), according to which friends, relatives, neighbors appeal to him.

Name change is a whole ritual. The guy puts on cap, becomes his father and the one comes. The daughters challenge the hairpin into the hair, and then the procedure for changing the name is the same. Interestingly, the girl changes the name most often during the engagement.

Tzu includes two hieroglyph, and based on the name, which was given at birth, complements it. For example, the second name of the Great State Worker of Mao Zedong - Zhudgji. Both names are translated as "benefit."

Sometimes the second name means the order of the child's birth in the family. For this use hieroglyphs:

  • Bo - first;
  • Zhong - the second;
  • Shu - the third;
  • Ji - for all other children.

Beautiful Chinese names (second name)

  • Bo Yang;
  • Mande;
  • Taiya;
  • Pengty;
  • Kunmin;
  • Zhongni;
  • Zhunda;
  • Zhongzhi;
  • Suanghede.

Note in China

Well-educated people, representatives of the nobility in China still had a haw - nick. They could choose him alone. This name was used as a pseudonym, and consisted of three, four or more hieroglyphs. Most often chose rare hieroglyphs or the name of the whole city (village, regions), where a person was born. For example, the nickname of the poet Su Sha was Dongpot Jigi - the name of the mansion in which he lived, being in the link.

Hao did not display the first or second name. This is something deeply personal. Nope is very popular among scientists and writers.

Borrowing names from other languages

Modern parents in the PRC, as well, in any other country, often call children beautiful, but unusual for the country's cultural tradition. The basis for this is the abbreviated form of a foreign name. Most often borrow names:

  • Eastern: Amber, Alibea, Mohammed;
  • Celtic: Brin, Dylan, Tara;
  • French: Olivia, Bruce;
  • Slavic: Nadine, Vera, Ivan;
  • Indian: believed, opal, mind;
  • Italian: Donna, Mia, Bianca;
  • Greek: Angere, George, Selena;
  • German: Charles, Richard, William.

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