What material used stradivarius. Revealed the secret of Stradivari Violins

What material used stradivarius. Revealed the secret of Stradivari Violins
Antonio Stradivari is considered the world's greatest creator of string musical instruments. His violins and alta and over the years do not lose the purity of the sound, they play the most famous performers. Now these tools are estimated at millions of dollars for more than three centuries. Researchers are trying to understand: as Stradivari, as well as other Italian masters of the past, managed to achieve such a powerful sound and rich tone? And why these unique secrets were subsequently lost?

Birth during the plague

In the life of the Great Master, rumors were rumored that he makes the tools from the wreckage of Noeva Ark. And envious "experts" argued that he sold the soul to the devil and therefore his violins are the best.
The exact date of the Stradivari is not registered - in the middle of the XVII century, the epidemic of the plague, and the parents of Antonio have been hidden in a generic estate several years. It is believed that their son was born in 1644. After the decline of the epidemic, the family returned to the Italian city of Cremona. Here, the young Antonio entered the student to the famous violiest master Nikolo Amati, at first not receiving any fee. Starting from 1680, Stradivari began to work independently. Before his death in 1737, he made approximately 1,100 violins, cello, double bass and alto, of which about 720 instruments were preserved to our days and their authenticity was confirmed by experts.
Pupils Antonio were two of his son - Francesco and Omobono. But neither one nor the other has reached the mastery of the Father. According to the legend, before the death of Stradivari burned all his papers. But is it true that it was recorded there - no one can say.

But the conclusions of the Texas Chemist and his followers, many considered an insult to the great masters of the past. The tool tree really passed pre-processing - but why did Stradivari himself had to know what she would lead to? Especially since the boiling in the salt solution was carried out only in Cremona, and any master could compare violins from this city with produced in other places, which means it is easy to understand what exactly determined the difference in their sound.

About the benefits of long cold

Another group of scientists believes that the secret of the master lies in the material itself, which the Stradivari tools were the same: for the top deck - fir, for the bottom - Maple.
Henry Grissino-Majer's researcher from the University of Tennessee determined that the density of the wood in the violins of Stradivari is much higher than that of modern tools. He studied the trees in Europe and installed that ate, which grew there from 1625 to 1720, had very narrow annual rings. This is due to the so-called small glacial period, when there was a significant cooling on the continent and even froze the Bosphorus strait. The trees that the Stradivarius used were brought out of the Alps foreguides, and their wood because of the cold wept naturally.
However, the residents of creamons are actively objected to this theory. Their city attracts tourists with glory wonderful violin masters - such as Amati, Stradivari, Guardari. And if it turns out that the case is not in their golden hands, but in the climatic conditions of wood growing, the flow of visits can decrease the flow. Yes, and the approval of G. Grissino-Mayer does not give an answer to the question: And why then the unique sound does not have musical instruments made in other places of Italy, because wood for their manufacture also delivered from the Alps foreguides?

Size matters?

Some researchers are trying to explain the uniqueness of the sound based on the tool shape. After all, none of them repeats another. The master's task was to create a very sensitive body that could best respond to string fluctuations. This was achieved by the fact that all parts of violins or alto were fixed in the form of bending and the tree was in the highest possible state. The French physicist of the XIX century Felix Savar announced the Harmonic Stradivari system found them when, during the creation of tools, their musical setup was performed on the bottom deck. Under the leadership of Savara, several tools were created, which in sound very reminded the products of the Great Master. But at the same time, their decks were almost one and a half times thicker! And all attempts to make them the same as Stradivari, led to the fact that the tools lost the charm timbre.

Employees of the Massachusetts Technological Institute analyzed a huge number of old alt and violins and found out that Stradivari products are distinguished by efami - F-shaped holes on the top deck, which in these tools on average 2% larger than others.

Laco from Leonardo da Vinci

And of course, the greatest number of scientists argue that the magical properties of Antonio Stradivari instruments are due to a special varnish. The coating of old violins or cello is really unique. Varnish on them simultaneously seals wood and allows it to breathe. He changes his color at different angles, very elastic, and thanks to him, small scratches and scuffs are tightened by themselves.
It is with the help of a varnish that kept a very high temperature, great masters, cut parts of the tools, creating an acoustic machine from two sensitive deca-membranes.
It is noteworthy that the famous painters of the Renaissance era were used by the same varnish: Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael, Michelangelo, Titian and others. More recently, in 2010, a group of French and German scientists under the leadership of Jean-Philippe Eshara analyzed its composition and found that there were oils, resins, organic dyes and some inorganic compounds such as stone dust. Absolutely exactly the composition of the varnish could not be established, nevertheless researchers are confident: he did not play a decisive role in the unique sound of the tool.
- Maybe the secret of the master was in his eyes and arms? - suggested Ashar.

Copy is impossible

This also writes a researcher and a violin master from Ukraine Valentin Tymoshenko. In September 2015, he spent a press conference in Kharkov, where he spoke about his vision of this problem. In his opinion, the main disadvantage of all studies of Stradivari tools was that scientists were looking for some kind of main secret: a special tree, soaking in salted water, pre-processing of wood, special varnish, etc. In fact, the Master's merit is to create a unique technology for making musical instruments.
Why even the most accurate copies of violins or alto Stradivari sounds much worse than the original? Yes, because only their external form is copied. However, to take this form, any tool passed very hard processing. Even the master himself did not at first, did not know how his alt or violin will look like - because each detail was chosen and bent according to her sound. The processing, which had the goal of the limiting seal of wood and the maximum deflection of Dec, was produced by copper rods, which previously heated in the furnace. The work was extremely painstaking and demanded not only special skills, but also a creative ability to predict the sound.

Valentin Tymoshenko described Stradivari technology, which opened step by step over 30 years. The great master started with the side walls. Then the bottom deck was processed, starting from the edges to the middle, after which the same thing was done with the top deck. A layer of hot lacquer was applied to the treated surface, which seal wood. If Stradivari has not satisfied the sound, the processing could be made more than once.
As a result, the body of the tool sometimes had an asymmetric form, but it became a certain whole and received an amazing ability to make a sound, enhanced by internal echo.
Why did the music masters stopped using such technology? Valentin Tymoshenko believes that this happened in connection with the advent of more modern working tools for wood processing. The technology has simplified, has become less laborious - but at the same time the wizard, refusing the traditional methods, lost the skills of sound fitting parts to each other. And most importantly - their tools, unlike the works of Amati or Stradivari, are not better sounded, but worse.

Stradivari's violin still go legends. What is the secret of her special sound? What unique technologies and materials used the master? Stradivari Violin is still unsurpassed masterpiece.

Biography Masters

Antonio Stradivari - a master of violins - born in 1644. But this is only approximately, the exact date of his birth is not installed. His parents are Anna Moroni and Alessandro Stradivari. A typical master in Cremona lived and lived and lived.

Antonio since childhood adored music. But he sang very badly, and everyone who heard his singing laughed. The second passion of Antonio was the cutting of the bores. Parents were confident that the son would become a chamber.

Once the boy learned that the best violin master of Italy lives in his city - Nikolo Amati. Antonio loved the violin very much and decided to become a student of genius.

A. Stradivari married only 40 years. His wife became the daughter of the bench - Francesca Farrorwork. Couple has five children. But soon began the epidemic of plague. Favorite wife and children A. Stradivari died. This loss has read it in despair, and he was unable to work. But the time passed, the master began to create and soon became famous for the whole world. Together with Glory came to A. Stradivari and new love. The second wife became Maria Zambelli. In marriage with her he had five children. Two sons - Francesco and Omobono - A. Stradivari taught his craft. They became masters of treble affairs. But there is an opinion that the professional secrets of Antonio did not even open and sons. They failed to repeat his masterpieces.

Antonio Stradivari was a workaholic. He did not leave his craft to death. Antonio Stradivari died in 1737, approximately 93 years old. Place of its burial - Basilica San Domenico.

In the disciples of Amati

A. Stradivari engaged in a tremendous business from 13 years. He was a student of the best masters of that time - Nikolo Amati. For the fact that the genius for free taught him to his craft, he did all the black work for him and was a boy on bliss. N. Amati shared knowledge with students, but did not reveal all secrets. Some tricks he told only the eldest son.

The first secret of N. Amati, who recognized the young Antonio, - how to produce strings. The master made them from the insides of the lambs. At first it was necessary to wash the veins in an alkaline solution. Then dried. And then twist the strings from them.

At the next stage of learning A. Stradivari has compiled which tree it is worth choosing for the manufacture of Dec violins. The boy realized that the main thing was not the appearance of the tree, but his sound. Often N. Amati manufactured violins from unbelievously peeking trees.

His first tool A. Stradivari created in 22 years. After some time, he made tens of violins. But on all his creations stood stigma Nikolo Amati. It did not grieve a young Stradivari. He was happy that his skill grows. At the age of 40, Antonio opened his workshop. Soon he became a respected violin master. He had many orders, but he did not work out to surpass.

The famous Master A. Stradivari began in 1680. He improved the tools created by his teacher N. Amati. To do this, he slightly changed their shape, added decorations. He woke up in every possible way that the tool votes sound more singered and beautiful. As a result of all his efforts and quests at the beginning of 1700, a famous violin of Stradivari was born equal to which there is still no.

At the peak of mastery

The best musical instruments were created by A. Stradivari in the period from 1690 to 1725. They were the highest concert quality. The best violin of Stradivari, as well as other tools, dated 1715 year.

The flourishing of his skill occurred after he survived the family's loss. After such a terrible tragedy, he fell in despair and could not work. Again to continue to create him helped by one of the students. He once came to A. Stradivari, buried and said that his parents died, and he could not continue to learn the manufacture of violins, as I was forced to earn a living now. The master was sorry for the boy, and he left him in his house, and after several years he was adopted. The paternity inspired him and he had a desire to create his own unique tool, not a copy of the creations of his great teacher, and something extraordinary, which no one did before him.

Famous violin

When Antonio was already 60 years old, they were created by a new one who brought him the glory of the Great Master, the legendary violin of Stradivari. Photos of this masterpiece is presented in this article.

The violin model developed by Antonio brought him fame and immortality. He was called "Super Stradivari". His violins were and remain to this day with the best musical instruments. And it sounds unusual. The master is a good luck to give its violins, alto and cello rich timbre and make their "voices" stronger. Because of this, the wizard went rumors as if he sold the soul to the devil. People could not believe that a person, even if a genius with golden hands, can make the woods so sing.

Secret of unique sound

Until now, musicians, as well as scientists of the whole world, are trying to solve the secrets of the Great Master to understand how the famous violin Antonio Stradivari was created. Already passed almost 300 years since the death of the genius, but his creations are still alive, they are almost not aging, and their sound does not change.

To date, there are several versions that scientists are trying to explain the secret of the magnificent sound of tools A. Stradivari. But none of them is proven, although hundreds of research were conducted using the latest technologies.

There is a version that the whole thing is in the form. The master has lengthened the body, and inside it made raises and irregularities, thanks to which many high overtones appeared, which enriched the sound.

Later, the version appeared that the secret lies in the materials from which A. Stradivarius made his violin. It was found out of what tree was the violin of Stradivari. He did the top deck from ate, and the bottom - from Clena.

Some scientists put forward the version that the secret is not in what A. Stradivarius has been manufactured. Lucky and impregnations, which he covered his tools, are the main "culprits" the appearance of this masterpiece. There are reliable facts that the master first soaked wood in seawater, and then covered with some mixtures from the components of plant origin. Perhaps they included the resins of trees that were growing at that time, but later everything was cut down to one.

As for varnishes, according to some scientists, they consisted of such substances, thanks to which dents and scratches were delayed, and the decks were able to "breathe" and better resonate, which makes it possible to achieve a beautiful volumetric sound. But other scientists put forward arguments against this version, as many violins were renovated. They were covered with ordinary varnish, but the sound did not change. One researchers conducted an experiment - completely cleaned one of the violins of Stradivari from varnish. Nothing in her sound has not changed.

There is a lot of hypotheses why the violins of Stradivari sound so unusually. But none of them managed to prove. The secret of the master is not solid until now.

Antonio Stradivari Tools

According to researchers, the master has created at least 1000 musical instruments for his life. This is most of its violin, but there were also alta, cello, guitars, mandolines and even harp. It was so worlier that in 1 year created 25 instruments. Whereas modern wizers, who also work manually, are able to produce only 3-4 copies during this time. How many violins Stradivari created for his life? It is impossible to say exactly. But approximately 600 violins came to this day, 12 alto and 60 cello.

Cost of violin

Musical instruments A. Stradivari are still the most expensive in the world. During the life of the master of his violin, 700 modern dollars cost, which for that time - a very large amount. Today, the value of his masterpieces - from 500 thousand dollars to 5 million euros.

Most expensive

There is a violin that is estimated at 10 million dollars. She carries the name "Lady Blante." This is the most expensive Stradivari violin. The photo "Lady Blante" is presented in this article.

It was made by a master in 1721. Stradivari Violin, named "Lady Blante" in honor of the granddaughter of the poet of Bairon, who was her owner, was preserved to this day in perfect condition, because it was practically not played. All 300 years of his life, she passed from one museum to another.

Steal masterpiece

All the creations of a brilliant master, have each name and put up. But at the same time, robbers regularly make the theft of musical instruments of the Great Italian. For example, the famous violin of Stradivari, who belonged to the revolution to the Russian virtuoso-virtuoso, was stolen five times. The last time she was kidnapped by the musician named Pierre Merman. He so cherished it, what he wore in the armored case, but it did not save her. Since then, the Stradivari violin under the name "Koshansky", whether it has been preserved and who belongs now, nothing is known.

On December 18, 1737, Antonio Stradivari - a master, who left the immortal heritage, died in his native Cremona at the age of 93. About 650 musical instruments are pleased with the hearing of the sophisticated fans of classical sound and in our day. Almost three centuries do not give rest to manufacturers of musical instruments. Question: Why is the sound of violins of Stradivari look like a ringing and gentle female voice?

Strings from the veins

In 1655, Antonio was just one of the numerous students of the best student in Italy, Master Nikolo Amati.

Being at that time, only a boy on the glorifying masters, Stradivari did not understand: why the butcher in response to the note of Signora sends the guts.

Amati revealed the first of the secrets of manufacturing tools to his student: the strings are made from the internals of the lambs. According to the technology of that time, they were soaked in an alkaline solution based on soap, dried them and then twisted. It was believed that not all veins are suitable for strings. The best material is the veins of 7-8-month lambs grown in Central and Southern Italy. Amati taught his wards that the quality of the strings depends on the pasture, from the time of slaughter, from water and from many other factors.

Tyrolean tree

At the age of 60, when most people are already leaving for a well-deserved rest, Antonio has developed a violin model, which brought him immortal glory.

His violins sang so unusually that some seriously argued that the tree from which the tools were made are wreckage of Noeva Ark.

Scientists suggest that Stradivari used high-mountain ate, grew by unusually cold weather. Such a tree had an increased density, which gave the distinctive sound tools, from it made.

Stradivari, undoubtedly, for his tools, he chose the wood only the highest quality: well-dried, weathered. Special fir marked on the manufacture of decks, maple use for the bottom. In addition, chocks he separated not on the boards, but to the sectors: "Orange slices" were obtained. This conclusion researchers came, relying on the location of the annual layers.

Furniture varnish

They said that the secret of Laka Stradivari found out in one of the pharmacies and improved the recipe, adding insect wings and dust from the floor of their own workshop. "

Another legend states that the creamous master prepared its mixtures of the resins of trees, grew up in those times in Tyrolean forests, and later patched.

In fact, everything is pretty prose: scientists found out that the lacquer, to whom Stradivari covered his famous violins, did not differ from what was used in that era of furniturerafts.

At the same time, many tools were generally re-"repainted" during restoration in the XIX century. An even risky experiment was carried out: with one of the violins with caustic mixtures washed off varnish. The tool swelling, root, but did not sound worse.

Perfect form

Stradivari had a special manner to hollow out decks, a unique drawing of holes, characteristic of the external lines. Historians argue that among the violins known in our days there are no two exactly the same to relief and sound.

In an attempt to repeat the success of Stradivari Wizard walked to extreme measures: opened the old violin and did ten new on it, to the smallest detail reproducing the form. So, in the USSR in the 1930-190s, scientific studies were conducted by Stradivari violins in order to establish the production of similar tools on automatic lines. The most successful experimental tools were quite comparable with Stradivari tools for sounding.

The most successful imitations, experts believe, on the account of Simon Fernando Sakconi. This Italian Wizard of Bow Tools, who worked in the first half of the 20th century, when creating tools, using the Antonio Stradivari model and achieved excellent results.

Talent Scientist and Conscher

Stradivari ordered by the intuition of the scientist, the deft hands of the cutter-a cabinetrier, the sharp eye of the artist, the thin hearing of the musician. And all this, thousandthly multiplied by inexhaustible hardwork, he invested in his creations. Maybe it is in the talent of the wizard hid the mystery of his tools?

The master did not strive to imitate anyone, he was trying to achieve beauty and power of sound. His work became the labor of the researcher. His violins are acoustic experiments, one more successful, others are less. Sometimes the subtlest change in the properties of the wood caused it to correct the configuration of Dec, their thickness, bulge. How to do it, suggested the master of the rumor.

Well, of course, you should not discount the value of the "brand": there is an opinion that the fame of Stradivari brought about 20 percent of his musical instruments. The rest, less outstanding, were perceived as works of art only because the author of them is "the same creamian genius."

Violins Antonio Stradivari contain various combinations of aluminum, copper and zinc. Probably, the master dipped tree into a solution that helped tools go through the century. This is evidenced by the study of Professor at the Chemistry of Taiwanese University Hwan Ching Tai.

"The use of this kind of chemical alloys was an unusual practice, they remained unknown subsequent generations of violin masters," the scientist claims.

Specialists examined violins at the molecular level. However, they could not determine how special coating affects the timbre and sound quality. It was clear only one thing: in the XVII century, Stradivari had extraordinary knowledge of chemistry for that time. It has been established that the tools were treated with a complex mineral composition. Moreover, the preservative was used to soak wood for a long time.

A comparative analysis shows that the chemical treatment of wood did not resort in the XVIII and XIX centuries. Today, when creating violins, the feedstock is dried in air for several years. Stradivari was one and few masters in Cremon, who enjoyed special solutions. This technique was most likely lost. Reproduction of the unique composition would allow to inhale a new life into modern musical instruments.

The Version of Taiwanese researchers confirms Joseph Support from the University in Texas. He believes that the Stradivari violin tree was covered with a protective composition of wood pests containing various chemical elements, including Boraks used by the Egyptians to embroider the mummies.

For all times, the wizard of the brook tools was born in Italy in 1644 in the village of Cremona. The family of Stradivari moved from Cremona when the plague was played there. The childhood of the future violin wizard was held here. In his youth, Antonio tried to become a scaly, an artist, a tremor around the tree, which will then help him unmistakably pick up the material for his masterpieces. Later he became interested in playing the violin. Unfortunately, it was waiting for disappointment here - in the presence of an ideal musical hearing, his fingers lacked mobility. He carried the violins, he settled in the workshop of Nikolo Amati, the grandchildren of the attribute of the famous Dynasty of Italian violin masters - Andrea Amati.

In the workshop, Antonio worked for free, in exchange for knowledge gained here. Nikolo Amati was not only an excellent violin master, but also a good teacher both for A. Stradivari, and for another student - A. Gvarnery, who also became the famous master with time. In 1666, Stradivari made his first violin, whose sounds were reminded of the violin of his teacher. He also wanted to make her another. With each newly created tool, its sound is improved, quality improves. In 1680, he begins to work independently. In search of your own style, he tries to escape from the design of Amati, uses new materials, another processing method. His violins have a different form: he is already doing, others - wider, some of them were shorter, others are longer. His tools decorated slices of pearl, ivory, royaltips or colors. But the main difference of his violins from others was in an extraordinary, special sound.

For many years, the master was looking for his own model, improving and improving his violins, until finally, in 1700, he designed his unsurpassed violin. Until the end of his days, the master continued to experiment, but did not make fundamental deviations from the already created model. For many years, the master stubbornly and painstakingly worked out the wood processing technique, combined various species of wood, receiving the agreed sound of different parts of the violin. For the top deck, Stradivari took a fir, for the bottom - Maple. The master was one of the first to notice that the sound of a violin depends largely on the properties of a varnish, which covered the tool and the wood used for this. Buy matte lacquer for wood from different breeds of wood at an affordable price. Thanks to the elasticity of the lacquer, Deky could resonate and "breathe", which gave the timbre a special "volumetric" sound. It is assumed that the mixtures were prepared from the resins of trees, grew up in Tyrolean forests, however, the accurate composition of the varnishes was not installed. Each violin made by the Great Master, like a living being, had its name and with nothing comparable in a unique voice. No master in the world managed to achieve such perfection.

For his long, 93-year-old life of Stradivarius presented to the world more than a thousand violins, each of which is beautiful and unique. The best of them are considered tools created by the Master from 1698 to 1725. Unfortunately, there are about 600 genuine tools in the world today. Attempts by violin masters to create a similarity of the violin Stradivari was not crowned with success. Antonio Stradivari was married twice. From the first marriage he left three children. They lived in a spacious house, where the Master had his own workshop. Unfortunately, the wife died from one of the epidemics, which in those days happened often and carried away the lives of many people. Stradivari married the second time. In this marriage he had six children. Two of his children, Francesco and Omobono, when they grew up, began to work with the Father, where he was comprehended by the secrets of his skill. They learned to make magnificent tools, but none of them reached the perfection of the form and beauty of the sound of the violin of the Father. The master itself continued to make tools being already honorable old man. Stradivari died at the 94th year of life, in 1737. The last violin of the brilliant masters was born when he was 93 years old.

The great master Antonio Stradivari devoted his whole life to the manufacture and improving the musical instruments, which forever glorified his name. Experts celebrate the constant aspiration of the master to endow their tools with powerful sound and wealth of the tone. Enforceable Deltsi, knowing about the high price of Stradivari violins, with enviable regularity offered to buy fakes from them ...

All the values \u200b\u200bof the violin Stradivari methyl is equally. His stigma is the initials of A.S. And the Maltese cross placed in a double circle. The authenticity of the violins can be confirmed only by a very experienced expert.

Some facts from Stradivari biography

The place and accurate date of birth of the notorious Italian violinist Antonio Stradivari are not fixed. The estimated years of his life - from 1644 to 1737. The mark "1666, Cremona" on one of the Master's violins gives reason to say that this year he lived in Cremona and was a student Nikolo Amati.

The heart of the genius Antonio Stradivari stopped on December 18, 1737. Presumably, he could live from 89 to 94 years old, creating about 1100 violins, cello, double bass, guitars and alto. Once he made even harp.

Why is unknown exact year of birth of the master? The fact is that the plague reigned in Europe XVII century. The danger of infection forced the parents of Antonio to hide in the genital village. This saved the family. It is also unknown why in the 18th age of Stradivari addressed Nikolo Amati, a violin master. Perhaps the heart suggested? Asima immediately saw in him a brilliant student and took him to his subsecession.

Antonio's work began with a handyman. Then he was entrusted to the work on the filigree processing of the tree, work with varnish and glue. So the student gradually and learned the secrets of skill.

Not so much information was preserved about the life of the Great Master, because at first he was likely the chronicles - Stradivari did not stand out among other creamous masters. Yes, and man he was closed. Only then, when he became famous as "Super Stradivari", his life began to figure out legends. But it is known exactly exactly: the genius was an incredible workaholic. He made tools until the death of 90 years old ...

It is believed that all Antonio Stradivari created about 1,100 tools, including violins. Maestro was amazingly productive: he produced 25 violins per year. For comparison: a modern actively working wizard manufacturing violin manually produces only 3-4 tools every year. But only 630 or 650 tools of the Great Masters have reached our days, the exact number is unknown. Most of them are violins.

What is the secret of Stradivari violin?

Modern violins are created using the most advanced technologies and physics achievements - and the sound is still not the same! Three hundred years are being disputes about the mysterious "Secret of Stradivari", and each time scientists put forward more and more fantastic versions. According to one of the theories, the know-how Stradivari is that he owned a certain magical secret of varnish for violins, which gave it a special sound. Legends say that the master learned this secret in one of the pharmacies and improved the recipe, adding insects and dust from the floor of the wings of insects in the lacquer.

Another legend says that the creamian master prepared his mixtures of the resins of trees, growing in those days in Tyrolean forests and soon trigger.

Scientists do not leave attempts to understand what the netual unique audibleness of Stradivarian violins is due. Professor Joseph Nagivari (USA) argues that for the preservation of the Clewood, used by the famous viiptic masters of the XVIII century, has been chemical processing. This affected the strength and warmth of the sound of the tool. He wondered: could the processing against fungi and insects determine such purity and brightness of the sound of unique creamous tools?

Using nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopy, they were analyzed by the samples of five tools wood. Nagimari claims: if the impact of the chemical process is proved, it will be possible to change the modern technology of making violins. Violins will sound a million dollars, and restorers will ensure the best contention of old tools.

Once was analyzed by varnish, which are covered by Stradivari tools. It turned out that its composition contains nano structures. It turns out that three more centuries ago the creators of the violins rest on nanotechnology? An interesting experiment was conducted. The sound of the violin of Stradivari and the violin made by Professor Nagivari was compared. 600 listeners, of which 160 musicians, conducted a tone assessment and sound for power on a 10-point scale. As a result, Violin Nagivari received higher marks.

However, there were other studies during which they found out that the lacquer used by Stradivari was not different from what was used in that era of furniture makers. Many violins were generally covered with lacquer during restoration in the XIX century. There was even a madman who decided to the sacred experiment - to completely wash off the lacquer with one of the violins of Stradivari. And what? The violin did not sound worse.

In turn, manufacturers of violins and musicians also do not recognize that the magic sound of their tools is due to chemistry. And as evidence of their opinion, the results of other scientific research are evidenced. Thus, scientists of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology proved that the special "powerful" sound of violins Antonio Stradivari was caused by a random error during the production of these tools.

According to The Daily Mail, the researchers realized that such an unusual deep sound of the violins of the most famous Italian wizard was caused by F-shaped holes - efami. With the help of the analysis of many other Stradivari tools, scientists concluded that this form was initially reproduced by mistake. One of the researchers Nicholas Makris shared his own opinion: "You cut on a thin tree and cannot avoid imperfections. The shape of the holes in the violins of Stradivari is deviated from the traditional for the XVII-XVIII centuries by 2%, but it is similar not to an error, but to evolution. "

It is also an opinion that none of the masters invested so much work and soul into its work as Stradivari. The halo of secrets gives the products of the creamous masters an additional charm. But the pragmatics scientists do not believe in the illusion of lyrics and have long dreamed of dividing the magic of charming violin sounds into physical parameters. In any case, in enthusiasts, the lack is not felt. We can only wait for the moment when physicists have achieved wisdom of lyrics. Or vice versa…

They say, in the world every two weeks someone yes "opens up" the secret of Antonio Stradivari. But in fact, for 300 years, the secret of the greatest master has not been able to solve. Only his violins sing like angels. Modern science and the latest technologies were failed to achieve the fact that for Cremonian genius was only a craft.

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