How to find out who is a person on a flower horoscope, what his character.

 How to find out who is a person on a flower horoscope, what his character.
How to find out who is a person on a flower horoscope, what his character.

The article presents the most accurate and truthful horoscope of flowers of druids with explanation and clarification in all frequently asked questions for each sign of the zodiac.

How to know your flower on the horoscope

Each zodiac sign has its own sign and its constellation. Also, it did not go around flowers. Each zodiac has its own unique flower, which is suitable for the horoscope. Find out what flower belongs to your sign of the horoscope is not difficult. There is a specific list in which all signs of the zodiac and their flowers are indicated.

- Aries - Geran, Azalea, Begonia, Granat.
- Taurus - violet, cyclamen, Gloxinia.
- Gemini - Tradesska, Asparagus, fern, cigarette palm trees, ivy.

- Cancer - Pecheromia, Fuchsia, Aloe, Agava, Mason Begonia.
- Lion - Chinese Rosa, Balzamin, Calla, Camellia, Geran.
- Virgo - Aukuba, Birch, Monster, Asparagus, Astra, Philodendron, Drazena.

- Scales - Azalea White, Schlumberger, Podpick, Feline Chrysanthemum, Croton, Hortensia.
- Scorpio - desert cactus, dragon dragon, oleander.
- Sagittarius - Lemon, Bonsai, Teschin Language, ficus sacred.

- Capricorn - ivory yukka, rubber ficus, fragrant drazes, money tree.
- Aquarius is a tricolor Maranta, indoor Maple, Mokhokha.
- Fish - magnolia, orchid, lily, fragrant geranium, umbrella.

Edelweiss (December 23 - December 31) - loves freedom, asked and inconsistent, does not recognize the negative side of his life, so it does not constrain the impulses. Edelweiss admire, he has a bunch of envious and enemies.

There are no prohibitions for it, therefore often crosses the verge of permitted. Edelweiss seems like a symbol of independence and to pull the complex and unsure.

Flower horoscope woman and man tulip, hydrangea, guilty, orchid

- A man of tulips are predisposed to the conquest of female hearts, they can be called them in different ways by Donuans. Women, in turn, less than a chill to the opposite sex, are prone to narcissism, a big thirst for life is noticeable.

- Women and men of hydrangeas do not differ in character. Both are cheerful, but prone to loneliness. Does not delve into the little things of other people's lives, therefore responds about everyone positively. I am satisfied with modest companies and only so expresses yourself.

- Gentian women are friendly and with a stable character, disinterested and ready to come to the rescue. Men family and not welcome large companies. Affected by the image and petty things.

- Women orchids often change their mood, dependent on the situation. There are tendencies to psychic. Men are superstitious and closed in themselves. Firmware in life plans and do not refuse their plans.

Flower horoscope Description for flower poppy, ride, chamomile, peony

- Mac man is inconsistent and mysterious. Often mislead. They have depressive times because of the feeling of loneliness, but soon it is passing into the poppy society coming back positive and cheerful.

- Natherovka is unfriendly, although there can have many people in the nearest environment. Easily copes with problems with their rapid thinking, which in the most complex situations can find a way out. There are all traits of character so that people follow him. Achieves any goals and achievements.

- Chamomile at first sight seems simple, but in fact have a deceptive look. Collect information at first glance, use their simplicity, and after will find where to apply the collected information. The main weapon of daisies is charm, it is it that it uses in extreme cases.

- Peonies are lazy, they are distinguished by their strong health and strength. It can be perfectly cope with physical exertion, and in sports usually achieve great success. The mind is no different, but rather smeared. Peonies are good interlocutors, and most importantly, they know how to listen.

Flower magnolia horoscope, rose, violet, lotus

- Magnolia Transgera, always love to be at a significant place and in the spotlight. Magnolia people, like flowers, decorate any room. They are distinguished by special emotion and quick-tempered in youth.

- Rosa loves when they are admired and cherished. Often, people born under the patronage of roses put themselves above the rest. All applies to all with charity, because they believe that anyone can take their place.

- The violets love to shine both with the mind and its attractiveness, because of this can wait a favorable moment for the time to show themselves. They are very layming up in humans and can easily recognize fraudsters.

- Lotus honest, frank and kind. Changes with any betrayal and deception. Keeps well done even alone. If something does something, then trying to complete everything and do to the ideal.

Edelweiss in a flower horoscope

This flower already indicates the information in this article.

In this article, you can find a lot of answers to questions about who was born in January on the sign of the zodiac, as well as presented no less useful and interesting ...

About existence celtic horoscope They know many of you - after all, we are patronized not only the planets, but charming creatures of nature matus, flowers, plants. Well, if your flower will accompany you in life, protecting and protecting on a life path - put it in a vase, grow in a plot or in a flower pot, or just dried and wear with you ... flowers and live plants, like people, their characters and morals, and therefore there is a flower horoscope. People could not help but notice it. And especially in the field of comparing people and colors succeeded in Druid and Magi. So, let's plunge into

Digitalis (03/21-31.03 - March 21 - March 31) - People born during this period, calculating, attentive and stubborn. Their brain works with speed and accuracy of a powerful computer, finding the right solution for the most difficult problems. Fireside comes out the winner from any situation and is not afraid of any struggle. She has inner strength, the same rod that does not allow me to break, but sometimes the nerves are injured. She has almost no friends or people who could be trusted - the emotions of the vintage are very scarce and are always under strict control. Almost always will always be a person who is not confused at a critical moment, take responsibility for what is happening, rushing to any embrasure. She is able to conduct people behind them, but spends a lot of soul forces on it, so prefers to act alone. It helps her to be more mobile - the opposition often moves or changes the sphere of activity; Having a lot of talents, it craves as widely as possible field of activity. Roughlyanka neglects concern about his appearance and almost does not have charm. It is often respected, but rarely - loved, however, practically does not worry about this.

Magnolia (04/01-10.04 - April 1 - April 10) - Magnolia is very vain and always seeks to rise above the surrounding. Success in society she achieves a long time and patiently, relying on reliable assistant friends who carefully choose. Magnolia has a unique flair for profitable transactions and promising projects. It can work for a long time in the sweat of the person, and then unexpectedly get rich thanks to a profitable investment or stock speculation. Spends Magnolia money willingly, but with the mind; She does not attract trinkets and stupid tinsel, but she wants the best for himself. All that surrounds magnolia should cause surrounding admiration and envy. Magnolia literally blooms when he sees how large the number of people who want to change places with it. In the Magnolia family, it usually becomes "gray cardinal", everything in the house occurs in accordance with its decision, but the responsibility for failures falls on the partner's shoulders. In a difficult situation, Magnolia is ready to come to the aid and show care, but as soon as the atmosphere is normalized - prefers to take, and not to give. Possessing strength and hardworking, Magnolia judges people by themselves. A person who often sicks, in her eyes will always be a hypocrite and a pretender, and the one who is not busy every minute with something important will seem incorrigible lazy.

Hydrangea (04/11-20.04 - April 11 - April 20) - Bright, cheerful and seductive hydrangea usually, oddly enough, is alone. She quickly fonders, but even faster loses interest in people, and only an affair with itself continues at the hydrangea all his life. She is greedy to pleasure, whether it is parties, dinners, walks, walking, traveling, shopping ... Hortensia does not want to refuse yourself. To those who are tied to her, it usually applies somewhat frivolous, being absolutely sure that it will be easy to find a replacement to the escaped fan or a hazardous friend. Hydrangea's soul is wide, and this is often wrapped in their favor its enemies or simply greedy people. Fully engaged in himself, Hortensia does not give a work to assess the intentions of others, and often thinks about others better than they deserve. Sometimes Hortensia is ready to sacrifice all for each other, but the mood of it will change it, and soon she will regret the rash act. In the entertainment of hydrangea there are no equal. Being well provided, she quickly conquers a place in a secular society, but if it is not so, is content with a more modest company, but it will be brighter and noticeable in it. Hydrangea loves to receive gifts, but it usually gives the fact that she herself would like to have - she has no time to study the tastes of others.

Dahlia (04/21-30.04 - April 21 - April 30) - Georgine knows how to find a golden middle. The goal to which he seeks is extraordinary, but to achievable, there is enough time for both work and personal life, there are not too much friends, but not enough. Georghine could be absolutely happy if he had not been waiting for more. Georgina is never happy, it analyzes his adversity without end and shares observations with others, pretty tiring them. If Georgina is not too good enough, it is worth staying away from it: such people do not take care, and aggression react to sympathy. For Success, Georgina is important to learn to rely on himself and make decisions. Usually it expects mainly for luck, but the favor of Fortune is not eternal. On the other hand, Georgina has a resistance needed to resist the blows of fate, and sufficient courage to make risky actions. Georgin easily falls in love, but usually his elects do not belong to the number of good people. He often turns out to be bound by the Uza marriage with a man helpless and worthless, but does not do anything to change the situation, only crushes and complains of fate.

Lily of the valley (01.05-10.05 - May 1 - May 10) - The heart of such a person is defenseless. Anyone may hurt him to hurt, cause pain or offend. Lily of the Lily of the Lily of Lily, charming and modest, he does not know how to learn from his own mistakes and until the end of his life remains inexperienced and naive. The valley is not too ambitious, and also understands that far from every sphere can succeed. It is usually content with a very modest position, willingly and disinterestedly helps colleagues, takes on the training of newcomers, as well as cases requiring concentration and accuracy. At the same time, the valley almost never manifests the initiative, and even their own ideas prefers to invest in others. As a rule, Lily of Lily of the Lily of the Union with a person, ready to take care of him. For him, the feeling of security, the Lily of the Lily should know exactly what he has someone to rely on. In turn, it is ready to take care of weaker, easily finds a common language with children, does not get tired to help elderly relatives. Even the most modest means will be enough to create a comfort in the house, to provide close pleasant life and a good rest. Almost never thinks about himself Lily of the Lily of the Lily of the Lily of them, and others sometimes abuse his responsiveness and care.

Purslane (05/11-21.05 - May 11 - May 21) - Portulak from the young years is disappointed in life and does not expect anything good from her. Having won, he begins to prepare for the defeat, winning the heart of his beloved - waiting for treason. The marriage contract probably came up with Portulaki: they are the eve of the wedding think about divorce and the cause of property. Whatever success has achieved Portulak, he will not be satisfied. There is always someone who earns more, lives better, it works less - and Portulak does not get tired of comparing himself with others, devalizing its achievements. Large with such a person is not just in work, nor in love, he requires too much care and attention, and if he imagines that he does not receive them, will turn into a real monster. If a friend falls into trouble, Portulak will sacrifice many to help him, and all his own problems perceives as an integral part of life or punishment for fictional sins. Portulak seems evil and unlikely, but it's more likely that he is painfully reacting to other people's problems, it's hard to experience someone else's grief. So the cold removal of Portulak is nothing more than an attempt to protect yourself. An incredulous, dangerous, always waiting for a trick, even from a loved one. With a portulak, difficult at home and at work. And in love - especially. Portulak must be preserved.

Chamomile (05/22-31.05 - May 22-131) - Simple and undemanding with sight, chamomile is actually not at all. This is the most quiet omu, in which, as you know, are devils. The simplicity and frankness of the chamomile is only her way to learn about you as much as possible, and how to apply the received information, it will always find! Chamomile rarely does something just like that. Even the most unexpected step is often part of a well-thought-out plan, and a meaningless act at least per millimeter, but brings it to the goal. Chamomile no one fascinates just like this: its charm is the same weapon as the mind, diligence and hard work. It easily masters the art of manipulating people and often resorts to it. Even alone with a loved one, chamomile is not relaxing; The closest people are sooner or later they understand that they do not know her at all. At the same time, no matter how much chamomile, she does not want to seriously harm anyone; If you suffered as a result of her actions, you are most likely only a side effect. Chamomile will be happy in love only if you decide to trust a partner and play open with him. Being sincere, the chamomile becomes infinitely charming. It is traditionally: loves - does not love. It's hard to understand, although manits to yourself. Despite his attractive appearance, she tries to hang at the work of the opponent for the sake of a career or just a sporting interest. Chamomile, not a different pit!

Bell (01.06-11.06 - June 1 - June 11) - The bell is a big conservative. He does not like any changes, even the most smooth, and any refusal of the usual order of things for the bell to become the cause of depression. Moving, changing the work or simple permutation of furniture capable of spoiling a mood for one month. Ambition of the bell is very restrained. He prefers to have the necessary, but not strive for unnecessary. In addition, he attaches great importance to the family, and therefore does not have enough time to selflessly build a career. In the house, he supports the perfect order, children teach to savings and reasonable handling of money. It's easy to communicate with him, but not too interesting - the bell is absolutely predictable, its interests are quite limited. The bell loves peace, but not inactivity, he always finds a useful occupation and the same waiting for others. He will never support empty, although a pleasant secular chatter, but willingly take part in a moral conversation. The bell can be intrusive, tedious and demanding, but do not forget that he is also kind, caring, honest and friendly. Any change is scary, exposes in despair. Salvation of the bell is a good family, a good house. Favorite vehicle, if you suddenly be sent on a business trip - train. The plane is by no means.

Daisy (06/12/21.06 - June 22 - July 1) - At the first acquaintance, Daisy is unlikely to attract your attention: it will be smoothly so much as he needs politeness, does not say too much, it does not stand out by some special charm or charm. It is difficult to converge with people, but long holds their sympathy for a long time. Friends appreciate her for even character, calm and ability will take care of others. There are almost no enemies from the daisies: it does not make any actions that could harm someone. Despite the almost complete absence of ambitions, the daisian usually achieves more success in life than those who consider it to be insignificant and empty. Everything that she does is imperceptibly, but accurately designed, no effort disappears in vain. In the noisy company, a daisy is lost, but in a critical situation, a fantastic courage is able to show. The life of Daiste flows very smoothly, it is deprived of special shocks and problems, as, however, and serious takeoffs. Margaritka without any sacrifice takes care of a beloved person, and he receives support from him, without requiring too much. Children of daisies are surrounded by care and attention, but you won't call them capricious. It does not differ in romanticism and courage. Tikhonya, Domaska, Reinsurers, Observer. In the events participates most often as a gathering gathering. Will achieve his.

Tulip (06/22-01 07 - June 22 - July 1) - A man born during this period is almost certainly Don Juan, a lung fan of victories, careless loving, greedy to female hearts. He has a lot of flaws, but charm and charm - even more. Charming in all respects rascal goes from hand all the practices. Women are slightly more constant in their affections, but they also have an infinite thirst for life, as well as narrowness and desire to conquer. Tulips of any floor never recognize their mistakes, are easily solved on rash deeds, it is easily achieved by their goal and fantastically lozuchi. The life of the tulip is always very saturated, rich in events and experiences. Such a person tries a lot, and from much enjoyment. It is not content only with work and family, it necessarily has a lot of hobbies and a hobby. In marriage, tulip comes relatively late, having time to experience the mass of romantic hobbies, sometimes very serious. By the way, often the tulip encompasse the Union for the calculation, and it happens in it very happy, if only because it can always appreciate a person who is next to him, can be grateful for care and attention and is able to experience gentle affection, more permanent than his love. A man undoubtedly Don Juan. He is not nipple. Woman energetic. Great self-conceit. To put a lot of strength to achieve any recognition. Such women are usually unfortunate husbands.

Water lily (07/02/12 - July 2 - July 12) - It is unique in its ability to combine the incompatible and survive even in the most difficult conditions. The water lily of the multipath and is inconstant, it is easily fond of, finds new interests, a variety of people stretch to it. The water lily is in many ways to succeed, and it is almost always given to her easily. It is also easy for it to humble with failures and takes over the new venture, not a burden of the former disappointments. Whatever happened in the life of the pita, she is not disappointed in people and in itself, I am sure that everything will be in her favor, and supports those who have harder. The water lily is very happy in love, although the partner chooses somewhat frivolous. She tends to see the dignity in every person, but none of them keep the pita, if she sobbed. The water lily will not marry on the calculation and one will be better than it will live with the unloved. However, in fact, she is simply always sure that she does not face loneliness, there are enough fans and fans around the pitchers, and its circle is growing every day. And water, and earth, and air. A very diverse nature, which, like the lotus, feels its own in several elements. Small obstacles in the life path are easily overcome.

Violet (July 13-23.07 - July 13 - July 23) - violet is not so simple as it may seem. She holds a long time in the shade for a long time, but one day will blind you with his glitter. Easily conquers others, almost everyone has trust and never abuses them. The violet is a very loyal friend and reliable partner in affairs. She does not seek to take a primary position, never acting, does not give out other people's secrets and keeps away from intrigue. The violet is very reasonable, her confidence will not be able to deserve either scammers, nor just unworthy people. The violet is constant in his attachments, for the sake of his beloved person, she is ready for everything, his mood is sharp and suffers from its own susceptibility. For happiness, the violet needs a society of fun and optimistic people, otherwise she falls into depression and loses interest in life. The violet is not easy to converge with people and practically does not give in to someone else's influence - no matter how the situation has been the situation, it goes its own way and acts in accordance with his own ideas about life. With her mind you need to be considered - the violet is not from those who will silently demolish the dismissive attitude. Attracts universal attention. It usually hides in the shade, but is always ready to go out in the sun and take what it is supposed to her. And after you hold on!

Shipovnik (July 24-02.08 - July 24 - August 2) - Rosehip does not wear such a name - you won't take it with bare hands. However, looking closer, you will notice how gentle and defenselessly seemingly aggressive and stubborn person. He trusts little and most of his life spends alone. Little friends of the rosehip appreciate him for responsiveness and kindness. It is not angry without a good reason, no one wants to cause pain and only peace and security eager. The negative experience of Rosehip remembers for a long time, the scars on his gentle heart never delay. Once offended rosehip, you will forever lose his trust and friendship. In the love relationship rosehip usually dependent. He seeks to send a partner to everyone, not to allow a single quarrel or waving. However, if it comes to conflict, Rosehip rarely comes on a compromise. He knows how to defend his interests and makes it violently and stubborn, although then maybe he will regret what he did not go too reasonably. Barbed. You won't take it with bare hands. Although, if you look closely, the spines are protection. It is impossible in our time.

Sunflower (08/03/12.08 - August 3 - August 12) - Sunflower loves sunlight, but will not refuse and warm up in the rays of glory, if such a chance falls out. Success does not deprive his ability to reason the healthy, but difficulties arising on the way - do not frighten. Sunflower is very energetic, it always moves forward, I do not regret the past and not afraid of the future. In relations with the surrounding, it is selfish and inattentive, but aware of their mistakes and seeks to correct them. He is successful everywhere, wherever it appears, and loves attention. Sunflower always has something to tell about yourself, he knows how to raise the mood to a friend who has fallen into an unpleasant situation, and knows how to discharge a pair of words to discharge. In the home atmosphere, sunflower looks somewhat more modest than in humans, because it usually needs a delight audience. But with close sunflower, much less selfish and arrived, he manifests attention to them and provides support. Sunflower rarely comes off from the intended path and almost never gives back to provocations. His aspirations are simple and understood, goals are achievable, behavior is predictable. Found his place under the sun. Successes do not blind him, conflicts do not stop. Moves forward (and maybe in a circle?) Behind the Sun.

rose flower (08/13/03/08 - August 13 -23) - In full compliance with the rank of queen flowers, the rose from all requires admiration and respectful attention. She puts himself above the surrounding and never accepts an indifferent or panibrate attitude. Rosa many considers their enemies, because I am sure that any eager to take her place. In fact, Rosa reigns usually only in its own dreams. Its manner to exaggerate his advantages, look at all down and insist on its superiority repelled many worthy people, and surrounded by roses usually remain those who use its weaknesses for their own dark purposes. Rose enjoys the attention of the opposite sex, but few people relate to her seriously - too much anxiety causes such a person when trying to get close to him. Lefting one on one with life problems, Rosa studies, finally, to correctly assess his strength, realizes that there is a lot of smart and interesting people around it. The blows of fate rose suffers hard, and in the fight against circumstances, its character changes for the better. Queen of flowers. Rose causes an understandable envy of the rest. Inrigue roses against roses, they want to survive with her rightful place, to deprive the award. Rose is impregnable. It is difficult to show your inaccessible all the time. You should take care of health and do not be overworked.

Delphinium (24.08-02.09 - August 24 - September 2) - Dolphinium does not need anything. He is indulgent to himself, to others - demanding. Quite often, the cones are lying on it because of the errors committed by others. This kind of trouble delphinium transfers easily, but the criticism of his own qualities perceives painfully. On the other hand, the dolphinium usually does not have obvious advantages, and it does not make outstanding actions, so it rarely deserves such a person. Dolphinium does not wait for help from others, he is strong enough to take care of himself, and even has a flexible mind, allowing to avoid fate traps. For a good attitude, the dolphinium pays a hundredfold. He will not betray a friend, will not change a loving person. But the person who belongs to the dolphinium is bad, quickly and forever becomes his enemy. It's almost impossible to return it to sympathy. The dolphinium communicates with everyone exactly, does not give preference to anyone. It's hard to guess what he has on his mind. At least, insidious plans and conspiracies are not the element of the dolphinium, to act he prefers in the open. Ascetic. It is undemanded to themselves, only to others. Sorry, a man born under this sign may be a scapegoat. Must be able to repel the misfortunes of ill-wishers.

Carnation (03.09-12.09 - September 3 - September 11) - Carnation is a tireless challenger and a fighter for justice. The motives of its actions are obvious, the actions of predictable, reasoning - are clear and logical. Carnation is not shy to tell the truth in the eye, it is not afraid to seem like a sharp, ignorant or coarse. The carnation can be stated in a lack of tact, but do not forget that a kindness, mind and willingness to help are hidden behind her external irrevocability. The desire to dominate the carnation exhibits in everything, but it does not reach tyranny. It is not necessary to listen to her advice: the carnation comes to everyone with his measure and hardly bother with the thought that all people are different. The carnation family is quite conflict. She chooses a weak and obedient partner, but secretly dreams of resistance that could break. The best way to blame with a carnation is to direct its energy to another bed, be it a social activity, career or hobby. A person with such direct as a clove character is worth searching. This property does not like others at all. But alas, the carnation is on its own, even if the force is not on its side. The main thing is to defend the truth.

Aster (09/13-22.09 - September 12 - September 22) - the bright individuality of Astra, its irrepressible fun and brilliant beauty can brighten the most gloomy day. Astra seems to bring with him the rays of the sun, heating all who lack warmth. At the same time, Astra is not frivolous, she knows how to control himself and is not relaxing when you need to act. Astra loves comfort and order, it easily gets rid of old things and does not store the dear heart of the little things. It also comes with memories: everything that has nothing to do with today's day is sent to the past without the right to restore. That is why Astra easily manage to establish friendships with former partners and even rivals. Astra's close friends surrounds the gentle care, sometimes too intrusive. Always staying in a good mood, she does not understand people inclined to melancholy, but ironically the fate stretches to them. The infinite attempts of Astra stir into the partner just tired him, but it acts from the best motives and is not going to stop. Aster lacks the ability to observe - as a result, she doesn't even know anything about loved ones and does not understand the motives of their actions. The toxic and sadness of the autumn marked asters noticeably. So the person is Astra, like a star in the night, scatters the darkness with his cheerful temper. But this is not reckless fun, but quite conscious behavior. Such people appreciate the subordinates and bosses.

Camellia (04.10-13.10 - October 4/13) - Camellia attracts with its defenselessness, but has a brave heart and non-tireless adventure. She has a rich imagination that helps stand out in any society, and artistic nature, allowing to hide true feelings. Camellia is very sensitive to beauty, and in her surroundings, as a rule, people are completely attractive outwardly, but their personal qualities leave much to be desired. However, Camellia knows the price with his acquaintances and never trust the one who is not worthy. Camellia may seem like a ladder, enjoying the rest surrounded by beautiful things, but this is just a game. In fact, it works not to bother hands, although it assures all that all sorts of goods are literally falling on her from the sky. Camellia tends to goal, despite obstacles and danger. She does not know how to correctly count their strength, and often engaged in shooting from the gun on the sparrows; When it comes to serious problems, Camellia is difficult to assemble forces for the jerk, but usually there are people who are ready to help and support the Council. Pleasant appearance. Sophistication, but despite this - courage. There are many children's behavior, artistic data.

Lilac (10/14/2013 - October 14 - October 23) - Lilac for no accident personifies freshness, innocence and eternal youth - it is these qualities that are peculiar to people who are born in this time of the year. Despite the simplicity and naivety, Lilac knows exactly what he wants, and uses all the opportunities to achieve this. Whatever happens, Lilac does not lose confidence in his success and loyalty to others. Lilac is confident that she has no enemies, although it is not so. However, it is very difficult to harm lilacs: she knows how to cope with troubles and rejoices of life, no matter how circumstances are. Lilac always has a lot of buddies, it does not have one for a minute. Where worse there are relationships with relatives who, of course, from the best motives, seek to make her change their lives. Lilac is very in love, and if something can destroy her happiness - this is the infinite windiness and change of hobbies. However, Lilac is not particularly experiencing because of love disappointments, as well as because of any other. She enjoys life in all manifestations, but he does not like to suffer, so it seems somewhat frivolous. Symbol of heyday, freshness, youth. Diligent and purposeful, lilac with pleasure helps others. You should not pay attention to more prurient colleagues at work.

Freesia (10/24/12 - October 24 - November 2) - The freesia of fearless, persistent and stubborn, so much that sometimes hurts and others, just to prove its right point. Freesia knows how to manipulate someone else's opinion and sometimes makes it their profession. To resist its arguments is difficult to convince, it is impossible at all. In the dispute freesia, deftly uses the tactics of the enemy, disarming it, but never laughs over the defeated and does not require the formal recognition of his rightness, she is enough to feel infallible. Flemin seek to succeed in the profession and sometimes neglects for this personal life and communication with friends. The desire to all be better forces it to work in the sweat of the person, although the most successful thoughts come in the head on vacation. People born during this period of the year should be remembered that if fate gives you a chance, you need to act, and not waste time on reflections. Because of inability to respond quickly in such situations, the freesia considers himself unbelieving, and sometimes he is very worried about this. Freesia usually comes to marriage quite late, already possessing certain life experiences, and therefore is rarely mistaken in its choice. Farms, perseverance, stubbornness, which sometimes harms. People who born under this sign cause sympathy; Thanks to which is successfully promoted. We must show great diplomaticity. Should not be overworked.

Orchid (03.11-12.11 - November 3 - November 12) - Orchid is sensitive to other moods and often has extrasensory abilities. She believes in all the mysterious and mystical, his own experiences prefers to keep secret or painting with a romantic fler. In the life of the orchid, nothing happens just like that; Each meeting is an omnation, each trifle - a sign. Orchid is very superstitious. Orchid does not apply to their plans: whether it is afraid to jiggle, or does not want her to prevent her. The life position of orchids is hard; Such people are not amenable to persuasion, they are alive, but always come in their own way. Orchid does not recognize any authorities and studies only on their own experience. Sometimes it makes irreparable mistakes, but not regrets them, but it seems to forget, although the Tolik of despair and remains in the depths of her soul. The opposite floor of Orchid attracts his mysteriousness, but sometimes the partner is disappointed in it, realizing that the elevation and refinement were only a thin game. In general, people often think about orchid much better than it deserves. Oh or sorry, a cute, but quite ordinary person may be under the mounted shell. Such flowers in Belarus do not grow. But people are distinguished by mystery and mysteriousness. Different doubts lead to shakes with surrounding and friction with the bosses. However, as they say, "patience and work will be perfect."

Pion (13.11-22.11 - November 13 - November 22) - Peony surprises those surrounding force and phenomenal health. It is able to cope with extreme loads, achieves success in sports and those areas of activity where physical strength and endurance are important. At the same time, Peony is quite lazy and inclined to frivolous joys. An outstanding mind of Peony does not shine, but he willingly follow the advice of others and therefore avoids complex situations. He is interested in many, but always slides over the surface, not penetrating deep into the phenomena. But Peony is a wonderful interlocutor and knows how to listen, besides, it usually deserves respect for keeping away from intrigue and gossip. Peony will be happy if when choosing a satellite of life will stop on a person who does not require too much from it. Peony's feelings are simple, but constant, and in the manifestations of care he is often awkward. Peony suffers from his own gullibility. He needs to stop sharing with all its plans and ideas, at least until then, until they are implemented. Percentage of the age of peony-flower. But the peony can not be afraid of health. Everyone will take out. Of course, with reasonable breaks in the work. Peony should be more restrained and smaller spread about their plans.

Gladiolus (23.11-02.12 - November 23 - December 2) - Gladiolus achieves success thanks to not talent, but hard work, impairment and perseverance. To get to the top, such a person can only under the guidance of an experienced mentor or friend; In his character there are no damns required by the pioneer. At the same time, the gladiolus is sometimes trying to get rid of the guardianship, then, that realizing that it simply disappears without it, returns with the obey. At his mistakes, gladiolus does not study - he is able to step again and again on rake in the hope that for the hundredth time he will be able to avoid hitting the forehead. Gladiolus seems naive and injecting in love affairs, but this impression is deceptive: it's easy to fall in love and taking advantage of the opposite sex, he quickly gains experience from which, however, does not extract any lessons. There are no raisins and riddles, but there is a kindness and responsiveness. In addition, it does not require many things, everyone sees good features and has a huge number of friends. In the family, he usually uses authority, but sometimes homemade condescendingly makes fun of its weaknesses. Be that as it may, in the house of Gladiolus always reigns a calm and friendly atmosphere. A man born under this sign is not different, but very hardworking and executive. Under the skillful leadership can achieve a lot. No bragging.

Dandelion (03.12-12.12 - December 3 - December 12) - The symbol of heat and sun, in which desperately needs. It is difficult for him in the city, so you should not lose the opportunity to spend time in nature. And necessarily - in the circle of friends! Their society dandelion is necessary for mental equilibrium. Sometimes the dandelion looks extravagant and even causing, but he cares about the external effect more like a joke; His antics are dictated by a simple desire to praise and hang others. Dandelion applies seriously to work, but it does not prevent him from looking for an unconventional decision of any, even the most ordinary question. The dandelion makes decisions easily, no longer spend on meditation, so he often has to work out to neutralize the consequences of his own reckless actions. At least he does not try to shift responsibility on others, although it does not refuse to help proposed at the right moment. The dandelion falls in love very easily and is capable of the most incredible and romantic deeds. He does not hide his feelings and always requires reciprocity. Unrequited love seems to dandelion with a silly fiction; He is simply not able to believe that someone can stay to him indifferent. Symbol of heat. He loves freshness, whining the breeze. Can not disregard others. Because of this, extravagance, sometimes all boundaries of taste and social norms passes. If you criticize at work, the dandelion can always be protected by real results in the fulfillment of the instructed task.

Lotus (12/13/22/12 - December 13 - December 22) - The eastern purity symbol gives people born during this period of the year, honesty, frankness and nobility of the gusts. Lotus can cope with many, but will never take meanness or betrayal, its moral principles are very strict, and ideals are high. Lotus is a flair for good ideas, even those that may seem unexpected and controversial. He can be trusted in any situation, he always gives very good advice and support a friend in a word and affair in a difficult situation. All that makes Lotus, close to perfection. He correctly consumes strength in work, correctly distributes the load, finds the time for loved ones, holds a house in sample order. Lotus - Odnolyuba and rather will hold life alone than agree to the Union without love. Sometimes he repents in his choice, but, nevertheless, keeps loyalty and keeps marriage. Lotus is deprived of selfishness and complacency. He has an innate sense of harmony, which allows you to be content with small and separate important from the secondary. Do not interfere with him to go to my own way - and you will be surprised how high it can rise, without leaning. Clean symbol. Lotus flower means a lot for the peoples of Asia. In our areas of the lotus exotic, no more. Although thanks to the exotic, the originality of thinking and the behavior of Lotus is a lot of hands. It should be more flexible towards people.

Edelweiss (23.12-31.12 - December 23 - December 31) - Edelweiss Freedoming, is rapid and sometimes inconsistent in actions. He does not like routine, can not resist wide gestures, uses any chance to change his life. I am confident that nothing bad will happen to him, therefore it is not inclined to restrain the impulses. No one has so much envious, ill-wishers and enemies, how much of them from Edelweiss, but a lot of admiring views is directed at him. Edelweiss does not recognize the prohibitions, he seeks to try everything possible, does not fear disapproval or condemnation around. Peopleweiss often stretch people as complex and unsure of themselves; It seems symbol of independence and freedomiff. However, carefully clinging to Edelweiss, you will notice that he thinks surprisingly and knows how to smooth the situation when it becomes critical. Edelweiss is not the best partner in love. It is not like loyalty, while jealous, romance is eager, but rarely can explain what it is necessary. In addition, he is rescued in judgments and may hurt the word, without wanting. The flower grows high in the mountains. A man born under this sign has all the qualities of a good friend. First of all, it is a reliability. Self temperament, although the edelweiss event is sometimes losing patience in the vortex.

Gentian (01.Y 01.01-10.01 - January 1 - January 10) - Flower, symbolizing heat and openness, awards its "ward" friendliness and even moral. Showing responsiveness and attention to others, such people do not require anything in return. Big companies, they prefer a narrow circle of close friends, and noisy events are trying to avoid, preferring to spend time at home or in nature. In winter, such people have difficulty - the cold of them is contraindicated. They should be at least more time to spend on the sun, so as not to heat at all, and give preference to rest in warm countries. Such people tend to worry and worry on trifles. They are attentive and meticulous, but often damage themselves with trifling alarms and cannot make a decision, fearing to make a mistake. Meanwhile, sometimes the yield lying on the surface turns out to be the most correct. Trust your intuition - it will not let down, and also learn to rely on friends, which, by the way, you have much more than you think. Mysterious flower, symbolizing summer heat. Grows on mountain meadows. It gives some mysteriousness to the nature, more external, whereas everything is explained quite simple. For example, the cause of secrecy and closure can be the usual shyness. A man born under this sign stubbornly achieves goal. Cold weather should be feared.

Thistle (01/11-20.01 - January 11 - January 20) - such people are rarely noticed, and they do our best to attract attention. They put the goals that are almost impossible to achieve, and refuse to fight after the slightest difficulties. The most important quality of people born during this period is a kindness, which, however, is difficult to notice for frivolousness and excessive fussiness. The thistle may seem even aggressive, but in fact he does not seek anyone to harm. For Chertopoloch, his family is very important, he works hard and stubbornly, seeking to ensure its well-being and prosperity. The second place is occupied by friends who have a lot of thistle. Close people see such a person sensitive and wounded, but he seems independent and invulnerable to everyone else. Chertopoloch usually loves his work, but he needs to learn more and properly rest: in his case, excessive hardworking is fraught with nervous disruptions and other health problems. No one pays attention to him. Therefore, fussing, he constantly "causes fire on himself." Filves sometimes unbearable classes for themselves, from which, it is rapid by brains, can immediately refuse any pretext. Such behavior is disorienting others and therefore they can not always see the main trait of the thistle - kindness. He is a beautiful friend and family man. Executive worker.

Immortelle (01/21-31 01 - January 21 - January 31) - Immorter in any society stands out to the elegance of his appearance. Its outfit will always be fashionable, but never served or vulgar. The taste for the noble simplicity of the immortelle manifests from childhood, and to mature age, when his beauty reveals especially brightly, usually acquires a huge number of envious and imitators. The immortals of nature is modest, but his life is folded so that it has to be constantly in society. The girl who escaped from the party in the midst of a fun, or a man who ignore the tender looks of the ladies at a numerous meeting is almost certainly an immortal. Such people for many are ideal or standard - they have a great power of spirit, perseverance and ability to deal with difficulties. The immortals usually achieves success on their own, not counting on anyone. Partly, so it is difficult for them to understand friends constantly contacting; Being strong himself, the immortality of something like that waits from others. Of course, he will not refuse support, but the second time to ask him about anything you are most likely not to be decided. Modest, but nevertheless closely monitors the fashion. His elegance often becomes an envy. But he has enough energy to overcome all the difficulties and with brilliance to defeat ill-wishers.

Omela (01.02-10.02 - February 1-10 February) - The mistletoe is always attractive, cares about his appearance, follows the fashion and tries to be in the center of attention of the opposite sex. Competition in his field of mistletoe does not tolerate; It is difficult to believe that, usually soft, polite and cute, such a person is capable of cruelty and ruthlessness when the opponent needs to be eliminated. However, even with the most friendly mistletoe is not easy. Her charm is simply infinite. The need for love in the mistleta is also huge, so constant communication with fans and fans is a necessary condition for its mental balance. For the love of mistletoe, everything is ready for everything, even abandon the luxury and comfort. However, the paradise in the slash will last long - the feelings of the mistletoe quickly go out if it is not happy with the living conditions and does not get the best. Omel It is worth remembering that it is necessary to take care not only about your appearance, but also about health, but a visit to the gym - no worst way to maintain the form than complex operations and unparalleled procedures. In addition, a hike to a sports club for mistletoe is a great way to remove stress. The woman is characterized by curiosity and ease of behavior. "Risky" character, the ability to fuse even the most impregnable man. Men born under this character "Witchetsky" flower should bet on sports, bodybuilding, karate, tennis to enjoy popular with the opposite sex. All this preserves their health and makes them attractive.

Mimosa (02.20-28.02 - February 20 - February 28) - Pretty and pleasant Mimosa possesses, alas, very weak health. Any little thing can for a long time to put it into bed, proving the attack of a chronic disease. In addition, Mimosa is deprived of immunity and its body is almost unable to resist infections. From childhood, getting used to be in the center of all attention, Mimosa is very worried when he is deprived. She just needs to have a number of man who will take care and worry about her. Alone, Mimosa flows into depression, life seems to her blameless and deprived of meaning. Mimosa always tries to express himself from the best side, she loves when she is praised and ready to even sacrifice himself if it brings gratitude to her. Such people are rarely achieved in the life of noticeable success, and if something like and happens, then, most likely, at the expense of another person, stronger and active. Mimosa generally knows how to attract the necessary people to himself; During their account, she makes a career and provides self-comfort and comfort. Mimosa takes care of tomorrow and never throws money to the wind, but it is usually not possible to get rich. People born under this sign are akin to flower. Different with increased sensitivity. Mimosa is experiencing very painful if her work underestimated. Heads, do not overload mimos! She is used to sacrificing himself to fulfill the work entrusted to her, and earn encouragement, neglecting holidays and hospitals.

Poppy (01.03-10.03 - March 1 - March 10) - To get under the charm of the poppy easily, it is almost impossible to avoid its influence. The poppy will acquire friends and familiar everywhere, where he gets, knows how to lead people behind them and seek her. He does not try to attract attention, realizing that the most bright person in the company is far from necessarily the most important. Poppy has the ability of a diplomat that they use as if joking. Maku lacks confidence in himself, and the tendency to rely on fate often leads him to the path of gambling or dubious transactions. Maku needs to understand that he is strong enough to achieve almost any goal - and then the victory will remain behind him. Sometimes, Poppy is lowered hands, and then he is usually popular and surrounded by attention, it becomes almost lonely; People who are accustomed to see him strong and cheerful, simply unable to learn their friend. Fortunately, such periods continue not long, and its brightness and activity are returned to Mac. People of this sign should be traced for their diet. Reducing the use of meat dishes and a greater number of fresh vegetables will benefit him. Poppy beauty is faded like opium. Easy to get into the poppy network, get hard to get out of them. Path of Mac is littered with thorn. We must believe in your strength - only so Mac can achieve success. He should not focus on meat dishes. Vegetables are a source of vitamins and a good mood.

Lily (03/11-20.03 - March 11 - March 20) - Lily knows what she needs for happiness and can achieve it. It may seem shy and modest, but when she needs it, shook you with its beauty and magical attractiveness. The truth about Lily's life does not know anyone. She loves to speak riddles and keeps all that is important for her very much important. You will not be able to approach Lilies closer than it will allow, but also you will not leave until it is allowed. Easy flirting, coquetry, piercing over fans and manipulating them deliver a great pleasure lily. She easily finds the key to someone else's souls and no one opens his own. Lily has thrust to the whole supernatural, magical and unusual. It can be equally likely to become a psychic or a fraudster who outstands itself. A certain tendency to occult sciences in lily is definitely present, but all sorts of mystic interests it only from the practical side. The abstract problems of the universe and philosophical concepts leave Lily indifferent. Unnoticed charm. Sophistication of nature. Lunar flower. The mystery, which can be solved only in the full moon. Masquerade, Deception, Flirt. In spite of everything, Lily knows how to be happy.

The horoscope of flowers is one of the earliest collections of information about human self-knowledge, because the flowers are much closer than the stars. Flowers, trees and medicinal herbs could not not attract the attention of ancient astrolories and kneaders. They studied not only the healing qualities of plants, but also their ability to influence human fate.

Many are confident that the use of magical colors helps to change fate. Unlike what they say and prevey the stars, indoor flowers we can choose yourself. This allows you to influence our psychological state, change the attitude towards the environment. But in this case, the world will respond the same, changing the attitude towards us.

Indoor flowers on the horoscope allow not only to protect themselves from the blows of fate, but also give aesthetic pleasure.

Ancient druids interpret the ability of indoor flowers to influence the person depending on the time of his birth. Over time, the horoscope of flowers was narrowed to the signs of the zodiac. This significantly expanded the interpretation opportunities.

Choosing room colors on a horoscope is not only an opportunity to increase the degree of comfort in your own home. The right choice of indoor plants, made with the astrological characteristics, will facilitate the process of care of flowers. Surely, many have noticed that some plants are perfectly leaving, without requiring special care. Other flowers, even the most unpretentious, if you believe the description, get enough for you to do. Indoor flowers on a horoscope is the ability to choose exactly what is guaranteed to arrive in your home.

The fact that there is a Celtic flower horoscope, many of us know - after all, it is known that not only the planets patronize a person, but also the wonderful creations of Mother Nature, flowers. It will be quite nice if your flower will accompany you in life, protecting and protecting in a life path - it is better to put it in a vase, grow it in a flower pot or on the plot, and you can simply put it and wear with you ...

Like people, flowers have their own character and ancient people could not not notice this fact. The most in the field of comparison of people and colors has achieved the success of Druids and Magi.

Moreover, the colors are also attributed to some magical power and it is believed that they protect a person from unwanted turns of fate, as well as determine the future life path and are successfully carried out on it.

The essence of the flower horoscope is that if you divide all 360 degrees of the zodiac circle on 36 parts, then get the zones of 10 degrees (decades). So, each of these zones is under the auspices of two planets, giving the zodiac sign.

The person who was born at a certain month and day, there is a beautiful flower decorating our land. Therefore, the flower will be able to tell a lot about us.

Unusual silver jewelry with rare stones. Therapeutic and magical properties of rare stones.

Every day we are watching around themselves many colors - indoor, garden, field. Possessing powerful energy, plants are capable of helping and harbor. Knowing what flowers are the signs of the zodiac, we can surround themselves with the right energy.

Fire Aries are targeted personality, constantly seeking leadership, therefore the flowers of this sign are bright red, burgundy, orange high growth. The prickly stem reflects the hot-tempered nature of the Aries.

From room options energy Aries coincides with Grenade Karlikov, Azalia of the Japanese and Indian, Begonia Royal, Roby Brilliant, Rose.

Azalea, for example, contributes to the successful implementation of creative projects. In the workplace, the flower sets up on the working way, helps to negotiate in the dispute.

Begonia Royal - Assistant Aries in the development of eloquence and building relationships with others. A detailed description of the subtleties of this flower we gave in the article.

Plants Aries symbolize the career ladder, spiritual development, reflect success and solidity. Therefore, for help them can contact them who wish to build a career, learn to set goals and achieve them.

Aries preferably avoid Asparagus, Lemon, Orchid, Maranta, Chrysntera.


Taurus - the earthly symbol, which is patronized by Venus. It is firmly on the legs, landed, gives greater importance to the material side of life, so the tank flowers are strong and low.

Signal choice for him:

will help the calves to relocate from the opinions of others And to form your own view of the world. How to choose such a pet and care for him, we were described in the section.
  • Begonia decorative and blooming will set up relationships with others.
  • Gloxinia absorbs negative energy, contributes to the achievement of financial well-being and stability, will support the achievement of dreams and the implementation of goals.
  • The violet strengthens family relationships, gives the calves to wisdom, creates a comfort in the house.

Pet Tales - symbol of wealth and stabilityTherefore, they can be recommended to those who seek material well-being.

Cleans should avoid peppers and calkelylarium, it is also desirable not to grow in the house of Agava.


Gemini under the auspices of Mercury are friendly, but change. Their plants have a lot of small leaves.

Asparagus, for example, you must have in the house of those twins, who do not work realize their dreams. He will help representatives of the sign that speak a lot, but do little.

The flower is able to orient and send to the faithful life path, to gain harmony with me. You can only choose the desired instance: We described the various varieties in the section.

Fern need maxima to make their world requirements more realistic, as well as smooth over the experience about the past and present.

clean the atmosphere in the house From unfinished thoughts. Also, the twins feel comfortable next to ivy and tillandisia.

Twins plants protect friendship, contribute to good relationship with others.

Codium (Croton) and Maranth are not combined.


Cancer is a watermark, whose flowers are distinguished by fleshy leaves and stems. The house creates comfort and contribute to a happy family relationship.

Fuchsia, for example, will help find a common language between family members, especially from different generations. If cancer is confused and can not find a way out, the plant will prompt an alternative solution.

  • Begonia Manson holds cancer from the state of longing, the decline of strength and depression, makes the atmosphere around more joyful.
  • Peperomia Kustoid Utichomirite in Cancer Energy of the dispute, teach him to listen to the opinions of others.
  • Aloe will restore biofield and mental health.

Energy racks facing Monster, Ficus and Oleander.

a lion

Fiery lions under the control of the Sun need bright and aristocratic colors that reflect their character, contribute to creativity and high feelings.

Plants of this sign need a lot of light, they are demanding in care.

Calla is able to bring harmony and inspiration to the house, as well as increase stress resistance.

One of the most striking representatives - Rosa Chinese, helps see new faces in familiar things, It is a flower of passion and emotions, way to turn laziness into creation.

Also, the lions will find harmony with Gardenia, Tsarist Geranus and Califa bristle-resistant. Camellia helps to fight laziness and inaction.

Avoid sign representatives follows Croton, Laurel and Maranta.


Virgo - earthly sign, the patron of which is air Mercury.

Plants of the sign symbolize practicality, intelligence and prudence.

  • Dracaena promotes success in school.
  • Monster helps to look at the world wider, and also structures thinking.
  • Aloe protects from diseases.
  • Red poppies restore nerves, improve well-being and help to fall asleep.
  • Astra helps to know better.

Also, the Virgin is suitable birch trees (ROCISSUS ROMBICH), AsParagus, Philodendron. The latter we described in the article.

To keep on the decent distance to the devians recommend bulbous and clivia cinnabar.


Flowers of scales are bright and beautiful, as a rule, possess the motley leaves. Such an appearance of the plant was given Venus, Saturn makes stalks strong and strong, thanks to which they keep posture.

Flowers of scales positively affect the relationship in the family, between friends, in business, and also form taste in people.

  • Podpick pepper cleans the atmosphere from envy and anger.
  • Pineapple introduces changes, forces people living on the inertia, to stop and look at the world in a new way.
  • Fatsia Japanese will help get rid of pessimism and gloomy thoughts.

Sign representatives should avoid growing Echmea, Begonias, Drageren.


Water Scorpio, which is controlled by Pluto and Mars, is harmonized with plants, which contain a large amount of moisture. It seems attractive, possess spines. Develop supernatural abilities, intuition and clairvoyance.

    eliminates nightmares and dangerous thoughts.
  • Drazen will help scorpion from permanent self-confidence.
  • Oleander ordinary will contribute to getting rid of bad habits.

Sign representatives are better to refrain from growing hypipestrukum, clivia and citrus.


The patronage over the Fiery Archerter is carried out by Jupiter. The signs of the sign are beautiful and original, directed up and possess high growth. Develop in the Sagittarius desire to travel and know the world.

From the houseplants to the shooters better stop choice on citrus, clivia cinnabar, schifleria and sanitary.

Sansevieria, for example, cleans the house from evil thoughts, creates a creative atmosphere and helps the education receive. Description of the flower and its features you can find in the section.

Unsuitable Aloe, Cacti, Ferns, Illya.


The Capricorn is landed, has a conservative character, so plants that have a straight and strong stem are suitable for signs that have a straight and sturdy stem.

Capricorn he is a sign of the head, Therefore, his flowers protect their careers and help achieve success in work.

Capricorn help and support can be expected from the drakes of the dermal and fragrant, ficus of the rubber, laurel, Liviston, lithopsy, Tolstyanka silver, Benjamin ficus.

Capricorn is better not to surround himself with Redem, Astra, Jasmine, the bell.


Aquarius plants will help look a fresh look at the old problems, find a way out of a difficult situation, get rid of conservatism. The regulator of the sign is uranium, so plants-aquatic light, air with a pleasant smell.

    helps waterwords in search of their vocation
  • Reo motley - in the fight against negative emotions
  • Drazena Godsefa - in search of a right decision.

On other indoor plants of the sign include a cross, a marant. The description of the latter is presented in the article.

To refrain the representatives of the sign stands from the cultivation of bulk.


Fish plants are similar to algae, possess beautiful flowers or a pleasant smell, less often - strong stem, as a rule, it has no foundation. Promote creativity, beneficial meditation, Designed for servants of the Church.

  • Sideraxis drowned helps to calm their emotions to fish, return from heaven to the ground and start acting.
  • Cipelus Papyrus protects against lies.
  • Fastelline Playanoid forms an excerpt.

Fite bulbous plants, echons and podpick peppers are not suitable.

Whatever flowers are prescribed to you by the zodiac sign, relate them to their individual preferences, and then you can surround yourself by harmonyand also gain the source of forces and energy.

With the help of your number of fate you can find out what flower it is for you. After all, it is your flower that will bring success in life and help to avoid difficulties.

Expecting the number of fate

To calculate the number of fate, you need to fold all the numbers of the date of birth. Figures of the resulting number again fold. And so until it turns out an unambiguous number.

For example, for a man born 29.09 1999, the calculation is as follows:

2+9+9+1+9+9+9= 48;

The number of fate "3".

Now that you have decided on your personal number, read the designation of your flower.

Like the spikes of roses, your character can scare, and by mistake you will be considered a woman with tough, barbed, sometimes sarcastic. In fact, to the one who will win your trust, you will open the beautiful, tender and romantic, like rose petals.

Tip: Since the rose symbolizes early maturity, then you have been doomed to premature ripening since childhood. Always keep at home or at work fresh rose.

Your flower is a marigold with excellent orange petals and valuable medical qualities. This flower gives a good mood and fun, they are also called the "Bride of the Sun", as he turns over the sun. Also, you like to be a woman who is with dignity in life next to his man and at the right moment demonstrates its valuable qualities.

Tip: Hold Always Near your flower to protect yourself from deception and envy and especially to weaken their own attacks of jealousy.

Iris is a symmetric flower, and he has a triple structure: three inner petals sticking up, and three external, lowered downwards. In fact, this flower corresponding to the personal number "Three", which, in turn, is the communication number. And it is not by chance in the language of colors Iris means "good news".

Tip: especially if your work consists of communication with people, you should always be three iris flower in a high and narrow vase, better glass and transparent or crystal.

Lily Shel - one of the first spring colors: white in the form of a bell tape, according to legend, attracts sophisticated men with a resistant aroma. It is considered a personal flower number four, and you are a woman who loves to surround themselves refined people.

Tip: As the valley do not bloom all year round, then every morning sought the essence of this flower: it will help you to find a man of your dreams and wander over enemies and envious.

There is no other flower with such a penetrating smell like a jasmine. It is considered a flower of lovers. Its structure is five of the petals, and the number five among other values \u200b\u200bsymbolizes sex and passion.

Tip: as a person whose personal number is five, you should have a jasmine flower at home in a pot, and also use the spirits of jasmine, whose aroma will help overcome the most resistant resistance. And you like to win love.

Tulip is your flower. According to legend, he was born from the tears and the blood of the young man shed because of the unfortunate love for the girl. You wish if not perfect, then a harmonious sentimental life, and tulip symbolizes perfect love, such that you would like: sensual, mutual, serene.

Tip: If you do not have a small garden, you can take advantage of this flower fluids, you can grow it in your window in a transparent vase.

Excellent orchid is a symbol of harmony, the emblem of spiritual perfection. Presents two sexes, male and female at the same time, and is also a symbol of fertility. In ancient times, ate orchid tubers to avoid infertility.

Tip: Like a man's numbers seven, you love mine and spiritual purity, and at least as hobbies you could breed orchids. Their fluids will contribute to your spiritual evolution.

Chrysanthemum is a flower of cheerful and light tones - is a symbol of longevity, good health. Its petals are used in phytotherapy for cleaning the body.

Tip: As you are a representative of a number, stronger than all loving life, you should always be a bouquet of beautiful yellow chrysanthemums in a vase from transparent glass to constantly focus it with positive fluids.

Pliny senior, ancient Roman scientist, advised to plant a cyclaman around the house to defend himself from the evil eye. And the theophrast, one of the first nerves of ancient Greece, spoke of the need to put a flower near the bed, because his gentle smell excites sensuality in men and women.

Tip: You are, the lover of esoterism, use the fluids of your flower to hone their outstanding intuitive abilities.