What is Elena's church name? When is Helen's Day in a year?

What is Elena's church name?  When is Helen's Day in a year?
What is Elena's church name? When is Helen's Day in a year?

Often at birthdays, guests raise a toast: “To the health of the birthday boy.” They do this from the bottom of their hearts, from the bottom of their hearts they wish this person all the best, but such an appeal to the hero of the occasion cannot always be considered correct. After all, what exactly is a name day? This is the day on which the saint under whose name a person was baptized is commemorated. If it coincides with a birthday, then everything is in order, let's drink to the birthday person. If not, then exclusively for the hero of the day or just a dear friend.

We are all someone's namesake. Even those with the exotic name Dazdraperma (“Long live the first of May”) can find a sister in misfortune. True, their name day will be held on the day of a saint with a less revolutionary name, provided that they are baptized, of course. So, before becoming a birthday boy, you need to go through a certain path, but at the end of it a new bright road opens, hand in hand with two angels - a guardian angel and a patron angel (the saint whose name we bear). That’s why name days are also called Angel Day.

In this article we will find out as much as possible about what days Elena’s name day takes place according to the church calendar. And also which day is patronized by which saint.

So, what date is Elena’s name day? The first date of the year is January 28. On this day, the holy martyr Helen is commemorated, who was firm in her faith in Christ, for which she accepted martyrdom.

Now let's see what date Elena's name day is in the spring. Here we see 2 dates: March 3 and May 21. These days the Church commemorates the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helen, or Helen of Constantinople. She was the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine and contributed greatly to the spread of Christianity. She was also proclaimed Equal to the Apostles because, thanks to the excavations she organized, the Life-Giving Cross was found in Jerusalem. Just the one on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

"Summer" by Elena

What date is Elena’s name day in the summer? The summer months make it possible to celebrate the name day of Elena the Beautiful's namesakes as many as 3 times! Let's call them in order:

  • June 8. Day of the Holy Martyr Helen - daughter of the Holy Apostle Alpheus. She was stoned to death because she professed Christianity.
  • June 10th. On this day the Venerable Elena Diveevskaya (Manturova) is commemorated. She was a nun, an ascetic. She led an extremely ascetic lifestyle and constantly prayed. Seraphim of Sarov highly valued Elena and said that she was “the maid of honor of the Queen of Heaven” and that her relics would rest openly in the monastery of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery.
  • July 11. Day of remembrance of Saint Olga Equal to the Apostles (baptized Elena). Princess Olga, who brutally avenged the death of her husband (Prince Igor), became a Christian and did a lot to prepare the ground for the adoption of Christianity in Russia. She is called the “chief of faith” in Russia.

Not all names are so “lucky” on their name day. Many people can celebrate them 1, well, maximum, 2 times a year. But it’s not for nothing that Helen means “torch” in Greek. Having once chosen their fate, these great women went to the end, burning out, but illuminating the way for others. That is why Saint Helena appears so often in the calendar. Name days provide an opportunity to remember their life and their death, because both are extremely important for a Christian.

Elena's name day in the fall

Well, we only have autumn left. What is Elena’s name day at this time of year?

November 12th is the day of St. Helena of Serbia. The wife of King Stephen of Serbia, mother of saints Milutin and Dragutin, did a lot to bring peace to her land, protected and enlightened her people. She donated a lot to help orphans and to build churches and monasteries. After the death of her husband, she became a nun under the name Elisaveta.

How to determine your name day?

Of course, no one will celebrate name days so many times, and this is not necessary. In order to determine the day of your Angel, find the date of commemoration of “your” saint closest to your birthday. For example, the great opera singer Elena Obraztsova was born on July 7th. This means that she will be able to celebrate her name day on July 11, and her patron was and will be Saint Olga (Elena), Equal to the Apostles.

Elena's name day, Elena's angel day.

Translated from Greek, the name Elena means- “faded, sparkling.”

“By name and life (i.e. life)” says ancient folk wisdom. The name given at birth is often the main accent that determines character and indicates the path to follow in life. Often, biographies (lives) of those saints who not only bore this name, but also glorified it throughout the centuries with the feat of their lives help to understand and more fully reveal the meaning of a name.

Elena's name day, An's dayGela Elena are celebrated

28 January; June 3; June 8; June 10th; 10th of August; September 17; November 12

Today, June 3rd, Saint Helen of Constantinople, Equal to the Apostles, Queen May
Brief information:
Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helen (Flavia Julia Helena Augusta) was born around 250 in the small village of Drepana in Bithynia (near Constantinople in Asia Minor). In the early 270s, she became the wife, or concubine, that is, the unofficial permanent cohabitant of Constantius Chlorus, who later became the ruler (Caesar) of the West. On February 27, 272, in the city of Naiss, Helen gave birth to a son, Flavius ​​Valerius Aurelius Constantine, the future Emperor Constantine the Great, who made Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. She became famous for her activities in spreading Christianity and for her excavations in Jerusalem, during which, according to Christian chroniclers, the Holy Sepulcher, the Life-Giving Cross and other relics of the Passion were discovered. Queen Helen, Equal to the Apostles, died around 330.

As a child, Elena loves when her parents pay attention to her, tell her fairy tales, and lull her to sleep. But in communicating with her peers, not everything goes well for the reason that they do not understand her. She is a little withdrawn into herself, has some interests, ideas and activities that are understandable only to herself.

Elena always has many hobbies, as everything new captivates her completely. Moreover, she successfully combines all these hobbies. She is attracted to everything beautiful.

Elena most often looks like her father. In any case, she inherits his character exactly. The name Elena generously adds emotionality and categoricalness to it. Emotions generally play a big role in Elena’s life. In her youth she gives the impression of being withdrawn and shy, but upon closer acquaintance it becomes clear that she is a cheerful person, a great dreamer and optimist.

Elena is very trusting and easy to deceive. However, if she then finds out about the deception, the deceived person will lose authority in her eyes.

Most of all, Elenas succeed in areas that require communication. Love, as a feeling, appears in Elena as a consequence of compassion.

Elenas never marry for convenience. They choose only the person they like. Even if her parents don't like him, she will still marry him.

Immersed in the world of her emotional experiences, she is indifferent to the imperfections of everyday life, easily gets by with little, and is not picky. At Elena's home there is usually peace and tranquility. She is a homebody, a caring mother. You can only be a good housewife depending on your mood. The rest of the time he treats the kitchen as a boring but necessary element of life.

Alena, Lenochka, Elena -
There is no more beautiful person in the world than you.
What is there in the world, in the Universe?
You are the brightest light of the sun.

You're near - bad weather runs away,
There is no trouble or sorrow with you,
After all, living with Elena is happiness,
Keep your wonderful secret!

There is so much beauty in this name!
How much warmth and radiant light!
So much hope, faith, love,
Give it to all your loved ones!

Lena, Lenochka, Lenusya, Lenok, Alena, Alenka, Alyonushka, Alyonochka, Lesya, Lesenka, Lesechka, Lelya, Lelechka, Elyusha, Elusya, Lyusya, Lyusenka - these are the diminutive forms of the name Elena.

We wish you a lot of joy, happiness,
The strongest and most enormous love,
Loyalty to the most reliable and tender,
The sun is bright in the sky, as before,
Best friends are always next to you,
Close ones, loved ones and only with you!

A short prayer to Saint Helena, Alena, for every day:

Pray to God for me, holy saint of God Elena,

because I diligently run to you,

first aid and prayer book for my soul.

At the age of 17, Elena Vasilievna Manturova, a noblewoman by birth, was turned to spiritual life after seeing a terrible serpent that was about to devour her. Very frightened, she began to scream and ask the Most Holy Theotokos to save her and took an oath that she would not marry and would go to a monastery. The serpent disappeared. Elena Vasilievna began to prepare to enter the monastery. Only three years later, Father Seraphim of Sarov blessed her to become a novice of the Diveyevo Kazan community.

Reverend Seraphim of Sarov always told the sisters of the community that Elena is “Your Lady! Boss." But these words greatly embarrassed Saint Helena, and she did not agree with them.

She worked together with the other sisters, never sparing herself, and even secretly helped other sisters. After the Churches of the Nativity of Christ and the Nativity of the Virgin Mary were erected, Saint Helena was appointed sacristan and clergywoman and was tonsured into the ryassophore. Some time later, her brother Mikhail fell seriously ill. Father Seraphim invited nun Elena to his place and said that the time had come for Mikhail to die, but the priest really needed him at the monastery. And after that he blessed Saint Helen to die in his brother’s place. As soon as she stepped outside the threshold of the holy elder’s cell, she fell, after which she fell ill and never got up again.

Each person has his own patron saint and the dates of commemoration of the saint whose name his parents named him. Each name carries its own information and endows its bearer with special, unique qualities. Girls bearing the beautiful name Elena were no exception. Possessing interesting character traits, Saint Helena's name day is celebrated several times a year.

History of the origin of the name

The history of the name Elena goes back to the distant past and it is still completely unknown which people first began to name their daughters in this way. There is a myth about the beautiful Helen in ancient Greek mythology, where she was the daughter of Zeus and Nemesis. There are fairy tales about girls with this name in Russian folklore, Elena is beautiful and wise.

Translated from ancient Greek, this female name means “light” and “sun”. Some consider Helen to be a derivative of Heleos, others are sure that the name originally sounded like Helena. In astrology, the patron saint of this name is Mercury, and Gemini is considered a favorable zodiac sign.

To attract good luck, owners of this name need to wear clothes of all shades of scarlet, yellow and green. But among the stones, chalcedony is especially suitable for Elena, which will become an excellent talisman and protect the owner from ill-wishers. Aster and orchid will fill life with harmony and bring good luck to the house.

The female name has both the full form Elena and the abbreviated form:

  • Lena;
  • Leka;
  • Lenok;
  • Lenochka.

Some people mistakenly call Len Alyona, but this is incorrect, since these are two independent female names that have different meanings and characteristics. It is noteworthy that in the Orthodox world Alena is patronized by saints named Elena, since the Christian example of Alena is not in the calendar. Alena celebrates Angel Day in the same way as Elena, several times a year.

Patron saints and name days

Saint Helena’s name day according to the church calendar falls on the following dates:

  • 28 January;
  • March 19;
  • June 3, 8 and 10;
  • July 24;
  • 10th of August;
  • September 17;
  • November 12.

At the end of January, Elena's name day is celebrated according to the Orthodox calendar. Congratulations are received by all those girls who were born on the dates closest to the date. On this day the Great Martyr Helen is venerated. Almost nothing is known about the life of the saint, but she was canonized for her exploits for the sake of Christ.

In March, Equal-to-the-Apostles Helen of Constantinople, who lived from 250 to 330 in Central Asia, is commemorated. The mother of Emperor Constantine, the queen accomplished many feats in the name of the true faith and for this she was canonized among the saints of the celestials. The second date of her commemoration is June 3.

On June 8, Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of St. Helena, who was the daughter of one of the prophets. A woman was stoned to death for believing in God.

June 10 is the date of commemoration of the Venerable Elena Diveevskaya, who was born in 1805 in the Nizhny Novgorod province. The girl was left orphaned early and at the age of 20 she decided to devote herself to serving God. Having taken monastic vows, she lived in the Diveyevo Kazan community until 1835. A woman died at the age of 27 from a serious illness and was included in the list of saints for her sincere faith in Christ.

In mid-summer, on July 24, congratulations are accepted from Lena, those born on the dates closest to this day. On this day, Christians commemorate Tsarina Olga, who was the wife of Grand Duke Igor. Having undergone the rite of baptism, the queen took the name Elena and after the death of her husband, she ruled Kievan Rus with dignity and brought the Christian faith to the pagan masses. The queen built a lot of temples and churches during her life.

18 years ago, Elena Astashikina was canonized, and the day of remembrance of this new martyr falls on August 10. The woman was born in 1878 into a peasant family in the Penza province and at the age of 17 she became a novice of the Intercession Shikhansky Monastery in Gorodishchensky district. By the age of 35 she became a nun and, after living in several monasteries, returned to her native village. On August 10, Astashikina, at the age of 59, was shot for professing Christianity.

Martyr Elena Chernova is remembered by Christians on September 17. The woman was canonized 12 years ago, and she is considered a new martyr. Little is known about her; she was born in 1874, and at the age of 69 the woman was shot for practicing Orthodoxy.

In the last autumn month, November 12, congratulations are received by Elena, whose angel's day and name day fall on this date. Warm wishes are also addressed to those girls whose birthday was a little earlier or a little later than the specified date. On this day, Orthodox Christians remember Elena of Serbia, who, when tonsured as a monk, took the name Elizabeth. The woman was the wife of the King of Serbia and during her lifetime she built churches and was active in charitable activities. After the death of her husband, she became a monk and entered a monastery. The queen died in 1314.

Positive qualities of Lena

Having learned some facts from the life of the patron saints Helen and Alena, you can analyze this beautiful, bright female name. By calling their daughter Lenochka, parents give her such positive qualities as:

Little Lenas are always mischievous and love to control others, especially their boy friends or classmates. Despite all the outward seriousness, at heart the owners of this name are very cheerful and love to make fun of others.

From an early age, Elena showed interest in creativity. In order to direct the child’s overflowing energy in the right direction, parents are recommended to send their daughter to dancing or drawing. At school, the girl studies well and pleases her elders with her diligence and good grades.

Relationships with the opposite sex are going well, since Lena always prefers male company to female company. The stronger sex considers a girl who is always smiling to be attractive and tries to woo her. Elena is amorous, but madly loves her husband and tries to take care of him.

If Lena has children, then among them there will definitely be a girl who will not follow in her mother’s footsteps and will completely devote her life to art. Owners of this name are good housewives, but are often very lazy and unhurried in their decisions. By the age of 40, they already manage a department in a large organization or have some kind of scientific title.

Negative traits

But among the positive qualities of a person one can often find negative ones, and Elena was no exception in this regard. Such girls have few disadvantages in their character, these include:

  • laziness;
  • slowness;
  • cunning;
  • prudence.

Sometimes an active and cheerful woman is simply too lazy to do something herself, and with a clear conscience she will shift this responsibility to someone else. Lena does not like loneliness and routine work, which can quickly drive her into deep depression and detachment. In a family, the owner of this name usually invisibly leads her significant other and children.

When planning to celebrate a name day, you should first look at which day in the calendar is closest to your birthday. On this day, a person is recommended to go to church and light candles to the patron saint indicated in the church calendar. In the evening, you can invite guests to the table or have a quiet family dinner. You can and should give gifts on this day, you can also read a verse with congratulations and sincerely rejoice that fate brought you together with the birthday boy.

Attention, TODAY only!

The name Helen, of Greek origin, translates as “bright, shining, chosen.” But this is just one version. According to another, the name comes from the word “Hellenes,” that is, “Greeks,” and in this case it means “Greek.”

Elena's name day according to the church calendar

The Orthodox calendar reminds that women with the name Elena can celebrate their angel day on the following days:

  • 28 January;
  • March 19;
  • June 3;
  • June 8;
  • June 10th;
  • July 24;
  • 10th of August;
  • September 17;
  • November 12.

Character of the name Elena

Women who were lucky enough to receive this wonderful name at birth are optimistic and cheerful. They are emotional and love to fantasize.

Such qualities attract Elena to those areas of activity where it is necessary to communicate a lot. Accordingly, it is in this field that a woman can succeed. She is non-confrontational and gets along well with people. As a connoisseur of aesthetics, she is most often fascinated by those specialties that in one way or another come into contact with the sphere of beauty. This could be the profession of a fashion model or artist.

As a child, Elena is not particularly diligent in her studies, but nevertheless manages to learn everything she needs. The girl is curious and easily gets carried away by various new activities, for example, those related to needlework. He is interested in sports and is often on the move.

Elena's natural gullibility, receptivity and gullibility are combined with the ability to stand up for herself in the event of deception or unacceptable treatment. A woman is characterized by caring and attentive attitude towards loved ones. One of her virtues is kindness, which is not always actively manifested. Elena is motivated to some actions by a feeling of pity. Sometimes her sacrifice is clearly manifested in marriage, when her chosen one becomes more important to her than work or hobbies. Despite the fact that she is a good housewife who cares about the beauty and comfort of her home, it cannot be said about her that home life limits her range of interests. Sometimes she tends to be a little lazy and put things off until later.

Immersion in one's own inner world is an integral part of Elena's daily life. She needs love and affection, like a flower requires sunlight. As a woman, Elena is very attractive and is able to conquer a man with her charm.

Elena's flexible character and ability to communicate make her a good conversationalist and life partner, whose shortcomings, however, must also be taken into account.