When there is a transfer actually. Fees and cheating in Shepelev show

When there is a transfer actually. Fees and cheating in Shepelev show
When there is a transfer actually. Fees and cheating in Shepelev show


Yesterday I looked at the new show of the Channel One "Actually" And now I know for sure: it was the first and last time.

show "Actually"


Dmitry as a lead I do not like. There is no sparks, no raisins. He leads the show, it is very fresh, while not a show nor heroes directly. He has some unnatural emotions.

Essence shows.

Two sides of the conflict are invited to the full-time rate. The purpose of the transfer is the opportunity to hear a friend of a friend and reconcile. At the same time, the conflict participants ask each other questions, and their answers are checked at the polygraph.

At the table of experts, two polygraph and profile, which determines the faith and gestures to the truth and lies.

Graduate heroes:

Alexey Panin and his ex-wife Yulia Yudintsev share her daughter.

Up to this point, I have never seen Julia. But in the studio she made the impression of not a completely adequate person. My thoughts were confirmed by the information that she was in a psychiatric hospital. Although Alexey did not seem fully adequate to me. In my opinion, this is the case when two boots - steam. All transmission heroes lily dirt on each other. At the same time it seemed to me that Alexey participants in the program, including Dmitry Shepelev, were more condescending than to Julia. Moreover, shelelev, in my opinion, was clearly on the side of Panin. In such gears, the host should be impartial and without a dark past and would be better than a polygraphology and psychologist.

My impressions:

Transmission left after a very unpleasant precipitate. The soul was gadko and Merzko. Not only is it unpleasant to the whispels (not only as a presenter, but also as a participant in the famous conflict), and the heroes picked up unpleasant. Together it was a threatery mixture.

Thanks for attention!

Do you still believe that the heroes of the scandalous TV project "Dom-2" are really looking for their love? And psychics actually show miracles on the set? Well, we will dispel all myths about popular shows on our television.

To begin with, you have a short story of one guy. Mikhail Kotkin, became the semifinalist of the "New Wave", and also visited the set in different shows and everywhere he had his own role.

In the show "Let's get married" from it made a foreigner Michael, dressed in the image of the alladin and added a couple of years. According to Mikhail, everything he told there was a pre-prepared scenario.

How was Vasilisa horoscope for the invented date? But everything sounded so believable.

In the "Field of Miracles", he was piced by the image of Ryghan, he handed the gifts that he prepared the organizers of the show.

But these were only "flowers" ... the most interesting is ahead.

"Eagle and Rusk"

It seemed like here you can deceive the viewer, because this is a program about traveling. Under the terms of the program, two leading spend the weekend in one city, but on different conditions. One does not refuse himself, having a "gold card" with unlimited means, and the second is forced to live two days only by $ 100.

All spectators believed and watched on how young people travel around the world and bow, having a "golden card". But the grand scandal broke out in the spring of this year. Leading Regina Todarenko revealed all secrets and stated that the Golden Card is just a symbol of wealth and the leading it is not used. "Because still this program, which we remove, in some moments are a staged show." - Recluded Regina.

She stated that in fact they do not use the luxury that they tell so much. All that we see from the screen is just a show, they are shooting in luxury hotels just a couple of hours, after which the film crewing group along with leading spending completely differently.

Of course, in the direction of the channel immediately reacted to her words, they wanted to even dismiss the talkative TV presenter. "It is not the organizer of the filming process, does not have real information. "Golden" card is not a symbol, these are real money by which producers dispose of the program in an unlimited quantity. Of course, we cannot spend more for the weekend more than is physically possible, and this is perhaps the only limitation, "So stated one of the main producer of the transfer of Natella Krapivina.

Of course, Todarenko tried to quickly correct and justify his words. But no doubt already crumbled and no one else believes. After this exposure, the real tourists Paul Kotikov and Lena Gitt continued to disclose secrets. They did the same way as the TV presenters in Jakarta and that they say: "Much of the shown in the series is frank, unacted and attracted for the ears of nonsense."

They denied 8 statements referred to in transmission. For example, they Paul and Lena revealed deception about the types of Jakarta.

"Lying: The view from the observation on the monument of independence of Regina comments as follows:" gray, sad and everything in the fog. And for this, people stand in line ...? "

"True: Great View! It seems that the operator specifically turned the camera towards the calm houses. Yes, and could not always happen in Jakarta. "

"Why are we? Yes, to the fact that teleformat obliges to show all the most unusual, and if there is no sensation, then you have to thicken the paint and invent difficulties in a flat place, - bloggers write. - To judge the cities and countries on the show "Eagle and Ruska" is definitely not worth it, because sometimes the final material depends on what a screenwriter invented in advance or where I decided to turn the lens operator for the picture for the picture. "

"The fight of extrasensories"

Already 10 years on the screens of the country comes out the battle of people with supernatural abilities. During all this time, the program gained a huge army of fans, but there are also skeptics who doubt everything that happens. And as it turned out, they do it is not in vain.

People, believing in the magic and the miraculous strength of such people, run to sessions to the magicians and sorcerers to solve their problem. Sometimes such techniques cost 50-100 thousand rubles. In each issue, they warn that they are not responsible for the activities of psychics in life and ask not to pay them for it. But gullible people still carry their money to the sorcerers, because from the TV screens, they work so convincingly.

One of the participants of Vera Shemeonaeva admitted: "The masses of people simply rushed for help to the newest stars of privacy, and in the end it turned out that the abilities of some of them on the blue screen and in life are sharply dissembed. People stopped believing themselves and their strength and are ready to give any amount to solve someone else's problems, not understanding that in 90% of cases it is simply deception. "

Even the mother and daughter of Iolanta and Ross Voronov, who with disgrace passed almost every test, are now popular. They are still treated for help and pay for this money!

As the thunder among the clear sky, Mikhail Porechenkova sounded among the clear sky, who led the first seasons of the battle: "I worked with them for a long time. Calda Balds, as in childhood they talked. All lies! Yes, completely. And what's not to disclose? I tell the truth. I upset everyone? "

On August 31 and September 4, the program "In fact" with Dmitry Shepelev, dedicated the stories of the victim of the rape of Diana Shurygin. At one time, this incident has made a lot of noise and provoked active discussions on the network. Not all Internet users believed in the sincerity of the girl. Some of them stood on the side of Sergey Semenov, serving a punishment in the colony.

Blogger Nikolai Sobolev devoted a new video of the transfer of the transfer in which the native of Ulyanovsk was checked on a lie detector. It was stated that Diana Shurygin will finally prove his right point and put a point in rapid discussions and charges in slander. The Internet Worker stressed that he did not plan to express his opinion about this story, as she had already been somewhat dull and had time to get bored many.

"All of all, most likely, long ago, shakes from this name," suggests Sobolev.

// Photo: Frame video from YouTube channel SOBOLEV

However, Nikolai fans asked him to record a video dedicated to the program "in fact." The young man had to meet subscribers.

"This is exactly the demand that gives rise to an offer. Spectators want to watch these talk shows and once again discuss these programs. Well done guys, at such a pace, we will soon get a new show "Battle of Psychics" with Diana Shurgina, in which drunk steam will walk around it and draw the pentagram, "the blogger noticed sarcastically.

// Photo: Frame program "In fact"

In his roller, Sobolev showed the final of the program with Shepelov, in which a polygraphist declares that Shurygin does not lie, stating rape.

"So funny that a year later, it continues to disassemble something in this story, while pretending that lies detector defines something. Well, seriously, are you crazy, what did she sleep, whispel? (...) Why so brazenly deceiving people? Already a long time ago, it was proved that the testimony of a lie detector is absolutely not scientific nonsense. Guys, no lie detector in the world can determine, lies this or truth. Absolutely all his testimony reads a polygraphologist, that is, a person. And anyone can make a mistake and brazenly lie, "the blogger believes.

Yesterday, the first issue of the show "In fact" came out on the ether. According to his leading Dmitry Shepelev, the program was created in order to help relatives to make up, hear each other, and stop the endless flow of lies. In the first episode, Dmitry was defeated - he could not reconcile the heroes of his program.

Frame from the first release "in fact"

The premiere of "actually" was held with the participation of one of the most scandalous pairs of domestic show business. Actor Alexey Panin once again attempted to share his daughter Nyusu with the former wife Yulia Yudintseva. The ex-spouses in front of the program passed the test on the detector of a lie, where it turned out that Julia in many matters is lucked, and in many - it is not hidden.

"I want us to hear each other. Preplosions will not help. We must find a common language for the sake of the daughter. "- began Alexey Panin.

Unfortunately, the peace-loving mood of the actor disappeared after the first accusations of his ex-spouse that he walked naked in front of a little child. Julia is confident that Alexey regularly inflicts psychological injuries to his daughter, because of which it cannot become a normal person in the future. Panin, in turn, was also generous to accusations. He spoke that Julia suffers from alcoholism and periodically accepts drugs. At the same time, the actor does not deny that he himself was not alien to these vices. However, he revised the attitude towards the prohibited substances after he became the sole guardian of his daughter.

The program also took part Mom's former spouses. The parental was not less than their children with charges and insults. So, the mother of Yulia stated that Alexey constantly beat the ex-spouse, and Mom Alexei Panin that Julia raised her hand to her, and her daughter. The point in the confrontation was delivered by Anna Panin. She declared that he wanted to live with his father.

"Mom, I want to communicate with you, but I will live with dad" - she said girl.

"In fact," failed to put the point in the scandal. The program itself also received many ambiguous reviews. However, for such a format, the abundance of criticism is even considered the norm. Who will become the next hero of the new project will show time.

I don't see the scandalous transmissions of the type "Let me say for a long time - after viewing this content often my mood is spoiled. All we get inside yourself, whether it is food, or information, it is better to filter. However, the program "in fact" immediately attracted my attention, since due to the detector lie heroes could not just do chatter and water each other insults, but to get to the truth. The first release was invited by the actor Panin with his ex-wife, where they dealt with whom the child should remain. The situation, in principle, the well-known, widely illuminated in the press, so it did not cause it any suspicion. I did not watch all-all releases, rather, 1-2 times a week, but many plots really seemed to me believable, because about many things that were discussed there, it was known a few more years earlier, i.e. These were real situations and people. For example, the release of Skopinsky prisoners or what actor Bogdasarov went away with his wife and lived for several years with another woman - about all this is information on the Internet. Dmitry Shepelev I, in general, also liked the leader.

Some plots were strange, but I did not attach this value until the situation was fastened on the verge of fiction. Finally, my trust broke out a series of issues (the last, by the way, was yesterday) about a certain successful businessman and patron of Vyacheslav Podgorny. Actor Mark Goronok turned to the program, because his wife Anna, who once pulled him out of the disease, fell in love with another man: he donated her in champagne and borrowed by expensive gifts and flowers.

Here, in fact, the rod to the left, businessman Vyacheslav is to the right.

If you think so, why a successful man glow in such a kind of transmission, where it will be put up in a neglected light. Of course, for participation in such programs they pay, but I doubt that the successful businessman needs this money in exchange for reputation. So, in the future, in the course of the transfer, it turned out that our hero is a former satherer, and then the real trash began. Although he promised to marry Anna, was in fact he was already married to his mother-in-law and all in order to take possession of her apartment. Everything, on this my patience dried up and turned on the mind. I no longer mastered the last gear, even discuss this torment shame.

I began to look for information on the Internet about this patron. Of course, nothing surprising that I did not find such information. But I found the Yutub-channel of our Vyacheslav Podgorny, only a few two-year-old video was flooded on it, but they were enough to understand who he really was. In these videos, Vyacheslav sits in his shabby apartment, drinking vodka, sings the motley songs on the guitar, hugging with the toilet and takes an interview with his drinking companions.

"Businessman" Vyacheslav in a natural habitat

"Businessman" Vyacheslav in a natural habitat.

It is necessary to say that in the transfer they filmed it in Penthouse and by car with a personal driver.

Well, this is a man I can understand - a person came out of the seats of imprisonment, it is necessary to somehow earn though b to alcohol, he leaned into the actors. But why famous people go to these staged programs and marath their name, I do not understand. Although while I was looking for information on the Internet, I found the statements of some of these famous people who say that all this is setting and prescribed scenario. Singer Danko, for example, said he took part in the transfer, because He was promised that the fundraising for his daughter would be announced, a sick cerebral palsy: "I gave the role of bastard, I played." There was no collection in the end. The wife of Jigurda laid out the recording of a conversation, where they were called and promised that everything would be spelled out as they would want, but they abandoned such dubious prospects and did the right thing.

I still don't think that absolutely all the issues were staged, but the transfer leaves 4 times a week on the first channel, and somewhere the plots need to draw, apparently, most often the editors of the program make it from their own head.

Well, from my menu disappeared the last transmission, which I watched on TV. I wish you pleasant evenings and real emotions!