When for the first time the tale of "Rack" and other details was published. Everything about repka, or is an amazing fairy tale! Different fairy tale options

When a fairy tale was published for the first time
When for the first time the tale of "Rack" and other details was published. Everything about repka, or is an amazing fairy tale! Different fairy tale options

Folk tales are something unique and distinctive. If you want to touch the culture of a native people, then be sure to read the works of folk creativity. Everyone in our country in childhood he listened to Russian fairy tales, and on their examples absorbed Russian culture and the concepts of good and evil, about how to flow in life. Fairy tales are actually a thicket of wisdom, even if they are, at first glance, simple and simple as "repka".

Tale "Pink"

A fairy tale "Rust" in Russia can tell anyone. And it is not surprising, because among the Russian fairy tales, it stands out for its simplicity and brevity - it takes only a few lines.

Russian fairy tale "Repka" - a fairy tale for children from the very early age. Its simple meaning will be understood even to the kids. This is one of the reasons that the children remember her well. However, if you consider in more detail, it becomes clear that the wisdom in it is contained not only for children.

What is the fairy tale "Repka"

In the Fairy Tale "Repka" we are talking about an old man who decided to plant a rep. When she was ripe, it turned out that she had grown very large. In fact, this is joy, however, the old man himself could not pull it alone. He had to call for the rescue of the whole family, first the grandmother, then his granddaughter, a dog bug, a cat, and only when the mouse came running, the family still managed to pull it out.

Note that there are a lot of options in folk creativity. For example, in one of the versions, the mouse did not call the reproit. The family was tired, trying to pull the vegetable, and went to sleep. The next morning it turned out that the mouse was resorted at night and ate all the rep.

The fairy tale is cyclical, because in her every time the order of harvest participants from the very beginning is primarily primarily.

When the Fairy Tale "Roka" was published for the first time

The tale of "Rust" for centuries told only orally. When for the first time a tale of "Rust" was published, then she immediately entered the collection of Russian folk fairy tales. The first publication saw the light in 1863, and it was recorded not only by all the well-known characters, but also the legs that also came to the rescue. What did the story stories mean under their feet - it is not clear to the end.

Self-book "Rack" first saw the light in 1910, and since then it is often published as a small book for children. After the publication of the Fairy Tazzle "Roka" it became clear that it takes quite a few space on paper, so many pictures are attached to this fairy tale.

The Fairy Tale of "Roka" is the original Russian, but there were several publications and abroad, including in France and in Israel.

Different fairy tale options

To date, you can find many different fairy tale options: some funny, some sad, and sometimes serious. It used to existed only 5 of its options, among which one is the original, created by the people himself. When for the first time a tale of "Rack" was published, she was recorded in the Arkhangelsk province. Also widely known options written by A.N. Tolstoy, and V.I. Dalem. Despite the fact that the fairy tale was recorded by different people, the meaning was not changed, only the style of presentation changed.

Also at different times, created their own options on the topic "Rusta" A.P. Chekhov, S. Marshak, K. Bulychev and other famous Russian writers.

It should be noted that the fairy tale inspired not only to create different options for presentation, but also a whole ballet, the creator of which D. Harms became the creator.

The meaning of the fairy tale

The folk tale "Rust" carries a much deeper meaning than just a harvest. The main sense is to show the strength of the family. Man one cannot do everything, he needs helpers, and in this case the family will always come to revenue. Especially since reaping the fruits of labor later, they will be all together. If you do everything together, it will be a lot, and even the smallest contribution to the common cause can sometimes solve its outcome. This simple, at first glance, the truth for some reason is often forgotten in life.

But even this is not the whole point. It becomes more understandable if you consider the historical conditions of the tale recording time. So, it was done even before the arrival of Soviet power, during the rule of the emperor. In those years, the villages existed a strong peasant community that performed work together. In this regard, a grandfather can be represented as one of the members of the community, which decided to do the whole thing one. I am commendable, of course, but only without other members who are represented by the grandmother, granddaughter and animals, he did not happen anything, and could not come out. In the community, even from the smallest and sickly cock, there is a good if he applies efforts and tries to do at least something.


Oddly enough, even the most simple fairy tale can inspire artists, such as "repka". When for the first time a tale of "Republic" was published, she did not yet contain pictures in himself, which is not surprising, because then it was a collection of stories for adults. However, later, a new breath gained a tale of "Rack". The pictures for the first time created Elizabeth Merkulovna Bem, they were published in 1881. More precisely, it was not pictures, but silhouettes. In the first editions of "Rack" was 8 sheets of silhouettes, and only one page with the text of the Fairy Tale "Repka". The pictures later cut and began to produce all the fairy tale on one sheet. From silhouettes E.M. Bem refused only in 1946. Thus, for more than half a century, the fairy tale was produced only with the same pictures.

Today, drawings to the fairy tale almost every book create new, so that children and parents have a choice. When the Cartoons began to shoot in the country, tapes on a folk tale were removed.

Participating in the marathon of Russian fairy tales. Already 100500 times wrote about the infinite love of the son to books. We mainly read poems and fun. But there is one fairy tale that we read from 3 months. - "Repka". I read her year !!! Everyday. Honestly, she was tired of me and I removed the book away. I recently got it again. Miroslav was extremely happy) so glad that we read the "repka" 9 times in a row! (I thought). Well, once to this book, Miroslava has increased attention, and Mom wants diversity, then the theater must be done) beat this fairy tale with the help of cards that are depicted characters. Grandma with a grandpae from books-puzlov (7 dwarves), a repka from the "Peace on Palm". Granddaughter, Bug, Mouse, Cat - This is the cards of the mushroom and the poles from the "speak with the pellery". It was interesting) I portrayed how Dage pulls a repkah like a grandmother runs to help, as granddaughter grabs a grandmother. And then I asked Miroslav to file me the following characters. He gave everyone) and the dog, and the cat, and the mouse and even voiced everyone) besides the mouse (this small, taper, son is not yet given. Now we read the "repka" every day, it is better than 9 times in a row). Remembered one case. I am 20, my friends in the club, we already leave and going to catch a taxi. Interested in those who "duty" there, everyone is asked 600-800₽ (usually died for 400.00) from Sukharevskaya to VDH. Yandex-Taxi was then no, so my girlfriend came out to "vote." I asked me: "Len, how much will you go?" And I'm joking: "For 100₽!" After 5 minutes the car was caught and the driver agreed to take me for 100.00. We are going, and he asks me. "Do you know the fairy tale" Repka? "Time 4 in the morning, I am with an unfamiliar man, in his car discussing the hidden meaning of the fairy tale🙄 . I thought that sense in helping each other, achieving the goal with joint efforts. He told me that there are 2 fairy tale options. Christian "repka" and Slavic. In the last, 9 characters, not 7. There is another mother and father. The initial meaning of the fairy tale is a connection with the genus, labor memory.


Grandfather - Wisdom (the eldest and wise planted repka - the treasure of kind)

Grandma - symbolizes the house, tradition, economic activity;

Father - Protection and Support;

Mother - love and care;

Granddaughter - offspring;

Bug - prosperity in the family (in order to preserve the prosperity of the dog);

Cat - peace, a blatant environment;

Mouse - Welfare (mice live where there is surplus food);

Repka - Honest wisdom, roots of the genus.

Christians removed the mother and father for two reasons:

1 - In Christians, a seminar system of perception, so the fairy tale has been reduced to 7 elements, as well as a week cut from 9 to 7 days (Slavs have a circular, or a nine system).

2 - Christians have protection and support - church, and love and care - Christ (the Slavs have defense and support - father, love and care - mother).

I do not know how true it is) I do not think that Christians sat and delete were pressed, whatever mother and father delete. But this version really is. After a conversation with a taxi driver, I googled. We talked a lot about him, about the genus, about marriage, about children. I got for a $ 13, but I got out of the car so loaded ... it would be better for 800 pages 😂

Tale about repka. Overview

"And they write, and write ... and what they write, they do not know. A lot of amateurs in the world, and a little competent, "he grumbled to themselves, reading the next opus, the all-knowing literary critic.
And people all read all over, they write, reason, discuss different topics. Who is in literature, who is politics, about biology, about life, love. .. and about fairy tales. Such, they are these people who are inquisitive, and interested, and everyone names them in gave immense expanses of unknown.

Amazing tale about repka! One simple reader on the simplicity of souvenous suggested that in antiquity fairy tales for kids small, implaced, to burn them with long retelling: Dage for a repkah, grandmother, granddaughter, grandmother, bug behind his granddaughter, cat One leg behind the mouse, a friend's foot for the first, third leg for the second, fourth leg behind the fifth. So pulled off the repka, all together, or familiar with the legs. It seems like a fairy tale about white bull, as if Barashkov believes for the night. How many bars can be counted for guy in the night? And five legs, what is enough? It is strange.
No, dear reader, not sleeping it. Namely five legs, and so it was at the beginning and conceived. Then, I see, the other was invented that they were managed only on their own.
Good tale. And about the continuity of generations, but only it is not clear where the mother with his father. But see, all is well in the family, if the granddaughter was nourished. Both friendship and mutual assistance, according to rankness, importance and growth. And what together any work and the task will be difficult to overcome, and you will be with good and in the health. Here is such a multiple, multidimensional and instructive tale. From a small chain - such force! Simple addition - and so power! It seems like an equation with all known.

Do we generally know about repka? And what is so special in it, that we are again and again, from generation to generation, tell her children? And is it worth it to make so much effort to solve, there can be only the apparent hidden secret meaning?

This is what specialists write: "It is believed that this fairy tale refers to chain fairy tale, in which dialogues or actions are repeated and developed as the plot develops ... Many of these fairy tales are relict (very ancients) .. The goal of such fairy tales is the development of speech in children, Beginners talk, so they are often the first fairy tales. Most folkloristic scientists tends to the fact that the creators of clinging fairy tales were people with young (childish) consciousness, that is, primitive societies. It is believed that such chainoidal structures corresponded to the archaic type of thinking. ".

That is, it turns out that there is no riddle in a fairy tale. And everything would be simple, if not legs. Yes, the fact that this fairy tale has few things to be strange. For all generations, and only four options! And although Aarn-Thompson in the signpost of the plots of the folklore fairy tale (No. 2044) leads its Lithuanian, Swedish, Spanish and Russian texts, but most likely, this is later borrowing, which, unfortunately, I have never managed to find anywhere. In later times, the fairy tale was printed in English-speaking, French publications, in China, Korea and even Japan, but all this, late retellings based on the Russian folk fairy tale.

So what is so attractive the original Russian ancient fairy tale, with its special vision and a subtle sensation of the world, in the inexplicable meaningfulness and simplicity of perception?
But first remember about the repove itself, and how much she meant in the life of the people.
"Rope (BRASSICA RAPA) is one-year-old grassy plant, cabbage family. Her homeland is considered West Asia. One of the most ancient cultivated plants. It was introduced into a culture about 40 centuries ago. The ancient Egyptians and the Greeks cultivate the turnip widely, but considered her food slaves and the poorest peasants. In ancient Rome, the liver repetitions used already representatives of all classes. Over time, turns spread in Western Europe. In Russia, the turnip from ancient times was an essential food product, there are mentions of the ancient chronicles. Until the XVIII century, the turnip was the main diet of the Russian diet. The turnip has wound-healing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and painkillers. Juice turnips drink with cough, throat pain. It improves sleep and soothes heartbeat. " "Hutsulsk Repa" is a holiday of Western Ukraine.
The biggest turnip (Guinness book) - about the repex weighing 33.1 kg reported in 1768 and about the rope weighing 23.1 kg reported with Alaska in 1981

Repugi, huge turnip; SP. Star. Repon field? Reflied apples or buds. Onion onion, bulbs, anti-high. green. Repecan, poverty, in general to the revpellation. Drops, caress. Nick round girl. Sink The tail of the vertebral animal, except for wool and hair; The whole connection of tail bones, the continuation of the vertebrae. The horse's horse will be trapped, yes halfstall Mahalki. | At the bird: a bubble on the ruin, on the knuckle.
Repa1, s, g. Face. Repoka grind. The turnip from the window put up. Clean the turnip (wash your face). Roll in (or expose) turnip; hit the face to face. Steer turnip; Make a steam bath for the face.

Now let's try to look deep into the centuries. In the world closed from us, the world of ancient Russia. Fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, riddles. It turns out that the riddles are so amazing that even sinful was considered to make them up. "Riddles along with most other oral works were pursued by the clergy. At the district diploma, Alexei Mikhailovich, riddling riddles are also condemned, like singing demonic songs." Blimey! Maybe therefore were sinful, and everyone thinks, but not everyone thinks? So maybe there are fairy tales because you have to say that the riddles are banned?
Old Russian riddles .. Here's the problem, to all the tasks - the task .. The wisdom people were ..
So I think that now it is not every riddle of the riddles.

Neither the sky nor the earth, the view of the light, sit on it with shaped birds. Two are cooked, two cohabit, one commands. (Paper and scribe.)
There is a degrees to the east with wide doors, about his a lot of military, each warrior is on a pouch. Adamela goes, took away all the estate. Vasny glory, earthly also! (Hive, bees, sting, wax, honey.)
In the white city, in the dark basement, stand in one barrel: Tsarevo Wine, Tsaritsyn honey, rose, not mixed (protein with yolk.)
I will make a riddle, I'll throw it out for the garden, in a year, the oneukovik groven. (Bread.)
Different, Male Makhnushka, Major, Mashu, Masha. (Varge).
Five sheeps stack approach, five sheeps away run away. (Flax is hiding).
Pike will move, the forest is swept away, in that place the city will become. (Spit, grass, Copa Sen.)
Hanging a woman on the ridges, all in the payments. Kosos, not directly, where are you going? You are steens, green, curly, you are steens. (Basket.)
Sito Vito about four corners, about a hundred legs, about seven humps. (Peasant hose)
Mother fat, daughter Krasnova, son Herber under the skies left. (Oven, fire, smoke)
Baba Yaga Vilails Leg, the whole world feeds, Hungry itself (Sokh).
Two ships come from God's Court, and the third on God's trial (sheaves on the cart)
Twelve eagles, fifty two tanks demolished one egg. (Year)
Two stand, two lie, the fifth walks, the sixth drives. (Door with perts.)
I was walking by, I saw Divo: hanging the boiler in the ninety bucket. (Moon).

Proverbs about the repex:
Round a girl like a repka;
Good (girl), like washing a repka!
Past of repka, like past girls, you will not pass - pinch.
The turnip is sold, and the WHO is covered.
Majet Klim Telah, rides in Crimea on the turnip.
Not dreamed the woman on regis.
It is clearly visible to the peasant on the repairs that the registers approached.
Cabbage yes repa belly is not blind.
In the post of radish tail
Repoka yes Pantsway is not praised.
Peas and repa - enviable business: who goes, Urvet.
Repa belly is not Krepa.
I went a pig in the gardeners: on carrots, on the turnip, on the white cabbage.
Repa - meat, do you eat.
Willowing repka, yes teeth are rare.
Turnu yes peas is not this road.
When will turn, then measure.
On the back the reverse is not sowing.
Simply paired turnip.
The turnip boiled, that with honey is good.
Who myself, like a paired turnip, is the other one to be blind.
Hungry Fedot and Republic to hunt.
Fish - water, turnip - land, and the berry is grass.
There is a turnip - a small honor.
We and the repka of the apple seems.
DIPU Yes Peas are sow for thieves.
Not every repack collects.
Spring and rectors are.
In the dirt room - at least this turnip.
Cheaper turnip paired, give the task.
Remember the turnup to give cabbage.
Eat though turnip instead of rye, and someone else's do not hold.
Stick: "Grandfather with a grandmother cleaned the clearing, sowed a repka ..."
Although you are Mother Powder. (obscene song. Such a Mother Sputter sing that they will worship in his feet.)
SE buy oramya land, and sophobes and sinks, and attestation. (Probably from Old Russian)

Riddles about repka and repove:
Shibu (Brooch) with a gibber, grows up with a dubcomer, cooler.
In the ground crumbs, from the land of pellet.
Under Dubcom, under the penney, nor a tuncher or a pebble.
Shelter itself, and the tail under him.
From above green, the survey is thick, at the end thin.
Crop, yes not a girl: with a tail, but not a mouse.

There was a turnip important, the old woman was divided into; You won't go around one day; At that turnip, half of my family and my two years ate, and the other half the other week; Cork was dulled yes the mare was supervised and the cart was unominded. That was wisdom recently morning! (Afanasyev, "Supports")

Here is such a repka.
FIR; TA, but; ha. Five legs for four, four but; gi for three, three, but; gi for two, two, but; gi for but; gu, but; hectares, a bitch behind his granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, Dedka for Rack, Tent-pull: stretched out a repka! (Afanasyev, folk Russian fairy tales; "Repka".)

And it seems that this is the most ancient version of the fairy tale, riddles. And this is why: In the footnote Afanasyev, the option began the beginning of a fairy tale recorded in the Vologda province: "There was an old man with an old woman, I saw a turnip. "Old woman! - calls the old man. - I walked, watched: Polypty repka. Let's go to tear. " They came to the repka, visit-sudidated: how to tear rob to us? The leg is running along the track. "The leg, allowing the Republic of Rip." Upholstered - Palvi could not snatch ... "

And while we do not understand what is behind the leg, legs, we are unlikely to solve the meaning of the fairy tale.

Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits ...

And most importantly, do you know how to pull the repka? And if she is very big? And they yourself tried to pull out or dragging something heavy in the same way as proposed in a fairy tale? Poor grandfather .. What did he like to drag a repka with this help ...
Neither burlaca that in the film Repin, did not drag so hard, exorbitantly heavy barges along the Volga ... Neither the horses, harnessed by Tsugom, did not have so heavy loads .. Yes, and pulling the ropes, not at the wrong rules. And the power here is summed according to other laws.

And we will not go into very well-looking in the fairy tale details of the lifestyle and customs of that time, relationships and hierarchies - all this is. Let's try to look into the deep meaning of the fairy tale, adding about the wealth, wisdom and poetry of the Russian people.

The first thing that comes in associations is an astronomical subtext. The calendar.
Old Fedot sits at the gate, the account leads:
Dozen counts and Syznova begins. (the calendar).
Twelve eagles, fifty two tanks demolished one egg. (Year).
Above the grandmother's window hanging the reapest. (Moon)
We have on the window, full of turnips of Lukoshko. (Star).
Hungry Fedotal and Republic in hunting ...

In the classic version - repka, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, Murka, mouse - seven days of the week.
In ancient fairy tale: Repkaran, grandmother, granddaughter, bitch and five legs. Year \u003d 9 months. Ancient Slavic calendar. But I know little about him. Therefore, it seems strange.
There may still be sun and 9 planets.

There is still an explanation for the construction: "The fifth leg - in the ancient Slavs - the designation of the rafter angle, which makes up about 60-70 degrees. Such an angle allows you to activate the energy of the Earth under construction and activate the ascending torsion vortex - so that the energy of the Earth goes into the construction and updated the power indoor energy. Legs are rafters that keep the roof. Fairy Tale Rust - Instructions of how it is necessary to put the roof of the house in height and steepness: the first foot - the roof for the barn, the second - for the poultry house, the third - for pets, the fourth - for the Terema ("House" in Old Russian - coffin), fifth - for choir. "

But these explanations are probably known to everyone. And all for a long time.
And here.
Turnp - which is easier than the paired turnip. I won't put on the Lordsk table. But all year round feeds, although the abdomen is not circled. Reparateness, reparation. Pull out the wealth will become. Pull out the adversity away, the happiness will come. All the same way!
The turn is that the sun is that gold is bright. But the turnpa and as a head of everything, a lot of benefits. And it is hard to lift - that the stone is dragging.
But before gravity drag, we will deal with the meaning of words. So, just in case, suddenly, what a tip will be discovered.

Head - Circle, Voivod, Sometimes A thing, like a head like a head like eg Head of Sugar; head bow Golo; FIRS; sowing. Pillow, serve from the soul, from my head.

Grandfather, father father.
Dingka, the same thing that the house.
Dedo; K- Mn. - Dog; "Burning, burdock".
Dedok, not an old peneck ..

Grandma - detail of some machines.
- Shepherd, simplified version of women.
- dish of Belarusian cuisine from potatoes.
- Device to beat brakes.
Grandma (or EAP) - the lower part of the limb (legs) of the horse.
Grandmas - Popular bones of animals used in the folk game of the same name.
- Old folk game.
- The integral name of the money. (Wenger. Babka). Coin in Hungary \u003d Our pennies.
Grandmother. Several sheaves of the lies set in a certain way.
Musicity grandmother. Arch. Mushroom raincoat.

Granddaughter - Mnuchka, Introduction, Ukr. ONU; K, Dr.-Russk. Vlank, Bulge. Grandson, Mnuk. about kinship glory. Words with Dr.-ind. ANVAN; C "Next", convincingly explains D.-V.N. enenchel; How to reduce. from D.-V.N. Ano "ancestor", ana "grandmother.
Onuchi-onucha is a long wide (about 30 cm) a strip of white, black or brown fabric (canvas, wool).
Mnu- MNY, MNI; TO I, PO; Remember, Dr.-Russian MJ; Ty, Main - Dr.-ind. MA; NYAT;, MANUT ;; "Thinks, remembers," Ma; NAS Wed. R. "Mind, Spirit, Mind"
Manna- "Temptation, Primanka", Wed. Dig; n, mani;
MNAS- "MINA, ancient coin", Bible, Dr.-Russian., St.-Slav. Menas. From Greek. ;;;;;;;; "mine"

Such a "dry, cook", only Dr.-Russian. Such a "boiled, digest", TsSlav. C; read, pr; s; Chitty "dry". It is considered relatives of Dr.-Isl. Sangr "burned", Sr.-v.-N., Nov.-v.-N. Sengen "burn.
Suk, bitch. - Ukr. Suk, Dr.-Russian., St.-Slav. C; To, Bulge. Customer, serboorv. Su; K, Praslav. * SO; Kъ gets closer to Lit. AT-; Anke ;; "Hook, ledge on a tree, stick," Dr.-ind. c; a; ku; s; m. "Acute peg, wooden nail, count",
By the way, Zhukovina. 1Zikin. 2 Convex side of the hill. 3 consensus, stupid cant timber or dyed log. 4 Swamp left on the ribs of timber. 5thta between the wrenches of the logs.
(And bitch, and bug, but everything is in construction).
And in addition, to understand why the bitch and Zhukovina: Vaga.1. "Weight, gravity", 2. "Scales", 3. "Crossbar on the TV Dyshle", 4. "Lever". Also dial. Wag "Device to raise the wagon with lubricant", Slane. VA; GA, Polish. Waga "Weight", Cesh. VA; HA, Golub (321) sees here Ionoslav. the root, which he refers to Vesu;, carry;
Like cooki from the solar, and Vaga from the waga ...? VA; Women's-Vazha; SAF "SEK OF THE NORTH REINE for the fourth year," Arkhang. (S); borrow. from SAAM. kilda v; d;

And now I clarify what it is all:
Have you seen how to pull large, very large stones from the ground, without winches and modern technical devices? How do untreated forest areas originate? And to build a log hut tried alone? Can you cope with this difficult thing? And log logs to raise, and grind stones? Easily! If you know how. My dad built. And the skills had to be taught by his old people in those distant-distant times under Pskov.

For a memo fairy tale. Grandfather grow a meadow, the stamps are laid down from the road so that the legs go on a straight track.

Stretch? Does not work? But in order to pull the big boulder from the Earth, it will be necessary and the stumps will need, and grandmother, so that the pencils did not go, and onchuchi for strapping and legs for lifting yes for the lever. Who pulled out - that Republic recalled.
Yes, and not the master I am in building matters on lifting weights, but who is interested, can be curious as in ancient times he lifted, there are pictures there, and everything is intelligible: http://laiforum.ru/viewtopic.php?f\u003d44&t\u003d 2084.
"More Archimedes, if you believed to the sources that came to us, could alone move the cargo ship with three masts, which hardly pulled out several dozen slaves ashore. This was the progenitor until now the device used to the device. With the help of this device, you can not only raise logs to the height, but with the same success to lower heavy items. The device is applied in many areas, not only in construction, but also for descent and lifting deck boats. "

Here is the whole little review. Maybe not very foldable. But the fairy tale is chibko wisdom. And if you find it better, I will write better.

And, finally, for a variety, a small story of Chekhov about a repka, his translation from the child:
"Lived, grandfather da Baba. There were lived and gave rise to Serzh. Serge's ears have long and instead of a repkah head. Serge grew up a big-premierant ... pulled his grandfather behind her ears; pulls, pulls, stretch into people can not. I clicked grandfather grandmother.
Grandma behind the grandfather, Dage for a repkah, pull-pull and can't stretch. I clicked the grandmother's princess.
Aunt for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repka, pull-pull, stretch into people can not. Kumagna Kuma-General clicked.
Kum for aunt, aunt for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dage for a repkah, pull-pull, can't pull out. Did not suffer grandfather. He gave him daughter for a rich merchant. He clicked a merchant with straws.
A merchant for Kuma, kum for aunt, aunt for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repkah, pull-pull and stretched out his head-repkah in people.
And Serge became a Stat adviser. "

The fairy tale is a lie yes in it a hint of a kind well done lesson.

I continue the topic of Slavic fairy tales. This time I will tell you about the original sense of the tales of a repka. Unlike a fairy tale about Kolobka (about which I told last time) the changes in the "repkah" underwent not such global and meaning who wanted to convey to us ancestors can be understood without the initial option.

This fairy tale points to the relationship between generations, as you have already guessed, and also indicates the interaction of temporary structures, forms of life and forms of existence.

In the modern version of this fairy tale you know, there are lack of two characters that existed initially - Father and Mother.
Christians removed the father and mother for two reasons (initially 9 characters were, and it became 7):

1 - Christian has a seminar system of perception, so the fairy tale has been reduced to 7 elements, as well as a week cut from 9 to 7 days (the Slavs had a circular or nine system).

2 - Christians have protection and support - the church, and love and care - Christ, and the Slavs have defense and support - father, love and care - mother.

In each of the nine characters, there was a hidden image:

Repka - symbolizes the heritage and wisdom of the kind, its roots. It seems to unite the earthly, underground and overhead.
- Grandfather is wisdom to ancient wisdom.
- grandma - traditions of the house, business.
- Father - protection and support.
- Mother - love and care.
- Granddaughter - symbolizes offspring.
- Bug - wealth in the family (the dog started to protect weakness).
- Cat - symbolizes a blatant situation in the family (cats - human energy harmonizers).
- Mouse - symbolizes the well-being of the family (it was believed that the mouse lives where there is surplus products).

In the Slavs, the original meaning of this fairy tale was as follows: to have a connection with the family and generic memory, living in harmony with relatives and happiness in the family.

Next time I will talk about the image of the Yaga's women, and if it turns out that I will tell you about the blasting immortal and about his role in Slavic culture.

In some kingdom, the garden state, there were vegetables.
They grew in beds. What was there just no vegetables and different other greenery! And in the very center, a large strong turnip was sitting on the garden. Gondo glanced at all, making their lush patterned leaves. "What am I beautiful! - Rope boasted, - I was not in vain in the most prominent place. I am so ripe, so tasty. And how I love me. Look, what I am round and yellow, like the sun. No, I'm better than the sun! "
"Let me notice that I look like in the sun," sunflower intervened.
- Where did you see such a long stick at the Sun? - Yazvila Repa, - Yes, you are just a pole with a flat head.
The insulted sunflower turned his golden head, full, like a bowl, black ripe seeds, so as not to see this boast.
"Poor carrots, what are you thin, what pale!" - Repary exclaimed. And Carrots, who considered themselves beauties, were even more blushing from indignation.
"Ah, polka dot, what are you fragile! Once - and overrered. And I sit calmly, pour juice, "the turnip continued to brag. And the dissatisfied peas only twisted his mustache and regretted that he could not reach the turnip. I would have shown this rubbish, how to behave.
And the repa was not thrown: "Poor cabbage - loose dresses. How she loves rain! And where dampness, there are slugs. Oh, they will eat it. "
-We all love rain, - puffs in response to the cabbage, - rain and sun are our friends.
-I, cucumbers! - Screamed repa, - you are so green, it means that you have not slept yet.
-No, we slept, kept, - they argued the cucumbers and covered with sampies from such sores.
The whole garden kingdom was displeased by the behavior of a boastful turnip.
Here the hostess came to the garden. She began to carefully select vegetables to dinner. Going around the garden, the woman cut off the kochan cabbage, pulled out beets and a couple of carrots, shouted a bee of potatoes, then threw several fruits from a tomato bush, and a parsley, dill and green onions chose out of the greenery. She was already going to leave, but, having spoiled, came to the repex and jerked her for a lush tail. So yellow and the round turned out to be at the very top.
The kitchen was hot. In the saucepan of bubotal broth. The hostess took out vegetables from the basket and began to prepare lunch. She deftly wrapped the knife, cutting vegetables, and said: "What a juicy cabbage!"
- Well, well, well! - Given the knife.
- Wonderful carrot! And the beets as quickly looked.
The hostess praised all the vegetables that took into hand. Tomato was gentle, and potatoes are large, as piglets. The turnip lay in the basket and waited for his turn. The knife has already crumble greens.
"Oh, what fragrance, Borsch turned to fame," - the woman began to cover on the table.
-And what about me? - Wanted turnip.
A fluffy cat spinning near the plate, squeezed the nose and rubbed about the legs of the hostess. The buzzing flies flew into the window and began to circle over the pan.
Family sat down dining. Nobody remembered about the reverse. It did not pay attention to it. And she lay aside with the drooping leaves, not necessary for anyone, and she became so ashamed for her bragging. "Not so much is bad," thought repa, "you just try me, I will no longer boast."
Lunch ended. The hostess approached the basket, pulled out a yellow tail fortress, cleaned it and cut it into pieces.
"Here is a repka, in the ground sat tight, juicy, sweet, melts in the mouth. Who wishes?
-I, I, I, - Children shouted.
Woman smiled in response: "Eat on health. Today the holiday of vegetables. "
And the turnip is growing every year in the garden, but no longer boasts.