Comments by Viktor Drobysh about Buzova. Drobysh apologized to Buzova and called to the "Star Factory"

Comments by Viktor Drobysh about Buzova.  Drobysh apologized to Buzova and called to
Comments by Viktor Drobysh about Buzova. Drobysh apologized to Buzova and called to the "Star Factory"
October 07, 2017

The producer is haunted by the glory of the host of "House-2"

Actress Nastasya Samburskaya once again decided to offend Olga Buzova. Nastasya prepared a musical number with one of the participants in the New Star Factory, in which she ridiculed Buzova’s dance moves, and at the end of the number pulled up her dress and showed a pillow tied to her underpants with the inscription “plywood” crossed out

This issue was commented by the producer of the musical project and Nastasya Samburskaya. Viktor Drobysh criticized Buzova on his Instagram page: “ Hi all. I am very glad that at this factory we have touched the “creativity” of Olga Buzova. She is certainly a talented person, only, until now, no one knows what her talent is. As a musician, I am sure that music is not her strongest side .. Moreover, raising plywood to official status, she does badly to the entire Russian show business, which is already not far from ... s. Therefore, the factory stage is the best place for a talented ridicule of this impudent phenomenon - "Buzova". Although, she is not a bad person and could work, for example, as a nurse or a cashier!”

Olga Buzova answered Viktor Drobysh correctly, recalling that her music album tops the charts in Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, is in the top 250 most popular artists in the world according to iTunes, but Drobysh's tracks have never reached such heights. In addition, Buzova reminded the producer that he recently invited her to come to the Star Factory, but now she is likely to give up this idea.

The editor-in-chief of the site advises the well-known producer not to envy and not to bring girls to tears, but to take up the promotion of Ksenia Borodina

Lena Lenina and Olga Buzova

A big scandal erupted in our shop. words and parody of his ward Anastasia Samburskaya. It rarely storms our quiet and polite harbor. Rarely do stars enter into an open confrontation and rarely say what they think. But, as is always the case in conflicts, both are to blame. Let's see what each one is.

Olga Buzova blew up the peace and blessings of show business with an unusual crowd of followers and unprecedented ratings of her freshly baked songs. Her fans are all very often teenagers from the audience of Doma-2, where Olga managed not only to stand out as a participant, but also to stake out the audience of the TNT channel, which is very popular among young people, as the host of the same program. It must be admitted that teenagers are the most gullible, the most pliable and the most active part of any audience. This explains the record number of followers and her colleague, also the host of "House-2" Ksenia Borodina. But the former host of the reality show Ksenia Sobchak too soon left this TV chicken that lays the golden eggs and cost her a huge number of criticisms from the more reasonable part of the TV audience. Now Ksyusha would have 10 million followers, and she could also start singing. By the way, it’s strange that Ksenia Borodina didn’t think of this before or that some fashionable DJs didn’t persuade her to vocals. Here's a free idea for you. After all, you know as well as I do that vocals in a composition are only 20% of success, the rest you will do for it yourself.

Be that as it may, only Buzova formed musical stars, and here we have to admit that her perseverance, self-confidence, hard work and perseverance are the reason for this. But as a musical product, Drobysha should be reproached not by Buzov, but by her sound producers. The poor girl is not a musician and does not understand music, this is obvious, because she does not have a musical education or much stage experience. It’s good that at least I learned how to hit the soundtrack, this, you know, is also not an easy task. Who does not believe, let him try.

And what else did Olya Buzova do to Drobysh, besides her success? But then why is she crying at the parody? Even presidents are parodied and they don't cry. And they do not send anyone to beat the faces of comedians. And Olya complained through tears in an interview that she was lonely and no one could stand up for her, “dragging” the offender.

But why beat the producer? After all, Drobysh did not get personal and did not criticize the girl herself! He did not even say, like others, that Buzova had “small breasts” or “thick legs”, but only compared her musical material with excrement. And why he does this is also understandable. Who will like such a rapid rise to the top of the charts, contrary to musical laws and professionalism? Drobysh will not criticize Buzova, there will be dozens of others, because any criticism of Buzova today brings the critic to the main pages of newspapers and portals. As soon as the rest of the colleagues in the shop understand this, everyone will rush to wet the "upstart". And then there won't be any more tears.

In general, advice to Drobysh: do not envy and not bring girls to tears, but take on the promotion of Ksenia Borodina, and she will succeed too. Advice to Olenka: do not cry, but learn to live in show business according to its laws - someone else's success always causes envy, and here you need to rejoice, not cry. And you should not look for a man so that he “drags” offenders for you. It is better to become a strong woman herself, who boldly goes forward, like a “caravan”, and does not pay attention to the “barking of dogs”. And continue to quietly earn millions while rushing. And only a bank account at the end of the journey will show who is right and who is wrong.

The other day, the ward of the musician Nastasya Samburskaya during the concert of the "New Star Factory", after which she left a rather caustic appeal to the TV presenter on Instagram. Drobysh himself could not remain silent. He stated that Buzova could well work as a nurse or cashier, but a singer.

The star reacted sharply to such statements. In one of the last interviews, Olga burst into tears and complained that Victor dared to insult her as a girl. The celebrity also complained that there was "no one to drag" the offender for her. The producer, nevertheless, apologized to Buzova during a live broadcast on Instagram, writes Cosmo. But he pointed out that he has the right to express his opinion, as he is a professional in his field and condemns artists who perform to the phonogram. TV presenter subscribers have noticed more than once that she does not sing live at performances.

As for Buzova, I honestly did not intend to offend her. I am against when shamelessly using a phonogram, although Madonna and many stars use it, for example, in television projects, - said Victor Drobysh.

In addition, he invited Buzova to the New Star Factory, but on one important condition.

If she wants, she can come, but singing live is a condition, - added the producer.

Recently, a conflict occurred between Olga Buzova and Viktor Drobysh. It all started after the producer's ward Nastasya Samburskaya performed at the reporting concert of the New Star Factory, performing a number that made fun of singing to the soundtrack. The artist clearly wanted to pin up Olga Buzova. Nastasya even danced like the star of Dom-2 in one of her videos.

“This is an unworthy act of a man. How can you insult a girl? I simply do not have a person who would stand up for me. Who would just come and drag him! For once again publicly insulting me, ”said the star.

Drobysh nevertheless decided to apologize to Olga. “Olga, if you took it personally, I’m sorry,” the producer addressed Buzova during a live broadcast on Instagram. Victor also noted that he has the right to express his opinion, because he is a professional in the music field. The producer condemns artists who perform to the soundtrack, although he understands that this is sometimes necessary for technical reasons.

“As for Buzova, I, frankly, did not intend to offend her. I am against it when shamelessly using a phonogram, although Madonna and many stars use it, for example, in television projects, ”said Drobysh.

Victor, who is the producer of the New Star Factory, invited Buzova to take part in the project's reporting concert. “If she wants, she can come, but singing live is a condition,” concluded Drobysh.