How to memorize the rules of the Russian language: a new textbook to help. How to quickly learn all the rules in the Russian language

How to memorize the rules of the Russian language: a new textbook to help. How to quickly learn all the rules in the Russian language
How to memorize the rules of the Russian language: a new textbook to help. How to quickly learn all the rules in the Russian language

I admit a lot of mistakes, it is quite possible and in this article will be 20 or more errors, but one of my get rid of this problem. To do this, I really need to improve grammar, especially the rally alignment, because Chrome helps to avoid the most primitive errors.

Lingualeo has learning English with interactive grammatical courses. It is a pity that there is no same service for the Russian language. As if hinting, make a startup to explore the Russian language! I would have done myself, but I'm not started.

So, there are not so many sites on the Internet, where they would be interested in grammar. I found several effective ways to study grammar using the Internet and offline. Perhaps the Russian language is not necessary to learn about the Internet, but at school just? A rhetorical question, I myself am a pity that I was poorly studied at the lessons of Russian and literature. Now I'm learning what seventh graders pass.

Before printing an article, I carefully spent the reserves and chose the best ways to tighten the grammar in the Russian language.

Read books

The most popular advice was reading books. This method advises absolutely all (even those who do not know how to read), and necessarily attributing "the rules did not teach, but I always write without errors." Something like memorization along with intuition. I believe and read too. Not to say that he helps me a lot, I just do not notice, but it is never harmful to read, unless "50 shades of gray."

Rewrite books

There were also people who advised to rewrite the whole "war and peace." Even with examples, as one student wrote all night and died passed all exams on 5 in Russian. As for me, not the best way, it is better to learn and practical rules.

Re-read the rules of the Russian language for 5-9 class

I was given a book with the theory of Russian language for a schoolboy for all classes. And I tried to teach a little every day.

But they threw something in search of the best way, quite hard to teach.

In addition to the above methods, we will look at some sites on the Internet, helping to improve grammar and get rid of spelling errors, tighten punctuation and so on.

Rosental reference

A book from Offline, which has many online versions, according to the link one of these. It is a large collection of all rules, a lot of chapters.

The most popular site dedicated to the Russian language. Yes, what site there is a whole portal with a bunch of information. Even the question can be asked and get an answer.

Present to your attention cheerful memories in the Russian language By 15 rules of spelling, orphoepia and grammar.

Competent speech, both oral and written, immediately issues a person formed and read. Speak and write without mistakes every one! Of course, only the owner of rare encyclopedic knowledge can achieve one hundred percent result. However, it is a cleaner, non-cutting rumor to make your speech - the task is easy to perform: and it is worth it to not allow at least the most common mistakes in it.

In this article, prepared specifically for the Russian language, we tried to collect together several "popular" difficult cases, on which not only children often stumble, but also quite serious adults - in telecasts, movies, media. And to remember the rules, it was even kid to remember, we decided to put them in a poetic form.

1. The particle does not write with verbs separately.

Not - the verb is not a comrade,
Appears they are always worth.
And write them together -
Will never understand you!

(E. Inityova)

2. Particles are not

Oh, how not and nor!
But still different they.
Like neither the fuck, if neither wise,
Do not confuse not and nor!

3. - Against the verbs

In winter evening star, quiet
Snow what makes? Spin.
And it's time to tomorrow
All what to do? Go to bed.

(E. Inityova)

4. Emphasis in the personal forms of the verb "Call" falls on the sound of I.

My neighbor is dunning moat,
The phone does not call him.
The hectre apparatus is silent,
Waiting for who will call.

(I. Ageev)

5. To wear (what?) Clothes; Dress down (who?) Hope

Nadia girl rushed
There are three dresses boldly,
Powered and coat -
No one will freeze!

Became a doll to wear,
To walk to collect.
"It became hot - moms!
Remove me what mittens? "

(E. Inityova)

6. come - come

- I can't come to you
And I will not come to school.
- But what happened? Tell me!
- I can come. I will come.

(E. Inityova)

7. Glagol "Ride" in the imperative

On green light
You are not EHAY
And do not eat
And do not ride ever -
Go! I remember?
- Yes!

8. The verb "put" is used without consoles, and "(by) to lie down" - only with consoles.

I'm going to lie down, nor go to
Yes, and the opposites can not.
And you can put and put -
Remember, friends!

(E. Inityova)

9. Victory or win? The verb "Winning" in the future has only a complex form (win, become a winner).

"How to contest I will go, as I wanted everyone!
Victory in it without effort, if enough suffer! "
"You are not a boast, letters, and the language of the highlight is speedy.
The rules you need to know to win! "

(E. Inityova)

10. Separate and fusion spelling that / so that, the same / too, also / also

Also The thing is that Masha, I will write in a notebook,
Also Tomorrow, like Masha, I'll get the top five!

Same I'll go to the bazaar
As she walked last year,
There I will buy a cow
As well as Horse and goat.

(E. Inityova)

11. Sung words (Politsa, Polmir, Paul Watermelon, Paul Lemon, Paul-Moscow)

Now it became clear to us
Will never forget:
Word floor with any consonant
Always written alone.

Before "l" and before vowel
In front of the letter is registered
Word floor - any clear -
Separated by a feature.

(I. Aseeva)

12. PEITIVE PADEW Multiple Nouns "Socks", "Stockings", "Boots", "Shoes"

"Stockings" and "socks" are subject to a simple rule: the shorter, the longer.

Socks Short - Long Word: Socks (6 letters)
Long stockings - word short: stocking (5 letters)

And about "shoes" and "boots" we offer you to remember the funny quatrain:

One pair of fashionable shoes
It is worth a huge truffle.
But leather boogs
I scrap, how much I could!

(E. Inityova)

At the same time, it is possible to learn the spelling of the single letter N in the word "leather" (the same - in other adjectives with the suffix an / yang). Exceptions are easy to remember, looking at the usual window: Wooden, glass, tin.

13. Oh or Yo? In the shock suffixes of the names of the nouns -Ok-, -On-block- (Girl, Skull, Galkonok, Bear) written by the letter O.

Walked through the forest of bearish nok
His wolf nok met:
- There's a crowd of girls in the forest
All scattered Boco Nok,
Full berries, delicious, ripe.
Take the raspberry bold!

(E. Inityova)

14. Cakes - shorts: the emphasis in all forms of both words falls on the first syllable.

Long ate cakes -
No shorts were tall.
Better live without cakes
What to walk without shorts!

15. Spelling of unresponsible consonants

And terrible and dangerous
The letter "T" write in vain!
Everyone knows how charming
The letter "T" write appropriate!

Let me give you a storage
Top Downloadable !

Happy Russian!

Dear readers, maybe you are known and other good memories? Have you composed them yourself or remembered since childhood? We will be very grateful if you share with us your knowledge and complement this article with a new interesting material. You can send letters on our edition.

I think it will help:
step 1. Open textbook
step 2. Complete Rule
step 3. I read again
step 4. 1. Write the letters. A study conducted in 2008 at the University of Kyoto showed: if before proceeding with a van, to remember and record their sad thoughts and the smallest troubles that have occurred in recent times, the effectiveness of studies will increase sharply. The fact is that all negative we are a priori remember very well. And all the information that will come immediately after epistolary events, the brain on the inertia will perceive as "bad", which means reliably fixes. Not the most cheerful method, but really works.
2. Take care of nature. It turns out that the tradition of domestic students to prepare for exams in the country is very wise. Three years ago, psychologists from Michigan University found out: the contemplation of nature increases the cognitive function by as much as 20%. By the way, it is not necessary to travel to this very nature, you can simply look at the photos for 5-10 minutes.
3. Scream louder. Words are remembered by 10% better if they shout. Optionally, of course, yelling on the whole house "Cat!", "Walk!". Enough several times loudly and clearly utter each word.
4. Be more expressive. Another advice for studying difficult languages: Picture gestures all the words and phrases you learn. Literally: if you learn the leasing of the verb "Jump" - jump. And if you need to learn a dialog or a complex phrase, learn the scene. You will see, everything will be remembered quickly quickly.
5. Listen to yourself. Having learned some information, tell her to the recorder. And when you fall asleep, touch this entry quietly - you need to sleep under it. This is a stunningly effective way to fix already familiar, but poorly remembered things.
6. Do not sit on the spot. Learn poems, textbooks and reports, triggered circles around the room. The fact is that walking activates the work of the brain, and your ability to memorize increases significantly.
7. Change the situation. If in one evening you need to prepare for two exams (or meetings), do it in different rooms. The information that we remember under different circumstances is not stirred in the head.
8. Throw words. Superpole to learn a large amount of fusion text, such as lyrics or report. Rewrite this text, leaving each word only the first letter, and learn it, trying to remember these words. Naturally, at first will have to look into the original, but in the end you will sufficiently look at the truncated version and the text instantly pops up in memory. Such a cheat sheet is very convenient to take with you.
9. Sleep more. The longer you sleep after something learned, the better you will remember this information on the outflow. And sleepless nights, on the contrary, significantly worsen the memory. It is better to sleep a couple of hours before the exam, than trying to learn more "a couple of tickets."
10. Give sports! There were a lot of research on this topic, and everyone confirmed: aerobic exercises improve brain circulation and memory. Take a fit-bo or dance before sitting down the books: you can learn by heart at least "Eugene Onegin". Well, or at least the first storm.

Conjugation of verbs.

To the second hard

We will take away without a doubt

All verbs that is to be

Excluding shaving, string.

And also: watch, offend,

hear, see, hate

drive, breathe, keep, endure,

And depend, and tweak.

You remember friends,

You can not hide them.

And here's also the verbs here.

Who in the verbs is written Central Asian - a real sheep!

With a great desire, any rule can be sent out, but with stars easier and more fun.

Rule - it is the rule that it is necessary to learn, to drive, knock the iron nails to yourself. Other not given!

For this, children in school are taught Russian to speak and write correctly, be able to express their thoughts.

If you failed a fool in school, then this is your problem, because in your future life you will most likely not be time to memorize the rules of the Russian language.

Here is a detailed material on how to memorize the rules of the Russian language. I will not retell an article. Do not be lazy to go through the link.\u003d202948amp ;clear_cache\u003dy

Here is our way that we gave us an old lecturer Russian language.

So I remembered the roots with alternating rash, Razch and Ros.

Here in this word all the sonar consonants - lemonary.

Good luck in Russian.

At school, we were taught to memorize the questions to which the adverb is in order to make it easier to disassemble the proposal. We remembered in the form of a poem:

where, where, when, from where, why, why and how?

About the case, too, have already written, I will not repeat.

There are many interesting examples to faster and better remember the rules. But the most important thing in the study of the native language is (sorry for the banality) permanent training, memorizing and repetition of all (!) Orph and paragraphs. It is not difficult to learn them at all if you start it at least from the fifth grade. In lessons, it is not studied for several rules. And one, small, in 45 minutes of the lesson, you can learn. I am sure that if you are attentive in the lessons, it is possible and without homework to understand and learn all the rules included in the school curriculum.

The Russian language is considered very difficult for training (along with Chinese and Korean) foreigners that there is no specific system for the rules. There are separate poems or phrases for memorization, but they cover only a small part of the Russian language. The rest will have to learn the training and cramp.

Read more. Who reads a lot, not only speaks more correctly, but also writes. Even not always knowing the rules, however, a person writes out of mistakes, something like visual memory. So teach the love of kids to reading: and the horizons will expand, and spelling is pulled. Well, the rules are already a matter of technology.

When parsing suggestions, when the main (subject, subject, the subject) and the secondary (addition, definition and circumstance) members of the sentence are emphasized, the circumstance can be determined on the following issues:

where? where to? where? as?

why? what for? and how much?

But how to remember the stress:

Poured Merlot in Zherlo, it turned out to be a fuffer!

The same (most) as

Also (can be replaced)

Glass, tin, wooden (window: Glass and wood and tin (piece of iron))

That is, do not forget to dash.

I have such a scheme about the prefixes of prefers and at:

athibitors an approach to anything, proximity (pr. Prottery - close to the shore, at being to the station, at riding by car, at the age of guests)

it exceeds exaggeration, prejudice (pre-real, pre-red, pre-flatter).

And the cases can be taught by poem:

Ivan gave birth to the girl, ordered to drag the diaper.

And the rules can be made schematically, then to memorize easily.

How to learn the rule and learn to apply it

Read carefully

The case will not be moved, if you learn to music or with the included TV. Lay in a convenient location and concentrate on the textbook. Thoughtfully read the rule, paying attention to the selected words, examples and schemes. If the essence of what was written in the head did not immediately, read the text again.


Do not zubri, but in the essence of the rule. Each items will say to yourself. Observing with incomprehensible words and wording, try retelling the rule in your own words. Carefully consider examples. In practice, they show the action rule. With them it will be easier to understand the meaning.

On the writing of complex nouns, adjectives, as well as the shortcoming teacher of the Russian language of the educational center Adcuar Victoria Romanova


Confecting the rule, you run the memorization process. It remains only to keep information in the head. This will help the retelling out loud. Memorization is given hard - train memory. Learn to reproduce the topic of the house, and you easily repeat it at the board or to yourself, when you encounter in the text with the spell or the problem of forming a punctuation.

Screshing in practice

Bring to automatism the ability to write competently only in practice. After thoughtfully completed exercises, you no longer have to vote each time. So that it does not destroy, periodically return to theory and tasks on this topic.

What else will help better understand and memorize the rules


Places in the rules where you need to remember a lot of words exceptions are postponed faster in memory with the help of mnemonic phrases (a way to memorize information using associations). One of these: "Larous wound, climbed onto the tree." This line helps to distinguish the words that are in oral speech coincide on the sound. You will find ready-made associations in the book E. A. Lisovskaya "A nodule for memory, or mnemonic ways to study spelling".

Schemes and tables

To collect a great rule in one picture, use schemes or tables. We also look for infographics in the Paby of Adukar in the Russian language.

And also well study the language by video. Rollers in all the rules that will be suitable for the CT, you will find at our online training service in the Russian language.

Understanding the word structure

To apply the rules correctly, you need to see the structure of the word. It is important to understand the orthogram in the root or suffix. The easiest way to disassemble a lex on the morphemes is to pick up single words.

Determination of part of the speech

Writing often depends on the part of the speech to which the word belongs. Learn to clearly distinguish the adverb on behalf of the noun with the pretext or infinitive from the verb in the form of an imperative inclination.

Syntactic skills

To correctly put the punctuation signs, learn from understanding the composition of the proposal and allocate its parts. The correctly constructed scheme of the non-union proposal will save you from a punctuation error.

If a schoolboy is able to disassemble a proposal for members completely, it will help him when setting the punctuation marks. The scheme will be by the way for proposals with different types of communication. It is also necessary to draw attention to the presence of revolutions (involved, consignment), interjections, appeals.

Svetlana Pashukievich, Lecturer of the Russian language educational center Adcicar


Without knowledge of the rules, it is impossible to master the competent writing.

You must understand the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe rule, the essence of it.

The competent and teacher will always build a lesson in such a way that the student is not an object, but a subject of learning. He must teach a child not to receive ready-made knowledge, but to extract them himself.

If the student at the lesson comes to the opening itself, then memorizing the rules is not much difficult, because He understands what they are talking about.

Studying writing letters "and", "s" after "C", the students easily remember the words-exceptions on a funny phrase: "Gypsy on tiptoe chicken quiced the chicks." If you still attach an illustration of how ridiculous Gypsies will steal to chicken, then memorizing this rule will not cause any difficulty.

If children know how to determine part of speech, it will also simplify the process of understanding the rule.

When memorizing the rules relating to the formulation of punctuation marks, the ability to see the structure of the proposal and to allocate its parts to you.

Learn to work with the proposals schemes. In graphical form, through the scheme, the rule remember much easier.


  • how to remember the rules

Rules are a different kind of generally accepted norms. Without rules, the life of man would be chaos. The rules accompany us everywhere: on the street, visiting, in public places, etc. For many standards of behavior, we are taught from childhood, and we accept this as of granted. But there are such rules that we must study without which it is impossible to obtain education, the mastery of the profession. These include, for example, the rules of the Russian language, various laws. Memorization of a huge number of similar norms will help successfully apply them in practice.

You will need

  • - Tutorial
  • - Collection of tasks (exercises)


Tune in to memorizing the rules, determine how much time you need for this. Rules to learn in a hurry and under the influence of any distracting factors (TV,).
Decide for yourself what you remember - only to answer the class, or it will need you and in later life.

Carefully read the rule, talking clearly every word.
To successfully remember the rule, you need to understand the essence of its content. To do this, it is necessary to determine in it the meaning of each word.
Keywords can be emphasized or allocated in color. So the visual memory will work faster, upon subsequent playback, you remember the dedicated words.
In addition to allocating keywords, if possible, it will effectively submit this rule graphically, for example, in the form of a schema or table.
In order to better understand the content of the rule, you can reformulate it if possible. For example, the rule has such a structure: "If there is ..., then do ...". Let's just say: "We do ... when there is ...".
If the rule consists of several items, then first comprehend each part separately. To remember, connect the content of each item. These may be causal relationships between them, or the use of all items in one specific situation.
Connect your fantasy and creative imagination and try figuratively imaging the contents of the rule. Such a reception is actively using children's educators and when explaining any norms of kids.

Tie new knowledge with previously learned. So you will refresh the material in memory and will better remember the new one in comparison with it. The new information is remembered easier when you already have knowledge on this topic.

After the wording, the rules usually follow its use in practice. Check out them. Compare the phenomena that is in the sample, with those referred to in the rule.
Follow the proposed training exercises to secure the knowledge gained. In the course of their implementation, prior to the wording of the rule.
Perform a variety of exercise types, so you will remember the possible nuances of this rule.
Repeat the content of the rule even when "automatically" use it in practice. This will allow you to confirm its proper use.

Retell a rule to someone from loved ones or repeat yourself by closing. It is also useful if someone reads you the first part of the rule, and you will continue. Or, on the contrary, you are asked, in which case something is done specific, and you call this condition.

Video on the topic


When you remember the rule, try not to be distracted by outsiders and thoughts.

Helpful advice

Memorial rules best in the morning or evening.


  • How to memorize in 2019

Ownership of spelling rules determines human literacy. This aspect greatly affects his professional image. Russian spelling norms cover such sections as roots with alternating vowels, fusion and separate writing "not" with various parts of speech, vowels after hissing; Fusion, separate and defisid written words, as well as rules spelling consoles.

rules spelling consoles Need not only to adjust the correct graphic design of the word. In some cases, this or that the writing of the console may affect. For example, "" means to be in any place for a long time, and "arrive" - \u200b\u200bto come somewhere. In addition, the prefix can help in the "decoding" of the word meaning. Thus, the prefix gives the value of a high degree of quality or action, and it can be replaced by the words "very", "very" (for example: prepherd, succeed). In other cases, the value "Through", "Ooo", like the Pere -, (for example: Crime, turn). The prefix is, in turn, can create a semantic value of spatial proximity (for example: coastal,); Prescription, approximation, accession (for example: to fake, nail, adjacent); incomplete action (for example: to open, pause), bringing action to the end (for example: to come up with, prepare), performing action in someone's interests (for example: to strain, save). Fouring features of the language also have an impact on consoles. The choice of a consonant "C" or "З" of the non-/ influenza, the variable / nis-, variation, since then, depending on the subsequent sound. They are written with the letter "s" before vowels and ring consonants (b, in, g, d, z, z, l, m, n, r) and with the letter "C" before the deaf consonants (K, P, C, T , F, X, C, H, W, Sh). For example: permanent -, resurrected - to scare, push out - Open it. However, it is necessary to remember that the prefix can always remain unchanged, regardless of whether it is before deaf or calling the consonants (for example: to make it, scrubbing. spelling consoles Also regulate the graphical transmission of words with foreign language posts, sub-, des-, counter, trans-, post-, pan-. In these cases, the root begins with a vowel "and", unlike spelling Words with Russian consoles, where instead of "and" "s" (for example: to find, play out). Exceptions constitute the prefixes between and above, after which "and" is preserved (for example: over interesting).

Read and see also:

Studying the history of rules

Pupils will understand better, which means, will remember the rule, if they dig in his history, learn who and how for the first time it formulated, as the words were written before the appearance of the rule of spelling, why the rule was generally required in the spelling system. For such work, the old publications of books in Russian grammar are required, starting with the writings of Lomonosov. Such editions are easy to find on the Internet. You can also use a copy of the 18th century books on the laboratory work. In the directory of the site "I can write" there is a story of some rules of spelling. For example, the rules of spelling consoles.

Selection of words on one rule

Sometimes people remember the rule of the Russian language all their life and do not suspect that there are only a few words in the language for this rule. Or several dozen. For example, the adverbs with hissing at the end of only 12: 9 with a soft sign and 3 without a soft sign at the end. 3 adverbs are considered exceptions (more about spelling rules after hissing). And remember the spelling of these specific words is sometimes easier than to remember the rule. But it is not interesting, but the fact that after compiling a complete list of words to the rule of spelling, the student remembers this rule forever. In the preparation of such lists help inverse dictionaries and search for exploitation in electronic dictionaries. You can also methodically write words from exercises in different textbooks. Students can offer ready-made lists of words to various rules. In a group of 10 - 15 people it is easy to spend games to memorize lists. For example, in the game "Auction" one who calls the last word will win. Such methods work perfectly in literacy training. For a class in a regular school, you can give homework to make a story from words. Stories can be printed and make a bright wallpaper. Each after a long creative flour read what others wrote and thus repeatedly repeat words.

Well, and of course, no one canceled traditional dictations with commenting and polls. They must go the background constantly.

Teach the Rules of the Russian Language Fun!