Which of the military ranks is not Cossack. Cossack without faith - not the Cossack

Which of the military ranks is not Cossack. Cossack without faith - not the Cossack
Which of the military ranks is not Cossack. Cossack without faith - not the Cossack

The origin of the word "Cossack" is a few versions. According to one, it comes from the name of some tribes of the Turkic group who inhabited steppes between Moscow, Lithuanian, Polish states and the steppe khansions of the Tatars. Kastogi, Khazari ... The versions about the origin of the word and from the Turkish Kaz root, as well as from the Mongolian "Co.", which meant "Protection, Armor".

Many linguistic scientists find the Kozak's "Kazak" Turkic languages \u200b\u200bin the Turkic languages, and their meanings are "Guard, fighting, free, security." Despite the similarity of most of the versions, the question of the origin of the term remains open.

Where did they come from?

There is no certain opinion about the origin of the Cossacks themselves. There are a number of versions on the origin of this part of the people:

  1. Running fortresses from Russian principalities. For a long time, this version was considered official and still appears in school textbooks. In the twentieth century, it was criticized as dubious.
  2. Self-education on empty lands. Returns of numerous steppe and mountain tribes: Kyrgyzov, Circassians, Kasogov and many others who have merged with the same Russian "free".
  3. The strategic plan of the Russian kings. Specially nominated on the borders of the Slavic states "free people", freed from taxes, like a shield from militant steppe tribes.
  4. The version of the Golden Horde. According to one of the versions, the Cossacks originated from the Slavic population of a powerful, but fragile on a historic scale, the Mongolian-Tatar empire Golden Horde. According to this version, the Cossacks were settled on the banks of Don and Dnieper Ordans.

Despite numerous studies, the question of the emergence of this ethnos (or subethnos) still remains open.

What was the Cossacks

Despite the presence among the "free people" of various nationalities, the backbone was Russian and Ukrainians. In general, they can be divided into two groups: the first consisted of the so-called serving, the registers (Cossack ranks who were in the public service), and the second from the free living on the banks of the Dnieper, Don, Yaika and Terek, with the "Stanny" self-government.

Large territorial and public education was called the army, for example, Don Army. Affordable clauses of Cossacks had animal husbandry, hunting crashes, including fishing. The absence of agriculture can be explained by two reasons - the state of a permanent war in which the troops were with the surrounding militant neighbors, and the formed culture of warriors, for which landpaste was a "low" exercise.

Well, the main role in the life of the Cossacks was played by military actions, and primarily mining, which was the main article of their income. The commodity expression "for Zipunov" went from hiking in the Crimean, Persian lands, in the Caucasus. Martial treasures were not limited to land - river raids were very common (on the lands and ears) and sea.

Relationship with Russia

After the Cossacks have formed into state associations, the troops began, diplomatic relations began with Moscow - village embassies and elected Ataman were sent to the capital.

At first, Russia - troops were built on allied principles against common opponents. Moscow, in some way, it was even convenient to have any independent Cossacks - for numerous raids of "scars" Russia did not carry responsibility, was securely covered from the aggression of the steppe tribes and at the same time could have been used from time to the time of allies, suspending the supply of weapons and food.

Over time, the relations of partners were cooled - Moscow was disturbed by the constant care of Russian subjects to the lower "Cossacks", and also bothered the autonomy of such serious military associations next to the borders. And since the seventeenth century, the "free people" began to prove that the suspicions were not unsociable: Razin's uprisings, Pugachev, Bulavina, support for Falseedmitria was demonstrated by the Russian Empire, how serious the striking warriors were.

By cautious and patient diplomatic moves, Russian states managed to lead to the end of the 17th century, the highest Cossacks for taking the oath, which de facto made Russian subjects from them. Peter I abolished elected atamans, made out of the opposite (that is, as appointed state). The last "sip of freedom" was the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev, after the suppression of which, at the direction of Catherine II, Zaporizhzhya was eliminated.

What were the titles and how

The first, elected Cossack ranks were as follows: Plastun, Alexander, Sotnik, Chericar, Ataman, Hetman. With the development of the organization of troops, the titles of the military judge, Esula, Colonel and some others appeared.

After the loss of independence and entry troops, the ranks of the Stanniknikov were combined into a single system. Under Nicolae I, Cossack ranks and Russian ranks were reduced. Comparisons were as follows:

  1. The younger ranks were: Plastun (Private), a conjunction (corporal), a leakager (sergeant), Wahmistra (Feldfelbel).
  2. Ober-officer ranks: Khorunzhiy - Podororuk (modern lieutenant); Sotnik - Lieutenant (modern senior lieutenant); Headfather - headquarters-captain, headquarters, Rothmistra (modern captain); Esaul (there were a very different - military, regimental, hundredth, general) - Rothmistra (modern major); Colonel - Higher Ober-Officer Chin.
  3. General General - Ataman (General), Hetman (Commander).

Title in modern Russia

Nowadays, the Cossack ranks were restored. In the Soviet Union, respectively, they were abolished as a relic of tsarism. Of course, it was not without persecution - there were also exiled, and shot, and emigrated.

So, Cossack ranks from the lowest to the highest:

  1. The lowest ranks include: Senior District, Saltarist, Junior District, Crazy, Cossack (Plastun).
  2. The younger ranks include: Senior Wahmistra, Wahmistra, Junior Wahmist.
  3. Senior ranks: Headfall, Sotnik, Horujij, Pokhoruzhiy.
  4. Main ranks: Colonel, military officer, Esaul.
  5. Higher Chin: General.

What they had epaulets

As a rule, the Cossacks, even being part of the Russian army, had a different pursuit system. It was associated with their unambiguous self-determination as a special, elite caste. Russian rulers, given the excellent fighting rates of "Stanniknikov", did not become forcibly equal to the "one comb". So, Cossack ranks and epaulets:

  1. Plastun (ordinary) - "naked" pursuit.
  2. Crazy (Efreitor) - one skirt.
  3. The ledger (sergeant) is two skirts.
  4. Senior Deliver - one wide skirt.
  5. Junior Wahmistra (Starshina) - longitudinal galoon.
  6. Wahmistra (ensign) - longitudinal galoon and two stars.
  7. Senior Wahmistra (Senior Envastor) - longitudinal galoon and three stars.
  8. Pokhoruzhiy - one clearance with one star.
  9. Horounjium (Lieutenant) is one clearance with two stars.
  10. Sotnik (senior lieutenant) - one clearance with three stars.
  11. Headfilled (captain) - one clearance with four stars.
  12. Esaul (Major) is one clearance.
  13. The military officer (lieutenant colonel) is two lumen with three stars.
  14. Colonel - two lumets.
  15. General - two stars.

What can I understand, exploring Cossack ranks and titles? The photo comparison of the "Stanic" and all-Russian pursuit and ranks says that after the loss of independence troops, their special system was tied to the Russian and differ from it only in detail.

What can be said about "Stanniki" today?

Cossacks - a unique phenomenon, a unique culture formed in the conditions of constant conflicts and thorough by Cast of Freedom-loving warriors. What happens today, when hereditary "Stanniki" begin to realize themselves, studying the history of their grandfathers and great-grandfather, Cossack ranks and epaulets? The photo of fearless and skilled fighters participating in the First World War, Civil and Great Patriotic War, allows them to touch some historical community, to realize themselves not just a resident of Krasnodar, Rostov or Stavropol, but also a descendant of amazing, courageous and freedom-loving people.

Cossack ranks - These are the ranks (ranks), personally assigned to military personnel and military-rich (including the Cossacks on the benefit) in accordance with their military and special training, service provisions, merit, supraid years, belonging to the Cossack army.


The first ranks (positions) of the Cossacks () - Hetman, Ataman, Chericar, Sotnik, and a decommant were elected.

Later, the emergence of ranks in the Cossack troops (Colonel, the military judge, Esaul and so on) refers to the XV-XVI centuries, which was associated with the development of the Cossack military organization as troops.

In Russian troops, the ranks were first introduced in the middle of the XVI century in Streletsky troops. The last Russian king and the first All-Russian Emperor Peter I established a unified system of military, civil and courtes, which was finally fixed in 1722 in the "Range Tabel". The ranks correlated to a specific class, the oldest of which was the first class.

At the end of the XVIII century, the Officers of Cossack troops were included in the rank tabel.

In 1828, under the emperor, Nicholas I in Cossack troops introduced a single system of all ranks (military ranks). By that time, the Cossacks existed the following ranks:

  • headquarters (senior officers) - Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel and military officer;
  • ober officers (junior officers) - Esaul, Sotnik, Khoruzhiy;
  • bottom ranks - Wahmistra, District, Crade and Cossack (Private).

In the future, this system of ranks (military posts - ranks) in the Cossack troops did not tolerate more changes. In 1880, the chin of the coinage is introduced.

In 1884, the Chin of the Lieutenant Colonel is replaced by the biennial of the military elder, who previously corresponded to the Army Major, and the rank of Pesaulula, equal to the headquarters of the Rothmol in the Army Cavalry.



At the lowest step of the service staircase of the Cossack troops stood private Cossackcorresponding to ordinary infantry.


Crazy had one skip and corresponded efreitor in infantry, Ukrainian - Icons.


The ranks of the younger Deliver and Senior District, corresponded to the youngest Unter-Officer and the senior Unter-Officer, respectively; The number of skies is also typical for the modern sergeant composition, Ukrainian - Young Vistun, Vistun, Senior Vistun.


Wahmistra - The next Chin, which was not only in Cossacks, and in the Unter-officer composition of cavalry and horse artillery. In the Russian Army and Gendarmery, the Vakhmistra was the closest assistant to the commander hundreds, a squadron, batteries on construction preparation, internal order and economic deeds. Chin Wahmista corresponded to the rank of Feldfebel in the infantry, Ukrainian - Young chotar,Choto, senior chotar.


Under the position of 1884, introduced by Alexander III, the following in the Cossack troops, but only for wartime, was "Poporuzhiy", which corresponded to the rank of infantry in the infantry (ensign in the modern army) and was introduced only in wartime. In peacetime, except for the Cossack troops, these ranks existed only in stock. Uphoforzhy did not apply to the officer rank and was the most eldest non-commissioned officer.

The first officer in infantry, only in wartime and for the militia was the title of "ensign", which corresponds to the modern rank of "Junior Lieutenant", Ukrainian - Підхоонжий..


Khorunzhiy - The following degree, in fact, primary Ober-Officer Chin, corresponds to a subworch in the infantry or cornet in cavalry. According to the official position, the lieutenant in the modern army corresponds, carried straps with blue lumen on a silver field (applied color of the Don troops) with two asterisks, Ukrainian - Khorunzhiy.


Sotnik - Ober officer Chin in Cossack troops, corresponding to the guarantor in the regular army. Sotnik wore straps of the same design, but with three stars, corresponding to the modern senior lieutenant in its position. Commanded semolot, Ukrainian - Sotnik.


Podbeat He was an assistant or deputy esaul, commanded the Cossack hundred. Shooting had the same design that the Sotnik, but with four stars. According to the official position corresponds to the modern captain. This rank was introduced in 1884 in regular troops, the rank of headquarters and headquarters, Ukrainian - Pіdosavul.


Esauli There were general, military, regimental, hundredths, striking, hiking and artillery. General Esaul (two on the army) is the highest rank after hetman. In peacetime, the General Esulys performed inspector functions, commanded several shelves in the war, and in the absence of hetman, all the army. But this is characteristic only for Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. Ukrainian - Osavul.

Troops Esaulu Selected on the military circle (in the Don and most others - two on the army, in Volzhsky and Orenburg - one by one). Engaged in administrative affairs. Since 1835, they were appointed as an adjutant at the military unable ataman.

Regiment Esauli (Initially, two on the regiment) carried out the duties of headquarters officers, were the closest assistants of the regiment commander. Sota and Esuly (one per hundred) commanded hundreds. This link was not inhibited in the Don Troops after the first centuries of the existence of the Cossacks. Static Esuala were characteristic only for Don Troops. They were chosen on the barn gases and were assistants of Stanic Atamans.

Hiking Esauli. (Usually two on the army) were chosen when speaking in a campaign. The functions of the assistants of the campaign ataman were performed, in the XVI - XVII centuries, with its absence, he was commanded by the army, later were the performers of the orders of the campaign ataman.

Artillery Esaul (one on the army) obeyed the head of artillery and performed his assignments.

General, regimental, striking and other Esaululy were gradually abolished.

Only the troops of the Cossack troops were maintained at the troops of the Cossack troops.

In 1798-1800. Chin Elaula was equated to Rothmister's rank in cavalry.

Esaul, as a rule, commanded (on behalf of the senior chief) a detachment from one to several hundred. Complied according to the official position of the modern major. Washed epaulets with one lumen without asterisks.

Forces Storn

Name forces Storn It happened from the old name of the executive body in the Cossacks. In the second half of the XVIII century, this name in a modified form has spread to persons who commanded certain sectors of the Cossack troops. Since 1754, the military foreman was equated with the Major, and with the abolition of this rank in 1884 - to lieutenant colonel. I wore straps with two blue lumen on the silver field and three stars (up to 1884 - with two stars), Ukrainian - Vіyskova Starshin.


Colonel - Shores are the same as the military elder, but without sprockets with two lumen or epolutions. Supreme headquarters officer in Cossack troops. Assigned regiments, Ukrainian - Colonel.

Ataman traveled

Ataman traveled - straps are the same as the general composition. Chin was assigned in wartime generals of the Cossack troops at each army; They watched the right use and conservation of Cossack troops.

Ataman Military Okazna

Ataman forksova's madman. Chin was assigned to the heads of the military and civilian administration of the Don, Siberian, Caucasian and the Amur Cossack troops.

Ataman Nakazna

Chin was assigned to the heads of military and civilian administration in Terek, Kuban, Astrakhan, Ural, Semirechensky, Zabaykalsky, Amur and Ussuri Cossack troops.

Augusta Ataman of all Cossack troops

Honorary Chin, assigned from 1827 to Jesarevich's heir before joining him to the throne.


Hetman - Traditional title of managers. In April-December 1918 - the name of the position of the head of the Ukrainian Power.

Modern Cossack ranks in Russia

Main article: State Register of Cossack Societies of the Russian Federation

Lower ranks

Cossack, conjugant, Junior District, District, Senior Senior

Junior ranks

Junior Wahmistra, Wahmistra, Senior Wahmistra.

Senior ranks

Pokhoruzhiy, Khoruzhiy, Sotnik, picked.

Understanding the image of the Cossack is presented by a picture of a well-striking view, an earring in the ear, mustache, a checker and necessarily with a falcon on the head. Such an image was firmly developed thanks to numerous works of literature, in which the Cossacks were considered as an independent ethnic, with their traditions, cultural heritage, and lifestyle. But not everyone reliably knows the history of the origin of the Cossacks in Russia, and meanwhile, there are many interesting facts in it.

History of Russian Cossacks

It is not possible to establish the origin of the term "Cossack" without disputes. On this occasion, there are several versions contrary to each other. Only asked about 18. All of them are combined into two groups, the main idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is the migratory nature of the settlement of the Cossacks or the emergence of a new ethnos, as a radical layer of the population. We do not set ourselves the goal to explore the true history of the origin of the Cossacks, since this process was long enough and is connected with difficult mixing of various birth. Interest represents the formation of the Cossack troops, and here it is necessary to refer to history.

About the first communities of Cossacks becomes known from the 15th century. Initially, they represented groups of free Don, Dnipro or Volzhsky Cossacks, and later the famous Zaporizhia Sch will arose. Stories are known facts about the existence of also Siberian, as well as the Teresk groups. They were engaged in hunting and fishing, but by the 18th century, agriculture were mastered. By the time of entry into the military structure of the Russian Empire, the Cossacks became a truly independent group that had income not only from fishery, but also from obtaining state salary.

In the history of the battle of the Russian troops of the Imperial Epoch, a separate line belongs to the Cossacks. They not only took part in the protection of state borders. As part of the expeditions of famous landlords, Cossacks were necessarily attended.

In the final of the Patriotic War of 1812, which was marked by the fact that the Russian army stormed the French capital, there were powerful agitation among the population aimed at the demonization of Cossack troops. What was the surprise of ordinary citizens, when the state military was included in the capital, which are the symbol of valor, honor and justice.

Don Cossacks and Kubans

All communities were separated by each other according to the territory of the settlement:

  • The troops of the Don Cossacks were formed from the representatives of the group resettled along the bank of the Don River. Donents are considered the most numerous, as they occupied the territory of Rostov, Volgograd, Voronezh, Donetsk and the Lugansk region. Even the territory of Kalmykia fell under the settlement by the Don Cossacks.
  • The troops of the Cuban Cossacks and the troops were included in the tsarist army. It is not difficult to guess that the geography of the Kuban Cossacks is associated with the river of the same name. Their territory extended from the Rostov region, in the North Caucasus, to the Republic of Adygea. A lot of military exploits made Kubans in the ranks of the Russian army, but they also became famous for their cultural heritage, which recently is actively recovering.

In general, if you make a speech about the state of the Cossack today, it should be noted that the revival of traditions is a practically a state program. This was repeatedly stated by President V.V. Putin.

Cossacks in the XX century

The history of the Russian Cossacks in the 20th century is full of tragic events. After the revolution, everything was denied that at least somehow reminded the monarchy, and since the Cossacks symbolized the protection and inappropriateness of the imperial throne, then this estate was susceptible to mass repression. As an army structure, the Cossack army was abolished, and the population was resettlement on the territory of the state, the conclusion and execution and saying not to speak.

But loyalty to his fatherland, which remained in the blood of hereditary Cossacks, gave impetus to revival. This period fell on the time for the country - the time of the Great Patriotic War. On all the fronts, the newly formed Cossack parts were heroicianly fought for freedom from German invaders.

Today, the TCR (Union of Cossacks of Russia) revives the Cossack rank of ranks and epaulets, as well as the order of their wearing and assignment. Popularization of the Cossack does not turn it into a trend flow. It is honored by blood commitment, and not just a desire to join the community.

Hierarchy in the Cossack troops

In the Cossack troops, a sufficiently large number of different ranks and ranks were found, in many ways because they had the initial elected. They included Ataman, Kantheria, Sotnik, Hetman and Alex. After a while, if we are more precise, in the fifth and sixteenth centuries, new military ranks appeared, among whom - the attacker, Esaul, Heptman, Ataman and others. It was from this that the development of the systematization of the Cossack troops, which later made the necessary contribution to the development of the Cossacks began.

From this point on, the sets in Cossack troops began to be conducted in a number of 600 people. "Head", which was engaged in a set of the right number of soldiers followed direct orders of high-ranking military represented by the governor. The set was conducted from the "devices", which were divided into smaller - hundreds. At the head of hundreds stood by the centuries, under the guidance of which were faded. Further on the hierarchy, there were dozens, which, therefore, managed the foreman. Everyone managed its division in due measure.

In each Cossack settlement, the Military Cossacks were distributed, which performed almost the same duties and had the same rights as ordinary fittings. The detachments in the Cossack troops were called the villages, at the head of which were atamans. When entering the service in a city where they lived in the future, they submitted to the urban governor, fulfilling all his orders and commands.

As a mansion, others were sent to this settlement, "Watching" Cossacks, who had another manager. Their position was especially high, they were considered more lifetime even Pentecostal. In the case of atamans, they are also highly appreciated, they were even put on a single row with "boyars children", as a result of which they were honored to receive from money, also land plots within the village.

As a result of the "Tabel about ranks", which came out of the feather of Peter the Great, in the eighteenth century there were global changes in the Cossack rank of the royal army. All ranks and ranks were ordered, distributed in one class - the first. At the end of the same century, there were changes and the Cossack military system, they were introduced into the main document and now stood on a par with other ranks.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, certain innovations occurred, as a result of which the Cossack troops were retrained. But after the monarch Alexander the Third introduced these changes, in the future there were no innovations, only at the end of the nineteenth century a new title appears - Pokhoruzhiy.

Ships Cossacks

Although the Cossacks were considered a free formation, a strictly defined union was established in the ranks of the troops. After the introduction of troops into regular formations, military ranks in the Cossack troops of the tsarist army were aligned with officerpieces. Until now, you can compare Cossack ranks and epaulets, for example, with the ride of the army of the Russian Federation or the USSR.

The junior rank of ordinary is equal to the title of Cossack. The Cossack carries a pentagonal shape of blue. To the collar, the pursuit is fastened with a silver button with the image of the coat of arms. The field version is defined, it is made of a cloth of green. Lychek or stripes from the Cossack not.

A acaus of the order of the ordinary, following in the Cossack hierarchy, is located a narrow strip in the form of stripes, it is often called a skip. In the ranks of the Soviet or Russian army, a similar sign is assigned to the Efreitor. The title of the Order Cossack could only get a certain time after a certain time. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the titles were appointed, but some of them were elected by a common one.

Junior Senior Senior Senior District, these are the ranks that ended with the same powers as the servicemen of the sergeant composition. They were imposed on organizational and command functions, subject to the existence of appropriate training. Shooter shoulder straps contain two or three narrow strips. It is known that in the RA in this way the title of younger sergeant or sergeant is indicated. Striped color - white or silver.

Senior sergeant married a sergeant group of military ranks. In the Cossack troops there are no such consonance. The appropriate rank has a wachmist, on the pursuit of which one wide white skip is bangled. If you conduct analogies with the troops of the tsarist era, then the Wahmyster performed the duties of Feldfel. The main position in the hierarchy remains identical. After this title, the group of officers starts.

Shareers of the officer have six corners. Part of the pursuit facing the collar is made in the form of a trapezium. As before, he is fastened with a button with the coat of arms, but is no longer done from the cloth, but from a specially intertwined galoon. Pilhoruzhiy corresponds to the rank of younger lieutenant. On the silver field, the lumen of the cornflower is highlighted, this clearance is sometimes called a strip. In the modern army, one clever indicates the belonging of the serviceman to the younger officer. On the pursuit of the coinage, there is one asterisk, which is attached along the axis of symmetry. Cant pursuit of cornflower color.

Complete this group of Horounjium and Sotnik. If you bring an analogy with modern army titles, then according to the status and by type, these ranks are similar to the lieutenant and senior lieutenant. If you compare with the royal army, then the centurion corresponded to the rank of lieutenant. For these ranks, two stars are located across, and three stars form a triangle.

The officer who bears the title in the Cossack troops corresponding to the army rank of Major, is Esaul. His pursuit does not contain stars, but has two lumes of a cornflower shade. The difference between the construction of the hierarchy is that the preceding title approaches the younger officer and corresponds to the captain, while the two strips of Esuula speak about raising rank.

The next stage is associated with the title. There is still a difference here, since three stars are located on the pursuit of this officer. That is, it can be seen that there is no familiar addition of stars as in RA. This title corresponds to the rank of lieutenant colonel (two stars with two lumen). Restores the unity of the rank of colonel. The Cossack Colonel is considered to be in the same rank as Colonel of the Russian Federation.

The correspondences of the titles of the Cossack troops and the ranks of the Sun are clearly regulated for effective assistance. Separate formations of Cossack troops are attracted to patrols and to control the order in places of accumulation of people, although they act under the auspices of voluntary organizations.

At the lowest step of the service staircase of the Cossack troops stood an ordinary Cossack, corresponding to the diagnostic infantry.

Crazy had one skip and corresponded to the Efreitor in the infantry.

The ranks of the younger Die-Nika and Senior District, corresponded to the youngest Unter-Diet Cerma and older than Unter-Officer, respectively. In the modern Russian army, the title title is similar to the rank of sergeant, and the epaulets have two in the younger and three from the senior crossroads of the transverse strips. The ledger could command 26 horsemen (platoon)

Vakhmistra artillery. In the Russian army and gendarmerie, the Wahmistra was the closest assistant of commander, squadron, batteries on build-training, internal order and economic affairs. Chin Wahmistra corresponded to the rank of Feldofebell in the infantry.

According to the position of 1884, in the Cossack Queen, in the Cossack Queens III, but only for wartime, was "Pokekhoruzhiy", which corresponded to the commissioning of the subscript in the infantry (ensign in the modern army) and was introduced only in wartime . In peacetime, except for the Cossack troops, these ranks existed only in stock. Uphoforzhy did not apply to the officer rank and was the most eldest non-commissioned officer.

The first officer in the infantry, only in wartime and for the militia was the title of "ensign", which, despite the similar pursuit with the only asterisk, does not correspond to the modern title "Junior Lieutenant".

Horounjium is the following degree, in fact, the primary Ober-Officer Chin corresponds to a suborpecus in the infantry or cornet in cavalry. According to the official position corresponds to the lieutenant in the modern army, wearing epaulets with a goal lumen on the silver field (applied color of the Don troops) with two asterisks.

Sotnik - Ober officer Chin in Cossack troops, corresponding to the guarantor in the regular army. Sotnik wore straps of the same design, but with three stars, corresponding to the modern senior lieutenant in its position. Commanded semolute.

Headfied was an assistant or deputy Eustoula, commanded Kaza-Whose hundreds. Shoulder should have the same design that the Sotnik, but with the four stars-daughters. According to the official position corresponds to the modern captain. This rank was introduced in 1884 in regular troops corresponded to the rank of headquarters and headquarters.

Esaulules were general, military, regimental, hundredth, striking, hiking and artillery. General Esaul (two on the army) is the highest rank after hetman. In peacetime, the General Esuylas were performed by inspector functions, they commanded a multi-kimi shelves in the war, and in the absence of hetman - all army. But this is characteristic only for Zaporizhzhya Cossacks.

The military equipment was chosen on the military circle (in the Don and most others - two on the army, in Volzhsky and Orenburg - one by one). We were engaged in administrative affairs. Since 1835, appointed as an adjutant at the military unable ataman.

Regimental Esuylas (first two on the regiment) carried out the duties of headquarters officers, were the closest helps the regiment commander. Sota and Esuly (one per hundred) commanded hundreds. This link was not given in the Don troops after the first centuries of the existence of the Cossacks. Static Esulys were characteristic only for the Don Troops. They were chosen on the barn gases and were assistants of the Static Atama-New.

Hiking Esauli (usually two on the army) were chosen when speaking in a campaign. The functions of the assistants of the campaign Ataman are carried out, in the XVI - XVII centuries, with its absence, they were commanded by the army, later were the performers of the orders of the campaign ataman.

Artillery Esaul (one on the army) was subordinate to the nickname of artillery and performed his instructions.

General, regimental, old and other Esuyules post-pensioners were abolished.

Only the military essayul was maintained at the troops of the ATA-man of the Cossack troops.

In 1798-1800. Chin Elaula was equated to Rothmister's rank in cavalry.

Esaul, as a rule, the commando shaft (on behalf of the senior chief) a detachment from one to several hundred. Complied according to the official position of the modern major. Washed epaulets with one lumen without asterisks.

Troops Star-Tire
The name of the military officer was pro-coming from the old name of the executive body in the Cossacks. In the second half of the XVIII century, this name in the species-changed form was distributed to those who commanded certain branches of the Cossack troops. Since 1754, the military foreman is equivalent to the Major, and with the abolition of this rank in 1884 - to lieutenant colonel. Wearing epaulets with two blue lumens on a silver field and three stars (up to 1884 - with two stars).

Colonel - Shores are the same as the elderly army, but without a star-check with two lumen or epolutions. Supreme headquarters officer in Cossack troops. Assigned to regiment commanders.

Ataman traveled
Ataman traveled - straps are the same as the general composition. Chin was assigned in wartime generals of the Cossack troops at each army; They watched the right use and conservation of Cossack troops.

Ataman Military Okazna
Ataman forksova's madman. Chin was assigned to the heads of the military and civilian administration of the Don, Siberian, Caucasian and the Amur Cossack troops.

Ataman Nakazna
Chin was assigned to the heads of military and civilian administration in Terek, Kuban, Astrakhan, Ural, Semirechensky ,.

Augusta Ataman of all Cossack troops
Honorary Chin, assigned from 1827 to Jesarevich's heir before joining him to the throne.

Hetman is a traditional title of heads of Troops Zaporizhia. In April-December 1918 - the name of the position of the head of the Ukrainian Power.

Modern Cossack ranks in Russia [edit | edit wiki text]
Main article: State Register of Cossack Societies of the Russian Federation
Currently, Cossacks may exist in Cossack organizations. The members of the Cossack societies enrolled in the State Register of Cossack Societies are established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation and refer to a special title. Public organizations are established by a public organization and are not regulated by regulatory legal acts. At the same time, the Cossack organizations, as a rule, adhere to historical names of the ranks and signs of differences. In this case, part of the public Cossack organizations establish the general ranks that did not exist in the Cossacks.

cossack ranks and epaulets, Cossack ranks
- These are the ranks (ranks), personally assigned to military personnel and military-rich (including the Cossacks on the benefit) in accordance with their military and special training, service provisions, merit, supraid years, belonging to the Cossack army.

  • 1. History
  • 2 ranks
    • 2.1 Kazak
    • 2.2 Crazy
    • 2.3 SERITEER
    • 2.4 Wahmistra
    • 2.5 Uphoforzhiy
    • 2.6 Khorunzhiy
    • 2.7 Sotnik
    • 2.8 podaisul
    • 2.9 Esaul
    • 2.10 Troops Starshin
    • 2.11 Colonel
    • 2.12 Ataman traveled
    • 2.13 Ataman Okavna
    • 2.14 Ataman Nakazna
    • 2.15 AUGUSTER ATAMAN OF ALL Cossack troops
    • 2.16 Hetman
  • 3 Modern Cossacks ranks in Russia
    • 3.1 Lower ranks
    • 3.2 Junior ranks
    • 3.3 Senior ranks
    • 3.4 Main ranks
    • 3.5 Higher ranks
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 Links


The first ranks (positions) from the Cossacks (Zaporizhia Schish) - Hetman, Ataman, Cheric, Cartares, Sotnik, and a decommant were elected.

Later, the appearance of the ranks in the Cossack troops (Colonel, Nakaznaya Ataman, the military officer, the military judge, Esaul and so on) refers to the XV-XVI centuries, which was associated with the development of the Cossack military organization as troops.

In Russian troops, the ranks were first introduced in the middle of the XVI century in Streletsky troops.

The city Cossacks of the Russian state in the XVI-XVIII centuries were in the "device" of their head, which and gained them to the service. Cossack "Head" directly submitted to the cities of the governor or siege "head." The normal composition of the "appliance" was calculated in 500 people. "Instruments" were divided into hundreds who were in the "order" of the Centnies. Hundreds in turn were divided into fifty (headed by Pentecostals) and dozens (led by the foreman). The rights and obligations of officials of the city Cossacks corresponded to the functions of the same officials in Streltsov. The Cossacks posted on the cities received the name of the city where they were settled. The Cossacks received by the detachments (villages), their elected atamans were preserved, who submitted to the Cossack "head" or a cities of the governor. The mansion was the guard of the Cossacks, often submitted to their separate "head". The rank of ordinary watchdog Cossack was higher than the rank of Pentecostal of the city Cossacks. Cossack Atamans, "Heads", Sotniki and Watchtop Cossacks were equated to "Boyarsky Children" and received not only money for their service, but also land plots.

The last Russian king and the first All-Russian Emperor Peter I established a unified system of military, civil and courtes, which was finally fixed in 1722 in the "Range Tabel". The ranks correlated to a specific class, the oldest of which was the first class.

At the end of the XVIII century, the Officers of Cossack troops were included in the rank tabel.

In 1828, under the emperor, Nicholas I in Cossack troops introduced a single system of all ranks (military ranks). By that time, the Cossacks existed the following ranks:

  • headquarters (senior officers) - Colonel Lieutenant Colonel and military officer;
  • ober officers (junior officers) - Esaul, Sotnik, Khoruzhiy;
  • bottom ranks - Wahmistra, District, Crade and Cossack (Private).

In the future, this system of ranks (military posts - ranks) in the Cossack troops did not tolerate more changes. 1880 introduced the rank of coinage.

In 1884, the Chin of the Lieutenant Colonel is replaced by the biennial of the military elder, who previously corresponded to the Army Major, and the rank of Pesaulula, equal to the headquarters of the Rothmol in the Army Cavalry.

In the Russian Empire, the person from the Cossack class, performing the obligations of the respective Cossack officers, but not having the right to produce in military rank, was called "Culture-Khorunzhiy", "Culture-Sotnik", "Ceared-Esouul". For example, the Chin of Ceury-Horujego was given to Wahmistra and Distributoring for combat differences. On the chalifiers, they had "on the top" of the pursuit, across it, the stripes of the title, from which they were produced into the officer rank. From the staffing Cossack officers, the officers also distinguished and some details of the uniforms were also distinguished - the lack of officer temlars, officer Galun on the thoroughties, etc.



At the lowest step of the service staircase of the Cossack troops stood private Cossackcorresponding to ordinary infantry.


Crazy had one skip and corresponded efreitor in infantry.


The titles of the younger Deliver and Senior District, corresponded to the youngest Unter-Officer and the senior Unter-Officer, respectively. The modern Russian army is the title of a verbian in the same way the rank of sergeant, and the epaulets have two in the younger and three from the senior crossroads of transverse strips. The ledger could command 26 horsemen (platoon). Cossack Saltier is a hero of the song there, behind the river.


Wahmistra artillery. Russian Army and Gendarmery Wahmistra was the closest assistant commander of hundreds, a squadron, batteries on construction preparation, internal order and economic deeds. Chin Wahmistra corresponded to the rank of Feldofebell in the infantry.


Under the provision of 1884, introduced by Alexander III, the following in the Cossack troops, but only for wartime, was "Pophorugius", which corresponded to the rank of the submarine in the infantry (ensign in the modern army) and was introduced only in wartime. Peaceful time, except for the Cossack troops, these ranks existed only in stock. Uphoforzhy did not apply to the officer rank and was the most eldest non-commissioned officer.

The first officer in the infantry, only in wartime and for the militia was the title of "ensign", which, despite the similar pursuit with the only asterisk, does not correspond to the modern title "Junior Lieutenant".


Khorunzhiy - The following degree, in fact, primary Ober-Officer Chin, corresponds to a subworch in the infantry or cornet in cavalry. According to the official position, the lieutenant in the modern army corresponds to a blue lumen on a silver field (applied color of the Don Army) with two asterisks.


Sotnik - Ober officer Chin in Cossack troops, corresponding to the guarantor in the regular army. Sotnik wore straps of the same design, but with three stars, corresponding to the modern senior lieutenant in its position. Commanded semolute.


Podbeat He was an assistant or deputy esaul, commanded the Cossack hundred. Shooting had the same design that the Sotnik, but with four stars. According to the official position corresponds to the modern captain. This rank was introduced in 1884. Regular troops corresponded to the rank of headquarters and headquarters.


Esauli There were general, military, regimental, hundredths, striking, hiking and artillery. General Esaul (two on the army) is the highest rank after hetman. Peaceful Time General Esuala performed inspector functions, commanded several shelves in the war, and in the absence of hetman - all the army. But this is characteristic only for Zaporizhzhya Cossacks.

Troops Esaulu Selected on the military circle (in the Don and most others - two on the army, in Volzhsky and Orenburg - one by one). Engaged in administrative affairs. Since 1835, they were appointed as an adjutant at the military unable ataman.

Regiment Esauli (Initially, two on the regiment) carried out the duties of headquarters officers, were the closest assistants of the regiment commander. Sota and Esuly (one per hundred) commanded hundreds. This link was not inhibited in the Don Troops after the first centuries of the existence of the Cossacks. Static Esuala were characteristic only for Don Troops. They were chosen on the barn gases and were assistants of Stanic Atamans.

Hiking Esauli. (Usually two on the army) were chosen when speaking in a campaign. The functions of the assistants of the campaign ataman were performed, in the XVI - XVII centuries, with its absence, he was commanded by the army, later were the performers of the orders of the campaign ataman.

Artillery Esaul (one on the army) obeyed the head of artillery and performed his assignments.

General, regimental, striking and other Esaululy were gradually abolished.

Only the troops of the Cossack troops were maintained at the troops of the Cossack troops.

In 1798-1800. Chin Elaula was equated to Rothmister's rank in cavalry.

Esaul, as a rule, commanded (on behalf of the senior chief) a detachment from one to several hundred. Complied according to the official position of the modern major. Washed epaulets with one lumen without asterisks.

Forces Storn

Name forces Storn It happened from the old name of the executive body in the Cossacks. In the second half of the XVIII century, this name in a modified form has spread to persons who commanded certain sectors of the Cossack troops. Since 1754, the military foreman was equated with the Major, and with the abolition of this rank in 1884 - to lieutenant colonel. Wearing epaulets with two blue lumens on a silver field and three stars (up to 1884 - with two stars).


Colonel - Shores are the same as the military elder, but without sprockets with two lumen or epolutions. Supreme headquarters officer in Cossack troops. Assigned to regiment commanders.

Ataman traveled

Ataman traveled - straps are the same as the general composition. Chin was assigned in wartime generals of the Cossack troops at each army; They watched the right use and conservation of Cossack troops.

Ataman Military Okazna

Ataman forksova's madman. Chin was assigned to the heads of the military and civilian administration of the Don, Siberian, Caucasian and the Amur Cossack troops.

Ataman Nakazna

Chin was assigned to the heads of military and civilian administration in Terek, Kuban, Astrakhan, Ural, Semirechensky ,.

Augusta Ataman of all Cossack troops

Honorary Chin, assigned from 1827 to Jesarevich's heir before joining him to the throne.


Hetman - Traditional title of heads of Troops Zaporizhia. April-December 1918 - the name of the position of the head of the Ukrainian Power.

Modern Cossack ranks in Russia

Main article: State Register of Cossack Societies of the Russian Federation

Lower ranks

Cossack, a conjugant, junior ledger, a ledger, a senior leakage.

Junior ranks

Junior Wahmistra, Wahmistra, Senior Wahmistra.

Senior ranks

Pokhoruzhiy, Khoruzhiy, Sotnik, picked.

Main ranks

Esaul, military officer, Cossack Colonel.

Higher ranks

Cossack General.

Full rank Compliance in the Armed Forces of Russia Compliance in the royal army
Cossack Private Private
Crazy Efreitor
Sillarnik = Unter-Officer
Wahmistra Stornish Feldwebel, Wahmistra
Pokhoruzhiy Ensign
Khorunzhiy Lieutenant Cornet
Sotnik Senior lieutenant Lieutenant
Podbeat Captain Headquarters-captain, headquarters-Rothmist
Esaul Major Captain, Rothmist
Forces Storn Lieutenant colonel Lieutenant colonel
Cossack Colonel Colonel Colonel
Cossack general General General


  1. Ill. 381. Cossack Don Troops and Ober-Officer of Don Conno-Artillery No. 2 Battery, May 30, 1862. (in urban parade form). // Changes in the outfit and armament of the troops of the Russian imperial army from the modernity of the sovereign of the emperor Alexander Nikolayevich (with additions). - SPB.: Military Typography, 1857 - 1881, 1862, 1864-1866, 1869, 1871, 1872, 1875, 1879, 1880.
  2. Ill. 382. District of Troops and General of the Troops, May 30, 1862. (In ordinary hiking and in urban festive form). // Changes in the outfit and armament of the troops of the Russian imperial army from the modernity of the sovereign of the emperor Alexander Nikolayevich (with additions). - SPB.: Military Typography, 1857 - 1881, 1862, 1864-1866, 1869, 1871, 1872, 1875, 1879, 1880.
  3. Ill. 476. Don Cossack shelves and artillery, September 30, 1867. (Parade form). // Changes in the outfit and armament of the troops of the Russian imperial army from the modernity of the sovereign of the emperor Alexander Nikolayevich (with additions). - SPB.: Military Typography, 1857 - 1881, 1862, 1864-1866, 1869, 1871, 1872, 1875, 1879, 1880.
  4. 1 2 Cossack ranks and epaulets of the TCR in comparison with the military titles of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
  5. The first Cossack posts


  • Cossack ranks and epaulets of the CCR in comparison with the military titles of the Armed Forces of Russia.
  • Cossack ranks. ChinOperation.

cossack ranks, Cossack ranks and epaulets

Cossack ranks information about