March 12 is a professional holiday. Holidays and events of March

March 12 is a professional holiday.  Holidays and events of March
March 12 is a professional holiday. Holidays and events of March

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Holidays and events of March.

Today is March 12th. Holidays and Events:

March 12 – Day of workers of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia
March 12 - The February bourgeois-democratic revolution began in Russia
Events of March 12 that happened in the world, in different years

March 12 is the professional holiday of employees of the penal system (penal system) of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. In 1879, Russian Emperor Alexander III issued a Decree on the creation of a prison department, which laid the foundation for a unified state system of execution of punishments in Russia.
The selfless work of the employees of this structure is aimed at the triumph of justice and the rule of law, which are the guarantors of law and order in the state.
Unfortunately, the crime rate in the country remains quite high today. There are many social and economic reasons for this. However, the overwhelming majority of our fellow citizens, despite all the existing difficulties, lead a respectable lifestyle, respect the law and do not cross its lines.
Therefore, the main purpose of the work of employees of the penitentiary system is to protect this law-abiding majority from various criminal attacks and return fellow citizens who have stumbled and broken the law into a full-fledged, healthy society.

In 1917, the February bourgeois-democratic revolution began in Russia. Overthrow of the Tsarist autocracy. Formation of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies.
February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917, the second Russian revolution, as a result of which the autocracy was overthrown and conditions were created for the transition to the socialist stage of the revolution.

1169 - Andrei Bogolyubsky captured Kyiv and burned it.
1229 - The Crusader army occupied Jerusalem.
1519 - Hernan Cortes landed with a detachment of Spanish conquistadors in what is now Mexico.
1609 - Bermuda became a British colony.
1714 - Emperor Peter I issued a decree on the opening of digital schools for the education of “young children from different ranks.”
1770 - The St. Petersburg English Assembly (English Club) was founded.
1798 - Decree allowing Old Believers to build churches in all dioceses.
1881 - France established a protectorate over Tunisia.
1896 - In St. Petersburg, on the premises of the university, the world's first radiogram was transmitted using a device invented by A. S. Popov.
1899 - The first international hockey match took place in the Russian Empire. This happened in St. Petersburg, near the Tuchkov Bridge, right on the ice of the Malaya Neva. The Russian team "SPORT" and the English team who lived in the Russian capital played. The score is 4:4.
1911 - Dr. Fletcher of the Rockefeller Institute discovered the causes of cerebral palsy (CP).
1912 - The Girl Guides movement (later called the Boy Scouts) is founded in the United States of America.
1913 - Canberra became the capital of Australia.
1917 - February Revolution in Russia (February 27, old style) - The Council of Elders of the 4th State Duma, on behalf of a private meeting of its members, formed the Provisional Committee of the State Duma, which was headed by Rodzianko:
1918 - A message is published that Moscow has become the capital (the government moved a day earlier).
- The transition of ships of the Soviet Baltic Fleet from Helsingfors (Helsinki) to Kronstadt began. It went down in Soviet history as the “Ice March.”
1922 - Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan formed the TSFSR, a federal republic that became part of the USSR.
1924 - Polish Minister of War General Wladyslaw Sikorski banned women serving in the ministry from wearing silk stockings and “other ladies’ rubbish.”
1928 - The former British colony of Malta became a British dominion.
1933 - German President Hindenburg banned the Republican flag and ordered the Imperial and Nazi flags to be flown side by side.
1940 - the Soviet-Finnish war ended. The USSR and Finland concluded a peace treaty, according to which Vyborg and Western Karelia were transferred to the former.
1944 - the ISU-122 self-propelled artillery mount was adopted by the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.
1945 - The Ukrainian National Committee was created in Berlin, which tried to create a “Ukrainian army” from the remnants of the SS-Galicia division.
1946 - The 1st session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd convocation opened.
- The leader of the Hungarian fascists and Hitler's ally Ferenc Szalasi was executed.
1951 - the Law “On the Protection of Peace” was adopted in the USSR.
1964 - Dissident General Pyotr Grigorenko was sent for psychiatric examination to the Institute. Serbian.
1968 - Mauritius gained independence, and exactly 24 years later (March 12, 1992) became a Republic.
1974 - The Mars 6 station landed on Mars, transmitting data about the atmosphere and soil of this planet to Earth for the first time.
1990 - The Third Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR opened, which took place for four days, at which Article 6 of the USSR Constitution on the leading role of the Communist Party was abolished.
1999 - The Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary joined NATO.
2011 - an explosion occurred at the Japanese Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, damaged by an earthquake. The radiation level near the station exceeded the norm by 20 times.

March 12 is an ordinary everyday day for some, but for some it is a big holiday: birthday, name day, professional worker’s day and some other significant date. Let's figure out why we can have fun on this day. Or maybe some of you have a name day today, but you don’t know?


A person born on March 12 has a zodiac sign of Pisces. The stars say that people born on this day have a mysterious character, are distinguished by hospitality and excellent intuition. Negative traits of people of this sign are unreliability, susceptibility to excessive depression, and excessive anxiety. In general, the stars promise a calm, happy life with small splashes of sadness.

Name day

On March 12, the holiday can be celebrated by people named by the following names: Makar, Stepan, Timofey, Julian, Julius, Jacob, Cassian. Relying on the Orthodox calendar, Angel Day can also be celebrated by Peter, Victoria and Michael. According to the old tradition, these are the names that babies born on this day should be called. It is believed that if you give a child the name of a patron, the angel will always be there and protect him from evil throughout his life.

On March 12, the Orthodox Church venerates the Venerable Procopius Dekapolite, which is why people with this name also have name days.

Citizens born on this day are endowed with such character traits as prudence, charisma, thoroughness in everything and the ability to see the essence of things.

March 12 is the holiday of prison workers

In Russia, this day is considered for specialists working in the penal system. On March 12, 1879, Russian Emperor Alexander II signed a decree establishing a prison department. This document laid the basis for the formation of a unified state system of execution of punishments in our state.

People working in the penal system celebrate their professional holiday throughout the country. On this day, various gala concerts and events are dedicated to them. State and departmental awards are being presented to distinguished employees. Also on March 12, employees of the penitentiary system who fell in the line of duty are remembered with sorrow.

Famous people born on this day

Who were the celebrities born on March 12? Many famous people can be mentioned. Born on March 12:

  • world-famous academician and thinker, natural scientist Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky;
  • famous German director, producer and film actor Alfred Abel;
  • Georgian opera singer Zurab Sotkilava;
  • writer-playwright, humorist, screenwriter, TV presenter and actor Grigory Gorin;
  • Soviet director Andrei Smirnov;
  • Los Angeles-based actress and singer Liza Minnelli;
  • Armenian jazz pianist and composer David Azaryan;
  • Soviet and Russian singer Irina Ponarovskaya;
  • Russian actor Sergei Selin;
  • Russian actress Tatyana Lyutaeva;
  • Russian choreographer and actor Yegor Druzhinin;
  • Russian actress Natalia Antonova;
  • Russian actor Kirill Ivanchenko;
  • Russian pop singer Alexey Chumakov.

Significant events of this day

  • 1714: issues a decree on the creation of digital schools for education;
  • 1770: creation of the English Assembly in St. Petersburg;
  • 1798: a decree is issued according to which Old Believers can build churches in all dioceses;
  • 1854: France, Turkey and Great Britain concluded the Treaty of Constantinople against Russia;
  • 1896: using a device invented by S., the world's first radiogram was sent;
  • 1899: the first international hockey tournament held in our country, held in St. Petersburg;
  • 1917: a 20,000-strong demonstration of representatives of the Ukrainian public under national flags, held in St. Petersburg;
  • 1917: the February Revolution took place in Russia;
  • 1918: Moscow becomes the capital of the USSR;
  • 1922: The Union of Transcaucasian Republics is created;
  • 1922: Chechnya declares its independence from the USSR;
  • 1940: Soviet-Finnish War 1939-1940. ends with the signing of a peace treaty between Finland and the USSR;
  • 1951: The USSR Armed Forces pass the Peace Defense Law.
  • 1609: become a British colony;
  • 1881: Tunisia becomes protector of France;
  • 1904: Britain's first electric train line opens;
  • 1912: The Boy Scouts movement is founded in the USA;
  • 1968: Independence Day of the African Republic of Mauritius;
  • 1974: on this day, an automatic space station apparatus lands for the first time on the surface of the planet Mars;
  • 1999: The Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland join NATO.

Folk calendar

On March 12, according to the popular calendar, the confessor Procopius Dekapolitus, who lived in the 8th century, is remembered. It was believed that from this day spring comes into its own, the snow begins to melt, winter roads become muddy and become impassable. On this day, people watched the drop: if it was strong, then they were afraid to go on a long journey and tried to stay at home. A weak drop foreshadowed a successful hare hunt for hunters.

Holidays celebrated on this day abroad

March 12 is an official holiday in China and Taiwan - Arbor Dey. This is the day of the death of the famous Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen. In his honor, green planting events are held in these countries on March 12, as he promoted the greening of the state territory.

Russians continue to show great interest in what holiday it is today. After all, almost every new day brings with it some kind of memorable date, or a very important event from a historical point of view.

Today is no exception in this regard. After all, March 12 marks several holidays at once. Let's look at them in more detail. In particular, we are talking about the following: International Planetarium Day. Today in Russia we celebrate the Day of Geodesy and Cartography Workers. In turn, the folk calendar says that it is necessary to remember Prokop Perezimny, who is also called the Road Destroyer.

What holiday is today, March 12: International Planetarium Day

Humanity has long been attracted to the starry sky. There are also those among us for whom contemplation of the infinitely distant luminous cold giants is not enough - they want to learn as much as possible about the planets and stars and even see them with their own eyes.

Planetariums provide this opportunity to the interested subject. These institutions, equipped with all the necessary equipment, were specially created in order to expand a person’s horizons in the field of knowledge about space and the structure, as well as the history of the Universe. They play an important role in educating humanity, so they even have a separate holiday dedicated to them: International Planetarium Day. In 2017 we will celebrate it on March 19th.

Planetarium Day acquired international status in 1994, when it was supported by the French “temples of astronomy”. And a year later, this holiday began to be celebrated in six more European countries: Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine and Russia.

The purpose of this holiday is to familiarize the public with the activities of planetariums and promote astronomical knowledge. And the venues, of course, are city planetariums.

It should be noted that the date of the celebration falls on a Sunday close to the vernal equinox. Many planetariums try to coincide with their professional holiday by premiering new programs, organizing meetings with interesting people and various competitions and quizzes.

What holiday is today, 03/12/2018: Day of Geodesy and Cartography Workers

In Russia, March 12 will celebrate the Day of Geodesy and Cartography Workers. In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, it is celebrated on the second Sunday of March.

It is believed that the profession of cartographer arose in 1720, when Peter the Great ordered the start of cartographic work throughout the country. For this purpose, expeditions were assembled, which included topographers and surveyors, who used a level and theodolite to survey the lands. Although the surface in Rus' began to be studied back in the time of Ivan the Terrible. The first printed version of the map of Rus' was the map of Moscow lands, dated January 26, 1525. In 1667, voivode Peter Godunov ordered a map of Siberia to be drawn up.

In 1719, surveyor Pyotr Chichagov, as part of an expedition on light ships, rose from the mouth of the Irtysh to Lake Zaisan, beginning the study of Siberian lands. In early May 1721, he began a topographic survey of the Ob coast, completing this work in 1730. During this time, he determined the geographical location of one thousand three hundred natural objects, cities and towns, including the village of Obdorsk, now the city of Salekhard - the capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Pyotr Chichagov surveyed three thousand kilometers of the Ob River, compiled a detailed map of the Yenisei, and described the coast of the Yenisei Bay and the Kara Sea. The surveyor explored and mapped more than two million square kilometers of Siberia.

In 1919, the Unified Geodetic Service of the RSFSR was created, which in 1992 was renamed the Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography of Russia. The work of cartographers and surveyors is interesting, but difficult; they travel tens of kilometers with instruments, reaching unexplored places, process the collected material and draw up maps. The real risk and romance of the everyday work of cartographers and surveyors is written in Viktor Yashchenko’s book of memoirs, “Pioneers in the Northern Latitudes.” Events take place in the northern regions of the country, almost half in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

What national holiday is today: Prokop Perezimny

The day is dedicated to the 8th century confessor Venerable Procopius Decapolitus. In the folk calendar, this is perhaps the first truly spring day, when the winter roads came to an end.

They said about this: “The snow lay and lay on Procopius, and then ran away into the river,” “Prokop Perezimny destroys the road, but he himself got stuck in a snowdrift,” “Prokop Zimny ​​will dig the road, but Prokop Perezimny will destroy it.”

And no one left the yard without thinking about the road: is it reliable, or what? The path will not be good if the drops ring like that. But then, instead of a trip, it was worth going to the nearby forest to hunt a hare. And, having met a sideways one, one could remember the hunting signs. There will be failure if he crosses the road, however, if the dog simply runs across, success will also decrease.

On this day we also looked closely at the willows. It was possible to start early sowing if the tree blossomed from the crown, but if the buds at the crown did not blossom, it was better to wait for the second sowing. The first snowdrops also hinted that it was time to plow.

Makar, Mikhail, Nison, Peter, Sergey, Stepan, Timofey, Julian, Yakov.

  • 1365 – University of Vienna founded.
  • 1839 – a dress called a tutu was used for the first time in ballet.
  • 1918 – Moscow regained its status as the capital of Russia.
  • 1940 – an agreement was signed to end the Soviet-Finnish war.
  • 1968 – the island of Mauritius gained independence from England.
  • Vasily Bazhenov 1737 – Russian artist-architect.
  • Vladimir Vernadsky 1863 – Russian naturalist.
  • Mustafa Kemal 1881 – founder and first president of the Turkish Republic.
  • Vaslav Nijinsky 1889 – Russian dancer and choreographer.
  • Hjalmar Johan Andersen 1923 – Norwegian speed skater.
  • Harry Harrison 1925 - American science fiction writer.
  • Valentin Chernykh 1935 – Soviet and Russian screenwriter and playwright.
  • Zurab Sotkilava 1937 – Georgian and Russian opera singer.
  • Boris Durov 1937 – Soviet director.
  • Grigory Gorin 1940 - Soviet and Russian playwright.
  • Liza Minnelli 1946 – American singer and actress.
  • Irina Ponarovskaya 1953 – Soviet and Russian pop singer.
Published 03/11/18 23:05

Today, March 11, 2018, also celebrates Commonwealth Day, World Pineapple Day and other events.

On March 12, 2018, the national holiday Prokop the Road Destroyer is celebrated. On this day the church remembers Saint Procopius Decapolitus. The day got its name “Road Destroyer” due to the fact that during this period the toboggan path—the snow-covered roads—begins to actively melt.

According to legend, Procopius was born in the Decapolitan country, located east of Lake Galilee. He decided to distance himself from everything worldly and went to live intkbbach to the monastery. There he devoted all his time to prayers and fasting. He became famous among the monks for his purity of soul and ascetic lifestyle.

During the struggle of Emperor Leo the Isaurian with Christian icons, Procopius and the rest of the priests stood up in their defense and proved that holy images are not idols. For this, the ruler was very angry with him. On his orders, Procopius was captured, tortured, and then thrown into a dirty, dark cell. After the death of the emperor, he received freedom and continued to live in the monastery until his death.

Prokopa Dorogoruzhitel is considered a good day for hunting and fishing.

According to signs, a good drop promises a successful hunt.

If snowdrops appear, you can start working on the ground, and if you accidentally sneezed in the bathhouse, someone is in a hurry to repay the debt.

Commonwealth Day

Commonwealth Day is celebrated annually on the second Monday of March. In 2018 the date falls on the 12th.

The 20th century saw the growth of liberation movements in the British possessions. They led to the collapse of the Empire. Dominions began to form - territories with broad rights to self-government. After the end of the Second World War, the Commonwealth was formed. It included former metropolitan countries that received equal rights. They showed loyalty to the monarchical crown.

World Pineapple Day

World Pineapple Day is celebrated on March 12th. The date of such an unusual holiday was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1970, the most delicious variety of pineapple - DEN MONTE GOLD - was developed in Hawaii (the world's largest producer of these fruits). In addition, March is the most successful month for harvesting, since the fruits picked at this time are the juiciest and ripest.

Day of workers of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia

Every year on March 12, Russia celebrates this professional holiday. The date for the establishment of the celebration was chosen because on March 12, 1879, Russian Emperor Alexander II issued a Decree. This decree spoke about the creation of the beginning of the prison department, which marked the beginning of the organization of a unified state system of execution of punishments in Russia. But in fact, the beginning of the provision of punishments in the Russian state for murder, theft or theft is attributed to the 10th-15th centuries.

Arbor Day in China

This spring festival is celebrated every year in China and Taiwan. On March 12, the day of the death of the outstanding revolutionary Sun Yat-sen, every year, green spaces are planted in countries. Sun Yat-sen once took the initiative of mass tree planting. Today, the leaders of the party and state are personally participating. At the fourth session of the Fifth National People's Congress of China in 1981, the government adopted a Resolution to conduct a nationwide voluntary tree planting campaign.

Makar, Mikhail, Nison, Peter, Sergey, Stepan, Timofey, Julian, Yakov.

  • 1365 - University of Vienna founded.
  • 1839 - a dress called a tutu was used for the first time in ballet.
  • 1918 - Moscow returned to the status of the capital of Russia.
  • 1940 - an agreement was signed to end the Soviet-Finnish war.
  • 1968 - the island of Mauritius gained independence from England.
  • Vasily Bazhenov 1737 - Russian artist-architect.
  • Vladimir Vernadsky 1863 - Russian naturalist.
  • Mustafa Kemal 1881 - founder and first president of the Turkish Republic.
  • Vaslav Nijinsky 1889 - Russian dancer and choreographer.
  • Hjalmar Johan Andersen 1923 - Norwegian speed skater.
  • Harry Harrison 1925 - American science fiction writer.
  • Valentin Chernykh 1935 - Soviet and Russian screenwriter and playwright.
  • Zurab Sotkilava 1937 - Georgian and Russian opera singer.
  • Boris Durov 1937 - Soviet director.
  • Grigory Gorin 1940 - Soviet and Russian playwright.
  • Liza Minnelli 1946 - American singer and actress.
  • Irina Ponarovskaya 1953 - Soviet and Russian pop singer.

Day of workers of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice The day was not chosen by chance; Alexander II issued a decree in 1879, March 12, according to which a prison department was created. It is difficult to imagine in what dangerous conditions representatives of this profession have to work.

On this holiday, they have the opportunity to hear the words of gratitude from millions of Russians for a peaceful and calm life.

Holidays around the world

Arbor Day It is interesting that this holiday is celebrated by two states at once - China and Macedonia, located in different parts of the planet. Residents of countries that are separated by thousands of kilometers come out into nature on this day to increase the amount of green space on the planet, and thus make this world a cleaner and better place.

Girl Scout Day The scouting movement is widespread in many European and American schools. The holiday is celebrated in the USA, since on this day, in 1912, a girls' organization was founded. The joining of girls in the scouting movement made it possible, firstly, to make their pastime interesting and useful, and secondly, to increase physical activity.

Mauritius Independence Day The island African state, located in the Indian Ocean, celebrates liberation from the yoke of the colonialists on this day. This not very beautiful role was played first by the French, then by representatives of England.

Today Mauritius is a free country, developing through tourism; on Independence Day, populated areas are decorated with national flags, and many official events and vibrant concert programs take place.

Purim One of the famous Jewish holidays is associated with the legend of the miraculous salvation of Jews. The name of the holiday comes from the word “pur”, which translates as “feast, feast”.

Nowhere does it say that the day should be a non-working day; in the book of Esther, in which the first mention of Purim was found, it is suggested to have fun on this day, give gifts to each other, and take care of the poor.

Holidays according to the national calendar March 12, 2019

Prokop Perezimny The appearance of this name is correlated with the name of Procopius (Gregory) Decapolitus, a monk who lived in the 8th century. He gained fame due to the fact that he knew how to cast out demons, relieved bodily ailments, and was a seer.

The second name of the national holiday is “Road Destroyer”, it is clear that spring was coming into its own, and muddy conditions began on the roads.

In Orthodoxy - Procopius, Titus, Peter, Michael.

In Catholicism, Gregory (the same Gregory, Procopius), Theophan, Maximilian.

Events in the history of this date

Landing of Hernán Cortés in Mexico (1519) The famous Spanish conquistador and his team landed on lands that now belong to the Mexicans. From the positive aspects of that landing - the Europeans learned what chocolate and vanilla are, from the negative consequences - the conquest of Mexico, the complete destruction of the Aztec state.

The publication of the first Russian student in geometry (1708) From then on, students began to study what “Pythagorean pants” and similar rules were. The title of the book is “Geometry of Slavic land surveying,” that is, it was assumed that the textbook would help in practice in land surveying, which in Russia at all times caused a lot of controversy.

The first radiogram on the planet was sent This event could not have happened without the participation of A. Popov, the Russian genius who invented radio. Using a device also developed by the scientist, a radiogram was sent to St. Petersburg University. Later, words of gratitude to the inventors were more than once spoken by the captains of ships that were in disaster in the world's oceans.

Canberra became the new capital of Australia (1913) Interestingly, this Australian city is chosen as a compromise. Large cities – Sydney and Melbourne – equally claimed capital status.

The choice of Canberra as the official capital allowed the conflict to be resolved gently, without moral damage to representatives of either side, to the great joy of all residents.

Celebrities born on this day

  • 1685 - George Berkeley, considered the father of modern realism;
  • 1863 - Vladimir Vernadsky, brilliant Russian scientist, creator of the science of the biosphere;
  • 1937 - singer Zurab Sotkilava;
  • 1946 - the great American singer and actress Liza Minnelli.