Name days in January, Orthodox holidays in January. January name day, Orthodox holidays in January Angel Day January 26th for men

Name days in January, Orthodox holidays in January.  January name day, Orthodox holidays in January Angel Day January 26th for men
Name days in January, Orthodox holidays in January. January name day, Orthodox holidays in January Angel Day January 26th for men

Dreams come true for Athanasius, Peter, Jacob.

Roosters predict a quarrel; seeing chickens means finding yourself in a strange situation or experiencing ridicule due to incompetence. The crowing of a rooster means bad news, the clucking of hens means a meeting with relatives.

The name Andrey translated from ancient Greek means “courageous.” There are many examples in history showing how the name Andrei corresponds to its origin. The heroic path of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky is proof of this.

Andrei is a princely name, and its owners are aristocrats, but they have a skeptical character and an ironic disposition. They are honest, brave and noble. Andrei is one of those heroes who rushes into an embrasure, of course, if they decide that the embrasure is worthy of it.

In their youth, they often have to go through a difficult path of spiritual quest, searching for the meaning of life, and they often change places of study and work because of their liveliness of character. It is difficult for them to find something they like - everywhere seems boring. But then they find their path and follow it without turning aside. Nature rarely deprives the Andreevs: they have excellent abilities in the arts.

In their career, Andreys achieve significant success if they do not pay much attention to their social status, but engage in philosophizing in life. Then luck comes into your own hands.

In their personal lives, they prefer women who balance on the brink - this could be a famous ballerina, a stripper, or a girl going to a monastery.

But Andrei themselves do not like balance on the brink, preferring to observe it with their friends - in difficult times, Andrei will provide moral support and help. Cheating does not sell, in one marriage it is retained only out of a sense of duty, and in exceptional cases - out of love.

The ritual music of Ancient Egypt will greatly help Andreys restore peace of mind after difficult life trials. Playing exotic string instruments simply liberates, expands your vision and removes the “veil from your eyes.”

The movement - Egyptian dance or simply improvising to music - is, of course, unable to replace a trip to Egypt, but it is an excellent dope in the period between them.

The figurine - a black bull with white markings - brings happiness. It can be stored in a drawer or on a table.

The gods of Egypt, appearing in a dream, will predict that the streak of bad luck has ended.

Benjamin is a Hebrew name and translated means “son of the right hand,” “son of the most beloved of wives,” or “most beloved son.”

This is the name of a person who spends most of his life serving a high idea: science, music or family. If such an idea cannot be found, if suddenly failures occur in the family, Benjamin can turn into a person who denies everything in the world, from religion to kindness in people. Only passion for an idea or religion helps him to get out of this state of “everything-denial”. He is soft, sympathetic and too open to other people. He lets them close to him, which leads to disappointment, and then he withdraws into his inner world, instead of throwing out his disappointment to his friends.

The spicy aroma of cloves helps Benjamins with fatigue and overwork, allowing the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

A broom is a powerful remedy for all evil spirits. Brooms are now sold in three sizes. Large - with the face of a brownie for the hallway, medium size with red berries from evil spirits - for the kitchen. And a small broom to carry with you. Such a Talisman of the name makes Benjamin invulnerable to irritations of all kinds. Sometimes they use the “method of dissipating the enemy’s energy”: when the unpleasant subject has left, they sweep his trail with a broom with the words: “Get out, get out, get out.” After such actions, an unnecessary guest will not appear soon. Well, if it is necessary for a person to come as often as possible, then a broom is swept towards the threshold with the words: “Come.” If you want uninvited guests to leave quickly or clients not to be tempted to explode in a stream of abuse, place the broom with the whisk up in the corner of the window. There he will remind you that it is better to get out quickly.

If in a dream you saw carnation flowers - red and white or another color, then this Name Day Dream reminds you that the time has not come to sort things out and the power is not on Benjamin’s side. It's worth the wait. Seeing carnations in your snow is not the best sign. A good dream would be the appearance of a Tibetan unicorn called “chiru” in a dream. In fact, it is more correct to call this animal an antelope. Appearing in a dream, chiru reminds that a period of growth and good luck lies ahead. They say that unicorns, including chiru, are able to contact their guardian angels. Benjamin has reliable protection!

The name Nina has several origins. The most popular version calls the name Greek, derived from the name of the founder of the Assyrian state, Ninos. The capital of Assyria had the same name. According to another version, this name is Spanish - this is how a little girl is called in Spanish. The name is popular in England, France and Germany. In these countries it is used as a shortening of names ending in "nina" - Antonina, for example. If a woman's name is Antonina, then she can be called Nina.

Nina is a little arrogant and has a talent for foreign languages ​​and music. Her arrogance is justified; her patron shines on the starry sky - the dazzling star Vega from the constellation Lyra, which gives Nina coldness and brilliance. Alas! Eastern treatises say that dazzling women are rarely happy in love, despite the protection of high stars...

Cosmic legends say that the star Vega had a beloved Bootes. The same one, which is also called the star Altair from the constellation Aquila. But space miles separated Prince Bootes and Princess Bega.

The wrath of the heavenly kings ordered the lovers to stand all their lives on opposite sides of the Milky Way, and only once a year did their paths intersect - on the seventh day of the seventh month according to the lunar calendar. Of course, the lovers saw each other more often - smart birds helped them - they built a bridge from their wings, along which the heavenly princess and the prince walked.

To achieve happiness in their personal lives, Nina has to fight various circumstances, the will of parents, relatives, and sometimes fate itself.

You can restore your strength with the help of the energy of the Lyra constellation. To receive the energy of this constellation, you need to look at its image, then close your eyes, imagine the pattern and the energy that flows from the stars. Take a breath and “inhale” the energy, and then “exhale” the bad energy.

As a name Talisman, you can use the image of the Lyra constellation. If you like a drawing from the atlas of Jan Hevelius, you need to cut it out and carry it with you. Let's assume another option: you can buy a silver pendant depicting the constellation Lyra.

The constellation Lyra brings good luck.

The name comes from the ancient Roman name Sergius, which means “high, highly respected.” Translated from Latin as “servant”. Researchers also find Etruscan roots in the name. It is believed that the name arose from two parts: the first is “servant”, the second is “master”, and this was the name given to those who, being of a low social status, managed to achieve a high one. This was very difficult to do in ancient times, much more difficult than it is now.

Sergei, born on January 26, is the image of a heroic person. Despite his flexibility of character, refined mind and ingenuity, he often finds himself between two or even three fires, as they say, in the thick of things. He “throws himself at the embrasure” because there is simply nowhere to retreat. Sergei is able to inspire and send a large number of people into battle, he is able to captivate with speeches, even if he has a general understanding of the subject of the lecture. His whole life is pure creativity. He can even describe the process of milking cows in such a way that his listeners immediately want to become milkers.

Relaxation and a source of strength for Sergei is sound: a lute or a six-string guitar is suitable for him, but only classical pieces of music, and not “thieves’ chords.” If you can’t play yourself on your name day (in fact, the guitar is a simple instrument), then the recordings will have a beneficial effect. And if a regular guitar doesn’t suit you, then you need to switch to a ukulele.

It is also useful for Sergei to raise his tone by reading about the exploits of his eminent predecessors - spiritual figures, great commanders, who were called Sergei - there were many of them. Reading about the exploits of the heroes of the same name will provide an influx of energy for Sergei and open up new opportunities.

The talisman of the name for Sergei is the globe - a small image, an ordinary glass globe will also work.

The globe in a dream on name day night means happiness.

Birds of paradise dream of surprises, a peacock - that the dreamer is too arrogant, a firebird - of impending good luck.

As can be seen from the ancient calendar, according to the Orthodox canon, on January 26, name day is celebrated by those who received the following male names at baptism - Athanasius, Maxim, Nicephorus, Pakhom and Peter.

Since female names are not presented in the calendar for this period, the name days of girls born today should be moved to eight days, when in the old days a person was given a name.

If there are no suitable female names on the specified day, then the babies can be named in honor of those patron saints whom the Church venerates on the fortieth day after their birth, when, according to tradition, they need to be baptized.

According to the church calendar for 2019, on January 26, the memory of St. Jacob, Bishop of Nezibia, is honored, therefore Jacobs or Jacobs also celebrate their name day on this day.

And custom requires that boys born today be named this way, in honor of their Guardian Angel, so that he will always be with them and help them in the most difficult moments.

In addition, the name Yakov has special energy and shapes a strong-willed character, this person always thinks logically and finds the most beneficial solutions for himself, he is conservative and thorough, so he rarely makes mistakes.

During this period, birthday people can turn to their patrons with any requests - they are guaranteed to be heard. But we must not forget about words of gratitude for the Guardian Angel, as well as sincere repentance.

Jacob was born into the family of one of the Armenian princes at the end of the 3rd century, was raised in strict Christian morality and received the best education for those times.

While still very young, he went as a hermit to the mountains in the vicinity of the city of Nisibiya, where he performed his spiritual deeds. Jacob slept on the ground, wore animal skins for clothing, and ate the fruits of wild trees.

All this time he prayed tirelessly and in his prayers received answers to the most important questions for humanity. Moreover, he was endowed with the gift of foresight and miracles.

Gradually, fame about him reached the Nizibians, who persuaded Jacob to take the episcopal see in their city . As a bishop, he was engaged in education, organized schools, read edifying sermons, and stopped enemies with the power of prayer.

Female and male names (how to name boys and girls in December)

Name days in January:

1 – Boniface, Gregory, Ilya, Timofey.

2 – Anton, Daniil, Ivan, Ignatius.

3 – Leonty, Mikhail, Nikita, Peter, Procopius, Sergei, Feofan.

4 – Anastasia, Dmitry, Fedor, Fedosya.

5 – Vasily, David, Ivan, Makar, Naum, Nifont, Pavel, Theoktist.

6 – Evgenia, Innocent, Claudia, Nikolai, Sergei.

8 – Augusta, Agrippina, Alexander, Anfisa, Vasily, Gregory, Dmitry, Efim, Isaac, Konstantin, Leonid, Maria, Mikhail, Nicodemus, Nikolai.

9 – Antonina, Luka, Stepan, Tikhon, Fedor, Ferapont.

10 – Agafya, Alexander, Arkady, Vavila, David, Efim, Ignatius, Joseph, Leonid, Nikanor, Nicodemus, Nikolai, Peter, Simon, Theoktist, Jacob.

11 – Agrippina, Anna, Varvara, Benjamin, George, Evdokia, Euphrosyne, Ivan, Lavrenty, Mark, Markel, Matrona, Natalia, Theodosius.

12 – Anisya, Anton, Daniil, Irina, Lev, Makar, Maria, Fedora, Fedosya.

14 – Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gregory, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Platon, Trofim, Fedot, Emilia, Yakov.

15 – Vasily, Gerasim, Kuzma, Mark, Modest, Peter, Seraphim, Sergei, Sylvester.

16 – Gordey, Irina.

17 – Alexander, Andronik, Archippus, Athanasius, Anisim, Aristarchus, Artemy, Athanasius, Denis, Efim, Karp, Clement, Kondraty, Luke, Mark, Nikanor, Nikolai, Pavel, Prokhor, Rodion, Semyon, Silouan, Stepan, Timofey, Trophim, Thaddeus, Theoktist, Philemon, Philip, Jacob.

18 – Apollinaria, Gregory, Eugenia, Joseph, Lukyan, Matvey, Micah, Roman, Semyon, Sergei, Tatyana, Thomas.

19 – Feofan.

20 – Athanasius, Vasily, Ivan, Paphnutius.

21 – Anton, Vasilisa, Victor, Vladimir, Dmitry, Georgy, Gregory, Evgeny, Emelyan, Ilya, Mikhail, Sidor, Feoktist, Julian.

22 – Antonina, Zakhar, Nikander, Pavel, Peter, Philip.

23 – Anatoly, Gregory, Zinovy, Makar, Pavel, Peter, Feofan.

24 – Vladimir, Mikhail, Nikolai, Stepan, Terenty, Fedor, Feodosius.

25 – Eupraxia, Makar, Peter, Savva, Tatyana.

26 – Athanasius, Maxim, Nicephorus, Nicodemus, Pakhom, Peter, Jacob.

27 – Agnia, Adam, Andrew, Aristarchus, Benjamin, David, Eremey, Ivan, Ilya, Joseph, Isaac, Makar, Mark, Moses, Nina, Pavel, Paphnutius, Savva, Sergei, Stepan.

28 – Varlam, Gabriel, Gerasim, Elena, Ivan, Maxim, Mikhail, Pavel, Prokhor.

29 – Ivan, Maxim, Peter.

30 – Anton, Antonina, Victor, Georgy, Ivan, Pavel, Feodosius.

31 – Alexander, Afanasy, Vladimir, Dmitry, Evgeny, Emelyan, Ephraim, Hilarion, Kirill, Ksenia, Maxim, Maria, Mikhail, Nikolay, Sergey, Feodosia.

Church Orthodox holidays in January

Venerable Elijah of Pechersk

On the first day of the year, the church celebrates the memory of St. Elijah of Pechersk, nicknamed Chobotok. Ilya was a native of the city of Murom, and popular legend identified him with the famous hero Ilya Muromets, about whom Russian epics told.

The Savior was born during the reign of Emperor Augustus in the city of Bethlehem. During the census, everyone had to be in the place where his family originated. Arriving in Bethlehem, the Virgin Mary and the Righteous Joseph did not find any vacancies in hotels and stopped outside the city in a cave intended for keeping livestock. At midnight, the news of the birth of the Savior from the jubilant Angels came to the shepherds, who came to worship the God-Man. The holiday in honor of this event was established in apostolic times, but before the 4th century. it was connected with the celebration of Epiphany.

Having learned from the Magi about the birth of a new King, Herod ordered the killing of all babies under two years of age, hoping that among them would be the Infant of God, in whom he saw his rival.

On this day, according to the Old Testament law, the Lord accepted circumcision, established for all male infants as a sign of the Covenant of God with the forefather Abraham and his descendants.

On the same day, the memory of the Archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia is celebrated.

Vasily lived in the 4th century and received an excellent education in Constantinople and Athens. Returning to Caesarea, he taught rhetoric, then was baptized and embarked on the path of ascetic life. Together with his friend Gregory the Theologian, he retired to the desert to devote his life to God. Subsequently, the saint was ordained a presbyter; during the reign of Emperor Valens, a supporter of the Arians, he became an archbishop and made great efforts to protect his flock from heresy. He compiled the rite of the Liturgy, wrote Conversations on the Sixth Day, on the Psalms, as well as a collection of monastic rules.

January 15 is the day of the repose (1883) and the second discovery of the relics (1991) of one of the most beloved Russian saints among the people -. Having taken monastic vows at the age of 27, the monk labored in the Sarov monastery or in the forest desert until the end of his life. For his feat of prayer, he was honored with repeated visits from the Queen of Heaven. The Monk Seraphim went to the Lord during prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God. The monk was canonized as a saint in 1903. After the October Revolution, the saint’s relics disappeared and were discovered only in 1991, in the storerooms of the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism, which was located in the building of the Kazan Cathedral in Leningrad.

January 17 – Council of 70 apostles of Christ, chosen by the Lord to preach the Gospel to the whole universe.

These apostles are commemorated separately throughout the year, and this holiday was established in order to show the equality of each of the seventy and thereby prevent disagreements in their veneration.

January 19 is celebrated - the twelfth holiday established in honor of the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River and in honor of the appearance of the Holy Trinity during this event. The Father spoke from heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by the holy Forerunner of the Lord John, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Son in the form of a dove. The next day, the Council of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John is celebrated - the one who served the cause of the Baptism of Christ, laying his hand on the head of the Savior.

On January 24, we remember St. Theodosius the Great, who became the founder of cenobitic monasteries. He was born at the end of the 5th century. in Cappadocia. The saint lived for about 30 years in the Palestinian desert, remaining in fasting and prayer. Those who wanted to live under his leadership constantly came to him; as a result, a communal monastery, or Lavra, arose, which existed according to the charter of Basil the Great.

The memory of the holy martyr Tatiana is celebrated on January 25. Tatiana, the daughter of the Roman consul, refused marriage, wanting to devote her life to the Lord. She was installed as a deaconess in one of the Roman temples and served God, caring for the sick and helping those in need. During the reign of Emperor Alexander Severus (between 222 and 235), Tatiana accepted martyrdom for Christ, refusing to sacrifice to the pagan gods and enduring terrible torture.

On January 27, the church remembers the enlightener of Georgia. She was born around 280 in Cappadocia into a noble, pious family. One day Nina saw in a dream the Most Holy Theotokos, who handed her a cross made of vines and sent her with apostolic service to Iveria (Georgia). Nina came to Georgia in 319 and made a lot of efforts to educate this country - five years later Christianity was established in Georgia.

January 30 is the day of remembrance of the famous ascetic, founder of desert living, called the father of monasticism. Anthony was born in Egypt in 251. After the death of his parents, who instilled in him love for God and piety, he began an ascetic life. He had to fight with the most difficult temptations and attacks of evil spirits, but with God's help he overcame the tricks of the devil and went into the depths of the Thebaid desert to serve the Lord in complete solitude. The saint spent 85 years in desert solitude; his example was followed by many of those who wanted to spend their lives in ascetic deeds for the sake of the Lord.