Composers bards. The most famous bards of Russia: list, brief information

Composers bards. The most famous bards of Russia: list, brief information
Composers bards. The most famous bards of Russia: list, brief information

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Since 1992, Russian executive authors have created their own association. She became the first creative union of people, united by the idea of \u200b\u200bforming a public consciousness. The Association of Bardov Russia (Arba) at that time was represented by 30 authors. Today they are much more. The proposed article will be called the most famous bards of Russia, according to the "Komsomol Pravda".

Most representatives of the Great Epoch

The origins of the Bardov movement are masters, many of which went away during Russia, when Russia was still part of the Soviet Union. Among them:

  • Yuri Vizbor. I left our world in 1984 at the age of 50. Having a Lithuanian-Ukrainian roots by the author of the executor all his life was associated with Moscow and considered himself Russian. Even a specialty he chose a special - teacher of Russian literature. Known as a journalist, screenwriter and actor Yuri Vizbor, besides, was a climber athlete who conquered not one vertex. He wrote more than three hundred songs, still remaining popular: "Serega Sanin", "Dombiy Waltz", "my dear".
  • Vladimir Vysotsky. It was not in the 1980s. The legendary singer who created more than 800 works was only 42 years old. His popularity in the people with time does not at all weaken. He created a number of unforgettable images in both the scene and in cinema. Among his best songs - "fraternal graves", "Horses picky", "Song about a friend."
  • Bulat Okudzhava. Born in the Armenian-Georgian family, Bulat Shalvovich lived to 73 years. From life, he left in 1997. Former front-line, he is rightly considered the founder of the author's song. Bards of Russia recognize his authority and still perform the best works: "Georgian Song", "Your Honor", "Union of Friends".

Independent authorities

The burdens of Russia, which will be presented below, are the pride of national culture:

  • Victor Berkovsky. The native of Ukraine, he lived to his 73rd birthday. Professional scientist, Victor was an outstanding composer and became famous not only as an independent author, but also a member of the creative team, which was served by Sergey Nikitin and Dmitry Sukharev. Among its most popular songs - "Grenada", "to the music of Vivaldi", "on distant Amazon".
  • Novella Matveyeva. The poetess and the author of the songs died in 2016, she was 81 years old. She left a huge heritage after her songs, and among her songs is particularly popular with "Girl from Harchevni".
  • Hell Yakushev. A native of Leningrad lived a long life. She died at the age of 78 in 2012 and is well known as a distinctive and interesting poetess. Many bards of Russia fulfill her works. For example, Varvara Visbor gave a new life song "You are my breath."
  • Yuri Kukin. The poet songwriter left his life in 2011, he was 78. The native of the Leningrad region began his career as an athlete, but later became a professional artist of Lenconcert. The most famous songs of the author is the "rope", "behind the fog", "Spring Song".

Now Healthy Matters

The best bards of Russia are involved in the stamps of the author's song as members of the jury. In August, the 50th festival was held in the Samara region. V. Grushina, who collected the elite from among the members of Arba. Among them, Alexander Gorodnitsky occupies a special place, which in March celebrated its 85th anniversary. The author is still in the ranks and pleases the listeners with their best works. These are "ruling", "Atlanta" and others.

60-year-old Alexei Ivaschenko for a long time performed in a duet with G. Vasilyev ("Glafira", "Ninth Val"), but in two thousand years their creative union broke up. However, the author and the performer are still in the ranks of the best bards of Russia, pleases the students with new songs, among which "stainless steel" and "the best I am in the world."

Many are fans of the Creativity of the 65-year-old Leonid Sergeeva, the author of the "Road", the "Old House" and "Stories", as well as 74-year-old Sergey Nikitin, whose songs decorated Favorite Films Russians - "Irony of Fate", "Almost Funny Story", "Quiet Omuts."

The author of the song "How Too Great", which became the anthem of most Festivals of the author's song, is the 62-year-old Oleg Mityaev. Bards of Russia consider it an indisputable authority, which, as a rule, completes concert programs. It is easy to recognize on the favorite works: "Neighbor", "Summer is a small life."

Alexander Rosenbauma can also be attributed to the executors' authors, which has achieved significant success in the domestic stage. His "Waltz Boston", "duck hunting", "homeless room" and other works are included in the Golden Foundation of Patriotic Culture.

Best Bards of Russia - Women

The list of best authors performers should make 62-year veronicus of the valley. The mother of four children, she created a unique collection of very female works, the number of which reaches five hundred. Veronica Valley published 19 poems collections, it is a laureate of many literary awards.

The author's song has bright performers who represent the works of other authors. One of these talented singers is the 58-year-old Galina Khomchik, which B. Okudzhava attributed to "missionaries of sounding poetry."

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region

GOU VPO "State Socio-Humanitarian University"

Extracurricular event

on the topic:

"Bard song"

student of the 5th course

Correspondence formation

Philology faculty

Lisseva K.V.

Purpose: Acquaintance with bard song.


Educational: To acquaint students with the history of the Bardov song, with the best representatives of this song genre.

Developing: Stimulate the development of the artistic worldview, aesthetic and moral consciousness of students.

Educational: Use the strength of the impact of the Bardian song on the formation of the personality of students, their moral beliefs, patriotism, negative attitude to the low-standard samples of mass musical culture.

Methods and techniques: A verbal-illustrative, slide presentation, conversation, musical accompaniment, literary story.

Equipment: Multimedia equipment, music center.

Music design:

B.Okuzhava "Take Hands, Friends"

S.Nikitin "Everyone chooses in itself"

V. Vysotsky. "I dont like"

B.Okuzhava "Georgian Song"

O. Mityaev "How great"

Visual manuals, equipment: Using the POWER POINT computer program for showing portraits of famous bards; Song records in copyright.

/ Song Song Bulat Okudzhava "Take Hands, Friends" /


I tell you - Good afternoon!

I want to smile to see yours.

So that the shadow disappeared from the face

And the warmth was our meeting.

Let's try to forget at least for a while everything is sad that happened to you today: someone got a bad mark, someone was offended by unreliable word, someone just had a bad mood. Now you are here, among like-minded people. We are all different, but all of us unites one - guitar. And she for each of us is the most reliable and devoted friend. She always helps us in a difficult moment. When we take her in your hands, press your heart, play or sing your favorite songs, it becomes easier for my soul, and we look at the world with other eyes.

/ Slide №1 "Bard song" /

Today we will talk about the bard song, get acquainted with representatives of this genre. Some names are already known to you. Some of you performed songs of famous bards. We will try to understand the distinguished features of these songs. And I think that the words spoken by the famous Russian bardary Yuri Victor, to some extent will help us in this.

/ Slide number 2 words Yu. Wake-up /

"And herself does not play a guitar, but is given to a man as the voice of the soul ..."

Bardian song.

Tell me, please, do you know someone from famous bards?

To understand the essence of the Bardian song, turn to the origin of this word. Known is such a parable. Long before the birth of Christ on Earth, people lived, who were called Celts. They called the Druids of Wise Teachers. In front of the knowledge of the material and spiritual worlds of Druids, many peoples inhabiting the earthly launched. To get the title of primary degree of Druids, the chosen should have been learning from the priest for 20 years. Passing the tests, training and dedication, the chosen one was called - Bard.

Now he had moral right to go to the people and sing, instilling in people the light and the truth of his song, forming the words healing the soul.

/ Slide number 3 Bard song - this is ... /

Bardov song, like no other song, contributes to the work of the soul, and therefore her healing. A bard song can be perceived only when the attention of the listener is not distracted by anything. Before the listener, only the penetrated melody and images that create a song. You need to fully immerse yourself in the sensual-shaped world of the song, it is necessary to create your figurative paintings, thoughts, experiences, to respond to the song with your heart, and for this you need just work, the work of thoughts, feelings, memory, hearts. This work of the soul.

Bard song is a heart language, soul. The performer of the bard song should convey, above all, the meaning of the song, her feelings. Done beautifully, elegant, intelligibly. Each author has its own intonation. It recognizes among other songs. These are not to entertain songs. They can not be listened between the case.

Bard songs are not written to order. These are songs written in a state of high emotional lifting. These may be the emotions of the enthusiastic contemplation of nature, a sense of pride, respect, hopes, tenderness, gratitude and many other sides of the mental stress. The main thing is how the song itself is.

The bard song is a holistic art. The author writes poems, comes up with music to them and fulfills his work itself. Therefore, very often the bordeel song is called the author. The advantage of this genre is that there are poems in it, poetic text.

"What to sing, and not how to sing - that's what is the essence of the author's performance."

/ Song in the performance of Sergey Nikitina "Everyone chooses in itself" /

Many compound, many sing, but bardami can be called units.

/ Slide number 4 with portraits of barders /

To comply with the true presenter of the Bard, the author of the artist must be a good poet, a musician, a singer. It must be comprehensively developed, educated, cultural, competent person. He must have a rich life experience, a rich spiritual world.

Mikhail Leonidovich Ancharov is one of the founders of the Bardov song, writer, poet, playwright, translator, architect, painter, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1967).

Gorodnikovsky Alexander Moiseevich - geologist, oceanologist, poet. Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Author of more than 230 scientific papers, articles in magazines. Member of the Moscow Union of Writers (1972), Laureate 1 of the All-Union Competition for the Best Tourist Song in 1965. Famous songs: "Atlanta", "Distahs", "Snow", "betrayal".

Bulat Okudzhava is a whole epoch in the history of the author's song. One of the founders of the genre of the Bardian song. Born in Moscow, lived on Arbat. In 1934, he moved along with his parents to Nizhny Tagil. In 1937, the parents were arrested, the Father is shot, the mother is exiled to the camp. Returned to Moscow, where he was brought up with her brother. In 1940 moved to relatives in Tbilisi. In 1942 at the age of 17, the volunteer went to war. He graduated from the Philology Faculty of Tbilisha State University, worked as a teacher, editor in the publishing house "Young Guard", then - the head of the Poetry Department in the "Literary Gazeta". In 1956 he began to act as the author of poems and music songs and perform them under the guitar. In 1961, Okudzhava made his debut as a prose. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, from 1992 - Member of the Pardon Commission under the President of the Russian Federation, since 1994 - Member of the Commission on State Prizes of the Russian Federation. Famous songs: "Georgian Song", "Let's exclaim", "Ah, War", "Arbat", "The birds do not sing here," etc.

/ Sounds "Georgian Song" Bulat Okudzhava /

Bulat Okudzhava, Mikhail Anchars were the first. Behind them came:

Victor Berkovsky - Metallurg, Candidate of Technical Sciences (1967), Associate Professor at the Institute of Steel and Alloys. Songs composed on verses M. Svellova, E. Bagritsky, N. Matveva, R. Christmas, B. Okudzhava, D. Sukhareva and other Russian and foreign poets. Famous songs of "Grenada", "On the distant Amazon", "Remember, guys", etc. He was one of the leaders of the project "Songs of our century" (1999).

Julius Kim. By education - teacher. After the end of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, it worked for five years on Kamchatka, then in Moscow - in the physico-mathematical boarding school. In 1968 left pedagogical activities and professionally engaged in writing plays and songs for theater and movies. Member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR (1987).

Yuri Vizbor is one of the most striking and gifted representatives of the older generation of bards, standing at the sources of the author's song. Born in Moscow, graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Journalist, the creator of the radio station "Youth", the magazine "Combine" with flexible plates. The artist of the playwright, who wrote several plays and filmcenery. Cinematographer, author of documentaries, actor who has played more than 15 roles in feature films. He was fond of travel and mountain campaigns. The poet was engaged in climbing, participated in expeditions to the Caucasus, Pamir and Tien Shan, was an instructor of skiing. Poet and singer, author more than three hundred songs. Famous songs "Pass", "Forest Sunny", "Dombay Waltz", "Serge Sanin", "Fill with the music of the heart" and others. Member of the Union of Journalists and the Union of Cinematographers. Released plates, cassettes, books of poems and prose.

/ Song of Yuriya Watching "Mute" /

In the late 60s, at the beginning of the 70s made a high-quality leap a professional song. Via became popular. The song turned to problems that exciting young people, new forms of filing song appeared. The author's song changed. The new authors appeared performers:

/ Slide number 5 with portraits Vadim Egorova, Novella Matveyeva, Alexandra Suanova, Alexander Dolsky, Yuri Kukina /

The bright representative of the Bard song of this time is Vladimir Vysotsky.

/ Slide number 6 with a portrait of Vysotsky /

Born in Moscow. In 1955 he entered the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. From the first semester leaves the Institute. From 1956 to 1960 Vysotsky - Student of the acting department of the School Studio MCAT. In 1960-1964 Worked (with interruptions) in the Moscow Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkin. In 1964, Vysotsky created his first songs to the movies and went to work at the Moscow Theater of Drama and Comedy on Taganka, where he worked until the end of his life. In 1968, his first author's recorder "Songs from the movie" Vertical "was published. The author of several kinoszenaries. Together with the actors of the "Theater on Taganka" went with tour of the border - to Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, France, Germany, Poland. He recorded about 10 radio performances, gave more than 1000 concerts in the USSR and abroad.

Let's listen to the song "I do not like" performed by the author.

/ Performed by the song of Vladimir Vysotsky "I do not like" /

It was Vysotsky who was invented the term "author's song". That's what he spoke about this: "There are no arts without suffering. And a person who did not stand up, cannot do. It is optional to oppose it or fired into it, tormented or scared in prison, enough to in the soul, even without external influences, the person experienced a sense of suffering from people close to the situation. The author's song is here without deception, one person with a guitar will stand here in front of you, eyes in the eye. And the calculation in the author's song only on one thing is that you are bothering in the same way as me, the same problems, the fate of the human, the same thoughts. And just as me, like me, tear the soul and scraper on the nerves of injustice and the mountain of human. In short, everything is designed for trust, this is what you need for the author's song: your eyes and ears and my desire to tell you something, and your desire to hear something. "

In 70-80, the self-affirmation of the Bardovsky, author's song continued. The bard song is becoming one of the most massive and democratic types of art. This is evidenced by the numerous audience of the festivals of the Bardov song, which take place all year round in all corners of the country.

The most famous of them is the Gross Festival.

/ Slide number 7 from the Pershina Festival /

He traditionally takes place on the first weekend of July in Samara. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Grushinsky festival originated in 1967 after the River Ude tragically died, saving children from an overwhelmed boat, a student of the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, the performer of tourist songs Valery Supin.

In the 90s, the number of concerts with the participation of bards is increasing. The content of the author's song is changing. It responds to the most actual events of the era, significantly increased the level of guitar proficiency. Many executive authors became the participants of the famous project "Songs of our Century".

/ Slide №8 "Songs of our century" /

This is Sergey Nikitin, Alexey Ivashchenko, George Vasilyev, Vadim and Valery Mishchiki, Sergey Leonidov, Galina Khomchik, Lydia Cheboksarova.

Probably the most popular and famous border of our time, Oleg Mityaev can be considered.

/ Slide №9 Oleg Mityaev /

He graduated from the Chelyabinsk Mounting Technical School in the specialty of the electrician technician, served in the army, came and graduated with honors from the Chelyabinsk Institute of Physical Education. Specialty-coach for swimming. From 1986 to 1991 graduated from Gitis. Lunacharsky. Starred in several films. The most famous songs: "Neighbor", "How cool", "Let's talk to you", "Summer is a small life", "Bold, People, Soon Summer!" Artist's work was able to evaluate the inhabitants of Germany, France, Italy, South Africa, Israel and America.

Let's all together fulfill the song of Oleg Mityaev "how cool."

/ Slide number 9 with lyrics, Song sounds performed by Oleg Mityaev "How great" /

So, what is the "bard song"?

The bard song is an independent phenomenon of our domestic culture.

The genre of the Bardov song is one of the most massive types of creativity.

Similar information.

Bards of Russia are representatives of an extensive formation of Russian musical and song culture, which has been developed since the beginning of the 50s of the last century.

Bard, and a song performer in one person, consistent in his work. Bard songs in Russia are distinguished by a variety of genre and style. Someone sings humorous chastushki, someone tries to touch the romantic listeners with their songs. Many bards of Russia use the theme of their songs in order to achieve a satirical effect.

Vladimir Vysotsky - People's Artist, Russian Bard

There is in the author's song, whose creativity is definitely refers to the high art of the song genre. Such bards of units, the most famous of them - Vladimir Vysotsky, who is deservedly considered an unsurpassed master of the author's song. Vysotsky possessed a unique reincarnation gift, many of his songs were written as if on behalf of the character - it could be any inanimate object, a plane or submarine, a microphone on stage or echo in the mountains.

The song begins - and the character comes to life. Yak - the fighter, lives his life, participates in air combat, as it were, in itself, and the pilot he only interferes. And such bright examples, unique songs written from the first person, you can bring a lot.

Vysotsky's author's songs are divided into scene signs. He has "yard", "lyrical", "sports", "military". Each song is a poem masterpiece laid on a simple melody. The talent of the great Russian bard of Vladimir Vysotsky is unreasonable, that is why he was given a national recognition, and his creativity is immortally.

Bulat Okudzhava

Bulat Okudzhava is another outstanding Russian bard, poet and artist of the author's songs. He is a bright representative of the literary beaumd of Russia, composer and director. But the red thread through all the work of Okudzhava passed the author's song, which was part of the poet's life, the way of his self-expression. On the account of Bulat Okudzhava, several ingenious works in the genre of the author's song, the main of which is considered by the Rechitative "We need one victory" from the movie "Belorussky Station".

Bulat Okudzhava was the first Russian border, which was allowed to speak with their own songs. This event took place in 1961. The next year, Bulat Schalvovich took the members of the Union in the course of his trip to France Bard recorded twenty songs, which were published in Paris called Le Soldat En Papier. In the seventies, the plates with songs Bulat Okudzhava began to go out in the USSR.

The best bards of Russia

Rosenbaum Alexander is an outstanding Russian bard, in the formation of a resuscitation physician, graduated from the first medical institute in Leningrad. Copyright began to write in 1968 for cabbagers and student performances. Currently, one of the most popular Russian bards with an extensive repertoire is included in the list of bards of Russia - the first five. In 2005, Alexander Rosenbaum combined the deputy responsibilities with concert activities.

Visboring Yuri - teacher by profession, bard on calling, climber, skier and journalist. The author of numerous songs about the mountain peaks, ascents and alloys in mountain rivers. From under the feather Yuriya Victor, the cult song of student and all young people of the 60s "You are alone". Community "Bards of Russia" originated on the initiative of the evidence.

Evgeny Kleachkin, Builder Engineer, Poet, Bard, Romantic, author of three hundred songs. In 1961, at the age of 17, he wrote his first song "Fog" to the poems of Konstantin Kuzminsky. From this day began the creative way of Russian bard Yevgeny Kleachkin. At first, he wrote songs on the poems of Joseph Brodsky and Andrei Voznesensky. The cycle of songs collected from the romances executed by the characters of the poem "Procession" I. Brodsky, still considered the top of the author's song.

Zhanna Bichevskaya, Star of the author's song

Zhanna Bichevskaya - the singer, which is called the star of the author's song. In his work, she adheres to the subject of Russian patriotism and Orthodox faith. At the beginning of the seventies, the folk Russian songs were entered into the repertoire of Bicchevskaya, which she performed in a bard style, accompanied by an acoustic seven-string guitar. In 1973, Zhanna became the medalist of the All-Russian stage competition, and in subsequent years, all countries of the social camp went around with concerts. Later, repeatedly performed in the Paris Hall "Olympia" during the Anchelas.

The Russian artist of the author's songs of his own essay, playwright, screenwriter and poet, was an active member of the Bards of Russia community. His plays of the early period were put in Moscow theaters, and "Sailor Silence", written by Galicham in 1958 for the Sovremennik Theater, saw the light only in 1988 in the formulation of Oleg Tabakov. At the same time, Alexander Galich began to write songs and perform them under its own accompaniment on the seven-time guitar. For the basis of his work, he took the executive traditions of Alexander Vertinsky - Romance and a poetic narration under the guitar. Galich poems in their structure and literary value put it in one row with Vladimir Vysotsky and Bulat Okudzhava. The Russian author's song has become the main destination in the work of Alexander Galich.

Family duet

Nikitin, Sergey and Tatiana - Family duet of bards, their music sounds in many films and theatrical performances. The most famous song - "Alexandra" - sounded in the popular film of the director Vladimir Menshov "Moscow does not believe in tears." By the formation of Nikitin - the physicist, graduated from Moscow State University in 1968, is a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. He has writes songs since 1962, to Pasternak, Schapalikova, Bagritsky, Voznesensky, Evtushenko and other Russian poets. In the student years, Nikitin led the Quartet of Physicists of Moscow State University, and later became the Kvintet of the Faculty of Physics, where he met Tatiana Sadykova, who later became his wife.

All Russian bards of the sixties and seventies may be called "Soviet", as they lived and worked under Soviet power. However, this epithet has little about what the artists of the author's song cannot be characterized by a public system, no political conditions - these are people of art free in their work.

The phenomenon of the author's (as it is also called, amateur or bard) songs have not yet been studied. Someone is indifferent to her, someone considers it to distant past.
It is difficult to deny that the author's song with its subtle deep texts and melodiousness was an important component of the cultural life of the USSR. "These songs penetrate not in the ears, but directly in the soul," said Vladimir Vysotsky
Keepers of traditions
There is an ancient, beautiful as his strange word "Bard". The tribes of Galov and Celts were so called singers and poets. They kept the rituals of their nations, their traditions. And the people believed them, trusted, honored, loved. In our country, the movement of the Bardian song was formed in the 50-60 years of the XX century. When the bards just began to appear, they looked very happy. These were students in baggy pants. They have not yet known that they will be called bards, and the songs they write are copyrighted or amateur. For them, it was just songs about what was worried ...
The bard song has arisen as if by itself, in different places, one of which was Biofak MSU. Here in the early 1950s studied a wonderful girl Lyal Rosanov. She had a gift to attract talented people and inspire them to creativity. It is not surprising that it was with her a student agitbrigada became the center of youth life. At first, the biologists sang ordinary songs, but one day one of the Agitbriganovs gene Shangin-Berezovsky sang a song that he composed himself. She was devoted to his close to a friend Yuri Yurovitsky and was called - "Song about the right friend." The song was so liked by the guys that she was immediately included in the repertoire. And after her and the songs written by Lyalya himself and another talented biofaccine Dmitry Sukharev.

Author's team Biofak MSU, pseudonym - Sasha Ridub
(Sakharov, Shangin, Rozanova, Dubrovsky).
These songs have some incredible magic - simple melodies for three chords, uncomplicated texts, but very unusual for those times, because they did not sound "we", but "I". And in this "I", everyone learned himself and his alarms, feelings, throwing ... Yuri Visbor recalled: "... We saved Rozanovoy to verses, we saved suicides. And myself, what sin to hide ... "

Rosanova Liliana as part of Agitbrigada (in the center, third to the right of harmony).
"Singing Institute"
A similar picture was at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin, who in the 1950-1960s received the informal name "Singing Institute". It was there that was written by the first song of Yuri Victor "Madagascar". The result was so liked to all that the song began to restore the entire faculty, and then all Moscow tourists. Soon the visor composed a whole series of songs about trips to famous melodies, and eventually began to invent his music. The Bard of Hell Jakushev, who later, recalled that when the visor ran out the institute, several volunteers were urgently managed to learn to play the guitar. One of them was hell herself.

Bard hell Yakushev.
The third pillar of the author's song in the IHPI was Julius Kim. He brought his special "Gypsy" in the Bardov Song of the Guitar Accompaniation. And our topics are social and ironic.

Julius Kim with a guitar.
SSP - from and to
At first, the author's song did not cause special interest from the state. But the bards began to be issued from institutes and universities, and the desire to meet, to create and share their songs left. And they began to unite in the SSP - the clubs of the amateur song. First in Moscow, and then in other cities of the Union. In May 1967, the bards held the "first theoretical conference", and in the autumn of the same year the first general center of the KSP passed. Then, on March 7, 1968, the first union of the author's song festival was held at the Novosibirsk Akademgorodka. It was on it that Alexander Galich's public concert in the USSR was held, on which he performed the song "Memory Pasternak".

Galich at the first author's song festival. 1968. Photo by Vladimir Davydov.
The Soviet government has discovered that the bards have a civil position that they want to demonstrate. Racing started at the SSP. Six months later, all the bard clubs were closed in the country. Shortly thereafter, Galich was forced to emigrate.
And Julia Kimu and many other bards were forbidden to speak. The state could not allow musicians to open about the "entrances for chiefs", "Cabinets with Wallets and Secretaries", "Toptunov" under the windows, about summer cottages and "Seagulls", "Tsekovsky" and "Motorcycle".
However, the prohibition was only heated and without a big interest in the author's song, which became opposed to the official stage. The Soviet man could not listen to the "Hope of a small orchestric under the control of love." He had to listen to the Choir of the Red Army, Kobzon's songs and walking. But not all of this wanted. "Unofficial" songs performed under the acoustic guitar were perceived as a revelation. Okudzhava, Vysotsky rewritten from the coil to the coil, the benefit of tape recorders were no longer enough. They called such a distribution "Magnitisdat".
What is interesting, the attitude of the state and the attitude of individual partboats to the bards could not coincide. For example, the Secretary General Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev was loved by Vysotsky's songs. One of the pilots of the government aircroid told: "When we flew from the Far East, Suddenly the songs of Vysotsky sounded in the cabin. We are to flight attendants: "What are you crazy?" And they say that the cassette was transferred from the environment of Brezhnev ... "

Since 1969, Vysotsky was familiar with the daughter of Brezhneva Galina, who not only loved his work and was in the theater on Taganka on his performances, but also helped the artist.
"Songs of our century"
In the 1980s, KSP is not allowed, but began to close their eyes on their revival. And the songs of Bard Sergey Nikitina could be heard even on the radio! In the 1990s, the concept of Bardovsky classics appeared, a series of albums of "songs of our century" began to go out, it was easy to buy it in the store. However, such accessibility did not reduce interest in the author's song.
And today, people take the guitar in the hands to sing about what they care. The author's song continues to live ...
Great Bards XX Century
Alexander Galich was born in 1918 in Ekaterinoslava (now Dnepropetrovsk). After the ninth grade entered the literary institute. In the early period of his work, Galich wrote several plays for the theater: "Taimyr calls you" (in collaboration with K. Isaev), "the paths that we choose", "under the lucky star", "Matching March", "An hour before dawn "," Steamer is called "Orlenok", "a lot of people need", as well as the scenarios of films "faithful friends" (together with K. Isaev), "On seven winds", "Give a plaintive book", "Third youth", " Running on the waves". From the late 1950s, Galich begins to compose songs, performing them under their own accompaniment on the seven-time guitar. His songs were politically sharp, which led to the conflict with the authorities ... So Galich from the Ryan Komsomol was turned into a conscious opponent of the regime and was expelled outside the official culture first, and then the countries. Galich was forbidden to give public concerts. But despite the prohibitions, he was popular, known, love. In 1971, Galich was excluded from the Union of Writers of the USSR, a member of which he was since 1955, and in 1972 - from the Union of Cinematographers, in which he since consisted of 1958. After that, he was deprived of the opportunity to earn money on bread and was brought to the state of poverty. In 1974, Galich was forced to emigrate, and all his previously published works in the USSR banned. Galich settled in Paris, where December 15, 1977 died.

Alexander Galich.
Bulat Okudzhava is one of the creators and a recognized patriarch of the genre, which later received the name "Author's Song". In 1942, the nine-grader of Okudzhava volunteer went to the front, where he was a mortar, a machine gunner, a radist. After the war, he studied at the Philological Faculty of the University of Tbilisi, at the end of which he worked as a teacher of Russian and literature in a rural school near Kaluga. In Kaluga came out the first book of Okudzhava. In 1956, he moved to Moscow, he worked as an editor in the publishing house "Young Guard", headed the department of poetry in the "literary newspaper". My first song "Figures and stubborn ..." Okudzhava composed still a student. Okudzhava's tape recorders scattered across the country. Many of his songs are relevant today:

Bulat Okudzhava.
Fucking and stubborn
burn, fire, burn.
To change December
January come.
Live summer b dot
And there let go
for all your cases
on the most terrible court.
Vladimir Vysotsky. Born in 1938 in Moscow. Among the numerous bards, Vladimir Vysotsky is hardly the most famous. The first songs Vysotsky began to write in the early 1960s. These were songs in the style of "courtyard romance." At about this time, Vladimir Vysotsky came to the theater on Taganka. In parallel with the work in the theater starred in the cinema. The most famous role of Vysotsky - Zheglov in the television series "The meeting place is impossible". He wrote his songs mostly at night. Come home after the performance and sat down. Creativity Vysotsky is customary to divide into cycles: military, mountain, sports, Chinese ... Frontoviki, who listened to his songs about the war, were confident that he personally survived everything that he wrote about. People who listened to his songs "with a criminal bias," were confident that he was sitting. Sailors, climbers, Dalnorasov's chaufferes - everyone considered him. Vysotsky said so about the author's song: "This song lives with you all the time, does not give you peace, no night."

Vladimir Vysotsky.
Alexander Gorodnitsky is one of the founders of the author's song. Until today, it works actively, writes poems and songs.

Alexander Gorodnitsky.
Yuri Vizbor is the author and performer of many famous songs. "My dear, Sunny Forest", "When the star burns" and other songs of the evilment in Russia know almost everything.

Yuri Vizbor.
Victor Berkovsky is a Russian scientist and a bright representative of the Bardov movement of the seventies. "Under the music of Vivaldi", "Grenada" and more than 200 songs written by Berkovsky are very popular in the people.

Yuri Kukin - in his youth was fond of climbing, went hiking. Therefore, the main direction in the work of Kukina is given to the topics about the mountains and nature. Songs are very melodic and sought-after. They are good to sing by the fire. The most famous hits of the author are "behind the fog" and "Paris".

Yuri Kukin.
Alexander Sukhanov is one of the founders of an informal club of amateur song. The main profession is mathematician, but known for its songs (more than 150). He wrote to his poems and poems of famous classic poets.

Alexander Sukhanov at a concert in Nakhabino. March 15, 1980. Photo A.Evseeva.
Veronica Valley. The most popular author among women - artists of the author's song. Veronica valley written more than 500 songs.

Veronica Valley.
Sergey Nikitin - Soviet composer and bard, lyrics. I wrote a lot of songs to movies. His "Alexander" from the film "Moscow I do not believe" received the status of a folk song. A lot of songs performed in a duet with his wife Tatiana Nikitina. Sergey Nikitin was very popular in 70-80 years of last century.

Sergey Nikitin.