Katya semidia gave birth to a child? Spouses Katya Saddy and Yuri Gorbunov: The first interview about family life and the child is a classic service romance.

Katya semidia gave birth to a child? Spouses Katya Saddy and Yuri Gorbunov: The first interview about family life and the child is a classic service romance.
Katya semidia gave birth to a child? Spouses Katya Saddy and Yuri Gorbunov: The first interview about family life and the child is a classic service romance.

Leading Katya undershot posted a gentle photo in Instagram and wrote the post of gratitude to everyone who congratulated her in writing, orally, through the social networks and all possible ways.

In the photo, which Katya illustrated the post of thanks, of course, the child is not - it would be simply not in the style of the ex-model, considering how much she classified everything as concerns the kid. Little white shoes on the background of a bouquet of living flowers, however, do not point to the floor of the child, but tag #itsaboy Katya stooded.

kosadcha. Dyakuєmo for the attainnance! So the bagato vs read you! Iziaєmo Vikonati Vii Pesyhannya #NewLife #itsaboy

Most congratulations on the birth of the baby Katerina Caterina received through Instagram under the previous post she did yesterday. After the network has information about the fact that sediming her second child, she kept silence for some time, and then posted a photo of an excellent bouquet of anemones, ranuncoules and cotton boxes. And even though she did not sign the picture, the subscribers understood everything without words and began to congratulate the young mother and the little man who came to our world.

Leading Katya Chatting Masking Master - For the whole pregnancy, never hinted, which is waiting for a child, although it is almost impossible to hide the pregnancy at the later period, given that the future mother is so public person and worked almost to the birth. The news that the second child was the first to publish her friend's singer Ruslan Lyzhichko, writing a post-congratulation on his Facebook page.

instagram @Jamalajaaa.

Then the singer Jamala declassified another mystery - congratulated the instagram not only Katya, but also dad baby, pointing to the tag Yuri Gorbunov. Almost immediately congratulations wrote the actress Olga Sumskaya, which directly pointed out that the boy was born. True, this post was removed in less than an hour, but naturally, the screenshot went to walk on the network.

Yesterday, Katu Supidii congratulated the editorial office of the Transmission of "SEW LIFE", published in Instagram post-confirmation of the boy's birth, so everything is officially and you can congratulate.

svitsketv TsEFіційно! Katya Sidiachka on Sina's substone. Uyi editor "Svitsky Zhittya" Vіtaє Schchally Motherland with Popovens

True, the name of the boy's father was not officially informed, however, probably, not our business - when the parents find it necessary, they will tell about everything. Once again, congratulating Katu Sideli with the birth of the second son and wish the big, great happiness.

1. Katya Sadchaxy

Pregnancy 33-year-old TV presenter. However, such rumors appear about sediment with enviable regularity. Somehow, she had even had to be justified, they say, the holidays were not in vain, recovered with whom it does not happen.

The current "pregnancy" Kati proceeds is also very interesting. Even despite the fact that she herself does not say any "yes", nor "no".

Big Blue Marshmallow, - explained the TV host of the air dress, in which appeared in the show "Voice. Diti".

"She is pregnant! It is felt even from the TV screen, the energy is different!" - Watch fans under the snapshots in Instagram.

The father of the future child is called her colleague - the actor and TV presenter Yuri Gorbunov, about the novel with which he had long been gossiped in the sidelines of the Ukrainian show business.

And then the friend of the TV presenter, the Ex-Judge "Masterschef" Nikolai Tishchenko, under one of the photographs of the draft, wrote: "Katya, congratulations. Soon we will catch you up." Who "you" and what does "catch up"? We have only one version ...

About the novel, Kati and Yura spoke in the summer of 2015. But recently photos made in the same place appear in Instagram, albeit from different angles.

It is interesting that a year ago on the question "KP" in Ukraine "about what he lacks in life, Yuri Gorbunov replied:" I miss only children. "And on the question of how it works with the draft, I answered:" We have Roles are distributed: I am dad, and Katya is mom. "

Did it die?

2. Vera Brezhnev

"I do not have a photo with a tramp, and I am not pregnant ... In short - not in trend. But but I know how to inflate the belly like that!". Photo: instagram.com/ververa

Faith married Konstantin Meladze in October 2015. In social networks, where the pregnancy of stars is one of the most discussed topics, many are interested in the singer: "Do not plan common kids?".

Brezhnev, who has two daughters, decided to answer the annoying question. And I did it with humor. Faith posted in Instagram "snapshot with belly" by signing:

I do not have a photo with Trump, and I am not pregnant ... In short - not in trend. But but I know how to inflate the belly like this!

A photo of a day collected 125 thousand likes and almost one and a half thousand comments.

Maybe a 34-year-old faith is preparing to give 53-year-old Konstantin Son's Son or daughter, but still trains?

3. Ani Lorak

The 38-year-old singer puzzled fans not for a joke. At one of the events, Ani Lorak appeared in a brilliant dress with a decolight from the Ukrainian designer Lily Litkovskaya.

But not all fans rated the image of Carolina: many it seemed that the singer was prepared for the second time to become a mother. The fact is that the miniature artist (weight - 50 kg) appeared "tummy". Or Lorak just unsuccessfully picked up a dress?

In an interview with "KP" in Ukraine "in February, Carolina recognized that their daughter Sonya constantly asks them with Murata, whether her brother or sister would appear. And on the question, whether she enters her plans to give birth to a second child in the coming years, she replied:

Of course. But it's not worth talking about it - everything is in the hands of God ... I also guess from the young age that when I had a family - there would be no one child in it. Therefore, God forbid.

Camping Ekaterina Aleksandrovna is a Ukrainian journalist, a TV presenter, a secular lioness and model. The journalistic biography of ospoca is associated with lighting news from secular life. TV presenter style is characterized by empty, provocative and uncomfortable issues of well-known personnel.

Katya was born in the city of Kiev in a prosperous family in 1983. The head of the family - Alexander Vladimirovich Osadchy - worked as the Director-General in KyivPribor. The mother of the girl worked as a librarian, but decided to devote himself to the family and became a housewife. Also in the family there is a boy who is younger than Kati for several years.

Katya saved since childhood grew by a creative girl. I visited music lessons and stubbornly practiced in the dance ensemble "Sokolita". Catherine, while as a child, was different from his peers rather high growth and had expressive and correct features of the face: no one even doubted that the girl was waiting for a successful model career.

Thanks to the help of parents, the girl began to make the first steps in the model career. Katya went to the Kiev model school "Baghir", already thirteen years old successfully graduated from studying and entered into the world of model business. At fourteen years, immediately after Ekaterina graduated from the ninth grade, the girl with the consent of the parents signed the first model contract and went to Tokyo for three months to shoot. The girl possessed a podium growth of 180 cm, so the model's career Kati quickly went up.

The work of sipha in Tokyo was so successful that the girl immediately began to invite to the shooting and to other countries. Catherine managed to work with model agencies of Paris, Berlin and London. But the school classes did not have time left for school classes, so the graduation exams Kate had to be externally, as the girl was waiting for shooting in France.

Already by 18, Katya, Catying, lost interest in the model business and returned to Ukraine - for a new dream. Now the girl dreamed of engaging television journalism. Since the girl was poorly owned by the Ukrainian language, Kat had to attend classes to improve the diction and voice formulation. In parallel with these classes, Catherine graduated in absentia, the Faculty of History in the Kiev National University of Name.


During the work, the model abroad Katya, Chatting, began to show interest in television, the girl carefully watched the work of foreign journalists, as they ask questions to popular personalities, as behave. After the end of the model career, Kati was the main goal of a television journalist.

To his own goal, the girl was very stubbornly: studied world television, followed the Ukrainian channels and tried to choose the one in which Katya herself could work.

To start a career on television, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna has been on all possible castings. Soon the girl smiled at luck: Catherine learned that there was an entertainment project on the First National Channel, in which there was a free vacancy of a freelance correspondent. The girl managed to get on this work, which became for Kati on the beginning of the journalistic career.

In the spring of 2005, Tonis TV channel announced a casting for a new program called "secular chronicles". Directors needed a provocateur journalist, and precipitated perfectly approached this role. Catherine liked the viewers so much that in March 2007 it took a TV host to one of the most popular programs of the National Television of Ukraine - "secular life".

Catherine was supposed to visit closed secular parties and ask the famous personalities provocative and even banging questions. She had not only the original manner in a conversation, but in appearance - always high heels, magnificent outfits and chips Kati - fashionable hats. The rating of this TV program has grown so quickly that the popular publication called Focus enrolled the girl in the list of hundreds of the most influential Ukrainian women. In the ranking "100 most influential women of Ukraine", the girl took the 96th place. Five years later, Katya Saddy rose strongly in the ranking and took the 64th place.

In 2009, Katu Sideli was invited to participate in the second season of the TV show "Dance for You", which went out on the channel "1 + 1". Partner of the TV host became Andrei Rat. And in 2011, sediming became the TV host project "Voice of the country". In 2012, the show "Voice. Children, "where the TV presenter had to help not worrying to children before reaching the scene. Since 2015, Katya appeared in the role of TV host in the "Little Giants" show.

Personal life

In 2001, Katya Sadden married a national deputy from the "Party of Green" and a successful businessman of Oleg Polisterchuk. And in September 2002, Ilya gave birth to Son.

Unfortunately, the marriage quickly broke out: in 2004, Katya and Oleg divorced. The main reason for divorce has become mainly personal ambitions and a busy schedule. Catherine does not prevent the communication of the former husband and son. Oleg Polishchuk often communicates with Ilya and rides with him in different countries.

Despite the fact that immediately after the birth of a child, Camping took up his own career, a woman still finds his free time to spend it with her son.

TV presenter does not like to talk about his own personal life and trying to hide the details as closely as possible. Until 2017, journalists knew only that the star of television may have a young man who is not a public person.

On the other side of Catherine cameras, Catherine does not wear hats and heels, the journalist prefers to wear jeans and sneakers. In his free time, the TV presenter almost does not attend noisy parties, but spends this time with his family.

Katya Sidigible now

In 2017, fans and press hit the sudden news: Catherine is pregnant and married the father of his own child - actor. And this news did not spread the will of Paparazzi, but at the request of Catherine. Happy future parents became the participants of the family photo shoot, in which the scarlet dress emphasized the consenssed stomach stomach.

In addition, the journalist and the actor gave not one interview both about marriage and the preceding wedding relationship. Catherine and her husband stated the press that they want a joint child to be born in a legitimate marriage, and this was the main reason for the ambulance.

Also, the lovers told that by the time of the wedding, the Roman Star lasted for two years. TV presenter and the actor began romantic relationships on the set of teleconcurs of "Voice. Children". Also, the spouses stated that they decided on such a detailed conversation about personal life only because of the birth of a child. In the future, the spouses do not plan to tell the press on family matters.

On February 18 of the same year, the newlyweds were born Son Ivan. The difference in the age of two children a journalist turned out to be impressive - 14 years. The name of the newborn parents opened the press only two weeks after birth. And the first photographs of the child, parents shared in their own "instagram" -Acuts, when the son turned four months.

The birth of a son, as the first time, did not prevent Catherine to return to work, so soon after the news about the replenishment in the family the TV journalist again appeared in the transfer of "secular life". But this time the television format has changed. Catherine is occupy periodically occupied with the child, so in the work on the transfer of the journalist it took assistance. Sadden acquired reporters among Ukrainian celebrities. For example, the role of reporters tried their own forces of singer and, soloist of a popular musical team.

And at the end of 2017, the fans of Kati Sidsee suspected that the TV presenter is pregnant again. The journalist posted a photo on which the unbuttoned jacket created the illusion that Ekaterina again rounded the belly. Fans began to desire a woman hints about the replenishment in the family and say other warm words, but the TV presenter itself did not comment on these rumors.


  • 2005 - "Square Chronicle"
  • 2007 - "Silent Life"
  • 2009 - "Dance for you"
  • 2012 - "Voice of the country"
  • 2012 - "Voice. Children"

No commented by Katya and pregnancy, and also did not call the father of his newborn son, which was born on February 18, 2017 in one of the metropolitan clinics. And only for Viva! Katya Saddy and Yura Gorbunov made an exception.

- Classic office romance.

E.: Not really. A classic service story implies that people work side by side, we had several shooting days for a couple of months, and then we returned to our projects. So our novel can be called session. Well, and most importantly, it developed already outside the set.

- That is why the news that you have a couple have become the public domain only recently.

Yu.: We didn't really hid it, but they were not going to advertise. By the way, we are not going to do it further, because the family and happiness love silence. But since we should have a child, then, of course, we want everyone to know and understood everything. We want to say that this is the fruit of love, desired and very expected child. Therefore, here, we state the fact. (Laughs)

E.: In fact, hundreds of thousands of people in Ukraine and far "for ~ mezzami" create couples, become a husband and wife, children give birth. Nothing superordinary does not happen to us.

Why didn't we tell about us before, although relations have been more than two years? Yes, because there is nothing more to boasted. We are doing much more in the profession, and, probably, our professional activities should be primarily interesting to the audience.

Guys, do not shove: You understand that the personal life of famous people has always been interested in society more than their creative achievements. Katya, to whom, as not to you, leading "secular life", it should be known.

E.: Only because the request of our viewers has reached a maximum, already in Google are interested in our relations, we decided to tell about them: our child will be born in official marriage.

- So you already got married?!

E.: At the time of the release of the room will already be legitimate husband and wife.

Listen, well, I do not know what the sequence you can congratulate you: so that you are a couple, what do you expect a child, or so that they entered the marriage union?

Y.: Yes, in what will not congratulate - thanks (smiles). Right Katya says: we do not make anything special. All people around fall in love, marry, give birth to children. We are just public people, so we cause such interest.

E.: When in a pair, two famous people are, then, of course, interest is intensive. And we decided to make this announcement to place the points over "і". And that the press calm down, and in the hairdressers, this question was not remedied.

Y.: Yes, there was a case. Our girlfriend was in the cabin, and in the next chair sat one of the ladies well known in society. She loudly for the entire hall of the broadcast: "What do you tell! I know Katya and Jura perfectly well. There is nothing between them, it's a PR, believe me! " To which our girlfriend was indignant: "As you do not intend to dissolve rumors!" She was greatly embarrassed when she was caught on hot.

But the story was continued. In the evening at one of the secular events, we saw this person. They approached her together with Katya and the eyes said: "Do not talk about what you definitely do not know." She was ready, probably, through the earth fail.

E.: And in one of the newspapers there was a live ether with extrasensus. He is asked questions, and he writes: "Do not believe anything, they are not a couple." By the way, in social networks people are more friendly. If you judge by comments, it is very kind to us. We are glad for us, wish health, happiness.

- It's nice when you tell you the kind words when you treat you with sympathy?

Yu.: I will say this: a good word and a cat is nice. And do not believe the artists who say: "Oh, we do not care about the amount of applause or colors!" Important! Because it is an assessment of your work. And when people who evaluate your work still support you in some of your personal affairs, naturally, it is also very nice. Although at first there were replicas on our occasion: "God, she is higher than its growth! It's impossible! This is not true, they do not fit each other! "

- Katya public opinion is generally actively swattal for the oligarch.

E.: (Laughs) Just people think about and glue shortcuts.

- So, you have been together for almost two years. Do you live under the same roof? By the way, where is it located this roof?

Yu.: We live outside the city. But to specify, where exactly they would not want.

- In Katina Instagram were very beautiful photos of Christmas celebration. Was it you?

Yu.: No, Christmas we celebrated with friends who live near us. There was a very romantic setting: the house was covered with snow, light in the Kiev region, there was a light, so they lit the candles, a beautifully served desk stood a kitya ... so homely, cozy and comfortable (smiling).

- Do you take guests?

E.: Of course, we accept.

Yu.: We have guests. And Katya is very tasty prepares that for me, by the way, at one time it was a discovery.
And it does everything so easily, quickly, without straining. Sometimes I look at the clock - already half of the seventh, in seven guests will come, and I understand that there is still a full mess. I say: "Katya, we do not have time!" But she is so calm and sure that everything is under control, that this calm is transmitted to me. And indeed: quickly decomposed, put, right up to the compote -
Reception is ready (laughs).

But cleaning after - my duty. And I do it with a hunt, because it brings pleasure to bring everything in order, wash everything, wipe, put it in places and go to bed with a calm conscience that, waking up in the morning, you will see a clean house. I have this habit of childhood.

- Katya, what kind of yra is at home?

E.: Economic. He is by the horoscope of Virgo, like me, by the way. So, the virgin is very scrupulous in everyday life and in some of their habits are conservative. Yura - Perfectionist in life issues, he needs to order and cleanliness to be perfect.

And he is a real man in the house. The fact is that recent years I have been engaged in my housing itself. And Jura can periodically remind me: "Why do you take care of men's work? For this there is me. " Indeed, before I myself was done by everything: the whole landing at the dacha, a lawn haircut, some domestic things I energly did it myself, or this was done by workers, but under my leadership. I know how and what is being done, and I can do a lot. I even know how to put the pipeline for the winter so that the pipes do not burst.

Therefore, next to Yura, I was rebuilt for some time to delegate my duties (laughs).

Yu.: Once she has a floss in the apartment, Katya calls me: "Yura, this is a catastrophe!" Then I thought: "Thank God, that she finally called me to solve the problem, and not herself began to repair!" (Laughs)

- As far as I understood, Catherine precipitated on the screen and at home is two different people.

Yu.: Absolutely! I was surprised by learning that Katya was fond of flowers. When she invited me for the first time to give me a tour: "Look, but I planted it - it has grown so, but it has grown so, but it's time to transplant the bush ..." I did not believe my eyes. Because for me, precipitated was associated only with work: a hat, a microphone, outfits, heels ... and I did not imagine, what is this man in everyday life. It turns out, kind, soft, gentle, is also fond of flowers. In the morning I wakes up, it goes to watch that she has grown and bloomed, and happy at the same time: "Look, he grown!"

E.: For me, such an opportunity to put something with a gardener or come up with how it will grow, which plants will be combined together (smiles).

During their collaboration, the joint life was probably some kind of triggering moments arose. You, though the Virgin, and on the same wave, but you are adults with their shaped habits.

Yu.: Sometimes I still annoys me in Kate that she all takes over. Now they brought tea. And what does she do? Grab the kettle and bottles in cups. Wait! Nearby there is a person who will do it. That is, she has some habits from past life remained.

E.: I used to do everything myself. I became very early, I began to work abroad at age 14 and myself was responsible for myself.

I have long understood: everything that I will not do, no one will do. Therefore, it was so necessary: \u200b\u200bthe birthdays of the son, moms, dads, my birthdays, some family celebrations are always on me. Household problems in the country, in the apartment - all this I have to solve myself or give an instruction to someone. And I keep everything under control. Therefore, it is natural to get rid of the short -ched habits, even in two years, is quite difficult. But I'm trying.

Yu.: (Peace-loving) I annoy - this is, of course, I exaggerated, I didn't pick up the word. And sometimes I catch myself thinking: "Yura, what are you nervous? Sit down and relax. Decide for you everything - and great! All men only dream to save them from duties "(laughs).

E.: We are talking so much about life. In fact, we still have people constantly and work a lot, and our life is not so much, because Jura goes on tour, I am on business trips, we are constantly on the set. Yes, and we eat at home at home more than once a week, when guests are invited to dinner. Therefore, I am pleased to cook something.

Y.: Sometimes I say: "Let's facilitate! Now the mass of opportunities to buy ready-made food, some of the ready-made salads can be ordered so precisely so as not to do cutting. But Katya refuses.

E .: Me cooking distracts me, after all, this is a complete switching from the main work.

- Do you have any corona dishes?

E.: We are trying to stick to the right nutrition, now the year as our menu is formed under the supervision of a nutritionist. Therefore, we have all dietary: baked fish, salads, no complex carbohydrates, garnings, no red meat. It's a little more difficult to cook in the post, because for lean dishes a smaller scope. But I have already learned the lean tables.

The last year you are under the supervision of a nutritionist. Is it caused by the fact that you decided to prepare the body for the birth of a child? Do you have a planned pregnancy?

Yu.: We have not specifically prepared for this. But when after several months of life, I said Kate: "Well, you understand that I already want children?", Katya boldly and immediately, without thinking, answered: "Of course!" Therefore, we did not have this: "Everyone, sit down on a diet, clean - and go ahead, the progress of the child." But we also took into account this opportunity.

E.: Everything was natural. We adhere to that thoughts that the less cash on the question, the easier and more organically it will decide. A year ago, at the end of winter, we decided that it would be nice to contact the nutritionist Natalia Alexandrovna, and so coincided that we met familiar who advised us a specialist. We always have it so - it's worth thinking about something: "It would be nice ..." - and then someone or something we thought about our lives. So we met with a nutritionist, who are still satisfied: I will soon give birth, and on the figure it is not particularly visible. Maybe the diet has become what helped us easier to experience the last nine months.

- And how are nine months experience?

E.: In work (laughs). Before December, I still flew to shoot. Of course, everything happens under the supervision of a doctor, but modern doctors with understanding belong to our rhythm of life. The day before yesterday they recorded two more episodes of "voices". March 4, the new season of "secular life" begins, where it will be what we take off now. So we do not go anywhere (smiles).

Yu.: We did not plan to pregnancy, taking into account working graphics, she did not make any fundamental changes to our lives and work.

E.: It so happened that the film session "Voice" does not suffer from our plans. Part of the ethers, we shot at the end of January, and in April calmly come out in a live ether already as a parent.

We are very grateful to the leadership, our producers who are in every way to ensure that everything is as easier and more organically. Well, I, for my part, in the same way trying to no one to deliver trouble.

Yu.: We, by the way, were worried about how our leadership will take this news. After all, according to the law and on moral standards, somehow you need to put everyone in time. And we were pleasantly surprised by the universal joy that our message caused. It would seem that people should respond in a worker, because some shifts are possible on schedule ... But we were sincerely congratulated, supported.

E.: Maybe we still easily work quite easily because they do not bike on the topic of pregnancy. On direct air "voice. Diti "I was already in the seventh month. And he felt normally. A representative of the owner of the format from Holland, who comes to live broadcasts, all the time approached me and asked how I feel. In general, it was amazing for him: how in such a position you can run on heels on stairs?! Then we went to celebrate the end of the ether, and he was shocked what kind of workable women live in Ukraine!

- He would know that you also know how to preserve the pipes for the winter! Tell me, are you at home talk about work?

E.: Frequently often. We say and understand each other. It is very convenient that we are from one sphere.

Yu.: We are often learning the text together, we are preparing to directly Efira.

E.: We share news, tell me what happened at work. And it is very interesting, because we both know those people who are talking about, because everything in one business. That is, we, in essence, speak in the same language.

In general, it is very cool when people are engaged in one thing. That is why Yura does not have any questions, where I was up to 12 hours, and I do not ask what could be done on the set until the morning? Never sounds the question: "What can you do so long?!" We understand about the profession of each other all. So, in general, all at the maximum.

- Are any professional comments you make each other?

Yu.: Sometimes we look at the "secular life", and I can point to some nuance. And watching the "voice", discuss: "Look, and here it would be so ..." But it's all only for the benefit. This is rather tips than comments.

- Katya, do you go to the performances with the participation of Yura?

E.: Yes. Several times I was on the "sentence" on Chekhov and I think that this is excellent. By the way, when I first went to the performance, I was afraid that I was disappointed and I would have to say something. And it was already, as it should be diplomatic, overcoming awkwardness, something to be broken. But I was in vain experienced. I really liked Yura game. I was very pleasantly surprised and the compliments spoke absolutely sincerely. And how many friends, acquaintances went to performances, no one expected such reincarnation.

Y.: I'll tell you one romantic history. When we just started meeting, and some first rumors had already crawled about it, just started actively touring activities with this performance. And suddenly in each city, I put a large bouquet of tulips on the scene. And all: "Ta-A-Ak, Gorbunov, and well, come on, from whom flowers?" The next city is again tulips, the next - again. It's so Katya decided to do me a surprise.

E.: Somehow I learned with great surprise that for artists, it turns out, it is very important when they give flowers. Moreover, it is important to both men and women, and adults, and young. For them, this is directly some fetish - how many bouquets have on stage ... they are very reverent and zealously belong to someone how many bouquets gave.

Yu.: Yes, it's true.

E.: Then men these flowers, of course, are transferred to the partners, but the fact of the fact that they gave, noted - this is a sign of the highest pilot.
And I thought: "Well, if it is so important, then let it be." And it began to send a bouquet to every city.

Yu.: Usually, at first glance, you can define bouquets intended for theater, they are such official, solemn. And here the tulips! It is so fresh, unusual. Therefore, of course, rushing into the eyes. Everyone is crazy, they are lost in guesses: "Gorbunov, from whom flowers?", And I think: "Well, what I can drive!" (Laughs).

E.: In fact, it was my impulse in response to some kind of yurines are pleasant surprises. So it was already heard that we were on birthdays, and we try to please each other for some of our holidays. And we try to do it anybody. Although if we talk about colors as a banality, then Yura often gives bouquets. Actually, our houses have already established that there should always be live flowers.

- Guys, tell me, in your beautiful tandem there is the third person, your son, Katya.

E.: Yes, Ilyusha. He is already 14 years old.

- How does his relationship with Yura?

Yu.: I was familiar with Ilyusha and before, Katya sometimes led him to shooting. I remember him since the time of the program "Dance for You."

E.: Yes, I danced in her, and Jura was a leading. It was long ago, Ilyusha was very small.

Yu.: I once drew attention to Katu for the first time. There was such a moment when a surprise was presented before the Para's speech to cheer up, inspire a dance. A mom who came from another city, or a husband, who was somewhere on a business trip, unexpectedly went to someone right on the parquet. And now the video is included in front of the Katin number, and Ilyusha runs into the frame: "Mom! I love you!" I look, the tears flowed in the circidation. I think: "Wow, this person can even cry!"

So Ilyusha I knew a long time ago, and when we met in the new capacity, I shook my hands, he looked at us and says: "Cool!"