Do dumplings with potatoes make you fat? Calorie content of homemade dumplings with potatoes

Do dumplings with potatoes make you fat?  Calorie content of homemade dumplings with potatoes
Do dumplings with potatoes make you fat? Calorie content of homemade dumplings with potatoes
product calorie content squirrels fats carbohydrates
dumplings with cherries 105 kcal 7.6 g 0 g 18.7 g
dumplings with cottage cheese 154 kcal 12 g 4.2 g 17 g
dumplings with blueberries 105 kcal 7.6 g 0 g 18.7 g
dumplings with strawberries 205 kcal 7.9 g 0 g 17.6 g
dumplings with potatoes 125 kcal 4.4 g 3.7 g 18.5 g
dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms 184 kcal 6 g 3.6 g 32 g
Lazy dumplings 212 kcal 12.2 g 10.7 g 16.4 g

It is known that dumplings are an ancient dish made from unleavened dough with filling. They are served with sour cream, fried onions and butter, and various sauces.

Useful and dietary properties of the dish

It is known that dumplings are quite simple and quick to prepare. And just one kilogram of this dish can satisfy a large family. And with vegetable and fruit fillings, vegetarians will also love them.

In addition to being high in calories, dumplings also contain healthy elements. Dough, for example, contains amino acids. They help improve its absorption by the body. The whey on which the dough is kneaded is a rich source of vitamins A, C and the B group of vitamins. It also contains minerals: sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

The filling also has beneficial properties. For example, potatoes are rich in vitamins A, B, PP and C. They also contain potassium, necessary for the proper functioning of the heart, and a number of amino acids. And the presence of bioflavonoids ensures more complete absorption of ascorbic acid by the body, which strengthens the immune system and increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Or, for example, cherries - medical experts have proven that they have a beneficial effect on the health of overweight people. It normalizes the level of triglycerides in the body, which are responsible for the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Lazy dumplings

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese are recommended for use when there is a lack of animal fats, proteins, vitamins, microelements, and carbohydrates in the diet. Nutritionists also advise people who are underweight to consume these dumplings. Cottage cheese contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium, so this product is used for osteoporosis, fractures and during pregnancy.

Lazy dumplings are considered a quick and nutritious breakfast. They won't take much longer to cook than scrambled eggs. And along with their low calorie content, they provide many useful elements. Therefore, many nutritionists recommend their use.

A dish such as dumplings is considered a traditional Slavic delicacy. It is known that they are most loved and cooked in Ukraine. Dumplings are the “brothers” of dumplings, common in Eastern Russia and Siberia, and sorcerers (Western Russia), as well as many dishes of classical Chinese cuisine.

Benefits and calorie content of dumplings

We can talk about the benefits of dumplings for human health if they are prepared at home, or if they are a high-quality industrial product. The beneficial qualities of this dish are determined, first of all, by its composition. It contains a large number of substances vital for humans.

The beneficial properties of dumplings stuffed with fruit are that they contain a lot of vitamins, pectins and minerals. If they are filled with meat, this component will serve as a source of valuable protein, phosphorus, potassium and iron. The classic curd filling contains a lot of calcium, which is necessary for bones and teeth, as well as phosphorus, which, along with calcium, takes an active part in the formation of bone tissue.

By the way, it is useful to know that steamed dumplings retain much more nutrients, and they can be absorbed by the body much easier than if they were boiled dumplings. The calorie content of dumplings varies and depends on the filling.

The calorie content of dumplings with cottage cheese, for example, is 248 Kcal per 100 g, and with potatoes – 150-170 Kcal.

Composition of dumplings

If we talk about the composition of dumplings, it is quite simple - wheat flour dough and any filling. The dough for making dumplings can be made with water, kefir (yogurt) or even yeast. It is rolled out into a thin layer, and circles or square (oblique) blanks are cut out of it, and then the filling is wrapped in them. The edges of the dough are then carefully pinched, and the dumplings are thrown into boiling water and cooked until they float out of the water.

To save time, modern women have invented a special type of dumplings called “lazy”. They are usually served with sweet gravy. For this dish, cottage cheese is immediately added to the dough, so there is no need to wrap the filling. It should be noted that the types of dumplings also depend on their shape: semicircular, triangular and even quadrangular.

“Lazy” cottage cheese dumplings

The benefits of cottage cheese for the body are considered very great among nutritionists. Natural cottage cheese and dishes made from it streamline metabolism. It contains essential minerals that help strengthen bones. They also improve the functioning of the nervous system. Cottage cheese contains a large amount of proteins, as well as milk fats. There are phosphorus and calcium salts, thanks to which cottage cheese proteins are digested better than others, and lipotropic substances that dissolve fat in cells.

If you have chosen a healthy lifestyle, consuming cottage cheese will be extremely important. The body has the opportunity to get enough of cottage cheese, thanks to complete proteins and a small amount of fat. For example, low-fat cottage cheese contains 0.6% fat and about 18% protein.

Lazy dumplings are wonderful - fast, healthy and delicious. Making lazy dumplings won't take much longer than making an omelet.

Ingredients based on calorie content of dumplings:

  • Selected chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese 2.0% fat - 180 g.
  • Semolina - 65 g.

Preparation of dumplings:

A pack of cottage cheese, a couple of eggs, 3 tbsp. Mix tablespoons of semolina and put in the refrigerator overnight. And if the “dough” was kneaded in the morning, then put it in the freezer for 20-25 minutes.

After this, sprinkle the table with semolina and make a “sausage” from the resulting curd mass, cut it into small pieces and throw it into boiling water. Lazy dumplings should be cooked for 5 minutes after boiling. You can top them with honey, jam, syrup.


Vareniki are a Slavic dish in the form of boiled products made from unleavened dough with various fillings. Dumplings are considered a traditional Ukrainian dish and have such a long history that the exact time of the appearance of this delicacy is still not known. Many researchers believe that dumplings appeared on the territory of Ukraine during the Trypillian civilization, which existed more than two thousand years ago. This dish is also mentioned in Ukrainian folklore and is also used in girls’ Christmas and Epiphany fortune-telling. In the old days, dumplings were always served at ceremonial meals: christenings, weddings, and during feasts dedicated to local patronal holidays. In 2006, a monument to this dish was erected in the Ukrainian city of Cherkassy: sculptor Ivan Fizer sculpted the Cossack Mamai with a huge dumpling on his back. For the grand opening of this monument, the organizers cooked a real dumpling 174 cm long and weighing about 70 kg.

Dumplings are made from unleavened dough with a variety of fillings, both sweet and meat. In the old days, depending on the religious calendar, a Lenten filling was prepared using stewed cabbage, mashed potatoes, berries (raspberries, poppy seeds, cherries), crushed and boiled dried fruits, pea puree, boiled beans, buckwheat or millet porridge. Dumplings can be filled with minced meat or poultry, vegetables, mushrooms, and cottage cheese. To save time, modern housewives have come up with “lazy” dumplings, usually served with sweet gravy: cottage cheese is immediately added to the dough and there is no need to wrap the filling. The shape of the dumplings is different: semicircular (cut circles from the rolled out dough with a glass, put the filling in the middle and seal the edges) or triangular (cut the dough into squares measuring 5x5 cm, add the filling and connect the two opposite ends). The dough for dumplings should be rolled out as thin as possible - this will reduce the calorie content of the dish and improve digestibility. It is most beneficial to steam dumplings so that all the beneficial substances are retained in the product and do not remain in the broth.

To make the dumplings tender, you should choose the finest flour and sift it before kneading the dough. The milk (water) poured into the flour should be ice-cold, and the eggs added should be chilled. To prevent the dumplings from sticking together, cook them over moderate heat in a wide, low saucepan in a large amount of liquid, throwing them strictly into boiling salted water. The cooked dumplings are pulled out with a slotted spoon and placed in a colander to drain off excess liquid, after which they are immediately served. Dumplings with curd or fruit and berry filling go well with sour cream, melted butter, sugar, honey, berry syrups and sweet gravies. After cooking, meat dumplings can be fried in a frying pan in butter. Dumplings with potatoes are well seasoned with fried onions and chopped herbs.

Composition and beneficial properties of dumplings

Dumpling dough contains amino acids and is easily digested, unlike “heavy” yeast dough. When preparing the dough, it is better to use whey instead of water, since it is rich in vitamins A and C, B vitamins, sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus - all this gives the dumplings beneficial properties. Vitamin A guards our vision, the beauty of our skin and hair, and also protects against the appearance of premature wrinkles. Vitamin C strengthens the body's protective functions and makes blood vessels elastic and elastic. B vitamins are necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, and their lack leads to depression, insomnia, and poor appetite. The presence of large quantities of magnesium and potassium makes eating dumplings beneficial for the functioning of the heart. As a rule, in store-bought semi-finished products, due to the high cost, whey is not used, replacing it with plain water, so we can only talk about the benefits of homemade dumplings.

Steamed dumplings retain significantly more beneficial properties and are easier to digest compared to boiled products. All fruit fillings are rich in vitamins, minerals and pectins, and meat fillings serve as sources of valuable proteins, iron, phosphorus and potassium. The classic curd filling is rich in calcium, necessary for teeth and bones, and phosphorus, which, together with calcium, is involved in the formation of bone tissue in the body. During the process of making cottage cheese, milk releases milk fats and easily digestible proteins, which provide invaluable assistance to the body in the fight against many diseases. Natural cottage cheese is completely absorbed by the body, without contaminating it with various additives and artificial colors. This product is especially necessary for children during the growth of teeth and bones, pregnant and lactating women, and elderly people as a preventative against bone fractures and osteoporosis.


In store-bought semi-finished dumplings, the manufacturer often uses cheap cottage cheese made from palm oil. This product contains saturated fats and is harmful to the body: it increases cholesterol levels, provokes the development of atherosclerosis, obesity, and vascular thrombosis. In addition, in order to save money, the manufacturer replaces eggs with egg powder, which significantly increases the calorie content of dumplings.

Dumplings are a dish that can be made from almost nothing. Their composition is simple - fruits or vegetables as a filling, unleavened dough - and dinner or lunch is ready. However, at the same time, dumplings are very tasty and nutritious and appear on our table quite often. Considering that they are prepared from simple and natural products, there is no doubt about their benefits, but is there any harm from them? Let's take a closer look at the properties of the product.


The filling for dumplings is cabbage, cottage cheese, potatoes, cherries, apricots, some even make dumplings with meat. The benefits of the prepared dish depend on the chosen filling, because all its beneficial properties are preserved due to the method of preparing the dumplings. Since the dumplings are boiled, the dish is quite dietary, unless, of course, it is accompanied by fatty sauce or fried onions. They are easily digestible and for this reason will not cause any digestive problems. The dumpling dough contains amino acids that are actively involved in digestion and the smooth functioning of internal organs.

Of course, the calorie content of a product largely depends on the filling, so fruit dumplings are the lowest in calories, and therefore can be chosen as the main dish for a diet.

To make the dish more beneficial, nutritionists recommend adding whey to the dough instead of water. Whey is a source of minerals - phosphorus, potassium, sodium and magnesium and vitamins - C, A and B.

Dumplings with potatoes, in addition to the above-mentioned beneficial properties, nourish the body with vitamins C, PP and A. Due to the presence of bioflavonoids in the vegetable, ascorbic acid, which is also contained in potatoes, is completely absorbed, and the state of immunity and the ability of the human body to fight bacteria and viruses depend on it.

What harm is there from dumplings?

Despite the fact that this product is very healthy, we should not forget that it contains flour, a simple carbohydrate, which, if consumed in excess, is harmful to the figure. For this reason, nutritionists recommend preparing the dough for dumplings from whole grain coarse flour.

Dumplings that are not prepared at home, but are a food product, can cause harm. You should not rely on the integrity of manufacturers, because improperly prepared filling of dumplings can lead to an upset stomach and even intestinal diseases, especially for dumplings with meat.

Potatoes are one of the healthiest vegetables. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is a filling vegetable. It is not for nothing that they have always said that potatoes are the second bread. You can cook anything from it: soups, main courses, baked goods, desserts. A lot of preparations turn out to be especially tasty. But if you are interested in a dish with low calorie content, onions or mushrooms will be what you need. Their calorie content is about 180 Kcal.

Dumplings with onions

We will need: half a kilogram of potatoes, a couple of medium onions, half a glass of milk, salt and pepper to taste, a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil. This is for the filling. We make the dough from a couple of eggs, a pinch of salt, half a glass of milk and a couple of glasses of flour. If you need it with potatoes, then the milk must be replaced with water.

Cooking dumplings

First the dough is prepared. Break the eggs into a bowl, add a little salt and beat thoroughly, then gradually pour in the milk and beat everything again. If you need to reduce calories, dumplings with potatoes are prepared from dough cooked in water. Next, add flour in portions. Stir and knead into a stiff dough. Then cover it with plastic wrap and let it stand, but at this time you need to start filling.

Wash and peel the potatoes thoroughly. Place in a saucepan with boiling and salted water. To make the potatoes crumbly and cook faster, you need to add a tablespoon of any vegetable oil. While it is cooking, you need to wash and peel the onion. Next, chop it finely and lightly fry it in butter.

When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water and mash the vegetables. Add heated milk and mash again, you can use a mixer. Add fried onions to the puree and stir. Roll out the dough into small round cakes. Place the puree in the center and seal it in a semicircular shape. Place the dumplings in boiling water and cook for a couple of minutes until they float to the surface.

If you need to reduce the calorie content, before serving you need to sprinkle with olive oil or another - it will already be about 150 Kcal. And such dumplings will be very tasty with sour cream or melted butter.

Raw potato dumplings

This dish can be varied. Many people often cook dumplings with raw potatoes with mushrooms. They will also not be high in calories. The dough is prepared according to the recipe outlined above. But the filling will be slightly different.

The potatoes need to be washed and peeled. Then you can either grate it on a fine grater, or use a food processor and chop it. Add salt, stir and squeeze out the juice. Any mushroom will do: it can be any forest or champignon. They need to be finely chopped and lightly stewed with chopped onions. Add vegetable oil to the frying pan, add mushrooms and onions and, stirring, simmer for about five minutes. Mix with potatoes and add dumplings. Boil in boiling water and serve with either sour cream or butter.

Dumplings with potatoes and green onions

The dough is prepared in the same way as in the first recipe. Even during a diet, you want to please yourself with something tasty. This dish is low in calories. Dumplings with potatoes and green onions will be an ideal option for those who observe fasting.

For the filling you will need: half a kilogram of potatoes, a medium bunch of green onions. Prepare mashed potatoes (according to the first recipe). Sort out the green onions, wash and finely chop. Then lightly simmer in a frying pan with any vegetable oil. Add a little salt and place in a bowl with the puree. Mix everything and you can start making dumplings. Their shape may be different. For potato ones, a medium semi-circular one works well. Boil until tender and serve on plates. Serve with sour cream or melted butter.