When Jani Rodari was born and died. Gianni Rodari: biography

When Jani Rodari was born and died. Gianni Rodari: biography
When Jani Rodari was born and died. Gianni Rodari: biography

Jani Rodari (1920-1980) - Italian children's poet and writer, journalist and storyteller.


Gianni was born on October 23, 1920 in a small town of omens, located in the north of Italy. Present full name of the writer - Giovanni Francesco Rodari. His dad, Giuseppe Rodari, worked by a bullshnik, did not become early when Gianni was only 10 years old. The family was poor, Father's sorrows lacked, and Mom, Maddalena Ariokki, worked as a maid in rich houses.

The family grew two more sons - Mario and Cesare. After the death of the father, a mother with three children returned to his native village of Varesotto, where the childhood of boys was held.

Gianni from an early age rose a painful and weakened child. He really liked the music, he even took a few lessons of playing the violin. But even more he loved books. True, he read the boy far from children's literature: the works of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, the work of Lenin and Trotsky.

Despite poverty, Gianni grew talented and kind boys. He was an incredible fantasy, constantly dreamed and believed in the best. Perhaps this is exactly what made it from it a writer - a better friend of children around the world.

Study, work, war

Gianni went to study in a seminary for the poor, in addition to learning there were still fed and gave clothing. Having studied three years, the young man received a diploma of primary school teacher and took up teacher activities in a local rural educational institution. He at that time was only 17 years old. Later he said to himself: "The teacher from me turned out no, but I didn't miss the teacher on my lessons".

When he was 19 years old, Gianni went to Milan, where he had listened to the Lectures of the Faculty of Philology at Catalog University. Then he became a member of the youth fascist organization "Italian Liktorskaya Youth."

On the Second World War, the young man did not call for health. From 1941 to 1943, he again worked as a teacher in primary grades and was a member of the fascist party. But at the end of 1943, after Germany occupied Italy, Brother Cesare was in the fascist concentration camp, and two best friends died from the hands of Germans, Gianni entered into the movement of resistance, and in 1944 he was taken to the Italian Communist Party.

Literary and journalistic activities

In 1948, Gianni began to work a journalist in the publishing house of the Italian Communists "UNITA", at the same time he fucked by writing children's books, which in the future and became its main activity.

In 1950, Rome created a weekly children's magazine, and Gianni was appointed to the party to the position of chief editor. In 1951, it was published by his work "Book of Merry Poems" and "The Adventures of Chipollino".

His membership in the Communist Party contributed to the popularization of Rodari's books in the Soviet Union. In 1953, the Soviet children could already read the Russian translation of the "Adventures of Chipollino", in 1961 they shot a cartoon on the work, and in 1973, the art film "Chipollino" was released on the screens, where the author himself played - Italian Jianny Rodari, he starred in The role of yourself.

In 1952, Gianni visited the Soviet Union for the first time, then he had been repeatedly in this country.

In 1957, Rodari passed the exams, and received the title of professional journalist. But he did not stop writing for children, his collections of poems and stories come out by one after another:

  • "Train poems";
  • "Poems in the sky and on Earth";
  • "Tales by phone";
  • "Cake in the sky."

In our country, its works are very popular, which were fused:

  • "Jelsomino in the country of liars" (the film "The Magic Voice of Jelsomino");
  • "Traveling a blue arrows" (film "Blue Streth").

And also the poem, which, probably, knew every Soviet schoolchild - "What smelled crafts?"

In 1970, the writer was awarded the prestigious Award of Hans Christian Andersen, thanks to which Gianny Rodari recognized the whole world. On receipt, he said: "The fairy tale gives us a key with which you can enter into reality in other ways".

Rodari taught his tales of Rodari not only to know the world, but also to convert it: to defeat the mountain and injustice, in difficult situations still believing in the light and good.

Personal life

In 1953, Gianni married his wife, Mary Teresa Ferretti became his wife. After 4 years, the couple was born a paola girl.

Once, on a trip to the USSR, Gianni took a little daughter with him, they walked past the showcases of Soviet stores and in one of them recognized Signora Tomato, Cherry, Chipollino, Prince Lemon. He stopped in front of this toy store completely happy, because his dream of childhood was realized: Heroes of his works became friends of children.

In the late 70s, Gianni Rodari was seriously ill, he was made operation, but she was unsuccessful. The writer died on April 14, 1980 in Rome, he was buried in the cemetery Verano.

Gianni Rodari (10/23/1920 - 14.04.1980) Born in the Italian town of omens. Father, the owner of a small bakery and bakery, died of inflammation of the lungs, when the boy was not also ten years old. For the family, Gianni Rodari came hard time. The mother decided to move with children to his native Varesotto village, where she got a servant to wealthy people, but there was still no money for money. Gianni Rodari grew very painful, but, nevertheless, a cheerful and fondant child. He read a lot, composed poems, learned to play a violin and painted fine. Gianni Rodari's school years was forced to spend in the seminary, where children from poor families were taught free, fed, dressed. After graduating from the seminary in 1937, he got a teacher of primary classes, combining work with correspondence studies at the Philological Faculty of the Milane Catholic University, who did not manage to graduate. With the children, Gianni Rodari came up with funny games, trying to make the educational process with cheerful, fascinating. In order to avoid calling the army call during World War II due to poor health, Janni Rodari became an active participant in the resistance movement, and a year before the end of the war he became a member of the Communist Party of Italy. Since 1948, Dzhanni Rodari began to work as a reporter of the newspaper of the Italian Communists "UNITA". Having learned about the teacher's past of a young employee, the chief editor of the publication instructed Janni Rodari to prepare the heading "Children's Corner" for Sunday newspaper issues. It is for this category that a young journalist wrote his first poems and fairy tales for children. In 1950, he was appointed the editor of the illustrated weekly "Pioneer", where a fairy tale "Adventures Chipollino" was published a year later. At the same time, Jannie Rodari published the first collection of poems for children's "book of funny poems" (in just thirty years of creative activity, he had a half dozen children's books). In 1952, Gianni Rodari first visited the Soviet Union - the country, the first "recognizing" his literary talent. It is worth noting that the publication of the works of "progressive foreign authors" was one of the fairly common methods of ideological struggle with the "sharks of capitalism": often only generous fees of Soviet publishers helped the accusers of the ulcers of the bourgeois society to stay afloat, continuing to engage in literary creativity. The books of Gianni Rodari, the records with the records of his fairy tales diverged with millions of chairs. In addition to several cartoon films, two full-length movies were removed, in one of which the writer played himself. But the interest in Gianni Rodari, from the Soviet authorities, cannot be explained by the sole witness of his works. If it were true, then the name of the Italian Fairy Tale of the Communist would have long been forgotten. Gianni Rodari impresses readers, first of all, a sense of humor and an inexhaustible fantasy. It is thanks to them that even the unprecedented political zeal of adults turned out for children only than a blessing. In fairness I must say that in my homeland Gianni Rodari was known for a long time, first of all, as a journalist. His books for children were originally specially specially popular. On the contrary, the tales of Gianni Rodari Italian publishers considered unnecessarily abstract and refused to publish them. But after in the mid-1960s, the writer received several prestigious European literary awards, his works were included in school readstatology, and he himself was awarded the title of the best writer in Italy in 1967. The main reward became for Gianni Rodari Golden Medal named G.Kh. Anderson, obtained in 1970. To maintain a family, Gianni Rodari I had to work a lot. He wrote notes and fens every day, edited a children's heading, led the transfer to the radio, composed poems and fairy tales. Such an exhausting pace of life has caused Gianni Rodari serious problems with a heart. Surgical intervention was unsuccessful, providing complications that led to the sustainable death of the writer. Despite the worldwide glory (works of the Italian storyboard were translated into thirty languages \u200b\u200bof the world), Gianni Rodari was working until the end of his days he worked as the editor of the Literary Department of the Parese Serez newspaper.

Gianni Rodari (Italy Gianni Rodari, full name - Giovanni Francesco Rodari, ITAL. Giovanni Francesco Rodari) - famous Italian children's writer and journalist.

Gianni Rodari was born in a small town of omens (Northern Italy). His father, a bakery for profession, died when Gianni was only ten years old. Rodari and his two brothers, Cesare and Mario, grew in the native village of Mother, Varesotto. A painful and weak boy from childhood was fond of music (took the lessons on the violin) and books (read Nietzsche, Schopenhawer, Lenin and Trotsky). After three years, studies in the seminary Rodari received a teacher's diploma and at the age of 17 began to teach in primary classes of local rural schools. In 1939, for some time the Faculty of Philology of the University of Milan was visited.

During World War II, Rodari was released from service due to poor health. After the death of two close friends and the conclusion of Brother Cesare in the concentration camp became a member of the resistance movement and in 1944 he joined the Italian Communist Party.

In 1948, Rodari became a journalist in the Communist newspaper "UNITA" ("L" Unita ") and began writing books for children. In 1950, the party appointed him as an editor just created in Rome a weekly magazine for the children" Pioneer "(" IL Pioniere "). In 1951, Rodari published the first collection of poems -" The Book of Merry Poems "- and his most famous work of the" Adventures of Chipollino "(Russian translation saw the light in 1953). This work was particularly widely popular in the USSR, where Him was shot by a cartoon in 1961, and then the film-tale of Chipollino 1973, where Janni Rodari starred in Kameo.

In 1952, for the first time I went to the USSR, where it was repeatedly repeatedly. In 1953 he married Mary Teresa Feretti, who later gave birth to him daughter, paul. In 1957, Rodari passed the exam for the title of professional journalist. In 1966-1969, Rodari did not publish books and only worked on projects with children.

In 1970, the writer received the prestigious Prize of Hans Christian Andersen, who helped him acquire worldwide fame.

Also wrote poems that came to the Russian reader in the translations of Samuel Marshak.

Children's writer, storyteller and journalist.


Rodari died of severe illness on April 14, 1980 in Rome.

A family

  • Father - Giuseppe Rodari (Ial. Giuseppe Rodari).
  • Mother - Maddalena Ariokki (Ial. Maddalena Ariocchi).
  • The first brother is Mario Rodari (Ital. Mario Rodari).
  • The second brother - Cesare Rodari (Ial. Cesare Rodari).
  • Wife - Maria Teresa Ferretti (Ital. Maria Teresa Ferretti).
    • Daughter - Paola Rodari (Ital. Paola Rodari).

Selected works

  • Collection "Book of funny poems" ( Il Libro Delle Filastrocche, 1950)
  • "Pioneer's instruction" ( IL MANUALE DEL PIONERE, 1951)
  • "Chipollino Adventures" ( Il Romanzo di Cipollino, 1951; released in 1957 entitled Le Avventure Di Cipollino)
  • Collection of poems "Train poems" ( IL TRENO DELLE FILASTROCCHE, 1952)
  • "Jelsomino in the country of liars" ( Gelsomino Nel Paese Dei Bugiardi, 1959)
  • Collection "Poems in the sky, and on Earth" ( FILASTROCCHE IN CIELO E IN TERRA, 1960)
  • Collection "Tales by phone" ( Favole Al Telefono., 1960)
  • "Jeep on TV" ( Gip Nel Televisore, 1962)
  • "Planet christmas tree" ( Il Pianeta Degli Alberi Di Natale, 1962)
  • "Travel of the blue arrows" ( La Freccia Azzurra., 1964)
  • "What are the mistakes" ( Il Libro Degli Errori, Torino, Einaudi, 1964)
  • Collection "Cake in the sky" ( La Torta in Cielo, 1966)
  • "How Traveling Giovannino on Nickname Clay" ( I Viaggi Di Giovannino Perdigiorno, 1973)
  • "Fantasy grammar" ( La Grammatica Della Fantasia, 1973)
  • "He lived twice Baron Lamberto" ( C'era Due Volte Il Barone Lamberto, 1978)
  • "Wandering" ( Piccoli Vagabondi, 1981)


  • Gianni Rodari. The adventures of Chipollino / G. V. Langov. - Moscow: Children's literature, 1965. - 256 p.
  • Rodari Gianni. Zoo stories / art. Fulvio test; per. From Italian K. Timenchik. - m.: Children's Media, 2010. - 40 s. - ISBN 978-5-9993-0030-0.

Selected stories

  • "Accountant and Bora"
  • "Gwidoberto and Etrusca"
  • "Palace of ice cream"
  • "Ten kilograms of the moon"
  • "How Giovannino touched the nose at the king"
  • "Lift to Stars"
  • "Mages at the Stadium"
  • "Miss Universe with Dark Green Eyes"
  • "The robot that wanted to sleep"
  • "Sakala, Poclary"
  • "Footed nose"
  • "The man who bought Stockholm bought"
  • "A person who wanted to steal the Colosseum"
  • The cycle of stories about Gemini Marco and Mirko



  • "Boy from Naples
  • "Chipollino" - cartoon film ()
  • "Scattered Giovanni" - cartoon film ()
  • Blue Arrow - Cartoon film. Union. (1985)
  • "Journey" Blue Boolder "" - cartoon film ()

Game Movie.

  • "Cake in the sky" - feature film ()
  • "Chipollino" - feature film ()
  • "Magic voice Jelsomino" - feature film ()
  • "Lorenz Im Land Der Lügner" is a feature film, a combination of game and cartoon cinema (Germany,, dir. Jürgen Bower). Free interpretation of the tales of Gianni Rodari "Gessomino in the country of liars"


  • - Opera "Cake in the sky" Alexander Friedlander


  • The name of the writer is called asteroid 2703 Rodari, opened in 1979

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  • www.rodari.ru/
  • www.giannirodari.it/
  • Gianni Rodari
  • Gianni Rodari
  • Gianni Rodari
  • Gianni Rodari
  • Nika Dubrovskaya
  • Lolly Zamoysky

Excerpt characterizing Rodari, Gianni

- Yes, is it! Said Prince Andrei. - Go, Masha, I will come now.
On the way to the sister's room, in the gallery, connecting one house with another, Prince Andrei met cutely smiling M Lle Bourienne, for the third time this day with an enthusiastic and naive smile fell into a secluded transitions.
- AH! Je Vous Croyais Chez Vous, [Oh, I thought you had,] - She said, for some reason, blush and lowering eyes.
Prince Andrei strictly looked at her. On the face of Prince Andrei suddenly, angry expressed. He said nothing to her, but looked at her forehead and hair, without looking into his eyes, so contemptuously, the Frenchwoman blushed and left, saying nothing.
When he approached the sister's room, the princess already woke up, and her cheerful voice, having a hurried one word after another, heard from the winding door. She said, as if after a long abstinence she wanted to reward lost time.
- Non, Mais Figurez Vous, La Vieille Comtessse Zouboff Avec De Fausses Boucles Et La Bouche Pleine De Fausses Dents, Comme Si Elle Voulait Defier Les Annees ... [No, Imagine, Old Shub Countess, with fake curls, with false teeth like As if mocked over the years ...] Xa, Xa, Xa, Marieie!
Exactly the same phrase about the decanter of the tooth and the same laughter has already heard five times with an extraneous prince Andrei from his wife.
He quietly entered the room. Princess, plump, ruddy, with work in his hands, sat on the chair and spoke without celebrity, turning through the St. Petersburg memories and even phrases. Prince Andrei approached, stroked her head and asked, whether she had rested from the road. She replied and continued the same conversation.
The stroller of the Hamsherik stood at the entrance. There was a dark autumn night on the yard. Kucher did not see the drawing stroller. People with lanterns fussed on the porch. A huge house burned with lights through their large windows. The courtyards who wanted to say goodbye to the young prince in the front; In the hall stood all the home: Mikhail Ivanovich, M Lle Bourienne, Princess Marya and Princess.
Prince Andrei was called in the office to his father, who, with the eye, I wanted to say goodbye to him. Everyone was waiting for their exit.
When Prince Andrei entered the office, the old prince in Starikovsky glasses and in his white coat, in which he did not accept anyone, besides his son, sat at the table and wrote. He looked around.
- Going? - And he began to write again.
- came to say goodbye.
"Kiss here," he showed his cheek, "Thank you, thanks!"
- What do you thank me for?
- For the fact that you do not expect, you do not hold the skirt for Babia. Service primarily. Thanks! "And he continued to write, so splashes flew from the rush feather." - If you need to say that, speak. I can do these two things together, he added.
- Oh my wife ... I am so conscientious that I leave her to your hands ...
- What are you lying? Say what you need.
"When his wife is time to give birth, send to Moscow for an obstetrician ... So that he was here."
The old prince stopped and, as if not understanding, stared with strict eyes on his son.
"I know that no one can help, if Natura does not help," said Prince Andrei, apparently embarrassed. - I agree that from a million cases one is unhappy, but it is her and my fantasy. She was told, she saw in a dream, and she was afraid.
- GM ... GM ... - said his old prince, continuing to add. - I will do.
He discharged the signature, suddenly quickly turned to his son and laughed.
- Bad business, eh?
- What is bad, Batyushka?
- Wife! - Briefly and significantly told the old prince.
"I don't understand," said Prince Andrei.
- Yes, there is nothing to do, my friend, "said Prince," they are all like that, you can not get riskling. Do not be afraid; I will not say anyone; And you yourself know.
He grabbed his hand to his hand to his bony brush, shook her, looked right in the face of his son with his fast eyes, which seemed to have seen a man, and again laughed with his cold laugh.
The son sighed, admitting this sigh in the fact that his father understood him. The old man, continuing to fold and print letters, with its usual speed, grabbed and threw a surgucha, printing and paper.
- What to do? Beautiful! I'll do everything. You are fuddled, "he said abruptly during printing.
Andrew was silent: he was nice and unpleasant that his father understood him. The old man got up and filed a letter to his son.
"Listen," he said, "I don't care about my wife: what can be done, it will be done. Now listen: Let the letter to Mikhail Ilarionovich give. I write that he used you in good places and did not hold you for a long time: a bad post! Tell you to him that I remember him and love. Yes write how he will accept you. If it is good, serve. Nikolai Andreich Bolkonsky Son from the grace to serve no one who will not. Well, now come here.
He spoke to such a patter that he did not have to do half of the words, but the son was accustomed to understand him. He brought his son to the Bureau, threw back the lid, put forward a drawer and took out his latter, long and compressed handwriting a notebook.
- I must have to die before you. Know, here are my notes, their sovereign to convey after my death. Now here is a lombard ticket and a letter: this is a bonus to those who write the history of Suvorov wars. Send to the Academy. Here my remarks, after me read for yourself, you can find.
Andrei did not say the father that, right, he would live for a long time. He understood that this was not needed.
"All I'll fulfill," father, "he said.
- Well, now goodbye! "He gave his hand to kiss his hand and hugged him." - Remember one, Prince Andrei: If you kill you, I will hurt you old man ... - He suddenly silent and suddenly continued with a crushing voice: - If I find out that you didn't know yourself as the son of Nikolai Bolkonsky, I will be ashamed! He screamed.
"That you could not tell me," Batyushka, "smiling, Son said.
The old man fell silent.
- I also wanted to ask you, "continued Prince Andrei, - if I was killed and if I had a son, do not let him down from myself, as I told you yesterday, so that he grew up with you ... please.
- Wife not give? - said the old man and laughed.
They silently stood against each other. The rapid eyes of the old man were directly directed into the eyes of the son. Something fluttered at the bottom of the face of the old prince.
- I used to say goodbye ... go! - Suddenly he said. - Stay! He shouted an angry and loud voice, revolating the cabinet door.
- What is what? - the princess and princess, seeing the prince of Andrei and for a minute the old man shouted an angry voice in a white coat, without a wig and in Starikovsky glasses.
Prince Andrei sighed and said nothing.
"Well," he said, turning to his wife.
And this "Well" sounded a cold mockery, as if he said: "Now you do your pieces."
- Andre, deja! [Andrei, already!] - said a little princess, palena and with fear looking at her husband.
He hugged her. She screamed and fell without feelings on his shoulder.
He carefully dismissed his shoulder on which she lay, looked into her face and carefully planted her on the chair.
- Adieu, Marieie, [Goodbye, Masha,] - He said to the sister quietly, kissed her hand in his hand and came out of the room.
The princess lay in the chair, M Lle scratch was rubbed her whiskey. Princess Marya, supporting the daughter-in-law, with aspired beautiful eyes, still looked at the door, in which the prince of Andrei came out, and baptized him. From the office heard were, as shots, often repeated angry sounds of Starikovsky blowing. Just Prince Andrei came out, the cabinet door quickly opened and looked like a strict figure of the old man in a white coat.
- Did you go? Well and good! Said, he said angrily looking at an insensible little princess, shook his head scorznantly and slammed the door.

In October 1805, the Russian troops also occupied the villages of the Austrian Erzgreegence, and new shelves came from Russia and, burdened by the inhabitants, were located near Brownau's fortress. Brownau had the main apartment of the commander-in-chief of Kutuzov.
On October 11, 1805, one of the infantry regiments who had just come to Brownau, waiting for a review of the commander-in-chief, stood in half a liter from the city. Despite the non-Russian area and the situation (fruit gardens, stone fences, tiled roofs, the mountains, the visible away), on the Unusual people, with curiosity looked at the soldier, the regiment had exactly the same kind as everyone had any Russian regiment, who was preparing for looking somewhere In the middle of Russia.


Gianni Rodari (Ial. Gianni Rodari, 1920-1980) - a famous Italian children's writer and journalist.

Rodari was born on October 23, 1920 in the small town of omens (Northern Italy). His father, a bakery for profession, died when Gianni was only ten years old. Rodari and his two brothers, Cesare and Mario, grew in the native village of Mother, Varesotto. A painful and weak boy from childhood was fond of music (took the lessons of playing the violin) and books (read Nietzsche, Schopenhawer, Lenin and Trotsky). After three years of study in Seminary, Rodari received a teacher's diploma and at the age of 17 began teaching in primary classes of local rural schools. In 1939, for some time the Faculty of Philology of the University of Milan was visited. During World War II, Rodari was released from service due to poor health. Briefly joined the fascist party. After the death of two close friends and the conclusion of Brother Cesare in the concentration camp became the participant of the resistance movement and in 1944 he joined the Italian Communist Party. In 1948, Rodari became a journalist in the Communist newspaper "UNITA" (L "Unita) and began writing books for children. In 1950, the party appointed him as an editor of the newly created weekly magazine for children, IL Pioniere, in Rome. In 1951 . Rodari published the first collection of poems, "Book of Cheerful Poems", and his most famous work of the "Adventures of Chipollino" (Russian translation saw the light in 1953). In 1952 he went to the USSR for the first time, where he was repeatedly. In 1953 Maria Tereretti married Maria, who four years old had her daughter, paul. In 1957, Rodari passed the exam for the title of professional journalist. In 1966-1969 Rodari did not publish books and only worked on projects with children. In 1970 The writer received the prestigious Medal of Hans Christian Andersen, who helped him to acquire worldwide fame. Also wrote poems that came to the Russian reader in the translations of Samuel Marshak. Rodari died on the operating table on April 14, 1980 in Rome. Some works of Sat Annik "Book of Cheerful Poems" (Il Libro Delle Filastrocche, 1950) "Pioneer's Guide", (Il Manuale Del Pionere, 1951) "Chipollino Adventures" (IL Romanzo di Cipollino, 1951; Released in 1957 called Le Avventure Di Cipollino) Collection of poems "Train poems" (Il Treno Delle Filastrocche, 1952) "Jelsomino in the country of liars" (Gelsomino Nel Paese Dei Bugiardi, 1959) Collection "Poems in the sky and on Earth" (FILASTROCCHE In Cielo E In Terra, 1960) Collection of "Fairy Tales by Phone" (Favole Al Telefono, 1960) "Jeep in TV" (Gip Nel Televisore, 1962) "Planet of New Year's Christmas Trees" (Il Pianeta Degli Alberi Di Natale, 1962) "Travel Blue arrows "(La Freccia Azzurra, 1964)" What are wrong "(IL Libro Degli Errori, Torino, Einaudi, 1964) Collection" Cake in the Sky "(La Torta in Cielo, 1966)" How Traveling Giovanino on Nickname Society "( I Viaggi Di Giovannino Perdigiorno, 1973) "Grammar Fantasy" (La Grammatica Della Fantasia, 1973) "lived-was twice Baron Lamberto" (C "ERA DUE Volte Il Barone Lamberto, 1978)" Broadcasting "(Piccoli Vagabondi, 1981) Favorites Stories "Gwidoberto and Etrusks" "Ten Kilograms of the Moon" "Ice Cream House" "How Giovannino Trebon Nose King "Lift to Stars" "Mages in the Stadium" "Miss Universe with Dark Green Eyes" "Robot, who wanted to sleep" Sakala, Pälla "" Favoring Nose "" Siencerid "" The man who bought Stockholm "" who wanted to steal the Colosseum "

Giovanni Francesco Rodari, (10/23/1920 - 14.04.1980) - the Italian writer, who was born in the town of Momen in the family of Pecary.

The poor did not allow Dzhanni to enter the usual school, because of this he studied in the spiritual seminary. There was a huge magnificent library where he loved to spend time.

Gianni graduated from the seminary when he was 17, after which he began to work as a school teacher in primary classes. At the same time, he, like a free listener, goes to Milan Catholic University.

When the war began, Rodari did not bother to go to the front because of the poor state of health, while the many of his friends died. This affected the fact that Gianni Rodari in 1944 entered the Italian Communist Party and the resistance movement.

In 1948, the writer worked as a journalist in the Communist newspaper "UNITA" (L'Unita) and began writing children's books. And in 1950, Gianni Rodari was appointed to the party editor in the newly created children's journal. P\u003e

In 1952, the Writer first visited the USSR, and after some time he married Mary Teresa Feretti. Gianni Rodari received world famous thanks to S. Marshaku, who was able to translate into Russian "Chipollino's Adventures".

In 1957, Gianni surrenders the exam and receives the title of professional journalist. Then (1966-1969) The writer ceases to publish his books, but begins to work on children's projects.

In 1970, the writer was awarded the literary premium G.H. Andersen. The writer Dzhanni Rodari died in 1980 on the operating table.