When the thunderstorm was written. Creative story of the drama "Thunderstorm

When the thunderstorm was written. Creative story of the drama "Thunderstorm

The pies "thunderstorm" was written by Ostrovsky during the summer and autumn of 1859, in the same year it was put in the theaters of Moscow and St. Petersburg, it was printed in 1860. The success of the play and performances was so great that the playwright was awarded the Uvarov Prize (the highest award for the dramatic work).

The scene was based on the impressions of the literary expedition on the Volga in 1856-1857. In order to study the life and morals of the Volga settlements. The plot is taken from life. It is no secret that many Volga cities challenged the right to the fact that the action of the play occurred in their city (Domostroy, Samoram, rudeness and humiliation were dominated in many cities of Russia of the time).

This is a period of public lifting when the ranks of serfdom crack. The name "Thunderstorm" is not just a majestic phenomenon of nature, but a social shock. . Thunderstorm becomes the background, on which the final stage of the play is unfolded. The broken thunderstorm scares all fear of retaliation for sins.

Storm... The peculiarity of this image is that, symbolically expressing the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe play, he at the same time directly participates in the actions of the drama as a very real phenomenon of nature, determines (in many ways) the actions of the heroine.

Thunderstorm over Kalinov broke out in the act. She caused confusion in the soul of Katerina.

In IV action, the motive of thunderstorm no longer cleans. ("The rain is painting, how would the thunderstorm gathered? .."; "The thunderstorms we will be sent in punishment so that we feel ..."; "Thunderstorm will kill! Not a thunderstorm it, but grace ..."; " that this thunderstorm will not pass in gift ... ")

Thunderstorm is the natural strength of nature, terrible and not fully studied.

Thunderstorm is the "thunderstorm state of society", a thunderstorm in the souls of the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov.

Thunderstorm is a threat to the leaving, but also the strong world of Kabanov and wild.

Thunderstorm is the benefit of the news of the new forces designed to free the Society from Despotia.

For Kuligina, the thunderstorm is God's grace. For wild and kabani - Heavenly Kara, for FEKLOSH - Ilya, the prophet is rolling across the sky, for Katerina - Retribution for sins. But after all, heroine herself, her last step, from which the Kalinovsky world was stupid, is also a thunderstorm.

Thunderstorm in the play island, as in nature, combines destructive and creative strength.

The drama reflected the rise of social movement, the moods that the advanced people of the era of 50-60s lived.

"Thunderstorm" was permitted by a dramatic censorship to the presentation in 1859, and printed in January 1860 at the request of the friends of Ostrovsky Central Council, I. Nordstrem, who favored the playwright, presented "thunderstorm" as a play not socially accusatory, satirical, and loving household Nor not mentioning in his report on the wild, nor about Kuligin, nor about the fecushev.

In the general formulation, the main theme of "thunderstorms" can be determined as a clash between new trends and old traditions, between the impaired and rocks, between the desire of people to the free manifestation of their human rights, spiritual needs and dominated in the predhormed Russian public and family-household orders.

The topic "Thunderstorm" is organically related to its conflicts. The conflict constituting the basis of the plot of drama is the conflict between old socio-household principles and new, progressive aspirations to equality, to the freedom of a human person. The main conflict is Katerina and Boris with the environment surrounding them - combines all the others. Culinine conflicts with wild and ribs, kudryash with wild, Boris with wild, barbarians with ribs, tachone with ribs are joined to him. The play is the truthful reflection of public relations, interests and struggle of their time.

The general topic of "thunderstorms" entails and a number of private topics:

a) the stories of Kuligin, the replicas of Kudryash and Boris, the actions of Wild and Kabani Ostrovsky gives a detailed description of the material and legal status of all sections of the Society of the Epoch;

c) drawing life, interests, hobbies and experiences of existing persons "Thunderstorms", the author from different parties reproduces public and family-households of merchants and burghers. Thereby covers the problem of social and family-household relations. The position of the woman in the mesh and merchant medium is bright outlined;

d) a life background and problems of that time are displayed. Heroes talk about important public events for their pores: about the emergence of the first railways, on cholera epidemics, on the development of trade and industrial activities in Moscow, etc.;

e) Along with the socio-economic and living conditions, the author of the master painted and the surrounding nature, a different attitude towards her actors.

So, in the words of Goncharov, in the "thunderstorm", "there was a wide picture of national life and morals." The predhormerary Russia is represented in it and its socio-economic, and cultural and moral, and family-domestic appearance.

Composition play

In the play of the 5rd actions: I Action - Zaguka, II-III - Development of action, IV - Culmination, V - Dissection.

Exposition - Pictures of the Volga Prostone and the stuffiness of Kalinovsky morals (d. I, yawl. 1-4).

Vazka - At the pickle of the mother-in-law, Katerina with dignity and peacefully responsible: "You're talking about me, Mama, you speak in vain. What in humans, that without people, I'm all alone, I do not prove anything. " First collision (d. I, yawl. 5).

Next goes conflict development Between heroes, in nature, the thunderstorm is gathering twice (d. I, yawl 9). Katerina is recognized by Varvar, which loved Boris - and the prophecy of the old lady, a distant thunder blow; end d. IV. The thunderstorm cloud crawls, like a living, half-sized old woman threatens Katerina with death in Omte and hell, and Katerina confesses to sin (first climax), falls without feelings. But the thunderstorm never collapsed on the city, only the precreasary tension.

Second culmination - Katerina pronounces the last monologue, when he says goodbye to life, which is already unbearable, but with love: "My friend! My joy! Goodbye! (V, Yavl. 4).

Junction - Suicide Katerina, the shock of the inhabitants of the city, Tikhon, who, being alive, envies the deceased wife: Good to you, Katya! And I needed to live yes torture! .. "(V, Yavl. 7).

One of the masterpieces of the Ostrovsky and all Russian drama is considered to be "thunderstorm", which the author himself assessed as a creative luck, rejoiced when the actors managed to embody his design, was deeply worried if he came across a misunderstanding, acting media or with a negligent attitude to the play.

"Thunderstorm" was conceived by the Ostrovsky while traveling along the Volga from the sources of the river to Nizhny Novgorod in the postal carriage along with the actor's provider Sadovsky. The playwright was fascinated by the beauty of the Great Russian River and the cities and villages located along it. These were long-term ethnographic studies. In its correspondence from Tver, Ostrovsky wrote about the frescoes struck, seen when examining the ruins of the city of Verighanya. These images on Lithuanian ruin will be responded in the "thunderstorm". In a charming Trojer, Ostrovsky met with the customs of the Virgin Freedom and the rigorous maternity of married women as strange at the age of Novgorod. These observations will be reflected in the characters of unmarried Varvara and the Katerina's doomed to the family captivity.

Especially liked the Ostrovsky Kostroma rare beauty of his nature, a public garden with walking merchant families, a gazebo at the end of the boulevard, from where the view of the Zavolzheskiy Dali, delightful expanses and picturesque groves.

Many years have received the experiences of Ostrovsky for many years. They reflected in the "thunderstorm", the action of which occurs in the fictional deaf Volzhsky town Kalinov. Kostromichi for a long time argued that it was Kostroma who was the prototype of the city of Kalinov.

When Ostrovsky presented his play in censorship, a famous dialogue of the playwright with an official who saw a symbolized figure of Tsar Nicholas in the boa and therefore expressed doubt about the possibility of publishing a play. Nevertheless, she was printed in the journal "Library for reading" in 1860, for which the censor permission was not easily received.

However, even before the magazine publication "Thunderstorm" appeared in the Russian stage, for which it was primarily intended. The premiere took place on November 16, 1859 in the Small Theater on the occasion of the benefit of the largest actor S.Vasilyev, who played Tikhon. Other roles also performed outstanding masters P. Sadovsky, N.V. Rykalova, L.P. Nikulina-Kositskaya and others. This formulation was led by A.N. Ostrovsky. The premiere and subsequent performances had a huge success and turned into a solid triumph. The same stage luck was waiting for actors of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. Here the performance of the performance also carried out the playwright itself.

A year after the brilliant premiere of "Thunderstorm" Piez A.N. Ostrovsky was awarded the highest, academic award - a large Uvarovsky Prize, the award of which was held at the petition of the writer I.A. Goncharov and Professors P.A. Plenev and A.D. Galakhova. This premium has become the first evidence of the significance of the contribution that is an island and Russian literature and in domestic scenic art.


Rogornar E.S. Russian literature second half of the nineteenth century M., 2006

History of creating a play

The play was launched by Alexander Ostrovsky in July 1859, and completed on October 9. Piece manuscript is kept in the Russian State Library.

In 1848, Alexander Ostrovsky went with his family to Kostroma, in the Manor Schelikovo. The natural beauty of the Volga region struck the playwright and then he thought about the play. For a long time it was believed that the plot of the drama thunderstorm was taken by island from the life of Kostroma merchants. Kostromica at the beginning of the 20th century could accurately point to the Katerina suicide.

In his play, Ostrovsky raises the problem of the fracture of public life, which occurred in the 1850s, the problem of changing public obscures.

Symbolism are endowed with the names of the heroes of the play: Kabanova - a cargo, heavy character; Kuligin is "Kuliga", swamp, some of his features and name are similar to the name of the inventor of Kulibin; The name of Katerina denotes "net"; Barbara opposed to her - " barguard».

The meaning of the name of the drama thunderstorm

The name of the drama of the Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" plays a big role in the understanding of this play. The image of the thunderstorm in the island drama is unusually complicated and multivarid. On the one hand, the thunderstorm is a direct participant of the play, on the other hand, the symbol of the idea of \u200b\u200bthis work. In addition, the thunderstorm image has so many values \u200b\u200bthat illuminates almost all the faces of the tragic conflict in the play.

Thunderstorm plays an important role in the composition of the drama. In the first action - the tie of the work: Katerina tells Barbar about his dreams and hints at his secret love. Almost immediately after that, the thunderstorm comes: "There is no thunderstorm in any way ..." At the beginning of the fourth action, the thunderstorm is going, foreshadowing the tragedy: "You're a rumor my words that this thunderstorm will not pass in gift ..."

And the thunderstorm breaks out only in the scene of the recognition of Katerina - in the climax of the play, when the heroine speaks of his sin with her husband and mother-in-law, without having the presence of other citizens. Thunderstorm directly participates in action as a real phenomenon of nature. It affects the behavior of the characters: after all, it is during the thunderstorm "Katerina confesses his sin. Even talk about a thunderstorm, as alive ("the rain is painting, how would the thunderstorm gathered?", "And so on us and crawls and crawls like a living!").

But the thunderstorm in the play has a figurative meaning. For example, Tikhon calls a thunderstorm RUGAN, Brank and the rest of his mother: "Yes, as I know Tereterich, that two weeks there will be no thunderstorms, there are no shackles of these on the legs, so to my wife?"

Noteworthy and such a fact: Kuligin - a supporter of peaceful elimination of vices (he wants to make fun of bad morals in the book: "I wanted to portray all these verses ..."). And it is he who suggests the wilderness to make a ram ("copper plate"), which serves here allegories, because a soft and peaceful confrontation of vices by drawing them in the books is a kind of thunder.

In addition, the thunderstorm is perceived by all the characters in different ways. So, wild says: "Thunderstorms are sent to us in punishment." Wild declares that people should be afraid of thunderstorms, and after all, his power and self-use are based on the fear of people in front of him. Certificate is the fate of Boris. He is afraid not to get the inheritance and therefore conquers a wilderness. So, the wilderness is beneficial to this fear. He wants everyone to be afraid of thunderstorms, like his own.

But Kuligin belongs to the thunderstorm otherwise: "Each flyrest now, every flower is rejoiced, and we hide, fear, exactly what!" He sees in a thunderstorm. Interestingly, not only the attitude towards the thunderstorm, but also the principles of wild and coolein are different. Kuligin condemns the lifestyle of wild, kabanova and their morals: "Brutal morals, sir, in our city, cruel! .."

So the image of thunderstorms turns out to be associated with the disclosure of the characters of the drama characters. Katerina is also afraid of thunderstorms, but not as wild. She sincerely believes that Thunderstorm is Kari God. Katerina does not argue about the benefits of a thunderstorm, she is not afraid of punishment, but sins. Her fear is associated with deep, strong faith and high moral ideals. Therefore, in her words, there is no complacency of the fear of thunderstorms, like a wild, but rather repentance: "It's not that scary that kills you, but the fact that death will suddenly find you, as you are, with all your sins, with all the thoughts ... "

The heroine itself also resembles a thunderstorm. First, the topic of thunderstorms is associated with experiences, the mental state of Katerina. In the first action, the thunderstorm gathers, as if the foreigners of the tragedy and as an expression of the torment of the soul of the heroine. It was then that Katerina is recognized by Varvar, which loves the other - not her husband. The thunderstorm did not disturb Katerina during a date with Boris, when she suddenly had a happy. Thunderstorm appears whenever the storms are raging in the soul of the heroine itself: the words "with Boris Grigorievich!" (In the scene of the recognition of Katerina) - and again by the author of the author, the "Thunder strike" is distributed.

Secondly, the recognition of Katerina and her suicide was challenged by the forces of the "Dark Kingdom" and its principles ("Shito-Indoor"). The love itself, whom Katerina did not hide, her desire for freedom is also a protest, challenge, thundering over the forces of the "Dark Kingdom", like a thunderstorm. The victory of Katerina is that rumors of Kabani will go, about the role of her in the suicide of the daughter-in-law, will not be able to hide the truth. Even Tikhon begins to protest weakly. "You wanted her! You! You!" He shouts his mother.

So, the "thunderstorm" produces, despite its tragity, a refreshing, encouraging the impression of Dobrolyubov: "... the end (play) ... It seems to us with pleasure, it is easy to understand why: in it, a terrible challenge of Samoga is given. .. "

Katerina does not adapt to the principles of Kabanova, she did not want to lie and listen to someone else's lie: "You are talking about me, Mama, in vain that they say it ..."

Thunderstorm also does not obey anyone - it happens in summer, and in the spring, not limited to the time of the year, like precipitation. No wonder in many pagan religions, the chief god is Thunder, the lord of thunder and lightning (thunderstorms).

As in nature, the thunderstorm in the plays of the island connects the destructive and creative strength: "Thunderstorm will kill!", "Not a thunderstorm it, but grace!"

So, the image of the thunderstorm in the island drama is multi-rival and unsolved: he, symbolically expressing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, at the same time directly participates in action. The image of the thunderstorm illuminates almost all the faces of the tragic conflict of the play, so the meaning of the name becomes so important for understanding the play.

"On the task of his imperial highness, Admiral General, the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich for the new materials for the" maritime collection "were sent by the country prominent Russian writers who have already had experience traveling and taste for essay prose. They had to study and describe folk crafts associated with the sea, lakes or rivers, receptions of local shipbuilding and shipping, the position of domestic fishing and the very condition of waterways of Russia.

Ostrovsky got the upper Volga from the source to Nizhny Novgorod. And he took care of the trial. "

"In the ancient dispute of the Volga cities, which of the Ostrovsky will turn into Kalinov (the place of action of the play" Thunderstorm "), most often the arguments in favor of Kineshma, Tver, Kostroma. About Rzhev Republicers as if they forgotten, and meanwhile the birth of the mysterious plan "Thunderstorms" is Rzhev, it is clearly sophisticated!

Where "Thunderstorm" is written - on the cottage near Moscow or in Zavolzhsky Schelikov - it is definitely unknown, but it has been created with amazing speed, truly by inspiration for several months of 1859. "

"The year 1859 is hidden from the island dense biographer. In that year, he did not lead a diary and, it seems, did not write letters at all ... But it is still possible to restore something. "Thunderstorm" has begun and written, as can be seen in the first action of the draft manuscript, July 19, July 24, July 28, July 29 - at the height of the summer of 1859. Ostrovsky still does not go to Schelike and, according to some reports, he carries a hot summer near Moscow - in Davydovka or Ivankov, where the whole colony will be settled at the villages of the actors of the Small Theater and their literary friends.

Ostrovsky's friends often gathered at his house, and talented, cheerful actress Kositskaya was always a soul of society. Beautiful performer of Russian folk songs, the owner of colorful speech, she attracted an island not only as a charming woman, but also as a deep, perfect popular character. Kositskaya "drove crazy" not one Ostrovsky when he began to sing perky or lyrical folk songs.

Listening to Kositsky's stories about the early years of her life, the writer immediately drew attention to the poetic wealth of her tongue, on the painfulness and expressiveness of revolutions. In her "Khopovskaya Speech" (so dismissively described the Manera to speak Kositskaya Countess Rostopina) Ostrovsky felt a fresh source for his work.

Meeting with Ostrovsky wrapped Kositskaya. The grand success of the first placement of the play "Do not sit down in our sleeves", chosen by Kositskaya for the benefit, opened a wide road of Ostrovsky's drama on the stage.

Of the twenty-six original Pieces of Ostrovsky, furnished in Moscow for the period from 1853 to the year of Death Kositsk (1868), that is, in fifteen years, she participated in nine.

Life path, personality, Kositskaya stories gave island rich material to create the character of Katerina.

In October 1859, apartment L.P. Kositskaya Ostrovsky read the play with the actors of the Small Theater. The actors admired together, pretending for themselves roles. It was known that Katerina Ostrovsky gave in advance by Kositskaya. To Barbaru, Sergey Vasilyev, Kabaniu, Rykalov, should have been played at Barbarra, Tikhon.

But before rehearsing, it is necessary to spend a play through censorship. Ostrovsky himself went to St. Petersburg. Nordstrem read drama as if it was not an artistic writing before him, but an encrypted proclamation. And he suspected that in the boa, the late sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich was removed. Ostrovsky Long digested a frightened censor, said that he could not come from the role of Kabani ...

The play received from censorship a week before the premiere. However, in those days to play a play from five rehearsals to anyone did not seem to be a wonder.

The main director was Ostrovsky. Under his leadership, the actors searched for the necessary intonations, coordinate the pace and character of each scene. The premiere took place on November 16, 1859. "

"The scientist of the world of Russia quickly confirmed the high advantages of the play: September 25, 1860, the Board of the Russian Academy of Sciences awarded the play" Thunderstorm "Greater Uvarovskaya Prize (this award was established by Count A.S. Uvarov, founder of the Moscow Archaeological Society for awarding the most outstanding historical and dramatic works). "

Genre play

"Thunderstorm" was permitted by a dramatic censorship for the presentation in 1859, and printed in January 1860 at the request of Ostrovsky's friends, censor I. Nordstrom, who favored the playwright, presented a "thunderstorm" as a play is not socially accusatory, satirical, and love -Bead, nor the word, without mentioning in his report, either about the wild, or about Kuligin, nor about the fecushev.

In the general formulation, the main theme "Thunderstorms" can be defined as the collision between the new trends and old traditions, between the impaired by I. Deremators, between the desire of people to the free manifestation of their human rights, spiritual needs and dominated in the predfame Russian public and family-household orders.

The topic "Thunderstorm" is organically related to its conflicts. Conflict, constituting the basis of the plot of drama, is conflict between old social and household principles and new, progressive aspirations to equality, to the freedom of human personality. The main conflict is Katerina with its environment surrounding it - combines all the others. Culinine conflicts with wild and ribs, kudryash with wild, Boris with wild, barbarians with ribs, tachone with ribs are joined to him. The play is the truthful reflection of public relations, interests and struggle of their time.

The total topic of "thunderstorms" entails a number of private topics:

a) the stories of Kuligin, the replicas of Kudryash and Boris, the actions of Wild and Kabani Ostrovsky gives a detailed description of the material and legal status of all sections of the Society of the Epoch;

c) drawing life, interests, hobbies and experiences of existing persons "Thunderstorms", the author from different parties reproduces public and family-households of merchants and burghers. Thereby covers the problem of social and family-household relations. The position of the woman in the mesh and merchant medium is bright outlined;

d) a life background and problems of that time are displayed. Heroes talk about important public events for their pores: about the emergence of the first railways, on cholera epidemics, on the development of trade and industrial activities in Moscow, etc.;

e) Along with the socio-economic and living conditions, the author of the master painted and paintings of nature, a different attitude towards her actors.

So, in the words of Goncharov, in the "thunderstorm", "there was a wide picture of national life and morals." The predhormerary Russia is represented in it and its socio-economic, and cultural and moral, and family-domestic appearance.

3. K. ombosition play

Exposition - Pictures of the Volga Prostone and the stuffiness of Kalinovsky morals (D. I, Yavl.1-4).

Vazka - At the pickles of the mother-in-law, Katerina with dignity and peacefully responsible: "You're talking about me, Mama, you speak in vain. What, in humans, that without people, I'm all alone, I do not prove anything. " First collision (D. I, Yavl. 5).

Next goes conflict developmentIn nature, the thunderstorm is gathering twice (D. I, Yavl. 9). Katerina is recognized by Varvar, which loved Boris - and the prophecy of the old lady, a distant thunder blow; End of D. IV. The thunderstorm cloud crawls, like a living, half-sized old woman threatens Katerina with death in Omte and Ade.

First climax - Katerina is confessed in sin and falls without feelings. But the thunderstorm never collapsed on the city, only the precreasary tension is felt.

Second culmination - Katerina pronounces the last monologue, when he says goodbye to life, which is already unbearable, and with love: "My friend! My joy! Goodbye!" (D. V, Yavl. 4).

Junction - Suicide Katerina, shock in the inhabitants of the city, Tikhon, who envies the deceased wife: "Good, Katya! And I needed to live yes torture! .. "(D.V, Yavl.7).

Output. For all signs of the genre, the play "Thunderstorm" is a tragedy, since the conflict between heroes leads to tragic consequences. There are in the play and the elements of the Commission (Samodor Wild with his ridiculous, degradation of the requirements, the stories of fecles, the argument of Kalinovans), who help to see the abyss, ready to absorb Katerina and which is unsuccessfully trying to illuminate the light of the mind, good and mercy of Kuligin. Ostrovsky himself called the play by drama, by this emphasizing the widespread conflict of the play, the everyday life of the events depicted in it.

Creative story "Thunderstorm"

The artistic synthesis of dark and bright starts of the merchant life, the Ostrovsky came in the Russian tragedy of "Thunderstorm" - the top of his mature creativity. The creation of "thunderstorms" was preceded by the expedition of the playwright on the upper Volga, undertaken on the task of the Maritime Ministry in 1856-1857. She revived and resurrected youthful impressions in memory, when in 1848 the Ostrovsky first went with households to a fascinating journey to the homeland of the Father, in the Volzhsky city of Kostroma and further, in the father acquired by the Father Schelikovo. The result of this trip was the island's diary, a lot that opens in his perception of the life of the provincial, Volga Russia. Ostrovsky tried on April 22, on the eve of Egoryeva Day. "Time is spring, holidays frequent," says Kupava King Berendeu in the "Spring Faiport" of the Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden". The journey coincided with the most poetic age of the year in the life of a Russian person. In the evenings in the ritual spring songs, which sounded behind the Occolic, in groves and valleys, treated the peasants to birds, curly willbam, white birch, to silk green grass. In Yegoryev, the day went around the fields, "Oklyikali Egoria", asked him to keep cattle from predatory animals. Following the Egoryev day, the holidays of green shields (the rule of the week) were followed, when drove in the villages of the dances, they arranged the game in the burner, burned fires and jumped through the fire. Ostrovsky's path continued for a whole week and went through the ancient Russian cities: Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma. The inexhaustible source of poetic creativity was opened for the Ostrovsky Verkhne-Volzhsky region. "Merry begins with Pereyaslavl," he records in the diary, "land, rich in the mountains and waters, and the people and the tall, and beautiful, and smart, and frank, and mandatory, and a free mind, and the soul of the Naraspa. These fellow countrymen are my beloved, with whom I seem to come together well. Here you will not see a small bent man or a woman in a suit of owls, which will be alternately bowed and sentences: "And the father, and the father ..." "And everything goes cresan, - he continues further - both cities, and types and weather, and rustic Buildings, and girls. Here are eight beauties fell on the road. " "On the meadow side, the types of amazing: what the village, what kind of buildings, exactly how you are not going through Russia, but for some promised land." And the island in Kostroma. "We are standing on a circular grief, under your feet, we have a Volga, and the ships go back and forth here on sails, then burly, and one charming song pursues us irresistible. That is suitable, and there are slightly heard charming sounds; It's getting closer and closer, the song grows and poured, finally, at the whole voice, then little, I began to sit down, and meanwhile the other breeze comes up and the same song grows. And there is no end to this song ... And on the side of the Volga, right against the city, two villages; And it was especially picturesque one, from which up to the Volga stretches the most curly grove, the sun when sunset climbed into it somehow wonderful, from the root, and made a lot of miracles. I was angry, looking at it ... exhausted, I looked home and for a long time, I could not sleep for a long time. Some despair took possession of me. Is the painful impressions of these five days be fruitless for me? " I could not be fruitless such impressions, but they still defended themselves and matured in the soul of playwright and poet, before such masterpieces of his creativity appeared, like a "thunderstorm", and then "Snow Maiden". On the big influence of the "literary expedition" on the Volga on the subsequent creativity of Ostrovsky, his friend S.V. Maximov: "A strong talent, the artist was not able to miss a favorable case ... He continued to observe the characters and the world of indigenous Russian people, hundreds of people who went to him ... Volga gave the Ostrovsky abundant food, pointed to him new topics for drum and comedy and inspired him to those Of these, which make up the honor and pride of domestic literature. From the eve of the ever, once free, Novgorod suburbs have reached the transitional time when the heavy hand of Moscow squeezed the old Will and lowered a governor in his hunters on long laying paws. The poetic "sleep on the Volga" was dreamed of, and rebelled out of the coffin and operating "Voevoda" Necha Grigorievich Shahangin with his opponent with his own man, a runaway union romance by Dubrovinic, in all the truthful atmosphere of the old Russia, which is alone Volga alone, in The same time and manty, and robbery, full and small ... externally beautiful Torzhok, jealously defended his Novgorod old to the strange customs of the Great Freedom and the strict maternity maternity, inspired by the Ostrovsky on the deep poetic "thunderstorm" with a playful barbarian and the artistic and elegant Katerina " For quite a long time it was believed that the plot of the "thunderstorms" is the Ostrovsky from the life of the Kostroma merchants, which was based on the case of the canned in Kostroma on the outcome of 1859. Up to the beginning of the 20th century, Kostromichi proudly pointed to the Katerina's suicide place - a gazebo at the end of a small boulevard, in those years literally hung over the Volga. Showed the house where she lived - next to the Church of Assumption. And when "thunderstorm" first went on the stage of the Kostroma Theater, the artists made "under the fangs".

Kostroma local historians were examined in detail later in the archive of the "Klyukovsky case" and with documents in the hands came to the conclusion that this story was used by Ostrovsky in working on "Thunderstorm". The coincidences were almost literal. A.P. Klyova was issued for sixteen years in a sullen and an unlike merchant family, which consisted of old people of parents, her son and unmarried daughter. The hostess of the house, harsh and raining, monitored her husband and children's despotism. She forced the young Snow to do any black work, refused to see her to see her relatives.

At the moment of Drama, the Klyova was nineteen years old. In the past, she was brought up in love and in the Holly of the soul in her did not have a killing grandmother, was a cheerful, alive, cheerful. Now she was in the family unfit and stranger. Her young husband, fangs, carefree and apathetic man, could not protect his wife from the oppression of mother-in-law and treated them indifferent. There were no children in the canine. And here on the way of the young woman, another man got up, Marin, serving in the post office. Suspicions began, scenes of jealousy. It ended in that on November 10, 1859, the body of A.P. Flying found in the Volga. There was a long trial, which was widely published even outside the Kostroma province, and none of Kostromich doubted that the Ostrovsky took advantage of the materials of this case in the "thunderstorm".

Many decades have passed before the Ostrovsky researchers accurately found that the "thunderstorm" was written before the Kostroma Kechakha Klykov rushed to the Volga. Work on the "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky began in June - July 1859 and graduated from October 9 of the same year. For the first time, the play was published in the January issue of the magazine "Library for reading" for 1860. The first representation of the "thunderstorms" on stage was held on November 16, 1859 in the Small Theater, in Benefis S.V. Vasilyeva with L.P. Nikulina-Kositskaya in the role of Katerina. The version of the Kostroma source "Thunderstorm" was contrived. However, the very fact of an amazing coincidence says about many things: he testifies to the dismissions of the national playwright, who caught the growing conflict in the merchant life between the old and new, conflict, in which the Dobrolyubs were not attempting "something refreshing and encouraging", and the famous theater figure S.A. . Yuriev said: "Thunderstorm" is not Ostrovsky wrote ... "Thunderstorm" Volga wrote. "