When to sow salad into open soil in spring? How to grow a leaf salad.

When to sow salad into open soil in spring? How to grow a leaf salad.
When to sow salad into open soil in spring? How to grow a leaf salad.

For the cultivation of salad, any climatic conditions are suitable. It is important that the place for sowing the salad is sunny (otherwise in the leaves will accumulate nitrates_ and the soil, it has been shred to a greater depth. When growing early spring, only early salad varieties should be used, with a later, respectively, summer.

Salad grade with photos and descriptions, reviews

Iceberg Salad, Characteristics

New yield variety of crispy jam salad. From the moment of seedlings to technical ripeness takes 75-90 days. This variety is designed for cultivation in the spring-summer period. Sustained for shorting.

Salads are large, dense, weighing 300-600 grams. Corrugated leaves, with wavy edges, juicy, bubble, crispy, long retain freshness. Taste quality varieties are high.

Salad leaf sandwich

Excellent grade of salad of early ripening. It is grown in an open and protected soil. Salad leaves Light green, gentle, crispy, with a high content of vitamins and mineral salts.

Sheet salad sandwich is ideal for consuming fresh, cooking sandwiches, salads, dishes decoration.

Salad Euridica

Mediterranean, half-grained grade of salad. It grows in open ground and film greenhouses.

The outlet of the medium-sized leaves, semi-rotated, compact, about 35 cm height, with a diameter of about 33 cm. Large sheet, dark green, bubble, with a wavy edge, crispy consistency. It has excellent taste.

Mass (average weight) of an adult plant 450 grams.

Salad Sheet Fire Bird

Early grade of salad, the harvest of which can be collected already in 45-50 days from the moment of seedlings. The plant forms large outlet of intense red-ruby-colored, with delicate, crispy leaves. Salad leaves Fire birds contain an increased amount of vitamins and mineral salts.

This salad variety is suitable for year-round cultivation in the open and secure ground throughout Russia.

Dignities of variety: Favorough resistance, rapid growth at any length of the day, excellent taste.

Salad Odessa Kuchecheryman

Mid-line (68-75 days from shoots to cleaning) grade of half-blooded type. The plant forms a loose rosette of an average value, a diameter of 24-32 cm, weighing up to 200 grams. Leaf Venero-shaped with corrugated edge, crispy consistency, with excellent taste.

The Odessa Cuccavern is grown in open ground and film shelter. For continuous harvest from June to autumn, sowing in open ground is carried out from April to August. The depth of seed seed 1-2 cm.

The seedlings of the salad seeds are seeded in March -APLEL, planting plants produced in May - June.

Salad yield: 2.7-5.0 kg / sq. M. Variety is resistant to flowerness.

Salad leaf Grand

Riding grade of sheet salad. From shoots to harvesting takes 45 days. The plant forms a large, juicy leaf of light green color with severe curly.

Grand variety is distinguished by high rosette equalization.

Dignities of variety: Stable to the color, to the edge of burns and necrosis.

Salad crisp vitamin

Medium grade of sheet salad. From germination to ripeness takes 38-45 days. The plant is compact, with a diameter of about 15-18 cm, with green, crispy leaves (on the edge of openwork).

Cutting vitamin salad variety contains many vitamins and useful acids. It is recommended to search for several times during the season. Dignities of variety: High yield, crispy leaf consistency, long period of economic fitness, resistance to stalk and low light.

Salad Lisovaya Kitete.

Early grade of sheet salad. Forms a represented outlet with a height of 20-25 cm and a diameter of about 25 cm. Middle size leaves, oblong, reddish with strong anthocyanic color, weakness, wavy along the edge, with cuts in the top of the top. Consistency oily leaves. The taste is excellent.

Yield Salad kite - 2.5 kg / sq. M.

Royal leaf salad

High-yielding wrecked grade salad. Forms large sockets of corrugated leaves, bright in the center and dark green around the edges.

It is characterized by a long term of consumer suitability, not smoldering, very decorative. It is recommended to grow in an open and secure soil.

Salad Lakaka

Riding grade of sheet salad. The period from shoots to cleaning is 40-45 days. The leaves of yellow-green, weakly wrinkled, with a wavy edge. The average weight of one plant is up to 200 grams.

Landca salad variety is designed for growing in an open and protected ground. In the open soil sowing from the end of April to mid-July. In film non-heated greenhouses sowing / landing in 3 decade of April - 1 decade of May.

Planting scheme: 20 × 20 cm.

Salad Lolo Byendo

Early grade of sheet salad. From the moment of germination to technical ripeness takes 40-45 days. Yellow-green leaves, curly, fragrant, juicy and crunchy. Compact socket, rounded shape, weighing 200-300 grams. The leaves curly, fragrant, juicy and crunchy, yellow-green color, delicate taste, form a compact rosette of a rounded shape.

The average weight of one socket is 200-300 grams. The variety is suitable for year-round cultivation in open ground and greenhouses.

Salad Lollo San.

Early high-yielding salad grade. The period from shoots to ripeness is 40-45 days. Green leaves, very decorative, corrugated. The socket-head is loose, with a diameter of 15-20 cm.

The grade is resistant to short.

Salad Lollo Ross

The most popular grade of leaf salad. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 40-55 days. The plant is high, represented, with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Leaves of gentle, wrinkled, curly, light green painting with a wide reddish-pink edge.

Dignities of variety: Good taste, sake-up resistance, decorativeness. Lollo Ross Salad is often used to decorate flower.

Salad leaf Elash, characteristic

Mid-veterinary high-yielding grade of salad. The average weight of one plant is 150-200 grams.

Dignities of variety: Resistance to edible leaf burn, high taste quality.

Salad Moscow Greenhouse

Riding grade of sheet salad. From germination to harvest takes place only 35 days. Pale green leaves, gentle, juicy, with beautiful taste.

Salad Salad Moscow Greenhouse is ideal for consuming fresh, cooking sandwiches, salads, dishes decoration.

Salad Cochanic Kolobok

New Late Vetera Salad Salad. From 55 to 75 days from germination to technical ripeness.

It is grown in open soil and film shelters. Casuals are large, weighing up to 600 g. Leaves are red with white veins, very juicy, with spicy taste.

Fresh cochanists are rich in vitamins and minerals, recommended for the preparation of salads.

Salad Club, photo and description

Early grade crispy leaf salad. 40-42 days passes from germination to technical ripeness.

The plant forms a raised outlet with a diameter of 25-28 cm, the leaves are reddish, large, strongly wrinkled, juicy and gentle. Mass of the outlet up to 160 grams.

Salad of a leaf mischief

Early grade of sheet salad. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 39-43 days. The socket made of green, bubble, very wavy along the edges of the leaves.

The average weight of one socket is 150-160 grams. Consistency crisp leaves.

Salad leaf robin

Lateur-leaf salad grade. The ripening period is 50 days. It is recommended for cultivation in various climatic zones, in open ground and winter greenhouses.

Variety is resistant to flowerness.

Salad leaf fairy tale

Early grade of sheet salad. Ripening period is 46-49 days. The outlet of the leaves is large, weighing up to 250 grams.

Dignities of variety: Sailing to shortness, rapid growth at any length of the day.

Salad Typhoon

A new average grade of leaf salad. Large sheet is large, green, weakly recycled, wavy around the edge, with crispy fabric consistency, juicy and gentle taste.

Dignities of variety: Stable to flowerness, rapid growth at any length of the day.

Salad Truffle

Medium grade salad. Gentle leaves, crispy, corrugated, due to the reddish-burgundy edge look very effectively and indispensable for decorating dishes.

Salad grade Truffle is suitable for year-round cultivation in open ground and winter greenhouses.

Salad leaf season miracles

Lovely raw grade of sheet salad. The plant forms a large rosette, 25 cm high and a diameter of 25-40 cm. Mass of one socket about 150 g.

Middle size sheet, dark red, wavy, juicy, curly, bubble, crispy consistency. Fresh leaves are excellent, gentle leaves.

Mix of Salad Multivitamin

Wonderful mixture of fast-growing salads, with a growing season 40-45 days.

Plants form large outlets exclusively decorative leaves. Delicate leaves, crispy, juicy, with good taste.

The mixture is suitable for year-round cultivation in the open and protected soil.

And what are the grades of salad do you think the most delicious? What varieties salad without bitterness, with delicate leaves you advise you to plant our readers?

Your feedback on grades and additions will help many gardeners to pick up the best varieties of green, red, leaf and cooked salad.

If possible, attach to the reviews of the photo of the salad grown by you. Thank you!

Regardless of whether you ended with your free place in a garden or you just want to grow a salad all year round, this plant is easy and easy to raise at home. Since the salad feels great at room temperature and direct sunlight, it adapts well to home conditions and calmly survives with basic care. Even if you have never previously contained any plants at home, you will not need anything other than the usual soil for trampling seeds, water, fertilizer and backlight or sunshine so that the plants grow strong. A month after landing, seeds will already be able to assemble the crop of salad!


Part 1

Sowing seed salad in pots

    Choose such a salad variety that feels well at home. Despite the fact that most salad varieties can be grown at home, with some of them you will be easier to succeed than with others. Purchase in the garden center or store seeds any varieties of salad from the following:

    • "Moscow greenhouse";
    • "Emerald Lace";
    • "Parliament";
    • "Dubrava";
    • "May";
    • "Parisian green";
    • "Betner";
    • Merlot.
  1. Fill the pot of the soil to trampling seeds. The soil for pasting seeds should be easy to promote root growth and provide good drainage, not allowing water to stammer. If you fail to find a special soil for seed distances, it can be prepared independently of equal parts of sphagnum or coconut fiber, vermiculite and sand.

    Press the seeds into the ground at a distance of about 2.5 cm from each other. Dock the hole in the ground with a depth of 1-1.5 cm and put into it the salad seeds at a distance of about 2.5 cm from each other. Limit four seeds to the pot so that you do not need to cut the shoots when they appear. If you want to plant more than four seeds, prepare several pots in advance.

    Slightly pour seeds with soil and water with water. Take the handful of soil and carefully sprinkle the salad seeds. Fill the pulverizer with water and carefully moisten the soil so as not to wash the seeds from it.

    If you do not want to wait for germs, immediately plant salad seedlings. If you do not have enough patience to wait for germs, the salad can be planted. Use the same technique as if you were planted seeds: Squeeze no more than four plants in pots.

    • Ready seedlings of salad can be bought from or searching in garden centers.

    Part 2

    Survey care
    1. Moisturize the soil in pots from the spray gun every day until shoots appear. When the seeds are good, the salad will need watering, equal about 25 mm of precipitation per week. Double-to-day finger check the state of the soil and water it when it is dry.

      • The soil should remain wet, but not overcooked.
      • Another way to check the moisture level is to raise a pot. If he is heavy, then the soil is saturated with water.
    2. Grow salad in room temperature. Salad is best grows at a temperature of 18-21. If necessary, include air conditioning or heating to provide plants as stable temperature conditions.

      • If the outside is quite warm or cool, you can periodically set plants on fresh air.
    3. Place the pots with a salad on the sunny window or under a fluorescent lamp. Best salad grows under direct sunlight. If you live where very little sun, buy a fluorescent lamp in the garden center and hang it over a salad at a distance of about 30 cm.

      Water the salad when the leaves begin to wither. Lettuce leaves begin to slug noticeably when the plant lacks water. If you have noticed that the leaves drooped, paint the salad so that the soil becomes a moal, but not overcooked and risky.

      • The higher the air temperature, the more often it is necessary to water the salad.
    4. Spend a salad feeder three weeks after landing. For growth, the Salat needs nitrogen fertilizers, so three weeks after planting seeds or when the first leaves appear, spray the shoots with liquid fertilizer. Spray the fertilizer closer to the soil so that it does not get directly on the leaves and did not leave burns on them.

    Part 3.

    1. Be proceed to the harvest of salad 30-45 days after landing. On average, the salad is required 30-45 days to grow from a seed into an adult plant. Put the appropriate label in the calendar to proceed with the harvest of approximately 30 days.

      • The home salad constantly continues to grow and talk, so after you break the leaves from it for the first time, it will later be possible to continue to shoot a crop.
      • The grown salad at home usually grows up to 10 cm in height.

In the field conditions, salad is one of the most ordinary crops in terms of care and cultivation. Because of such a short period of vegetation, it practically does not occur neither pests or diseases. Unless against possible root rotes it is worth using the Trehodermine biological preparation.

The difficulties in the cultivation of salad include only enough time-consuming sowing with small seeds, as well as the need to thinning or picking out of the cassettes in a seaside process of cultivation.

Another little difficulty with which you probably have to face with the cultivation of salad in the open soil - the need for the first time to remove the agriculture with the beds in the morning and cover them again overnight. Shelter the planting of salad in the spring, at the end of March - early April.

We choose salad grade

Recently, the salad due to increased popularity has become a culture of intensive selection. Its varieties are very diverse - leaf, semi-courses, cooked, with straight, weakly and very curly leaves, varying degrees, coloring, slightly ground or neutral taste. For a culture on the windowsill, you can choose recommended for greenhouses that are resistant to graft and hybrids of leading world breeders.

In addition, there are very popular grades of the salad of domestic selection: from the Kochanny - "Kuchecher Odessa", "Lviv 85", "Stone Head", from the leafy - "ballet" (resistant to flowering and lack of light), "Tornado" (resistant To flowering), "Dubrava", "Fun", "Emerald" (resistant to flowering), from semi-courses - "excitement", "Gribovsky Kudryavets" (resistant to flowering).

Sowing salat

Severe salad can be in a few times with an interval of 10-12 days. But note that since the second half of May, the plant is likely to bloom and will give because of this bitter leaves. The same problem arises when sowing dry soil, therefore, in the period from July to August, only the grades-resistant varieties are seeded. Although the salad is a cold-resistant culture, in the earliest time (as soon as snow comes down) it is better to sow it under the film or under the agriculture.

The distance between the seeds during the crop must be as follows: 4-5 cm for leafy (with a frame of 20 cm), 8-10 cm for half-cocked and 10-12 cm for coastal forms (with a framework of 30-35 cm). Seed seed depth - 1.5-2 cm.

Salat care

Salad boosts pretty quickly - about 8-10 days. In the future, for its cultivation, it is necessary to maintain the soil in loose state, watering, combining it with weeding weeds. The lack of direct sowing salad in the ground - in the need to solve in phase 3-4 of these leaves. However, such plants are already suitable for food purposes. Attempting to do without thinning, immediately living seeds at the required distance, not suitable due to the unreliable germination of salad. After thinning, the plants are left at a distance of 15-20 cm - for sheet and half-blooded shapes and 30-35 cm - for coastal varieties.

Growing sediate

If you grow a salad sediment, you can get greens even earlier and do without time-consuming thinning. In late February - early March, sit in the cassette one seed into the cell. After germs, it is important to make cassettes in a cold and bright place, creating a temperature of + 12-15 ° C during the day and + 8-10 ° C at night. In phase, 1-2 of the present leaves, reoperate the seedlings under the agriculture with the specified density, clairping the weak and not ascended.


For salad, the cassette or pot seedlings is best suited (in peat cubes). Seedlings do not tolerate damage to the root system. Salad must be squeezed very finely - so that the peat cube does not completely burst into the ground and touched the level of soil at 0.5-1 cm. With a plated landing, the lower leaves are amazed with mushroom diseases and boot. If fertilizers were not made from the autumn under the recovery, it is possible to make them in bed when landing.

Greens love literally everything. Salad leaves are also extremely popular and useful, since their composition includes many trace elements, vitamins. Salad is a source of fiber that has a positive effect on digestion. It is for these reasons that each dachnik tries to grow a plant on its plot. When to plant a salad in open soil in the spring of 2019? Accurate dates for various climatic regions will help to take seeds in a timely manner.

Salad growing agricultural equipment is simple, no special plant care is needed to conduct

When to plant a salad in an open soil in spring in the middle lane?

Nutritionists have long been recommended to include lettuce leaves into the diet of each person. Plant fiber is a nutrient medium for millions of bacteria in the intestine. By eating salad leaves, we provide bacteria with the necessary power, and they, in turn, allocate vitamins by fermentation. Our body receives a lot of useful substances, thanks to the well-coordinated work of bacteria.

Salad is very simple. The plant is cold-resistant and transfers short-term, night decreases. However, if the cooling is expected below -5 degrees, crops are recommended to hide. In the southern regions it is not necessary to organize the shelter, which facilitates the task when growing salad.

Sowing seeds in the open soil in the middle lane of Russia can be proceeding in the second decade of April - early May. The plant develops well at temperatures above + 10-15 degrees. When the snow came down from the site, it is time for the preparations. If the summer resident wants to collect the harvest all summer, the sowing work repeat every 10 days. Before this, planting material is treated with phytosporin preparation to destroy the pathogens of diseases.

When to plant a salad into an open soil in the spring through the lunar calendar?

More and more dachensons when planting plants, not only on the weather, but take into account the phases of the moon. It was noted that sowing on a growing moon positively affects the germination of seeds, the growth and development of cultures. We offer to find out when to plant a salad in open soil in the spring of 2019 on the lunar calendar:

  • april - from 6 to 18;
  • may - from 6 to 18;
  • june - from 4 to 16;
  • july - from 3 to 16;
  • august - from 2 to 14;
  • september - from 1 to 13.

With long vegetation, lettuce leaves become bitter and tasteless. Such plants are removed. So that the whole season has greens, seeds every 10 days are filled with the right amount. The garden must be freshly dried, and the soil fertilized by organic substances.

The name of salads combines a large number of plants of different in appearance and related to various families. Among them are knoculars, similar to cabbage, there are leafy - who use the leaves in food, there are also those that are on the age of seedlings. It combines them and the fact that all of them, possessing a unique taste, are used in cooking more often without prior heat treatment and contain a large number of vitamins, minerals necessary for human, minerals and biologically active substances.

Types and varieties of salads

Cress Salad.

Cress Salad, sometimes called falcline. It has pleasant taste and high nutritional properties. His use in food has a beneficial effect on the whole organism as a whole. Its original leaves are used to decorate various dishes. The fragrant greens of this salad are perfectly combined with many vegetables and gas stations, contributes to getting rid of some diseases, increases the body's immunity.

A ready-to-collect salad is a rather large, half-scattered outlet of the leaves. He has bright green leaves with a wavy edge. Granted varieties with a reddish color socket.

Salad leaves crunchy, sweetish taste. This species is most common in the world. It is suitable for the preparation of salads, serves as vitamin decoration of meat, fish and vegetable dishes.

Batavia leaves enrich the human diet with vitamins of the group B, RR, ascorbic acid, beta-carotine, magnesium, phosphorus. The use of this salad in food will help in the fight against anemia.

Salad copy of a white cabbage possessing a cabbage crunch. Also resistant to reduced temperatures, continuously stored in the refrigerator. A slightly bitter taste allows him to be combined with a variety of products - meat, bird, smoked, boiled eggs, seafood. The original taste of salad is emphasized by sour cream sauce. Green leaves of iceberg can be used as mini salad bowls for serving.

Iceberg leaves practically do not contain calories, but it has a lot of fiber, minerals and vitamins. The additive in the diet of this salad will improve the metabolism, will help with a decrease in weight.

L.atuk Sheet (coral salad)

The most famous grades of Lollo-Rosso Lollo and Lollo-Biono. These salads have bright leaves painted in combination of green and burgundy flowers. The edges of the leaves are charmingly curly.

Lightly bitter with nuts, taste successfully combines it with vegetable salads and fried meat products.

Lollo salads are rich in potassium, magnesium and iron, quickly absorbed by the digestion system. It is recommended in dietary nutrition for diseases of the endocrine system and elevated pressure.

The nearest relative of dandelions. This salad is gray-green unusual openwork leaves on unusually thin stalks.

Arugula is rich in vitamin C and iodine. Its use stimulates the operation of the digestion system and strengthens the immunity.

Fragrant rustic leaves with nutty-hazardous taste have an invigorating effect. Salad perfectly complements the taste of such products like meat, tomatoes, cheeses, seafood, improves salads from greens, gives piquancy paste. The food uses only gentle leaves, the stem is more bitter and hard in cooking. As a natural aphrodisiac is useful to men, and women appreciate the salad for assistance in preserving harmony.

Crispy Salads Frieze, Endivia and Exarional

The variety refers to the middle-friendly time of ripening. Vintage is ready to collect 60-70 days after sowing. Salad juicy, a little crispy greens with excellent taste. During the growth of the seed, the rosette of light green, wavy along the edges of the leaves grows. Each such socket can reach 210. The advantages of the variety can be attributed to obtain a harvest at any time of the year, the absence of bitterness in the leaves, resistance to reduced temperatures and diseases, a short timing of crop ripening, high decorativeness of plants.

Salad consists of bright green, crispy leaves. They have a sweet-tart taste with a walnut tint and a delicate fragrance. Green is rich in organic acids. The use is very widely from hamburgers to filling salads. In the original recipe, the lettuce "Caesar" uses the leaves precisely Salad Romen. It is successfully combined with other varieties of salads.

For the similarity of the leaves of lettuce with oak leaves, this salad is sometimes called oak. In the marketable form is rubberous kochens red or green with a thin nut flavor. A gentle kochan is not saved for more than a day - it must be used in food as quickly as possible.

The taste of oak salad complements the tastes of smoked salmon, mushrooms and avocado. The leaves are added to desserts. For salad dressing, light sauces are used, which do not drown out your own taste of leaves.

The regular addition of oactually in the diet will help improve the composition of the blood, increase the flow of vitamins of the group B, P, PP, E, K, ascorbic acid, organic acids.

Salad with bitter-tart tint of taste. The inthibin contained in it improves digestion.

In finished dishes are used in fresh or stewed. From the roots prepare a substitute for coffee.

How to grow salad

You can grow a salad in several ways:

  1. grow outdoer through seedlings;
  2. grow salad with direct sowing into the ground;
  3. grow a salad on the windowsill.

The cultivation of seedlings begins with the choice of varieties and preparation. Salads of type asparagus or jamble can be obtained directly sowing in the ground, and it is possible through seedlings. Salad Romen, with a long period of cultivation only across seedlings.

A seaside method of growing salad allows you to get a harvest almost a month earlier. With this method of plants, it turns out more evenly humming, moreover, the consumption of seeds is reduced by almost 10 times.

The components of good seedlings are seeds with good germination and loose nutrient soil.

Preparation of seeds

The germination of high-quality seeds should be at least 80%, and age no more than 4 years. The full-fledged seeds are taken with a solution of a table salt with a concentration of 3-5%. Seeds are poured by this brine and withstand 15-20 minutes in it. Those seeds that pop up - remove, falling on the bottom - washed in running water and used for sowing.

Seed seeds selected for sowing disinfect in aloe juice, garlic juice or a payman solution at least 15 and not more than 20 minutes. Subsequent washing of them must. The seeds released from infections are soaked in growth stimulants on the instructions attached to them, after which they are washed again.

Soil for growing

In specialized and ordinary shopping stores, the choice of soils for growing seedlings is very large. They are suitable for salad seedlings. In some of them, you can add a baking powder in the form of river sand.

To make up the landing soil independently use humid, turf, sand and peat in various proportions:

  • humus, nervous land and sand - 2: 2: 1;
  • cherry earth, humus, sand - 1: 2: 1;
  • peat, nervous land, humus, sand- 3: 1: 3: 1.

The resulting mixture is filled with individual cups, shed a mixture with a solution containing useful soil bacteria. The next day you can start cropping.

For sowing salad on seedlings you can use peato - humus cubes or pots.

It is trained in 30-35 days before disembarking seedlings in the ground. In each seed capacity, several seeds are planted for a depth of no more than 1 cm. If it is possible, the seeds with seeds are closed with a film to save moisture. The emerging shoots thin. In the sowing drawer between the rows should be about 5 cm. No more than 3 plants leave in individual pots. At the age of one month, seedlings are transferred to open ground.

All salads are quite hardy cultures, their ability to withstand reduced temperatures allow them to sow them and early in spring and late in the fall, under the winter. Early spring salad sow early varieties - in April-May, the satellite grade of the middle and late ripening time is sown in April-June. Separate varieties can be seized many times, every week every and a half. The last period of sowing is mid August.

For growing salad choose outdoor solar places with loose nutritional soil. Improve heavy clay soil by making organic fertilizers and sand. Trying to obtain a weakly acidic or weakly alkaline reaction - from 6.0 to 7.0 pH. The best salad predecessors will be an early cabbage, potatoes, pumpkin.

Salad neighbors can be various cruciferous cultures - the cruciferous flew does not harm them. It is best for salad Neighborhood with a bow, releasing TRU. Return salad for your previous place is preferably not earlier than in 2 years.

When preparing the garden, the organics - humid or overwhelmed dungs \u200b\u200bcontribute to the soil. You can replace the organic with complex mineral fertilizers by adding them to the instructions attached to the fertilizer.

On the aligned surface, the furrows are cut down to 1 cm in 15-20 cm from each other. Before sowing, seeds are mixed with sand in the proportion of 1 h seeds on 2 parts of the sand. The furrows are shedding with water, fill them with a mixture of seeds and sand up to half the depth, are spilled again with water and fall asleep ground. Sowing immediately after that do not watered - the surface of the soil should be dry.

Best of all salad seeds germinate with moderately high temperatures - up to + 20graduts. At higher values, shoots appear worse. With the advent of mass germs carrying out. There are 6-8 cm between adjacent sheet salads, it will take 10 - 15 cm for coastal varieties.

The grown seedlings are placed according to the scheme from 25 * 25 cm or 35 * 35 cm for coastal salads.

Salad landings care is reduced to watering, loosening, protection against diseases and pests.

Watering salat

The salad grown in the open ground is watered at least once a week, better in the morning or evening. Sheet varieties are watered with sprinkling, coastal varieties - under the root. When the cochanists begin to form, watering limit, preventing the outbreak of rotary diseases. Leaf salads, in order to avoid leaf necrosis, do not watered in the heat, spend in the evening when the heat falls.

Salad refers to cultures that can be raised on the windowsill all year. It is sowed in drawers or flower pots with a volume of at least 1l. In the spring and summer, drawers or pots are located on the illuminated windowsill southern or southeastern window sills. In the autumn-winter period, sowing will need to be heated and therefore they can be placed anywhere. Check out crops are better than daylight lamps or phytolampa.

The substrate for sowing is made up of biohumus and coconut fiber in the proportion of 2: 1. Seed seed, as well as outdoors - by 5-10 mm deep. Sowing are covered with polyethylene until shoots appear. The box with appeared sprouts put on the most illuminated place and watered as the soil drying. The harvest is collected when at least 5 leaves will develop on the plant.

Salad home plantation needs timely irrigation. The dry substrate stimulates the appearance of colors and bitterness in the leaves. The best temperature for the development of salad 16-20 degrees of heat. The greatest danger for salad plants is an increased dryness of air at elevated temperature. Avoiding this danger will help regular spraying of seeding of room temperature.

A noticeable harvest can be collected at home only on well-haired soils. When adding additional nutrients, it is necessary to remember that the salad quickly accumulates nitrates. Nitrogen fertilizers need to be infrequently in small quantities.

As all plants salads are sick and pests are in them. Features of the fight against these ailments on the salad are complicated by the fact that it will not work with a higher waiting period on it. Plants accumulate not only nitrates, but also means of protection against pests and diseases.

Of the diseases on the salad, there are various rotes, malievable dew and mosaic. The development of these diseases contributes to low temperatures with high humidity. Another factor increases the risk of diseases - thickened landings and weak ventilability.

Regular crop rotation will help reduce the spread of diseases, the rapid removal of discharged and damaged leaves, timely breaking of crops, moderate use of nitrogen fertilizers.

From pests the greatest harm is caused by a salad fly, aphid, a falc and slugs. The destruction of flying pests can be applied vegetable chambers or biopreparations with a short wait period. As a prophylactic measure, it is necessary to remove the weed vegetation from the section in a timely manner, on which pests are multiplied. The area after harvesting is shed a carbofos solution

To combat slugs, traps are used in which mollusks are covered. You can sprinkle the soil around sowing ashes or superphosphate granules. And how to avoid thickened landings when dealing with diseases.

The benefits and harm of salad

All salads in different degrees contain vitamins, mineral salts, organic substances.

Salads help improve digestion, enhance immunity, contribute to the normalization of blood pressure. Alkaloids, bitterness and resin contained in the leaves are expectorant, sedative and diuretic effect. Red salads contribute to the increase in blood hemoglobin.

Magnesium in the leaves of salad increases the activity of the brain and muscles. Organic salts restore pulmonary tissue cells and improve blood circulation.

Salad seeds in the form of water infusion raise lactation.

Fresh salad added to the diet, reduce cholesterol content in the blood, reduces the risk of obesity and atherosclerosis

Salad - contraindications

Even the most useful product should not be used without caution. Especially cautiously it is worth using this product to people suffering from urolithiasis, colitis, enteritis, gastritis, ulcers and oxaluria. A large amount of salad eaten will result in increased gas formation.

Salad - Growing from seeds: video