What program is driven by cochetics on the rescue. Employee of the channel "Savior": Dismissal and scandals began at Korchevnikov

What program is driven by cochetics on the rescue. Channel employee
What program is driven by cochetics on the rescue. Employee of the channel "Savior": Dismissal and scandals began at Korchevnikov

Boris Korchevnikov

cEO, General Producer TV channel "Savior"

Russian journalist, TV presenter. Member of the Academy of Russian Television.

Since 1993 - TV presenter and reporter of the program "There is news" on the RTR channel. After became the leading youth transmission of the Tower on the same channel.

Since 2001, the reporter of the information service of the NTV television company, prepared reports for the programs "Today", "Naming" "Personal Contribution", "Country and World", "Profession - Reporter", "Today. The final program, "" Main Hero ".

2003 - graduated from the Faculty of Journalism MSU. Lomonosov

2006 - the performer of one of the main roles in the TV series "Cadet" on the CTC channel.

Since 2009, the creative producer and the leading of the multiserial documentary projects of the CTC channel.
The leading documentary six-sseru film "Concentration camp. Road to hell". (TV center)

2010 - the project "Concentration camp." Road to hell "(TV-Center) and" History of the Russian Show Business "(leading Boris Korchevnikov and Sergey Shnurov) (STS) - Laureates of the Thafi Prize.

In 2013, the NTV channel took place the premiere of the author's documentary film investigation "I do not believe!", Caused a wide public resonance.

In the same year, it becomes the leading current Show "Direct Ether" on the TV channel "Russia-1".

From October to November 2016, the leading project "Team" with Ramzan Kadyrov.

From October 2017 - the leading project "The Fate of Man".

On May 3, 2017, on the blessing of the His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill was appointed general director and the general producer of the TV channel "Savior".

Inna Ventinsova

TV journalist leading, teacher

Born and grew up in Moscow. It has two higher education.

In 2013, he graduated with honors from the Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bof the Moscow City Pedagogical University. In 2012, he studied English in London in St. School St. Giles Highgate. Owns two European languages \u200b\u200b- English and French. He taught English in one of the oldest educational institutions of Moscow - in the gymnasium. Capitss.

In 2016, he graduated from the Humanitarian Institute of Cinema and Television. MA Lithuanine, studied at the faculty of journalism and scenario skill. In the graduation course, as a thesis on the suggestion of the leadership of the Russian state archive of film focusing to the 90th anniversary of its creation, it became the author of the documentary film "See the past". In 2015, he worked as a correspondent in the holding "News Media".

Since 2016, the leading TV channel "Savior". He teaches the discipline of the "Basics of TV Journalist" in the children's and youth media center of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers.

"My first term paper work, a short film" Teddy Miracle, "as it turned out, became the forerunner of my coming on the TV channel" Savior. " "Self-portrait" - the genre, over which the heads break all the freshmen, I was embodied through the topic of faith. True, then I could not even think that it was she who would become a leitmotif of my future journalistic activity. Today, work on the TV channel "Savior" (after a long study of Western European culture) is an amazing opportunity to be in the very center of native culture, the grain of which is Orthodoxy, as well as to be part of the spiritual team, because it is for the "soul" and thank our television channels, for What and they are hearty thanks. "

Alena Gorenko

Russian TV presenter, journalist, actress, screenwriter.
After graduation, I received in Moscow State University. Lomonosov, as the grandfather of Alena dreamed, which built the University building on the sparrow mountains.

At the end of the first year, it came to work on the Capital TV channel, becoming the most young information leading.

In 2003, he graduated from the television branch of Zhurfak MSU, defending work on the topic "Ethics of a television journalist", and in 2010 - theatrical institute named after Boris Schukin.

In 2003, Gorenko together with friends came up with and began to shoot the program "Travel with taste" for "DTV-Viasat", where Alena was a leading and correspondent, also together made the tourist heading on M1.

Two years worked on the TV channel "Russia" by the editor, after the "Star" television channel led the program "Star Town. Start".

From August 2006, he worked as the leading news program "Events" on TV Center TV channel. From February 2010 to August 2015, on the same channel led the morning information and cognitive program "Mood".

In 2013, he worked on the KHL-TV channel, where for the "13" project made a cycle interview with the stars of show business about hockey.

From May 2015, there was a leading multiple projects of the Tsargrad TV channel.

In December 2017 came to work on the TV channel "Savior".

Played a dozen roles in the cinema and serials. Script writer to television films.

"Savior" for me is a platform of like-minded people. The people of creative, thin, deep, smart, modern, open, absolute professionals are their business, but at the same time - the Orthodox, which speak in the same language. Whose hearts are fighting in one rhythm. People who ask questions. Seekers, but already found the most important thing - faith. And recognized the most joyful heart - his love. And I really want this love to touch everyone who looks "saved."

Natalia Moskvitin

Leading TV channel "Savior"
At the age of 15, I began to publish a weekly in the local Volgograd newspaper. "Paul reversal" about the culture gave me a good impetus in choosing a profession. A year later, I received a premium from the mayor of the city for "achieving in youth journalism" and immediately entered the journalism of the Volgograd State University. Then the work correspondent in the news and the Volgograd magazine with monthly business trips to Moscow. And a year later, Moscow.

In Moscow, there was a producer center, but struck the mercantile relationship of customers and performers and ... deception. We ourselves came up with the news of the stars, competing in originality, and the next day was published in the media. It disappointed for a while, but pushed to find the work "with soul".

I began to look for her in the sphere of charity and social ministry. Charity, as it seems to me, gives "a little" more than just sales. This is the opportunity to stay by a person. She is out of wages, shifts, graphs and vacations. This ministry. God, people, homeland, each of their own. But then there was a little such work, was 2003. I found the opportunity to help faults and on the site survived as a result of unsuccessful suicide.

Having gave birth to three children (the birth of the first coincided with the end of the journalism) and began to help homeless at the station: clothes, food. Every time during feeding homeless, I read them the life of the Holy Date.

In 2010, a referendum on the edge department from Central Serbia was appointed in Kosovo. Ordinary people protested and reached the barricades with icons, they were on duty there by shifting day. I began to think how to help them. At first I sent to the icon, then the money. But he felt that it was possible to do more, but did not understand how. On the Internet met with a journalist Natalia Batraev, who wrote a book about Kosovo. We decided to go there together and carry icons donated by ordinary Russian people. In 14 days, 11 writing icons were collected and lucky. The icons were analy and more, we sacrificed them into destroyed monasteries of Kosovo and Metokhia.

After Kosovo, I entered missionary courses in Moscow. After graduating from them, gave birth to a fourth child. Own motherhood and permanent assistance to women in a difficult life situation gave impetus to the creation of a foundation in 2016 to help save children from abortion.

And then suddenly such an unexpected and such expected to simultaneously offer to "saved". I doubted that I could combine heavy loads in the Foundation and work on the TV channel. But it seems that it was about this that I prayed all the years, looking for myself between journalism and charity, sky and earth. "Savior" for me the opportunity to give love to God to God. And every day believe, love and pray, forgetting that you are at work.

Veronica Ivashchenko

Leading TV channel "Savior"

Russian actress and TV presenter. He graduated from the acting faculty of VGIK them. S.A. Gerasimov in the movie debuted in 2005, played more than 15 roles in feature films and serials. Worked in the Moscow Drama Theater. M.N. Yermolova.

In 2015, he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism MSU. M.V. Lomonosov. Worked on the TV channel "Tsargrad", led the program "Image". Currently, leading news on the TV channel "Moscow 24". From 2017 - leading on the TV channel "Savior".

"The Lord led me to the temple, then gave me the opportunity to communicate with many stunning, smart, wise and good priests, among whom I found the confessor. Three times for the year I was able to personally communicate with the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, who blessed me and thanked for the activities on the TV channel "Savior". This work is happiness. I am glad to be part of the team of professionals led by Boris Korchevnikov! Without Orthodoxy, without faith in God, life does not make sense, and we are trying to convey it to our viewers. "

Peter Romanov

Roman Golovanov

Television and radio host, journalist

Born on August 26, 1994.
He graduated from the Tula State Pedagogical University.

Since 2016, he has been working as a correspondent of the domestic policy department in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. Leads weekly programs on the Radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" with Vitaly Milonov, Natalia Poklonskaya, Maxim Shevchenko. Preparing reports from the hot spots of Donbass.

Since September 2018 - the leading program "Covenant" on the TV channel "Savior"

Janis Politov

Anna Kovalchuk

Russian actress of theater and cinema, deserved artist of the Russian Federation

Born in the city of Neustrelitz (GDR), in the family of hereditary teachers. School years spent in Leningrad. After graduating from school, where Anne was especially good as accurate science, planned to enter the technical specialty to do cybernetics in the future. However, at the suggestion of the girlfriend filed documents to theatrical institute and successfully passed the exams.

In 1998 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Art, the course of Professor Anatoly Shvederesksky. Another student got into the troupe of the Lensovet Theater, where director Gennady Trostynetsky, who was looking for a young heroine for the performance of the Moliere's "imaginary patient" at her. In the same theater, Anna works so far, being a leading actress. Among the theater works - the role of Isabella in the play "Measure to measure" Shakespeare (reven Piese Turgenev (dir. Y. Butusov). In 2015, Anna Kovalchuk was awarded the Golden Sofit Prize for the best female role (Agafia Tikhonovna) in the play of Yuri Butusov "City. Marriage. Gogol. In the same year, the Golden Mask received another performance Butusov - "Three Sisters". In the legendary Chekhov play, Anna played the role of Natasha.

For the first time played in a movie in 1998 in the lyrical comedic parable "Love Evil" director Vladimir Zaikina, but universal popularity came after the role of the investigator Maria Shvetsova in the television series "Secrets of the investigation" (2001), thanks to which the actress became a laureate of the prize "for the embodiment of the image A positive hero "At the International Law Film Festival" Law and Society "and the owner of the prize" for the best female role in the TV series "at the Festival" Vivat, Movies of Russia! ". In May 2018, the shooting of the 18th season of the series started.

In 2005, Anna Kovalchuk starred in the series Vladimir Bortko "Master and Margarita", the film by the famous novel Mikhail Bulgakov. In creating the image of Margarita, Anna helped the wife of the wife of the writer Elena Sergeyevna Bulgakova, who actresses presented her close friend, actor Alexander Novikov. After entering the picture on the screen, the real glory fell on Anna.

In 2014, the premiere of the Music "Master and Margarita" took place in St. Petersburg, where Anna Kovalchuk played the role of the Hella witch, in love with Voland.

From 2010 to 2011, she worked the leading Morning program "Saturday" on the TV channel "Russia-1".

In September 2018, the author's project Anna Kovalchuk "Secrets of Fairy Tales" came out on the TV channel "Saval". Together with its little guests, the presenter understands the sense of works, among which not only fairy tales, but also the stories, parables, riddles and, of course, biblical stories.

Married, brings up daughter and son.

Maxim Cheesenikov

Arkady Mamontov

Born on May 26, 1962 in Novosibirsk in the family of Operator Viktor Gavrilovich Mamontov and director Alevtina Ivanovna Zimina.

From 1980 to 1982 he served in a call in the rocket troops of the strategic appointment in the Trans-Baikal Military District.

In 1988, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

He began his career in journalism as a special correspondent in the editorial office of the video information of the news agency "News".

From 1992 to 1994 he worked as a Stringer in the "hot spots" on the territory of Moldova, on the border of Nakhichevan and Armenia, in Tajikistan, the States of the Baltic States. Within the framework of the "Business Russia" program, the Russian Calendar project was made about Russian merchants-pheets.

In 1994, Mammoth began to cooperate with NTV television company on a freelance basis.

From April 1995 to May 2000, he worked as a special correspondent in the information programs of the NTV television company. Said reports for the programs "Today", "Results", "Hero of the Day", was one of the permanent authors of the program "Profession - Reporter".

In the spring of 2000, he moved to the TV channel "Russia", became one of the authors of the program "Special Correspondent". In August 2000, there was a report from the death of the nuclear submarine K-141 Kursk. The shooting group of RTR was the only "Peter Great" cruiser accredited on board.

Mammoths conducted reports for information programs from Chechnya, Abkhazia, Iraq, Kosovo, Bethlehema, Beslan, South Ossetia, Biryulevo-Western district in Moscow after an explosion in Pushkin transition, after the collapse of the "Transval Park", from the center on Dubrovka. In parallel, it worked on the transmission called "Reverse side". As part of the cycle, the films "Children", "Check", Yugoslavia came out in several parts. The period of decay "," brothers "," Aliens "and others.

In 2008, the first book Arkady Mamontov "Check for the Light" was published - a novel written in the genre of criminal investigation.

From March 2012 to July 2014, in addition to working on documentary films, was the leading television program "Special Correspondent" on the TV channel "Russia-1".

The owner of numerous prizes and public awards. Among them: the National Award "Elite" in the nomination "Press-elite" for a personal contribution to television documentary (2002), a special premium "Premises" of the All-Russian historical and literary premium "Alexander Nevsky" (2009), a prize for the best television

analytical program at the festival "Constellations" (2010), the winner of the International Telekinophorum "Together" in the nomination "Publicistic programs" for the work of the "victorious" (2015), the winner of the International Telekinophorum "together" in the nomination "Documentary film" for work "Athos. The monastery of the Virgin ", also awarded" for careful attitude to the history of Crimea and

the cycle of documentaries about his reunion with Russia "by the Special Prize of Yalta Administration for the documentary" Our Crimea "(2016).

Has state awards: the Order "For Personal Courage" (January 1994) - "For the courage and dedication, manifested in the performance of professional

debt in conditions conjugate with risk for life "; The medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II degree (October 1995) - "For merits to the state and many years and conscientious work"; Medal "For Strengthening Combat Commonwealth" (Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 1999); Medal "For the promotion of drug control authorities" (FSKN of Russia, 2009); Order of Friendship (South Ossetia, 2009) - "For assistance in the objective coverage of the events of the Armed Aggression of Georgia against

South Ossetia in August 2008 and a breakthrough of information blockade "; the order of honor "For merit in the field of culture, press, television and radio broadcasting and many years of fruitful work" (November 2006); The medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" I degree (April 2014) - "For high professionalism and objectivity in the coverage of events in the Republic of Crimea."

« Work on the TV channel "Savior" is for the soul. The program "Traces of the Empire" is an Orthodox view of the story. We tell the young generation of people living in our country about how the history of the Russian Empire really looked like. What it was for the state is, where we all went out, where our ancestors, Pradedy and Prapradeda lived. To understand that you are Russian Orthodox, it is impossible without studying the history of the Russian Empire. "

Vladimir Legobida

Church and public figure, journalist, teacher, specialist in the field of cultural studies, political science and religion, candidate of political sciences, professor, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Foma", Chairman of the Synodal Department for the Relationship of the Church with Society and Media.

He graduated from MGIMO (y) Foreign Ministry of Russia. In 2000, he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of political sciences. In 2005, the Higher Attestation Commission was awarded the academic title of associate professor.

From 1996 to 2007 - the teacher, then the Senior Lecturer and the Associate Professor of the Department of World Literature and Culture MGIMO (y) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia since 2013 - Professor of the same department.
In 2007-2009, the head of the Department of International Journalism of MGIMO (y) of the Russian Foreign Ministry, since 2009 - Professor of the same department.
From 2009 to 2015 - Chairman of the Synodal Information Department. Since 2015 - Chairman of the Synodinal Department for the Relationship of the Church with Society and Media.

Secretary of the Supreme Church Council, member of the Patriarchal Council for Culture, Member of the Patriarchal Commission on Family, Maternity Protection and Childhood.
Member of the Russian Chamber of the Russian Federation, Member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society Institutions and Human Rights, Chairman of the Commission on the Harmonization of Interementary and Interreligious Relations of the Council on cooperation with religious associations under the President of the Russian Federation.

One of the founders and chief editor of the "Thomas" magazine.

Married, raises two daughters and son.

Galina Tryyaeva

Russian journalist, producer, TV presenter

Born in Tomsk. He graduated from school with a silver medal, and then the historical faculty of Tomsk State University in the specialty "Political Science".

Immediately after the University, Galina was invited to work in the youth edition of Tomsk GTRK as an editor and leading. 6 years was the author and leading program to protect the rights of consumers of expertise.

In 2000, there was an internship for Russian journalists in Germany, a film was removed on the protection of the rights of consumers of Russian citizens in Germany. After the internship, he worked the leading and editor of the German for you program, which went out together with the German television company Deutsche Welle.

In parallel, it was the leading and editor of the regional talk show "You decide" (Tomsk-Novosibirsk-Barnaul) and the leading joint "Strong Half" with GTRK "Kemerovo".
Since 2001 he headed the Directorate of the Morning Broadcasting of GTRK Tomsk. For five years, he led the big team, was a creative producer, editor-in-chief and leading program "in the morning early".

In 2004 he graduated from the school of television skill under the leadership of Vladimir Posner.

In 2005, he received the second higher education in the specialty "Management" (presidential program).

In 2006, she moved to Moscow and began work as a chef editor in the program "Let them speak."

In 2007 - superviving-producer of the program "Morning Tent"

Since 2008, he worked as deputy creative producer of the "Star" TV channel.

From 2010 to 2012 - Deputy Head of the Directorate of the Morning Broadcasting of JSC TV Center. At the same time, he was the leader and leading analytical talk show "Forecasts".

Since 2012, he worked as a creative producer in Red Square LLC. Developed and launched such projects as "time to dine", "perfect repair" and others.

"At some point, I realized that the time had come to change ... But then in my life," Savior "appeared. Now I say so: "Savior" saved me. But it turned out. And now there is a meaning of my life - every day wake up with God, to open something important for yourself, something very deep and unusually heartfied, and most importantly, try to convey to people what I myself have never managed to understand And feel. "

Elena Josul

Leading TV channel "Savior"

Graduate of the Philosophical Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, specialty political scientist. He has a degree of candidate of political sciences - assigned a dissertation about the religious factor in the process of European integration. All his professional life is engaged in the relationship of religion, politicians and society.

Since 2010, the head of the Department of Journalism and Public Relations with the Public Relations of the Russian Orthodox University, Advisor to the Chairman of the Synodinal Department for the Relationships of the Church with Society and the Media, a member of the intertarous presence of the Russian Orthodox Church. Founder and head of the first online school of Orthodox culture Pravoslavie.school.

"The TV channel" Savior "today is the first for the entire new history of Russian television journalist the opportunity in such an open, modern and close format about the problems of our society and deeply analyze these problems through the prism of the values \u200b\u200bof the Church. We are the only federal TV in the space, who covers all the significant public, political, cultural processes in the context of the Orthodox tradition. And by this we respond to the acute need of the audience. People want to hear the Orthodox assessment of what happened in Russia and in the world from the television screen. "Savior" gives this opportunity to millions of their audience. "

Alla Mitrofanova

Leading TV channel "Savior"

In 20 years, when I still studied at the institute, I was invited to work in the magazine "Thomas" and I realized that it was here my place. It is worthwhile worth - to engage in work that brings joy and pleasure, and allows you to talk about the most important thing about the senses, about love, about the relationship of man and God. I was happy because I found my own. When I first saw the "foma" in the magazine kiosk at our institute, on the cover I was struck by the graphics in the form of a press with the words: "For those who are tired of nonsense ..." It was for me. Already then I knew it very clearly.

In the magazine "Thomas" I worked happy for 14 years. Now on the radio "faith", I do the same thing as "Fome", only in radium format. And this is also happiness. And the work on the TV channel "Savior" in the project "And there will be two" is an opportunity for me to speak another very important topic for a man and a woman's relationship. How often today people want to be happy in their families and does not work ... Why is it and what to do? In my opinion, today this topic is much more important than any sharp news. Many forgot how to be happy and rejoice in their love. And this is not just possible - this is a natural state of a person. The heroes of our programs share their difficult long-term experience of family life. All of them are happy in different ways, and their examples are about many meaning.

Konstantin Matsan

Born in 1986 in Moscow. In 2009, he graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism MGIMO.

From 2006 to 2014, he worked in the journal "Thomas". He is the author of books "Holidays, who are always with you" and "Miracle. Certificate and experience of modern priests "(Nikeya's publisher).

Married, raises two children.

"Chesterton has such words:" From faith, you can not dismiss, because it includes everything in the world. " I would put these words by a secret epigraph to each transmission on the TV channel "SPACE". To make programs and talk about the most important thing about the most important, about faith is joy. Perhaps the greatest joy of affordable in the profession. "

Archpriest Igor Fomin

Born on February 25, 1970 in the family of employees. Heavenly patron - Holy Prince of Igor Chernigovsky, memory - June 18 (N / ST).

Decorated at the age of nine in the Temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord (New Village, Moscow Region).

From the age of 14, Altarcyl in the near Moscow temple of the Interior of the Mother of the Mother of Mother of the village of Aleksino, where the abbot served by Vasily Vladyashevsky's protoiser later served.

After returning from the ranks of the Armed Forces, violating the blessing of the confessor, I tried to enter the medical institute, failed, and after a year the blessing was performed - in 1991 he entered the Moscow spiritual seminary, which he graduated in 1994.

In 1994, he was married with his future Mother.

June 25, 1995 was ordained in Diacon. On December 6, 1995, on the day of the memory of the holy prince Alexander Nevsky, was appointed a regular diacon of the Kazan Cathedral on the Red Square of Moscow. And exactly a year later, on December 6, 1996, ordained to the priests of the Kazan Cathedral.

Since 2003, since the release of the first numbers of the Orthodox magazine "Foma", became a member of the editorial board of the publication. Since the leadership and team of the "Thomas" magazine came out of the corridors and Audience of MGIMO, the question arose about the construction of the temple under this educational institution. The question was resolved positively.

On January 9, 2007, by the Decree of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, in addition to the umber of the staffing priest of the Kazan Cathedral, the abbot of the church of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky under construction under MGIMO was appointed.

On June 17, 2013, in connection with the beginning of regular worship services in the Temple at MGIMO, the decree of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill Archpriest Igor Fomin was released from obedience in the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square.

From 2013 to the present, he is the abbot of the church of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky - the Patriarchal Ontivary at MGIMO.

On December 22, 2016, at the annual outcome diocesan meeting, the Chairman of the Commission on Missionary and Catechization of Moscow was elected.

He has four children.

Worship Awards:
1998 - a booler;
2001 - Camilage;
2006 - in a root cross;
2010 - erected in San Archpriest.
2015 - the right to wearing the cloth.

Church awards:
- In 2004 he was awarded the medal of the PRP. Sergius of Radonezh I degree.
- March 6, 2016, in consideration to works on the construction of the church of St. BLGV. kn. Alexander Nevsky - Patriarchal Ontivary at MGIMO was awarded the Order of the PRP. Seraphim of Sarovsky III degree.

Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov

Senior priest and confessor of the Alekseevsky Stavropigial Women's Monastery of Moscow. Member of the Patriarchal Commission on Family, the Protection of Motherhood and Childhood, the confessor of the School of Orthodox Missionar in the Synodal Missionary Department of the Moscow Patriarchate. Teacher of the highest category. Member of the Russian Writers Union.

In 1983 he graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. Pedagogical activity in secular schools.

In 1988, he accepted the sacred san, at the same time he taught in the Moscow spiritual seminary and the Academy. He served in Moscow in the temple of the Sunday of the word in the Assumption enemy, in 1990-1991 - in the church of St. Mitrofan Voronezhsky.

In 1990, he conducted a children's program "Holiday every day" of central television, participated in the programs of Vladislav Listeeva "Rush Hour" and "Theme". Thanks to this experience gained its own individual style of communication with the audience.

In the spring of 1991, he was appointed the abbot of the church of all saints in the Red Selo of the former Novo-Alekseevsky female monastery.

From 2013 to the present, the senior priest and the confessor of the Alekseevsky Stavropigial Women's Monastery of Moscow.

Now also teaches at the Orthodox schools of the capital, in the highest educational Orthodox institutions of the Moscow Patriarchate. Participates in the program "Family Hour" Tarta Larsen on Radio "Vera" and "Straight Line. The answer of the priest "on the TV channel" Savior ".

Anton and Victoria Makar

Anton Makarsky was born on November 26, 1975 in Penza. With eight years, he participated in the performances of the Penza Drama Theater.

In 1993-1998 he studied at the Higher Theater School them. B. V. Shchukina. For about two months, played in the theater Mark Grigorievich Rosovsky and decided to go into the army. After one and a half months of service in a convoy company was sent to the academic ensemble of songs and dance of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, where he sang, was the first tenor and led the concerts about a year.

After the service half a year she did not work anywhere, heard about the Musicle "Metro" and came to the casting, where he was adopted by the qualifying jury.

Since May 2002, he was still busy in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris", where he played one of the main roles - Captain Feuba de Shatopher. He starred in the clip into the Russian version of the main musical theme from the musical - "Belle". It was the role of Captain Feba de Shatopher that determined the role of the Makarsky - a romantic hero.

In the summer of 2003, he recorded a solo album. Since the fall of 2003, he takes part in a joint American-Russian TV project - the television novel "Poor Nastya". The series played the role of Prince Andrei Dolgoruky. In addition, along with Sergey Lee and Arina, the film song "I am not sorry" performed the title song.

Filmography: Odnoklassnitsy (2016), "Not Couple" (2016), "Citizen Nobody" (2016), "Last Yanychar" (2015), "Nelyubov" (2015), "Rustic Romance" (2015), "Son" For the Father "(2014)," Road Home "(2014)," Odessa "(2013)," Wangeley "(2013)," 7 main desires "(2013), breathe with me 2 (2012)," Thunder "( 2012), watches of love (2011), "URGENT! I am looking for a husband "(2011)," Mary's heart "(2011)," Cool shores "(2011)," Inverse Way "(2010)," When Lilac flowers "(2010)," Breathe with me "(2010)," Quiet pines "(2009)," Aunt Klava von Gettin "(2009)," Justice of Wolves "(2009)," As Cossacks ... "(2009)," Marry Kazanov "(2009)," Golden Key "(2008), "Return of Musketeers, or Treasures of Cardinal Mazarini" (2008), "Smered" (2007), "Feather and sword" (2007), "Bloody Mary" (2007), "and snow falls" (2007), "Waiting for a miracle "(2007)," Parisians "(2006)," Geniya Hunt "(2006)," Primadonna "(2005)," Adam and Transformation of Eva "(2005)," My beautiful nanny "(2004)," Love Adventures "(2004)," Sins of Fathers "(2004)," Poor Nastya "(2003).

Victoria Makarskaya (Morozova) was born on May 22, 1973 in Vitebsk (Belarus). From 15 years, she has already won in international competitions with the state-owned orchestra of Belarus.

He graduated from the Director of the Faculty of Gitis (Rati), the course of academician I.G. Sharoeva.

The winner of the Rock-nomination of the TV Competition "Stars of the 21st Century" and the laureate of the Astradi Artist Prize them. Leonid Rockov.

With Vladimir Presnyak-senior, a unique musical project was created in a circus on the Collar Boulevard "His Majesty Tale," where Victoria played a major role.

The general public has become known after the "Metro" said musical. In parallel with the musical, she performed sololy.

Since 2002, Morozov has lost his voice and stopped concert activities, but engaged in the producing of his wife Anton Makarsky. Six years Victoria Makarskaya did not go to the scene. But at the invitation of the Moscow International House, Victoria returned to the scene, but with the "live concert" with Anton Makarski project. Since then, they are toured together. In their group, seven musicians, and the desire to one at all: to create high-quality music and singing it only live. The impeccable repertoire consists of the most beautiful and favorite melodies: as written specifically for the Makars-known authors by Sergey Trofimov, Irina Dubzova, Igor Kornelyuk, Maxim Dunaevsky, Murata Nasyrov, and those who have already become the legend - "NOTRE" and Aria "Belle" from the Musical Dame de Paris. " In 2010, their live concert disk came out, which gathered the most popular songs.

Alexander Shpkov

Russian public figure, political philosopher

Status in science, politics, churches:
Doctor of political sciences, candidate of philosophical sciences, professor at the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies of the Philosophical Faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, a valid State Advisor 3; Advisor to the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Chairman of the Synodinal Department of the Republic of MP on the relationship between the church with society and the media, a member of the interstarial presence of the RPC MP, the chief editor of the analytical Internet magazine "Religare", honorary citizen of the city of Taruce.

In the past - as an activist of the underground Orthodox movement. In the present, as the creator of the modern religious and political direction in Russian journalism, as the author of the concept of "social traditionalism" in the politics and concept of "axiomoderne" in culture.

Work experience until 1992:
Loader, carpenter-concrete, coal coal and fuel oil boilers, galvanic 3 discharge, steam boiler driver 6 discharge, mechanic for repairing medium pressure gas pipelines 3 discharge.

Work experience after 1992:
Journalism (press, radio), teaching activities (SPSU, RHGA, RPU, MSU), civil service (Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation), scientific activities (sociology, philosophy, religious studies, political science).

The author of six scientific monographs: "What does Russia believes" (1998), "Christian democracy in Russia" (2004), "traditionalism, liberalism and neonazism in the space of relevant policy" (2015), "National Story as a Public Agreement" (2015) , Social Tradition (2017), "Ideology Questions" (2018).

Author of five journalistic books: "Catory Dvor" (2003), "Territory of the Church" (2012), "Religious dimension of journalism" (2014), "Bronze Age of Russia. View from Taruza" (2015), "before and after politics" ( 2016).

With the TV channel "Savior" cooperates since 2005. In different years, the copyright programs "Politics and Life", "What Verit Russia", "Transition period" believes. Currently presents the analytical program "Plipkov", in which tells the viewer the truth about the intricacies of religion, politicians and cultures.

Darya Dontsova

Leading TV channel "Savior"

Born on June 7, 1952 in Moscow in the family of the famous Soviet writer Arkady Vasilyeva and the main director of Moskoncert Tamara Novakovka. After graduating from the faculty of journalism MSU them. Lomonosov, he spent two years in Syria, engaged in translations from French in the Soviet consulate. After returning to Russia, he worked in the newspaper "Evening Moscow", and then in the magazine "Exhibition".

Its first book wrote in oncological resuscitation to at least somehow distract from the disease. Now in the account of the writer more than 200 novels, the total circulation of which exceeded 200 million copies! In 2009, it was listed in the book of Records of Russia as the most prolific author of detective novels (100 detectives for 10 years). According to the Russian book chamber, Daria Dontsova invariably heads the list of the most published authors of Russia. The winner of the competition "Book of the Year", the Awards "Author of the Year", "The name of the year", "Bestseller of the Year", has a book "Oscar". In 2017, according to the results of the survey, the Russians were chosen to Daria Daria Daria to Daria Donets.

The works of Donz are translated and published in the countries of the former USSR, Western Europe and China. According to her novels, the series "Lover of the private owl of Dasha Vasilyeva", "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads a dealetant "," Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions, "and" gentleman of the Susk Ivan Pushkin. "

Daria Dontsova successfully leads the program to TV: "Previously of all" (first channel), "cheap and angry" (Channel One), "You are approaching us" (home), "Fashion sentence" (Channel One), "I really want live "(saved).

Daria Dontsova actively helps people faced with oncological diagnoses. In 2008, it becomes an ambassador of the Avon International Charitable Program "Together against Breast Cancer" in Russia. In 2010, she took part in the social action "Protections what is expensive to you, aimed at supporting the first vaccine against cervical cancer.

In 2013, it turns out an absolute bestseller book "I really want to live. My personal experience is written to support oncological patients and their relatives. And in the spring of 2018, the Savior TV channel was released by the name of which Daria Dontsova itself was released. The project "I really want to live" is a very honest conversation, confessing the most ordinary people, those who manually go or have already passed on the road of the disease. This is a story about how to defeat fear and start your way to recovery.

"Work on the project" I really want to live "is a huge joy for me. It is an opportunity to help people, explain to them that cancer is treated, this is an opportunity to say the patient: "Never give up, everything will certainly be good!"

Boris Kostenko

Soviet and Russian journalist and media manager, reporter and TV presenter. Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia. Master of Sports of the USSR on the modern pentathlon.

Born on September 14, 1960 in Voronezh. In 1981 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Physical Culture. In 1986 - the International Branch of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Owns English, Hungarian and Serbian.

Since 1986, he worked at the Gosteraradio USSR, was the leading program "Time", "International Panorama", a special correspondent of the "Seven Days" programs, "before and after midnight", "Sunday".

A report from abroad (United Kingdom, Spain, USA, France, Switzerland, Japan) and from "hot spots" (Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, etc.) as a specialist.

In 1992 he removed in collaboration with I. Mikhailov and the director E. Late the television documentary film "Who needs this war. Transnistrian diary, "Following the show of which was removed from the management of the" News "program. Filmed in 1993, the movie Kostenko and the director of the Late "Island of Serbia" was marked by a special jury prize at the Golden Vityaz International Film Festival in Yugoslavia.

In 1992, together with a TV journalist A. Denisov, he created the program "Ruskii Mir", for which in 1995 award was awarded the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II with the wording "for creating the best national program."

From 1997 to 1999 - the general producer of Moskovoy TV company.
In 2000-2001, he served as director of the Directorate of Information, Public and Political and Sports Programs TV Center TV channel.

One of the creators of the sports channel "7TV", in which from 2003 to 2005 he worked as the first deputy general director.

From 2007 to the present - the host television cycle "Truth Hour" on the TV channel "365 TV Days".

From April 2008 - the author and producer of the documentary "White Angel of Moscow" about the Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna and the direct broadcast of Easter services from the Marfo-Mariinsky monastery and the temple of Mary Magdalina in Ghefsimania (Jerusalem) on TV Center TV channel. The broadcast received the "Tefi 2008" award in the "director of the television program" nomination. In October 2008, the film was awarded the diploma of the Ith degree of the International Film Festival and Radonezh radio programs - "For the disclosure of the Christian degree of the Holy Preventive Martyrs of the Grand Duchess of Elizabeth Fedorovna," as well as the diploma of I-esi and the Gold Medal of the All-Russian Festival "Orthodoxy on Television , Radio and Printing "-" For a work with high artistic advantages and approving Christian values. "

From January 2008 - the author and producer of direct broadcast of Christmas divine services from the Sretensky Monastery on TV Center TV channel. Since 2011, a producer of a direct broadcast of Christmas services from the temple of the icon of all the grieving joy on the Big Ordinke on the same channel.

In April 2009, he headed the TV channel "Savior", where the program "Conservative Club", "Ukrainian question" and "Russia and the world". From May 2017 - Deputy General Director of the Canal, leading programs "Eternity and Time", "Plipkov".

Boris Kostenko - the owner of numerous international and domestic awards and premiums. According to the results of 1993, it was named by the Russian Biographical Institute for the "Man of the Year" in the nomination "Journalism". In 1994 he was awarded the Medal "Przdniestrian Defender" for the documentary "Who needs this war? Transnistrian diary. " In 1997, he was awarded the Order of the second degree (Republic of Serbsk - Bosnia and Herzegovina) for the cycle of documentaries and reporting on events in Yugoslavia and Bosnia 1993-97. In 2005, he received a memorial medal "Ivan Ilyin" for the film "Return". In 2007, he became the owner of the medal of the All-Russian Public Movement "Russia Orthodox" - "for the sacrificial ministry" of the III degree. In May 2010, he was awarded the Higher Order of the Serbian Orthodox Church - the Order of St. Savva of the first degree.

On September 25, 2005, he was ordained in San Diacon and was appointed Deon Temple of the Icons of the Mother of God "Livestock Source" in Tsaritsyn in Moscow.

Since 2007, he was sent to the Pokrovsky Women's Monastery of Moscow, where the power of St. Blag. Matrones Moscow.

In 2011, the His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill did notice about. Gregory in the San of the Priest and appointed the abbot of the temple of the furnace Savior in Mitino. Now it is a large multillarge parish with a strong community and a variety of active activities.

about. Gregory is a member of the Council of North-Western Vicariate in Moscow, responsible for catechics and missionary activities in the North-West Vicariate in Moscow, a member of the commission on missionary and catechization at the Diocesan Council of Moscow, the Ano's "Savior" by the Savior Secondary School . Moscow.

about. Gregory is married, raising six sons.

"For me, participation in the projects of the Savior TV channel is, first of all, the opportunity to publicly discuss with the viewers and guests of programs questions that seem to me the most interesting and essential in our lives. These are the questions that concern our faith, our participation in the life of the Church, our relationship with God and the near, life of our souls. I am grateful to the authors and organizers of the broadcasts of the TV channel, guests and, of course, TV viewers for very interesting topics that rose daily on the air. Sometimes it happens that I continue to think with interest over any question set during the program's ether, after a long time left the studio "Savior". And sometimes I come to a new, meaningful conclusions for me. Well, probably, as for any priest, any opportunity is very important for me. I always want to share the most valuable and expensive what is - the gospel joy of Christ the Savior. "

After graduating from school, he entered the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography. Engaged in the workshop of the People's Artist of the USSR Boris Andreevich Babachina. Starting his cinematographic career in 1961 a first-year student, Olga Gobzeva, an actress of the highest category, starred in 42 films. Many famous directors, such as M. Huziyev, A. Sirnov, L. Supko, E. Klimov, L.Other, P.Todorovsky, A. Vidhetsky, and others. Its partners were N. Morvinov, O. Borisov, N . Mikhalkov, V.Ivashov, Z. Merdt, I.Smoktunovsky. I.Savina, B. advocate. The most famous films: "Zastema Ilyich", "Not the most successful day", "Focuscript". "Ilf and Petrov's tram," the adherence of a dental doctor "," Once, twenty years later, "" boys "," Wings "," Etudes about Vrubel ".

Since 1977, Olga Gobzev is under the spiritual leadership of Archpriest Georgy Breev, the abbot of the christmas christmas tree in Krylatsky. Having worked in the cinema and theater for more than 30 years (1961-1992), on March 7, 1993, he was tonsured to Ryasofor Archbishop Ivanovo and Kinisheskiy Ambrose in the Holy-Vvedensky Women's Monastery of the city of Ivanovo.

In 1994, Inokine Olga (Gobzeva) was directed from the monastery to obedience to the Department of Church Charity and Social Service of the Moscow Patriarchate, under the leadership of the Chairman of the Department, Metropolitan Solnechnogorsk Sergius, which managing the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate. On the blessing of the His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Alexy was elected chairman of the Coordination Council of the Women's Charitable Organizations of the Russian Orthodox Church. Lord Solnechnogorsk Sergius was assigned to the head of the cartridge service.

From 1997 to 2003, he was a member of the Government Commission on the Status of Women in the Russian Federation.

From 1987 to 2012, enlightened charitable evenings in the House of Unions, the hall of them. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Russian Foundation for Culture and Other Places. In the evenings: clergymen, prominent figures of science and art, such as Pitirim, Metropolitan Volokolamsky and Yuryevsky, Chairman of the Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate, Writers V.Rasputin and V.Krupin, Filmorezhissor N. Mikhalkov, Famous scientist I. Shaforvich, People's Artists : N. Vernikov, V.Matorin, A.Mikhailov, N. Fateeva, N. Aarybasarova, L. Zaitseva, TPETROVA, etc.

Priest Pavel Ostrovsky

Abbot of Nikolsky and Sretensky temples in Krasnogorsk. Member of the Missionary Department of the Moscow Diocese.

In 2008 he graduated from the Kolomna Orthodox spiritual seminary.

On September 14 of the same year, in the Preobrazhensky church of the city of Lyubertsy ordained in the San of the priest Metropolitan Krutitsky and Kolomna juvenile.

More than ten years is engaged in educational activities among young people.

Participates in the program "Straight Line. The answer of the priest "and other projects of the TV channel" Savior ".

"On the TV channel" Savior "I do not work, but serve. This is one of the types of ministry who need to use. Given that people today are not sitting in the temples and libraries, but buried in televisions and tablets, then this is an extra way to tell about Christ. "

From 2012 to 2015, he worked in the Foundation Andrei of the First-Called and Center for National Glory of Russia.

Since 2015 - Head of the Information Service of the Youth Department of the Moscow City Diocese. In the same year, became the coordinator of mass events of the "Orthodox volunteers", as well as a member of the youth chamber from the Basmanny district with the youth parliament of the city of Moscow.

From January 2018 - the leading heading # Point on the TV channel "Savior".

Since July 2018 - Head of educational programs of the youth department of the Moscow City Diocese.

In April 2018, awarded the anniversary medal of the Russian Orthodox Church "in memory of the 100th anniversary of the restoration of the patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church."

"For me, working on the TV channel" Savior "is an opportunity to show modern, bright, successful and promising Orthodox young people, telling what she lives, what is interested in which youth projects it implements and plans to implement."

Today, the media appeared information about the fact that TV host Boris Korchevnikov received a new position. This was announced by the Director General of the Orthodox TV channel "Savior" Boris Kostenko. According to a man, it should happen soon. Specific deadlines, when the Korchevnikov starts their duties and head the channel, until they are called. The founder of the "Savior" of Patriarch Kirill, as Kostenko noted, approved the candidacy of Showman.

Starkit appealed for more detailed information to the representative of the TV channel VGTRK. "We do not comment on this news," Maxim Kranan said the press attache.

We also note that at the moment Boris Korchevnikov continues to work in the "direct ether" show. The fans of the leader are waiting for an official statement from the representatives of the channel and programs that would have made clarity into a situation with its alleged care. "Starhit" got through to Boris Korchevnikov, but he refused comments, referring to what was busy on the set.

"This decision was made by the Founder of the Canal. We have long been familiar with Boris Korchevnikov, most likely, I will become his deputy, and he will begin this work since May. As for that, whether he will remain on the channel "Russia 1", I can not say anything, "said Boris Kostenko" Starhit ", General Director of the Orthodox TV Channel" Savior ".

Earlier, information about the fact that Boris Korchevnikov decided to leave the program "Direct Ether" were actively agreed in the media. Showman himself and channel representatives refrained from commenting about the data that appeared on the network. It was also stated that the place of colleagues would take Dmitry Shepelev. Called and concrete deadlines - it was said that personnel permutations would occur this spring.

After the press appeared in the press that Shepelev will replace Korchevnikov, lively discussions arose in the network. Boris's fans could not believe that he leaves his beloved change. Some of them suggested that the Korchevnikov decided to suspend shooting due to health problems. Nevertheless, the representative of the showman did not confirm these species.

We also add that Boris Korchevnikov is a believer. In his microblog, the host regularly shares publications that reflect its worldview. So, in February of this year, Boris reported that he had replenished his collection of icons. "A new holy came home came home. Martyr Abraham ... This rich and very successful entrepreneur was not Russian, accepted Orthodoxy and did not forgive him. And I have this connection with him: I turned out to be in Bulgaria almost 800 years after his death. In the cozy distant from the district centers, the wooden church of his name and learned there the priest of Father Vladimir Golovin. He told me that spring a few words. And everything fell into place in my life. And went differently, "the man wrote in" Instagram ".

An employee of the channel "Savior" told the site that the Orthodox TV is transformed into a clone of the scandalous show "Direct Ether".

Previously, the site wrote about in Russia. With the advent of the new leadership in the face of Boris Korchevnikova, the "promoted" transmission "direct ether" on "Russia 1", one of them - the TV channel "Savior" - began to change. An employee of the TV channel assures: his colleagues are dismissed, and the audiences begin to turn away from the "Savior".

In May, we were announced that "Savior" appointed a new general director, Boris Korchevnikov became it. He wanted to do something new, the younger, give fresh breath to the channel, - Shared with the site one of the employees "Savior", which for obvious reasons asked not to call his name and surname. - But in the end it turned out that the "new breathing" in two months of his work led to an obvious fact. Previously, the channel showed high-quality, demanded by the viewer and already received a well-deserved assessment of the transfer - "Ukrainian question", "Conservative Club" and many others who viewers watched, both on the air and on social networks, in Youtube. And now on the channel only one program called "Direct Ether", analogue of the program of the same name on the channel "Russia 1".

[Approx. Ed.: Judging by the schedule, the TV channel "Savior" has a rather extensive program; However, in the program for the current week there is not a "Ukrainian question", no "conservative club", but no and notorious "direct ether". Archives of this transmission available On the channel "Savior" on YouTube, the last release of July 14 was devoted to the "charity marathon", among the earlier releases - "abortions", "Euthanasia" and "Stalin".]

- And this new breathing was required by the canal?

It so happened that the channel regularly changed the leadership, the most "permanent" always remained Boris Kostenko (now he was appointed Deputy Korchevnikov). Korchevnikova has a new vision expressed in one: close all programs and leave one of its own - "direct ether", which would illuminate some hot topics. But you yourself understand, any current topics can be covered in different ways. For example, there were such programs on the channel "Savory", but they did not leave the authors for certain frameworks. Channel mission - spiritual and moral education of the audience. The channel has its own established audience, another pace, rhythm, rather than other federal channels. We had expectations that would come - and it would be better, there will be something new. As a result, everything came out to make the scandal as much as possible, to go into some investigations with detailed bloody details - about murders, criminals, with smeared people on asphalt.

- And Korchevnikov continues to lead the same transmission on the channel "Russia 1"?

As far as I understood, he was dismissed from there, "live broadcast" on "Russia 1" or will close, or recruit a new team with a new face. Now he will be in the frame on "SPACE" one to one to repeat the same transmission as on "Russia 1", only without extras.

[Approx. Ed.: Boris Korchevnikov continues to lead the "live broadcast" on "Russia 1", despite the rumors that have previously existed for Dmitry Shepelev. The last release available on the website of the channel "Russia 1" is dedicated to the topic "The adopted son of Galina Brezhneva to drive out the son from home, called him somewhere and even demanded the DNA test."]

All the "live ether" begin with the fact that "today such a shot down to death or shot someone, let's discuss it, we will tear, smash, squandal." The rating, of course, is an important thing, but it is impossible to seek it with such means on the Orthodox Canal. As a result, the audience calls, they write, complain, switch the channel "saved" to another button.

- Boris, when was appointed to this position, collected people, something declared?

At the general meeting of employees, politics were announced: there will be only "live broadcast" six to eight hours a day. Thus, the channel will acquire relevance, we will talk about what newspapers and the Internet are shouting today. Then the educational programs about the faith, about the Orthodox holidays, about Russian well-known people began to disappear from the ether, about how people came to faith and so on. This to the new leader seemed uninteresting. Although the TV channel demonstrated a stable growth of the audience and always retained his face.

- Strange, after all, the Korchevnikov often positions itself as a believer.

Therefore, all channel staff had an expectation that still innovations will be made from the point of view of the Orthodox person. But the expectations were not justified.

- Channel employees also fired in one day?

Many employees said that they need to collect things. With the arrival of Boris Korchevnikov, the canal lost many good specialists who were not ready to endure mats and screams - both in the hardware and in their address.

- And what is your forecast? What to expect the spectators "Savior"?

If in a similar context, the feeding of the "fried" material will not be good. Because of these scandalous topical topics in the transfer of Boris Korchevnikov on the channel, scandals and disassembly began. Spectators write letters, complain that the channel has become impossible, requires to change intonation. Well, as possible on the air of the Orthodox Channel to invite some kind of motorcyclists, "hell angels"?! Crazy house.

The release of the "direct ether" of the channel "Savior" of June 26: "Bikers are going around MGIMO because of the student of this prestigious university who shot down a motorcyclist to death. Again Major, drunk again. And does he suffer punishment on all the rigor of the law? "

A veteran of war Nikolay Dupak came to the air - so it was simply brought during the "direct ether": he is boring, he old became uninteresting. Uncontrolled vakhanalia, aggression on the canal, which should call, on the contrary, to peacefulness, to good, to another attitude towards the outside world.

But Boris Korchevnikov makes only what he can. For many years, he worked on the channel "Russia 1" in the scandalous talk show "Direct Ether" and, probably, it believes that it is necessary to speak on the channel "Savior" - this is "joyful and free Orthodoxy."

TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov decided to change the "live broadcast" show on the program on the Orthodox Channel "Savior".

The TV host still decided to leave the talk show "Direct Ether" and generally change the place of work.

This was announced by the teleproducer Boris Kostenko. According to him, Korchevnikov offered to lead the Orthodox TV channel "Savior", and he agreed. In the near future he will go to a new job.

"The Korchevnikov will be the head of the TV channel, and I will become his deputy. We have a formal organization and producing, it is not yet clear where it will be officially borrowed, but in fact he will be the first person on the TV channel, and I am second," said Kostenko .

Regarding the show "Direct Ether", then it will be guided. This information appeared in winter, and then it caused an excitement among the viewers: many categorically did not want to see the civil husband of Zhanna Friske in this role. Moreover, the story of Shepelev has repeatedly became the subject of a talk show, although the leading discussion itself did not come. But the parents of Zhanna Friske, with whom he had a prolonged conflict, were frequent guests of "direct ether".