Abstract Music Classes Theme Winter. Abstract musical classes in the preparatory group, in the winter "Visiting Mother - Winter

Abstract Music Classes Theme Winter. Abstract musical classes in the preparatory group, in the winter
Abstract Music Classes Theme Winter. Abstract musical classes in the preparatory group, in the winter "Visiting Mother - Winter

Angela Dzhanmurzayev

The abstract of integrated musical classes in the preparatory group

« Crystal Winter»

Integration Educational regions: "Art Creativity""Reading fiction", "Communication", « Music» .

Types of childhood activities: Game, Communicative, music - art, productive.

purpose: On the example of works about winter Show children interconnection music, painting and poetry. Cause emotional response to children musical, poetic and artistic images.

Education of children of non-traditional drawing techniques, clarify and summarize knowledge of winter.

Software tasks:

1. Educational:

Learning to press a cabbage sheet to color paper and puts off on paper;

Introduce a reception - imprint (ottisk) cabbage sheet and drawing with a cotton wand;

Fasten the singing skills of expressive songs.

2. Developing:

Enrich musical impressions of children, cause a bright emotional response when perceiving music;

Develop imagination, fantasy, the ability to actively and independently embody your creative ideas in artistic activities ( musically plastic, dance improvisation, story, drawing);

Develop dance creativity; Learning to invent movements, make up a dance composition, showing originality and independence in creativity.

Develop auditory attention, logical thinking, creative abilities of children.

Develop rhythmic, tempo and sound perception.

Develop creative personality.

Develop a shallow motility of hands.

Promote the development of children's creativity with independent performance.

3. Educational:

Rise in children a sense of excellent, love for nature, to the native edge through the visual arts, music, poetry.

Educate interest To reflect their impressions in visual activities.

Relieve accuracy when working with paints.

Technics: Learning to draw a pipette, evenly distributing paint drops on a snowflake.

Equipment: Molbert, sountors, illustration with the image of winter, player, gouache blue; carved snowflakes; Water jars, wet wipes, snowball with a surprise inside.

Travel course:

1. Organizational moment

Music leader: Hello guys! I am very glad to see you. Today is such a wonderful weather! Sun shines! So I want to wish all all: "Good morning!"

I see a wide circle

All my friends got up

We will now go right

Now let's go left

In the center of the circle will gather

And in place all will return

All smile to each other

All assembled - children, adults

We can start

But first must be

Hello everyone says.

M. R.: Children, Guess riddle:

Called the tracks,

Rooted the windows

Joy to children gave

And on sledding rode.

(Answer : winter)

View video Slide (winter fun).

M. R.: And you want us to be winter? So that it was so fun? I suggest you close your eyes and listen winter music(Sound blizzards, crunch snow) .

Open your eyes and pay attention to the screen. What do you see on the screen?

Answers children: Winter picture.

M. R.: Did you feel colder?

Children: Yes!

M. R. Wrong warmer.

Massage game "Going to the way"

With imitation

Put on warm pants, socks (Light stroking legs); Nadward sweaters (Stroking hands, abdomen); Nadward Valenki (stroking legs from the fingers to the knee); Nadward hats (Head stroking, lightweight massage, tying imitation); Button button on the down jackets (spot movies from the neck to the abdomen, we will cover the scarves.

Now we have already dressed and ready for a winter walk. Let's go through the winter path. Children go in a circle under music, High raising her knees, pull the socks. (In a circle arranged "Sugro", Pillows covered with cloth).

2. The main part.

Each season has its own 3 months. Do you know winter months? Please name them.

Answers children: (one by one)

December January February.

And what is the winter month now? (February). Is it a start, middle or winter end? (The end)

M. R.: Today I want to introduce you to musical work P.. I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons". Composer devoted every month of the year musical composition. What winter happens in December?

Reb (S. Yasmine): In December, the days are gloomy and nonsense, rarely breaks the sun.

M. R.: Listen, as composer Tchaikovsky expresses signs of this month in music?


M. R.: And what do you think what is different winter in January from December?

Reb (Damir): In January, the flashes of a cold, frost crack, and under his feet creaks snow.

Hearing works Tchaikovsky "January"

M. R.: February is the last month of winter. Who wants to tell us about this month?

Reb (Amir): In February there are snowstorms and blizzards. Night drifts.

M. R.: I suggest you listen musicthat will take us away far away. We fly over the snow-covered forest, you will hear snowflakes conversation with wind.

Hearing music"February" P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons"

M. R.: We listened to three works of composer Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons". And now we will try to express the character and mood. music words. (Children's responses)

M. R.: Not only composers are very often in their works love to tell us about winter, but also poets. Who wants to tell the poem about the winter?

Assadulaeva Amina: "Magic Sarafan" (S. Yezhazh)

Here is the only fog,

And puts on winter Sarafan..

White and light this outfit,

Even fluffy it, they say.

He warms herbs, heats flowers,

And amazing he beauty.

That sundress is called snowball

Or winter gun.

Habiyeva Hadijat: "Winter" (S. Yezhazh)

Frost looks in the window and breathes

And on the glass patterns writes,

And against the murm window,

Shernya Grandfather Frost.

In the passage and pearls removed,

It is curly birch.

Modik: « Winter has come» (In, fetisov)

At night, the wind wolf

And on the roofs of a stick beat.

In the morning they glanced in the window,

There - Magic Cinema;

Rolled white canvas

Sketched bright stars

And dads at home

Outchalter winter.

M. R.: Cold, frosty now in the yard,

So always happens in winter in February,

What children do, how to walk?

Just need to play winter games!

The game "Transfer snowballs"

The beauty of nature can be expressed not only by words and music, but also in dance.

I suggest to dance improvised dance under music Sviridov"The blizzard. Waltz" And create images where boys will be winter trees, but girls snowflakes.

(Children are distributed by the dough and "Rain", children fulfill improvisation under music Sviridov"The blizzard. Waltz".

At the end music Children sit on the chairs and remove the attributes.

Well done guys you are wonderful dancing.

3. Viewing one of the paintings.

Let's love on picture: Ivan Veltsa "Frost".

What we understand what is depicted winter?

What did the artist portray?

What color paint used artist?

What thoughts and desires arise with you when you look at this picture?

Guys, but we ourselves can convey the character, the mood of winter. Let's try to draw a picture on the winter topic.

4. Explanation.

Look, what is unusual lying on your tables? (Pipette, paint and glitter)

It can be purchased at the pharmacy to drip in the ushko, eyes, nose. But you know that you can paint and draw pipettes. Please note that you have snowflakes on your desks.

Today we will try to decorate snowflakes with paint and pipettes. See how work is performed on this technique. (Show Muses. manager, how to use a pipette)

But first prepare fingers to work.

5. Fingering gymnastics

Twisted, spinned white snowflakes.


Up soared white flocks light empty.

(hands up and down, moving with fingers)

Slightly saved the evil blizzard - they lay down everywhere.

(hands down)

They broke like pearls - everything is mounted miracle.

(fingers in pinch, break)

Kids and old women set for a walk.

(with your fingers of one hand in the palm of the other)

6. Performance of works by children.

Guys, why do we start working? And now, guys, let's go to work (children work under music"Draw").

7. Analysis of work

While your work is driving, I suggest to fulfill you a famous song. « Crystal Winter» which we learned on musical lesson.

Performance of the song « Crystal Winter»

9. Total classes

Our work has already dried. Let's collect all your snowflakes on one big paper and see what kind of composition we turned out. Let's come up with the name of our composition.

The duty officers remove the used napkins in one cup. Children sit down in their place.

So guys, what time of year we talked to you today? What works listened to? What way we painted trees? With what we depicted falling snow? Roll out snowball (com made in the technique of papier-mash).

M. R.: Guys, Look, what kind of snowball rolled to us?

Shake. Oh, and there is something there.

M. R.: I want the particle of our classes It remained in your heart, and that this unusual magic, snowcom pleased you (I open a snowball - I pull out gifts for children.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child development center - kindergarten № 2 "Pearl"

Krivo E. . B. .

Abstract integrated nodes

for artistic and aesthetic development (music):

"Winter - Winter"

Maykop district

p. Tula


enrichment - emotionally aesthetic perception of preschoolers

through music, poetic word, artistic design.Tasks:

Artistic - aesthetic development: Music
develop the ability to transfer the nature of music through expressive singing and musical movement;
improve rhythmic hearing;
To form in children a sense of emotional satisfaction from creative activities; Rail a aesthetic attitude to winter nature.

Artistic design

Create creative skills to make various images of "snowflakes" from geometric shapes, develop a fantasy, creative imagination.

Cognitive development : Fasten knowledge about signs of winter, snow properties and ice.

Socially moral development:

Emotional responsiveness to artistic works, a positive relationship, a sense of friendship and responsibility.

Means of creating an educational environment:multimedia projector, slides with images of winter landscapes, and illustrations on the topic, winter, snowflakes on a string, geometric figures for laying snowflakes musical instruments, musical material,video "Magic Sounds of Winter" (A. Vivaldi "Winter").

Music material: P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz Snowflakes" (audio recording),"Snow Song" MUZ. D. Lvova - Frances. S. Bogomazov (notes),"Ice ceiling" music. E. Honok. S. Ostrovsky (audio recording), "Russian winter" music. and cl. L. Olifirova.

Structure occupation

Slide 1.

Under the sound of "snowflakes" from the Ballet "Nutcracker" P.I. Tchaikovsky kids enter the hall and get into the circle.

Music leader. Hello guys. Do you know this music? Name the author (this is the music of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky). How does music sound like? (Easy, air, fast, magic, fabulous, circling). She invites us to the kingdom of the winter - winter. And the snowflakes will help us find the way.

Children take snowflakes on threads and the music blowing on them,

moving a calm step in a circle.

Slide 2.

Music leader. Here we are in the kingdom of winter. How cold here. Snowflakes smoothly circle and slowly fall on the ground.

Music leader. But the winter herself is winter.

Here is the hostess itself

Go to us, goes winter

The village of Dashished,

Brew the fur coat gave.

Twitched all at home

Ah, yes winter-winter!

(V. Tomilin)


Comes in a white coat
Beauty Winter,
Steps the queen
On the header - fringe.
Snowflakes decorated
Sparkling outfit
She will assist
Snowflakes fly.
So generously sprinkles
Fields, gardens around. one.
Nature falls asleep,
Under mild silver.
Metelitsa is sports
Frosts are not scary.
Trees sweet sleeps
To sunny spring.
(E. Chalamonova)

Music leader. Warm winter - winter snowflake - snowflakes twist faster. And if it will wave with its magic wand - the snowflakes are frozen and become ice figures. Let's and we fly like a snowball and turn into beautiful ice figures.

The game "Ice Figures" Muses are held. and cl. M. Kartushina

Music leader it offers to sit on the chairs.

Music leader. When the winter season comes, the winter - the winter goes to travel through the light. Where she drives, it became cold. She drove in our land. How has the weather changed? (It became cold, snowflakes fly, frosty wind blowing).

New slide - winter landscape. Slide 3.

Educator: Look at the picture depicting the winter. How the earth transformed!

And the forest is mysterious,
And the forest is mysterious,
Silence silence ...

MUZ. Leader: Winter comes to us as a bright, long-awaited holiday. Each twig is decorated, every bitch.

And only a little lack of magic. Sit on chairs. I suggest you plunge into the magical world of Music Antonio Vivaldi.

MUZ. Leader: Antonio Vivaldi is an Italian composer. He was a famous composer, a musician, conductor. He composed a large number of musical works, and we listened to one of them at the last lesson. It is called "Winter" Now we will once again listen to this musical work, beautiful music and see the pictures of winter nature.

Winter "(video "Magic sounds of winter")

Hearing a fragment from the musical work "Winter"

MUZ. Leader: What kind of music seemed to you?

Children: Excited. Anxious. 2.

MUZ. Leader: What is it in character?

Children: Kind, magical, fabulous

MUZ. Leader: Tell me, what is the main tool you heard in this musical fragment? (Children's responses). Who will say to me, did the work sounded performed by one violin or a violin ensemble? (Children's responses). Right. In this work there are parts executed by both solo tools and violins ensemble. What did you hear at the beginning of music?

Children: Running chords.

MUZ. Leader: It will turn the wind, raises the clouds of snow. Nature is stubble.

Music leader: Now we will prepare our voice to sing and come together, in the winter forest there is an echo, I will start singing. And you will be my echo, repeat everything.

Children sing a song-exercise for the development of voice and musical hearing.

"Musical Echo" mUZ. M. Andreeva

Music leader: Guys say winter season

what happens? (harsh, cold, prickly) And what kind of winter happens?
Children: Cheerful, playful, magic, mischievous, wonderful!

Slide 5.
Music leader: I guys fulfill you about such a winter

a new song is called "Snow Song". Listen.

Musical Director singing a song."Snow Song".

mUZ. D. Lvova - Frances. S. Bogomazov

    Determine the character (cheerful) songs

    Determine the structure of the song (sewing, chorus)

    Explain the meaning of the word "korter" (disorder)

    Learning the first line of the song, correctly passing the melody

Music leader Guys, and the funny song "Russian Winter" you have already learned, let's have fun, it will fulfill it together.

Children perform a song"Russian Winter" MUZ. and cl. L. Olifirova


Slide 6 "Ctlemen"

Winter drove - winter over snowy forests. I got cold to animals, they tried to warm up - who ran, who jumped, who flew, and who was hiding in the mink, and in order not to freeze in the winter season they prepared for winter, let's say Swami remember the fairy tale in the forest, and voice the fairy tale We will help musical instruments.

Fairy tale Šelka"Winter in the forest"

In the fall of the mouse from morning to evening, ran through the forest, gathered food for the winter(box, drum ). And whitewashes jumped over the branches, collected nuts( castanets). And from the sky began to fall snowflakes(triangle). Snow covered the ground with a fluffy white blanket and traces of small paws were visible in the snow.(triangle). The squirrels began to arrange minks on the trees, the mice were hugged in minks and made themselves nests from grass(bags, paper ). Everyone had a lot of food. Squirrels gnawing nuts( xylophone - glissando ), Mouse gnawed seeds(hairbrush ). In the forest slaumped cold winter wind( phonogram) . But protematics were warm in nests( click language ), and mouses were good in our little minks( pI-PI).

MUZ. Leader: Guys and what do you think Where does the snow come from?

Children: It falls out of clouds.

Educator: Snowflakes are formed from small ice crystals in the clouds. Within the cloud ice crystals grow at the expense of transition to a pair of solid crystals of ice. During very strong frost, ice crystalline falls to the ground in the form of "sparkling diamond dust". And on Earth, a layer of very fluffy snow is formed, consisting of thin ice needles. Look at how much the snow is poured, but the snowflakes flew off until they melted , Early, look for two the same. Children are looking for, but do not find.

Slides "Snowflakes"

Educator: It turns out that two identical snowflakes does not happen. Guys, and what is all the snowflakes?(Children's responses)


Educator: It is quite right, all snowflakes have six races, but there is no similar, the frost tried.

All snowflakes are the same on color -
But twins, believe me, no.
It is impossible to find similar here -
Frost tried, and not in vain.

Slide "Snowflake"

Music leader. Winter - Winter he loves to ride on her snowy sleigh at night. She looks into the windows, and draws their snow patterns on them, and let's lay out beautiful snowflakes from the figures for the winter.

Music leader.

Here are flowers on thin legs

On snowy windows,

Confusing the winter with the summer

Flourished with white.

Nose frowns, but a little is a sense -

Their winter painted.

Music leader. Guys, in winter in their minks live animals, and next to the forest lives on the edge who guys live?

Answer children : Winter in the hut!

Slide. "Hut on the edge"

Children perform a dance for the song "Ice ceiling."

mUZ. E. Honok. S. Ostrovsky

Oksana Ostroud
Open musical lesson "Winter sounds"

Musical lesson for mo« Sounds of winter»

Senior age.

Goals and objectives classes. Develop aesthetic taste in children, educate love for the hearing music. Attract the attention of children to the special beauty of winter nature sounds. To form an idea that in nature everything is subordinated to a certain rhythm; translate ideas about rhythm in nature and life in rhythmic feel: auditory, visual, tactile; Develop the ability to shaped and free improvisations, as well as develop timber hearing, a sense of rhythm, imagination, associative thinking. To form the vocabulary of children and logical thinking.

Travel course.

(Sounds music, children run in a circle, then stop)

M. R.: Guys, I am very glad to see you again in our music Hall. I hope all the mood is good, so I propose time not to lose, but rather to each other hello to say.

Communched game "HELLO MY FRIEND":

1. Started legs right along the track. (Walk the ruins of the hall)

Fun walked and friend met. (Find a couple of friends)

Chorus: Hello, hello, dear friend! (Shook hands)

You look around. (Break hands to the sides)

You just smile! (Smile to each other)

Firmly hug! (Hug)

Loss: circling pairs, holding hands.

(The game is repeated 3 times.)

M. R.: All children gathered in a circle

I am your friend, and you are my friend!

A friendly hands take

And smile to each other. (Children hold hands and smile each other)

Well done boys! We and I have fun together, and became friends, but about our guests forgotten, let's get up with a semicircle, face to guests and greet them too!

(Children sing):

Dear guests, hello, hello!

We all wish you happiness, health and joy.

We hope that you will not be bored with us,

Allow me as soon as possible check out!

M. P .: Well, that guests allow?

Guests: Let me allow.

M. R.: Then occupation start.

Now sounds musicAnd her background - a poem, listen carefully and tell what we told music and poem.

(Sounds music and on her background poem):

M. R.: At night, in the fields, under the pittles,

Dyrlyt, swinging birch and ate.

Methinks night, between the white birch,

Wandering in the dim radiance of frost.

What do you think about what time of year is the story in this poem? (Children's responses). That's right, of course about winter. And today we will go for a walk in the Winter Forest to listen to the Winter sounds And see all the beauty of the winter forest.

All ready?

Children: Yes!

M. R.: Then Rhythmically repeat words and movements for me.

Rhythmic exercise "Go to the campaign"

Going to us (clap your hands)

On a trip, friends. (Clap on the knees)

Waiting for us winter winter (Hands shelf, finger to cheek, swing heads)

We are waiting for a blizzard, snow waiting. (Motor, hands tops to the sides)

Waiting for us long-range edges (visor to the right and left)

And deep seas. (Floating)

We go hike, (Step)

We do not need a plane, (hands on the sides fly)

We do not need a steam locomotive (Imitation of train movement)

Let's give themselves for the nose. (Pluck behind the nose)

Now close your eyes (sit down and close your eyes)

We go! Hooray! (jump up)

(children under music go snake around the hall, then stop)

(goes out the light, turn on the ball, music)

M. R.: Here we are with you and found themselves on the winter forest clearing, look at how many beautiful snowflakes have left around winter. They are light, fluffy and very fragile, let's portray snowflakes in motion.

THE EXERCISE "Snowflakes":

(Sounds music)

Snowflakes are spinning

In the air frosty. (Circling on socks)

Fall on the ground (Slowly sit down, show smooth drop in snowflakes)

Lace stars.

Here one fell (Stand up imaginary catch snowflakes on her palm)

On my palm.

Oh, not thai, snowflake,

Wait a bit! (Carefully cover with a snowflake with another palm)

M. R.: Guys, Look, all the snowflakes are so beautiful, snow-white, but they are so lonely lying on the ground, they have no friends at all. Let us get acquainted with them, let's give our name with each snowfish, and then put them in a basket and take it with you to kindergarten.

(children put a snowflake and sing a song name)

(Snow phonogram sounds)

M. R.: Children, Listen, what is this sound? Maybe I got a light summer breeze? (Children's responses)

Let each of you now rush to your hand so that the wind is cold, and sound Was looked like fobby. (Children blow)

Hear, the wind blows more and more and stronger, let's depicting the wint of winter wind voice and hand. (Educator I. musical Head with children, Glyssanding a voice on sound(Y, depict winter wind. Hand "Draw" In the air line, simulating conditional height and dynamics "Storm".)

(Family phonogram ends and sounds quiet music)

M. R.: That ended the blizzard, soft and fluffy snow fell from the sky. Let's, quietly quietly on the socks, go along the path and tie to the chairs, so that nothing has broken silence in nature.

Sit exactly, straighten the shoulders, let's warm up our neck after a walk in the cold winter forest.

Rush "Snow is thick":

Oh-she-she, oh-she-she, (Shakes her head, holding on cheeks)

The snow fell thick. (Rotate the wrists from the top down)

Ay-Yai Yai, Ay-Yai Yai, (swing heads)

You caught his hand. (Compress and squeeze handbrushes)

M. R.: Guys, We are with the previous ones classes He joined the song about winter, let us sing it with you. But we will not just sing, but also let's voice the game on musical instruments. (Mentor distributes tools)

Performed song "White Pooh", MUZ.

M. R.: I suggest you plunge into the Magic World music. Today we will continue to get acquainted with the work of the composer Antonio Vivaldi and once again listen to the work called "Winter".

Close all eyes, sit comfortably and try to present a picture or a fairy tale that tells you music.

(Hearing a fragment from music Work "Winter").

What did you pretend to listen music? (Answers)

What music by character? (Tensions agitated, alarm, mobile, magic, elegant, brakes, fairy).

And who performed this work? (Orchestra)

And what kind of tool, in your opinion, sounded brighter everyone? (Violin)

You told me that this music magic, alarming, elegant, fabulous ... And what do you think music sounded rhythmic? (Rhythmically)

Correct guys if in music was not rhythm, it would not music, just the usual set sounds. After all, B. music, as in all our lives, everything is subordinate to the laws rhythm: We are rhythmically walk (imitation of walk, rhythmically breathe (breathing, rhythmically knocks our heart (children listen to the heart, rhythmically tick the clock (Tick-like)

In nature, too many different rhythm: Morning-day-night-night, summer-winter-autumn-spring. Pofantazy: Is there a rhythm near the door? (Yes, open - Close) . Flower? (Blossom - blossom and plant).

And now be attentive, and I will make you a riddle of a natural phenomenon that also has its own rhythm.

White, patterned stars-baby,

You push me on your hand, sit for a minute.

The stars in the air is a little bit,

The village and melted on my palm. (Snowflake)

You correctly solved the riddle, this is a snowflake (showing a snowflake, see what it is beautiful, in snowflakes all parts are also located in a strict rhythmic order.

And now quietly go and sneeze at the table. (Children sit down)

I suggest you from the material that lies with you on the table to portray your snowflake such that you imagine. And help you see imaginary snowflake musicwhich we listened to you. What is the name of the work? (Winter) And who composed this work? (A. Vivaldi)

(children work beyond the tables, make snowflakes)

M. R.: (passes with children, examines snowflakes) Guys, what wonderful snowflakes you have turned out, they are all so beautiful and different, but note that all snowflakes rays (parts) alternate in strict rhythmic order (big ray, small)

We worked well with you and flew up, and now you can relax a bit and play, and our game is called "Ice Gate".

THE GAME "Ice Gate":

Ice doors are not always missing.

For the first time says

The second time is allowed

And for the third time -

Freeze you.

Outcome classes.

(children say goodbye)

Sections: Work with preschoolers

Preparatory Group

Software content.

1. Fasten the skills of the perception of music: to find out and call music, musical instruments, determine the nature of the music.

2. Develop the ability to transmit the structure of the song (entry, sewing, chorus, wagering, conclusion) using modeling.

3. Improve performance: expressively move to the music, passing her mood in dancing, games.

4. Enrich and intensify the speech of children with musical terms (solo, ensemble, waltz).

5. Develop an imagination, the ability to independently embody his creative intent in the voicing of the poem with musical instruments.

6. Call the children an emotional response to the artistic image of the winter landscape.

7. Develop the artistic perception of landscape paintings, the vision of the content and means of expressive painting.

8. Develop aesthetic estimates, judgments, the ability to relate images by the mood in painting, music, poetry.

9. Fasten the ability to reflect in drawing an impression from music, poetry, painting.

Preliminary work.

1. Observation of winter phenomena in nature, color manifestations of the season, time of day.

2. Consider the reproduction of paintings: I.I.Shishkin "Winter", "Inay"; I.E. Grabar "February azure", "Fairy Tale of the Inea and the Rising Sun"; "Winter morning"; "Frost"; K.F. JOU "Wizard Wizard".

3. Hearing of musical works: P.I. Tchaikovsky "December", "January", "February" from the cycle "Seasons of the Year"; "Winter Morning" from the "Children's Album"; "Waltz snow flakes" from the ballet "Nutcracker".

4. Execution of dance improvisations to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz snowflakes."

5. Performing a creative task "Think about the melody."

6. Drawing up stories about music.

7. Inventing mysteries, drawing up the stories about the winter.

8. Drawing with paints on the topic "Winter Berbs".

Materials for classes:

Portraits of composers P.I. Tchaikovsky, A.Vivaldi;

Music and didactic games: "Tools of the Symphony Orchestra", "Spere Song" (Modeling); "Solo and ensemble";

Musical instruments;

Reproductions of paintings: K.F.Uon "Wizard Wizard"; I.E. Grabar "February azure", "Fairy Tale of the Inea and the Rising Sun";

Audio recordings, tape recorder;

Twigs, tinsel for dancing; Watercolor, paper, brushes, water, wax chalk, napkins.

Structure occupation

Children run into the hall to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "December" From the cycle "Seasons of the Year", the swarming up.

Music leader. Guys, today we will talk about winter, about this fabulous and fine time of the year. Many artists, poets, composers loved winter for her magic beauty, clean, clear, sparkling paints. We remember the poems, listen to music, consider paintings about the winter.

Music and rhythmic composition "Winter patterns", author of movements L.A. Kustova.

Includes winter.


Snow fluffy stele,
Street Bela.
I am Winter-Metelitsa,
A visit to you came!

Hello, guest - winter!
We ask for mercy to us
Songs of the North sing
In the forests and fields!

Winter. I love to sing, and I also like magic sounds.

Music leader. Winter, guys have prepared a gift, listen to magic sounds.

Voicing the poem V. Tomilin "Winter".

1 child.

Here is the hostess itself
It goes to us, walking winter. - Wooden spoons with bells
Disclaimed, decorated. - Horseshoe with bells
In bright stars, servors - Triangle
Yes, in silver boots!
And boots will creak, - Crunch Cherofan
Spit white to toe. - Metallone (Glissando)

2 baby boy.

Sleeve waving left - - Metallone (Glissando)
And the glade coil. - Metallone (light blows)
The penny handle waves - - Metallone (Glissando)
Mountains of snow will erect. - Metallone (light blows)
Slightly pee up the heel - - Ratcheck
The river lies the ice. - Triangle
The village of Dashished, - Horseshoe
Twitched all at home - Cherofan.
Ay yes winter winter! - Bellol

Music and rhythmic composition "Winter in the hut", the author of the movements of L.A. Kustova.

Music leader. Thank you, the winter, you cheated. We know that when you come, all nature is transformed. Especially beautiful in winter birch.

White birch
Under my window
Snapped with snow
Precisely silver.

On fluffy branches
Snezhoy Kaima
Brushes bloom
White fringe.

And stands Bereza
In sleepy silence,
And burn snowflakes
In gold fire.

And dawn, lazily
Coming around
Sprinkle branches
New silver.

Winter. I see my favorite picture, I really want to hear a story about her.

The story of the child in the picture I.E. Rubbar "February azure".

Music leader. Today we will listen to the musical work about you, the winter. It is called "Winter".

Winter. Guys, who wrote this music? ( A.Vivaldi)

Music leader. Remember what musical instruments perform this musical work (ensemble violins and violin-solo).

Let's play. Take the card and prepare for the hearing. When violin-solo is played, show the red card when the violin ensemble is a blue card.

Hearing: "Winter", Music A.Vivaldi.

Music and didactic game "solo and ensemble".

Winter. I am a great wizard, I can reveal you the mystery of beautiful winter sounds. Now the wave of a magic wand and music will take you away, far away ... Listen!

Hearing: "Waltz snow flakes", Music P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Music leader. What is this music called? (Answers children).

What is Waltz?

Who wrote "Waltz snowflakes"?

Tell me what kind of music (Superior, blurred, snowy, spinning, sparkling, overflowing, elegant, fabulous, mysterious, air, magical, then quiet, then loud).

What an orchestra performs this work? (Symphony Orchestra)

Music and didactic game "Symphony Orchestra Tools".

Winter. Well done boys! You know everything about music. And show how the snow flakes are smoking?

Dance improvisation "Waltz snowflakes", Music PI Tchaikovsky.

1 child.

Evening, you remember, the blizzard was angry,
On the muddy sky of the world, worn;
Moon, like a pale spot,
Through the clouds of a gloomy gueser,
And you sad sitting -
And now ... Looking out the window:

Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets
Shiny in the sun, the snow lies;
Transparent forest one black
And spruce through frost green,
And the river under the ice shines.

2 baby boy.

White snow, fluffy
In the air spinning
And on the ground quietly
Falls, falls.

And in the morning snow
The field was glad,
Exactly pellenium
All him dressed.

Dark Forest What's Cap
Drank wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Hard, incombusably ...

Winter. The blizzard calmed down, quietly around and only on the branches of the trees shines.

The speaker "Sky Blue", the music of E.Tlitch, the words M. Dolinov.

Music leader. And now the rhythm of this speaker on the metal organophone, and Lera will lose the melody on the block flute.

Rhythmic exercise "Sky Blue".

Winter. Guys, what picture can you pick up to this song? (Igor Grabar "Fairy Tale Inea and the Rising Sun")

What color gamut was the artist for writing this picture? (Gentle pink, blue, lilac, yellow tones).

Music leader.

We love, winter, you,
Your frost and ice
And snow fluffy on the branches
And sled, and rink!

Song "Winter Gifts", Music and Words S.Nasaulenko.

Music leader. Winter, our guys want to guess you a riddle.

Simulation of the song "Winter Gifts" (with the help of geometric shapes)

Winter. And what is this geometric shapes? I can not guess.

(Children explain: entry, sewing, chorus, wage, conclusion)

Now I will make a riddle: what picture is like a song "Winter Gifts"? (K.Uon "Wizard Wizard").

I invite everyone to dance .

Music leader. We saw, heard artists, poets, composers handed over in their works. And now you will take paints and draw your song about winter. And then we will give our work in the winter to the forest on the edge, in my hut she recalled our meeting for a long time.

2 Classes - Fine activities.

Drawing on the topic "Winter-Winter" wax cramped and watercolor.

The abstract of musical integrated classes in the preparatory group "Winter - Winter".

Education of aesthetic attitude towards nature by integrating poetry, painting and music
develop the ability to transfer the nature of music through expressive singing and musical - rhythmic movements;
improve rhythmic hearing;
To form in children a sense of emotional satisfaction from creative activities;
Teach children with self-massage, psychogymannastics, relaxation
Equipment: Multimedia projector, slides with reproductions of Russian artists and illustrations on the topic, tree, musical instruments, musical material, envelope with a game "Rhythmic lotto".

Travel course.

Children enter the hall a dance step to the music of A. Vivaldi "Winter" from the cycle "Seasons" and form a circle.
Music leader. We wish each other good morning.
Performed by the speaker - greeting on the principle of "Echo".

The topic of our classes today is "Winter". And at the beginning, he sounded the music of the famous Italian composer Vivaldi, which we will listen throughout the exercise.
We all waited with impressive day when myself comes
With the first snow and blizzard is our good winter.
Let's put on skis, take sticks in the hands of the stick and go for a walk through the winter paths under the magical sounds of Vivaldi music.
Children imitate skiing.
Look at the snowy forest, like he quiet and silent .... On the village away ...
Dog nods, horses are carrying sleigh .. (slide)
Children stop and arranged on both sides of the screen.
Good winter weather! Winter - winter came, a lot of snow brought.
And frost, and blizzards, and fun, and fun! (slide)
Here is fun, so fun - play snowballs!
Children imitate the game in snowballs. Speech game "We play in snowballs boldly, ah, what a matter of ....".
We are not afraid of cold weather, we argue in winter,
We play in the snowball in the winter, we ride on Santochki (slide).
Hear, Bubrenitsy .. This is a sleigh ride on the way, the bells ring. Show how to ring.
Exercise on fine motorcy "Bell" (d / in 9/98)
And the hare sits on the hillock on the hillock, the ears mechanic, the paws warms (slide).
Exercise on the small motorcy "Bunny".
In the village there are fun of the tops and hammers.
Exercise on the shallow motor "Hammer and Toporik".
Hello, in white Sarafan from silver brocade!
Diamonds are burning on you, as if bright rays.
Hello, Russian fashion, colorful - soul,
Snow-white winch, Hello, Mother - Winter! (slide)
Which surprisingly - bright images of winter presented to us the poet Vyazemsky! Let me and we will give you a joyful mood in the performance of our orchestral plays.
Children take musical instruments. Performed: "Polka" M. Glinka, Russian folk melodies: "dance", "I went on a slide."

The snow will be sparkled outside the window, it is heard that laughter is heard.
And here we have a dance, everyone boldly go to dance!
Listen to the task how you will dance now. Girls will spin when they hear the sounds of the Waltz. And the boys will dance, putting the leg on the heel, when the dancer sounds. If you hear polka, then everyone performs swelling in a circle.
Musically - didactic game "Three dance". At the end, children are returned to their places.
White snow fluffy in the air is spinning.
And to the ground quietly falls, falls.
And in the morning, the snow box was glad,
Exactly pellena all dressed it (slide).
Look, the snowflake fell on the palm. Course on her. Keep up for my hand to make breath and exhale.
Respiratory exercise "Snowflake" (M. Yu. Cartushina).
Many snowflakes spinning, real blizzard!
Phonopedic exercise "Mistel" (M. Yu Kartushina).
And now - a small song ...
The logo grinding "spinned, spinned white snowflakes ..."
Wizard in winter, the forest is standing -
And under the white fringe, still, unwind
Wonderful life he shines (slide).
We will fulfill the song about the winter. Do not forget about the correct intonation, a soft attack of sound and correctly breathe.
The "Winter Tale" (A. Usachev, A. Pinggin) is performed.

Continuing to listen to the music of Antonio Vivaldi, we will perform a massage of biologically active zones and exercise to remove the voltage to always be healthy and cheerful.
Look, under the Christmas tree lies some kind of envelope ... The envelope says that it contains a task for bold and smart children. We'll see?
Children are distributed by rhythmic cards, on which rhythmic schemes are drawn. Children are offered to "read" rhythm and stroll. The rest of the children must guess the speaker. The game "Rhythmic Lotto".
Further, the music leader tells small stories to perform psycho-personnascular: "Round Eyes", "Carlson", "Meditation", "Unexpected Joy", "Dirt", "Battle". For example, the boy was very surprised when I saw the box moving on the floor .... What eyes did he have?
And now I will make you a riddle:
Black - Belya Salunya, Pumping, Strecking.
Loves winter, and not in vain does not fly into warm edges (slide)
That's right, forty. Let's play the game.
Children's mobile game "Forty".
The new year comes. What will he bring people?
For everyone who works, who is honest, kind and bold
Let the desire come true, which would not want (slide).

We wish each other in the coming year a lot - a lot of kindness, caress and heat. Let's be a little kinder .. and what is kindness? ...
Children perform a dance for the music of the song "What is kindness?
After dance, the music director suggests to listen to the "Lunar Sonata" of Beethoven, freely sitting on the carpet. Close your eyes, presenting something pleasant. At the end of the occupation, children leave "goodbye" and come out of the hall.