Costume New Year Scene. Tell me, funny predictions of gypsy

Costume New Year Scene. Tell me, funny predictions of gypsy
Costume New Year Scene. Tell me, funny predictions of gypsy
Source message Svetik_es.

Thank you very much! Worked for registration not enough !!! But unfortunately the text is not readable because of the background. I could read the poems by copying them in Word! Brilliant background "breaks eyes." I advise him to change it. I repeat: Thank you - I use in this new year!

Such a Christmas tree from sweets and tinsel will fit even on a festive table!

Would you like in the new year "snake", was for you successful?

Would you like in the coming year "snake", you have always surrounded happiness?

Then each family, on the eve of the new year, there should be a very tasty and unusually decorated New Year Salad "Snake"! And then the New Year's Spirit snake will be grateful to you)))

And within the course of the year, will bring you happiness and success!

Cooking Site Salad:

1. Sattail on a large grater boiled potatoes, eggs and melted raws.

2. Gorboushka finely cut, garlic to skip across the groove.

3. Add mayonnaise and mix well.

And now the creativity begins!

1. Form the snake from the salad and decorate the scales from thinly sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers.

2. Create a unique pattern using olives and carrot pieces.

On New Year's Eve We write wishes

On leaves and fold them in a beautiful bag,

Let everyone pull out comic

Prediction for the next year!

It will be good for you!

Bucks, jeep, and dacha!

But the diseases are afraid,

Move more sport!

I know for sure, this year

You will be lucky with love!

So that lucky and in the rest

You do not climb on break!

And for you a good year!

Much happiness will bring!

Only Nerves Beregte

And do not go left!

And for you such a forecast:

You keep above your nose!

If they are offended

Do not forget to give!

Believe me! You have this year

Many new carries

But do not walk at night,

More often visiting!

You remember very important

Overload Avoid !!!

To all your finances

For medicines not to give.

I see happiness to you come,

You are waiting for success everywhere!

But do not drink without decree

More than two bottles immediately!

You, my friend, be cheerful,

Forces in work do not regret!

More sleep, read the newspaper,

Beer Pey, and fry the cutlets!

Large shake is waiting for you:

Vodka, beer, songs, dance.

Waiting for fun, a lot of jokes

And ... no neighbor.

In general, you will not disappear!

In happiness, living the world.

There will be love and caress

Yes, not life, but just a fairy tale!

You, beauty, say

Lucky, of course!

In a month or two

He will meet a heartfelt friend.

If you can't be lazy

You can achieve a lot!

With health you will have everything perfectly,

Waiting for you a gift very cute!

Detect you from debt

Eat smaller pies!

Beauty shine your

In general, there are fun blesses!

You dream about

So that the money is more.

Start Quicks

Wallet is thorough!

You, girlfriend, this year

Would you escape any trouble!

And you will come to each other forgiveness.

Hide from the cellars generous treats!

Traveling you waiting

And a ticket to the aircraft

Sea, palm trees and romance

If this is not a hoax!

You have a new day knowing

Family Rice will provide!

Happy New Year to you !!!

Main for Tamada

Divination Gypsy

Gypsy fortune telling on corporate, new year

Good people, I will try to surprise you.
And I will surprise the
That fate can predict everyone.
Which of you guess the riddle,
That fate will find out.
So my 1st riddle:
He has a heel? (Boot)

We continue to fortune telling, make a handle ...
I wish you to come true my predictions!

Surprises are waiting for you in life:
STO-software TV
600-hundred "Mercedes"
Home Great, Garden Blooming,
Husband rich and non-drinking
And others are full of miracles!

Waking up once, see in the window
Beautiful prince on a white horse.
With a smile in the saddle, he picks up, loving,
And in the distant countries he will die you.

Waiting for you pans,
Vegetable Vinaigrette
Cold of sub-products
And compote from landfills.
Well, to reveal the secret time.
So you will go to the cook!

You will be thick and ruddy,
Rail geese and chickens.
Husband on the tractor will drive up, scream loudly:
"Cut, give lunch, wife,
And a bottle of wine! "

You will be a noble knight,
Beautiful, strong and simple.
Clepe for the weak to intercede
For justice firm stand.
And for love for a beautiful lady
Fight, asking her hands.
Know that love brings happiness,
And not tight wallets.

Your house will be a complete bowl,
In it always inflouncing guests,
And your wife is still beautiful,
There will be seven children.
And you will come once drunk:
Step is an uneven, muddy look ...
Wife will labby and say:
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Your life will be happy and long.
With color TV, with white "Volga"
With a yacht flying in azure waves.
With a bronze tan on strong shoulders.

Kohl will not come out of you
Sleeps and plates,
Then you will give your life to you
New bucks!

Miracles a lot in life there,
Road wide!
But only try to sit down
On his skate!

Ways and things in the world a lot
But be always yourself!
Then wide road
Will not be a narrow path!

Buy husband earring, fashionable boots,
On hand will wear
And not asking half a liter!

You have come to the news:
Salted now not there!
And then you look, but give birth.
After all, it is known to everyone in the world
Children are born from salted!

You will soon be very rich.
Millionaire throughout the district to hear!
Because the uncle is removed in America
Leave you inheritance without looking!

You must be lucky in the lottery!
Run, hurry as soon as possible!
If you buy a bag of bags,
That will benefit from the shoe shoe!

You not to miss
We must sing and dance.
At night do not sleep at all
Good people to entertain
If people will be happy
You will become a star of pop!

If you want to be happy
Then you such advice:
Eat 3 kilograms of salt
And big cakes candy.,
Then vodka drinks ...
Happy will you, even kill!

I chat here, joking ...
Still someone did not please
I see someone's sad eyes ..
Well, there will be you and dances ...

Lucky lucky you:
Go to the hunt for Pheasant,
And home bring a boa
Before spring, the freezer is full!

Not finding reasons
You will acquire a car!
Reasons for this not finding
Sell, a little time!

Cutting in the store,
Find five hundred rubles in the basket.
Make them on the phone,
And there will be a festive sober!

Once, going to work,
You say: "FIG! Reluctance!"
Head will call - send
Will be fired - say: "Well, and what!"

Showcases past running
Exclaim: "Mom dear!
I want this garbage! "
And break on the root.

Moment comes. To foundation
All tired. And embroidery.
And TV. And ottta.
Take a belly dance!

And you are waiting for you
Traveling pleasant cycle.
The whole world will see and do not happen
So the money is now copying now, immediately.

Will fight blood in the veins,
Waiting for you love.
And happy to the same
Choose who you need.

Long Line -
There will be a cottage on the canal
And all this without cheating,
Money full pockets.

For you, the Council is:
Tail Always always pipe
Moment if you don't miss
President our will be.

You will be rich soon
Since you find the treasure,
Just do not yawny
Shoot tomorrow start
Do not rest not a minute,
Copy all 24 hours a day,
Three months you will dig
And then in wealth you swim.

If you want to be happy
Then you such advice:
Eat three kilograms of salt
And a big bag of candies
Then vodka zapki,
Happy will be, even kill.

Give me milk I guess
Hand in aunt show!
The truth will open you all
Even who stole his pants!

What a man has a happressed?
I see everything not as it is!
We need a glass of fillets
And on the ass evenly sit down.

Yes, the fate of your old woman
Like a furrow horse!
That is left, then on the right
He will lead you.

Well, I guess
A lot of money, wife!
So as not immediately spent everything.
Let the wife keep a treasury!

I see you man do not slip!
Many sins for you!
Then you will split the window with hand
That drunk come home.

Yes, my gadagna force!
What I say, it will be so!
Took winery and raised
And who is against, that fool!

Comic divination Gypsies for women ***
You, my native, -
Road to the store
Goods there at a discount
You will sell Georgians ...
But be careful with him,
You know, what:
Destroy the seller of such
Family your peace!
You are time to marry
And marry do not take ...
Now I will guess
And tomorrow will take!
Late at night today
You will go to the balcony,
And there - a man with flowers
And white-white horse!

Such a beautiful woman
What else to desire -
You, my native,
One thing I can say:
It's time for the scene -
On the stage you sing,
And we are on tv
Let's start watching you!

Long stage cries,
Without seeing you there.
When you know,
Not forget me!
You, my good,
I'll tell you about life:
You will find yourself lover,
And how, I will tell.

With all I will not learn -
After all, this is your secret,
Instructions will get
When a banquet passes!
For women good
I do not feel sorry for goodness -
I'm gone
Kids small mala ...

And soon, very soon -
And give my husband -
You arrived in the family,
Mom, expect!

You, my beauty,
Such a thing I will say:
Do not build a neighbor of the eyes,
And then I will punish!
Of course, it is very difficult
Do not grind your eyes
Moreover, he called
Go to the Caucasus ...
Consent, dear,
Your own you give then
When I check exactly -
Who he came here!
All nominal greetings

And you believe everything in a fairy tale,
Princess want to be
And on yourself Ivanoshka -
Tsarevich margin ...
I, in general, this is
Tosing you
But only fastening
I will have to give me.
Only wedding cheaper
I arrange like a swing
With Ivan's boyfriend,
By rank - fool!

Get up, my good,
Country from behind the table,
Slightly happiness and wealth
His has not slept.
Go Polkilometer
All the time east
And money that is in the house
Early in the sand.
Of wooden money
Literally one year old
Will go, the currency is full,
Green garden!
For money not sad,
Do not break the mode.
Money will not disappear -
We will grab them!

Lucky people, glad,
Straight, curls take -
You (show your hand on the guest)
Offer go
In the most hollywood.
There, in this Hollywood,
You prepare a role
English Queen
And Richard Gir - King!
Lucky people, glad,
Straight, curls take
We are with you exactly
Will not take in Hollywood!

You, girl, at the wedding -
Well, the first "star",
Beauty and clever,
Active always.
You are your talents
And benefit give -
Won whamber Kucha
Gathered here as here.
You are with them carefully,
Beauty, look!
Let them remain two
Well, maximum, let three.
All other things: "Goodbye!",
And the handle is pet -
IS, Slyani dissolved,
Solid alkashi!

Of many options
You will choose one -
He will be an Englishman
Solid Mr.
Now you have to
Drink tea only with milk
And Ryano to study
English language.

You are your husband today
Will plunge right in shock -
From work, he will clarify
Mysterious bag.
The bag shares
Show a red tail,
And soon the whole will appear

Do not look at the life of stern
Marry leave very soon.
Who is the bridegroom, I will not hide -
Let the apple on the dish.
I see everything as in reality -
Husband will take you to Moscow,
It will be rich, beautiful
Good-natured, not swecking.
You with a career, girl,
Suddenly lucky -
With a good sentence
Your chef will come to you.

He will say that worthy
You are more completely.
Naturally, salary
Start doubly starts.

Comic divination Gypsies for men ***
Man you in years -
And everything in Gadania you believe,
Probably announcements
In the newspaper also write.
To soothe -
Vastozuu now ...
Young girl
You will meet in late hour!
And you will be pleased
And happy days five or six,
While in your pocket
There are a lot of currencies.

And you probably money
And the house with the fountain is waiting
Dream about everything about it
All day you do not get tired ...

So here you are my silver

And yahontte mine, -

Your dream is so close

What is just handed ...
Jasha in his apartment
You are a finger in the bathroom faucet -
That's so quite inexpensive
You will get a fountain!
You pulled out good luck
Behind the tail caught her -
Not all such happiness
Lucky and flair.
You, you are my outer
Straight from early morning
Wife on the other will find
That will be "yes" ..

You, man, in life
So big is lucky -
By service you will come to
Enviously called.
Honor and respect
You are waiting everywhere
And wives and mistresses
A little wait.
On everything, my precious,
You do not have enough strength
What can I do -
You yourself asked about!

You, my diamond,
Machine interest -
You will get as a gift
Brilliant "Mercedes".
De don't bite you nails
And do not go to rage,
Your car is new
The garage does not fit.

You listen to us, cute,
Until the very end -
In a box with a red bow
Toy at the porch.

Such a beautiful guy
But in the love of failure.
Beautiful blonde
You wrapped around.
Your calculation was inaccurate -
Blonde took away.
Incorrect calculations
Friends, let down!
Of course, not free,
Put on the hand -
Suspended a girlfriend:
What - show!

Solid man -
Solid interest.
Why in intimate business
You, Mr., got?
On the bare body of money
I wanted to accumulate.
Now take a tablet,
Well, and water.
Remember: on the washers
And brooms for baths
No income you will not see
Although the wall is drum.

The phantine with this fortune investment can also be tagged so that the "gypsies" knew that this fortune telling is better to read out loud themselves:

Here is the main widen
Behind the wedding table -
(or "at the festive table")
Shyness and modesty
Left for later.

Crashed in lamb
Silent and simple
And he himself did not miss yet
Girls not a single ...
Look you, my outer,
When you go home,
We are with Rada for security
With you, then take!

New Year is a favorite holiday. Great time when you can get together, eat delicious food, make gifts and share wishes. Children see in it the magic that Santa Claus visits at home, leaving gifts there. And so that he knew what kind of guys write letters. For adults New Year, too, the waiting time is miracle. After all, they make desires, make plans and believe that it will definitely work better than the previous one.

Therefore, the game is so popular - predictions for the New Year. Moreover, these are comic predictions regarding various topics. There are allegoric, where hints or extensive expressions are present. There are accurate, reflecting the existing reality. There is a lot of options to play a similar game. The main thing is to prepare in advance.

Comic Predictions on Film and Songs

A great opportunity to entertain the company when a festive dinner is eaten and a dessert remained ahead. Everyone builds certain plans for the coming year, so the idea of \u200b\u200bNew Year's predictions will probably like it.

How to issue:

Predictions can be hidden in special cookies.

  • you can bake special cookies, putting inside them instead of scrap records with funny predictions;
  • inflate dozens of multi-colored balls and give players in turn needle so that they are their burdali - inside note notes;
  • print multi-colored candy, posting notes inside, then wrap chocolate candy in them and distribute to guests for dessert;
  • write a dozen prophecies on the same pieces of paper, fold them and assemble into a box or hat - let the guests alternately take out;
  • create short prophecies and to add a number, guests on the feast indicate the numbers or ask them to choose themselves (for example: "Name alternate numbers from 1-10").

On movies or songs, it is more interesting to guess for the coming year. Funny sayings come out into the results.

For example, find the appropriate names of the compositions:

  • Dark night;
  • Night, night (factor 2);
  • New turn;
  • Once the world will come under us (c) (Time Machine);
  • Goodbye;
  • Wait, the locomotive - from the film, Y.Nikylin / Izitsin sing;
  • Nadezhda - A.German;
  • Renunciation - Fleur;
  • We will not catch up - tattoo;
  • Shaggy bumblebee;
  • White roses;
  • Winged swings;
  • Combat;
  • Wind of change;
  • Tenderness - M. Krystalinsky;
  • Beautiful far;
  • There is only a moment;
  • What a woman!
  • White roses;
  • Goodbye love - A.Makarsky;
  • Memories - Factor 2;
  • Stay - the city is 312;
  • Love - Dan Balan.

Interesting!It is possible to make prophecies without just taking the name, but including the resulting composition and listening to it. It turns out a real musical evening. Many songs carry a deep meaning, let them think.

Examples of predictions that can be composed, focusing on the films of the current years:

"The evening memories will end an unexpected meeting. Perhaps the old school or student friend will come? "

"Farewell, love for delicious donkeys! The new year will clearly start with a new advanced diet! "

"The mysterious stranger will send you white roses. Who is he? The answer will surprise. Perhaps a fan or an old friend? "

"The year will fly like a winged swing - then up when it is lucky and the work argues, then down when difficulties appear. Continue to swing, the black strip will necessarily be changed by white. "

"When the dark night comes without the moon, make a desire. It will come true. "

"The usual life after the New Year holidays will end. Wind change is inevitable! First, the changes will seem an unpleasant surprise, but then you will understand that everything is perfectly developed. "

Everyone builds certain plans for the coming year, so the idea of \u200b\u200bNew Year's predictions will probably like it.

Film names

You can guess the songs or movie names. This is a simple, at the same time the original way to get comic predictions to the new, 2019. Then guests themselves will be involved in the procedure of decrypting "prophecy", and most of the results are cool. The list from the names used by the names is worth making up in advance or write it later, with guests. Let them remember the paintings, and the leader will write down. In the column, without numbers. Then, players call numbers and the presenter finds the desired name in this list. It predicts on it for a year, adding the decryption option from myself or distribute to all paper notes, where the names will be.

For example:

Bright prediction design option.

  • Predator;
  • Armageddon;
  • Curse of nuns;
  • The smell of a woman;
  • Taming of the Shrew;
  • The escape;
  • Sex in the big city;
  • Groundhog Day;
  • Deal with the devil;
  • Someone else's;
  • Quiet place;
  • Titanic;
  • Big kush;
  • Reincarnation;
  • The Wedding Planner;
  • Forty-year virgin;
  • Love affair at work;
  • Good luck zigzag;
  • Christmas trees;
  • Shata;
  • Long road in the dunes.

Examples of predictions in the new year:

"You are waiting for you ... Big Kush!" - clearly concerns money.

"It is waiting for the taming of the chapel" - perhaps the authorities will apply special measures to "upbringing" a negligent employee or this "surprise" concerns at home. Do you have to quickly bring up a child?

"The colleague has long been looking at you. He used to do not try to take active actions. A service story will start suddenly. Skill a rapid fours of passion! Be extremely neat and trust intuition! "

"The reincarnation of the forgotten project will bring unexpectedly a successful result, even though you have to try!"

"Be careful, you will have to combine the team when the chef entrust a new major project. Work a single front, otherwise you will pick up as "Titanic"! "

"You are waiting for an ominous curse of a nun! Perhaps the beloved mother-in-law or mother-in-law will come soon? "

"Wait for the woven! Is the favorite niece got married? "

Line of songs

At the same time, take the memory, remembering the line of any favorite compositions or names of paintings. You can print on leaves in advance and distribute to guests.

Suitable for forecasts (for next year) passages of songs:

"Forget it, forget" (c) "Hands up."

"Such tenderness, on the mirrors" (C) Maxim.

"Million, Million, Million Scarlet Roses" (C) A.Pugachev.

"Oh Mom, I'm going crazy!"

"Do not listen to anyone, only your heart - it knows everything" (c) Max Korzh.

"But when everyone goes, stay, sit next to me" (c) Olga Marquez.

"I so want to be with you, but sorry, a zai, to the ass of the affairs" (c) Vitya AK-47 - Sorry, Zai, to the ass affairs.

"And even if the whole world appeals to the dust, I suffered your heart in my hands" (c) Olga Marquez.

"Money, Money, Money. Always Sunny in the Rich Man's World »

"Wait a little bit. We will point you the path "(c)" Path.

"I am free! Like a bird in heaven! "

"How lucky you are - my bride" (c) Mumiy Troll.

"Dad bought a car" (c) A.Pugacheva

"Everything will be awesome, will certainly be awesome" (c) P. Volya.

"Only, wine glasses vodka on the table!" (c) G. Pleps.

"The plane is easily carrying me" (c) Valery.

"For a week, to the second. I will leave the mosquito! "

"If there is a pack, cigarettes in your pocket. So everything is not so bad today "(c)" Cinema ".

Interesting! Each line - already ready to prophecy, participants only need to choose! Somewhere hidden wise wishes, somewhere a reason to laugh, at the same time think.

In addition to the lines of different known songs or the names of films, you can write your own humorous predictions. At the same time, add meaning so that in addition to jokes they brought players benefit.

Examples of prophecies for this year:

Regular tea drinks, at the same time never pain

Interesting texts for New Year comic predictions.

Your keyword will be: "Rapidly"

Rapidly - your career will develop in the new year,

Also rapidly - the salary will grow.

Rapidly - relationship strengthen,

Rapidly - you have to run when the chef causes.

Rather - will accrue the award.

Rapidly - the working year will fly and slowly (there is no need to hurry) vacation!

Loans look - everything will work out perfectly in the new year.

Predictions in verse.

Happiness will come in the life of your personal

At the same time increases income.

It will live calmly, without alarm and no worries.

Smile more often - and fate will answer you smile!

Year will definitely come out successful

You calmly decide all the tasks.

Fulfill the plan, distinguish between zeal,

And the bosses will praise, noticing it.

Premium asked, not Roby.

At the same time, you will get the increment!

Waiting for you a prince, long ago arrived. White horse, stable work, bouquet of flowers - all collected. It remains to give him the answer: "Yes!" And take a step. Look, he is near!

Long-minded - will come true in the new year,

Unexpected troubles - will leave imperceptibly.

Expect certainly

The arrival of a relative of harmful!

He will grumble constantly,

But it will bring good luck and the income is unexpected.

Will arrive for a while - everything is gues everything

At the same time, problems, sadness and trouble will take!

Do not be sad, open the door to the tail.

Do you want to celebrate this new year so?


Happiness to let in the new year.

With him, hope will come, stand a little,

You and her accepts from the road.

Love will be free, it is impossible to keep.

You can easily feel good luck to visit.

Good luck to the threshold is suitable,

The house, threshold and the situation he looks closely.

Decides - it is necessary to stay, people are pleasant, cozy here.

Collect this company, tea,

Wish or tell what - everything is written.

Feed tasty, tales read and sleep to sleep.

Now you always live with them!

It will be long, even chorely and hard. It takes enough time, it may be helped nerves. But the result will definitely justify all attachments - a new home!

Soon in the coming year you will be a victim of an unexpected attack. In the evening, after all New Year holidays, you will find a group of unknowns. Among them are good luck, it will hold hard. Love will be active, it is the organizer of the attack. The third is wealth, with them will be inspiration.

It is worth warning - the attack will turn out and you will not succeed.

Smile more often, then get an unexpected offer. You will want to work as director of the factory producing toothpastes.

Your prosperity in the coming year will significantly increase after receiving the winnings of a million dollars! Be careful, do not waste money on trifles.

On a holiday, your numerous relatives will suddenly remind themselves. Everyone will invite you to visit, delicious feed and give a gift!

You will feel yourself a prisoner of the machine of time - you have to work a lot and the impression will be created, as if you returned to the year of the horse. However, the results will justify the time spent and invested!

The end of the year will bring a series of strong shocks. Your success will affect your envious, competitors and other ill-wishers.

Expect a stranger to visit. He will be Sunday in the morning and shocks you. Perhaps this is a postman? Give you a notice of getting a winnings of a million dollars! You have to let it!

Seven things you lose: failure, debts, an unpleasant familiar, offense, trouble and bad habit.

Seven things in return will be acquired: love, wealth, good luck, inspiration, hope, happiness and premium.

Be careful, you pursue the word: "big". If the salary - get big if the project is trusted large, if the gatherings are large-scale, where many people will gather! So try to use this word with the mind! Then the big boss will certainly be pleased with you.

The year will fly cool! Get a cool wheelbarrow, steeply rest on your favorite resort. Life will change cool, and a steep chief will order to give a stunning award!

Looking for fate? Visit the Nudist Beach and look at around. Perhaps your happiness will deepen you yourself and get a close in the new year!

In life, much passes by. There will be only a few things: happiness, well-being, good health and good luck.

Prepare dinner, get along the Christmas tree and open the door: Santa Claus will definitely declare! Having treat it, entertain the conversation. At the same time tell him about the plans. In return, good old man will bring you a wonderful gift!


By adding the text of the notes, you need to navigate the age and hobbies of the audience. The main thing is not to be offended, but to laugh present. If a company is gathered, where there are children, it is better to avoid vulgarity. If all guests are relatives or friends and they communicate a long time, you can add the segments of pleasant memories in the prophecies.

It would be nice to write several individual messages oriented on a specific recipient. His hobbies, professional activities and character will be prompts.

New Year's Eve is the time when colleagues are going to work together, the best friends, relatives, loved ones. The new year is impossible to imagine without fun, congratulations and, of course, gifts. Many are waiting for something special from him. Comic predictions for the new year 2019 can be a real surprise for those who decided to celebrate this event in your circle.

  • for the family;
  • for colleagues at work;
  • for kids;
  • for the closest friends.

In fact, there are a huge amount of such forecasts. They can be with whiskers, in prose, in verses, short quatrains, on the signs of the zodiac, etc., they can be submitted after contests as a gift, after dance competitions in the form of surprises, pronounce during a toast, etc. Short funny predictions for all guests can make New Year's Eve unforgettable.

The new year is the most suitable time to open the veil of mystery and find out. New Year's Eve is miracles time and therefore each of us will be happy to find out what will be very soon.

Preparing for a new year meeting, you need to prepare predictions in advance for all participants in the New Year evening. They can be represented in a variety of form. For example, in the form of beautiful postcards that need to pull out of a colorful bag, mysterious chest or hat. Prophecies can be glued with scotching on the back of the New Year's toys so that they are not visible. At the right moment you can offer to guests to choose your favorite toy and read the predictions out loud. You can invest a fateful forecast for cookies or candy, which the hostess prepares for New Year's Eve.

It is better that the options be a little more than guests. After all, for the one who will be the last in the choice of predictions is very important to have a choice.

And yet, it is necessary to consider all the prophecies to be positive in nature, they did not hurt those present and did not hurt them for living. In this regard, it is better to choose funny predictions with whiskers. Each of us hopes only at the best of the year. Therefore, predictions must be kind and optimistic. We give examples of forecasts for various situations that are possible at.

Predictions for colleagues

Forget about what holiday is
You need career to go ahead,
While colleagues drink "slicing" simply,
Hint the boss about the career growth!

You will proper a year
Glory, money and success!
Sea emotions of madmen
And recognition from everyone!

Today you are among friends
Scream again: "Pillow-Pour",
So that tomorrow was not ashamed
Today it is necessary to be solid!

Funny predictions
For all honest companies,
But personal personally you
And at all the year will go joking!

In the next year
You will bring success!
And a lot of money in addition
To buy in the suburbs you give you!

Forecasts in verse

Will you have a lot of money,
You will have a successful way!
There will be no care,
But the main thing is to start working!

Prophesy now the stars to you
Delight to be to your friends!
And not that they are all together
Will put you in place!

All wishes at this hour
Today is only for you.
Larger sleep, rest,
In a bottle, nothing disappear!

This prediction,
Says about your upbringing!
Than to laugh over others
Try to figure it out!

In personal life will be quiet
If you give out famous!
And if you are obedient,
In love with everything and friendly!

Short prophecies on zodiac signs


Oh, what a ram stubborn

Let's say in your face right!

Need to give up more

So that all year is not to fall!


Character forces you do not borrow

Well, start to dig,

To stock you with low-fat food,

In order for you at the end of the year, I am thin!


Your character is loving

You have an adventure abundantly

On the point the fifth carries

Oh, no matter how adversity!


Cancer, stride

Enough to hide for everyone

And not the year for you

Will go around success!

a lion

Lions would be fear

Drink a lot to not fight.

You have all a year on all gulyas,

Less often to be on different boats!


Stop sleeping, not so much

Happiness you are very friends

Well, dirt from face erase,

You have long been time in the princes!


Enough "in the hole" hang out

Today to be, then not to be!

It's time to be able to decide

And begin to actively live!


You can run away from you

All friends, in mind, have!

From bites to refrain

Next year, Say!


You only drives fire,

You are in hot and not trunk

But dust do not burn,

More often passion you extinguish!


Capricorn in the year of the dog

In the lottery lucky

He is a soul mate

On Canara will take away.


New Year celebrate cool!

The payback will come ...

After all, it is dangerous to drink Aquarius

In the head will be in the morning madhouse.


Swim the fish you are in a smooth flow

And the little things are not worth it!

Then good luck near quietly floats,

Promoting you only forward!

Short cool predictions

  • I wish nothing to miss. There will be new friends.
  • Do not worry let the concern. Waiting for you a new job.
  • Many different impressions. Traveling beautiful.
  • Let success be accompanied. You learn best to all.
  • Surrounded you so comfort. And incomes will increase.
  • I wish you luck. Waiting for you add-on.
  • For your health your toast. There will be a career growth.
  • Does not leave you luck. There will be a new cottage.
  • Save wish style. There will be a car.
  • Good luck, happiness, peace. It will be your apartment.

Wishes for family and relatives

You have friends, familiar sea, and everyone gets to visit soon.

Very soon from friends
Wait for pleasant news!

You will soon be big lucky,
Fate Surprise will present!

To make money - the river to breakfast caviar,
So that career is strictly up, and in all matters - success!

So that you love and appreciated, so that you are treated in the forest,
To drink - and not sick to eat - and do not get fat.

And you have economic worries, home deals awaits.
But in the family and in your life, you will all get great!

You will find a good atmosphere in the family
And dizzying personal career.

Let success accompany! You learn best!

I wish you to live nice and freely!
And so that your wallet is naked with money tight!

Live let you not sadly,
Crunches in the cabbage wallet,
From wheelbarrow the key lies in his pocket,
The remote control is waiting on the sofa.

Predictions for children

Kohm mom will help
Dishes wash, remove everything,
Your wishes will be fulfilled
For approximate obedience!

You have a surprise friend
Waiting for you a cheerful prize!
Just need to earn
And the whole year is good to be!

There will be a feast of my friend
Well, make a rotch,
A lot of delicious ice cream
Candies, cakes, cake!

If there is no porridge
You will not grow up my friend
All year you will be weak
Like a pea pod!

Friend, Kohl want to grow
And health your stay
Milk more drink
And over him tears do not leu!

Gypsy - Gadalka

During the feast in the hall, Gypsy appears accompanied by a bayanist (guitarist). Initially sings on the motif of gypsy:

I am a cheerful fortune teller,
I don't ask much money
I know about you all the truth,
For Chervonets tell!

Oh, once, once again
Many many more times!

I escaped from the device,
Father chases me
From me from naughty
Wants to make a cold!

Oh, once, once again
Many many more times!

If I were a bride
In such a groom
Straight in this very place
His sin!

Oh, once, once again
Many many more times!

Give people, gone,
Give cards to decompose
Give a ring coin
I'll tell you all the truth!

Gypsy is trying for money, and maybe it just "goes" to guests by hand. It is best if the predictions were somehow connected with real events from the guest's life, with his work, hobbies, etc. But maybe they can be general, for example, such as:
Well, beautiful, gilding handle, I will tell you that tomorrow will be! Oh, I see, I see everything! Let's hang out tomorrow!
Wai, dear, I feel bad tomorrow, will have to go to work!
And you - I know for sure that tomorrow will be! Sunday! (If today - Saturday.)
Oh, my rich, in five minutes you are gypsy to dance, and tomorrow - Pants to wash!
I see everything, I know everything, in the morning - you will run for beer, in the evening - for girls!
Oh, good, my eyes will put on you today, I know for sure. Then also the heart, the liver, language, and on top of something long such, thin ... it is not clear ... A, herring!
You will sing so that the neighbor will pay. The rest - fall asleep!
You will sleep, curly, sweet, sleep softly, while the cake from under you will not pull out!
Today there are two bags of happiness, one - with a salad, the other - with a vinaigrette!
Friends around you today will be. Friends are faithful, devotees. To say how to call them? - Ball, Bobby and Polcan!
Waiting for you, Daliless, gave the nepedo. Will you think for half a day, while you understand where I woke up!
Happiness is a big waiting for you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one that you will lose today.
Waiting for you, young, diseases are different, diseases are infectious. No, not because the lines are bad, but because the hands are dirty!
Get ready for a big battle! Icra red ate? Gorbushi revenge will come!
Waiting for you a big loss. Tie Losing. Find all night you will find in the morning. On the belt at the neighbor.
Wai, Kakai heavy hitting you waiting! .. In the morning, when we stand on the scales
Merry comedy on TV will show, funny, erotic. Called today's wedding.
To be to you, beauty, tomorrow morning an asterisk, berry, pussy, fish, and how to give me a beer - you will become my wife again.
Horror movies in the morning Do you like to watch? And tomorrow you have to see yourself in the mirror!
Oh, flowers, beauty, love! .. Give tomorrow. So much that you will be sneezing until the evening!