Stones talismans for Women Aquarius by date. Which stone is suitable for Aquarius

Stones talismans for Women Aquarius by date. Which stone is suitable for Aquarius

Choosing your stone talisman, it is important to remember that its power depends largely on which decade you are born.

The first decade: from January 21st to February 1. Born during this period of Aquarius is often subjected to melancholy, they love to fall into despondency and apathy. Therefore, they are suitable stones that give them the necessary energy and strength to deal with circumstances: amethyst, pearls, jasper, nephritis, obsidian, adventurine and coil.

Second decade: from the 2nd to February 11th. At this time, charming and witty aquaries are born, easily achieving public recognition due to their talents. Amethyst, amber and chrysoprase can help them.

Third decade: from the 12th to February 19. Born this decade is experiencing the influence of the moon, which is expressed in sensitivity and some closetness. Quality data often interfere with the Aquarius in achieving the goals, therefore such stones like chrysoprase, grenades, tourmaline, sapphire, Alexandrite and Aquamarine are truly indispensable in order to give them confidence and courage.

Stones of Aquarius

Red grenades

Active Aquarius will help the stone of the same active, red - red grenades. He is able to give strength to solve problems with the problem, will add energy at the required moment. This stone will help to establish relations in society - with friends, colleagues and representatives of the opposite sex. Red pomegranate is able to absorb negative energy, so it can not be better suited for removing stress.


Another useful stone for water is quartz, or rather its versions of a light shade. The most successful solution will be pink quartz. It will help "recharge" creative, creative energy. Therefore, this stone is ideal for people of atypical, creative professions. A high level of creativity can also bring good news in love affairs - it will help to succeed in personal relationships. Also, pink quartz is able to absorb negative emotions, therefore, it can help depressive Aquarius to protect against this negative mental state.


Amethyst stone will become a powerful energy feed for you. It is able to suppress negative manifestations of character, sharing your dark side. At the same time, Amethyst helps to show a wide range of dating its positive qualities, protect against various problems at work, in the family. Prevents quarrels, conflicts. Helps find the strength at the most right time and solve their problems.


Usually, water live in a hurry rhythm and do not quite care about their health. However, it is not forever. For such people, a sapphire will be the perfect stone, which will help support the work of the heart and blood vessels, nervous system and other internal organs. Especially need to wear it during periods of stress. On the other hand, the stone also makes a man "healthier" psychologically - the wiser, which is more courageous.

Stones men


For some emotionally unstable water, the perfect solution is nephritis. Moreover, it is not necessary to acquire jewelry from this stone - you can do with a statuette or stationery. Nephritis will help you gain emotional stability and tranquility, will move you to a new level of spiritual development, contributes to work on yourself.


No man wants to disregard the weak floor representatives. His successes on the personal front can be supported by stone champion. For water, a particularly successful solution is agate. The decoration color with this stone should be chosen depending on their goals and desires. Help to win the heart of a woman will help black agate - he will emphasize your romanticism and serious intentions. Agate softer shades - white and yellow, will help to be softer, arrange to yourself. Such a stone sat down a little quiet character of his carrier. Gray agate is well suited to indicate their friendly intentions, conflict solutions.


Usually, men-aquities are very purposeful. They constantly dorms some ideas and thoughts that are so asked the outgoing out. In order to help these thoughts, you need to support yourself. One of the options for such support is the Sapphire stone. Decorations from this gemstone will help to become more optimistic and purposeful, which will help to cope even with the most difficult problems. Therefore, it is especially important for men who, like a strong floor, are confronted daily with obstacles on their life path.

Stones of women


As a rule, women-aquarities are not very well versed in humans. Especially if this person is a challenger for the role of the future spouse or lover. From love, Aquarius usually simply simplifies their heads, and they cannot reflect all the positive and negative qualities of the human close to them. Help to understand your feelings and keep the head of the stone aquamarine at this cold will help. He will not only serve as an excellent faith in his personal life, but also teach to be more open and frank, with relatives, friends and loved ones.


Women-aquities may want very much from their partner, limit him, but they themselves want to have a lot of freedom. Therefore, conflicts often arise and misunderstanding with your favorite people on this soil. Help better to understand the feelings of other people will help the decoration from amethyst. This stone will help keep the mind in hot situations, take the right decision at the right moment. Also, Amethyst must be in Woman Aquarius, who wants children.


Another valuable stone for representatives of this sign is pearls. He is especially important for those who have already consisted of married couples. Pearl helps to strengthen the "communications of the hearts", the establishment of warm and delicate relations inside the family. He protects a couple of conflicts and quarrels, guarantees a long and happy family life. At the same time, pearls usually makes very proud and demanding women-water to be softer and gentle, family.

Aquarius zodiac sign belongs to air element. The ruling planet is uranium. Typical representatives of the sign of Aquarius on the horoscope are very independent and extraordinary. They consider below their dignity to descend to the level of people with low intellectual abilities, and are perplexed if the surrounding do not understand their progressive ideas. Toleure cannot be tolerant when they are flattered or curved soul. Among all the signs of the zodiac, aquatic are distinguished by enviable constancy, artistry and rectinence. Let's find out which stone is suitable for an aquatic horoscope.

Aquarius loves wildlife, within reasonable limits, also seeks to communicate with developed personalities. Women, representatives of this sign, sometimes "make an elephant fly," but her charm smoothes such flaws. Aquarius often visits melancholy. And the excessive passion for the work exhausts such people to exhaustion.

By date of birth

Since the period of Aquarius on a horoscope is divided into three decades, the suitable stone is selected at the exact date of birth of a person:

  • The first decade includes representatives of the sign of the zodiac by the date of birth, which were born in the period from 21.01 to 01.02. These are peaceful sentimental people who are accustomed to "not sticking out". They are accompanied by Planet Venus and gives them a big love strength. Therefore, the most suitable for such water stones is: amethyst, obsidian, pearls, aventurine, jade. Stones Aquarius Women by date of birth also enter this list;
  • The second decade includes representatives of the zodiac sign on the date of birth, which were born in the period from 02.02 to 11.02. They are accompanied by Planet Mercury. Such aquarities do a path in life and will receive recognition by others by the insightful warehouse of the mind and wise action. In this case, the stones will be appropriate: amber, lags, amethyst and chrysoprase;
  • The third decade includes representatives of the zodiac sign on the date of birth, which were born from 12.02 to 20.02. They patronize the moon. For such water, truthful information is very important, who will dare to deceive them - will be forever crossed out of the circle of their communication. These people will take away the following stones: sapphire, chrysoprase, tourmaline, Alexandrite, grenades, zircon. Rainst stones are presented in the photo.

Precious options

What stone is suitable for water? Below is a more detailed description of the precious stones, the most suitable aquaries.


Amethyst is a stone that helps to establish and maintain friendly and commercial relationships. Aquarius, a man with amethyst, will be a good family man, skillfully leading his wife in life. Aquarius woman on a horoscope will experience a happy motherhood if there is such a champ in the form of a stone. Purple mineral has a sedative property, it will help get rid of chronic fatigue and chanders. Such a crystal without a rim can be worn in a pocket near the heart, as an amulet. A woman can decorate themselves with jewelry (earrings, rings, pendant) with amethyst. This is a truly stone of Woman Aquarius.


Emerald has a neutral attitude towards the Aquarius. It has the properties of the heat reduction in disease, fights insomnia. The product with Emerald is better to store a couple in the bedroom, for them it will become a powerful protection against adversity.


Sapphire is a stone heating interest in esoteric knowledge. He gives spirituality, enlightenment and leads to a new round of development, unless of course, while developing certain practices. Sapphire will endow their owners farewell. Neutralizes the action of allergens.

Emerald and sapphire, like precious stones, preferably wearing mature women in a gold frame.

Lapis lazuli

Lazurject is a suitable zodiac sign of the aquarius. This stone has a significant impact on any area of \u200b\u200bAquarius. He protects friendship, keeps the tender feelings of a loving couple, supports the heat of a family hearth. In addition, the lags helps to open the doors to the new and unknown. Such a stone can be worn constantly - it strengthens health. Relevant will be a talisman in the form of suspension on the chain. In some cases, beads from large minerals will rise.


Pomegranate - Aquarius stone on a horoscope is more suitable in green tones. The red tones of the crystal are categorically not suitable, they have an aggressive impact on their own-water owners. Bright green mineral will increase sexual skills, both in men and a woman, and also balanced mental abilities. Women are advised to wear a pomegranate bracelet, because it is a classic that does not lose relevance. The photo transmits all the tenderness of such a jewelry. Such stones are suitable aquatic woman even at a young age.


For the sign of the zodiac Aquarius, suitable stones, such as chrysoprase, it has the property of preventing the negative impact on man from the outside. This stone will calm the tense nervous system of Aquarius, and also significantly reduce the blood pressure, if a person suffers from hypertension. However, chrysoprase and power-loving egocentric people do not combine. The stone provides its defense and support to calm and delicate people. When fateful negotiations are being underway - it is good for a satellite conversation, this mineral was also. Chrysoprase is better to wear in a silver frame.

Unwanted stones

So that the stone does not deprive the forces of his master, it is necessary to properly select the talisman on the sign of the zodiac and exclude minerals that are incompatible with water. Precious crystals with fiery energy are simply prohibited by this sign on the horoscope. This list includes such minerals: onyx, mountain crystal, opal, sardonix, zircon, etc.

Turquoise is not recommended for women associated with marriage. The stone destabilizes their nervous system and as a result can push into serious quarrels, hysterics, even treason. Turquoise generates the playfulness of views and intentions where it is not at all appropriate.

Diamonds - precious stones, which in no case should be worn. Diamonds make a person closed on their person. This sign on the horoscope is especially docked in his own opinion and does not want to listen to others.

\u003e Stones Aquarius

Choosing which stone is suitable for waterwordsIt is worth noting that these are unshakable idealists. This is a representative of creative personalities that do not see the meaning of life if there is no positive and mutual assist. Aquarius is a good, strong and calm person, but it is difficult to understand it, as it is practically not realistic to trace his thoughts. it suitable People for the title of an ideal employee, as they do not conflict, but spend all the energy to fulfill their work.

Stones for Aquarius by date of birth

Birth from January 21 to February 1 gives representatives of romanticity and tranquility. But, unfortunately, it is they who most often suffer from the melancholic attitude. Since they look after Venus, they can't do without love. The horoscope says that the necessary supply of positive energy will arrive with jade, adventurine, pearls, amethyst, coil and obsidian.

Mercury authority will last until February 11. Endowed with a sharp mind and a wonderful sense of humor, which attracts people to them and universal respect. Surround yourself onyx, amber, turquoise, amethyst, lazurite or sardonix.

The third period lasts from February 12-20. Such people in the first place put truthfulness. The horoscope does not advise to lie, as the Aquarius will ruin all the relationship, without even thinking. It is difficult for them to achieve a goal due to sensitivity and restraint. Tourmaline, Zircon, Alexandrite, Granat, Chrysoprase and Sapphire will help.

If you look for a talisman, then pay attention to bright quartz. Pink protects your relationship with your loved one. Aquarius periodically flows into the gloomy mood and be sad for a long time. Mineral overcomes the trouble and pulls the sign on the light strip. Creative personalities will receive a power charge, thanks to which will increase its abilities and will be inspired by new ideas.

Sapphire is important in harmonious development. He awakens a desire to learn, make you think about the universal topics, the meaning of our existence. Aquarius does not think without eternal search for answers to such global issues. Gem will be a faithful companion on such travels beyond the boundaries of the mind, will expand consciousness and protect against evil and fake characters.

Obsidian will not only drive negative people, but also forced you to turn away from dangerous habits and will lead a love for study. He will show what should strive for. But it is impossible to wear it every day, otherwise Aquarius will become timid.

When sorrow and despondency come, the horoscope offers amethyst. It revives optimism from the ashes, he instills faith in the best future and protects against envy and competition. Your intuition will improve with him, and for the sign is the most powerful weapon. In an extreme situation and during the evil eye, agate will help. He will save from colds and stomach problems.

Sometimes the zodiac is not easy to adjust the cardinal changes to the plans or habitats. Hydia helps to get used and return the harmony. Put with him ring (middle finger) and save yourself from the attacks of melancholy. Travelers will like Aquamarine.

Birth makes it stretch to freedom, but the woman restricts in the actions of others. Amethyst helps to understand other people's desires and hold back the power gusts. It is much easier to set up a positive atmosphere in the family and get used in the new team. It is especially important to those who have long been dreaming to give birth to a child.

Horoscope Married woman is obliged to acquire at least one jury of pearls. Moreover, the power is in the naturalness of the stone, and not the metal in which it is. Mineral plays the role of a white flag in relations. You get rid of quarrels and misunderstandings, will become more appreciating your partner and feel the response. Pride will remain in the past.

Sometimes ladies tend to dream and go to themselves. It comes to the point that they idealize their chosen one and become unhappy when the paddle falls from the eye. Aquamarine instantly disrupts pink glasses and shows reality. With him you will not be mistaken in your decisions. Moreover, he reveals you and the closest will understand what you want. Amber awakens not only faith in herself, but also a tendency to altruism.

Aquarius loves women's attention, and therefore he can not do without agate. The black shade is preferred, since he promises victory in the love sphere. He will make you Don Juan. But soften the character of white and yellow mineral. It will be more pleasant to communicate with you. Gray solves problems in friendship, and eliminates conflicts. With him a man is protected from intrigue.

A man cannot always overcome his negative qualities. Nephmit is in a hurry. It can be an amulet or any small figure. He will make it look at himself and work on the shortcomings. It also comes with financial well-being.

In essence, Aquarius is an inventor and innovator. Breaks stereotypes sapphire. He gives new impressions, stimulates bringing it to the end and makes a formidable opponent from you.

Lion's talismans will have a negative impact, and we can not wear turquoise to married girls. Diamond will give unnecessary stubbornness, and citrine enhances both positive, so the negative side of nature.

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Spfter This is the most suitable stone for women in the horoscope. It brings and strengthens optimism, helps to become strong personalities and contributes to bringing undertakings to a logical completion. Woman wearing sapphire decorations, gets great potential for victory in difficult situations. The stone has a positive effect on the metabolism, normalizes sleep, and also positively affects the health of the body as a whole. This stone is also positively reflected on intellectual activity, increases the activity and performance of the brain, makes its owner wiser. Its properties also include protection against envy, negative from the external environment, gives dedication.


Woman Aquarius is a holistic personality with a strongly developed sense of self-substitution, and therefore the relationship is a little suffer from arrogant behavior and their pride. Pearls - a concomitant stone that helps representatives of this sign of the zodiac to "reset the crown" and neglect its interests. Pearls is precisely the stone that helps the development of relationships. Therefore, women who are in relationships can get rid of some manifestations of their nature with the help of such a decoration, and those themselves, to accompany the development of affiliate mutual understanding. It does not matter the cut of the stone, here is its genuine origin. Pearl helps to avoid interpersonal conflicts, litter and retains the value of relations inside the pair. The girl wearing the decoration with pearls becomes a thrill, loving and tender.

Red grenades

The talisman with this stone gives the strength and improves performance. It is also called a stone of friendship. It accompanies the development of interpersonal friendly relationships, safely helps to organize a personal life or make useful dating. Winning from negative impact and helps to avoid stressful situations, restores internal energy. It has a positive effect on well-being and relieves from extra emotional costs, which are sometimes inappropriate with friendly bells. Having such a decoration can easily protect yourself from extra strife.

Semiprecious stones


Amethyst usually symbolizes impaired and purity. It accompanies a woman to strengthen these features in himself, and also helps become an astute and give energy to control negative thoughts. Amethyst is also very good in order to relieve the tension, become more relaxed. It refers to the category of therapeutic stones and is useful in many diseases, relieves symptoms and positively affects well-being. Talisman actually acts as a barrier from negative factors that can affect the body. Helps with insomnia, improves blood circulation. This talisman enhances only the positive aspects in the nature of the girls, does not allow the opportunity to be involved in the negative sides of their personality. The stone also protects the relationship in marriage from grinding, protects against ill-wishers. The talisman will help to overcome all sorts of obstacles, save from disappointment, give strength to fight and achieve the goal.


Obsidian, as a talisman, has absorbing properties. The talisman draws all negative energy from the external environment and helps protect its owner from evil intentions and gossip. Aquarius is very contact personality and staying in a large number of people - it is characteristic of their behavior and type of interaction. Therefore, for this sign of the zodiac it is important to have a stone that will perform such a protective function.


It is able to absorb the negative and accumulate positive energy. This talisman gives the strength to the creative beginning, stimulates the development of imagination, improves the mood, brings inspiration, happiness and enhances creative energy. Zircon seems to pushes his owner to changes and self-improvement. In addition, this stone is considered healing and increases the body's performance.

Lapis lazuli

Positive stone, as it brings its owner only positive energy, accumulating it from the outside. Therefore, it is considered as such that he brings happiness, joyful emotions, normalizes the work of the body and affects wellness to all spheres of vital activity. It is often used in therapeutic purposes with radiculitis, with thyroid diseases or to normalize the activity of the blood system. Attaches optimism, self-confidence and contributes to the development of positive thinking.


Talisman, which brings to women of this sign, good luck in the intellectual sphere. It is believed that this is a stone of smart, balanced and purposeful personalities. Chrysoprase gives mental energy and contributes to solving complex tasks. Therefore, as it is impossible to better fit the active nature of women, contributing to the search for alternative solutions, the implementation of the choice and completion of the case. Contributes to the maintenance of business relations and has the ability to attract supporters in negotiations.

Now you know which stone is suitable for women in the horoscope and what to keep with it depending on the purpose. Use this material, but always rely on your own feelings and take the one to which the soul is.

Vadim, January 15, 2015.

People who are under the auspices of Aquarius are a person creative and overcrowded by idealism. They will not be themselves without eternal optimism and help everyone around.

Aquarius is a calm sign, such people do not have a combat attitude, they are more like a purposeful occupation of her beloved affair.

Best Stones for Woman Aquarius by date of birth

Women-aquities belonging to the first decade, that is, born from January 21 to February 1 - these are calm, silent and romantic person. They are often in poor mood or melancholy, even because of the smallest detail. Aquarius of the first decade is quite attractive in love, because their patroness is Venus.

For them, stones are suitable that can endow the owner with life forces and energy, namely:

  • amethyst;
  • nephritis;
  • jasper;
  • obsidian;
  • aventurine;
  • coil.

Under the influence of Mercury Women Aquarius of the Third Decade (from February 2 to February 11) will be able to achieve recognition in society and respect due to their natural features as wisdom, an outstanding sense of humor and an inquisitive mind.

For water, the second decade are suitable:

  • amber;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • onyx;
  • sardonyx;
  • turquoise;
  • amethyst;
  • chrysoprase.

Aquarius, whose patron is the moon, that is, born in the period from 12 to 20 February, more than all the honesty appreciate and very easily part with liars. Excessive restraint and sensuality can be an obstacle to the vertices.

Talismans who will provide support and assistance to the Aquarius of the Third Decade:

  • tourmaline;
  • alexandrite;
  • zircon;
  • garnet;
  • sapphire;
  • chrysoprase;
  • aquamarine.

Stones for Woman Aquarius


Aquarius female will definitely make earrings with a grenade that can serve as a symbol of the birth of love. The grenade does not just decorate the woman of Aquarius, but also gives it some extrasensory abilities. In addition, bracelets with this grenade can give the optimistic attitude to the owner.

Granat will protect a woman from bad dreams, will have a healing effect on the cardiovascular system.

Some magicians consider pomegranate talisman, able to endow the owner with power over other people.

The stone is able to release emotions and feelings that it is extremely useful to young ladies secretious and too mysterious.

The product with a grenade can be any. A woman will be delighted, receiving a necklace or bracelet as a gift.

Especially spectacular decoration with a grenade look at brunettes.

Always alive and independent of anyone from anywhere women sapphire will help bring harmony to the state of the soul and concentrate on the most valuable and important. This aspect is extremely important to the Aquarius, therefore such a mascot for them is a source of energy and spirituality, doning courage and self-confidence.

Sapphire will make his own owner peaceful and virtuous. The creative and original young lady with its help will fill the reserves of positive energy. Sapphire protects Aquarius from deception and hypocrisy, helping to find a true path.


An extremely suitable Woman-aquarian mascot, which has a powerful energy. He will make it insightful, helps to hug a pain in the soul and get rid of depression, will take away bad thoughts away. Amethyst can cure the human aura, it contributes to hold under the control of emotions precisely when it is really necessary.

Amethyst will give a woman in love with a water-aquarian and its partner understanding.

Amethyst possesses therapeutic properties. With it, you can get rid of stress and put the nervous system in order. It cleans blood and contributes to a quick recovery.

Amethyst owner always has developed intelligence.

Amethyst protects the owner from gossip and rumors, improve its reputation in society. This stone looks great in any products and attracts girls-aqualev with their mysteriousness.

Strengthen the faith of Woman Aquarius to himself and his strength, gives her optimism and cheerfulness, will help develop intuitive abilities. This stone is able to keep the beauty and youth of their mistress for a long time. Amber also contributes to the development of a tendency to the manifestation of altruism.

Aquarius woman is a big lubeant and dreams. Such a lady will often imagine his chosen one, and then, when he learns about his flaws, every connection will break with him instantly. Aquamarine will not allow the owner to be in a happy ignorance and will help not make a mistake in choosing a satellite of life.

This stone is walked from mistakes and incorrect solutions. In addition, such a talisman will help an aquerial not to hide their emotions and reveal the soul in front of loved ones and native people.

Stone with powerful magical characteristics. He has a connection with the sun, uranium and Saturn. Obsidian will not allow evil people to approach the woman-aquarian, relieve it from bad habits, will help focus on affairs and repeatedly strengthen the purposefulness towards the fulfillment of the dream. Obsidian is also able to prevent the owner of the owner of bad actions, but it is not worthwhile to wear a product with this mineral too often - he can add an aquatic timidity.

Woman Aquarius is not always able to see the bad properties of his own character, and even more so change them or get rid of them. AMULET, made of jade - a figurine or handle, can help here. Jade Talisman will raise a woman to a new moral and psychological level, it will begin a stubborn work on himself. Nephritis will add to her confidence and ensure material stability.

He will bring a woman happiness, joy and fill it with inspiration. Send the owner on the path of updates and self-improvement, will give the opportunity to change life for the better. Lazurites possesses therapeutic properties, helps to eliminate problems with the endocrine system, is treated with radiculitis. This mascot is one of the best for Women-Aquarius, since it is he who is able to give her inexhaustible optimism and confidence.

He is a talisman of people scientists, such as inventors, creators of something, of the unknown. It brings good luck to those people who sincerely want to change their lives, and therefore perfectly suited to an energetic and active woman-aquarian. A beautiful amulet for people, often leading negotiations - wonderfully attracts partners and like-minded people. Chrysoprase is a very good mascot for women-Aquarius, sociable and charismatic person.

Talismans and amulets

  • Angel figurine made of porcelain or ceramics. Helps develop intuitive abilities.
  • Icon is the most powerful faith from troubles, ailments and trouble.
  • The key will allow internally disclosed, get rid of shy, make a woman more confident.
  • You can use any amules, at least somehow relating to the air element, whether one feather, butterfly or something like that.
  • It is good as a talisman suspension in the form of the letter "F". It must be worn in honor of the goddess of life alive.

What stones do not fit

  • Rhinestone.
  • Topaz.
  • Opal.
  • Chrysolite.