Competitions dance Russian and international scale. Choreographic festivals and contests

Competitions dance Russian and international scale. Choreographic festivals and contests
Competitions dance Russian and international scale. Choreographic festivals and contests

(Worldwide dance meetings). The idea of \u200b\u200bholding such an event as m International Dance Games. , caused by the Olympic ideal of rivalry in an honest competition of dance collectives from around the world. This idea should inspire people to feel the spirit of events, regardless of which artistic level they act. The main idea of \u200b\u200bour events is to motivate young dancers to realize their dreams, show the surrounding on that they are able to demonstrate the art of the viewer, to give the opportunity to manage the teams to exchange experiences! International choreographic competition International Dance Games. It is expressed in the personal experience of millions of people of the whole world, to send efforts to promote peace, friendship, fraternal relations and solidarity of peoples, through the art of dance, rich traditions and revered folk standards of self-expression and communication. Communicating in the language of fantasy and creativity, representatives of different countries are encountered and exchanged the most intimate - creations of cultural and artistic expression. Regularly choreographic groups of different parts of light collects m friendly choreographic competition International Dance Games. To contribute to the case of peace and mutual understanding between nations. All together celebrate the great holiday of dance. Dance - the overall language of the whole world.

Competition takes place once a year moving from the country to the country.

Name M. - protected by an international patent!

All our programs consist of two parts:

1. participation in the competition;
2. Participation outside the contest in the framework of the festival program *.

* For dancers who did not want to participate in the competitive program, but participating in the festival, joint rehearsals, workshops and master classes, on which they will receive advice and official evidence from well-known international experts during a brief discussion in the open and friendly atmosphere. Dancers participating outside the contest, also perform international friendly concerts uniting different choreographic directions.
Communication with other participants, open exchange of experience, as well as a wide palette of master classes with experts recognized worldwide, will certainly bring your level to a completely new stage!

International Choreograph Competition International Dance Games will be held

Increase the number of days stay and we will organize a great excursion program for you! The price of additional days is indicated in the "Cost" section. Detailed information on excursion programs can be clarified by our mail managers: [Email Protected]

How was it last year?

Why should you participate in m

  • one of the largest contestants of dance groups;
  • bright opening and closing ceremonies;
  • evaluation system guaranteeing the highest quality refereeing;
  • trainings, master classes, round tables with leading experts and teachers;
  • flashmob and clip shooting;
  • official international license diplomas with the results of the competition are awarded not only dance groups, but each individual participant is awarded a personal nominal diploma;
  • choreographers receive certificates of the European sample about the passage of master classes;
  • managers and sponsors of teams receive registered letters;
  • Master classes.

Competition passes under the patronage CID UNESCO and ACAVE

Nominations M.

  • classic dance;
  • modern choreography (jazz, modern, neoclassica);
  • pop choreography (modern ballet, show group, step);
  • sports choreography (hip-hop, disco, techno, Street, electrician Buggs, break Dance, Pop Lock, as well as other street styles);
  • folk choreography;
  • ballo choreography;
  • east Dance;
  • flamenco;
  • Social Dancing (Argentine Tango, Balboa, Bachata, Bugi Vuy, Waltz, West Coast Swing, Zuk, Irish Network Dancing, Country, Kizomba, Lindi Hop, Machine, Merenge, Reggeton, Rueda, Salsa, Samba de Gafaira, Seba, Forró, Hastyl and others).

Age categories of participants

  • I) under 9 years old
  • Ii) 10-12 years
  • Iii) 13-15 years
  • IV) 16-19 years
  • V) 20-25 years
  • VI) from 26 years
  • Mixed age category MIXTA

Conditions of participation in m international Choreograph Competition International Dance Games

  • Each team must submit 1 or 2 competitive compositions with a duration of 2-5 minutes each. Each soloist is one number up to 4 minutes.
  • All compositions must be recorded on USB flash drive. It is also necessary to preserve backup copies of the tracks on the CD carrier. Only the following audio formats are accepted: MP3, WAV, AIFF.
  • In the application, specify whether the breakdown of numbers is needed or work will be carried out by one block.
  • Be sure to indicate in the application of soloists, duets, and small forms from three to five people.

Jury M. international Dance Games Euroographic Competition

The jury includes qualified specialists representing the main directions of choreographic art, professor, associate professors and leading teachers of higher cultural educational institutions of the world, famous critics, cultural figures of Spain, Italy, France, Canada and Eastern Europe and Asia. The international jury forms the organizer of the competition.

The jury has the right

  • award not all prizes;
  • divide premiums between performers;
  • present special prizes to educators for outstanding achievements;
  • make a decision on the termination of the speech overlooking the regulations;
  • the jury assesses the participants of the competition on a 100 point system, the final result is made up of the average number of points obtained and from the average value of intermediate estimates;
  • the jury decisions are final and not subject to revision.

Criteria for estimates

  • executive skill - Movement technique;
  • composite room construction;
  • scenicness (plastic, suit, props, culture of execution);
  • selection and compliance with musical and choreographic material;
  • artistry, disclosure of an artistic image.


According to the genres of execution and nominations, the awards are distributed over seven age groups:
  • - participants who scored up to 70 points become diplomas (copper diploma);
  • - Participants who scored from 70 to 79 points - the winners of the third degree (bronze diploma);
  • - participants who scored from 80 to 89 points become laureates of the second degree (silver diploma);
  • - participants who scored from 90 to 99 points are becoming the first degree (golden diploma) laureates;
  • participants who scored 100 points become - graduate winners of the competition "INTERNATIONAL DANCE GAMES" (platinum diploma).

Teams, soloists, duets and small forms - the owners of the first premiums and the Grand Prix receive nominal branded Cups Fiestalonia. Each particular participant in the team is awarded registered diplomas from the founders and organizers of the competition.

Additionally, special awards are possible for the heads of the teams depending on the level of performance of their groups: "For the best balletmaster work", "Best Choreographer Festival", "Best Pedagogue", "For the preservation of national cultural traditions", "For help and assistance during the competition."

Choreographers that have received the above degrees from Fiestalonia Milenio. will receive a special certificate from a member International Dance Council / International Dance Council for UNESCO.

Program "M. international Choreographic Competition International Dance Games "

1st day Sunday:
- hotel accommodation; (check-in at the hotel from 14:00)
- meeting with the organizers of the competition;
- presentation of excursion programs;
- rehearsal (on request);
20:00 - dinner;

2nd day Monday:
8:00 - breakfast;
11:00 - rehearsal;
13:00 - lunch;
14:00 - the beginning of the competitive viewing;
19:30 - dinner;
21:00 - master class.

3rd day Tuesday:
8:00 - breakfast;

13: 00 Lunch;
20:00 - dinner;

4th day Wednesday:
8:00 - breakfast; free day;
09:00 - for those who want sightseeing excursions (for an additional fee);
13: 00 Lunch;
19:30 - dinner.
20:30 - Gala concert, rewarding participants;

5th day Thursday:
8:00 - breakfast;
- Check out from the hotel (until 10:00 am).

* ATTENTION, the program can be adjusted!
* ATTENTION [Email Protected]

Prices for International Choreographic Competition International Dance Games


  • accommodation in triple room 230 Euro / person - Extra day 40 euro / person
  • accommodation in double room 255 euro / person - Additional day 46 euro / person
  • accommodation in a single room 345 Euro / person - Additional day 76 euro / person
  • soloists pay extra 50 euros
  • duets pay extra 40 euros per duet
  • small forms 3-5 people pay extra 30 euros per group.
  • For participation in each additional nomination - surcharge 15 euro / person

Free places on m international Choreographic Competition International Dance Games

Each 25-member participant in the group is a package of our services free!
The entire list of services provided in will be able to be found in the section "Included".

Included in the price

  • 5 days / 4 nights at the level of three stars;
  • full guest house buffet (breakfasts, lunches and dinners) + water;
  • two concerts: competitive view; Gala concert award;
  • diplomas and Cups from the competition organizers.
  • special thanksgiving diplomas in the form of engraving from the authorities of the city.
  • thanksgiving letters for choreographers and sponsors;
  • competitive fee;
  • master Class.

* ATTENTION: We can provide transfers from / to airports and railway stations. Please specify the price of transfers from our managers: [Email Protected]
* ATTENTION: Master class included in the price is Common It will take part in it EVERYTHING Participants. Optionally, you can order a separate master class for an additional fee:

  • Individual master class 100EURO / 1 hour
  • Master class for 400Euro team / 1.5 hours

* * Attention: the price does not include tourist collection!
Tourist fee is paid independently, at the reception of the hotel in the settlement and is 0.5 EURO / Man / Night On the territory of Spain.

How to make a trip to us international Choreographic Competition International Dance Games

To make a trip to m international Choreographic Competition International Dance Games Contact us
Our e-mail: [Email Protected]
Phone: 0034 972 376 550/0034 688 276 248
After that we will send you to the authorized tour operator in your country.

Application deadline for International Choreographic Competition International Dance Games

  • the deadline for receiving applications 30 days before the festival
  • deadline for payment 21 days before the start of the festival

The completed application must be sent to [Email Protected]

Booklet of all our choreographic competitions

Search sponsor

Dear friends!
Does your creative team want to take part in one of the international festivals of competitions? But your budget has already been exhausted for this year? Prices for flights rose? Does your talented creative group have enough money to take part in this meaning international event? Do not despair, because many creative teams are faced with these problems! Do not fall in spirit, we will give you some tips to help attract the sponsor!

1. Contact the authorities.

Contact regional government agencies, it may be the ministries of culture or city departments for culture, education and work with young people. Write the official request, complete it with bright photos. Remember that the first impression matters! For its part, the International Festival Committee of Fiestalonia will provide you with an official petition for official structures, with a request to assist you in participation in the International Festival and submit our country and region on it.

2. Contact your business

Business is always interested in creating a favorable image and promoting its own products or services. Try to convince the business that investing in a culture, moreover, investing in the promotion of culture of your own country and your own people abroad will always give fruit. Fiestalonia has developed a special program for your sponsors. Each sponsor can be represented at the festival in the form of promotional products, advertising banners, and leading during concerts will make brief comments on sponsors. The Organizing Committee of the Festival and power structures transfer official letters as a sign of gratitude to the sponsors for the development of cultural ties between countries. Your team can place the sponsor logos on their own T-shirts. All this creates a positive image for the sponsor. Thousands of people will know about you!

3. Fiestalonia sends a formal petition

Fiestalonia will prepare a formal petition in the address of official structures in your region or city, with a request to direct your creative team, which will present its country or its own region at an international competition. Also Fiestalonia can send official letters to your support from the regional authorities of countries that accept one or another competition addressed to their colleagues in your country.

4. Give a free concert

Give a free concert in your city and collect donations. At the same time, make bright posters that explain your desire to take part in the international competition! During the concert, urge to make people donations, as your desire to demonstrate talent and culture is part of a common cause!

5. Contact funds supporting culture

Surely in your city there are associations or funds that provide assistance in the preservation and development of culture. Collect as many recommendations as possible, reviews and consult them. Anyway, help the talented artists their direct duty!

6. Contact us through the media

Attract the attention of mass media. Write an article about the upcoming International Festival and Competition and the need to participate in it. Tell the press as far as you need to participate in international festivals and competitions for the development of the personality. The press always willingly writes about culture and upcoming events, especially if they concern the country's reputation and propaganda of their own culture abroad. Try in the article to tell in detail about the upcoming festival, and if you need to receive additional information - contact Fiestalonia, we will gladly imagine press releases

To attract attention to the trip, use social networks as much as possible. Be inimitable and inventive! Gather the whole team and make a brainstorming to become more creative!

8. Collection of donations

You can organize collection of donations through electronic payment systems, if each of your friends and sympathizers will list one euro, perhaps you will get thousands of euro!

9. Earn during concerts

During concerts in our contests, you can sell our own CDs and souvenirs.

Parents, giving a child from early childhood in various dance studios, pursue the goals of the harmonious physical development of the child. Having received some skills and skills during the studios in the studio or in the team, the young dancers and choreographers arise the need to show their achievements in the dance and the search for choreographic competitions begins. Participation in the competition is new emotions, Azart, the desire for victory, the desire to be the best, which means the improvement of acquired skills and new development.

There are a number of festivals of competitions of children's and youth creativity, where among many areas of creativity presented a nomination - choreography. As a rule, such festivals and contests of different genres organize tourist firms and besides the speeches, you are offering a ready-to-visit tourist program with overview tours of cities and a visit to the most interesting cultural facilities in the country where the festival and competition is held. Participation in such competitions is due to the fact that it is necessary to pay a fully package of participation, including accommodation, food, excursions. For beginners to leave for European competitions - this is the best option to try your hand - everything is clear - every day of the festival of the competition is filled with speeches, excursions, master classes. Each group is provided with a local Russian-speaking accompanying. Typically, the cost of the tour at such a festival contest is more expensive than just a tourist ticket and is due to the fact that the organizers of the competition festival invest in the cost of the program also the costs of organizing and conducting concerts, prizes and diplomas that all participants receive in such competitions.

The next stage is a child and parents decided to engage in choreography professionally and choose different directions - ballroom dance, classic dance, modern pop dance show. There are choreographic contests in the dance directions, where participants are only choreographic groups and soloists. The organizers of such competitions are the former dancers, leaders of their own studios, famous choreographers. Requirements for the participants of the competition and executable dancing are tougher, strictly regulated in time. There are such contests for young children, from 8 years old, in which you can try yourself and decide - whether to continue to go along the path of professionalism or just continue dancing for your pleasure and there are such contests for children from 12-14 years old, which decided in the future Get a dancer profession. Prizes in such competitions often serve monetary premiums, scholarships for dance training in summer schools and European dance schools. And in competitions for young professionals awards may be a contract for work in the European Theater. The program of such competitions is intended to increase the technical level of dancers, contains competitive speeches, master classes and does not imply excursions and any cultural program, so if you decide to go to the European country to such a competition, request additional services, excursions.

Ballroom dancing contests have long turned into a sport and this is a whole separate industry with its own rules.

A separate direction of choreography - folk dances. We offer participation in folklore festivals to teams that improve their skills of folk dance, where you can meet with various cultural areas and learn new traditional dances or characteristic movements. The organizers of folk festivals offer participants accommodation in families and provide participants in food during the festival. Applications for participation in such festivals are made at least half a year before the start of the festival, and the organizers themselves select collectives for participation. If you want to participate in such festivals, do not doubt - you are the best! Try to submit applications. Employees of the art center will give you.

Of course, the season of festivals, parades and concerts this year has already ended - ahead of us is waiting for several months of winter, cold and cultural events in four walls, but so far the first snow fell in Russia, in other parts of the world the fun continues. In addition, it always makes sense to stock up the most incredible festivals in its atmosphere, in order to arrange a super-pati tour next year!

(Just 42 photos)

Sponsor of fasting: Organization of holidays in Yekaterinburg: This is how your holiday is also, so just rest. And we will do everything else. The source:

1. Boom (Portugal).

A large-scale (and surprisingly environmentally friendly) Psi Trans-Festival in the village of Idanya-A-Nova, Portugal. It lasts almost a week, but begins at the end of July. There you have a lot of scenes, and art installations, and master classes, lectures, and even showing films.

2. Welcome to the future (Netherlands).

This festival also applies to nature, so much that even the generators are partially working on vegetable oil. This is one of the oldest festivals of Amsterdam, which every year attracts tens of thousands of participants from around the world. Here you can hear the music of many genres - from techno to Haus and everything else.

3. Zoukout (Singapore).

While we are "on the other side of the equator," we will think how to survive the cold, a huge beach party will pass in Singapore. 41,000 people visited Zoukout event last year. This annual party boasts an excellent line-ap of musical talents, which perhaps even your grandmother had heard.

4. Mysteryland (Netherlands / Croatia).

When it comes to electronic music, its world capital can rightly consider the Netherlands. Mysteryland, by the way, the oldest festival of the Netherlands. It takes place in August, and it comes to 60,000 people.

5. Festival in the desert Mongros (Spain).

Having heard the phrase "Festival in the Desert", many immediately remember the famous Burning Man. However, what started like a barbecue with music in the center of the Desert Mongros in Spain, turned into a real festival, which is going to 40,000 each year.

6. Shambala (Canada).

The legendary festival, one of the oldest and most popular in Canada. He even does not have official advertising, but arranges his one local family since the 90s.

7. Street Parade (Switzerland).

What happens if you take 20% of the DJs famous for the whole world, the second Saturday of August and about a million people? It turns out street (techno) Parade in Switzerland - the event is truly unrealistic.

8. Snowubombing (Austria).

While you will be bought in the plaid and drink hot tea, the 5-day Festival "Show on the Snow" will be held in Austria, where the rhythmic bits are perfectly combined with winter sports.

9. Defqon 1 (Netherlands / Australia).

Defqon 1 is a real dance paradise for everyone who is in the subject. Every year he has its own topics, hundreds of leading musicians playing the genre of Hard-Trans and Hardcore, and every year a special chadliner is invited to create a hymn of the festival.

10. Full Moon Party (Thailand).

This night event in the Thai Island of Phangan is a real endurance test, because Music does not shine here before sunrise (although by that time most of your friends are most likely to be cut off). This wild party passes every spring.

11. BPM festival (Mexico).

This 10-day festival in the Mexican city of Playa del Carmen provides an extensive program that lasts the whole day (or night), and the Speakers of DJs will have even experienced party members.

12. South West Four (United Kingdom).

One of the main festivals of Great Britain, last year celebrated his 10th anniversary, and did it with the help of an incredible line-APA DJs and musicians.

13. Audioriver (Poland).

Every year in August on the banks of the Vistula River in the Polish city, the 3-day Audioreca Festival, which unites the true lovers of club music. In the afternoon there are presentations of everything that is related to musical activity, and at night the most interesting thing begins - dancing!

14. Sunburn Festival (Goa, India).

This festival is slow, but correctly selected to the significant list of "festivals to which you want to get before you die." In December 2014, he returns to Goa (after before it was conducted in other regions of India). This holiday of music is attracted to more than 100,000 people every year, so rightly deserved the title of "the largest festival in Asia".

15. Festival Life (Ireland).

This three-day festival in front of the house of Belvedere in Mallingar (Ireland) is already considered one of the best in Europe.

16. Kazantip (Crimea - Georgia).

Just imagine if life was a holiday if for 2-3 weeks you and 100,000 other such people would inhale the distant island, where art lives, 14 scenes, and 300 DJs download music 21 hours a day ... Stop, it seems This is already - on KaZantype!

17. Bal En Blanc (Canada).

One of the best "white parties" on Earth. Great place to pay for a house and trance. Held at Easter.

18. Balaton Sound (Hungary).

This large-scale fresh air festival in Zamarti is so popular that, despite the permanent increase in prices for entrance tickets, they diverge even before they come to official sale. But it is worth looking at the list of invited artists to understand why this festival is so quickly becoming one of the most popular in Europe.

19. Stereosonic (Australia).

The fastest growing festival in Australia. This is a two-day event that takes place in November-December in each of the 5 major cities throughout the country: Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth and Melbourne.


Maybe this festival appeared quite recently, only two years ago, but he has already become one of the largest and most successful musical and dance festivals in Indonesia.

21. TRANSAHARA (Morocco).

Tranzahara is a 4-day adventure in the wild dunes of the Sahara desert, which is held in secret place outside Morocco. In order not to harm the astronomy of the desert, the organizers had to cut the number of visitors to 2500 people.

22. Call of Transylvania (Romania).

This weekly event, passing in September, is both musical and psychedelic - a pleasant combination of music, art and an alternative lifestyle.

23. Future Music Festival (Australia / Malaysia).

Well, where else can you see Drake on the same scene with the Prodigy? Or 2Chainz and Avicii? Of course, at this festival.


To find your true "trance family", this large-scale festival in Amsterdam is ready to offer you some of the best European and international masters of House, trance and other genres.

Probably one of the best annual events in the world. QLimax is famous for its not comparable execution and the ideal atmosphere of the legendary festival.

26. Berlin Festival (Germany).

This is a real musical and dance marathon passing in September.

27. Tomorrowland (Belgium).

Festival for those visiting all festivals. Money can spend here: incredible stage scenery, excellent quality of music and an impressive list of artists - it will not be compared with this, probably no festival in Europe.

28. Hard Bass (Netherlands).

As the name implies ("heavy bass"), it is such music that can be expected in this Dutch festival. He passes every year in January.

29. Sonne Mond Sterne (Germany).

This three-day festival in August attracts the world's best performers in the world. The event has been held since 1997.

30. Labyrinth (Japan).

Located in the rich in the vegetation of the mountains of Niigata, this popular Japanese festival in one scene adheres to the "Quality greater than" approach. Their Line-AP consists of real cream of technology community.

31. Sónar (Spain).

It takes place in two stages (day and night), but in general stretches for three days and takes place in Barcelona. It all started in the distant 90s. The festival has long been a platform for stunning music, technology and professional professionals.

32. Festival Melt! (Germany).

Every year the Melt festival! turns the German "city of steel" from the desert industrial zone in the hottest place in the country (and this is in July!). There is a merger of electronic and rock music, and Line-AP consists of 80 artists in 6 scenes.

33. Global Gathering (United Kingdom).

A truly international event, which for 14 years of its existence took place in England, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and South Korea.

34. Nature One (Germany).

It is not even in 18 scenes, 300 DJs and 64,000 people, although this is also impressive numbers. The Nature One festival is famous for its amazing fireworks, which he ends on Saturday night.

35. Creamfields (worldwide).

This is not just a festival, this is a real global event. He originated in the UK at the turn of the century and has since passed in Poland, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Czech Republic, Mexico, Russia, Lithuania, Spain, Turkey, Ireland, Uruguay, Argentina and the UAE.

36. The Garden Festival (Croatia).

In recent years, Croatia has become a psychic place for club music lovers. Unfortunately, in 2015, the Garden festival will complete its 10-year existence, and although it will certainly replace something more ambitious, it is worth a visit for the last time.

37. SENSATION (Netherlands / Worldwide).

The Sensation festival (and Black, White) has long been outside Amsterdam and has spread more than 20 countries (in 2013 it passed in 22 cities). And it seems, he is not going to stop at what. The festival is gaining momentum and goes ahead, surprising the events of more and more ambitious surprises.

38. 10 Days Off (Belgium).

This festival lasts 10 days! It takes place in the Belgian town of Ghent. And in Amsterdam there is a shorter 5-day version of this festival.

39. Dance Valley (Netherlands).

Considering how many festivals are constantly running around the world, you need to be a truly outstanding event to get the title of "dance woodstock", namely, this title is wearing a Dance Valley festival since 1995. Although this is an exclusively dance and music festival, it can boast a huge variety of genres.

40. Festival Outlook (Croatia).

In September 2015, make sure that you are free in the first week to visit Croatia for the Outlook festival. The festival passed on boats along the coast, and in underground tunnels, and even in the old ruins.

41. Astropolis (France).

Excellent festival, which is rooted in the underground rave movement. In the coming 2015, it will take place in the 20th time.

42. Hideout (Croatia).

If almost a year before the event, 10,000 tickets are divided into 48 hours, it says a lot. Maybe all the case in amazing 24 parties, which are carried out by boats. Maybe in 19 hours of continuous music for 4 days. Maybe you are able to come closer to your favorite DJs. In any case, you will have to plan in advance if you are going to visit the Hideout festival in Croatia, because There are many people who wish to have a lot, and there are not enough tickets at all.

Dance, teach, live and communicate in one place!

From April 30 to May 4, 2019, an international choreographic competition "Dance Farius" will be held in the capital of Russia - Moscow.

"Dance Farius" is a holiday of talented and unique dancers.

The convenient location of the venue, hotels and attractions of the city are designed specifically for non-resident guests of the festival.According to the results of the competitive days of the jury of the "Dance Facility" will determine the holder of the Grand Prix and the monetary prize fund in the amount of 30,000 rubles.

The jury of the competition will include leading specialists in the field of choreography from Russia, Belarus, Latvia and other countries of the world.

The International Choreographic Competition "Dance Farius" will give pleasant impressions and will open new talents!

until December 16 - free participation accommodation 1 person is free.

until January 13. - 30% discount 50 % From vouchers for 1 person.

Limited number of seats!

Dates of carrying


Russia, Moscow P\u003e


Concert Hall "Izmailovo", Russia, Moscow, Izmailovskoe highway, d. 71, Corp. five
(Metro Partizanskaya).

Organizers and founders:

Department of Culture of the administration of the city district, Rybinsk (Rybinsk, Russia);

International Company "Sound`s Life" (Moscow, Russia).

Competition is supported by:

LLC KZ Izmailovo (Moscow, Russia).

Information support:, Russia.

Publishing house "Planet Music", Russia.

Project, Russia.

Musical Theater "BRAVO", Russia.

Foundation "Benefis. Premiere of ideas: culture, education, sports, business, "Poland.

Creative association "Celentano", Russia.

Goals and objectives:

Revival, preservation and development of national cultures;

Establishing professional and creative ties between participants and team leaders;

Attracting leading specialists in the field of choreography to increase the professional skill of managers and teachers of creative teams;

Improving the executive skill of individual performers and creative teams.


The convenient location of the site, hotels and attractions of the city are designed specifically for the non-resident guests of the competition. Truly, the international project, which participants comes from different parts of the world, will compete for the title of winner of the Grand Prix in each nomination and take with them a monetary prize fund in the amount of 30,000 rubles.


Children's story dance;

Classic choreography;


Folk (folk) dance;

People's stylized dance;

People's dance;

Dancing the peoples of the world;

Characteristic dance;


Modern choreography (jazz, modern, contemporary);

Dance theater;

Pop choreography;

Dance show;

Eastern dance (for participants 3-7 age categories);

Sports Rock and Roll;

Sports choreography;

Acrobatic dance;

Street trends (Hip-Hop, House, Techno, Disco).


Separate performers (solo, duet);

Small forms (from 3 to 5 people);

Formeshn-ensembles (from 6 people and above).

Age categories:

5-7 years old

no more than 7 minutes

8-10 years old

no more than 7 minutes

11-13 years old

no more than 7 minutes

14-17 years old

no more than 7 minutes

18-20 years old

no more than 7 minutes

21-25 years old

no more than 7 minutes

26 years old and older

no more than 7 minutes


no more than 7 minutes

pro, executive teacher

no more than 7 minutes

profi, performer - soloist of educational institution

no more than 7 minutes

profi, performer - soloist / artist of the theater, concert association, etc.

no more than 7 minutes

Participants represent two numbers in one nomination. Ensembles participating in the nomination "People's Choreography", "Dancing Peoples of the World" provide two numbers with a total duration no more than 10 minutes. (Dear participants, please observe the duration of the works!).

General evaluation criteria:

Executive skill;

Movement technique;

Composite room construction;

Compliance with the repertoire of the age characteristics of the performers;

Scenicness (plastic, suit, props, culture of execution);

Selection and compliance with musical and choreographic material;

Artistry, disclosure of an artistic image.

General requirements:

Replacing the repertoire during the competition is prohibited.

Participants can be represented by one in its nomination and age category.

The Organizing Committee has the right to close the acceptance of applications in any nomination before the established period, if the number of applications in the nomination exceeded the technical capabilities of the competition.

- The age of a separate performer is determined at the time of the competition (in the application, individual performers indicate the full number of years). If there is a disputed situation, the Organizing Committee has the right to demand a document confirming the age of the participant.

To participate in the age category "Profi", performers who have a secondary special or higher education of cultural and art institutions are allowed.

Each age category is allowed to participate from the previous or subsequent age categories not more than 30% of the total number of participants in the competitive performance.

Participants have the right to participate in several nominations when granting a separate application for each nomination to the Organizing Committee. If the participant is declared in several age and genre nominations, then the total number of applications should not exceed five.

Participation in master classes for a separate performer is free. To participate in master classes from the collective, 5 people are allowed (over 450 rubles per person / 1 master class). At the end of the master classes, a certificate is issued.

The scene sample passes in a strictly defined sequence, according to nominations and age categories.

If the participant does not have time to make a program in its nomination and age category, for any reason, the competitive program is postponed after the performance of all nominations and age categories, and is visible separately.

The Organizing Committee has the right to remove the team or a separate performer for incorrect behavior during the competition. The organizational contribution in this case is not refundable.

The competition takes place in the concert hall at 920 seats, covering the scene - linoleum, scene size - 12 * 16 * 15m.

Technical requirements:

Phonograms are recorded on the CD-R and flash medium with high sound quality in audio format, WAV or MR-3.

Each sound recording is written on a separate medium with an indication of the city, the name of the ensemble or the name of the individual artist.

During the competitive speeches, the white filling light is used, even if the competitive number implies darkening or light score.

Accreditation procedure:

To participate in the competition, you must send the following documents to the Organizing Committee:

Application of the established sample for each nomination.

The list of participants according to the sample (on a separate sheet) for each nomination.


Date of Birth

The list of participants and accompanying persons according to the sample (on a separate sheet) for booking the hotel.

The team must have the appropriate number of accompanying persons (15 children + 1 leader), which are fully responsible for the safety of the life and health of children.

Please purchase tickets to the place of the competition after the official confirmation of the organizing committee.

To depart the group, the head must have a powerful power of attorney from parents.

The composition of the jury, the order of work:

The jury of the competition is formed from specialists in the field of choreography: well-deserved workers of culture, leading teachers of educational institutions, ballet artists, ballersters and choreographers. The composition of the jury is periodically changing from the competition to the competition. The composition of the jury can suffer to reasons independent of the organizing committee. The final composition is published on the website www ..

The performances of the contestants are estimated: the first number is a closed vote, the second number - open voting on a 10-point system.

Upon exceeding the regulated speech time by more than 1 min. 1 Evaluation score is removed and the phonogram stops. If the situation occurs, when there are no worthy applicants for the Grand Prix and prizes - these places are not awarded. And also allowed to duplicate prizes.

The Gala concert program defines the directorial-staged group on the basis of the jury solutions.

The jury has no right to disclose the results of the competition to the official award ceremony of the contestants.

The awarding of all contestants, regardless of the occupied place, is held on a specific day of the competition program at the Gala concert.

Get awards before the official day of awarding and after it is impossible.

Cups and diplomas by mail are not sent.

The solution of the jury is final and no change.

Summing up, rewarding:

The results of the competition and the award are held on nominations, taking into account the specified age categories and provide for the award of the following places:

Diploma "Grand Prix" and a prize;

Diploma "Laureate 1 degree" and a prize;

Diploma "Laureate 2 degree" and a prize;

Diploma of "Laureate of 3 degrees" and prize;

Diploma of "Diploma 1 degree" and a prize;

Diploma of "Diploma 2 degree" and a prize;

Diploma of "Diploma 3 degree" and a prize.

Diploma of the participant and the incentive prize.

The prize fund of the competition is 30,000 rubles.

According to individual nominations:

Special prize "Spectatical Sympathy Prize.

Special prize "For contribution to the development of culture and art."

Special Prize of the International Company Sound`s Life in the nomination "Best Pedagogue".

Special Prize Publisher "Planet Music" in the nomination "Climbing Olympus".

Special Project Prize in the "Best Ballet Maker" nomination.

Special award of the BRAVO Music Theater in the "First Step" nation.

Special award of the Celentano creative association in the nomination "The Yoy Party".

Special Prize "Benefis" in the nomination "Loyalty to the vocation and creative search".

Managers and concertsters are awarded international certificates; Participants - diplomas and commemorative medals.

Sending diplomas not received at the Gala concert is carried out at the expense of the service "Cash on delivery" by mail of Russia within 7 working days.

Financial conditions:

Bonus system of early submission of the application:

until December 16 - free participation in the 1st nomination without accommodation or accommodation 1 person is free

until January 13. - 30% discount to participate without accommodation or 50 % from vouchers for 1 person

Limited number of seats!


For those involved in additional nominations, the size of the organizational contribution is -
30% discount.

Package "Economy"

6 750 rub. / 1 \u200b\u200bpeople.

Package "Standard"

9 450 rub. / 1 \u200b\u200bpeople.

Suite Package

11 950 rub. / 1 \u200b\u200bpeople.

The distance to the objects: 4 metro stations to the Kursk Railway Station. A trip to Kazan, Leningrad and Yaroslavl railway stations takes 23 minutes. Domodedovo International Airport is 57 km away. In 30 minutes you can get to the Belarusian Railway Station, from where the train "Aeroexpress" is sent to Sheremetyevo International Airport.

. Within 14 working days from the date of application it is necessarymake prepaid for booking in the amount of 10% of the total amount of the account. Rooms in the hotel are booking only after receipt of the prepayment. Payment of the remaining amount is made no later than 14 working days before the start of the festival. Return of funds in refusal to participate is carried out at least 7 days before the festival, minus prepayment.

The Organizing Committee has the right to post pictures on the site and use them in promotional products without coordination with a team or a separate performer.

Quality control! The Organizing Committee accepts wishes, and claims to organize a competition in writing to e-mail.

To participate in the competition, participants pay the organizational fee. The size of the organizational contribution in the main nomination is:

Within 14 working days from the date of application, it is necessary to prepay in the amount of 30% of the total amount of the account.

Bonus system of early submission of the application:

until December 16 - free participation in the 1st nomination without accommodation or accommodation 1 person is free.

until January 13. - 30% discount to participate without accommodation or 50 % From vouchers for 1 person.

Limited number of seats!

Attention! The solo performance is considered the main nomination if a separate performer also acts as part of the ensemble. If the ensemble acts in two nominations and more, the main nomination is the one where more participants are considered. Provided that the same children participate in the nominations. If the team exhibits two or more groups, it is believed that these are two different ensemble.

For those involved in additional nominations, the size of the organizational contribution is - 30% discount.

Upon presentation of a discount card of the international company "Sound's Life", a 3% discount is provided to the participants of the competition (the discount card number is indicated in the application).

The organizational fee for participation does not include accommodation and nutrition, but is a registration fee for participating in the competition. In case of refusal to participate in the competition, less than 7 days before the start, the organizational contribution is not refundable.

The cost of the voucher is:

Package "Economy"

Included: accommodation in a hotel 4 nights in 2, 3-bed rooms (in a communal / separate bed + sofa, clamshell), meals (4 breakfast).

Extra. Paid: Participation in the competition according to the selected nomination, food (lunch - 450 rubles, dinner - 450 rubles.), Sightseeing bus tour (550 rubles per person), Transfer station / Airport-Railway Station / Airport ( The cost is specified in the Organizing Committee).

6 750 rub. / 1 \u200b\u200bpeople.

Package "Standard"

Included: accommodation in a hotel 4 nights in 2, 3-bed rooms (in a communal / separate bed + sofa, clamshell), meals (4 breakfast, 4 dinner), 15 people. + 1 for free.

Extra. Paid: Participation in the competition according to the selected nomination, food (lunch - 450 rubles), a sightseeing bus tour of the city (550 rubles per person), transfer station / airport-railway station / airport (the cost is specified in the Organizing Committee).

9 450 rub. / 1 \u200b\u200bpeople.

Suite Package

Included: accommodation in the hotel 4 nights in 2-bed rooms (in the room Total / Separate bed), meals (4 breakfast, 4 lunch, 4 dinner), Sightseery bus tour of the city, 15 people. + 1 for free.

Extra. Paid: participation in the competition according to the selected nomination, transfer station / airport-railway station / airport (the cost is specified in the Organizing Committee).

11 950 rub. / 1 \u200b\u200bpeople.

Hotel "Izmailovo": Surrounded by the famous Izmailovo Park, next to Izmailovsky Kremlin, Partizanskaya Metro Station is 5 minutes' walk,
From here in 15 minutes you can get to Red Square, the Kremlin, as well as other attractions of the capital.

Applications are accepted until April 8 by email. During 14 working days from the date of application, it is necessary to prepay for booking in the amount of 10% of the total amount of the account. Rooms in the hotel are booking only after receipt of the prepayment. Payment of the remaining amount is made no later than 14 working days before the start of the festival. Return of funds in refusal to participate is carried out at least 7 days before the festival, minus prepayment.

Meeting groups on the railway station, airport. Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation.

15.00 Overview Bus Tour in Moscow. Moscow is the capital of Russia, her heart. You will see the historic center in all its glory, feel the contrast of historic buildings and modern skyscrapers, enjoy the beauty of the unique architecture of the capital and learn many unique historical facts.

10.00-14.00 Competitive performances.

14.00-15.00 Technical break.

15.00-22.00 Competitive performances.

10.00-13.00 Master classes, seminars for managers and participants.

14.00-16.00 Round table with jury members.

16.00-17.30 Closing rehearsal.

18.00 Gala concert. The award ceremony of the competition participants.

Free time. Liberation of numbers. Departure of all participants in the competition.

The composition of the jury is formed.

The composition of the jury can suffer to reasons independent of the organizing committee. The final composition is published on the website www ..

Special prizes

Special Prize of the International Company "Sound.` s. Life.»In the nomination" Best Pedagogue "

Husnullina Sirina Fanzilovna Blagoveshchensk, Russia

Special Publishing Prize "Planet Music" in the nomination "Climbing Olympus" and a valuable gift

Love Gersonik

Special Celentano Creative Association Prize in the nomination "Youth Participant" and gift certificate

Maya Sivets Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Special Prize of the Benefis Foundation in the nomination "For loyalty to the vocation and creative search" and a gift certificate

Music Theater "BRAVO" Korolev, Russia

Special diploma "Best choreographic production" On the lines of life "," Icebergs "

Exemplary choreographic team "Ice-cream" Nizhnevartovsk, Russia

Special diploma "For the original production of the" Dwarf "

Exemplary Dance Dance Ensemble G. Lyubertsy, Russia

Special Prize "The Prize of Spectatical Sympathies"

Danil Timchenko Moscow, Russia

Special Prize "For Contribution to the Development of Culture and Art"

Exemplary dance ensemble "Carousel" Balashikha, Russia

Special diploma "The most promising performer"

Olga Ivanova, Anna Prudnikova, Ivan Lazarev G. Krasnogorsk, Russia

Ksenia Goryacheva G. Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Special Award Music Theater "Bravo.»In the nomination" First step "

Studio dance "Beauty" Moscow, Russia

Special Award "For the embodiment of the idea and image of Anna Karenina"

Irina Barfolomeeva Minsk, Republic of Belarus

A special diploma laureate 1 degree "for the preservation of national traditions and cultures", as well as a gift certificate of 10,000 rubles for participation in the international choreographic camp "The Edge of Dance" from June 28 to July 5 in the village. Nikolaevka, Republic of Crimea, Russia

Ensemble of People's Dance "Taron" G. Istra, Russia

A gift certificate of 10,000 rubles for participation in the International Choreographic Competition "Dance Farius" from October 29 to November 2 in Minsk, Republic of Belarus

School-Theater "Art in Soul" Reutov, Russia

Ensemble Dance "Antra" G. Balashov, Russia

Dance ensemble "Grace" with. Kaskar, Russia

Dance ensemble Karoshel Korocha, Russia

Choreographic team Rosinka PGT. Obukhovo, Russia

Studio dance "Constellation" of Blagoveshchensk, Russia

Gift certificate for 10,000 rubles for participation in any competition during 2018-2019.

Choreographic team "Prestige" of Essentuki, Russia

A gift certificate for 5,000 rubles for participation in the international choreographic camp "The Edge of Dance" from June 28 to July 5 in the village. Nikolaevka, Republic of Crimea, Russia

Dance Studio "Filigree" Moscow, Russia

A gift certificate of 10,000 rubles to participate in the international choreographic camp "The Edge of Dance" from June 28 to July 5 in the village. Nikolaevka, Republic of Crimea, Russia

Theater dance "Pearls of St. Petersburg" St. Petersburg, Russia

Dance Studio "Chance" Moscow, Russia

Children's dance team "Flox" Moscow, Russia

Exemplary choreographic team show-ballet «ICE-Cream» Nizhnevartovsk, Russia

Children's Club "Baby-candy" Kaluga, Russia

Invitation to international danceWorkshops. In France, July 7-13, 2018

Inspiration, Krasnogorsk, Russia

Danil Timchenko, Moscow, Russia

Ksenia Goryacheva, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Ice Cream, Nizhnevartovsk, Russia

Sparkle, p. Kaskar, Russia

Grace, p. Kaskar, Russia

Love Gersonik, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Taisiya Vasilyeva, Moscow, Russia

Marta Minsk, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Protatse, Moscow, Russia

Carousel, Balashikha, Russia

Olga Krasnova, Moscow, Russia

Angelica Pchelina, Moscow, Russia

Anastasia Dymova, Moscow Russia

Tatyana Pavlova, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Maya Sivets, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Constellation, Blagoveshchensk, Russia

Children's dance

Dance Studio "Chance"

moscow, Russia

Diploma participant

Folk choreography

istra, Russia

Diploma participant

Stylization of folk dance

Dance ensemble "Losinka"

moscow, Russia

Diploma participant

Pop choreography

Dance Studio "Filigree"

moscow, Russia

Diploma participant

Classic choreography

moscow, Russia

Diplomant 3 degrees

Modern choreography

Jeanne Pimenova

moscow, Russia

Diplomant 3 degrees

Pop choreography

moscow, Russia

Diplomant 3 degrees

kaluga, Russia

Diplomant 3 degrees

Children's dance

Milan Bardakova, Valentina Duginova

korocha, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Studio dance "Silhouette"

moscow, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Ensemble "Joy"

korocha, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Choreographic team "Impulse"

khimki, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Folk choreography

Ensemble of the Public Dance "Taron"

istra, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Ensemble of the Public Dance "Taron"

istra, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Scenic dance

Ensemble "Caramel"

korocha, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Stylization of folk dance

Daria Bosov, Varvara Nikulina

korocha, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Modern choreography

Daria Bosov

korocha, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Studio dance "Silhouette"

moscow, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

krasnodar, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Ensemble "Caramel"

korocha, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Angelina Tereyaeva

saratov, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Daria Kalitin

korocha, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Pop choreography

Collective "Glorious Stars"

moscow, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Sophia Pimenova

moscow, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Antra dance ensemble Average group

balashov, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Collective "Glorious Stars"

moscow, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Children's Children's Club "Baby-candy"

kaluga, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Kristina Gornostayev

korocha, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Team of the pop dance "Energy" Younger group "Smile"

pos. Tomilino, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Estrade Dance Collection "Energy"

pos. Tomilino, Russia

Diplomant 2 degrees

Children's dance

Anastasia Vorobyova

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Theater dance "Pearls of St. Petersburg"

st. Petersburg, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Choreographic team "Promotion"

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Classic choreography

Yana Safronova

saratov, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Arina Glyazetdinova

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Tatyana Mravitskaya

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Margarita Gorina

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Choreographic team "Shine"

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Varvara Klushin

balashov, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Arina Popova

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Maria Sedova

odintsovo, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Arina Popova, Arina Kolyadsk

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Polina Penkina

odintsovo, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Arina Maximov

odintsovo, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Stylization of folk dance

Ensemble "Joy"

korocha, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Choreographic team "Prestige"

g. Essentuki, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Scenic dance

Elizabeth Bukuzova

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 detection

Dance ensemble "Charger"

balashov, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Modern choreography

Children's dance team "Flox"

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Studio dance "Silhouette"

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Pop choreography

The team of modern dance "Cardinal Kids"

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Dance Team "Show-Time"

g. Aprelevka, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Street trends

Dance Studio "Next"

balashikha, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Modern choreography

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Elian Zhob

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Diploma 1 degree

Choreographic ensemble "Revurans"

troitsk, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Pop choreography

Choreographic team "Shine"

moscow, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Antra Dance Ensemble Senior Group

balashov, Russia

Diploma 1 degree

Children's dance

Darius Amirov

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 3 degrees

Daria Branovetse, Ekaterina Sidtykova, Wang Taira, Serafina Kravchenko, Alice Kapice

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 3 degrees

Choreographic team "Shine"

moscow, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Studio "Dance Mosaic"

moscow, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Children's dance team "Flox"

moscow, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Classic choreography

Elizaveta Savinova

saratov, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Emily Peraso

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 3 degrees

Evgenia Gaevskaya

saratov, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Miroslav Markova

balashov, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Taisiya Vasilyeva

moscow, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Arina Kolyady

moscow, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Maria Komkov

odintsovo, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Collective "Divertisment"

odintsovo, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Folk choreography

Maxim Secretaria

pGT. Obukhovo, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Scenic dance

Choreographic team "Rosinka"

pGT. Obukhovo, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Choreographic team "Rosinka

pGT. Obukhovo, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Stylization of folk dance

Ensemble "Caramel"

korocha, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Pop Dance Ensemble "Divertiment"

moscow, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Modern choreography

Ksenia Subotko

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 3 degrees

Milan Malakhova

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 3 degrees

Studio dance "Silhouette"

moscow, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Dance Collective "Accent"

solnechnogorsk, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Ulyana Sadlova, Ekaterina Leech

moscow, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Anna Lobova, Alena Shvetsova

moscow, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Pop choreography

Kira Lapaeva

moscow, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

g. Lyubertsy, Russia

Laureate 3 degrees

Children's dance

Elana Agrba

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 2 degrees

Classic choreography

Marina Powasheva

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 2 degrees

Anastasia Kurichina

saratov, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees

Ksenia Subotko

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 2 degrees

Milan Malakhova

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 2 degrees

Anna Martynova

moscow, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees

Elian Zhob

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 2 degrees

Daria Zdrazhevskaya

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 2 degrees

Arina Muratova, Anna Martirosyan

solnechnogorsk, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees

Tatyana Pavlova

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 2 degrees

Julia Khrustaleva

odintsovo, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees

Collective "Divertisment"

(Small forms)

odintsovo, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees


Tatyana Pavlova

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 2 degrees

Folk choreography

Ensemble "Heel"

odintsovo, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees


Dance ensemble "Sparks"

from. Kaskar, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees

Stylization of folk dance


Elizabeth is widely

moscow, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees

Scenic dance


Leading creative team of Moscow choreographic ensemble "Planet Children"

moscow, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees

Modern choreography


Sofia Kravchenko

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 2 degrees


Leading creative team of Moscow "Contraction Dance Company"

moscow, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees


Collective "Divertisment"

odintsovo, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees


School of modern dance psodance

elektrostal, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees



mr. Reutov, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees


Danil Timchenko

moscow, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees


Love Gersonik

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 2 degrees


Anna Lobova

moscow, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees

Pop choreography


Olga Manovichnikova

moscow, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees


Children's choreographic ensemble "Paints"

krasnodar, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees


Children's dance team "Flox"

moscow, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees


Angelica Pchelina

moscow, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees


balashikha, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees


Exemplary team ensemble dance "Carousel"

balashikha, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees


nizhnevartovsk, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees

Street trends


Exemplary choreographic team show-ballet "Ice-Cream"

nizhnevartovsk, Russia

Laureate 2 degrees

Children's dance


Studio dance "Beauty"

moscow, Russia

Laureate 1 degree

Classic choreography


Maya Sivets

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 1 degree


Martha Minsk

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 1 degree


Sofia Kravchenko

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 1 degree

Classic choreography


Love Gersonik

minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 1 degree

Folk choreography


Dance ensemble "Grace"

from. Kaskar, Russia

Laureate 1 degree

Stylization of folk dance


Krasnogorsk specialized choreographic school "Inspiration"

krasnogorsk, Russia

Laureate 1 degree

Scenic dance


Exemplary team ensemble dance "Carousel"

balashikha, Russia

Laureate 1 degree


Exemplary team ensemble dance "Carousel"

balashikha, Russia

Laureate 1 degree

Modern choreography

1 age category (5-7 years)


minsk, Republic of Belarus

Laureate 1 degree

2 age category (8-10 years)


Eva Rochevsky

solnechnogorsk, Russia

Laureate 1 degree

3 Age category (11-13 years)



moscow, Russia

Laureate 1 degree

4 Age category (14-17 years)


Ksenia Goryachev

nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Laureate 1 degree


Exemplary choreographic team show-ballet "Ice-Cream"

nizhnevartovsk, Russia

Laureate 1 degree

Pop choreography

2 age category (8-10 years)


Exemplary Pour Dance Ensemble "Master"

g. Lyubertsy, Russia

Laureate 1 degree

3 Age category (11-13 years)


Olga Krasnova

moscow, Russia

Laureate 1 degree


Anastasia Dymova

moscow, Russia

Laureate 1 degree

8 Age category (mixed)


Musical Theater "BRAVO"

g. Korolev, Russia

Laureate 1 degree

Characteristic dance

2 age category (8-10 years)


Olga Ivanova, Anna Prudnikova, Ivan Lazarev

krasnogorsk, Russia

Laureate 1 degree

Street trends

2 age category (8-10 years)


Studio dance "Constellation"

g. Blagoveshchensk, Russia

Laureate 1 degree

Gutkovskaya Svetlana Vyacheslavovna M. Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Head of the Department of Choreography, Professor of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Artistic Director of the Ensemble of the Department of Choreography Baguki Laureate and the owner of the Gran Prize of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus to support Talented Youth, Member of the Expert Commission of the Foundation of the President of the Republic of Belarus in support of culture and art , Member of the Board of the Belarusian Union of Music Workers, was awarded the Medal of Francis Scarina.

Master Class: "Stylistic features of the Belarusian People's Scenic Choreography" (Practice: Study of the main elements of the Lexic Foundation of the Belarusian Folk Dance).