How to choose a mirror camera? What the mirror camera differs from digital.

How to choose a mirror camera? What the mirror camera differs from digital.
How to choose a mirror camera? What the mirror camera differs from digital.

Technical progress does not stand still, every day the photo and video equipment is becoming increasingly affordable for ordinary ordinary people. Of course, it was not always, because two more or three dozen years ago, only professionals or people or people of very high rank could use photo and video equipment.

But what we see now: almost every family has their own "family photographs", not to mention the individual owners of modern digital technology. Cameras are changing at amazing speed - almost every month we see on the shelves new models and a series of photographic equipment. But still very relevant the question of what cameras are better - mirror or digital?

What is a mirror photo

Mirror cameras are a huge step forward in the development of the photo and video model industry. Yes, yes, it is the video model, because on modern cameras of a mirror type (for example, Canon 7D) most Russian series of our time is removed. And this is quite justified, since the photographic equipment is more compact, and gives the picture at no worse than a huge professional camcorder. Therefore, with complete confidence it can be said that the mirror cameras are our future! Or not? Let's deal with.

As a rule, knowledge of that mirror photo is a guarantee to get a high-quality and beautiful picture. But pay attention to the fact that the usual digital "soap is" can be issued images, sometimes no worse than the "Creek". Even if for an example, take a fashionable and actual camera of the Gopro series. It does not position itself like a mirror camera (photos and video files are made on Gopro about the same ratio). But despite this, the effect of Fisheyes (fisheye) - makes this small camera very popular.

Difference "Diggers" from "Figures"

There are differences, and they are essential. Mirror cameras are a fashion of the new century, but before everything was different. Previously, it was enough for a person with only 5 megapixels on the HP camera, and in the first place was the capture of any moment, and not beautiful frames with your cat. Digital cameras are a good budget option for people who enjoy them once or twice a month (when friends come, or a daughter crashed).

Do not be mistaken that if cheap - it means poor quality, it's not at all. Very many digital cameras are 300-500 dollars, possess high-quality glass (lens) and other distinctive features (for example, to easily remove under water). Therefore, the digital technology has a lot of advantages, but if you want to engage in photography more professionally, then you still should think about buying not digital, and the same mirror camera.

Classification of mirror photographs

The simplest classification of photographic equipment can be considered branding. Now there are quite a few firms producing photo and video equipment. There are quite a lot of them, but, probably, the most common and well-known brands are the long-standing rivals - Canon and Nikon. It is like a great war between Coca-Cola and Pepsi - war without victims, lasting centuries. It is quite difficult to say what kind of mirror camera is cooler - Canon or Nikon. Yes, between them there are differences, but, despite them, they keep at about the same level. If someone says that Nikon cameras will burn the frame, then others say that Kenon give photos with a bluish tint.

It also plays a very big role to photograph a mirror camera of a manufacturer's mirror photo. Since each organization wishes to make its technique unique, it often adds individual settings, or in its own way draws the picture viewing window. This is largely due to teach a person (as if rudely sounded) it is to his technique that he gets used to a single defined brand. Meet professional photographers, you are unlikely to meet among them who changed several times a firm producing photographic equipment. And if you meet, then definitely give us his contact details - everything should know about such a person.

Overview of mirror cameras, the difference from them cameras of the full-frame series

The cameras of this series are now on the peak of their popularity, and that is a number of reasons.

It may well affect that the mirror and other APS-C format cameras on the market appeared a very impressive competitor - a non-reptile type camera, which contain a combination of such characteristics as the budget acceptable price, as well as the shocking compactness of the device.

On the other hand, we can see that now mirror cameras are the desire getting closer to a more professional segment, receiving filling from their older comrades. As a result, they are cheaper, and then go from the category of professional cameras in a category of a more mass sphere of advanced cameras for lovers.

What firms produce cameras from the discharge of full-frame?

For the whole photo story, full-frame mirror cameras are the brainchild only three companies - Nikon, Canon, Sony. Such cameras exist only in a pair of tens of models, and the last similar camera was released as in 2004 by Kodak. Such cameras are also very difficult to call the "budget option", since the camera of a similar format of Leica M9 without a lens costs about one hundred forty thousand rubles. Pretty impressive amount, right?

How to photograph the mirror camera beginner photographer?

If you decide to start your photographer's career immediately from a professional camera, then be prepared to meet a number of difficulties and obstacles in your way.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that the camera will not independently give you the ideal on the composition and lighting a picture. Therefore, to get good pictures, try to stick to a number of several rules.

Rules horizon

A mirror camera is your window to the real world, the likeness of your view and ideas about the world. Make sure that the horizon is not littered into your pictures. Fashion loaning space has long been released from fashion. Look at the street - you see all items straight, all the streets are located exclusively horizontally, and the pillars are vertically. It should also be in your picture, if it is difficult for you, then in the viewfinder, focus on straight lines, it will help you very much at the very beginning of your path.

Also attach particular importance to such a rule as a golden cross section. Mentally divide your horizons into 9 identical rectangles (having a look three vertical and three horizontal lines). After that, highlight the extreme points of the rectangle located in the center. Made? Excellent! The thing is that these four points are (conditionally, of course) are for our eyes the most favorable and convenient for perception. Therefore, when you take pictures, pay more attention to them, it will help you very much.

Manual settings on a mirror photo

Mirror cameras primarily differ in that they provide the opportunity to the owner to fully build their future snapshot, ranging from the light and ending with the focus point.

If earlier you never worked with mirror cameras in person, then we strongly advise you to start to read as much tutorials as possible and watch video tutorials. At the same time, most of all pay attention to such details as:
- diaphragm;



All these values \u200b\u200bcan be adjusted even in the simplest and inexpensive mirror chamber, the size of these parameters is one of the main components of photographic prices.

Composition and proper construction

Finally, I want to talk about how to properly configure the parameters of your camera - this is not all. How correctly photographing a mirror camera depends directly on the correct construction of the frame. To understand well in this matter, read about the types of composition (closed, open and so on). And also pay attention to the size and plans: address, common, medium (medium plan on the belt, medium breast plan), close-up and finally detailed plan.

All these rules and recommendations will help you to make good high-quality pictures in the future. But do not forget that the rules are a very conditional thing, and sometimes it does not interfere with how to violate. Therefore, experiment, because it is the experiments that will help you make high-quality and original pictures, which can then be not afraid to send to a wide variety of exhibitions.

Usefulness of information

One of the most popular and widespread activities for people around the world today is a photo. And, of course, in the current age of scientific progress, the development of technologies affected and cameras. Those who are engaged in photo and video photography professionally, naturally, aware of the characteristics, features and nuances of various types of applied technique. But if you are a novice that seeks to increase your professional level, or just an amateur, and a photo for you is just a hobby and a way to spend time, then you need to know what the mirror camera differs from digital. It is the description of the differences between them and a given article is dedicated.

The main difference

Initially, it is worth noting that the mirror photo can be digital or film, and the digital - mirror or not. The main and most important distinguishing feature is that in the mirror camera the picture that you observe in the viewfinder, without any changes or distortion falls on its matrix or film. This occurs due to the fact that the flow of light passing through the device lens falls on the mirror, which, in turn, directs this stream to the viewfinder. At that moment, when the picture is taken, the mirror is deflected, and the flow will not fall into the viewfinder, but on the matrix or film. Therefore, at the exit you get this picture that was expected. Also, the advantages of the mirror photo can be attributed to the presence of a good LCD display. This allows you to evaluate the frame structure in detail.

More differences

There are some more important points on the question "What is the difference between a mirror camera from digital":

  • Using a mirror camera, you can independently set parameters for shooting: focus, diaphragm, shutter speed, and all this will be displayed on the display.
  • The mirror camera has a larger matrix and better color rendition. It is also possible to change the lens and flash, use light filters, blends.
  • Instant focus of the "Creek" allows you to conduct a multigance, which is excellent quality.
  • The difference in size: a good mirror camera will be much more comprehensive than its digital fellow. The same applies to the price. "Digit" is always cheaper.
  • There are other more detailed details of what the mirror cameras differ from digital. But the main differences are now known to us.

Leaders in the market

Many firms and manufacturers offer a huge range of photo and video equipment. The outgoing option will be able to pick up an amateur photographer, and the most sophisticated professional. But there are indisputable leaders in the market, for example, CANON cameras. Mirror and digital models are distinguished by excellent quality and design. You can also note the company "Nikon", "Olympus", "Kodak". When choosing, focus on them.


So, having understood in what the mirror camera differs from digital, you can make certain conclusions. If you need a compact and budget "fotik" in order to make quite good, but still ordinary pictures of moments of your life, there is enough and a digital camera. If you are tuned to a serious professional work if you need photos of the highest quality, then without an expensive mirror camera just can not do.

A few years ago, the mirror camera was purchased for professional shooting. Today, the time of social networks has come, where everyone wants to stand out beautiful photos, to share photo reports from trips and walks often for these purposes is buying a mirror cell. A variety of brands and models greatly complicates the choice of beginners and lovers. In this article, we describe in detail what to pay attention to how to choose a camera according to the intended objectives.

Is a mirror photo apparatus?

Often buying a mirror (mirror camera) seems to be a good idea exclusively until its acquisition. According to many newcomers of photographers, buying a camera is one hundred percent guarantee of high-quality pictures. Suppose you invited a photographer to the event, paid the hour of work, after a couple of weeks they got wonderful pictures without distortion, with a smooth tone of the face, "bokehs" in the background. And here a business plan is drawn in my head, just a time of time, such a sum, and I myself relieve well. It matters the idea of \u200b\u200bthe investment of funds in the photographic equipment, the work is not dusty, also how profitable!

Not everything is so simple, as it seems at first glance. By buying a mirror camera, you buy not only the device, but sign a sentence to buy a whole system that requires large investments. Undoubtedly, high-quality pictures are obtained with a semi-professional mirror chamber, and even with a whale lens. However, there is also a "but" here: so that the pictures correspond to quality and execution, you need to know theory. The study of all nuances will take one day, understanding will come with experience in a month.

That is, when buying a mirror photo apparatus should be stock:
1. Finance (Be prepared for additional costs).
2. Time (Working practice of photographing, time to process photos).
3. Knowledge (It is important to understand at least the foundation: composition, color matching, volume, poses and angles, creating effects using various shooting modes, graphic editors).

What objects should be guided When buying a camera and how it will affect the choice:

- Amateur shooting for a family archive, photos of friends, children and relatives.
In this case, it is not necessary to consider top models. It is enough to limit the semi-professional chamber (manufacturers themselves position them as models for the initial level, it is not difficult to distinguish them at low cost, more numbers in the title). Starting models are completed with a universal lens with a Kit labeling (whale lens). A lovedress that does not have experience and knowledge wagon is difficult to get decent pictures on this optics. If in your plans to develop ourselves as a photographer, then at the initial stage of the whale lens, it is enough to capture to shoot in manual mode. When the camera is needed only to create a photo in a family archive, and you have finance, it is advisable to replace it with a better and well-sensitive model of optics.

- Professional and commercial shooting.
This type of shooting implies that the buyer has already a photographer with a certain experience, has luggage knowledge, technicians and components.
Professional mirror cameras are far from a budget option (if you still consider that the optics must match the level of the camera, and even be an order of magnitude higher). Therefore, beginners and fans, ready to buy a camera today, and tomorrow to upload an announcement of commercial shooting, it is not recommended to acquire expensive models. The shooting on the model requires the use of thinking, and if the whole process occurs on authores, it is wasted the money spent.

Options of a mirror chamber

The mirror photo includes about fifty characteristics, but not all of them are important how manufacturers are assured. What is the first to pay attention to?

Matrix size and megapixels

It is the matrix that is the main node of the camera, a digital analogue of the film. Through the matrix, the light stream is converted into electrical signals - thus it turns out a picture that we see on the monitor. Speaking easier, the matrix is \u200b\u200ba microcircuit consisting of millions of photosensitive sensors.

In addition to the name of the matrix, the characteristics always indicates the number of elements (sensors), more familiar to us in the formulation of megapixels. One megapixel (MP) is equal to a million light sensitive sensors.

The number of megapixels is directly related to the resolution of the matrix, the quality of photography, detailing and noise level depends on this. A larger number of megapixels allows you to get a picture with high detail.

But such an indicator, as megapixels should not stand in the first place. Initially, decide on the choice of the physical size of the matrix (the diagonal of the matrix in centimeters or inches). The fact is that the larger size of the pixel provides a high degree of photosensitivity by trapping more photons of light. Comparing several matrices of the same in the number of photosensitive sensors, with a lack of illumination, a smaller level of noise will provide a matrix with a greater diagonal.

Often you can see digital compact cameras with 24 megapixels, but did you follow one professional on the "Soapon", just because in her megapixels more than in an expensive mirror? Of course not. Manufacturers spill demand for multi-scene models, that's just the image quality from this does not become better. And all because the size of the matrix remains the same.

If we consider for example several matrices, from a compact camera and a mirror chamber, then the difference in physical size is immediately striking, while the number of pixels in both chambers is the same. But the size of the sensor of the mirror chamber is greater, therefore, light sensitivity is better.

What makes the manufacturer when declares an increase in the number of pixels? Increases the physical size of the matrix? No it's expensive. The manufacturer places on the same small matrix not 12 MP, but 24 megapixel, for example. In the photo, this is reflected by the increase in sharpness and detail, on this advantages ends. The area of \u200b\u200bphotosensitive sensors becomes many times less, light sensitivity drops, more digital noise appears.

In mirror cameras, the size of the matrix is \u200b\u200bindicated only in millimeters, in addition to the physical dimensions, such a concept is found as a crop factor.
The crop factor shows the difference between the film of the format of 35 mm (the same dimensions have a full-frame matrix) and the size of the matrix installed in the chamber. All initial and mid-level mirror cameras are not full-frame.

The full frame makes it easier to achieve the effect of the rear plan blur, use the entire potential of the lens (angle wider, photosensitivity is higher, focusing easier).
From this we draw conclusions that Full Frame matrices (full-frame) allow you to shoot at least-discharged conditions, give a picture with fewer digital noise and better color reproduction.

Noise in photos - An undesirable defect, which is a chaotic multicolored dots arising at low light. There are clearly visible noise in photographs in darker or homogeneous saturation and color objects (back out of focus, dark clothing, etc.). Yes, from digital noise you can get rid of professional editors, in this case the problem would seem to be solved. By no means, the disposal of undesirable noise entails the loss of sharpness, reducing the detailing of small objects and contrasting lines. In more expensive models, the camera manufacturers introduce new noise algorithms, they only help them in part.

Of course, noises will give any camera, but they will only appear with different ISO values.

ISO. - The sensitivity of the matrix marked with a numeric value. It is ISO that is one of the three settings settings for the correct exposure. The more sensitivity is set in the camera settings, the wider the possibilities for shooting in the dark. However, it is still recommended not to work with high ISO values, it will lead to the loss of the quality of the final pictures. The optimal ISO 50, 100, 400 values, when installing the parameters above, noise, digital trash will appear in the photos. So focus on buying a camera, where ISO is higher, not correctly. If you are planning shooting in conditions of insufficient illumination, it is better to stock up additional lighting equipment.

All that is described above should worry the buyer first. But, as practice shows, the initial level models of different manufacturers are similar in their values \u200b\u200band constructive features, so it will be important to study the additional parameters of the mirror. Subsequent characteristics do not affect the quality of the picture, however, bring convenience to the shooting process.

Image stabilization

Almost all compact cameras are equipped with a stabilizer, but the DRIrs are not always. This is primarily due to the weight and sizes of the camera, small compacts are more susceptible to shaking in hand, in contrast to overall and heavy mirror chambers. Easy hesitation of the hand entails defocusing and lubrication in the image. Mirrored chambers are easier to hold in position without shaking, because Keep them needed by two hands very close to the face. I would like to note that the cost of the chamber the presence of stabilization is not strong, meet both amateur models with stabilization and professional without it.

Stabilization is useful at:
- shooting on a long-phocus lens (the greater the focal length of the lens, the harder it is to bring focus, the distance of oscillations during approximation increases in geometric progression).
- shooting in conditions of insufficient illumination and on long exposure (indoors, evening and night survey).

Stabilization systems:
- Optical. It implies automatic lenses block superstructures, technically this is a rather complicated type of stabilization in comparison with digital.
- Digital. With digital stabilization, no optics is movable, but a matrix. Digital stabilization is less effective, so it is inappropriate to focus on buying a camera with digital stabilization.

If you attracted a camera without built-in stabilization, do not be mistaken. In any case, the best stabilizer is a tripod, rarely when shooting on a long focus or with a high exposure manifests without a tripod.


The undoubted advantage of mirror cameras in front of digital compacts is the possibility of changing optics. Depending on the objectives of the target, the photographer needs to be changed and select lenses. Portrait and full-terrain filming is better to spend on the middle focus, nature and sky on high-risk lenses. Unfortunately, universal optics "and in the feast, and in the world" have not yet come up with. In this regard, in the mirror cameras, the possibility of changing the lens. The connecting element between the chamber and the lens is the bayonet. The mount is made of metal with a rotary connection (up to click). The bayonet contains contacts through which the lens power and the exchange of information commands occurs.

Selecting the camera, examine the compatibility of the optics for this model. Each global manufacturer of photographic equipment has its own fixing standard.
In addition to the distinctions of the bayonettes between manufacturers, the difference between the bayonets of the full-frame and sprinkled technology should be taken into account. At the full-frame cameras, each brand has its own separate line of lenses, in most cases with "cosmic" cost. Of course, it is always easy to find an adapter adapter for "non-" optics, but these are separate costs.

If you have friends photographers, then find out what kind of bayonets they have, suddenly the opportunity to exchange or lend a lens will appear. The popular type of fastening is easier to find an analogue of an expensive original lens. If you are limited by means, then the best choice for the most common bayonet.

Shutter resource: Forever together?

Probably there is no photographer who did not worry about the chamber shutter resource. Everyone knows that the mirrored cameras have a limit on run, but is it worth it to be afraid? When buying a used appliance, the valuation resource is almost the first parameter on which attention will focus.

The figures displayed by manufacturers do not always correspond to reality, the same models of the mirrors are denied different mileage. For example, the manufacturer indicates a mileage of 50,000 frames, there is no guarantee that the shutter will work out this period.

It all depends on the operating conditions. If the camera is located in the room or studio and is used in "greenhouse" conditions, then really extend the life of the shutter. Sometimes the mileage exceeds two or three times. Photographing on the street with high dust and windy weather will not benefit the camera.

A frequent change of lenses is also pernicably affected by the shutter service life. To extend the production limit of the shutter, it suffices to avoid situations of dust and garbage in the mechanism.

The camera can always be handed over to the service center to replace the shutter and cleaning the matrix, the service is not cheap, but the price of the new device is several times higher.

In addition to the resource, the shutter is associated with such a parameter as excerpt .

Before buying, decide which photo style will be predominant when shooting.

A short excerpt will allow you to snatch moments from life, "freeze" water and moving objects. Long exposure provides long-term admission of light, which expands the boundaries of evening and night shooting.

Built-in flash, is it necessary?

The flash fitted by the manufacturer is suitable except for lovers who shoot in authors and are not particularly thinking about the quality of the picture. If you click to "click to be", then the built-in flash for you. For development in photo art, shooting volume images, the built-in flash is not suitable, it is often its use "negates" the entire potential of the chamber.

Cons of the built-in flash:
- shooting "In the forehead", all shadows on the face are evicted, or have tight transitions, because of this, the effect of a flat image is created;
- Red eyes and bright hard glare (rebar) on reflective surfaces;
- there is no possibility to reduce the intensity of light, therefore the exposure is not always exhibited correctly;
- rigid black falling shadows from objects;
- It does not turn off when automatic and semi-automatic shooting, it works on the machine depending on the illumination.

Despite the passionic minuses, there are pros:
- The flash is absolutely free, buying a camera with a built-in flash, you do not overpay. The built-in flash is rarely found on professional-level models, as they only enjoy lovers;
- Compact sizes. It's hard to forget, lose or split.

If you have seriously decided to engage in photography, use a camera for commercial purposes, then think about buying an external flash.

Viewfinder and LCD screen

One of the important elements of the mirror chamber - viewfinder. Through the viewfinder, the primary transmission of information from the camera to the photographer takes place.
The viewfinder is not responsible for the quality of photography, but affects the perception of the final picture by photographer.

In modern mirror chambers, it is found:
- Optic. It is a set of lenses embedded in the camera. The image is displayed with a definite error, complicates the focus setting.

- Electronic. Allows you to see the image without distortion, it is immediately visible, the snapshot, the white balance is correctly described. Helps unmistakably shut focus in manual mode. Displays shooting parameters.

Liquid crystal screen Installed on all modern mirror chambers. Photographing in LiveView mode (depending on the LCD screen) is not recommended, but it still remains a useful addition. Manufacturers are equipped with LCD display touchscreen, rotary mechanisms.

Buying a camera with a swivel display will make it easier in many ways to photographer, will save new jeans from dirt and dust. How do you ask? Often, for a successful frame, it is necessary to pick up anonya for a long time, the shooting from below has always been a winning option, but little pleasant to kneel or go to the asphalt for the sake of frame.

Enough in LiveView mode, turn the screen and lower the camera to the desired level. Note that shooting in LiveView mode consumes food at times faster. For energy saving, many models are equipped with a monochrome display. The additional display makes it easier to configure the shooting parameters, displays the main indicators.

Record video

The function is not found in all the chambers, and it is not necessary for each photographer. Suitable for wedding photographers-videographers, for shooting semi-professional rollers, personal blogging. You can improve recording quality with additional acquisitions: microphone, tripod. Modern camera models support video recording in Full HD format, but this is still not enough to create advertising or clips.

Let's summarize

The choice of a mirror chamber puts not only newcomers in a difficult situation, but also professional photographers.

We recommend not to focus on a specific brand of the camera, but proceed from the required characteristics. After examining the information on the Internet, choose a few suitable models and test them in the store. Carefully attribute not only to the characteristics and indicators of the "filling", the form and weight also play an important role. Cameras with metal housing are more reliable, but not every photographer will master wearing a kilogram carcass in his hands, but to this still add the weight of the lens and flash.

Hold several cameras in your hand, ergonomic shape and rubber lining will be an additional step towards comfortable shooting.
If the budget does not have an acquisition of a full-frame camera, then consider inexpensive Crop-cameras. Characteristics of the Slirlock in one price segment are similar, so look at the trifles facilitating the shooting process.

In advance, examine the compatibility of accessories and equipment for the preferred camera. Sometimes the purchase of a little-known brand leads to problems in the selection of non-spinning accessories. At popular cameras it is easier to find additional equipment for less cost, it is easier to resell.

The main mistake that beginner photographers allow is a complete attachment in a carcass of the camera. While the best embedding in the lens, and the addition of the purchase of a medium carcass. A good lens reveals the potential of the chamber and the photographer. With a budget option of a whale lens to achieve a professional level is extremely difficult.

Remember, 80% of success depends on the man of the managing technology, and not vice versa.

" But somehow we went around the question of what is better, and what is better, a mirror or a mesmer girl? Today we will catch up and talk about the differences of two types of photographic equipment - mirrorless and mirror cameras. Go.

What is a mirror camera?

Reflex camera - This is a camera whose viewfinder is based on the mirror. In general, there are single object and two-bending mirror cameras. But since in the world of digital photography, the place remained only for the first type, about it farther and will be discussed.

The first one-leeble mirror camera appeared already in 1861. Yes, while in Russia just canceled the serfdom, in England the camera has already invented. That is, the history of the mirror photo began in the year before last, more than 150 years ago.

Of course, the first mirror cameras were very different from what we have now. One of the differences is to use the film. Today, the film, as you know everything perfectly, has almost extinct and exist only thanks to the enthusiasts that loved the film photography once for a long time. Digital technologies allowed to replace the film in the camera on the matrix.

Let's return to the device of a mirror photo. Each mirror has a viewfinder based on the mirror. The mirror is at an angle of 45 degrees and allows you to see a real non-social picture through the viewfinder. The mechanism is generally simple enough in terms of understanding. Through the lens, the light (and the image, respectively) enters the chamber body, where the mirror is installed at an angle of 45 degrees. The light reflected by the mirror rushes upwards, which falls into the pentaprism (or the pentasher), which turns the image, giving it a normal orientation. Simply put, if there were no pentaprises, the image in the viewfinder would look inverted. That's all. This is an optical viewfinder - a distinctive feature of any mirror.

What is a mesmerous camera?

Magnifier As well as the mirror camera has replaceable optics. But, as you understand from the name, does not have a mirror viewfinder. Instead of viewfinder in low-cost cameras, a screen is used, and an electronic viewfinder is used in the photographs. In fact, in contrast to optical, such a viewfinder shows us a digitized image. We can say that this is a small screen. It has a certain resolution, which is indicated in the Camera Specification. Naturally, as in the case of a monitor, the more resolution, the better.

What is a mirror camera better mirrorless?

Let's start talking about what the mirror is better than the mirror.

  • Optical viewfinder - Not only feature of a mirror camera, but also its advantage over mirrorless. There are several reasons here. First, the optical viewfinder shows a picture in real time, unprocessed and neosipped. That is, as your eye see her without a viewfinder. Secondly, when using an electronic viewfinder, there is a slight image delay, which is not optical. Those. With the last you always see a picture in real time.
  • Phase autofocus - It is only peculiar to the mirror cameras. The latest models of the messmaker have learned to use phase sensors on the matrix, thereby breeding the hybrid focusing system, but today it does not even reach the speed to focus the mirror chamber.
  • Ergonomics Sliklok is better. This is due, among other things, so that the mirror itself with pentaprismism occupy a lot of space in the adhesive. Because of this, actually these cameras are so large. But this minus turns into a plus when you need to control the camera: especially professional cameras are perfectly implemented with access to all important functions using buttons, wheels and other controls made on the carcass. Extra monochrome display deserves special attention, which is found in large mirror cameras, and never occurs at the lamellar. This display helps a lot when professional shooting, and it never happens for amateur.
  • Huge park Optics. Remember, we talked about the one and a half century how to produce mirror cameras? Nikon began issuing chambers in the 50s of the twentieth century. To date, Nikon optics park is huge and continues to grow. Of course, the messenger cameras are far to such wealth.
  • Cost Mirror cameras are generally lower. Specific example. There is a Nikon D5100 with an Nikon 35mm 1.8G DX lens. This is a completely inexpensive kit, its value is less than 20 thousand. To get similar quality with the midwake, you need to spend much more money.
  • The mirror chamber turns on much fasterthan mirrorless. For a fraction of a second, while the messroom can be turned on and for 3 seconds.
  • Working hours Mirror cameras from one battery charge are significantly higher than that of murmy. Yes, and the batteries themselves are usually more capacious. Thus, amateur cameras like Nikon D7100 can shoot one and a half thousand frames on one charge. Professional techniques, like Nikon D4, is capable of clicking with a photographer more than 3 thousand pictures on one battery charge.
  • Mirror chambers reliable. Some of them have dust and moisture protection. That is why in the savannah you are unlikely to see the photographer with Sony A7. But with Canon 1DX - as nothing to do. There are more of them than Lviv and Bizonov ...

So, the main thing: today professional shooting The mesmer chamber is almost impossible. A mirror camera for commercial survey is preferable. And a lover must decide whether it is important to him the advantages of a mirror, or enough of what the mesmer is proposed. And about it just below.

What is a messmaker better than a mirror?

Yes, is there a pluses from the mirror-free camera, which is not the mirror? There is. And now we will talk about them.

Olympus technique - one of the most popular mirror chambers in the market

  • The size. This is the most obvious. Lesmaker less. Optics for such cameras are also compact. As a result, you can get a murdious system that will be less mirror, but will allow to get as high-quality pictures.
  • Electronic viewfinder. Electronic viewfinder has advantages. First, you can withdraw various additional information. Secondly, such types seekers will be more convenient for short-lived people. The optical viewfinder must be used in glasses or use the function of the diopter correction, which is enough for vision in -2.5, but if there is more minus, then alas. Electronic viewfinder, as we said above - this is a screen. And, of course, when using a peaceful person, there are no problems with it.
  • Big choice manufacturers. Lumarters are now released by the following firms: Nikon, Canon, Sony, Panasonic, Olympus, Fujifilm, Samsung. But the available mirrors produce only the first 3 companies plus Pentax.

What is common in mirror and mirrorless cameras?

There is something that combines these cameras.

  • The matrix. The most important part of the digital cameras. A couple of years ago, I could say that the migratory cameras do not have a full-frame matrix. But it corrected Sony, releaseing the camera A7 series. They have matrices, not inferior to those used in mirror cameras. About the matrix we have already spoken more than once, to repeat about anything.
  • Systemability. For some reason, many call the mirrling of the system chambers, forgetting that the mirror cameras also belong to this class. In this, the similarity of the Slirlock and Magniflower are systemic cameras, which are characterized by replaceable optics.

What is better? Mirror or Magnifier?

There is no definite answer to this question. Everyone has to make its choice based on needs. My opinion - mirror cameras today are still too much excellent mirrorless. For me, for me, when choosing a camera, the criteria for the speed (focus, inclusion), wide selection of optics and prices (both on camera and lenses) remain the most important. Yes, I don't always want to take a huge mirror kit with you. Better to have a choice. For example, for large (prolonged, important, etc.) of the filming to have a mirror, and for the soul - something small, maybe even not a messroom, but a compact camera like Fuji x100s or the like. But if you choose one single camera, I repeat, I would choose the sir. But this is only my opinion. What would you choose?


Hello everyone! With you in touch, Timur Mustaev. There were so many articles dedicated to the intricacies of working with the camera, so much of everything was already discussed, including the types of devices. But in my opinion, one of the most important issues could stay away from understanding, namely: what does a mirror camera mean? I will try to explain in a simple language, what is the feature of the mirrors and what are their advantages over mirous models.

Mirrors and mirrorless cameras

All cameras are very similar, as they are created for one purpose - to capture the visible picture, whether it is a landscape or image of a person, and transfer it to the viewer's court. To be able to create an image, the camera has a complex device.

Light waves must be perceived by lens lenses. If we are talking about a digital device, then the light is transformed into an electrical signal, and the finished photo appears as information recorded in the bit language and binary code. Direct participation in this is taken by the matrix and the processor, which is engaged in processing.

In the analog cameras, the film is a material that registers and storing a photo.

And film, and digital cameras can be mirrored.

The specifics of mirror cameras are available in their structure of a small mirror and related nodes. This mirror is located at a certain angle (45 degrees) to the optical direct lens.

On the axis, the light moves to the mirror, reflected from it, refraarting further in the pentaprism, and enters the viewfinder. Interesting, right? It is due to such a scheme in the eyepiece we see a real picture, not distorted by anything. As you understand, this is a more complex device than in mirrorless. The price of the mirror is higher, and soon we will see that it is quite justified due to their indisputable quality and in terms of photo and video.

Thanks to the impressive matrix and having a mirror, photo and video it turns out an order of magnitude higher than in migratory cameras. Many operators are no longer used by video cameras, for example, a Canon 5D Mark III, removes very high-quality video, not to mention luxurious photos.

Another group of cameras - mirrorless. The term, respectively, denotes that the device does not have a mirror visor. In cheap models, the viewfinder can replace the LCD display, and there is an electronic viewfinder on expensive, so let's say, an additional screen.

Mirrorless photographic equipment can also be as familiar to us mirror, with interchangeable optics, but it happens that they do not have the ability to change the lens. In the latter case, the lens and viewfinder is one of the whole, such eyepieces are called telescopic.

The models mentioned still exist, but are already outdated and rather inconvenient to use. That is, for each camera your lens.

Without a lens, standardly going to such a device, it is impossible to further work with it. At your disposal only this kit. And if you want to shoot with another optics, well, to help you have a new camera! Such photographic equipment is also called "soapboxes", and it can be purchased at a modest price.

Unfortunately, cheap cameras sin the emergence of such an unpleasant phenomenon as Pararallax. When you look into the eyepiece, you see one picture, but the lens observes a little different, shifted to the right or left.

This can significantly complicate the shooting: some extraneous object or part of the medium are closer to the frame. As already mentioned, the camera with a telescopic viewfinder (without a mirror) more often has only one lens. Although progress does not stand still, and now, even for such a camera, you can find optics.

Advantages of mirror cameras

Having considered the concept of a mirror camera, we will focus on its advantages in front of the mirrorless:

  1. External reliability. Despite large dimensions that are not always convenient for the photographer, the mirror cameras are stronger, usually protected from the effects of dust and moisture.
  2. Functionality. Mirror cameras have a lot of opportunities! Almost any type of filming is available to you with a choice of settings, as well as a variety of optics options.
  3. Duration of work. The mirror on its battery can work much longer than the mesmer's camera.
  4. Average price. Professional mirror cameras, of course, are very expensive, but budget is available to most buyers. In addition, even at the same cost in quality, the mirror will never yield to mirous models.
  5. Fast focus. It is believed that the mirror models work the focus is much better than in mirrorless, and it allows in a matter of seconds to concentrate on the facility. Phase autofocus can only boast only the seeds.
  6. Optical viewfinder, with mirror. Unlike other types of eyepieces, this transmits a normal image and without delays inherent with electronic visors.
  7. Ability to change lenses. Replacing lenses, is a big plus in front of the other cameras.
  8. Full shot. Thanks to the wide settings, you can fully control the entire shooting process, which allows you to make perfect photos.

Despite the huge number of firms engaged in the production of equipment, to trust in this issue only specialized and reliable brands.

To date, only two firms are popular among photographers for the production of mirror cameras, lenses, outbreaks and other photographic equipment. This is, of course, Canon and Nikon.

They have a huge selection of models that are suitable and beginners, and already advanced photographers. Their quality is excellent. And in principle, there is no serious difference between brands, even a set of functions and the result of their use will be similar.

The only thing you need to know everything without exception is the features of color reproduction in Nikon and Canon. In the instructions, you will not find anywhere in the instructions, only in practice it can be noted that the photo in most cases becomes yellow, and canon increases the red shades at the same time.

In the previous article, I have already written about the choice of the camera, namely, if you are interested, you can familiarize yourself!

Although sometimes they talk about the dominance of blue. Apparently, depending on what you take off, the effect will be. For example, if in the frame of the cloud and bright blue sky, then most likely the cold shade of the sky will spread to the entire image.

This fact is not critical, but still important, since the white balance will have to edit, directly through the camera settings or after filming, in a graphic editor.

On this I will complete my article. I hope I completely answered your question and convinced you that a mirror photographic engineering is worth it! If so, then very useful for you will read the course " Digital Filler Diggle 2.0" He will open your eyes to the main advantages and secrets of mirror photographic equipment.

Goodbye, readers! I will be glad to see you and your friends who are acquaintances who are interested in the world of photography, on my blog again. Subscribe to the blog and be always at the center of interesting news!

All of your favor, Timur Mustaev.