What errors are allowed when making a summary? Unforgettable errors in the resume.

What errors are allowed when making a summary? Unforgettable errors in the resume.

The British Coaching Company Personal Career Management has studied 500 summons of candidates (from university graduates to top managers) and found out that as many as 98% of them are not suitable. Therefore, it is worth recalling the typical errors that admit almost all applicants.

So, here is a list of errors that need to be avoided.

No information

Many applicants have incorrect ideas about the importance of certain skills for the employer, so they do not reflect their key competencies. Find out this and demonstrate recruiters that you have the right knowledge, skills and experience - it will help the employer understand that you are the most suitable vacancy candidate.

Not enough evidence

Just declare your advantages is not enough - you need to confirm them. For example, besides the application that you have good communication skills, an example of their effective use should be given: "I lead a corporate monthly blog within our promotion strategy on social networks."

Too general information

Many applicants constitute too general summary, which is called, for all occasions. However, if you have not specified clearly your goal and did not describe a specific functionality, recruiters will be in difficulty, which vacancy you offer.

Grammatical errors

Nine out of ten resumes contain mistakes, and only on this basis, their authors are not considered as serious applicants. The document must be flawless if your goal is to demonstrate its high professionalism and attention to detail. Always give a ready-made summary to check familiar philologists.

Negative information

The summary should include only positive information about yourself. Never criticize past employers and do not apply to difficulties or disappointments (the exception is successful when difficulties have been successfully overcome).

Incorrect selection of words

To spoil the impression even from the strongest candidate, heavy, inappropriate expressions or unsuccessful clichés can. Use strong, productive verbs to describe their actions (created, initiated, etc.) - this will charge a summary of energy and confirm the impression of you as an active candidate.

Problems with search resume

All recruiters, so make sure they are contained in your resume.

Corinne Mills (Corinne Mills) , managing director of the coaching company Personal Career Management.

To optimize the whole process of finding a job and reduce the likelihood of failures, be sure to pay attention to the quality of your resume. It is likely that it is ready for you no longer one year, so adapting its content in accordance with the current requirements and realities.

Error number 1. Description of tasks instead of achievement

This marked list under each of your previous jobs usually looks like a list of duties. Instead, you should emphasize the results of these duties. What have you achieved in every post? How did your job helped save the budget, increase productivity, solve problems, keep customers and so on? If you want to make a summary noticeable, you should not list your tasks - it is better to emphasize your achievements that make you a valuable employee.

Error number 2. Bad formatting

Such seemingly a non-essential error can thoroughly spoil the impression of your resume.

Invincible fonts, intervals or highlighting with bold text and italics demonstrate a lack of attention to detail.
Too fine or, on the contrary, too large font can annoy the reader.
Huge solid text paragraphs lead to an inattentive and running resume view.
Document format. If the summary is in the form of attachment in the mail, it is better to save it in PDF format so that when opening does not break the formatting.

Error number 3. Summary is not adapted for the desired position

Do not regret the time to rebuild and adapt your resume to the post you want to get. This will give you an advantage over competitors, massively sending your typical and generalized life ways.

If the employer requires the inclusion of specific information, check its presence in your resume.
Do not turn on unnecessary facts. If you apply for a position in the finance department, there is no need to mention that the student you worked for the delivery of pizza.
Use key words from the description of the work or industry to emphasize your compliance with this post.
Place your most significant achievements at the top of the resume so that they immediately rush into the eyes.

Error No. 4. Note Post Address

Once the postal address at the top of the resume was mandatory. But in the current digital mobile world, this requirement is hopelessly outdated. In fact, your address may even harm. If the company is in another state or city, then your resume can be excluded from consideration. Limit just the number of your phone and email.

Error number 5. spelling and grammatical errors

Specographic and grammatical errors can become a red cloth for hiring managers. These errors show again the lack of attention to detail and banal illiteracy. Be sure to carefully deduct your resume before shipping.

Error number 6. Invalid data

Any hire manager has in its arsenal a lot of stories of frank lies from the mouth and summary of applicants. Be true, because any of the wrong property to pop up (and not always on time) and thoroughly spoil your reputation. For example, if you exaggerate your skills, then your incompetence will very soon become apparent.

This phrase has long been used as standard for a summary, although now it actually does not make sense. Employers of a priori suggest that you have the necessary recommendations, because you why to hide them and wait for requests for their provision.

Error number 8. Education description at the beginning of the summary

If you just finished a university or just a newcomer in the labor market, then this item can skip. But applicants who already have some kind of work experience, are starting with work experience and only then mention education. Employers are more interested in your achievements than in your diploma.

Error number 9. Too much unnecessary information

Perhaps you went away from the last work, because I continuously swore with one of my colleagues, or you had an inadequate boss. It may be true, but in a summary, such information is unacceptable. No fact should force a hiring manager to question your communicative skills or professionalism.

If you sent your resume in many companies, but you do not call back - perhaps the reason is not at all in you, but in your resume. In other words, it is improperly, with errors. Errors in compiling a resume - not uncommon, and allowed by the applicants constantly. They may lead to the fact that your resume will quickly go to the trash can, and no one will even reflect on your professional skills and achievements.

The most important mistakes are of course grammatical, punctuation, stylistic. They immediately make it clear that an adult has not learned to even competently. So, it is unlikely to do something well. Therefore, before sending a resume, it is better to give it to read the pare-troika relatives and friends.

In addition to the errors described in the summary, there are many others. Consider the most typical of them.

You are a frivolous man

Summary can speak primarily about your frivolism, even infals. What employer wants to take such a person to work? That's right, none wants.

[Email Protected]? Believe me, nothing good. Rather, he will just get laundered and will not consider you as a candidate. But if you read the revelation of personnel (which are many on the Internet), people regularly send a summary from such addresses. For business correspondence, it is better to make a mailbox with a neutral address, for example, in the form of the name and initials.

Secondly, the design of the summary can say about your frivolism. It will be enough for the resume to be clearly structured, possibly using tables. But it will be too unnecessary if it contains various suitable frames and patterns, different fonts are used differently and size. If you are a graphic designer and beautifully, tastefully issued a resume - this is only in plus. For other professions it does not fit. The same applies to the use of emoticons, unnecessary punctuation marks (dots, questioning and exclamation marks) in the summary. Your "sense of humor" and emotionality will not be assessed, if, of course, you are not looking for a clown job.

And finally, thirdly: your photo can beat off any desire to spend an interview with you. You can open any site with a resume in open access, and see which photos are laying out applicants. In a swimsuit, on a disco, together with someone, blurred, on the background of a feast .... you can continue a lot. If you decide to apply to a summary of the photo - let it be modest, in decent clothes, acceptable quality. Best is in business clothes and in the workplace. All the rest leave in the personal photo album.

Lack of structure

Any resume should be convenient for reading. All information should be clearly structured, and is preincade. If you do not have this - alas, you are unlikely to be brought to an interview. There are cases when a person writes a resume in a free style, in the form of a story. Maybe it's good for a writer. But for the rest of the professions - hardly.

It is best to entitle sections with a resume, starting with the most important - education and experience. And it is precisely to give the greatest number of text.

Too many personal information

Of course, many employers want to know about the family position of a person, especially women. As well as the presence of children's applicant, especially small. But this information is not necessary. It is limited to the last name, name and patronymic, as well as age. And that's why.

Everyone knows that employers are skeptical about, for example, to young married girls. Such an attitude from fears that the worker will quickly go to the decree. If you indicated that there is no children - you may simply not call because of the concerns described. Let these facts be revealed at the interview, which will be known from the summary. After all, so you have much more chasans to please the employer, convince him of difficulty concerns.

Sometimes it happens that the applicant is ready to post about himself at all. Some even indicate the address of the residence and passport details. Such a frank can cause bewilderment and doubt in your ability not to chat unnecessary.

For personal information also includes information about the hobby. About the hobby can not be mentioned in the summary. But if you decide to do it, then do it carefully. Something is absolutely superfluous and not related to work is better not to indicate. Well, for example, the type of cooking, sewing and weaving phenoshek, watching movies and listening to music. Well, if the hobby is neutral - drawing, sport. It is even better if it will be related to work - for example, writing articles in journals in the specialty, studying foreign languages.

Sports as a hobby be careful. Some companies oppose their employees to engage in extreme sports. They say, break their hands-legs and go to a long sick. Therefore, perhaps, it is worth it to be silent about the addiction to the jumps with parachute and snowboarding.

False information

Of course, the task of the resume is to set the applicant in the most advantageous light. But some applicants in the process of performing this task are starting to lie in the summary. Most often, applicants are in a summary of the experience of work, about the responsibilities, about knowledge of languages.

Such a lie can be detected even when reading resumes. Or the employer will begin to doubt the truth of the specified information. For example, wanting to imagine himself most profitably, the candidate pointed out the duties that do not correspond to the title.

In addition, after reading the summary, nothing prevents the employer to help your reference. And even before he brings you to the interview. Remember - the secret always becomes clear.

Information that is not relevant

We are talking about education, experience, skills, achievements that do not mind the desired post.

So, for example, if you claim the position of the accountant, it will not be indicated: in the section on education - courses of cooks; in the section on work experience - work by a promoter; In the section on achievements - first place in the contest of beadwork; In the Skill section - the ability to breed aquarium fish.


This applies mainly to personal qualities. Almost all applicants are targeted, sociable, with an active life position aimed at the result. It is time to come up with something more original. To do this, it is worth analyzing what qualities are important in general for your profession. And after all there are many other qualities other than those listed. For example: attentiveness, good memory, preferabity, etc.

No individual approach

The rule of good tone today is to make up. And under a specific company and under a specific vacancy. If you did not compose such, but simply sent our resume in an email in an email, then your chances of being invited to the interview decrease. Even worse when the applicant makes a mass mailing into several email addresses at the same time.


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The people say that it is customary to meet a person, but to accomplish - by the mind. So "clothes" of any applicant is his resume. It is a resume can say about the applicant that he did not think to speak himself. Identify some of the character traits, assess the degree of frankness and the level of competence, looking only in the summary, for an experienced personnel manager will not be much difficult.

What kind of typical errors made in the compilation of the summary do not leave the applicant a chance to be heard?

If only they accepted

At first glance, the summary filled quite simply and "painlessly". But let's fall deeper.

Situation number 1. Filling the graph "Desired Position".

It seems that it cannot be easier - it is enough to specify the position that you want to occupy, and that's it. Yes, it was not there. Some challengers trying to get at least some position, and write down, for example, "Head of Sales Department, HR Manager, Office Manager". Moreover, all of this they are listed in one column and through the comma. An even more curious example is when "commercial director, IT specialist" is indicated at the same time. Of course, the personnel manager responsible for the interview with applicants will arise quite a logical doubt: whether at least some subsidence has a respected challenger about the lobes that he indicated.

Situation number 2. Two summaries for different ways.

Some applicants manage to send two completely different resumes to the same employer. So in one of the instances of the previous place of work, the applicant may be a sales manager, and in another - operator 1C. Is it worth talking about initial confidence in such a chanting chant? Of course, no one vacancies will not want to offer such a candidate.

Situation number 3. Comic wording.

No less often, comical formulations are also found in the descriptions of previous places of work. Agree, the position of "Head of Plastering Division" or the "Scientist" with the asscription "Department," appears quite. After such masterpieces, a serious attitude to his person the applicant may simply do not wait.

Situation No. 4. A biased assessment.

The amount of wages that "dreams" to receive a applicant, loudly stating this in the appropriate graph, can also become a stumbling block. Surprise can cause a salary of 30,000 rubles, stated in the summary of the "gtering" specialist, which has just left the university bench and not having practical skills of work and a salary of 15,000 rubles, specified in the summary of the top manager with a good track record. There will be a question of the competence of the first and low self-esteem of the second.

Chronological errors in the resume

The chronological sequence of events, in particular the dates of acceptance and dismissal from previous places of work, are very important.

Situation No. 5. Confusion in the service list.

Metreat of filling a summary requires all the place of work to be indicated in the reverse order, that is, starting with the latter. Unfortunately, some candidates of this moment do not take into account and first indicate the place of work (that experience), which corresponds to the desired vacancy. Another option is incorrectly filling the summary - the complete absence of dates. Of course, some are so fill in the resume exclusively by ignorance. But candidates, whose track record is too modest, are also received, and they have no work experience, as such, there is no. And experienced personnel, such tricks are well known.

Situation number 6. A person without age.

The applicant who does not indicate the date of his birth, in the eyes of the personnel always looks very suspicious. Of course, an experienced recruiter will compare the date of study and work, approximately calculating age, but the doubt in the honesty of the candidate he will still remain. In any case, if the resume in all the rest will be perfect, this delicate question of the personnel manager will figure out the applicant personally.

Situation number 7. Lack of education.

If the summary does not indicate the dates of learning, it also pursues the personnel on certain thoughts, the most harmless of which is the forgetfulness of the applicant, which is also not the latter. Other assumptions: unfinished studies or academic leave. As the frame will react in this case, it is difficult to predict. It all depends on the position of the vacancy that the applicant claims.

Registration and spelling

Situation number 8. White beak.

The selected design style of the summary is also talking about his author. A large and font indicates a sufficiently high self-esteem from the applicant, but here also the main thing is not to overdo it. But typos, punctuation and spelling errors "cut eyes" and honor the candidate is not made. The words applied not in the appropriate case are sufficiently looks enough. Do not rush when the resume is filling, in order not to get to come.

Situation number 9. Merry mail.

Did you think how your email address is written correctly? [Email Protected] or [Email Protected] - It is quite adequate and decent options, send an email to such addresses with a proposal of discussion of the vacancy of the head of the department or commercial director is not at all conscientious. Now consider another option. Your mail is written, let's say so: [Email Protected], [Email Protected] Or, what good, [Email Protected] Agree, send a serious offer to such mailboxes is somehow strange!

Photo 9x12.

We should not forget that the photo applied to your own resume must be image.

Situation number 10. Down with extra details!

When choosing a photo, which is later planning to attach to a summary, bother you make sure that there is nothing superfluous. The half of the "sliced" neighbor or part of the female hand with a red explosive manicure, peacefully resting on the shoulder being photographed, not the best entourage. At the image, such a photo does not pull at all. Not "rolling" and photos with a strange background, for example, the door of the bathroom, wet linen or the company, drinking beer and the smokeling hookah. Collective photos (they say, guess where I) should not be considered at all.

Situation number 11. I'm cool, I am mega cool!

Some applicants under the concept of "image photography" imply a photo in sunglasses or in a cool car, some - a photo with any brand thing, for example, in the Adidas cap, which closes the floor. Particularly "sophisticated" applicants are resorting to the help of computer programs and send photos, for example, with Dmitry Medvedev or Vladimir Putin. Believe me, such masterpieces produce a completely opposite impression than the candidate expects.

Situation number 12. Light striptease.

Those who can not take intelligence, for some reason in hurry to "charm" the employer with their physical forms. Of course, if the resume is written in the model agency or in some show-ballet, photos with bare torso (for men) or in a swimsuit (for women) can be quite appropriate. But if the candidate gives a resume to the position of "Head of Sales Department" and sends his photo in some melting or in a translucent suit, the question arises of its adequacy.

Patience and a little effort

Situation number 13. Laziness or fear?

The practice of the "template" summary is very common when the preparation of this document entrusts a specialist working on the "rolled" scheme. The beaten design and brief phrases immediately give it out. And then the question arises, and why the candidate himself did not bother to personally work on a personal summary. If the applicant simply does not have a computer, it means that the work in the "home office" mode is definitely not suitable for him. If the candidate was simply too lazy to find information on the Internet, to analyze it and draw up its own resume, perhaps he is small, does not own the minimum knowledge of PC or does not work well with the analysis of the information and does not know how to structure it. If the applicant is the easiest to pay for such a job because it does not have time for such trifles, but whether it is enough for him to the little things of a working character.

We draw conclusions

We hope that those candidates who seek to occupy any decent position have already understood that it is best to work a little and make a competent summary absolutely independently. Potential employer Your work will not just notice, but also will appreciate. For those who are ready to be content with the place of handyman, the knowledge of the subtleties of the compilation of the summary is not necessarily.

It is impossible to make an ideal summary - if only because different employers have different ideas about a qualitative summary and an ideal candidate. At the same time, unambiguously avoid coarse errors. The price of an error in compiling a summary is high: being a competent specialist, relevant vacancies, you may not receive an invitation to an interview from a promising employer and, as a result, lose employment opportunities.

What typical errors in the summary allow applicants?

1. information too much

Summary for three pages and more is nonsense. Maximum two, and even if your experience has more than 15 years. Ideally, it is advisable to fit into one page.

It is useful to remember that the summary has nothing to do with autobiography. No need to talk about each position that you occupied, and in it - about each task you performed.

Summary is the "cast" of your experience, allowing the employer to quickly get an answer to the question, you correspond to the vacancy or not.

Therefore, the key moment for the candidate is to bring a summary in line with the vacancy.

Carefully read the employer's ad and find answers to questions:

  • What knowledge, skills, skills Employer want to see in the applicant?
  • What skills he considers the most important, key, and what can be considered secondary?
  • What moments in the experience of work are key to the employer (total experience, work with certain tasks / in certain projects, work experience in large companies / in international markets, etc.).

If there are moments in which the employer's claims and your skills / qualities coincide, write about it in the accompanying letter and be sure to reflect them in the summary.

2. information too little

Some applicants list job positions in the "Experience" and tasks for each position indicate very scores. Compare:

A) "Conclusion to the market of new products."

B) "Conclusion to the market of new products (on average, six year in six months). For the last half of the year, two products received the status of the leader. "

The second option is informative; In addition, it contains an example of achieving, which increases the weight of this string in the summary.

Useful nuance: in the "Experience" section, next to the company name, specify its generation and the number of employees (if you do not know the exact number, indicate that it is small, medium or large business; for some employers this information is important).

3. Photo does not match the task

The main errors in drawing up a summary can be hidden in trifles that are in fact small things are not.

For example, a photo for a summary: it seems there is nothing easier. In fact, finding a suitable photo is not so simple. The snapshot should be designed in a business style: clothes, facial expression and pose, background, environment must comply with this requirement. At the same time, the photo in the summary should be humane - not so strict as in the passport, because the employer wants to understand what you represent as a person.

Invalid photos, where the applicant is in a circle of friends, at a party, on the beach, in open summer clothes, near the historic attractions (photo from travel), etc. For a resume, it is better not to be lazy and take a photo purposefully.

4. Unnecessary information

There should be no lines in the summary that does not carry useful meaning.

For example, if you are a secretary, and in the summary you have references to the electronic document flow, which you used, in the "Skills" or "Additional Information" section, do not necessarily write the "Experienced PC user", because it is also clear.

Another thing, if you specify that you have sneaking skills. Or what do you have experience in paperwork for visa.

Indicate in the summary only important information that carry useful semantic loads.

5. Grammar errors

Errors can be different. The employer will easily understand the presence in the document (perhaps it will not be noticed). But if a specialist allows mistakes in professional terms, or in the names of software complexes, the techniques with which it enjoys in work, the chances of obtaining work are reduced critically.

6. Uncertain search goal

When you formulate the purpose of finding a job, follow the "Summary" principle - one search direction. "

Suppose the employer reads a summary of the purpose of searching for a candidate: "The post of secretary-referenta, translator, sales manager, tourism manager, administrator in beauty salon." For the employer, such a motley formulation is a sign that a specialist either does not know what he wants, or is looking for any job, just not to be left. The second option is understood from a human point of view, but for the employer is the argument "against". The applicant who has no clear career strategy is not a certain goal - the choice is risky, because at any moment such a specialist may leave the company for the sake of a more attractive position.

7. Phone number for which you are not available

Of course, there may be situations in which you will not be able to respond to the employer: for example, if you are at a meeting or communicate with the client. It is not critical: you can always call back; It is important to do it promptly.

But if the employer calls you and once, and two, and three, and hears the message of the operator in the tube, that you are not available - for the fourth time it will definitely not be to search for you (and in the third hardly).

Make sure that the phone is always charged so that you do not fall out from the ether. If you are going abroad, and you will not be available on the phone, specify in the summary and-mail and check the mailbox during the holidays.

8. A description of the experience not related to the vacancy

If you want to eliminate unforgivable errors in the summary, make sure that each line in the "Experience" section was useful for a particular employer.

Sales manager not necessarily indicate that for some time he worked as a taxi driver. What is really important is to indicate the category of driver's license and mention the presence of a personal car (if any).

The exception is only a summary of graduates. Since young professionals have no experience, or it is not enough, it is recommended to include all kinds of practical activities in the resume - to interest the employer, show the availability of skills, increase the competitiveness of a young specialist.

9. Inaccurate information

It happens that applicants indicate some of the information "on the eye" - approximately. For example, if a specialist does not remember exactly the dates of receipt and care with some position, and this is not specified in the labor, it may indicate the period approximately. At the interview, this question may require clarification. And on the issue of the employer "Have you worked in the company N year and three months?" May follow the answer: "How much did you say? And how many is written in my resume? " This answer immediately causes alertness: if the applicant does not know himself, what is written in his resume, then is it not true?

Another example. In the summary, the applicant writes that he coordinated the work of the department, which consisted of 10 specialists. At the interview, answering the question of the employer, the specialist says that 12 people were in the department. Ten or twelve - the difference is small, but for the employer, inaccuracy will be a sign of inattention or incorrectness of the applicant.

10. Summary hard to read

If you list the main errors when making a summary, then you need to mention the absence of a structure in the document: when paragraphs merge with each other, and at first glance it is not clear where the block of work experience ends and information on education begins.

Stick up the traditional resume structure:

  • title (your profession, specialization in which you are looking for a job),
  • contact information (FI., Year of birth, city of residence, phone, and-mail, family status),
  • the purpose of the search (what kind of work are you looking for, with what form of employment, are the options for moving),
  • skills
  • work experience (list the positions that you occupied; what tasks you performed; what successes you managed to achieve),
  • education,
  • additional education (advanced training courses, online learning and so on),
  • additional information (information about personal qualities, hobbies; additional information about skills, such as owning foreign languages).