Biofuel fireplaces for apartments and houses. Biofuel Fireplace Biofuel Fireplaces for Apartment

Biofuel fireplaces for apartments and houses.  Biofuel Fireplace Biofuel Fireplaces for Apartment
Biofuel fireplaces for apartments and houses. Biofuel Fireplace Biofuel Fireplaces for Apartment

Today, bio-fireplaces are increasingly being chosen as decorative heating equipment installed in respectable interiors. And this is understandable - such safe and environmentally friendly units, like a good aquarium, can decorate any environment. Polish biofireplaces Kratki are rightfully read by the leaders of this market, combining a democratic price and exemplary quality.

The Kratki factory, located in the suburbs of the Polish city of Radomya, produced the first fireplaces in 1998. Today this company is a developed enterprise employing 120 qualified specialists. The warehouse area is more than 3,000 m², and the availability of products ready for shipment is at least 1,500 units.

The use of such advanced equipment as laser cutters, welding robotics, bending units of a new generation, not only ensures the highest standards for manufactured fireplaces, but also reduces the cost. That is why Kratki biofireplaces are favorably distinguished by a really low price in their class. Particular attention is paid to the originality of the design of each new model. Polished stainless steel in various configurations is the main raw material of choice for this well-known manufacturer.

Advantages of biofireplaces Kratki

  • stylish appearance that can expressively enliven the interior space;
  • high ergonomics for ease of use;
  • certified fire and tram safety;
  • flame intensity adjustment;
  • simple ignition with a special piezo lighter included in the kit;
  • minimal care

    Our catalog contains the best models of Kratki biofireplaces that can be delivered to any city in Russia. The installation of such equipment is not associated with the development of complex projects and labor-intensive installation work. Therefore, such products are perfect for equipping city apartments of any class. All biofireplaces are sold with a seller's guarantee.

    Kratki biofireplaces are the best solution for beauty and comfort!

  • In bad weather, when there is a downpour outside the windows or a blizzard is rushing about, it is nice to feel protected by reliable walls and enjoy the warmth of the hearth. In this regard, bio-fireplaces are a good item that gives you the opportunity to relax and rejuvenate.

    A new look at old things

    Biofireplaces have long been popular in the West, and now they are winning the hearts of our consumers as well. They are somewhat similar to aquariums. But only instead of underwater plants, tongues of yellow-orange flame writhe in the space between two panes. This is a bio- or eco-fireplace.

    The environmental friendliness of the new fireplace lies in the use of well-known combustible materials. The fuel for it is a mixture of alcohol and gasoline in a ratio of 9: 1. The operation of a biofireplace on such a liquid pollutes the atmosphere no more than the burning of a candle, which releases only carbon dioxide and water vapor into the environment. That is why a biofireplace for the home is harmless, which cannot be said about fireboxes where wood or coal is burned.

    The following two points remain significant:

    1. Profitability, which is caused by the absence of the need to store fuel for the future and build a warehouse for it (the mixture is convenient to store and lasts for a long time).
    2. Portability that allows you to move the biofireplace for an apartment at any time to where you feel more comfortable at the moment.

    In addition, the ease of lighting and extinguishing the fire with a special lighter and damper makes it just a toy that should not be allowed to play around with children.

    Aesthetics and design of biofireplaces

    Through the efforts of developers, an eco-fireplace for an apartment is an object that successfully combines the elements of open fire, like, but with the ability to safely place it in such a small space as modern housing. And the use of various materials for decoration (metal, glass, wood, stone, etc.) allowed the artists to create models that organically fit into any interior. Thanks to this, the eco-fireplace for the home has become not only a source of positive energy, but also an object of aesthetic pleasure when contemplating it.

    Posted by Kirill


    A biofuel fireplace is currently considered a very fashionable and elegant decoration for any interior design. In addition, this decorative element... is...

    biofuel fireplace

    biofuel fireplace at the moment it is considered a very fashionable and elegant decoration of any interior design. In addition, this element of decor is a source of warmth and comfort.

    Fuel biofireplace can be installed in a country house and in an apartment. The advantage of this type of heating element is that the fuel that is burned for heating is completely environmentally friendly.

    Pros of biofuels

    There are additional advantages to using biofuels:

    • Fuel of this type does not clog or litter the space in the house;
    • It can be stored in a utility room without fear that it will be damaged by pests;
    • A small amount of biofuel is needed for heating;
    • In the process of burning, acrid smoke is not emitted - this is partly due to the special design of the fireplace itself.

    The fuel used for combustion is completely environmentally friendly. The release of carbon dioxide is equal in quantity to the combustion of two ordinary candles. Residues from burnt fuel do not require special disposal.

    Arrangement of a biofireplace

    Fireplaces for an apartment on biofuel have different designs and decorative finishes. Often, models of this type are developed in accordance with modern design. They have a glass body and a metal-plastic burner. Biofuel fireplace without chimney, since combustion products as a result of fuel combustion are not released into the environment - they are recycled.

    You can buy a biofuel fireplace in our store, having previously decided on the model and design. You can choose a model from the catalog in accordance with the parameters that are suitable for the room. Biofuel fireplace price depends on the specific model.

    In any case, such costs are justified, since a heating element of this type has many advantages:

    1. Easy installation and assembly;
    2. Does not require special permissions for installation;
    3. Humidifies the air;
    4. Depending on the technology of the device, they can be transferred.

    In any case, such a device will decorate the interior and warm the inhabitants of the house on cold evenings.

    Now it is much easier, and fireplaces have become popular not only among country houses, but also in city apartments. Just imagine how pleasant it is to sit in a cozy living room on a cold winter evening with a cup of delicious hot tea and admire the fireplace, in which flames playfully sparkle, and the smoke goes down the chimney and dissolves in the air of ringing silence.

    An open hearth, translated from Latin, is essentially a fireplace, a kind of stove, equipped with a chimney to remove smoke. Created not only for warmth, but also for decoration. Consists of several parts. There are several types of

    • electrical;
    • gas;
    • coal, they are wood;
    • pellet;
    • biofireplaces running on biofuel.

    Nowadays, bio-fireplaces are gaining great popularity, which have become a good alternative to a fireplace that is heated by coal or wood. Having an extensive range of sizes - from desktop to large street, as well as with the installation. The latter in such a fireplace is simple and possible, both on the floor, as well as on the wall and ceiling, that is, it is ideal for small apartments and large country houses.

    Modern fireplaces are made in different styles, so it will not be difficult to fit it into the interior, whether it is a futuristic style or an ordinary classic design.

    A biofuel fireplace without a chimney - reality or something from a series of fiction? Of course it's real. The design of such fireplaces is quite simple, it is a decorative body that can be made of any heat-resistant material, such as glass-ceramic, metal, stone or other fire-resistant materials and a fuel module, that is, the burner itself. Cases are both open and closed. In order to isolate the flame and prevent fire, a protective screen made of fire-resistant glass is attached to the fireplace.

    The main advantage over a number of other fireplaces is that the biofireplace is environmentally friendly; due to its biofuel, it does not need a chimney to remove smoke from the room in which it is installed. In terms of safety, a fireplace can be compared to an ordinary wax candle. Therefore, this fireplace model is safe for children and animals. To date, such fireplaces are made using the most modern technologies, which facilitates its maintenance, installation and ease of use. Biofuel fireplaces can be used all year round. In summer - rather, to give mood and comfort, as an element of decor, in winter, also for comfort and possible warmth.

    It is often believed that fireplaces are not a means of heating. Is the fireplace actually warm or not? A biofireplace is able to heat a room, and in most cases it will do it better than its electric counterpart. After all, the heating element in the fireplace is something like a large fan heater or hair dryer that dries the air in the room, thereby heating it. A small biofireplace model is able to heat a room up to 20 square meters in size, while not drying the air, but only heating it. A larger model, respectively, will cope with larger areas.

    This is a type of fuel from raw materials of biological origin, which is produced from plant or animal raw materials or by processing biological waste. Due to its specificity, it is one of the best types of fuel that does not require exhaust into the chimney, as it does not emit waste gases during combustion and does not form soot, characteristic odor and soot. In terms of chemical composition, fireplace biofuel is an almost pure standard, which decomposes into water and carbon dioxide when burned. The flame itself does not have the pronounced orange color we are used to.

    Fuels that are considered biological, in addition to the heating effect, can also be used to release energy, which is suitable, for example, for the operation of the kerosene lamp we are used to, and the advantage is that the lamp does not emit an unpleasant odor, but it also does not have soot.

    In order to save money, broaden your horizons, or if you have a problem acquiring fuel, you can make it yourself. To get a natural look of the flame, you should choose gasoline with a high octane rating. Determining the quality of gasoline for the manufacture of biofuels is quite simple, you just need to pay attention to the smell and degree of transparency.

    So, we need, as mentioned above, gasoline (1 or 2 parts) and ethanol, which can be purchased at any pharmacy in the public domain for consumers. It is possible to replace ethanol with good quality moonshine, provided that it is in a purified form, 20 parts.

    The components are combined in a clean bowl and mixed thoroughly. Fuel should be stored in a tightly closed container, it is recommended to cook the fuel in small portions, immediately before using the fireplace. If you are manufacturing a large volume of fuel, be prepared for the fact that biofuel tends to delaminate during long-term storage. After delamination, the fuel is not suitable for use.

    Making a choice in favor of a modern bio-fireplace that does not require a chimney, you will always be at the peak of popularity among colleagues and friends, and there will be coziness and comfort in the house.

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    A subconscious craving for the warmth of a fire lives in us, the flame of which warms, envelops in languid bliss. Comfort in the house is inextricably linked with the presence of a fireplace in it. In country houses, apartments where climatic equipment is installed, the practical side of the issue is in last place. They are warm and without a fireplace. The owners are much more attentive to the decorating, aesthetic and emotional component of the interior.

    If you decide to create an atmosphere of comfort in your living room, bedroom, office, then opt for biofireplaces. Safe, easy to use, they will decorate a home where the hearth is valued. And how nice, sitting on an armchair, having moved the biofireplace closer to you, enjoy its unobtrusive warmth and the play of fire.

    The tendency to include fireplaces in the interior of the workplace is becoming more and more stable. Fire is a symbol of friendliness and disposition, which is why it is so important when designing offices and meeting rooms to decorate them with interior elements that radiate flame and warmth.

    Where to buy a biofireplace in Moscow?

    The online store of bio-fireplaces Kaminchi presents many models for an apartment, country house, office. You will find prices for biofireplaces in the product catalog, which also describes all the technical characteristics and features.

    Fireplaces are only from trusted European and Russian manufacturers that provide quality certificates, fast delivery, product warranties - this is an incomplete list of advantages from our company.

    Living fire in your home is possible thanks to the use of eco-fuel - bioethanol. When it burns, only water and carbon dioxide are released. Installing a biofireplace is a guarantee that there will be no burning and harmful substances in the house, which are possible even with the correct operation of conventional fireplaces with a chimney.

    Types of biofireplaces: a variety of solutions for any interior

    The price of biofireplaces for an apartment depends on the design features, style features and materials used in the production. Of course, the dimensions of the biofireplace are not in last place.

    1. Classic fireplaces are similar to conventional ones. Most often, these are wall-mounted bio-fireplaces with a protruding portal and an internal niche - a fuel block. A cold aristocratic atmosphere will be given comfort and warmth by bio-fireplaces, the price in Moscow for which is the lowest in our online store.
    2. Modern biofireplaces combine functionality, safety and original solutions. The online store of biofireplaces Kaminchi presents to your attention models in the production of which tempered glass, stainless steel are used - materials that ensure safety and durability.

    The main thing to pay attention to when choosing the right option for a living room, bedroom, study is the way to install a biofireplace. You can buy a cheap biofireplace in Moscow or St. Petersburg - desktop, floor or built-in biofireplace. A mobile double-sided biofireplace is popular among ordinary buyers and designers. This is an ingenious device that can be easily introduced into any interior and, due to its size and weight, can be moved along with it.

    Benefits of biofireplaces

    Decided to buy a biofireplace? Price, size, ease of use will once again convince you of the correctness of your choice. Modern appliances for home comfort have a number of advantages that make you fall in love with them once and for all:

    1. Mobility. The size of biofireplaces varies depending on their type, but they are generally light, compact and portable. To create classic interiors, it is possible to buy biofuel fireplaces of impressive dimensions, giving the atmosphere a sense of luxury and grandeur.
    2. Versatility. Biofireplaces in the living room interior are not the only possible option. In the bedroom, study, office, meeting room, the fireplace will look just as organic.
    3. Possibility to choose for different styles in the room setting.
    4. Safety and environmental friendliness. It is easy to light and extinguish a fire in a biofireplace. Many models have the function of self-extinguishing the flame.
    5. Easy to use, no special knowledge or skills required.
    6. To install a biofireplace in the interior of an apartment, you do not need permits from the fire inspection.

    To buy a bio fireplace in the Kaminchi online store, call the phone number on the website or order it online. Our experts will always listen carefully, help you choose a biofireplace based on the size of the room and its style.

    Scrolling through the pages of the catalog, you can find out how much a biofireplace costs and choose a model at competitive prices. Buy floor, wall, table models: from discreet and concise to deliberately luxurious. If you are not satisfied with the mass options, there is always the possibility of ordering original, design projects that will become the highlight of the interior.

    The main thing in our work is warmth and comfort in your home!