Karl Great and Knight Roland. "Song of Roland": the history and legend of Filolog Roland - Knight, the standard of all the best qualities

Karl Great and Knight Roland.
Karl Great and Knight Roland. "Song of Roland": the history and legend of Filolog Roland - Knight, the standard of all the best qualities

800 AD was marked by a very curious event - the actual restoration of the Western Roman Empire. He headed her the eldest son of the King of Franking Pipina Short, Barbarian and the descendant of those most barbarians that 324 years ago, crushed Rome. The new title approved by the Roman dad sounded as follows: "Karl, gracious and sublime, crown by God, the great rulers-peacekeeper, the ruler of the Roman Empire, the grace of God's King of Frankiv and Langobard".

From a legal point of view, the newly formed empire of Franks, in 962, transformed into the sacred Roman Empire, was the direct successor of an ancient Rome and existed until 1806 - siren, another 1006 years. This may seem a casus, but formally the Roman Empire was the current state continuously from 27 to our era (the beginning of the board of Octavian Augustus), then the imperial title "moved" to Byzantium, was then revived in the West and was finally abolished only in the XIX century - There is, the history of the Roman Empire has 1833. Repeat - strictly legally ...

However, we will return to the city of Rome under Christmas 800, when Pope Leo III coroned the imperial crown of King Frankov Carl, by that time he had a solid reputation of a great commander and a fair ruler, who managed to unite many German tribes and land under his hand. From a political point of view, it was a turning event in Western European history - the increasing papacy, in need of the protection of the worldly Masters, is now becoming a continued spiritual authority, since only Dad had the right to crumble new emperors. Karl Great got a visible confirmation of the divine origin of his power. Byzantine, of course, remained unhappy, because they claimed the uniqueness and uniqueness of the imperial title and considered Karl's coronation illegal, but Constantinople was far away, and the francs did not particularly draw attention to the opinion of the cesarians.

Karl Great (thumbnail of the XIV century)

So, the dark centuries and the era of the barbarous conquests ended. Here I would like to make a small remark about the cultural component of the time. Usually under the words "Renaissance" or "Renaissance", we mean the historical era of the XV-XVII centuries, but in reality the European Renaissance was three - Renaissance Carolingienne (Caroling Revival), Renaissance Du Xiie SièCle (Revival of the XII century) and, of course, the later renaissance In traditional understanding. Caroling rebirth After a serious decline in the dark centuries was the first in the history of the former barbarians with a sharp surge of cultural and intellectual activity - "Seven free arts" began to develop, schools were opened, rich libraries were collected in the monasteries. It is from the time of Caroling Revival and leads his pedigree epic poem "Song about Roland", which later became a symbol of a nation symbol, approximately for the Germans "Song about Nibelunga" or "Kalevala" for Finns.

He tells the "Song of Roland" about one of the episodes far from the very successful hike of Karl the Great in Spain, held in 778. Let's try to figure out what actually happened, who is such Roland, derived in the poem with a sample of an impeccable knight, and what is the real story of the battle in the Ronsvalsky gorge.

Saxon direction

He fought Karl a little much, stubbornly and practically without breaks - it can be said that all the conscious life, starting from fourteen years, he spent in the saddle. The Kingdom of Frankners the enemy threatened from many directions, but the main danger proceeded from the east, due to the Rhine, where numerous and aggressive Saksov tribes were reset. Part of them in the company with other ancient Germans - Angles, Utah and Friezia - still in the V century went to win Britain, which Saksa succeeded. However, the core of the Saxon people, consisting of several large tribes (Westphali, Ostphaly, Engra), remained on the mainland, and, unlike the relatives settled in Britain, categorically refused to take Christianity as many other barbarians. The failure of missionary activities in Saxony is partly due to the fact that the novelism did not spread here, and the Saxons did not receive their part of the ancient heritage, like francs or Langobard, as well as distances and almost impassable forests - these territories for Europe of the Early Middle Ages were real Terra Incognita.

Karl was a Christian sovereign and a man deeply believes, and therefore the neighborhood with the pagans was not only a military-political problem, but also religious - the king of Frankings was deeply convinced that he was to be a gospel light to the aspirefish. It should be added that the francs with francs are not particularly ceremony - border conflicts and raids to the kingdom did not stop, Charles were captured and sold into slavery, the monasteries and churches suffered. Saxon disgraces should have put an end than Karl the Great and took up since 772.

The first raid in the depths of the pagan lands was aimed at the major Saxon settlement Eresburg (now Obermasberg, south of Paderbore). This wooden and earth strengthening was on a plateau of four hundred dollar heights with sheer slopes - only from the south side the army could come to the fortress. By the way, this cliff remained almost unchanged to the present day. Karl lightningly took Eresburg storming and lowered nearby in the sacred grove of irmins - the object of the worship of the pagans in the form of a world tree. In Eresburg, a solid garrison was left and a Christian temple was founded, but three years later, Saksa beat the fortress back, destroying all her defenders and, of course, clerics. Karl the Great came to rage and firmly decided to bring the Saxon campaign to a logical end - that is, to conquer and Christianize all the Saksov tribes and include their lands to their kingdom.

Empire of Karl the Great at the beginning of his board (brown) and with conquered territories (green and blue)

During 775-777, Saxony was defeated - Karl, recalling the ancient Roman tactics, founded the fortress on the diluted lands, obliged to serve as reference points of defense and the centers for the spread of Christianity. One of the Saxon leaders, Vistukind from the tribe of Westphalov, ran north, to Danam, from where a major uprising against the power of the king - the army of the francs suffered a crushing defeat from the pagans in the battle of Zyntel in 782, but Karl the Great was a man to the extreme stubborn. The newly recruited Hurricane passed through the Saxony to the Weser River - it was an indicative action of intimidation, the francs burned and destroyed the villages and Bourgi, without experiencing the slightest remorse: the pagans were previously pretended to be baptized and swore in loyalty to the king, but then changed both the new faith and Carlo. For this, the most severe punishment should have been followed - 4500 rebirths The tribal leaders issued franks and, according to one of the versions, they were all decapitated (decollabat), and on the other - resettled (Delocabat). The compromise interpretation of these events is as follows: only instigators executed, and the majority of prisoners really sent for permanent residence in the Kingdom of Franks, where they were assimilated.

Another decade went to a partial pacification of Saxony, the lands of which were distributed among the approximated Karl of the Great and were transformed into the Duchy, which inherited the third son of Emperor Louis II German, which then became one of the most important parts of the Kingdom of Germany. Finally, Saxony was submitted in 797, when Karl the Great recognized the political and legal equality of Franks and Saxons.

Roland and Karl Great

It is necessary to note that the epic "Song of Roland" dates back to the XII century, that is, it describes events of almost four hundred years ago. The author of the manuscript is considered to be some Turold, whose origin and social status is not known for certain, but there is no doubt that the poem, created approximately in the 1170-1180, is only a recording of the oral tradition developed over the centuries.

The short story is as follows: the king of Zaragoza Marciili (derived by the pagan, and not Muslim) decides to bring the oath of loyalty to Carlo Great, heroically won Spain for seven years - the usual exaggeration for the epic. Count Breton Roland rejects an agreement with the Moors, but his rival Count Ganeleon insists on making the proposals of Martilia and is solved on treason to destroy Roland. Ganeleon senses Marcialy to attack the Ariřard of the Army of Charles Great, headed by Roland. The army falls into the ambush of the pagans, Roland and his satellites are heroically died, without waiting for a helping approach. For a treason of Hanelon, God's punishment suffered, but it was not to return the "exemplary warrior", which became an example for many generations of knights.

Roland's Battle with Baskets (Miniature XIV century)

So let's take a look at the epic on the other hand - and what, in fact, tell us the chronicles about the Spanish campaign of Karl the Great? Firstly, it is necessary to recall that in the V-VI centuries, the German tribes of the Visigas won and colonized Spain, creating a traced kingdom there, which existed before the beginning of the VIII century. Arab expansion from North Africa led to the defeat of the state of the Westpreski - only in the north of the peninsula stubbornly kept the Asturias, subsequently the Kingdom of Leon, which became the primary bridgehead for future reconquists.

For Christian-francs, there was no fundamental difference between the above-mentioned Saksami-Saksami and Arabami-Muslims - in the subtleties of the theology of "incorrect" unless the scientists were delighted, but not politicians and commander. Not a Christian means an enemy, but even with the enemy, if necessary, you can agree.

In 777, just at the height of the Saxon campaign, the Karl of the Great, who was in Paderbore, arrives the Mast Embassy from the ruler of Saragoza Suleyman Al-A'Rabia. The fact is that the Muslim feudal of Spain was very dissatisfied with the rule of Emir Cordoba Abd Ar-Rahman from the Omeyad dynasty - Emir sought to attach Spain to the Caliphat and diligently suppressed the Volnitz neighboring Emirov who did not want to obey Cordove. Suleiman Al-A'Rabiy decided to ask for help from incorrect, the benefit was aware that Karl Great possesses a powerful army. Karl agrees, despite the ongoing excitements in Saxony.

The plan was as follows: Saragoza and Barcelona raise uprising against Omeyadov, the Army of Franks comes to their aid. Smoothly, as usual, it happens only on paper, and the deepest ravine on the path of Charles Great dug out personally, Eirm Suleiman Al-A'Rabiy - the rebellion began too early until the francs were still behind the Pyrenees, and, of course, was depressed. Emir expelled from the Zaragoza, residents of the city refused to open the gate of the Christian Califa, had to begin the siege for all the rules. At this very moment, the events deliver Karl a great message about the next uprising in Saxony - it was decided to leave Saracin alone and hastily return.

On the road to the north, the army passes through the duke of vasquence, formally recognized the suzenagate of the king of francs, but in reality independent - it was the state of militant and chalning Basque, whose national character did not change and soy. Along the way, Carl takes Pamplona and continues to move on. Why was the relationship between Christians-Basques and Christian-Francians - we probably never learn, but the fact remains a fact - the basks decided to attack the royal argeon.

Ronsevalskaya battle (medieval miniature). Roland's opponent is depicted by Sarcins

As the philosopher Wilhelm Okkki said, the simplest explanation is usually the most faithful - the Ariergard covered the Army's conversation, loaded into Spain from prey, that is, most likely the events in the Ronseval Gorge were a banal robban raid. He commanded Franks Count Brittany Chrodland, which is relifically known only that by the time of the battle, held on August 15, 778, Chrodeland / Roland was 42 years old and he was a relative of Charles Great - according to legend, nephew.

Presumably, the ambush was arranged by basks on the old Roman road leading from Asturia through Pamplona in Bordeaux and passing through Ronsevalsky pass in the northern part of the Pyrenean Mountains. Modern researchers, the number of francs under the leadership of Chrodeland estimates 10-15 thousand people - almost all of them died than and explained by the shock tested by Franks after the defeat of the Basque hands, which then considered hardly no savages. One way or another, after a sudden attack, Frank did not manage to fight and were interrupted, the tour was looted, and the mountaineers disappeared unpunished with prey. Among the victims of the massacre was not only a Count Breton, but also the other approximate Karl the Great - the first slack of King Eggard and Pfalzgraf Anselm.

The sublime history, set forth in the later "song about Roland", evaporates with most characters of the poem. Not "pagans", headed by "King Martilye,", and, can be said to the detachment of Chrodland, and, as well as Christians. Hanelon's cunning trainman, whose name in the French tradition became synonymous with betrayal, lived on the attacker later - a rather unhealthy and not too detailed history of the treason of the Archbishop of Seni Venilone (Hanelon)'s grandchildren of Emperor Charles Great, King Carlo Lysoy, in favor of Louis German. "Literary" Ganeleon managed to get even in the "Divine Comedy" Dante Aligiery, who placed a traitor to the cocision, the last circle of hell (Song XXXII):

"... And if you ask who else, then

Here is Beckeria, closer to other brothers,

Which is dissected

There Gianni Soldener highlighted eyes,

And gheslell and tebaldell with him

The one that Faenza marked the midst of the night. "

We moved away and here my eyes

Two appeared, in the pit of the ice;

One, like a cap, was covered with another ...

For the centuries, the years after the events in the Ronseval Gorge, the images of heroes were adapted in accordance with the spirit of time. Vulgar robbery forces and meaningless death of a large Frankish squad in the poem transformed into the battle of the noblest knights with the forces of evil (treacherous pagans), and the image of Rolanda becomes so idealized that so far, at the mention of this name, the concepts of "honor", "loyalty to the king "And" selfless courage "- that is, the most important virtues of the nobles in the feudal society.

Karl Great mourns the deceased Roland (medieval miniature)

Finally, it is worth noting that no punishment of basks from Karl's Great was not followed - he was too in a hurry to return to Saxony. Roland's name over time became an integral part of the mythology of the Pyrenees peoples, including Basque, which was reflected in toponymics - Pa de Roland, Salto de Roland, Brecha Rolando and so on. Apparently, the Ronsive Battle at one time turned out to be a very loud event - mainly due to the frightened number of dead francs, - which was the reason for the emergence of a beautiful, but not too reliable legend ...

As described above, some events of the first crusade were used in the "song", and Roland himself reminds prince Bogremonda, Son Normanz Robert Giscard. The coincidences will not end on this: the author of the "song" could create the Ronsive Battle of the sample of one (or more) from significant battles of its time. For example, many coincidences between the Ronseval battle and the battle of Dorileum (Dorylaeum) in 1097:

    1) (Roland) "Beautiful day was beautiful." ANONYMI GESTA FRANCORUM) END OF JUNE.

    2) (Roland) Roland and 12 peers are commander of the Ariergard. (Anonymi Gesta Francorum) Bohemond, with Robert Norman and Stephen De Blois commanded a small army. "Caution" tancred, the nephew of the Bohemond, is also present.

    3) (Roland) When the pagans approach, Roland refuses to notify Karl the Great. (Anonymi Gesta Francorum) Bohemond, learning that Turks are approaching, refuses to notify the main army under the leadership of Godfru and others.

    4) (Roland) "Spanish Saracens cover valleys and mountains, hills and plains; great crowds of those strangers." (Anonymi Gesta Francorum) "The Great Number of Turks, Arabs and Saracin ... Almost all Mountains and Hills and Valley and all smooth places ... were covered with that race of omitted. "

    5) (Roland) Roland shouts by the French and then also turns to them. ANONYMI GESTA FRANCORUM) "The Bohemond said again to all the knights:" Senoras and the brave Knights of Christ, see, the battle is close to us from all sides. So let all knights courage to come against the enemy

    6) (Roland) Rolnwan finally agrees to call Karl the Great. (Anonymi Gesta Francorum) When the Bohemond saw that he did not stand against the Turks, he "sent to the Duke of Godfrey ... Hurry up and coming to the battle as soon as possible."

    7) (Roland) "Today, Roland said, we will have a lot of prey." (Anonymi Gesta Francorum) Knights of the Bohemond promise to each other: "On this day ... All you will become rich."

    8) (Roland) call Roland to the rescue first do not believe; Ganeleon laughs at it. (Anonymi Gesta Francorum) "At first they refused flat, laughing at the messengers, and saying" all this is a lie. "

    9) (Roland) Karl and his army come to the rescue, attack and pursue the pagans until the night, taking a lot of trophies. (Anonymi Gesta Francorum) Homfrey and the "Other Army" arrive, attack the pagans and pursue them all day, and take a lot of prey.

    These coincidences are striking, as well as similar in the arrangement of Marcialy's troops in Ronsevalea and Yusuf in the Battle of Balac (1086).

    Ronsive battle can be divided into three main parts: 1) Aerhrot - the first defeated pagan leader; 2) Then King Martilly introduces the main forces in battle and almost defeats Christians; 3) Finally, the Algalif with 50 thousand blacks defeat Christians. In a slack, the king of Alfonso first defeats the Avangard of Andalusian Arabs; Then the main troops of Yusuf are entering the battle, before that hidden in the mountains; After this bloody and long battle, wild ebony comes in reserve, and won Christians. The brave king of Seville is wounded in hand, like King Martily in the "Song". Perhaps the author of the "song" heard stories about the crushing defeat of Alfonso Vi Castilsky, after which Spain became the province of the Morocco Empire.

    Form KarlaAs described in the "song", reflected historical features and fictional. Karl loved pilgrims and himself was sometimes them. He built the road for them, redeemed the prisoners, ordered to provide shelter and focus for pilgrims. So when in the 10th and 11th centuries to pilgrims interfere with the Turks, naturally, the thoughts of people turned to Karl, the defender of pilgrims. During the second cross campaign (1101) among the Crusaders, the rumor was even spread, that the Great Karl returned to lead the warriors to victory.
    As for the legend, Carl lived to very deep old age, had a white beard, the sword Joyeuse and the Romaine banner; His martial tide was the cry of pilgrims: monjoie.! - Monzhua!; Carl accepted the functions of the priest; He is accompanied by Archangel Gabriel, warning king about the danger and the future discovering him; Charles surround the faithful 12 peers corresponding to the 12 Apostles of Christ.

    Historicity Rolanda Subject to doubt. In addition to Einhard, nowhere else is indicated that such a person existed at all. Yes, and Einhard from numerous copies of the manuscript, many generally pass the phrase with Hruodulandus. (True, the oldest, since 850, still mentions it).
    Einhard makes Roland to the keeper of the Breton Brand (borders), Comes Marchiae, i.e. Marcgraf. In the "song" Roland calls and Conte (Count) and Marchis (Marquis).
    Where, when and who was common about Roland's legend? The earliest famous indication is the signature "Count Rotlan"standing next to Karl's signature in the will Saint-Denis Fulrada (But this document dates back to the 10th century). And in general, the name Roland was quite popular and could relate not only to the Roland's hero. By the end of the 11th century, the Legend of Roland was already known everywhere: for example, in the chronicle (OK 1090/1100) st. Aubin Abbey in Anger One woman mentions her sons Oliverius and Rotlandus.; In another chronicle of DAX (1096), two brothers are mentioned, Oliver and Rodlan..
    Nothing is not known about how Roland became the nephew of Charles and the fiance of Aldo, sisters of Oliver.

    The story is silent and about Oliver, comrades and other Roland; Even the origin of the name is doubtful. In "Songs", it is only briefly indicated that he was "the son of the Duke Raine, who served on the border in the valley -" (skip in the manuscript). According to the later poem GiRard de Vienne., Rainier, Father Alda and Oliver, was from Gennes. This ancient city stands on Loire, Anjo and Blois border. Not far from him is Vihiers. (Vigerium). This word is suitable for Assonance in a missed place in the manuscript. Vihiers built in 1010-1016. Fulka Nerra; This town was just on the border with Poitu in the Lys Valley. So it is possible that the area of \u200b\u200bAnger Blois is home to Oliver.

    Ganeleon It was also hardly a historical person. The prototype of this character could be a famous crusader, Guillaume, Graph Melun. In Antioch in 1096, he wanted to desert. It was grabbed and brought back to the camp; The Bohemond died with reproach and insults, but forgave. Soon, however, the count again fled, this time with Stephen de Blois. Guide Guide, Bohemond said: " Maybe you want to betray these warriors and the army of Christ, how did you betray others in Spain?" Maybe, ISpania. (in the original) not to Spain applies, but to Spain (Isfahan) in Iran, since nothing is unknown on Guillaume's campaigns in Spain.

    Archbishop Turpen, Ozier Dane and Jeffrey Anzhui, everyone is somehow reflected in history. The prototype of Turpen, for example, could be a bishop Ademar from Puywho accompanied the first crusade and died in Antioch in 1098.

    In a word, " Song of Roland"Reflects the events and characters as they understood the author's contemporaries: his courage literary Roland stolen the knights, admired by the Bohemond, Tancred or Bodoyn I Jerusalem; his piousness, bishops and other clergymen; with his masculby, such ladies as Adela de Blois, who sent her Muga to fulfill his crusader's debt in the East, where he died. One of the goals of the "song about Roland" is thus propaganda, and the Epos itself is part of the political history of France.

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Roland in chronicles

The historical existence of this person is evidenced by only one place in the "Breakfast of Charles Great" ( "Vita Caroli Magni") Einhard, in which it is narrating that in 778, when Karl returned from the campaign to Spain, his ariergard in the gorge of Pyreneev attacked outrageous basks and destroyed it in the Ronseval Battle; In this case, several peers died, including chrogeland, the prefect of the Breton Brand ( Hruodlandus Britannici Limitis Prefectus).

Roland's story


Latest Italian poems, chanting the military and love of Roland - "MORGANTE MAGGIORE" L. Pulchi, "Love Roland" M. Boyardo, especially "Furious Roland" Ariosto - far away from the initial French poem. And in the French, and in the Italian poems Roland chaste and completely unacceptable to the world of love collisions. Only Boyardo eliminated this epic rudiment.

"Love Roland"

Roland is sent in search of Angelica. He kills the sphinx, failed to solve the riddle, - the same that came the Edipa. At the death axis, he enters into battle with a giant. The giant is firmly, but in a suicon moment, he actuates the delictic network. Roland, abandoned to the head, is waiting for death or help. For a day, a monk appears and offers Roland spiritual assistance. A word of the monk tells how the miracle saved from one-eyed giant-cannibal. Immediately the Giant himself, Rubit Roland, his as a sword, but destroys only the network: Roland is invulnerable to weapons. The liberated Roland kills the cannibal, hitting him into the only eye, and hesitate his prisoners.

Roland goes to the castle. On the wall of the lady castle: This is a Fairy Dragonitin, inviting the count to drink from the Cup. Nothing unsuspecting Roland brings the cup to her lips and instantly forgets his love, the goal of his way, himself, becomes a blind slave of fairies. Angelica with a magic ring dispelves the spells of dragonitins. Roland and Eight of his comrades in captivity will jump behind Angelica to the albrace.

Roland goes to battle with the agriculture. The duel was interrupted by night darkness. Having disappeared into the meadow, the knights are peacefully talking: Roland, delighted by the valor of the Agrican, tries to lean him to the change of faith. Agrickick, stating that religious disputes are not his case that he is not pop and not books, it turns out a conversation about chivalry and love, as a result he learns that Roland is his opponent. Jealousy pulls away from his tears; He requires Roland to renounce love for Angelica. And hearing the refusal, takes over the sword. Continuation of the fight. Agrickan is mortally wounded and with the last sigh, famous Christ.

The Fairy of the Ozerny Island offers it an unprecedented multi-stage feat. Roland touches two bulls, plowing the field on them, kills the fire dragon, skews the plowed field with his teeth, fights the warriors grown out of the teeth. Reward for the feat - the golden deer of the Morgana fairies. Mastering them extracts indispensable treasures. But Paladin with contempt refuses treasures.

Roland returns under the albrace and enters into battle with Rinald. The fight was interrupted by the onset of darkness. Angelica, who serves who beats against Roland, asks for permission to be present at a fight. Continuation of the fight. Roland takes the top, but Angelika saves Rinalda from death, Suschard Roland in the enchanted garden of Falerina Fairy. On the path Roland sees a lady tied to the pine for the hair, and guarding her armed knight. The knight, as it appears from his story, was in love with a tied lady. The name of her Orihille. From natural love for villain, she swayed on each other three of his fans and another knight and his father was sentenced to that execution, whose witness became Roland. The four of her victims must with weapons in their hands, make sure that the execution is accomplished strictly. Roland Nevertheless, frees the criminal lady, by shifting all four knights, and immediately pays for his nobility. Covar Orihilla captivates the heart of the Paladin and steals a horse, incomparable Zlatouzda.

Roland continues the path to the garden of Fagelin in the foothold: to meet him the procession, at the head of which he sees the bound griffin and aquilant and with them at Zlatouzda Orihille - they are sacrificed to the Dragon. Roland frees them, again can not resist the beauty of the Orgilles and, noticing that it exchanges with the griffin with eloquent views, hastily removed with it. An awkward attempt to express their feelings is interrupted by the appearance of a lady that announces that they are near the Garden of Fagelina. From the lady Roland will receive a book with the involving of miracles and the dangers of the garden. You can only penetrate the garden at dawn. At night, Orihille will repeat the roland horse, now with a sword. Paladin goes to the feat of foot and unarmed. The gate guards the dragon, his Roland kills a club. In the palace, he finds the fairy, she imposes the last spell on the magic sword, which will be powerless any spells. This sword, Balinese, made it specifically for the death of Roland, who is invulnerable to ordinary weapons. Paladin's sword picks up, and the fairy is still binding to the tree. Kills Sirena, after pushing the ears with rose petals. Kills bull about one iron and about one fiery rog. Kills a monstrous bird. Kills donkey with sharp as the sword tail. He kills a half-day half-day named Faun. Kills the giant, and when two more two, binds them. Roland destroys the Garden of Falerina, but the Faja loves, which promises to free all of his prisoners.

Roland along with Falerina approaches to that Lake, where Rinald was gone. Falerina explains that this is the lake of the Fairy Morgana, the villain, the travelers in it, is called Aridan and it is impossible to defeat it, for his strength wonderfully always in six times more than the enemy's strength. Roland comes with him to battle and, like all the predecessors, it turns out in the lake. At the bottom of the lake, the flowering meadow shines, the sun shines, and here Roland, having freed himself from the ardam's arms, kills him. After a long wanderfish on the underground grottoes and Roland's maze sees Morganents, sharpened in prison from a transparent and unbreakable crystal. To free them, you need to get the key from the morgana. To do this, you need to catch it. Roland is started in chase for the Fairy, which is like a goddess of fate: Bald Zatille, the only strand for which it can be caught, and Ave. Roland catches Morgana, and she is forced to give freedom to all their captives, as soon as possible, however, the permission to leave young Ziliant, son of manorodant king. Among the prisoners - Dudon sent by Karl in order to call for his banners of Roland and Rinald. Roland, crazy about Angelica, deaf to the call of the emperor: he hurries back to the albrace, accompanied by the faithful Brandimart (who was also in captivity of Morgan).

Roland with Brandimart turns out to be at that bridge, where Rinald and his companions were captured. A bit after them arrived to the bridge arrived (once again forgiven Roland). Roland beats with Balisard and falls into the same trap as his predecessors; But Brandimart kills the Warlock. The feeder tells the knights that Balisard was delivered here by order of the King of Manornut, who hovering in this way to return the Son. The king had two sons, one in infancy kidnapped the servant, the other was captivated by Morgan and agrees to return it only in exchange for Roland. Balisard did not miss any passion knight, hoping that sooner or later this knight would be Roland. Roland goes to the king, gives himself to another and promises to get Roland for him.

Orihille comes the king that one of her companions Roland, and for this denunciation king gives her freedom along with the griffon and aquilant. Roland and Brandimart were thrown into the dungeon, but Brandimart gives himself for Roland, and the real Roland released to freedom and in a hurry to the kingdom of the Morgana fairies. Astolf, without knowing about the causes of deception, reveals it, and Brandimart sentenced to death. Roland returns to a familiar lake and takes away from the Morgana Ziliant. Together with him and coming along the path of Floremiza, he sails to the island of King Manornta. Upon arrival, it is found that the Senior, King's Son in Infancy, is not anyone else like a brandymart. The king takes immediately both sons. Roland, with whom the brandymart did not wish, rushes again to the albrace.

Roland and Brandimart are approaching the place where Narcissus died in the older times, the straighter to his reflection. The history of Narcissa has, it turns out that the continuation of: Fairy Silvellah, having fallen in love with the dead Narcissa, joined the source in such a way that everyone who looked into him will be captive by the beautiful female and perishing the same death as Narcissus. The bridge leading to the fatal source guards the isolger, the Sacripant comes into battle, hurrying to the kingdom of Gradass. Roland is discontinued fighting.

Roland and Brandimart reaches finally albrace. Angelika, having heard that Rinald went home, throws a fortress for the mercy of fate and accompanied by Roland and Brandimart rushes after the subject of his passion. The precipitating jumps in the pursuit of them stops and scatters brandymart, and Roland has to deal with lenters, wild people of cannibals. Roland reaches Syria and sails along with the king of Damascus Norandine into Cyprus, where the tournament should take place for possession of the hand of beautiful Lupine. Noandin has a rival Greek Prince Constant. Among the Knights of Norandin on the tournament is Roland, among the Knights of the constant Griffon and Aquilant. Constant, learning who helps his opponent resorts to deception and forces Roland to leave the island.

Roland and Angelica are in the Ardennes Forest: Angelika drinks from the source killing love, and in the place of passion that chained it to Rinalda, disgust comes. Rinald appears, just fed from the source with the opposite action. Paladines are taken for swords. Duel Roland and Rinald was interrupted on the command of the emperor.

Under Montalban Roland grabbing with the rodomont. The rod is a monstrous blow to Roland, but at this time the regiment of Bradamanti is coming out of the ambush. Bradamatant fights with a rodomont, and woken from the fainting of Roland watching their fight and first sees countless Hordes of Agramant. He thanks God for this luck, which, as he hopes, will allow him to distinguish between the emperor's eyes and earn a precious reward, Angelicik. Roland, splazed by the story of Ferragus on Rinald's exploits, rushes into battle. His fighting with Rudjiere was interrupted by Atlanta, who distracts Roland to the Witchcraft Mirage. Roland again turns out to be away from the battlefield and, looking into the source, sees the magnificent hall of a transparent crystal, full of beauty. Paladin jumps into the water.

Floremiza's brandymart puts Roland from the source, and they jump together to Paris. Roland and Brandimart arrive at a decisive moment, free the prisoners of paladins and hit the Sarzinam from the rear. The night disconnects fighting.

Furious Roland.

In besieged Paris, Roland sees a prophetic dream about Angelica and rushes in search of it. Roland is looking for Angelica in the enemy bed, and then throughout France. He recognizes about the execution of girls on the emergency and rushes there, but he refers to Flanders. Here, Olympia tells him how she loved Byrine, as Frisian Kosymosh wanted to issue Olympia for her son, as she killed the groom and should perish to save Byrian. She asks a knight about help. Roland immediately hurries to Holland and challenges Kosyoshu, crushes his ambush, breaks into the city and fights Kyosmuha. Roland continues the path to the emergency.

He sails to the emergency, comes into battle with the dragon and wins it. The islanders attack Roland. After beating them, he frees the Olympia and continues the search for Angelica. He sees Angelica in captivity of the rider and goes to the castle of Atlanta. Angelika escapes with the help of Persdny, Roland and Ferragus come into battle; Meanwhile, Angelica abducts the Roland's helmet, and Ferragus is captured. Angelica continues the way to Katay, and Roland meets two Moorish troops and beats them. Continuing the path, he comes to Isabella Cave.

Isabella tells how she loved the Rabbar, as he instructed odorak to kidnap her, as odorak himself bit her and how they beat off the robbers. Roland straightens with robber and goes on with Isabello. He cuts out the womb and returns him Isabella. The manderrid goes on them, beats with Roland, but he carries his horse. Roland breaks up with the Rod, goes on and falls into the shelter of Medica and Angelica. For inscriptions, he learns about their love, and the shepherd tells him what happened. Roland suffers and flows into madness.

In the madness Roland meswords in France, Spain and Africa, killing people and animals. Finally, under Bizeta, he stumbled on a astolf with comrades who returns to him the sound mind brought from the moon. Together they take the biecert attack. Agrants, Gradass and Sorchin send Roland a challenge. On the island of Lipaduz, the triple duel begins between these three Saracines on one side and Roland, Brandimart and Oliviere on the other. Roland Stunches Soberna, attacks Gradassa, Brandimart helps Olivier. Gradass stuns Roland and kills Brandigart. Then Roland kills Agramant and Gradassa, and the sobrin is carried out wound.

"Songs about Roland" Characteristics of Roland With quotes, see this article.

"Songs about Roland" image of Roland

Roland - Graph, King's nephew, Hanelon stepsin. According to historical sources, he was the son of Berth, sisters Charles, and Senehal (royal official) Milon. The most reliable information about it contains the "Life-Karl Grand" Einhard.

The main hero of the French heroic epic, which Karl always admires his courage and courage. Oliver, a friend of Roland, indicates the flareness of the graph. And Ganeleon, stepfather, calls him a "sick-up co-coherent."

Roland is true to serve the king. "The Vassal must endure his needs, heat and frost, give the flesh and blood and all his life!" - So he says hero himself. In connection with this way, the topic of loyalty to the king and Valcy ministry arises.

The hero is ready to always defend his homeland, he is proud and self-confident knight. Roland rejected Karl's offer to increase the detachment. "This is not necessary," replied Roland. "Welfare himself and the genus I don't eat" the hero believed that please leave more warriors to be perceived as his cowardice, and that he could not allow.

Oliver is more moderate than Roland. Therefore, understanding the danger, he advises himself three times a fellow operator in the magical horn Oliphant to inform Karlovy about the need to help. But in his courage and quick-tempered Roland, it is not capable of soberly thinking and seeks to defeat the enemy on their own. Such an act of Roland caused the defeat and death of himself and the entire Ariergard. Only after he saw that most brave francs died, Roland decided to drive, "so that I didn't have to return home to the joy." Amazes the scene depicting Roland, which is a pipe in the horn for the second time. The strength of suffering, pain for the dead comrades is embodied in the maximum tension of the hero, whose "Words ... Alay Blood went, and in the head whiskey were shrinking." Roland gives his life in battle, without a minute without thinking about the possibility of choice. Count three times refuses to drive, that is, to ask for help from Karl, pride does not allow him to do it.

The hero is brave, fearless, strong, beautiful, Grozny, before the fight "Being proud, like Lev Leopard." The hero is brave, brave, strong, decisive, patriot, loyal suzerena, loyal comrade. But there are both negative features: self-confidence, recklessness, quick temper. The work discloses the inner world of a person who has positive and negative character traits.

Count Roland personifies the courage, valor, courage. He, a devotee of Vassal, for his sister is ready for everything. The author of the poem constantly emphasizes that Roland is a real knight: he lived like a knight, and died like a hero. Even God recognizes the advantages of Roland: he takes him to heaven, despite such flaws of the hero, like pride and self-confidence.

Roland is the embodiment of the folk dream about the perfect hero-knight.

Quotation characteristic Rolanda

"You have a huddler's character and startled." (Oliver)

"Threats I am not afraid ... I will reversing so that only
the king allowed "(Roland)

"When Roland learned what would fight,
He bravely became a lion and tiger. "

"For his master and the biggest trouble
Did you suffer - cold, heat,
And even if the blood shed, the corpse will fall. "

"Wherever I don't look, a strong battle is rapidly,
Alas, and Roland's Count will not lick for others;
Hits spear while Speire serves ... "

"And here we are waiting for a heavy and long battle,
No one has seen such strength. "

"He took Roland's hand of Oliphanta,
Attached it to the lips and how to play
Reflects about the mountain voice, he rang out
Thirty miles around went echo. "

"Roland began so painfully and powerfully,
So sorry felt on Oliphant,
From his mouth, it went a larger blood,
And in the head whiskey was shrinking.
And so far the voice rang out
What among the mountains heard the king. "

"Returned on the battlefield Count Roland,
Returned like a knight, Durandel hit ...
Brave twenty five fell. "
"This is a knight and necessary,
When the horse saddled in the weapon.
In the struggle, whether he is solid, resistant. "

"Count Roland beats at the workman!
Pete dodging his hot body,
And in the head is heavy, burning pain:
Whiskey burst into it, even when a pipe. "

"Roland died," God accepted God to Paradise. "

"Song of Roland". People's heroic epic of the Middle Ages differs significantly from Gomeov's poems. Homer's poems, as shown, completed the development of the folk ancient epic. Homer relies on the myth, singing the heroic past of his people, "the glory of husbands"; Its scale is space and humanity. Especially "Odyssey", with its sophisticated composition, with a variety of literary applications, testifies to the transition from the folk stage on the literary, author. Medieval epic poems, compared to the Homer Epos, as if returned to a typologically earlier, purely folk staging of literature. They reflected the oral folk creativity of young peoples of Western Europe, their passionary impulse, which is based on the spread of Christianity.

These poems were developing during the centuries, and were recorded almost simultaneously: the best manuscript "Song about Roland", the so-called Oxford manuscript, refers to the middle of the XII century; At the same time, in the Spanish monastery, the "Song of My Side" was recorded, at the turn of the XII-XIII centuries in South Germany, "Song of Nibelungakh" was recorded. But to what extent the authorship of the poems belong to people who have fulfilled their record? Whether they were simply the monks of the correspondence who had any more ancient, who did not reach us manuscripts, or professional obscene poets, which in France were called "jugglers", in Spain "Hugrars", and in Germany "Spies"? It is impossible to answer this question today. In the last line "Song about Roland", the name of one's own one appears: "Turold said". But we do not know anything about this Turold, and the assumption that this is the author of the poem is unreasonable. The fact is that the epic literature of the Middle Ages does not know the concept of individual authorship: the text of the epic poem is a collective heritage, and each new performer, each new correspondence, felt entitled to make changes to it. Therefore, dealing with the recorded, recorded text "Song about Roland", should be aware that it is one of the many really existing options for the poem.

"Song of Roland" is the main monument of the French epic, the most rich and extensive of all other national epic traditions of Western Europe. It consists of the so-called Chansons De Geste ("Chanson de Gesture", or a shorter "gesture", - Song of the Act). Today is about a hundred gesture created in the X-XIII centuries. Stray singers-jugglers performed gestures under the accompaniment of harp or a viola at the fairs, in the castles of the feudal. The volume of the gesture is from one to twenty thousand poems, that is, the gesture could not always be listened to the time, sometimes it took place for its execution for several days.

Gestures could narrow conflicts inside the feudal nobility, but Caroling Epos - Songs about the so-called "Caroling Regeneration" were most popular, about the era of the board of the historical emperor Karl Great (rules from 768 to 814). In a popular memory, he departed all the other rulers of his dynasty and turned into an ideal king, the creator of the powerful power and defender of faith. "Our emperor Karl" is one of the main characters "Song about Roland."

The historic basis of the poem is set out by Frankish and Arabic chronicles. At the end of the VIII century, Spain was exposed to the invasion of the Moors; In 778, 38-year-old Karl (he will be proclaimed only in 800) to no avail in the dispute of Muslim rulers in Spain. This expedition was unsuccessful. He was forced to take off the short siege of the Zaragoza, and returning to France, was attacked by the troops of Basques who confessed Christianity, who wanted to take revenge on the francs for the destruction of their settlements. The airship of the French was attacked in the tesnes of Ronsevalsky gorge, which in the Pyrenees. The basks easily took the top, and among the fallen in this battle, the only chronicle mentions some "Chrodeland, the prefect of the Breton Brand", that is, the epic Roland.

Jugglers turned this episode in the picture of the seven-year war of Charles with Sarcins for the Christianization of Spain. We again meet with a characteristic epic exaggeration of the scale of events, the number of people involved in them, with the rethinking of the meaning of these events for the history of the people.

The plot events are enlarged. At the seventh year of war in Spain, won many victories, Carl takes ambassadors from the last opponent, the king of Zaragoza Marcialy, with a false proposal of the world. Marcialia Carl Embassy meets the Hanelon Embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich should clarify the conditions of the truce. Hanelon's name on the Council utters his stepper and the beloved nephew of Charles, Count Roland, he himself first caused to be ambassador. But since Franks remember the fate of their former ambassadors - they were all killed by Martilye, - the king forbids Roland to go to the embassy, \u200b\u200bbut agrees to the candidacy of Hanelon. Ganeleon immediately accuses Roland that he wishes his death, and he dies to revenge. Arriving in Zaragozu, he joins a treacherous conspiracy with Martilyl, inspiring him that only the militant Roland at the court of an old, tired emperor stands for the war, and it is necessary to donate with Roland to save Spain from francs. By bringing hostages and the gifts of Marcialy Carlo, Ganeleon persuades him to appoint Roland to the head of the twenty thousand French Ariergard, who will cover the return of Karl's main troops, and Roland, with his definition herself, accepts this order, seeing recognition of his military merit.

The plan of Hanelon and Marcília is carried out. In the Ronsevalsky gorge, the hundredsmatic hordes of the Maurus treacherously attack the French. Spent Roland, Olivier, Three times persuade him to protrubed in Rog Oliphan, until Karl can hear his call and come to the rescue, but proud Roland refuses. He is right and left to the left of Durandal, he worns on the battlefield on his battle horse Vellyantif, kills hundreds of Mavrov, but all this in vain. In a cruel battle, all French peers and barons were killed: a spishop-warrior Turpen died in the penultimate, and finally, Roland himself, only before his death, protriving in the horn. Karl returns to his call, mourns the French and arranges the defeat of Marcialy's troops at first, and then landed in Spain Babylonian Emir Baligan. So the right thing of the Christian faith was proved, and the pagans renounced their gods that could not help them.

In the third part, the Poem's action is immediately transferred to the capital of Karl, in Aachen, where the traitor Ganeleon is sent for the trial. However, the Court of Baron, consisting of the relatives of Hanelon, justifies him, and justice triumph only thanks to the "God's judgment", that is, a fight between Pinabel, a supporter of Hanelon, and a faithful servant of Karla - Thierry. Thierry wanders the top, and Ganeleon takes a painful penalty - "treason and the criminal does not praise." In the finals of the poem, the widow of Mince Brahmymond voluntarily adopts Christianity, and the Karl's king in a dream is Archangel Gabriel and calls to the profog of Christians suffering from the pagans:

But the king does not want to go to war. He picks up: "God, how much is my lot Gork!" - River beard gray, crying mournfully ...

As can be seen, the composition of the poem is based on the principle of symmetry: each of the three main steps of action consists of two contrast events. The baggage of the poem, the betrayal of Hanelon, includes a description of two embassies - Maravo Blankandrina and Christian Hanelon. The climax of the poem is a description of two battles, one victorious, the second most disastrous for the French. Delivery - Retribution of Muslims and Ganeleon.

Compared to Gomemer's poems of the action framework in "Song about Roland" narrowed: it is only military, patriotic and religious epic. Roland's beloved, Alda's lady, is mentioned only in one stanza; Roland himself does not remember her. Only by learning from Karl about the death of someone who "the oath gave her wife," she immediately dies - "Homes, Alde, God!" There are no privacy among the heroes, they are only warriors, diplomats, government figures, and their value system is subordinated to the concepts of Christian and vassal debt. To those who do not share these values, the author does not show any tolerance. Maurics are shown as idolatries, deprived of the light of true faith; Died in battles, these devils are directed directly to hell. Those of them who refuse to take baptism after the surrender of Zaragoza Carlo, killed on the spot, and the epic author says quite calmly about it:

Karl is jealous of the faith of Christian, he told the water to sanctify the prelates and the Maurians to paint in the foxes of Hasp, and if someone does not agree to it, those hang, burn and kill mercilessly.

The same Christian idea is permeated by images of the main epic heroes. Karl is a defender of the south of France from raids of Maurus, and the war with them is understandable as a patriotic war for "cute France". Karl's barons are faithful vassals and the best warriors in the world, and the best among them is Roland, who won his king many land. But, in addition, Roland also vassal God, no wonder before his death, he stretches his glove to heaven - this is a gesture that he betrays himself to the Lord, as Vassal gives his glove as a sign of loyalty to Sisser. The church of the warrior personifies in the poem of the Archbishop Turpen, who in Ronseval one hand lets the sins in a dying, and the other will bring enemies.

With Christianity, a relatively small element of fiction in the poem is associated. Carlo starred prophetic dreams. King is Archangel Gabriel; On the prayer of the emperor, the day lasts: so that he could finish the beating of the Moors, God stops the sun in heaven. At an hour of battle in Ronsevale, a terrible thunderstorm is developed over France - then crying at the dying Roland.

Accordingly, the characters in the poem are outlined more straight than Homeric characters. Karl personifies in the gesture of state wisdom, Christian virtue, Roland - Bogatyr Fury, Olivier - Prudent Restraint:

Obpeams Olivier, Roland bezden, and a valor of one another is equal.

All three heroes are opposed to each other, but combined with each other love for "Mila France", and opposes them a traitor to the interests of the birthplace of Ganeleon.

The poem says that Roland makes a mistake, as a result of which his whole detachment dies and he himself. This error is a consequence of his frantic heroism, his faith in his strength and its high principles:

Let Nobody says about me that I have forgotten from fright. I will never take my own kind. .......................................... Shame, in whose heart the fear crept .

Roland's tragic mistake is explained and justifies his advantages of the epic hero, and let the previous epic heroism, which fills the person, vanity, is a sin that is subject to redeeming, Roland fully reaches the feat of his mistake. Heroism His I am deducted and unlimited, this is a hero aimed at a personal feat to the glory of his king and his God. This is a new, painted by Christianity version of the epic hero, which is why the poem is named after Roland name, name.

"Song about Roland" in Oxford manuscript consists of 4002 poems. Like all gestures, it is written by a special stubbic shape - lessels, or otherwise tiradami, with a non-permanent number of rows in stroke, from four to twenty; Rows inside the lesters are associated with inaccurate rhymes - associations, when in each last syllable of each row of this stanza, the same vowel sounds. The French epic verse is a Syllabic Table, the exact rhymes in the French versification will arise later.

"Song of Roland" uses the same repeats (often the forests are completed by the exclamation of "Aoy!"), Sustainable formulas; Its amazing parallelism in the image system and in the compositional construction.

Known processing "Song about Roland" almost all Romanesque and German languages.

"Song about Roland" was recorded at the time when the knights had already arisen with his special ideology, and the Knight's Code had a well-known imprint on the image of the relationship between the characters "song" (the glorification of loyalty to the vassal duty, Christian dust), but in general the value system Here is the early refortel. Specific knightly conflicts will be reflected in the most popular epic literature genre of high Middle Ages - in the knightly novel.