How to close birch juice for the winter. The most delicious birch juice! Birch juice for winter with currant branch

How to close birch juice for the winter. The most delicious birch juice! Birch juice for winter with currant branch
How to close birch juice for the winter. The most delicious birch juice! Birch juice for winter with currant branch

The billet of birch juice is an occupation that can be devoted not to one weekend. In warm spring days there is no more correct solution than to go to the whole family to eat meat from the fire, and in parallel in the nearest birch, collect a couple of dozen liters of birch juice.

The entire preparatory process will require you minimal financial investments and physical forces, but as a result you will be able to stock up with a huge number of "birch nectar", which will not only refresh you hot summer and thicken thirst, but also do it with benefit for your immunity.

Tips for my father to collect and harvesting birch juice for the winter:

  • Before proceeding with the birch juice, you need to figure out all the subtleties of how to get this product. There are several ways to do it. You can buy fresh birch juice on the market for grandparents, who tried to collect it, or take advantage of the second option and go for birch juice to the grove on their own.
  • Today I will tell you how birch juice collects my father, and which side approach this process. From the submitted means you need a manual drill and a drill of 6-10 millimeters and an aluminum tube or a corner of the corresponding diameter. Birch is best suited to collect juice, the barrel of which in diameter is not a member of 30 centimeters.
  • The hole in the tree trunk is drilled by a depth of about 2-3 centimeters and at such a level from the ground, so that it was in the height of your container (banks, bottles, etc.). In the drilled hole insert an aluminum tube or a corner of the groove at an angle.
  • Ideal time for collecting birch juice is the interval between 12:00 and 18:00. After the juice is compiled, do not forget to close the drilled hole. My father, as he says, "swells" holes in the trunk selected with the Earth branches that are suitable in diameter.
  • Instead of aluminum tubes and drills, you can prepare birch juice with the help of a conventional nail (again, from the words of the father - "ordinary weave") and in the well-done hole insert a plastic tube, through which we drink lightweight drinks through which we drink. It remains only the end of the tube to send to the bottle and consolidate the last near the tree trunk using the rope, tape or the resulting wooden deck or branches.

Birch billet from birch juice with raisins

When it comes to the workpiece of birch juice, most people immediately on the mind comes birch kvass. It is from the preparation of this drink that I propose to start a list of a recipe on the preparation of birch juice for the winter.


  • 2 liters of birch juice
  • 5-6 pieces of dried apples
  • 1 dried pear
  • 8-10 raisins
  • 2 tbsp. barley

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare a container in which we will store birch kvass. For these purposes, a plastic bottle is perfect from under any two-liter beverage. We rinse the required amount of bottles and let them completely dry.
  2. Now we will deal with barley. To begin with, it should be sorted from garbage, then shifting on a dry hot frying pan and fry to black.
  3. After the barley is ready, you need to do raisins. It is enough just to rinse well and dry.
  4. Dried fruits are rinsed and grinding to this size, so that the pieces loosely passed through the neck of the plastic bottle.
  5. Birch juice is fixed and overflow into deep containers. Throw in it barley, fruits and raisins.
  6. Leave birch juice in a warm place for 2-3 hours.
  7. After a while, overflow birch juice into a bottle, not adding about 3-4 centimeters to the edges.
  8. Carefully and tightly tighten the neck of the bottle with a lid and leave a bottle in the storage room or a dark place for 4 days.
  9. Through four days, we carry birch kvass in the cellar (cool place) and leave it for 2-3 weeks.
  10. The readiness of the kvass check is very simple - if the bottle with a drink is dense, and you can not sell it with your finger, then kvass is ready.

Preserving of canned birch juice with lemon

The second in popularity of the method of birch juice for the winter is to preserve it. This process is no different from preserving any other products, but has its subtleties that I will describe in detail below.


  • 3 liters of birch juice
  • 3 Piece of lemon
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara

Cooking method:

  1. The cooking of any conservation begins with the preparation of Tara. First of all, the glass 3-liter bank needs to be thoroughly rinsed, after which it is sterilized.
  2. After the packaging for canning will be ready, it's time to do juice. For the start of birch juice, they fix from possible garbage and overflow it in a saucepan.
  3. We put the container with juice on fire and bring it to a temperature of 90 degrees. The temperature is measured using a culinary thermometer.
  4. Fresh lemon rinse and cut it with circles.
  5. In the juice, throw the slices of lemon and fall asleep sugar. I bring juice to a boil and let him get off 4 minutes.
  6. Prepared juice in sterile banks and tightly ride them with covers.
  7. We cover banks with birch juice with a blanket and let them cool.

Preparation of birch juice with oranges for the winter

Another one of the alternative methods of birch juice, which stands out against the background of the other taste "orange" notch. If you have any questions about reading the recipe process, then feel free to ask them in the comments.


  • 3 liters of birch juice
  • 3-4 Circle Orange
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • ¼ ChL citric acid

Cooking method:

  1. If you taste canned juice with a taste of orange, then, perhaps, let's start preparing with the wash of this citrus. After the fruit is washed, cut it with circles.
  2. Then birch juice is filtering and overflow into a metal saucepan. We send a container with juice on fire and bring it to a temperature of 90 degrees.
  3. Throw in the heated birch juice Solk Orange and bring it to a boil.
  4. Immediately after boiling, we pour sugar with citric acid into the pan and immediately turn off the fire.
  5. We break out ready-made juice for sterile banks, roll off with covers. We give banks with birch juice to cool to room temperature under the plaid.

Now you know how birch juice is working. Bon Appetit!

The birch of birch juice is a simple, exciting and busy occupation. Starting from the trip to the birch grove and ending with the rustling of the prepared juice on sterile banks. The whole process of the workpiece from the beginning and to the end will be able to go through anyone who wants, the main thing is to have the desire and patience. Finally, I want to give a few tips, so that the birch of birch juice has passed with you without problems and with a good mood:
  • Birch juice is best to take from birch diameter no less than 30 centimeters, and the collection process itself is carried out in a temporary framework between 12:00 and 18:00 hours;
  • It is possible to harvest the juice in different ways, ranging from its canning, and pumping the preparation of birch kvass;
  • I strongly recommend in the cooking process of juice to add citrus fruits to it, such as lemon, lime or orange;
  • For canning juice, the glass container is best suited, but for kvass, like the collection of juice in the forest, it is better to take the usual plastic bottles.

How to store birch juice? Whole or fresh - in no way. Berezovitsa in its essence - ordinary water. And it would seem, should remain unspoken for a long time. No. It contains so many substances that, after two days, even in the refrigerator, it begins to mold. And what to do - bacteria and microorganisms also love birch "water".

But sometimes I want to enjoy birch juice when the autumnal slush, summer heat, winter stop ... how to be? Usually - save the future.

Birch juice is stored in three ways:

  • deep freeze;
  • canning or evaporation;
  • cooking drinks;

It is clear that the taste and the number of useful substances after the processing of Berezovitsy change slightly. But differently - in no way.

How to store birch juice in the freezer

For long-term storage of birch juice, an ordinary freezer will not fit. The presence of a quick frost function should be a prerequisite. In a simple refrigerator, juice freezes for a long time and it does not most effect on its composition.

Birch "Water" is poured into small portions, about 200-300 ml, and exposed to a shock frost.

Why small? Because he is frosthed, it is also stored only 2 days. So why squeeze all the boulders to drink a cup? It is much more convenient to disappear birch source by portions at once.

Canning on the winter

Birch juice must be heated to a temperature of about 80-85 ° C, then pour over glass bottles or cans, roll in fuscations with covers. After all the procedures, the clouded containers should be additionally pastenerized for 15-20 minutes at 90 ° C.

Coolest cans with precious content at room temperature can be safely stored in a dark cool place 6-8 months.

Another way to store birch juice is evaporation. At a temperature of 60 ° C, birch juice warm up, evaporating its volume to 25% of the total. That is, if it was originally 10 liters of fluid, then at the end there should be only 2.5 liters.

The juice turns out caramel-brown, but it is normal. It is spilled by tanks, closed as familiar home spins and remove into a basement or cellar.

One piece, the resulting drink is not used. It must be diluted with clean water in proportion 1 part of the juice on 3 parts of the water.

Council. For full reliability, the drink is poured into bottles and cans to the very top so that there is no air. The covers for the same reason are destructed with liquid wax or paraffin.

Drinks from birch "water"

If there is no desire to mess around with twists, then cooking is your choice. From birch juice make wonderful kvass, balsams, frost. There are many recipes there are a great set, below are the simplest, but no less delicious.

On 2 l of birch juice of room temperature add 4 tsp Without the top of the sugar and the average handful of raisins. Taste add a grated lemon zest, several favorite berries, slices of fruit. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, bottled on a glass bottle, then removed on Zakvask to the cool dark place for 7 days.

After a week, Kvass are filtering and drinking. Stored in the refrigerator such a drink up to 3 months.

By the way, the raisins do not wash before bookmark, otherwise the fermentation process will pass with mold.

Council. If instead of fruit or berries add a pine chew, then kvass will turn out not only tasty with a pleasant aroma, but also useful with a high content of vitamin C.

Mix 5 l birch juice, 1 l high quality red wine (better home, without preservatives and chemical additives), 1.5 kg of sugar sand, 2 washed and finely chopped lemon. Close the resulting mixture with dense lids, but do not roll. Clean for two months in a cool place (cellar, subfillation).

After filtering, give a "rest" 21 for another 21. You can enjoy!

Council. Balm does not use as an independent drink. It is added to tea, cocktail, coffee.

Morse from birch juice is prepared with the addition of any berries that were at hand. They are pressed, the liquid assigns to the side. The remaining flesh is poured by berezovitsa, put on a boiling water bath. Heat no more than 5 minutes. Remove from fire, give to cool completely.

Then mixed with previously cooked juice cooled, cooled and drink. Optionally, they sweeten with sugar or natural honey.

Such a drink perfectly quenches thirst, gives the body a charge of cheerfulness and tide of strength, replenishes the vitamin and mineral balance.

It is stored in the refrigerator the resulting elixir can up to 3 weeks.

Council. Birch "Water" is harvested early in the spring, when there are no berries on the season. And what prevents from getting frozen since last summer? Surely several bags with last year's reserves remained in the freezer.

Valuable utility

  1. In Starin, Berezovitsa was left to wander without additives. It was hammered with a small alcohol content. It is unlikely that the modern person will like the taste, but what prevents to try?
  2. Pure untreated birch "water" - transparent, reminds the spring. The appearance of air bubbles or whitish foam says that the drink has deteriorated. It is not worth using or processing such a liquid.
  3. Fresh birch juice is a very useful drink for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. After cooking, Kvass can insist on linden flowers, beastly, chamomile. From this beneficial substances will only add, the taste will be more saturated.
  5. For conservation, only fresh birch juice is suitable. Street 2 days no longer save sterilization. But for the cooking kvass, he is still suitable.
  6. If, during a collection of a tree, Berezovitsa is frantic with a yellow tint, the time is already missed. You need to wait next year.

How to store birch juice? To keep his valuable properties as long as possible - it is best to store it directly in Birch. And extract for the season and in quantities for personal use. The people speak - all their time.

Video: How to preserve birch juice

Birch juice has many useful properties and has a beneficial effect on the body. In addition, he is very well quenched thirst. Unfortunately, due to a small storage period, it is necessary to resort to various methods of processing and preservation, to keep it longer.


The simplest and reliable way to keep birch juice - roll it into banks. There are many ways, depending on flavors and opportunities. During the USSR, the most popular way to industrial conservation juice was preserving it in 3 liter jars with sugar and lemon. Juice got a tart, sweet-sour and rather saturated to taste. To date, the preservation has somewhat complicated by various additives. In birch juice began to add medicinal herbs, fresh citrus fruits and so on.

The universal implies the use of exclusively natural ingredients without artificially isolated oxidizing agents. For canning, 3 liters of birch juice will need 2 st. Supplies of sugar and a quarters of lemon or any citrus together with the zest.

The bank is sterilized and sugar and citrus is added to it. Birch juice is brought to a boil, poured into the prepared jar and rushes a sterilized lid. Rounded juice turns onto the lid and covered in heat for additional sterilization.

Alternative methods of preservation

It is very tasty and the kvass from the birch juice is kept. Birch juice is poured into any existing container (10l.) And a handful of raisins. For better fermentation and make a special taste, you can add several rye superstars. Sugari can be replaced by malt. To improve taste, the lemon zest is added again. Selection variations are quite varied. Some prefer the use of yeast for a faster result. In any case, the fermentation process lasts at least a week and drinking kvass can be started almost immediately. Ready kvass is stored in a cool place for several months.

Some hostesses having freezer chambers have mastered the freezing of birch juice. That's just places it takes a lot and this method of storage is inappropriate. It is much more preferable to apply welding in order to increase the concentration and subsequent water dilution for use. For this, birch juice is evaporated at 60 ° C to a decrease in volume by 75% and bottled into banks.

So, drive your home from the kitchen. Now there will be unsafe, and start again the procurement season. What happiness that ended in the winter-winter!

  • sugar - 1 in a whole 250 gram glass on a 3-yolitonean jar;
  • lemon Acid - 1 teaspoon without a slide on a 3-ylitonean jar;
  • oranges - 1 slightly laugh at a 3-yolitonean jar.

Based on how much juice you want to roll, and take the desired amount of sugar, lemon and oranges. I have about 1.5 kg of sugar, 2 orange and somewhere 70-75 g of citric acid somewhere on 8 3-yolitonean cans.

How to close birch juice with orange in banks

1. To begin with sterilize the container. This can be done for a couple and in the oven. It was not for me to hurry to hurry, so I kept them in the oven for almost an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees. It is more convenient, of course, to do it in advance so that you are not distracted by washing, drying and preparation of the container. If the birch juice is planning to roll in the evening, and in the afternoon, someone from home has at home, put jars in the oven in the morning and ask them to turn on, and then turn off the oven. Just when you come home, the flasks are sterilized and even manage to cool.

2. Fresh birch juice pour into large pans and put on a stove on a strong fire. Let him boil. This matter is unprecedented, so engaged in covers. They are rinsed and throwing in boiling water, as you understand, a small saucepan with water you need to put on fire in advance. Sterilize the lids of 5-7 minutes with active drilling.

3. After that, lay them on a dry clean cloth or towel and give me to dry.
When in a saucepan with juice, only begins to appear bubbles, bring it to a strong drone and immediately turn off. Do not digest!

4. In banks sugar sugar.

5. Following it, we put citric acid.

6. Throw a circle of orange and gently begin to pour juice.

7. In order to accidentally burst, it may also be, insert it into a plastic bowl, on the bottom of which is sure to be a dry rag (and change it as much as wet). When you work with boiling water, extra precautions will not interfere with anyone.
Fill the glass jar with birch juice to the neck and rush.

8. When turning into a jar on the neck, hold your finger the middle of the cover. She bounces off, but there is nothing terrible in it, the main thing is that the lid does not bother under the onslaught of hot birch juice.

9. Cover the jackets with a jacket or fufayka and leave overnight. In the morning, pasteurized birch juice with an orange can be launched into the cellar for the winter. In the cold room, they are good, so if you don't drink the juice earlier, it can quite adequate until the next winter. Bon Appetit!

The author of this wonderful recipe with the photo KSYSHA0810

The people of April is considered a month of birch juice. The land commends, along with all the nature from the winter sleep, the trees are wanted, their life juices begin their new rapid running.

Conservation of birch juice is possible at home. Add sugar, citric acid into a saucepan with juice, heat everything up to boil and completely dissolve sugar. Then hot juice strain through the gauze to remove all possible impurities and in hot pour into bottles. Closed bottles to withstand in hot water at a temperature of 90 ° C for 25 minutes. And the canning of the birch juice is completed.

There are a few more recipes for canning birch juice at home.

In the saucepan boil birch juice.
On the 3-liter jar:
3 tbsp. Sugar full to the top, the rest is optional:
- 2-4 lemon circle;
- 2-4 orange circle + 0.5 C.L. citric acid;
- 1 tsp. citric acid;
- Leaflets of dry mint + 0.5 cl. Lim. acids;
- 2 lollipops with any taste (Duchess, Apple, Mint) + 0.5 C.L. Lim. K-you.

To the sugar add any of the above options and put it into an empty pre-well wash 3-liter. jar. Then we put a gauze on a jar, folded in several layers, and pour boiling juice with a bucket. We roll around with covers, turn the jar with juice on the bedspread and insulate. Believe me, the juice is really tasty and is good.

Juice can not be preserved. Rules for storage of birch juice
Fresh birch juice is difficult to preserve longer than one day - it can develop bacteria that destroy amino acids, enzymes and other biologically active substances. Therefore, fresh juice should be prepared for longer storage.

Recipe N1.
It will take: 25 liters of birch juice, 300 g of sugar, 1-2 lemon, 100 g of raisins.
In the clean capacity, we pour the lean birch juice, add the washed raisins and the lemon slices (without seeds). Everything is well mixed and bottled by banks. Banks are closed with covers and leave at room temperature (18 degrees) for 3-5 days so that the juice climb slightly. Then we put banks into a cool place (temperature 5-10 degrees). The lower the storage temperature, the slower the fermentation and better juice. At a temperature of 5 degrees, the juice will be sparkling about 14-20 days.

Recipe N2.
It will take: 30 liters of birch juice, 100 rye flour, 150 g of sugar.
To birch juice, add rye flour, divorced in a small amount of juice, sugar and leave to wander at 18 degrees. Then we put in a cool place - 5-10 degrees.

Recipe N3.
It will take: 10 liters of birch juice, 200 g of black bread, 4 young bliss of black currant, 100 g of sugar
To birch juice, add pieces of snack black bread (you can dry the bread in the oven), young shoots of black currant, sugar. And we leave for three days to wander at a temperature of 15 degrees. Then juice flooded into cans or bottles, adding half a teaspoon of sugar to each container. Banks and bottles with juice close the lids and put in the fridge or cellar - it is important that the temperature is 4 degrees. You can take advantage of the experience of ancestors and buried the bottle into the ground.

Recipe N4.
Fresh birch juice poured into bottles, adding sugar to each teaspoon, lemon slices, 5 waswiches and citric acid at the tip of the knife. Bottles are clocked and leave for three or four days at room temperature (18 degrees). Then we put the bottles in a cooler place (4-10 degrees).

A couple of recipes of home canning birch juice

Recipe 1.
Simple modern way of birch juice workpiece
125 g of sugar and 5 g of citric acid are added per 1 liter of birch juice.
Then filtered, poured into cans, pasteurize and twisted with covers.
It is useful to mix birch juice with other juices obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as to insist on the leaves of mint, Melissa, Cabinet, Hypericum, Lipov, Rosehip Fruits, Barberry Berries.

Recipe 2.
We only did kvass, about 60 liters per season. The juice was collected, poured into 20 liter bottles, there was a handful of raisins, you can some sugar, about 1 kg per bottle. At first, the bottles must be simply covered with a marblee and wait until the fermentation starts, and then put the shutter and hold three more days. After that, strain and pour on plastic bottles from under mineral water, to wait well. We stored bottles in the cellar. Kvass turns out very tasty, loose and refreshing. How much can be stored, I can not say, because by the middle of summer we drank him.

Remember! Juice storage temperature is very important. At a temperature of 16 degrees and above, birch juice is quickly sour and becomes acute taste.