What were the landowners in the poem dead souls. Analysis of the image of the landlords in the poem "Dead Souls"

What were the landowners in the poem dead souls. Analysis of the image of the landlords in the poem
What were the landowners in the poem dead souls. Analysis of the image of the landlords in the poem "Dead Souls"

The poem "Dead Souls" was conceived by Gogol as a grandiose panorama of Russian society with all his features and paradoxes. The central problem of the work is the spiritual death and revival of representatives of the main Russian classes of that time. The author denounces and rifles the vices of landowners, sales and detrimental passions of officialhood.

The very name of the work has a dual value. "Dead souls" are not only dead peasants, but also other actually living characters of the work. Calling them dead, Gogol emphasizes their devastated, miserable, "dead" diligence.

History of creation

"Dead souls" - the poem, which Gogol devoted a significant part of his life. The author repeatedly changed the concept, rewritten and reworked the work. Initially, Gogol conceived "Dead Souls" as a humorous novel. However, in the end, I decided to create a work that refuses the problems of the Russian society and will serve him with spiritual revival. So the poem "Dead Souls" appeared.

Gogol wanted to create three volumes of the work. In the first, the author planned to describe the flavors and the decomposition of a serfdom of that time. In the second, give their heroes hope for redemption and revival. And in the third intended to describe the future path of Russia and its society.

However, Gogol managed to finish only the first Tom, which appeared in the press in 1842. Until his death, Nikolai Vasilyevich worked on the second volume. However, before the death itself, the author burned the manuscript of the second volume.

The third volume of the "dead souls" was never written. Gogol could not find an answer to the question of what would happen next with Russia. And maybe just did not have time to write about it.

Description of the work

Once, in the city of NN there was a very interesting character, strongly distinguished against the background of others older than the city - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. After his arrival, he began to actively get acquainted with the important persons of the city, visited the pears and lunches. A week later, the visits were already on "you" with all representatives of urban nobility. Everyone was delighted with a new person who suddenly appeared in the city.

Pavel Ivanovich goes beyond the city to apply visits by the notable landowners: Manilov, Box, Sobevich, Nozdreva and Plushhina. With each landowner he kindly, to everyone trying to find an approach. Natural freeness and resourcefulness helps Chichikov to get the location of each landowner. In addition to empty conversations, Chichikov talks with the gentlemen of the peasants who died after revision ("Dead Souls") and seizes the desire to buy them. The landowners can not be in a sense, why Chichikov needs such a deal. However, agree on it.

As a result of his visits, Chichikov acquired more than 400 "dead souls" and rushing faster to finish things and leave the city. Useful dating, headed by Chikchikov upon arrival to the city, helped him to settle all questions with documents.

After a while, the landowner said the box in the city that Chichots buy "dead souls". The whole city found out about Chichikov's affairs and perplexed. Why buy dead peasants to buy such a respected Mr. Infinite senses and conclusions are pernicious even on the prosecutor, and he dies from fear.

The poem ends with the fact that Chichikov rush leaves from the city. Leaving the city, chikchiki with sadness recalls their plans to buy dead souls and pledge them in the treasury as alive.

main characters

A qualitatively new hero in the Russian literature of the time. Chichikova can be called the representative of the newest, which is just the class - entrepreneurs, "acquirers" in serfs. The activity and activity of the hero is profitably distinguished by him against the background of other characters of the poem.

The image of Chichikova is characterized by its incredible polyhedral, multipleness. Even in the appearance of the hero, it is difficult to immediately understand what a person is and what he is. "A gentleman was sitting in a brich, but not a bad outdoor, nor too thick, nor too thin, it is impossible to say old, however, and not so that too young."

It is difficult to understand and cover the nature of the main character. He is changed, many-sided, is able to adapt to any interlocutor, give the person the right expression. Thanks to these qualities of Chichiki, there is easily a common language with landowners, officials and conquers themselves the right position in society. The ability to charming and placing the desired people of chikchiki uses to achieve their goal, namely the receipt and accumulation of money. Another father taught Pavel Ivanovich to deal with those who are richer and carefully treat money, since only money can be paved in life.

Chichiki earned money not honestly: deceived people, took a bribe. Over time, Chichikov's Machination is gaining increasingly scope. Pavel Ivanovich seeks to increase his condition by any ways, not paying attention to any moral standards and principles.

Gogol determines Chichikova as a person with a subsection nature and also considers him a soul dead.

In his poem, Gogol describes typical images of the landlords of the time: "Ukrainian" (sobesevich, box), as well as not serious and wasteful gentlemen (Manilan, Nozdrev).

Nikolai Vasilyevich masterfully created in the work of the manilov landowner. By one in this way, Gogol meant a whole class of landowners with similar features. The main qualities of these people are sentimentality, permanent fantasies and lack of active activities. The landowners of such a warehouse allow the economy on Samotek, do not do anything useful. They are stupid and empty inside. That was the manilov - in the soul is not bad, but the mediocre and stupid Pozer.

Nastasya Petrovna Box

The landowner, however, is significantly characterized by the warehouse of the nature of Manilov. The box is a good and neat mistress, everything in the estate is getting laid. However, the life officer's life spins exclusively around its farm. The box does not develop spiritually, it is not interested in anything. It does not mean absolutely nothing that does not concern her farm. A box is also one of the images under which Gogol meant a whole class of such limited landowners who do not see anything further than their farm.

The author unequivocally refers to the Nostrode landowner to not serious and wasteful gentlemen. Unlike Sentimental Manilov, energy boils in Nozdreva. However, this energy of the landowner is not allowed for the benefit of the economy, but for the sake of its momentary pleasures. Nozdrev plays, wasting money. It is distinguished by its frivolousness and idle attitude to life.

Mikhail Semenovich Sobekevich

The image of a companion, created by Gogol, echoes the bear with the image. Something from a big wild beast is in the appearance of the landowner: badness, powerfulness, power. Sobesevich cares not the aesthetic beauty of his things around him, but their reliability and durability. For coarse appearance and harsh character, the tricky, intelligent and quirky man hides. According to the author of the poem, such landlords, as Sobesevich, will not work to adapt to the coming changes in Russia and reforms.

The most ordinary representative of the landowners in Gogol Poem. The old man is distinguished by its extremely misfortune. Moreover, Plushkin Zhadalad not only towards his peasants, but also towards himself. However, such savings make Plushin a truly poor man. After all, it is his misfortune that he does not allow him to find a family.


Gogol has a description of several urban officials. However, the author in his work does not differ differently between them. All officials in the "dead souls" - the shaky of thieves, passing and casnocrads. These people truly take care of their enrichment. Gogol literally describes the image of a typical official of the time, rewarding it with not flattering.

Analysis of the work

The plot of the "dead souls" laid an adventure, conceived by Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. At first glance, Chichikov's plan seems incredible. However, if you deal with the Russian reality of those times with its rules and laws gave opportunities for all sorts of frauds related to serfs.

The fact is that after 1718 in the Russian Empire, the peasant census was introduced. For each serf peasant Male Paul Barin was supposed to pay tax. However, the census was rare enough - every 12-15 years. And if someone from the peasants escaped or died, the landowner was forced to pay the tax for him. Dead or escaped peasants became burned for a barrine. This created a favorable soil for a different kind of fraud. Chechikov himself hoped this kind of attorney.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol knew perfectly on how Russian society was arranged with its serf system. And the whole tragedy of his poems was concluded that Scam Chichikov did not contradict the current Russian legislation. Gogol denounces a distorted human relationship with a person, as well as a person with a state, speaks of absurd laws acting at the time. Because of such distortions, events are becoming possible, which contradict common sense.

"Dead Souls" is a classic work that no other is written in Gogol style. Frequently, Nikolai Vasilyevich basically laid some joke or comical situation. And the more funny and unusual situation, the more tragic it seems the real state of affairs.

The name of the work of Gogol "Dead Souls" is multi-valued. "Dead souls" in the poem are not only dead serfs, documents on whom want to buy chischiki, but also the landowners who get acquainted with the reader in the process of reading the book. This article briefly describes the landowners in the "dead souls", about the characters, and their images.

Images of manilov and boxes in the poem

The first landowners who met Chichikov become manifes and a box. With a Manilov reader gets acquainted in the II chapter, and with a box - in III. After entering the place of the poems, the term "Manovshchina", denoting the image of the tune and idle idleness. In the work, the author describes the manilov so: "The man is so-so, neither the same, nor in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan." Blonde and blue-eyed manilov, with eyes swimming from satiety, leads a celebrating lifestyle, builds many plans daily, but nothing does to implement them. All his dreams and plans do not carry any benefit to others. He dreams of anyone unnecessary, useless things, for example, to build a tower, with which even Moscow will be visible, or dug underground stroke. All the deeds are engaged in the order, but even he does not know how many peasants died in one year. For the external friendliness and perseverance of the landowner hides indifference, the surfaceness of the views and non-absorption.

Nastasya Petrovna Box - the only woman, among those whom Chichikov had to deal with. Having happened to her by chance, Chichikov finds out that she can buy "dead souls". The box turns out to be a real entrepreneur and Delts. She is cleverly traded with chikchikov for his "product" and is very worried, whether she has extended. The former secretarial wife, now the widow, keeps in the ultrasound all its farm in 80 souls. She and her peasants provide themselves to their goods themselves.

The image of the nostroid and a companion in the poem

N. V. Gogol introduces the Figure of Nozdrev in the IV chapter. This is a reckless young man, player and ran. Nozdreva has no moral principles, so chikhikov does not doubt the positive outcome of their case. Permanent fights and educational deeds determine the character of the nostroid. This character does not pay attention to its children, and dogs and a wolf camouflage in his house, he loves stronger than his offspring.

In the V head of the work of Pavel Ivanovich meets the Sobehevich. Externally similar to the bear, it and character has a stone. Mikhailo Semenovich - Bogatyr, like everything on his generation. From the interesting facts of his biography, it can be noted that he never sick and even one went to the bear. And this strong, guming health man turns out, like all the other landowners, dead internally. For his "dead souls", he suggested the highest price, also traded, assuring Chichikov as his product. His soul, like other landowners, has already died, only thirst for profit and unprincipledness remained.

The image of Plushkina in the poem

Stepan Plushkin is at the final place in the sequence of characters. This figure personifies abnormality and incredible stuffiness. Despite the wealth, he leads the life of a poor man, and his fortests die from hunger. In the covers of plush full of goods and food, which rotates and winds. Outwardly, this person looks more like an oldest key than a secured landowner. His possessions fully reflect the image of its owner. Everything is in the launch, at home we were glanced, and the peasants either mruh, or run from such a host. It is in Plushin that the biggest number of "dead souls".

Gogol offers a whole gallery of the images of Russian landlords. In each character, the author finds something typical and special.

In general, the images of the landlords in the "Dead Souls" poem passes the features of those who filled Russia and does not give her to go through development.


At the first landowner there is no name, only the last name - Manilov. The landowner tried to create a similarity of the abroad in the Russian outback, but his desires remained a hint of the architecture of the sophistication and the thoughtfulness of the real masters. The essence of character is an empty idleness. Manifers are shipped to dreams, builds non-effective projects. He creates underground moves, high towers, beautiful bridges. At this time around all winds and collapsing. The peasants are pushing, the rooms are empty in the Barsky house, the furniture comes into disrepair. The landowner lives without worries and labor. Outwardly, everything goes to the estate, everything does not change from inaction, but everything is not forever and nothing can happen from Latz. Manilov is not united. Such landowners can be found in any city. The first impression is a pleasant person, but almost immediately with him becomes boring and unbearable. The concept of "Manovshchina" began to exist after the choice of the poem. In such a word, the idle senseless lifestyle was explained, without purpose and real actions. Such landowners lived with dreams. They absorbed what was inherited, spent the works of the peasants who switched to them. The Lords did not interest the farm. They believed that they would live a rich inner strength of the mind, but Lain absorbed their mind, and they gradually moved away from the real business, the soul was delay. Probably, this can be explained why the classic chose Manilov first. The "dead" soul of a living person costs less those who lived their life in labor, even after death, useful as Manilov. They can "enjoy" with their help to the scoundrels chikchikov.


The following is a female character as a classic. Landowner box. This is a distinctional woman trading in everything that has. The landowner has the name of Nastasya Petrovna. Some kind of similarity with Russian fairy tales is felt, but it is in the name of the typical character for the Russian depth. The "speaking" surname again beats by Gogol. All in the estate hides in the box, will be copied. The landowner stacked money into the bags. How many of them? Can not imagine. But for what they are, for what purpose is the accumulation, for whom? No one will give an answer. Accumulation for accumulation. It is terrible that for Nastasya Petrovna anyway, than to trade: live souls (serfs), dead people, hemp or honey. A woman who was created by God to continue the genus of the human, found its goal on sale, outlined and became indifferent and indifferent to everything other than money. For her, the main thing is not to be made. The author compares the image with the swarms of flies that flies on the dirt to be engaged. It is also dangerous that they are quickly fruit. How many such boxes in the country? More and more.


Drunkard, Player and Drakun Nozdrev - Next Character. The essence of its character is meanness. He is ready to "nagging" any, without parsing, meaning. Nozdrev does not result in certain purposes. He is confused, not assembled and unclosed. Everything around the landowner is the same: in the stable horses and goat, in the house - the wolf. He is ready to play checkers on the dead, sells and changes. There is no honor and honesty in the character, only a lie and deception. Communication with nostril is more often completed by a fight, but this is if a person is weaker. Strong, on the contrary, beat the landowner. The landowner did not change love. Probably, it was not. Sorry to his wife confusion. She quickly died, leaving two children who are not interested. Children have a nanny, according to the description she "lubricant", to her nostrils bring gifts from the fair. The author hints at the relationship between landlord and nanny, as it is unlikely to count on selflessness and respect. About the dogs of Buyan is more careful than about his loved ones. Gogol warns the reader that nozzles will not bring to Russia for a long time. It is good only that the nostride has a tricky chichiki could not buy dead shower.


A landowner - fist, bear, stone. The name of the landowner cannot be different - Mikhailo Seeds. Everyone in the breed of Sobevich is strong: the father was a real war. He one went to the bear. Interestingly, the classic gives a description of his wife - Foduodulia Ivanovna, but nothing talks about children. As if nothing to argue about. Children are, they are as strong as everyone is in the landlord breed. Probably live on their own somewhere separately from the Father. It becomes clear that in their estates everything is similar. Another interesting detail - Barin never sick. Sobekevich at first perception is somewhat different than previous characters. But gradually you understand, there is also no soul in it. She fell out and died. There was a clumsy and dead grip. It raises the price for the goods, even without thinking about the essence of the subject of sale. Rough owner rules in the estate. He does not see any good, all scammers and deceivers. The irony stems in the words of the classic when Sobahevich finds in the city of one decent person and calls his pig. In fact, Sobahevich himself is exactly what people represent. He takes a lynx when trading begins, and calms down when the item is profitable sold.


The image of this landowner can be considered a masterpiece of the brilliant author. What will be the mismanagement of Manilov? What will be with a box, enthusiastic accumulation? How will the Nostrotevers beanped to live? All characters were reflected in Plushkin. Even outwardly, a completely incomparable companion with him lives in a hero. It can be imagined why the soul of Plushkin began to be devastating - with leaning. One landowner is a division and "terrible" of the other, but Plushkin is the result. His life is a series of meaningless days, even a fabulous blasphemy caustic over the kilt does not cause such disgust, as still a living person. Plushkin does not understand why he is all the trash that he collects, but can not give up such a classes. Special feelings cause pages, where they describe the meetings of the landowner with the daughter and her children. Grandfather allows you to sit grandchildren on your knees, play a button. The spiritual death of the hero is obvious. Father does not have attachment to loved ones. He is a storm and Zhaden so much that even Morbit himself hunger. A stale cake, a dirty drink, a pile of rubbish against the background of a huge pile of rotting grain, full of flour bins, spoiled cloth rolls. The absurd of reality and the disintegration of the individual is the tragity of Russian life.

The serfdom leads to the loss of humanity in Russian landowners. It is terrible to realize how dead of their souls. Dead peasants look more alive. Images of landowners one after another appear to readers. Their vulgarity, scarecrow. The degeneracy of the nobility and the prosperity of vices occurs.

Planner Appearance Manor Characteristic Attitude to the request of Chichikov
Manil The man has not yet elderly, the eyes are sweet, like sugar. But this sugar was too much. In the first minute of conversation with him, you say what a nice person, you will not say anything in a minute, and at the third minute you think: "Damn knows what it is!" The Lord House stands on the elevation, is open to all winds. Economy in full decline. He steals the key, in the house there is always something missing. In the kitchen is preparing a stupid. The servants are drunkards. Against the background of all this decline strangely looks like a gazebo title "The Temple of Lone Reflection". Spouses Manilov love to kiss, give each other cute baubles (toothpick in the cover), but at the same time they absolutely do not care about the improvement of the house. About such as Manilov, Gogol says: "The man is so-so, neither of the village, nor in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan." Man empty and vulgar. For two years already in the office lies a bookmark on a 14page page, which he constantly reads. Dreams are fruitless. SPEE SPRAY AND SLAGE (Named Hearts) Surprised. It understands that the request is illegal, but cannot refuse such a pleasant person. Agree to give the peasants for free. Do not even know how much shower has died.
Box Woman of the elderly, in Chepez, with flannel on the neck. A small house, the wallpaper in the house is old, antique mirrors. In the farm, nothing disappears, the network speaks about fruit trees and cachets on the chute. The order was taught everyone. The courtyard is full of birds, the garden is well maintained. Peasant horses, although they are built with a swarming, but show the contents of the inhabitants, supported as follows. The box knows everything about their peasants, does not lead any notes and remembers the names of the dead by heart. Economic and practical, knows the price kopeck. Dubnogol, stupid, buying. This is the image of the accumulator landowners. Interested in why it is chikchiku. Afraid to extend. He knows exactly how many peasants died (18 shower). It looks at the dead souls just like on fat or hemp: suddenly in the farm will be useful.
Nozdrov Fresh, "like blood with milk", breathing health. Middle growth is quite complicated. At the age of thirty five, it looks the same as in eighteen. Stable in which two horses. Crash in an excellent condition, where the nostril feels like a father of the family. There are no familiar things in the office: books, paper. And hanging a saber, two guns, a sharper, tube, daggers. Earth neglected. The farm went by itself, since the main care of the hero was the hunt and fair - not to the economy. In the house, the repair is not finished, the stall is empty, the charming is faulty, the Brica is lost. The position of the serfs, of which he pulls out everything that is possible, deplorable. Gogol calls Nozdrova a "historical" man, because no assembly on which nostril appeared was not without "history." Hears good friend, but always ready to attack his friend. "Breaking Small", reckless Kutil, a card player, loves to brush, thoughtlessly spends money. Rudeness, brazen lies, recklessness reflected in its fragmentary speech. Talking, he constantly jumps from one item to another, uses fading expressions: "Speatus you are for it", "such rubbish". He, the reckless Cutiil, seemed to be easiest to get the dead souls, and meanwhile he was the only one who left Chichikov with anything.
Sobesevich Looks like a bear. Fraction of bearish color. Calo face color, hot. Big village, unfortunate house. Stable, shed, the kitchen is built of massive bric. On portraits that hang in the rooms, heroes are depicted with "thick leagues and unheard of mustes." The walnut bureau on four legs looks ridiculous. The economy of the Sobelaevich developed on the principle of "fearlessly designed, yes firmly sewn", good, strong. And he does not ruin his peasants: he lives him in the fir-cut-off skewers, who were all tightly and as it should. Perfectly knows the business and human qualities of their peasants. The fist, rude, clumsy, is unknown, is incapable of expressing spiritual experiences. An evil, hard serf, never misses his benefits. Of all the landowners, with whom Chichoti had, Sobashevich is the most expensive. He immediately understood that the dead souls needed, quickly dismissed the guest's intentions and made a deal with the benefit for himself.
Plushkin It was hard to define a man or a woman. Looks like an old key. Serious eyes quickly ran out of controversial eyebrows. On the head cap. The face is wrinkled, like an old man. The chin is far forward, there was no teeth. On the neck or a handkerchief, or stocking. The men are called Plushkin "Patchy". Old buildings, on the outstands of peasants, old dark logs, on the roofs of the hole, windows without a glass. I walked through the streets, and everything that came across, pickled and dragged into the house. In the house, the jet of furniture and trash. The once prosperous farm has become unprofitable due to the pathological scare, brought to the waste (hay and bread rot, flour in the basement turned into a stone). Once Plushkin was just a lean owner, he had a family, children. He met the hero and with the neighbors. The death of the hostess became a turning point for the conversion of the cultural landlord. Plushkin, like all widows, became suspicious and stingy. And turns, as Gogol says, in "Stand in humanity." The offer was amazing and delighted, because there will be income. I agreed to sell 78 shower of 30 kopecks.
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  • The poem of Gogol "Dead Souls" is one of the greatest and at the same time mysterious works of the XIX century. The genre definition of the "Poem", which was then unequivocally understood the lyric-epic work, written in poetic form and the romantic advantage was perceived by Gogol contemporaries in different ways. Some found it mockery, while others saw in this definition hidden irony. Shevyrev wrote that "the meaning of the word" poem "seems to us two ... because of the words" poem "looks deep, significant [...]
  • In the lesson of literature, we met the work of N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". This poem has gained great popularity. The work has been repeatedly shielded both in the Soviet Union and in modern Russia. Also, the names of the main characters became symbolic: Plushkin - a symbol of misfortune and storage of unnecessary things, Sobashievich - an unknown man, Manovshchina - diving in dreams that are not connected with reality. Some phrases became covered expressions. The main hero of the poem is chikchiki. [...]
  • What is the image of a literary hero? Chichikov - Hero of the Great, Classic Work, created by the genius, hero, embodied the result of copyright observations and reflection over life, people, their actions. An image that has entered typical features, and therefore has long been out of the work of the work. His name has become nominative for people - prudillary careerists, podhalimov, chains, externally "prepric", "decent and decent." Moreover, other readers, Chichikov's assessment is not so unequivocal. Comprehension [...]
  • Gogol always attracted everything eternal and unshakable. By analogy with the "Divine Comedy" of Dante he decides to create a work in three volumes, where it would be possible to show the past, present and future of Russia. Even the genre of the work Author indicates an unusual poem, because in one artistic whole, various fragments of life are collected. The composition of the poem, which is based on the principle of concentric circles, allows Gogol to trace the movement of Chichikov at the provincial city of N, the estates of landowners and all of Russia. Already with […]
  • "A pretty beautiful spring brush in the gate of the hotel of the provincial town of Nn, a gentleman was sitting in the Briton, not a handsome man, but not bad outside, nor too thick, nor too thin; It is impossible to say old, however, and not so that too young. His entry did not produce absolutely no noise in the city and was not accompanied by anything special. " So appears in the city of our hero - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Let us, follow the author, get acquainted with the city. Everything tells us that it is a typical provincial [...]
  • Plushkin is an image of a moldy crush, which remained from the silence. The history of life is only with him, all the rest of the landowners Gogol depicts static. These heroes have no past, which would have different from their present and something explained something in him. The nature of Plushkina is much more complicated by the characters of other landowners presented in the dead souls. The features of maniacal stupidity are combined in a plush with painful suspicion and distrust to people. Saving old sole, clay shard, [...]
  • The poem "Dead Souls" reflects social phenomena and conflicts that were characterized by Russian life of the 30s - early 40s. XIX century It is very correct and described the lifestyle and morals of that time. Drawing images of landowners: Manilov, Boxes, Nozdrev, Sobesevich and Plushin, the author recreated a generalized picture of the life of fortress Russia, where the arbitrariness reigned, the economy was in decline, and the personality has undergone moral degradation, and regardless of whether she was a personality of slave owner or [... ]

Many hear about landowners in the dead souls that Nikolai Gogol depicted so brightly, but not everyone knows what these characters were created, and how they can be described.

So, the landowners in the dead souls are positive or negative characters? In the poem, the dead souls Nikolai Gogol depicted, what are the Russian landowners, with the help of five characters.

The image of Manilov's landowner in the dead souls

The first, to whom the chichotes are addressed with their vague proposal to buy dead souls, is the permanent manif. Short, sustained for many years of empty existence, he had a new acquaintance to himself.

Insensible Manilan loved to indulge in the dreams that did not learn anywhere. He lived in his serene world, in the world without problems and passions.

The image of the landowners boxes in the dead souls

Then the road was pacing Chichikova to the box, a very leaning elderly landowner. This is a very interesting character. She is doing business with the mind and small waste, so the village is in good condition. However, at the same time, the box is slowly thinking, it is afraid of change: the time in her house was frozen.

All this did not give chikchiku the possibility of going to negotiate a deal. The landowner was terribly afraid of the box, because it could not understand the purpose of buying dead souls.

Image of the landlord of the nostroid in the dead souls

The next one who was suggested to get rid of them, became the landowner Nozdrev. This crazy man is full of energy, passion, but directs his stormy stream not in that direction.

And again, Nikolai Gogol causes the reader to be surprised by the worthlessness of the landlord's life, because the lies and the boasting of the Nosdrev landowner do not have a limit or meaning.

Although this and other landowners in the dead souls of Gogol are very bright characters, they are united by one - spiritual emptiness.

Image of a landowner of a companion in the dead souls

Plushkin landowner in dead souls

Perhaps the most terrifying image in the poem is the image of a plush landlord. The man who once led a light, full life, turned into a fanatical collector, aspiring to rule over everything that comes across his eyes. The surname Plushkin speaks of an unhealthy passion to have every trifle, considering it a certain bunch, that is, useful.

Because of such a blasphemous relationship, the peasants suffer greatly: they have to look at the mountains of rotting grain, when there are nothing on the plate.

As a result, the landowners in the dead souls of Gogol are very vivid characters that it is impossible to confuse. But all of them unites one - spiritual emptiness.

We bring to your attention also a brief content of the poem Gogol