Katerina Lvovna Passionate nature or sick soul. Mystery of the female soul

Katerina Lvovna Passionate nature or sick soul. Mystery of the female soul

Passionate nature or soul soul

in the essay of Leskov "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County".

Literature lesson in 10 cl.

Teacher Shileov Irina Anatolyevna

Didactic goal : To promote the formation of the Wood in the process of awareness and understanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe essay of Leskov to the means of enhancing the independent cognitive activity of students.

Type of lesson : Lesson studying new material and primary consolidation.

Planned results (mains in content):

Subject :

Know the concept of "essay";

Compare the heroes of different works;

To assess the actions of the heroes;

Analyze the text of the artwork.


Cognitive :

Find the necessary information in the text;

Analyze, compare, compare, summarize, draw conclusions.

Communicative :

Productively cooperate, communicate with peers in solving various educational tasks;

Formulate and express your own opinion on the problem of lesson,

Adequately use speech tool for solving various communicative tasks.

Regulatory :

Choose actions in accordance with the tasks assigned;

Correct your own answers.


Develop sense formation;

Form an artistic taste;

Develop the ability to independently educational activities;

Bring up a creative reader, a critical listener;

Rail civilian, moral qualities of the person.

Teaching methods : Reproductive, partially search.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity of students : Frontal, individual, group.

During the classes.

There is a righteous happiness, there is a sinful happiness.

Righteous of anyone will not cross

and the sinner will overstep .

Leskov "Understanding Hungal".

Fear of man whose God in the sky .

B. Show.

Organization of lesson.

1. Summer word teacher.

Essay "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" for the first time published in the magazine "Epoch" in 1865, called "Lady Macbeth of our county." The story shows an inseparable connection of capital with a crime on love soil. This is one of the art vertices of Leskov's creativity. The main content of the essay of N. S. Leskov "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" is the topic of love, the topic of tragic female destiny.

2. Rentally peculiarity .

Give the definition of the essay.

Feature article - One of the varieties of the small form of epic literature is a story other than his other form, novels, the lack of a single, acute and fast-resolved conflict and greater development of the descriptive image.

Essay is an artistic and journalistic genre, which combines logical-rational and emotionally-shaped methods of reflection of reality to solve certain aspects of the concept of man or public life.

Essaying literature It does not affect the problems of becoming the nature of the personality in its conflicts with a well-established public environment, as inherent in the novel (and novel), and the problems of the civil and moral state of the "medium" (embodied usually in individual individuals) - the problems of "moralopsychiatory"; It has a great cognitive diversity.Essaying literature Usually combines the features of fiction and journalism.

3. Semantics titles, his understanding.

The first part of the name relates us to the tragedy of Shakespeare "Macbeth"

A pre-prepared student briefly tells the content of the tragedy.

Output : Shakespeare made Macbeth's completed embodiment of political despotism andambition. Lady Macbeth is largely like her husband. But this royal woman has a heart fired. All her feelings are subject to ambition. Even the love of her ambition. She loves Macbeth for the fact that he surpasses all other people. She is not important that the joy that a loving woman receives a man from the response feelings, and his ability to elevate himself and at the same time. She wants to be the wife of the first man in the state. Such love happens, she can be sincere and strong in its own way, but, of course, is a perversion of true love.

Distinguishes it from Macbeth Decisitancy. Her ambition is really passion, blind, impatient and indomitable. She is an iron woman, the devil in a great appearance. If the ambition of Macbeth is a passion that struggles with its moral consciousness, then in it - it is mania that destroyed all other feelings. The moral concepts she is completely deprived.

What is the oddity of the Leskovsky work name?

(Collision of concepts from various stylistic reservoirs: "Lady Macbeth" - Association with the tragedy of Shakespeare, Lady - Lady from the highest society, so we are a relationship with a high content, an elevated style. Mtsensky County (Associations: Cuccary Eatz, Yaran County) - the ratio of tragedy With a deaf Russian province).

Output by title : The author expands the scale of what is happening in the sketch. Regardless of which social group belongs to what social status is a person (woman), it is able to experience both high and low-lying feelings, desires, aspirations. It is equally barbed and good, and evil.

4. Analysis essay.

Who is the leading hero? (Katerina Lvovna Izmailova)

We put the problem question of the lesson: "Who Katerina Izmailov -passionate nature or soul soul? "

What a character hadKaterina Izmailov? Confirm text.

("The character was ardent", i.e. passionate, she got used to simplicity and freedom)

(Text - Start, 1 paragraph)

Katerina Izmailov and in life, and in love could achieve a lot.

Tell her story of marriage. (Artistic retelling monologue (history of marriage of Katerina) from the first person. (1 chapter)).

Output : In the life of Katerina Izmailov, there is no love, only boredom, so looking for classes, entertainment on the side.

Is it guilty of this Katerina Izmailov?

(and yes, and not. Yes, because her life was not filled with spiritually: Katerina Izmailov did not like her husband, did not have a loved one, did not pray, did not read. No, because the husband did not love her)

And the passion was supposed to find his manifestation, her torture nature was supposed to "turn around his entire breadth"

How did her passion start?

(From meeting with Sergey, since she was weighed: "Dick")

Warming earthly severity means a monstrous, but still hidden power. And what does a peasant speak to this: "Does our body pull?"

How do you understand his words? (It is not a body leaves footprints on Earth, and human soul in human memory).

What is Sergey? How does it behave?

(appearance: "With a bold beautiful face"

Aksinya about Sergey: "What a brave!"

With Katerina Izmailovova: "Jointly whispered Sergey")

Output : He knows what he does, not love in it, but the calculation. This confirms

For what? (for money, power)

What is Katerina Izmailov in love?

She waited for something special from life - love. And a random meeting sank her soul on so much as she asks his mother-in-law. Having received a refusal, she poisoned his father.

Is there any regret, any movement of conscience?

(No, the passion captured her soul and develops the limits of betrayal) "She was distraught from his happiness." But happiness is different. Leskova has such words (see Epigraff): "There is a righteous happiness, there is a sinful happiness. The righteous will not change anyone, and the sinner will overstep. "

What does Katerina Izmaylov pass through?

(Through God's commandments - not committed, do not kill.)

After killing times, easily kills again. Tell us about the murder of a husband (chapters 7-8).

According to the Bible, the law of marriage: "Two - one flesh". And Katerina Lvovna flesh this with his own hands crushed - calmly, even with a sharp pride for his inaccessibility.

Remember the epigraph to the essay. How did you understand?

(This is just the "first song to sing singing," "Zardying" - confused, not yet dares to decisive actions, and then it will go.)

And here lives Katerina Lvovna, "reigns", even wears a child under his heart. Everything seemed to be accomplished on the ideal (remember, I wanted to give birth to yourself "for the funship of a baby). This high ideal is motherhood - faces another high Christian ideal - do not commit adultery, because the child is not from her husband - from the lover. Recall Katerina from the "Thunderstorm", who, who violates this God, could not live calmly: she confessed to treason, because the conscience did not allow to step over sinful happiness.)

- And Katerina Ismailov has a conscience? (Leskov's heroine does not have this, only dreams wonderful so far.)

Talk about Katerina Lvovna's dreams.

1st Sleep - Chapter 6 (the cat is still just a cat).

2nd Sleep - Chapter 7 (a cat similar to Boris Timofeevich, killed).

Output: Not so simple turns out to be "singing".

Dreams are symbolic. Is it no conscience wake up in a young knob? (Not yet.)

Symbolic words sounded in the mouths of the grandmother of Fedi (chapter10: "Break, katerinushka ...") - read.

How did you understand? (Furniture of God's Ladar)

- How did Katerina bother? (Killed Fedy.)

And before the next murder, "her own child had first turned under his heart, and she pulled cold in her chest" (Chapter 10).

- Does Leskova have a mention of this detail?

(Nature itself, the female nature warned her from a conceived crime. But no, not a member of the voice of the soul, did not break through the light of the baby's soul mate: "Who began evil, he will wake in it" (Shakespeare).

Unlike the first two murders, the retribution came immediately. How did it happen?

- What do you think - right away?

(Eliminated clean, angel, sinless soul. Little sufferer, tarts, acknowledged God; Even the name is symbolic: "Fedor" translated from Greek - "God's gift".)

Peer in the reproduction of the painting of I.Ladzunov "Boy". What stressed the artist?

(Bolsheglase matters on the background of icons, handle on the chest as a paraprase passion through Dmitry killed)

Katerina's arrest is a reproach for his deed before God. And Katerina Izmailov about God never mentioned. What is it? Maybe in the Mtsensky county all people are noiseless people? Confirm your thought text (ch. 12): "Our people must ..."

How the antithesis sounds the words about Katerina Izmailovoy: "Eposhanized ..."

Output : Violated the highest moral law, the commandment of God - "not killed"; For the highest value on earth is human life. Therefore, the depth of moral fall of Katerina and Sergey is great.

What does the passion escaped to freedom?

(Freedom that does not know moral restrictions turns into its opposite. Passionate nature, being in the power of "freedom" of crimes, inevitably doomed to death.)

So, the court of earth, the court of human committed. Did he make a special impression on Katerina Lvovna? Confirm text (ch. 13).

(She loves still.)

Tell us about the relationship of Katerina Izmailovo and Sergey at Katorga.

Did Leskovskaya Heroine changed?

(Yes, now it is not a cold-blooded killer, causing horror and amazement, but a rejected woman suffering from love.)

- Sorry for her? Why?

(She is a victim, rejected, and loves still, even stronger (ch. 14). The more rectifying her, the frank and cynical the abuse of Sergey above her and her feelings. The abyss of the moral fall of the former Clarifier is so terrible that he is trying to stop even Camera kindergarten villages).

Bernard Show warned: "The fight of a man whose God is in the sky." How do you understand these words?

(God is a conscience, an inner judge. There is no such God in the soul - a man is terrible. So Sergey remained. Such was Katerina Lvovna to Kamga.)

Changes in Katerina will help see the appeal to the symbolism of landscape scenes.

Independent work on the analysis of the landscape (work on the text with a pencil, 3 minutes). (The table is filled during the work.)

Questions on the board:

What color is more often found in the description of nature?

Find the word-image that uses fishing lines in this passage?

What is the symbolism of the landscape scene?

Option 1.
Text, ch. 6.
"Golden Night", "Paradise",
white color, young apple tree, apple tree, filled with white flowers.
White color in nature - "Paradise". But black, dirt, darkness in the soul - "hell".

Option 2.
Text, ch. fifteen.
"Immediate picture", "hell",
dirt, darkness, gray sky, wind moans.

Dirt, darkness on the street - "hell", but light in the soul - "paradise" (cleansing pain)

Output : Through physical pain, a person comes to awareness, feeling of the soul. Shakespeare in his tragedy said about Lady Macbeth: "She is not sick with a body, but soul."

Patient soul in Katerina Izmailovaya. But the limit of their own suffering and torment awakens glimpses of the moral consciousness at the leslange heroine, who did not know the feeling of guilt, nor the feeling of repentance.

The Volga makes you remember another Katerina - from the "Thunderstorm" island. We feel: the junction is nearing. But Katerina Kabanova herself dies, and Katerina Izmailov takes with him another soul - a sonnet. The soul of Katerina Lvovna for a moment, as it were, entered the beam light and plunged into darkness again.

5. Conduct conversation analysis.

I would like to give the quote L.Anninsky: "The terrible unpredictability is found in the souls of heroes. What is there "thunderstorm" is there is not a ray of light, then the blood fountain beats from the bottom of the soul: here "Anna Karenina" foreshadowed - the ignition of the "demonic passion". Here Dostoevsky should be the problem - no wonder Dostoevsky and published "Lady Macbeth ..." in his journal. In any kind of typology, I will not put a lesking heroine - a fourfold killer for love. "

How do you answer the question of the topic "Who Katerina Izmaylova -passionate nature or soul soul? " Argument.

6. Reflection .

What did you disclose the classical Russian literature for yourself?

Homework: Write an essay-mapping of Katerina Kabanova and Katerina Izmailovaya.

\u003e Works on the work of Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County

Mystery of the female soul

What dreams of a woman? - True mystery to this day. So incomprehensible women's soul, and the soul of Catherine Lvovna - the main heroine of the essay, no exception. What she wants that he moves it and why it does not show its character, characteristic of assertiveness, passion and purposefulness immediately. Apparently, this love changes people so much. It would seem that such an elevated and bright feeling should face a person, to make it better, however, in the case of the merchant, there is a terrible metamorphosis, and the low-alive and animal instincts drive it.

So, by taking courage, Katerina heads to the mother-in-law with a request to let the lover, and when he refuses, threatening her and alay, she, without blinking his eye poisoning him. So clouded by the reason for Katerina, and the heart is covered by the fire of love, which does not notice how the chosen one manipulates it. Then, inspired by the ideas of Sergey, about their marriage, Katerina Lvovna decides to make a Barin from the beloved, and for this, it kills a legitimate spouse - merchant Izmailov. Perhaps the most cruel deed is the killing of the child - Fyodor Lyamin, a small heir, applying for part of the capital of the merchant family of Izmailov. It is surprising that Catherine, who has a new life under the Head, went to such atrocity. More amazing the behavior and deed of the checkpone in relation to your child. After all, she dreamed of motherhood, and the child is - the fruit of love with her heart sining. Katerina, as Walking in Passion to Claw. She sees nothing, in front of her only one desire to be near her beloved, even if it is a thorny path in stage. Ekaterina Lvovna Slepa in his love.

As you know, there is time to scatter stones, and time to collect stones. So, Katerina paid for his atrocities in full, and if for Sergey, the punishment is Katorga, then for a woman is the betrayal of the beloved, exposing his subsection larva. Even understanding all the uselessness of sinful actions, as well as that the love of Sergey, only a dummy, an empty sound, the main heroine is glad to be deceived further. But in just a whole limit - a loved man begins to mock Katerina, providing attention to other women, having evaporated over a checkpone. Revised by Jealousy and absorbed by the pain of betrayal of Katerina kills himself, drowned in the Volga, without forgetting to grab himself a major opponent's sonnet.

Katerina like any woman wants to love and be loved, but in her desire she violates all the laws of morality and God's laws. Without seeing obstacles, she goes out, literally on the corpses to his goal - the love and attention of a unworthy man. Despite all the crimes and evil in her soul, it is only a performer, an instrument in the skillful hands of the executioner, who is her beloved Sergey.

Class: 10

Katerina Izmailova - "Lightning generated
Mrak himself and only brighter emphasizing
Impropered darkness of merchant life.
V. Gabel.

"What a" thunderstorm "is there is not a beam here
Light, there is a blood fountain beats from the bottom of the soul: here
Anna Karenina foreshadowed -
"Besysky passion."
A. Anninsky.

During the classes

Organization of lesson.

Teacher's introductory word.

"Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" was first published in the magazine "Epoch" in 1865, called "Lady Macbeth of our county." The story shows an inseparable connection of capital with a crime. This is the tragic story of the Bunth of the female soul against the dead setting of merchant life. This is one of the art vertices of Leskov's creativity. So, the main content of the work of N. S. Leskova "Lady McBet Mtsensky County" is the topic of love, the topic of tragic female destiny.

Love is a great joy and a grave cross, revelation and mystery, a huge suffering and the greatest happiness, and most importantly - that only she, love, lives and stored a female soul. The love of the Russian woman was always to be a deep religious feeling, raising attitudes towards her beloved, to the family on a special spiritual height. She really saved himself and their relatives, giving them all the warmth and tenderness of their beautiful soul. This tradition goes from folklore. Remember the Marito from the Russian folk fairy tale "Pryony of the finist of clear falcon"? In search of her beloved, three pairs of iron stupid shoes, three copyright stones, three stone breads of controversial. But the power of destroying the spells was in herself, in a bright and clear soul. And Yaroslavna from the "Word about the regiment of Igor", which "cries on Putivl", telling about the beloved! Or love Tatiana Larina from Evgeny Onegin. Remember?

I love you -
What to smear? -
But I'm given to another;
I will be the age of him true.

But clean, bright, although incomprehensible for others, the love of Katerina from the "thunderstorm" island. For many women of Russian literature, love is not only a gift, but also the donation is disinterested, rejocent, pure from bad thoughts. But there was another female love - love-passion, painful, invincible, all overwhelmed - such as in the work of Lady "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County."

1. Conference title.

Question: What is the oddity of the Leskovsky work name?

(Clash concepts from various stylistic reservoirs: "Lady Macbeth" - Association with the tragedy of Shakespeare; Mtsensky County - the ratio of tragedy with a deaf Russian province - the author expands the scale of what is happening in the story.)

2. Problem analysis of the story.

1) Turn to the image of Leskovskaya Katerina. How did love originate - passion? Word Katerina Izmailova.

Artistic retelling monologue (history of Katerina's marriage) from the first person. (1 chapter.)

2) What was the cause of passion? (Boredom.)

3) Katerina in the "thunderstorm" island - elevated-light, poetic. What was Katerina Lvovna? (Chapter 2.)

4) King Macbeth has words (also about decisiveness).

I dare all that man dares,
And only the beast is more capable.

"Nemogyo" to her: for her wokeered love-passion, easily overcoming any obstacles, everything is simple. (Beetor died - about the death of a person - looking for. It's scary.)

6) How does Katerina Lvovna live now? (Chapters 4, 6.)

7) "She was distraught from his happiness." But happiness is different. Leskova has such words: "There is a righteous happiness, there is a sinful happiness." The righteous will not cross anyone, and the sinner will overstep.

Question: What is the happiness of Katerina Lvovna? Why?

(The happiness of the "sinner". She stepped over. The second murder with the same calm.)

To tell about the murder of her husband (chapters 7-8).

8) According to the Bible, the law of marriage: "Two - one flesh". And Katerina Lvovna flesh this with his own hands crushed - calmly, even with a sharp pride for his inaccessibility. Remember the epigraph to the essay. How did you understand?

(This is just the "first song to sing singing," and then it will go later.)

And now Katerina Lvovna lives, "reigns" (wears a child under his heart) - everything seemed to be accomplished on the ideal (remember, I wanted to give birth to ourselves "for the gaiety. This ideal in logic faces another - a high Christian ideal, which is not in the soul of Katerina Izmailovoy, but who, to death, another Katerina is true - from the "thunderstorms" of Ostrovsky.

Question: What is the ideal? (Ten commandments of God, one of them - "do not commit adultery"; Katerina Kabanova, violating it, could not live - the conscience did not allow it.)

Question: And Katerina Izmailov? (Leskov's heroine does not have this, only dreams wonderful so far.)

9) Talk about Katerina Lvovna's dreams.

1st Sleep - Chapter 6 (the cat is still just a cat).

2nd Sleep - Chapter 7 (a cat similar to Boris Timofeevich, killed).

Conclusion: it's not so easy to "sing a song".

10) Thus, dreams are symbolic. Is it no conscience wake up in a young knob? (Not yet.)

Symbolic words sound in the mouth of the Grandmother Fedi (chapter10) - read.

Question: How did Katerina bother? (Killed Fedy.)

And before the next murder, "her own child had first turned under his heart, and she pulled cold in her chest" (Chapter 10).

Question: Does Leskova have a mention of this detail?

(Nature itself, the female nature warned her from the conceived crime. But no: "Who began evil, he will wake in it." (Shakespeare)

11) Unlike the first two murders, the retribution came immediately. How did it happen?

Question: What do you think, why - right?

(Purelnken, Clean, Angel, sinless soul. Little sufferer, fathers, good to God; Even the name is symbolic: "Fedor translated from Greek -" God's gift ". And Katerina Izmailov about God never mentioned. What is it? Maybe in Mtsensky All people are at homeless people? Confirm your thought text. (Ch. 12.))

Conclusion: the highest moral law is broken, the commandment of God - "not killed"; For the highest value on earth is human life. Therefore, the depth of moral fall of Katerina and Sergey is great.

12) Reading a passage from the poem F. Tyutchev "Two forces is".

13) So, the court of earth, the court of human committed. Did he make a special impression on Katerina Lvovna? Confirm text (ch. 13).

(She loves after all.)

14) Did the Leskovskaya Heroine changed Katorga?

(Yes, now it is not a cold-blooded killer, causing horror and amazement, but a rejected woman suffering from love.)

Question: I feel sorry for her? Why?

(She is a victim, rejected, and loves still, even stronger (ch. 14). What is heger than her love, the frank and cynical the abuse of Sergey above her and her feelings.)

Conclusion: the abyss of the moral fall of the former clarifier is so terrible that they are trying to shake even the kinds of kinds of convicts.

15) Bernard Show warned: "The fight of a man whose God is in the sky." How do you understand these words?

(God is a conscience, an inner judge. There is no such God in the soul - a man is terrible. Such was Katerina Lvovna to Kamga. So Sergey remained.)

16) And the heroine has changed. What is now more interested in Leskov: passionate nature or soul rejected woman? (Soul.)

17) Shakespeare in his tragedy said about Lady Macbeth:

She is not sick with a body, but soul.

Question: Is it possible to say so about Katerina Izmailova? Answer this question will help appeal to the symbolism of landscape scenes.

18) Independent work on the analysis of the landscape (work on the text with a pencil, 3 minutes).

(The table is filled during the work.)

Questions on the board:

  1. What color is more often found in the description of nature?
  2. Find the word-image that uses fishing lines in this passage?
  3. What is the symbolism of the landscape scene?

Conclusions: Sick soul in Katerina Izmailova. But the limit of their own suffering and torment awakens glimpses of the moral consciousness at the leslange heroine, who did not know the feeling of guilt, nor the feeling of repentance.

19) How Leskov shows the awakening of the feeling of guilt in Katerina (ch. 15).

The Volga makes you remember another Katerina - from the "Thunderstorm" island.

Task: Determine the difference in the tragic junction of destinies Heroine Leskov and Ostrovsky.

(Katerina Ostrovsky, according to Dobrolyubov, "Light of Light in the Dark Kingdom." And about Katerina Izmailova Two Reviews (recording on the board):

Katerina Izmailov - "Lightning generated by the darkness himself and only brighter emphasizing the impenetrable darkness of merchant life."
V. Gabel

"What a" thunderstorm "is there - there is no ray of light, then the blood fountain beats from the bottom of the soul: here" Anna Karenina "foreshadowed - the ignition of the" demonic passion ".
L. Anninsky.

Question: Which of the researchers more deeply "thought" in the image of Katerina Izmailovoy, understood and felt it?

(L.Anninsky. After all, he saw the "blood fountain" not only in vain killed Katerina, but also the blood of her ruined soul.)

Results, generalization.

1. Who is she, Katerina Izmailov? Passionate nature or ...?


To answer, decide what was love for Katerina Lvovna? (A huge suffering and a heavy cross, her soul is not able to take it out, that is, to remain clean, unwitting. On the altar for love, Katerina Izmailov sacrificed everything up to his own life.)

(Students add the question: "Passionate nature or sick soul?")

2. I would like to give a quote L.Anninsky: "The terrible unpredictability is found in the souls of heroes. What is there "thunderstorm" is there is not a ray of light, then the blood fountain beats from the bottom of the soul: here "Anna Karenina" foreshadowed - the ignition of the "demonic passion". Here Dostoevsky should be the problem - no wonder Dostoevsky and published "Lady Macbeth ..." in his journal. In any kind of typology, I will not put a lesking heroine - a fourfold killer for love. "

3. So what is the mystery of the female soul? Do not know? And I do not know. And fine, that we do not know this exactly: there will be more questions for thinking over Russian classics.

One thing seems to me true: the basis of the female soul - and the human soul is generally the love that F. Tyutchev said so surprisingly. (Reading the poem F. Tyutchev "Union of the Soul with the soul of native".)

Homework: write an essay-thinking

  1. "Fatal Food" (Drama of Love Katerina Izmailova).
  2. "The mirror of the soul is her acer." (V.Stpir.) (Select one topic.)

N.S.Leskov is an artist of an unusually wide thematic range. In his works, he creates a row of social types, human characters. Among them are a lot of strong natures, extraordinary personalities. Such is the main heroine essay N.S.Leskova "Lady Magbet Mtsensky County, written in 1865, - Katerina Lvovna Izmailov.

"Katerina Lvovna lived in a rich mother-in-law". Another young girl was married, "but not for love or any luck, and so, because Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisych Izmailov (her spouse) was applied to her." In marriage, Katerina did not see happiness. The days she spent in longing and loneliness, "from which fun, they say, even wade"; Neither friends nor loved ones did not have. Having lived with my husband for a whole five years, fate did not give them children, while Katerina saw a remedy for constant longing and boredom in the infant. She, as well as Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorischi, wanted to nurse, caress and raise future heirs.

"On the sixth spring of Katerina Lvovnina Marriage" Fate, finally, made the heroine, giving her the opportunity to experience the most tender and sublime feeling - the love that, unfortunately, turned out to be destructive for Katerina.

Many loved on Earth and love, but for each love - something, personal, mysterious. Someone experiences romantic, and someone passionate love. You can allocate many more types of this beautiful feeling, but Katerina loved so passionately and strongly, as far as her ardent and hot nature allowed her. For the sake of his beloved, she was ready for anything, for any sacrifices, could make an impermanent, even a cruel deed. The heroine was able to kill not only her husband and mother-in-law, but also a small, defenseless child. The burning feeling not only destroyed in the soul of Katerina fear, sympathy and pity, but also gave rise to cruelty, extraordinary courage and trick, as well as a great desire to fight for their love, resorting to any methods and means.

It seems to me that Sergey was also capable of everything, but not because he loved, but because the purpose of communicating with the mesh was obtaining some capital. Katerina attracted him as a woman who can provide all the subsequent fun life. His plan would work for a hundred percent after the death of her husband and mother of heroine, but suddenly the nephew of the deceased spouse - Fedya Memin appears. If earlier Sergey participated in crimes as an accomplice, a person who only helped, now he himself hints at the murder of an innocent baby, forcing Katerina to believe that Fedya is a real threat to gaining money. It was said "What don't be this Fedi, then she will give birth, Katerina Lvovna, a child up to nine months after the disappearance of her husband, will get her all the capital of her husbands, and then their happiness will not be. Katerina, calculating and cold, listened to these statements that act like the witchcraft chairs on her brain and psyche, and began to understand that this interference should be eliminated. Replicas These set deep in her mind and heart. She is ready to do everything (let it easily mean), which will say Sergey. Katya became the hostage of love, slave Serge, although on social position she took a higher step than her favorite man.

When interrogation, at an embezzle, she openly recognized that it was the murders because of Sergey, "for him!", Because of love. This love did not apply to someone, except for the hero, because the child of his Katerina rejected: "Love her to his father, like the love of many passionate women, did not go any part of the child." Nothing and no one was needed, only affectionate words or glance could revive her to life.

On the way to Kathership, Katerina tried to tell him, "giving it the right quarter from her skinny wallet." Sergey for such an act only reproached. He argued that he himself would not be prevented by money, "he would have given it better, it would be helpful." Every day he became all colder and indifferent to Katerina. He began to pester to women surrounding him on the trip. No hope for a quick release and further happy life he had no. Its goal also did not reach: he does not see money from Kati. All efforts that he put to achieve positive results were in vain.

Openingly meeting with a sonnet and deliberately insulting Katya on the ferry, Sergey, as I think, Mvenila heroine for the situation in which it turned out to be, as he thought, because of her. Katerina, seeing like a favorite man flies on the other, begins to jealous, and the jealousy of a passionate woman is destructive not only for the heroine, but also for people around it.

Mockery from Sergey and Beds for the mind of Kati is not available, she could not understand their meaning, but they clearly and clearly acted on the nervous system and the psyche of a woman. It is starting to appear images of people killed by her. Katerina could not talk, think, to understand something: "The grinding eyes focused and became wild." She dares from the cruel indifference of Sergey, nothing but suicide, she could not realize, as she was not able to survive or overcome such a strong and passionate love forces. Probably Katya believed that the sonnet took her beloved, so it was easily able to kill her without difficulty. Loving Sergey, she did not hurt him, only decided to leave his life.

I think, dying, Katerina felt frustration and disappointment in the soul, because his love turned out to be useless, unhappy, did not bring it to people of good, only he destroyed a few in no indifferent people

Works on the work of "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" (Leskov N.S.)

Is there always a goal justify funds? (According to N.S. Leskov "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County")

Is there always a goal justify funds?

Katerina Lvovna Izmailov is a strong nature, an extraordinary personality, a mesh, trying to fight against the defeat of its world of ownership. Love turns her to passionate, fervor.
In marriage, Katerina did not see happiness. Days she spent in longing and loneliness, "From which fun, they say, even walked"; Neither friends nor loved ones did not have. Having lived with my husband for the whole, five years, fate did not give them children, while Katerina saw a remedy from constant longing and boredom in the baby.
"On the sixth spring of Katerina Lvovnina Marriage", fate finally made the heroine, giving her the opportunity to experience the most tender and elevated feeling - the love that, unfortunately, turned out to be destructive for Katerina.
Many loved on Earth and love, but for each love - something, personal, mysterious. Someone experiences romantic, and someone passionate love. You can allocate many more types of this beautiful feeling, but Katerina loved so passionately and strongly, as far as her ardent and hot nature allowed her. For the sake of his beloved, she was ready for anything, for any sacrifices, could make an impermanent, even a cruel deed. The heroine was able to kill not only her husband and mother-in-law, but also a small, defenseless child. The burning feeling not only destroyed in the soul of Katerina fear, sympathy and pity, but also gave rise to cruelty, extraordinary courage and trick, as well as a great desire to fight for their love, resorting to any methods and means.
It seems to me that Sergey was also capable of everything, but not because he loved, but because the purpose of communicating with the mesh was obtaining some capital. Katerina attracted him as a woman who can provide all the fun afternoon life. His plan would have worked a hundred percent after the death of her husband and mother of heroine, but suddenly the nephew of the deceased spouse - Fedya Lemin appears. If earlier Sergey participated in crimes as an accomplice, a person who only helped, now he himself hints at the murder of an innocent baby, forcing Katerina to believe that Fedya is a real threat to gaining money. It was said, "I don't like this Fedi, then she will give birth, Katerina Lvovna, a child up to nine months after his husband's disappearance, will get her all the capital of her husbands, and then their fortune-measure will not be." Katerina, calculating and cold, listened to these statements that act like the witchcraft chairs on her brain and psyche, and began to understand that this interference should be eliminated. Replicas These set deep in her mind and heart. She is ready to do everything (let it easily mean), which will say Sergey. Katya became a hostage of love, slave of Serezh.
At the interrogation, she openly admitted that it was the murders because of Sergey, "for him!", Because of love. This love did not apply to someone, except for the hero, because the child of his Katerina rejected: "Love her to his father, like the love of many passionate women, did not go any part of the child." Nothing and no one was needed, only affectionate words or glance could revive her to life.
Every day, on the way to Katorga, he became all cold and indifferent to Katerina. He began to pester to women surrounding him on the trip. No hope for a quick liberation and happy further life he had. Its goal also did not reach: he does not see money from Kati. All efforts that he put to achieve positive results were in vain. Opened met with a sonnet and deliberately insulted Katya on the ferry. Katerina, seeing like a favorite man flies on the other, begins to jealous, and the jealousy of a passionate woman is destructive not only for the heroine, but also for people around it. She dares from the cruel indifference of Sergey, nothing but suicide, she could not realize, as she was not able to survive or overcome such a strong and passionate love forces. Loving Sergey, she did not hurt him, only decided to leave his life.
It seems to me, dying, Katerina felt frustration and disappointment in the soul, because her love turned out to be useless, unhappy, she did not bring to people of good, just destroyed a few in no indifferent people.

Two Katerina in Russian literature (by works by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" and N.S. Leskov "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County")

A.N. Ostrovsky and N.S. Leskov - Writers who "introduced" into Russian literature of heroes from a merchant environment. To them on the pages of works existed only nobles. Readers watched their lives, problems, ideological throwers, sympathized with them and worried about them.
Ostrovsky, and after him and fishing foresters, showed that people from the others, the "lower", layers of society are worthy of, sympathy, consideration. They plunged the reader into a merchant medium, a lifestyle and thought, a merchant tradition. Moreover, these writers brought out not just people of merchant class on stage. They set a question of a female share, women's participation in a merchant environment.
It is important that before no one paid attention to this, the inner world of women, who were interested in their fate. And then the whole works are devoted to this particular question! Ostrovsky and Leskov showed that the merchant women are capable of experiences, deep feelings, passions, and even the tragedy occur in their destinies. And that, most importantly, they can help them, it is worth only to pay attention to these women.
So, the heroines of Drama A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" and the story N.S. Lady Macbeth Leskov are women, two Katerina - Katerina Kabanova and Katerina Izmailov. These heroines have a lot in common. Both of the merchant patriarchal families. Both young people are full of vitality, energy. Both were married to unloved husbands - for a merchant tradition.
Husband Kabanova is young, but completely located under the heel at the mother, who fills with all the affairs not only at home, but in the whole city. Tikhon cannot protect Katerina, which Kabaniha constantly utters by reproach and unfair accusations. And all because the daughter-in-law is radically different from traditional ideas about the merchant wife. Katerina wants to live according to love and conscience, and not to show, falsely and hypocritical, performing the rites incomprehensible to her (forcing with a husband, for example).
Katerina Izmailova is also very difficult to endure life in the house of her husband, mainly because the life of a woman in a merchant house is boring. What to do the wife of a rich merchant? Katerina is elevated from the corner to the corner in his big house, sleeps and falls from idleness.
Heroine as well as Katerina Kabanov, torment unfair accusations. The silent reproach is becoming the fact that she does not have children from their elderly husband, although the Izmail family is very waiting for the heirs. It is worth noting that Katerina Kabanova has no children, and this is also a heroine.
Writers emphasize that married life behind the locked doors "soul" the heroine, destroys their potential, is all good that there is in them. And Izmailov, and Cabanova regret tells what they were in the Maiden - Merry, Full Joy of Life, Energy, Happiness. And as unbearable to live in marriage.
Another rollback in the fate of the heroin became their "sin" - betrayal husband. But if Katerina Kabanova goes to this, tormented by the remorse of conscience, knowing that he makes sin, then Katerina Izmailov did not even think about it. She is completely completely absorbed by the feeling of cruise Sergey and is ready for anything for anything. This passionate nature completely surrendered to his feeling, which does not know any borders: neither physical nor moral, nor moral.
And in this the indigenous difference between Katerina Izmailovaya from Katerina Kabanova. That, too, a passionate nature, thirsting for love, ready for a lot of beloved on a lot. But inside the heroine "Thunderstorms" there is a strong moral foundation, a rod, which allows it to clearly distinguish, where good, and where evil. Therefore, giving a happy "sin", Katerina already knows exactly what follows - punishment. And, above all, the punishment of the inner, her own. We remember that, without preparing the MUK conscience and pressure of the environment, the heroine ends the life of suicide - she rushes into the Volga.
Katerina Izmaylova dies differently - trying to drown his happiest rival: "Katerina Lvovna trembling. The grinding eyes focused and became wild. Hands once and two unknown where they stretched into space and fell again. Another minute - and she suddenly dreamed all, not taking his eyes off the dark wave, bent, grabbed a sonlete for his feet and one mad switched to her by the ferry. "
The heroine understands that he will die along with another girl, but it does not stop her: why should she live if Sergey does not like her anymore?
In his animal, the godless love of Izmailov comes to the limit: on its conscience, the blood of three innocent people, including the child. This love and all crimes devastate the heroine: "... For her, there was no light, nor darkness, nor loud, nor good, nor boredom, no joys; She did not understand anything, did not love anyone and did not love herself. " I did not love Izmailov and my own child from a adorable man - she gave him, completely without worrying about his fate, further fate.
The fate of the heroine of both works is similar and in one thing - both were devoted to their loved ones. Boris Grigorievich, frightened by wild, leaving, throwing Katerina Kabanov at the mercy of fate. It turns out to be just a weak person. Sergey is dumb mocking over Katerina, realizing that nothing else can get from her.
Two Katerina ... Two destinies ... Two ruined lives ... These heroines are in many ways similar, but the essence of them are still, in my opinion, is different. Katerina Izmaylova lived by passions, obeying only the call of his flesh. Katerina Kabanova thought about his soul, she had a solid moral basis. And although she also succumbed to the temptation, but the story of her love and death is much closer to me, causes me more sympathy, mental response.

Love and villainism - things are incomplete? (According to N.S. Ledsova "Lady McBet Mtsensky County")

Love and villainism - things are incomplete? (According to N.S. Ledsova "Lady McBet Mtsensky County")

In the center of the story of Lady Lady McBet Mtsensky County is the history of "fatal love", which ended tragically. This story is interesting and unusual by what it happens in the Russian outback and its participants are completely ordinary people - the family of the merchant and their clerk. However, passions here are played not at all "simple" - akin to Shakespearean. Looks like Shakespeare's tragedies and the ending of the whole story - the death of the main character of the story.
It was she - the young merchant wife of Katerina Lvovna - for love, as it turned out, was ready for everything. But she loved not her husband - the old merchant Izmailov, and his manager - young handsome Sergey.
The author emphasizes that the life of Katerina in marriage was not happy: the heroine lived in prosperity, but all her existence was impregnated with boredom, because she lived with an unloved husband and could not even have children. That is why, it seems to me, Katerina Lvovna was so strongly attached to the Governor of Sergey. She was young, she wanted to live a full life, experiencing strong emotions. And Sergey, to some extent, gave her all this. Although we immediately understand that his feeling is only a fleeting passion, "medicine from boredom", from which he suffered.
With the advent of Sergey, the stormy passions mastered the soul of Katerina Lvovna, and she completely obeyed them. So, the heroine not hesitation poisoned his father-in-law Boris Timofeevich, when he guess her novel with Sergey: "Boris Timofeich won on the night of fungi with casket, and his heartburn began." And after the funeral of Boris Timofeevich, in the absence of a husband, Katerina completely "sorted up" - did not hide his feeling for clarity in any way.
However, the husband had to return soon, and Sergey became increasingly sad and sad. Soon he opened Katerina - he dreams of being her legitimate husband, not a lover. And the woman promised him: "Well, I know how I will do you and a merchant and live with you quite as it should be."
And on the day of arrival, the husband was conceived: "She dropped Sergey from herself with one movement, she quickly rushed to her husband and, before Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisych managed to shine to the window, grabbed him back with his thin fingers for the throat and, like a raw hengeal sheaf, threw him on floor".
For the sake of justice you need to say that Katerina gave her husband a chance - at first she recognized his reaction to her novel with Sergey. But when I saw that Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich was not going to put up with his wife's lover, it instantly decided to decide. The heroine kills her husband, making from Sergey an accomplice.
It seems that Katerina makes his crimes in some kind of obstinate, as if captured by evil forces - so terrible her indifference to everyone except her lover. She refuses his dying husband in the saint itself - the communion before his death: "Confected," he said even more disadvantaged, trendy and set on a warm blood thickening under his hair.
"Good and so you will," Katerina Lvovna whispered. "
But on this list of crimes of the heroine does not end - in their villains, it goes to the end. With the filing of Sergei Filippeach, who became truly "evil angel", Katerina kills a small nephew of her husband, who owned a part of family capital.
However, an inevitable Kara comes - the heroes for their crimes condemn to the catguard. And soon it turns out that Sergei's love to Katerina was largely based on its wealth. Now, when the heroine lost everything, she lost and the location of Sergey - he sharply changed his attitude towards her, began to look at other women: "Sometimes the tears of malice and annoyance were taught in the dark of the night dates; But she all endured, all was silent and wanted to deceive himself. "
And in an instant, the heart of Katerina could not stand - she realized that Sergey exchanged her in a beautiful sonnet. Now the heroine dedicated to his loved one, there was nothing to lose: "Another minute - and she suddenly all injected, not taking the eye from a dark wave, fed, grabbed a sonlete for his feet and one fever swung with her overboard."
It was the last crime of the heroine, for her the most ended tragically - she drowned with such a sleeping portrayal: "At the same time, from another wave, Lvivna Katerina Lvovna's water rose from another wave, rushed to the sonnet, like a strong pike on a soft-fuel dam, and Both are no longer seemed. "
So, so much uncomfortable love and villainism? The feeling of passion so seized the soul of Katerina - passionate and temperamental nature, that she forgot about everything except her beloved. The heroine was ready to go anything and did everything to keep Sergei next to make it happy. Perhaps this is generally a female nature - to devote yourself to your beloved man, forget about everything in the world, besides his interests.
However, do not forget that Katerina Lvovna suffered a deserved car. This is not only a court of society, but also the court of higher justice (the heroine experienced all those flour that he experienced her deceived husband). In addition, to the very end of the woman pursued the flour of conscience - they were constantly killed by her.
Thus, the leaks show us that the love of the heroine cannot serve the excuses of its villain, because true love, love from God, is inconspicuous.

Writing-thinking: "Crime. Who is guilty?" (According to the works of "Thunderstorm" A.N. Ostrovsky and "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" N.S. Leskova)

Crime - there is an atrocity. For any urgency, punishment should be punished. What pushes people to go for a crime that they move? What motives pursue? Make a crime - it means to go against any moral mains, the moral principles of both society and the very personality. Consequently, there is something much more powerful, something that shelters over a person.

Let's try to compare two heroines: Katerina Petrovna Kabanov A.N. Ostrovsky and Katerina Lvovna Izmailov N.S. Leskova.

In these works, we see two heroines with the same name Katerina, which means "forever clean." One of them, to Katerina Kabanova, this name is very suitable: it is naive, clean and immaterial. Ostrovsky depicted it as a person who is not accepting that world in which she lives. The rejection of the world is beyond her, it comes from her heart itself. Dobrolyubov called this world the "dark kingdom", and Katerina "Light Light" in it. The terrible figures of the "Dark Kingdom" Ostrovsky opposed the image of a woman with a fermented and pure heart. Katerina falls in love with a person, by no means worthy of the big love, which is overflowing her heart. It is struggling a sense of love and a sense of duty. But the consciousness of his own sinfulness for her is unbearable, "all the heart was broken" from the constant inner struggle, and Katerina, without seeing another exit, rushes in the Volga.

The heroine essay Leskov is completely different. It is difficult to call clean and immaculate. Of course, when we first get acquainted with Katerina Izmailov, we consider it not typical of Russia for Russia, especially considering the fact that Leskov gives an indication of the Shakespeare tragedy.

And only carefully looked at Izmailov, it can be noted that she, like Katerina Ostrovsky, protests against her patriarchal defendant. Leskov tried to create not the Russian version of the Shakespeare villain, but the image of a strong woman, "lost" in the "Dark Kingdom".

In both works, the real world of the Russian province of the middle of the XIX century is guessed. The similarity of some details allows us to see the fundamental difference between two heroines living in similar conditions.

Both Katerina are a dealer, in their families - wealth. Both were born in the patriarchal world, in the "Dark Kingdom", but their childhood and adolescence passed under the sign "Simplicity and Freedom". "... I lived ... exactly the bird is in the wild. Mama in my soul did not care, ... did not forced himself; what I would have happened, then I do ..." - says Katerina Kabanova about his life in girls. Katerina Izmailova, too, "the character was ardent, and, living with a girl in poverty, she was accustomed to simplicity and freedom ..." But, having complete freedom of action, they did it in different ways! "Slip through the gate of the people who are interested in Sunflower Luzgoy ..." - that's what Katerina Lvovna wanted. I needed a very different soul of Katerina Kabanova: "And before the death I loved to go to the church! For sure, I happened, I would go to paradise ..., from the dome such a bright post goes down, and in this post smoke, for sure the clouds, and I see, happened As if the angels fly in this post and sing ... "comparing two heroines, we notice that the spiritual world of Katerina Kabanova is incommensurable richer.

Both heroines married without love. "No, how not to love! I feel sorry for him very much!" Says Kabanova about Tikhon. But after all, pity is not love. The fate of Katerina Lvovna looks like: "I gave her married ... Merpets Izmailov ... Not for love or any luck, and so, because Izmailov was assigned to her ..." But if the heroine of Ostrovsky was sorry for her husband and at least some feeling tied them, then Katerina Lvovna did not feel any feelings to her husband, and married came out due to poverty.

Despite the initious heroine of atrocities, her fate causes pity and sympathy. Yes, this woman was cruel and merciless. Yes, no one gave her right to dispose of other people's lives. But we should not forget that all this was committed in the name of love, for the sake of a person who, as it turned out, did not deserve such victims at all. So a banal melodrama about a bored mackey under the Leskova's pen grows into the tragic history of a woman, thirsty of love, motherhood, affectionate words and loyalty.

Human life has absolute value, therefore, it is just as absolutely evil that takes it. Wines of crimes committed by Katerina Izmailovoy - primarily in it, in her "animal" passion to Sergey; The wines of the crime of Kabanova initially laid in the surrounding society, its environment.

Comparison of the heroine of the "Thunderstorm" Katerina Kabanova and the Heroine of the Essay "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" Katerina Izmailovaya

"Thunderstorm" and "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" Two famous works of two great Russian writers. They were created at about the same time (1859 and 1865). Even the main characters are both Katerina. Sketch of Leskova, however, can be considered a kind of controversy with the play of Ostrovsky. Let's try to compare the heroine of these works.
So, both heroines are young wives, issued to the crown not for love. They are both trades and therefore do not have material problems. A carefree childhood and adolescence in the parent house remained in their past. Also for mercenary traditions in their homes, Domostroevsky order reigns. Both have no children. In the character of both Katerlin, there is a dustiness, passion, love leads them into self-care, they both decided on sin. The same and their sad end ended the life of suicide, rushing into the river.
But heroin also has a lot of differences. So from Greek, the name of Catherine means "clean, immaterial". This definition fully describes Catherine Kabanov, she "Light Light in the Dark Kingdom" of the city of Kalinov, its image and character does not change in the course of action and is static. In relation to Catherine Izmailova, this characteristic is true only at the beginning of the essay, its image is dynamic, it develops, or rather degrades along the story. If you disassemble the patronymic and the surname of Izmailovoy, then this is what it comes out: Catherine - "Immacious", Lvovna - "animal, wild," Izmailov - something alien, non-relative, comes from this surname.
Both heroines decided to betray her husband, but if Katerina Kabanov blame himself and punishes himself for it, he believed that he had done something terrible, then Katerina Izmaylov belongs to this calmly and ready to follow in the Punch at his sin.
And in this the indigenous difference between Katerina Izmailovaya from Katerina Kabanova. Kabanova is passionate, ready for the sake of a beloved person on a lot. But inside the heroine "Thunderstorms" there is a strong moral foundation, a rod, which allows it to clearly distinguish, where good, and where evil. Therefore, giving a happy "sin", Katerina already knows exactly what punishment will be followed. And, above all, the punishment of the inner, her own. We remember that, without preparing the flour of conscience and surroundings, the heroine cums suicide - she rushes into the Volga.
Ekaterina Kabanova to keep his love, not to obey the boa goes to the desperate step - suicide. At that moment she is clean, she washes off her sin in the water.
Ekaterina Izmailov for the sake of his love is solved on the murder of three people, including his own husband and little, in no innovative boy. In it, as if the beast wakes up, she was ready for everything to be with her lover. So, it is clearly visible in the final scene, where Izmailov rushes with his rival to the river.

These heroines are in many ways similar, but their essence is still, in my opinion, is different. Katerina Izmaylova lived by passions, obeying only the call of his flesh. Katerina Kabanova thought about his soul, she had a solid moral basis. And although she also succumbed to the temptation, but the story of her love and death is much closer to me, causes me more sympathy, mental response.

The theme of love in the story of N.Leskova "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County"

The main topic affecting N.S. S.Leskov in the story of Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County is the topic of love; Love that does not have a border, love for which everything is committed, even murder.
The main character - the merchant wife of Katerina Lvovna Izmailov; The main character is Sergey Claud. The story consists of fifteen chapters.
In the first chapter, the reader learns that Katerina Lvovna is a young, twenty-year-old girl, pretty sweet, although not beautiful. She was a cheerful laughter before marriage, and after the wedding, her life had changed. The merchant Izmailov was a strict widower of fifty years, he lived with his father Boris Timofeevich and his whole life was trade. From time to time he leaves, and the young wife does not find his place. Boredom, that neither there is an unrestrained, pushes her once to walk around the yard. Here she meets Clawer Sergei, an unusually beautiful guy, which you say what you want a woman, will go away and bring to sin.
In one of the warm Evening, Katerina Lvovna sits at himself, in a high hill at the window, as Suddenly sees Sergey. Sergey her tears and after a few moments it turns out her doors. Without the meaning of the conversation ends in bed in a dark corner. Since then, Sergey begins to visit Katerina Lvovna at night, coming and leaving on the columns that support the gallery of a young woman. However, Boris Timofeevich sees him in one of the nights - he punishes Sergey's whip, promising that, with the arrival of his son, Katerina Lvovna will be heard on the stable, and Sergey will be sent to Ostrog. But the next morning, the beetor, sowing fungi with a casket receives heartburn, and in a few hours it dies, but it was as died in the ridge barn, the poison for which was only in Katerina Lvovna. Now the love of the Master's wife and the clerk flashes the former, already in the courtyard they know about it, but they consider it: she is supposed, this is the case, she will be the answer.
In the chapter of the story N.S.Leskova, Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County describes that very often Katerina Lvovne dreams the same nightmare. As if walking on her bed a huge cat, purr, and then suddenly falls between her and Sergey. Sometimes the cat is talking to her: no cat, Katerina Lvovna, I am the famous merchant Boris Timofeevich. I am just so bad, it became that all my bones inside cracked from the bridal treats. A young woman looks at the cat, and he has Boris Timofeevich's head, yes instead of eyes, fiery mugs. The husband, Zinoviy Borisovich, returns home on the same night. Katerina Lvovna hides Sergey on a post behind the gallery, throwing his shoes and clothes there. The entered husband asks to give him a samovar, and then it is wondering why in his absence the bed was laid out in his absence, but he points to the woolen lonely of Sergey, which finds at bed sheet. Katerina Lvovna in response is calling Sergey, the husband is shaken by such arrogance. Thille thinking, the woman begins to choke her husband, then hits his cast candlestick. When Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich falls, Sergey sits on him. Soon the merchant dies. Young mistress and Sergey bury it in the cellar.
Now Sergey begins to walk like a real owner, and Katerina Lvovna conceives a child from him. Happiness is still short, it turns out to be shortly: it turns out that the merchant was a nephew Fedya, who has more rights to inheritance. Sergey convinces Katerina that because of Fedi, who moved now to them; In love there will be no happiness and power. ... the murder of the nephew thinks.
In the eleventh chapter, Katerina Lvovna carries out conceived, and, of course, not without the help of Sergey. The nephew linger the big pillow. But all this sees a curious man, looking at this moment in the gap between shutters. Instantly going crowd and breaks into the house ...
And Sergey, who admitted in all murders, and Katerina, refer to the core work. A child who is born shortly before being given to the husband's relative, since only this child remains the only heir.
In the final chapters, the author narrates about the misadventures of Katerina Lvovna in the link. Here Sergey completely refuses her, it begins to openly change it, she continues to love him. From time to time he comes to her on a date, and in one of these meetings, he asks Katerina Lvovna stockings, as it also hurts the feet very much. Katerina Lvovna gives beautiful, woolen stockings. In the morning of the next day, she sees them on the legs of a sonnet, a young maiden and the current girlfriend Sergey. A young woman understands that all her feelings for Sergey are meaningless and do not need him and then decides on the last ...
In one of the rainy days of the platforms to ferry through the Volga. Sergey, as has already become familiar lately, again begins to laugh at Katerina Lviv. She looks at the empty look, and then sharply enough standing near the sonnet and rushes overboard. Save them fail.
This is completed by the story of N.S.Leskova Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County.

What I felt after reading "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" N.S. Leskov

At the heart of the story of N.S. Lady "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" lies simple, life, but, at the same time, full tragedy story. She tells about the love of Katerina's merchant wife for their employee Sergey. This blind, destroying love-passion pushes a woman to the worst - murder.
First, the heroine is decided to poison his mother-in-law. Boris Timofeich found out about the connection of Katerina Lvovna with Sergey and threatened to tell her husband about it.
One crime led to another. Rumors about his wife's novel with Sergey reached Zinovia Borisovich. He came home, having a lot of doubts in the heart and wanted to understand everything. But Katerina Lvovna has long decided how to do. Hardly having met her husband, heroine brings out Sergey's room and, without having fun, admits that they are lovers with him. When the furious Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich jumps up to "put in place" his wife and Sergey, the heroine begins to choke him. Together with your lover, they kill the merchant.
But on this chain of bloody crimes does not end. Heroes make one more, probably the most serious, murder - loss of a little boy, the nephew Zinovia Borisovich, who was the heir of a part of their family money.
At first glance it seems that it was Katerina Lvovna who decided and committed all these murders. Sergey was for the heroine passion, invented, happiness. No wonder the fishing lords emphasizes that the woman died from boredom and longing to meet him - after all, the life of the merchant wife was not distinguished by a variety. With Sergey, Katerina Lvovna entered the life and passion. And this is for the heroine, with its character and temperament, it was vital. And all that she did, this woman did for the sake of Sergey, for the fact that he was with her.
Of course, in my opinion, the feeling of the heroine does not justify the crimes of Katerina Lvovna. She forgot all human laws, despossed God for his passion. In this, the heroine was likened to animals that are guided only by instincts. Katerina Lvovna accomplished an unforgivable sin, fell very low, for which he paid to a broken heart, sorrent destiny, death.
But, I think that her lover fell much more low - Sergey. If a woman in some extent justifies sincere, albeit a carnal, feeling, then the hero from the very beginning came correctly and soulless. It was he, manipulating the feelings of Katerina Lvovna, pushed a woman for all murders, except maybe the very first. It was after him, Sergey realized that heroine would go for everything. And he decided to extract the maximum benefit from their connection. When to take from Katerina, Lvovna became nothing (after condemptation), the hero threw it, carried away a young and beautiful girl.
But, moreover, Sergey demonstrated his relationship with her, seeking Katerina Sergeyevna, seeking to cause a woman more pain. With other arrestants, he insulted and humiliated his former mistress, literally "pulling it into the dirt." This man behaved very unworthy, provoking, ultimately, the murder of the sonnet and the death of Katerina Lvovna.
Thus, after reading the "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County", I experienced a whole range of feelings - from pity for Katerina Lvivne and contempt for Sergey before admiration for the writer's talent, who managed to give a truly Shakespeare tragedy, who walked in the Russian province.