How Evgeny Belousov died. Zhenya Belousov Biography, Personal Life, Family, Wife, Children - Photo

How Evgeny Belousov died. Zhenya Belousov Biography, Personal Life, Family, Wife, Children - Photo

Yevgeny Belousov, who had a scenic name Zhenya Belousov, a popular singer of the late 80s. One of the popular representatives of the Russian pop, Zhenya Belousov, seemingly impellent songs about love and romantics, spawned a whole community of pop performers who entertained young people on discos of the early 1990s. It was invited to cooperate different teams, but the solo career of the singer was already quite successful at that time, so the author of the songs toured a lot by the Union, and acted abroad.

Growth, weight, age. Years of life of Belousov

Zhenya Belousov looked like a typical representative of the 80s. Long lush and curly hair, multicolored shirts and unchanging jeans have become a scenic artist suit at the time of his short career. Zhenya loved bright clothes. Blue and red jackets, fitting pants and many decorations. In the network you can find a lot of photos from photo shoots and tours of the singer, information about his life, growth, weight, age. Years of life Belousov from 1964 to 1997. The singer died, at the time of death he was 32 years old.

Biography and personal life of Belousov

Eugene was born in Ukraine, in the Kharkiv region, but after a few months his family moved to the city of Kursk. There Zhenya graduated from school, and received musical education in the class of guitar. Belousov wanted to become a musician since childhood, but parents insisted on the receipt of a guy a more real profession, and Zhenya graduated from the technical school in the specialty of a locksmith. Naturally, the young man pulled to work and music, so he worked in the evenings in the restaurants of the city, where he entertained the guests of the institution with musical numbers. It was in one of these evenings of a young guy who saw the Moscow producer and musician Bari Alibasov, and offered his wife to play in his group in the capital. Belousov thought not long, gathered things and went to Moscow, where his solo career began later.

The first song of the musician "Girl My Sineglazaya" brought his wife a real popularity. A clip was removed on the composition, which twisted the best channels of the country, and soon Belousov began to appear in popular television shows, gave an interview and began to work on the second album. Then there were songs "Girl-Girl" and "Hair Cloud", which Belousov wrote already with a new producer. Having a successful career of the musician and glory, Zhenya decided to do business and put money into the production of domestic vodka, hoping to make a profit. But not able to lead business Belousov burned, the artist was accused of tax submarines.

Biography and personal life of Belousov were often discussed in the media. For his life, he was officially married for him, as well as between marriages had novels with different girls. The first relations of Belousov had with the producer of Martha, on which, however, did not marry. And before his death, he lived with a young girl who called Elena.

Family and Children of Belousov

Zhenya was born on one day with his twin brother Alexander in the most ordinary family of workers. Parents of the future artist lived in Kharkov, and then went to Russia for the best life. The singer has an older sister Marina. The singer himself has two children from different women who lived with mothers. Normal family life from Belousov did not work out. Perhaps because of its popularity, he could not deny himself the pleasure of relationships with different women. Where today the family and children of the frank Belousov live are unknown.

Birth Son Belousova - Roman Belousov

Belousov's son - Roman Belousov was born in 1992 in a singer's civil marriage with Oksana Shidlovskaya. His parents lived together shortly, so after parting the boy remained with his mother, and only a concert red jacket remained a inheritance from Pope. Since childhood, the son of the singer was fond of technician, and dreamed of opening his car service. Today, Roma is 26 years old, he gained a locksmith, participates in the motorcycle racing, loves to fix and disassemble the motorcycles. The guy is very similar to the Father, and wears long hair.

The daughter of Belousov - Christina Belousov

Belousov's daughter, Belousov, Kristina Belousova was born in 1987 in the first official marriage of the singer with Elena Hudik. Christina since childhood had a craving for everything beautiful. She studied at the music school, was engaged in dancing and worked in a modeling agency. The girl worked as the music site editor, but then decided to devote his life of psychology, entered the Medical University and now the 30-year-old daughter of the musician works as a psychologist. A few years ago, Christina met with her brother on his father, but young people silently walked around the city, not knowing what to talk about.

Belousova's former wife - Elena Hudik

Evgeny and Elena got married in 1986. When they met, Lena worked as a pharmacist in the store. The spouse gave birth to the singer daughter, but despite this, young people divorced when Lena found out that her husband had repeatedly changed with the girls who played in his group, as well as on tour with colleagues in a musical shop. Belousov's former wife - Elena Hudik after a divorce with a singer received a three-room apartment in Moscow. After marriage with Belousov, Lena was married three more times, there are no other children.

Belousov's ex-wife Belousov - Natalia Vetalitskaya

Eugene and Natasha got acquainted on tour when they participated in one concert. Vetaltsky is a popular singer today. There was such a passionate novel between young people that Zhenya even forgot that he was married. In 1989, performers played a wedding, but this marriage lasted ridiculously not long - only 10 days. After the divorce with her husband, the former wife of the frank Belousov - Natalia Vetalitskaya was officially married 2 more times, and lived in a civil marriage with 6 well-known men of the Russian show business.

Births Civil Wife Belousova - Oksana Shidlovskaya

Belousov's civilian wife - Oksana Schidlovskaya lived with a singer a little over a year. The woman first played in the same group with a singer, and after the birth of the son of Romana and was financially issued, and the accounting support of the vodka business of the singer. Maybe against the background of unsuccessful investments, and maybe because of the constant Tel Belousov, Oksana gone from a civil husband with a child. After the young people broke up, after a month of Zhenya lived with his new passion - eighteen years of Elena.

The cause of the death of Belousov and his funeral

Recently, Belousov had health problems. The singer had a stroke, after which an urgent operation was carried out on the brain. After surgery, the artist lived another month, after which he died suddenly from hemorrhage into the brain. The reason for the death of Belousov's death and his funeral was covered in the media in 1997. The musician was buried a few days later in Kuznetsk Cemetery, many people came to say goodbye to him. A large marble monument has been installed on his grave.

Wikipedia Virgin Belousov

Zhenya Belousov wrote songs full of romance and optimism. The listeners came to his concerts to infect his vital energy, listen to favorite songs in the circle of the same fans of the singer. Despite the fact that the artist's musical career was rapid, she was very not long. The singer released 7 full albums, and another 4 compilations came out after the death of Eugene. White Wikipedia, Belousov, has references to sites dedicated to the singer's memory, as well as information about his life and work.

In early June 20 years ago, Zhenya Belousov died. The musician was only 32 years old when he left his life. But the songs with whom he collected stadiums in the late 80s and early 90s, still remember: "Girl-Girl", "Aleshka", "Girl My Siegyglazaya", "Short Summer", "Golden Domes" , "Evening-evening" is still remembered. Zhenya Belousov lived a short, but bright life. The site tells unknown facts from the life of Belousov and his heirs.

1. The daughters of the singer Cristina was 10 years old when dad died, now a young woman is 30 years old, she has a good job - she is working as a translator in a large company. Red-haired beauty worked in a modeling agency, graduated from music school, but he did not want to do professional music. He graduated from the Psychological Faculty of Medical University, perfectly owns English and Spanish. To friends, colleagues, Kristina, never told, whose daughter she. The girl impresses a modest, serious and purposeful person.

"The feeling that there is still a dad," said Kristina Belousov in the "Direct Ether" program. - What I know about Dad - he is always interested in philosophy, religion, psychology. And I'm all interesting to me ... I try not to think about the death of Pope with pain, I try to think about what he lived quite a bright life, he gave a lot to people who surrounded him, including me ... I don't want to I was admitted a label my daughter of a famous person.

Kristina Belousov. Photo: Social networks.

Christina lives in a three-bedroom apartment in Moscow, which he inherited from the famous dad. Eugene divorced his daughter's mother when the girl was 7 years old, but always helped the family. And with the extramarital son Roma Belousov communicated, although he did not marry his mother.

The son of Belousov is a novel of 24 years. His mother is Oksana Shidlovskaya (the former keyboard in the Belousov group). Yevgeny Belousova's wife Elena Khudik (Mom Christina) divorced him, when he learned that her husband had an extramarital son. Now women communicate, both arranged a personal life. Roman loves to drive on a motorcycle, learned to the welder, going to open a car service. With a sister sign, but the relationship does not support. The boy grows by a purposeful, soul of the company, like his father.

Evgeny Belousov with his son Roman. Photo: Archive.

Children of the singer music were not carried away, but his nephew (son of the twin brother Alexander Belousov) Professional musician. His, by the way, is also called Eugene.

2. Mom singer Nonna Pavlovna died three years ago. In the last interview, she recalled how the caring son was Zhenya: Mom often came from Kursk to his son to Moscow, he drove her around restaurants, bought gifts, even took a tour, helped materially. Mother and son had a close relationship. "The thrust for music at the magnitude appeared in childhood, we immediately gave it to the music school, - remembered Nonna Pavlovna. "When the wife was ten years old, a car hit him, he hit his head very much, a few days were on the verge of death ..." Grandchildren visited Belousov, and she herself after the death of the frank in Moscow visiting Sasha's son. "A novel came to me, very similar to Zhenya, only the features were labored, he was not very good - in his father! Christina Psychologist, languages \u200b\u200bteaches, she from the fiance - addiction to diets. He was fooling - she sat down his losing weight while his health was ruined. I wondered - came and saw that Zhenya was not eating anything for ten days, only drinking tea. And then on a banquet, he climbs something - here is the pancreas and inflamed! The first time he became bad, I myself reached the "Squil". But he has a tour, so after a day he fled from the chamber. The second time went to the hospital when it was already too late. He was dried so much medicine, and he had an intracranial pressure. For Zhenya, it was deadly. "

Evgeny Belousov entered the hospital with an attack of acute pancreatitis, after a while made himself knowing the injury of the head, received in childhood - the stroke happened. Two months later, the popular performer died.
3. Evgeny Belousov was married to Natalia Vetalitsky nine days. "While he was on tour, Natalia started a romantic relationship. Savoring such a girl was - under the wife. But she went away from him, and Zhenya really worried a lot, "- recalled the producer of singer Lyubov Voropaeva. After the divorce Zhenya married Elena Hudik, who by that time had already gave birth to Daughter Christine. Lena is his first love from Kursk.

Zhenya Belousov and Natalia Vetalitskaya in the registry office. Photo: Archive. Evgeny Belousov and Oksana Shidlovskaya. Photo: Archive.
Belousov with his wife Elena. Photo: Archive.

4. In recent years, Alexander Lyubimov was very close to Belousov, the TV host supported Eugene. Belousov's friendship and loved one was incomprehensible: loved intellectual, and Belousov grew up on Kursk streets, graduated from Ptu.

5. Belousov's friend Igor Sandler in the "Direct Ether" program told: "Zhenya is a magnificent jazz musician, composer. But I was forced to sing "My Blue Siegyglazaya". He was tremended by himself. He put me his new arrangements, discs, these were the records of progressive jazz rock. And he said: "God forbid these discs will hear my fans! I then end! " He was tremendously worried in the depths of the soul that he could not implement himself as a musician. "

6. Producer Lyubov Voropaeva recalled that Belousov sang under the phonogram, since with the equipment in those years it was difficult, especially in stadiums, in open areas, where the performer often acted. After Eugene left the show business, he took up the business - began to sell alcohol.

7. Voropayeva told the story of the creation of the chief hit "My Sinegylazaya Girl". She was unexpected. The poetess, producer of the magnitude of Belousov dedicated the song to the computer of his husband's composer Viktor Dorokhin. Dorokhin sat for hours after the computer, which he called the "blue-eyed girl."

8. Producer Belousov first in the country began to use "Black PR" to promote the ward. Voropayeva, herself "merged" in the media "Sensation", wore cassettes with his records on radio and television, producer was familiar with the music editors. But in 1990, Voropaeva and Dorokhin stopped cooperation with Belousov. In an interview, Voropaeva said that one of the reasons was the addiction of Eugene at that time to alcohol. Shortly before the death of the singer, they resumed communication.

The spouse forgot the singer endless treason, because she was sure that she was the main woman of his life

His heart stopped on June 2, 1997 at the 33rd year of life. Versions of death, despite the official conclusion of physicians, there was a lot. Someone even tied so early care with gangster disassembly. Now you can talk to Paphos: disadvantaged, it was not necessary.
But for the short term that Belousov's wife, a vortex guy with a gentle smile, which is crazy with millions of girls, instructed God, he managed much. And loved, and hated, and suffered, and experienced unearthly pleasures ...

Evgeny was born on September 10, 1964 (by the way, the rock musician Yegor Yemov was born in the village of Zhir Kharkiv region. For 25 minutes earlier, this world greeted his brother Sasha. He also became a musician - playing drums.

After the eighth grade I entered the SGPU No. 1, and Zhenya went to the ninth. But for a long time, we could not each other. And here our school bought a new equipment! Zhenya in the midst of the school year threw school and, motivating the fact that all his conscious life wanted to be a mechanic repairman, he moved to us. Traveling to the collective farm began, the first girls, fights, Portwine, registration in the children's room of the police ...

Very young Eugene married Kuryanka Lena Chidik. In July 87, they had a daughter of Christina (now she is a translator, has a medical education). At the same time, the zhenium began a solo career under the leadership of Lyubov Voropayeva.
"I lived in Kursk, but it did not prevent us from loved each other," said Elena. - Initially Zhenka sang in the ensemble "Integral" from Bari Alibasov. But even with the tough discipline of Bari, he managed to run from the rehearsal base and rush to me. I ran to the institute for half an hour - and back. With tour always brought expensive gifts. Helped materially, even when we were divorced. And do not believe anyone if they say that I was spoiled money to Zhenya. He helped everyone, gave a debt.

True, people were in no hurry to return. Frequently repeated: "If suddenly all the debts were given to me, I could buy a chic villa on the Canar!" But he had a lot of girls. But this is more often some fleeting stories than something serious. What normal man will refuse, if the pretty girls themselves hang on the neck?! I am sure that he loved me very much. And repeatedly said that I and Christina, the most expensive in his life. When they broke up, he even got burned with grief ...

Marriage with Natalia Vetlitsky lasted a little over a week. They got married on December 31, and on January 9, they fought. The singer assured that he was signed in a joke - they say, the wife tried to choke one annoying lady, and he did not want to become her husband, and for excuses it was necessary to urgently put a stamp. Say, sorry, I am married.
- Zhenya is very emotional, lived easily. But, I think, with Natasha, they had everything seriously, "Singer Sergey Shustitsky shared his close friend. - A day when Vetvitsky left him, I saw the giant tears. He could not cope with the feelings for a few minutes, after which we sat down and wrote the song "Karina": "Faiths Light Dorrek, our friendship is not, / the world is sad and bored ...".

Not fleeing turned out to be a novel with Keyman Oksana Shidlovskaya. In the 92nd they had a son of Romka. The fact of Eugene hid for a long time from legitimate wife - Elena Hudik (then they signed the second time). Yes, and Oksana was married. The spouse, it is clear, Lyuto hated Belousov, but when he called him in a group of guitarist, changed his attitude towards his wife. Men even became friends.
Roma grew, carried away by motorcycles and today is ready to spend hours in the car service, welding new elements, the masses something incredible. From his father he got excessive lovingness.
"Only if I see one and the same girl with him more than three times, I go to get acquainted," his mom smiles.

With a 18-year-old St. Petersburg student, Lena Savina, the musician met in the 94th at a party. And immediately fell in love.
"An hour after the acquaintance he confessed to love and suggested to move to him," Lena said.
They tried to spend all their free time together. Often went abroad. The last time - a few months before his death.
"We went to Tai," said Shustitsky. "There were constantly annoyed smellors, he did not eat anything. With great difficulty, we found one place where he was able to beat a little. In Moscow, this "persecution" continued. Once I arrived at him home, and he fed me shurta. He could not take anything in his mouth. Preparing Zhenka, I want to notice, Divinely!
The next day his brother called and said that Zhenya was taken to the hospital, he had a casual pancreatitis, hellish pain, necrosis began, and the doctors warned: "Guys, do not wait for anything good." But a miracle happened, he began to recover. And soon a new blow - stroke! (Brother Sasha believes that the old injury said: in the third grade, Zhenya got under the car, the result is a strong concussion and aneurysm of the brain vessels. - O. E.) On the eve of I visited him in Squil. I was driving home with a night shift from Ostankino, and the steering wheel literally turned towards the clinic. We communicated minutes forty. He had a lot of plans, crazy energy, and in the evening - stroke, coma ... Three weeks he opened his eyes, answered something with a look. And then closed them forever ...

September 10, 2009, 11:47

Evgeny Belousov was born on September 10, 1964 in Kursk in a simple family. Zhenya grew by a mobile boy, in any kind tried to be the leader.
In school, he studied not bad, but never had a boring excellent student. In the courtyard company, I walked a bully and on this soil at one time had trouble with the police.
However, in high schools, Zhenya got carried away with music - began to play a guitar. His musical career proceeded standard: at first he pretended to play the bass guitar in the school ensemble, then began to improve his skill in amateur via. While still a student of senior classes, Zhenya was heard by the reserved heart. And when he began to play in the school ensemble, the girls began to hang on her neck, which is called packs. Moreover, he had a success not only from his peers, but also the girls are much older than him. With one of them - a pioneer in the camp - it came to proximity. It was Belousov's wife at that time only 14 years. After that, he "entered the taste": "For years in sixteen, we have a little wrong with our comrades: if you didn't spend time with the girl, I failed the day." The path to glory began in Evgenia Belousov in the mid-80s. He then played a semi-professional ensemble in one of Kursk restaurants, and he accidentally noticed the head of the popular group "Integral" Bari Alibasov. He invited Belousov to his team.
One of the first days of Belousov on stage in the "integral" was barely ended in failure. Tells Bari Alibasov: "In the final of the composition" I am for the world "a love-spring ran to his wife on the scene. He had to slowly, very challenged a girl. Then they are covered by a heavy smoke ... The first rock erotic on the Soviet stage! I sit in the orchestral pit, I see: Spring crashes, Zhenka shakes all, can not do anything with it. Dali smoke. Zhenya fell and lies. I yell: "crawl!" He lies. I command the spring: "Turning it!" Behind the scene laughed to tears. Surprisingly, he shy to sing. He has the purest voice intonation ... " However, after a couple of speeches, Evgeny Belousov coped with his constraint and became quite confident artist. " On January 1, 1989, Yevgeny Belousov married Natalia by Vetlitsky. "And yet, despite your male chauvinism (in one of the interviews Belousov, he stated that" between girls and people the difference is that girls face "), Belousov still managed to marry several times - two times officially and a couple of times accounted for a civil marriage. Belousov's first wife was singer Natalia Vetalitskaya. Their "marriage" lasted ... 9 days. And if more precisely - eight: the first of January they got married, and already the ninth singer left the house. In the early 90s, Belousov married the second time - on the girl from Simferopol Elena Hudik. In this marriage they had a daughter of Christina. However, this union existed for long.
Soon Belousov was carried away by the keyboard from her group Oksana, who gave birth to him the second child - this time the boy rum. "
"Together with its civil wife, violinist Lena Savina, Belousov lived in a house on the avenue of the world. Elena Savina says: "We met with Zhenya by chance, at a party. It was love at first sight. After five minutes of dating, he suggested that I move to him to live. Soon, Zhenya said everyone that he was leaving to get acquainted with the mother-in-law. We sat in the car and went to St. Petersburg. To this meeting, he was carefully preparing. Having learned that Mom loves seafood, bought a huge number of live fish. Zhenya often told me: "You live in my family, and I'm the main thing here." I was offended and went outside. While walked around the house, he spied behind me in the window, and then to attract my attention, I began to throw out the spirit of the perfume, shoes. Of course, I returned with a scream. Somehow we quarreled, and to delete it, I called "ambulance". And I'm lying in the ward, and no one comes follows me. In the evening I could not stand it, I called. He asks fun: "What, already ripe home to go?" In short, we had a patriarch in our family. I all forgot him, because I was happy. He was a real man and always had a family himself. And I said: "If you want to work, then only with me." So I was in his back-vocal ...
I never met such extraordinary people as my husband. It had all the best qualities. In the ore minute, friends called him, even among the nights. When they asked for a debt of money, never refused, even if he was in his pocket in his pocket. Zhenya was very hospitable. In warm weather in the cozy courtyard of our house on the avenue of the world, from all the surroundings, passed to the fifth friends. E. Belousov all called everyone and invited to the pilaf ... " Evgeny Belousov died on June 2, 1997 at 0 hours of 05 minutes at the Sklifosovsky Institute after a 7-hour operation: the trepanitations of the skull and the removal of the head of the brain, which took place in March 1997 and the following coma, on the 31st year of life.
Singer and composer Yuri Laova says: "In one of the films somehow sounded a song with the words" every owner of her destiny and a share of his Creator. " That's all you can say about Belousov. He came up with himself all. He could not drink, he was banned, he had a terrible attack on the New Year, when the language of his hand was pulled out. The man said: "Next time you will not survive." But he continued to live, as he lived. I thought it was probably better to burn the young ... "
Belousov got into the hospital named after Sklifosovsky with a diagnosis of pancreatitis at the end of May. However, the doctors revealed to him, besides this disease, also the aneurysm of the brain vessels (most likely it was the result of two car accidents, which the singer once fell). In the hospital, the vessel broke through the blood poured the brain area. Doctors decided to surpass. Treep trepanation lasted more than seven hours, after which Eugene fell into someone. Sometimes he came to consciousness for a short time, but he could not say anything. His wife Lena was constantly next to him. June 2, shortly before midnight, Belousov again came to himself and opened his eyes. Whether he learned someone, I realized that it was just a few hours left to live - and unknown. Soon he died. Buried Evgenia Belousov on Kuntsevsky cemetery "

(1997-06-02 ) (32 years)

Evgeny Viktorovich Belousov (September 10, D. Zhekhar, Kharkov district, Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR - June 2, Moscow, Russia), more known as Zhenya Belousov- Soviet and Russian pop singer, popular in the USSR and Russia in the late 1980s - early 1990s, author of some of their songs.

The most famous songs in his version: "My Siegyglazaya Girl", "Night Taxi", "Aleshka", "Girl-Girl", "Evening-evening", "Hair Cloud", "Golden Dome", "Short Summer", " Dunya-Dunyasha "," Evening on a bench ".


Born on September 10, 1964 in the village of Zhir Kharkiv region, the Ukrainian SSR was born brothers Gemini Yevgeny Viktorovich Belousov and Alexander Viktorovich Belousov.

The Belousovsky family moved to Kursk, when his wife and his Bleached Sasha's brother was about two months. He studied in mathematical school number 6, before that - 3 years at school number 44.

In 10 years, Zhenya hit the car, he hit the asphalt, after that she suffered all his life from headaches.

He wanted to be an artist, went to the Music School in the Bayan class, played in the school ensemble. In school hooliganil and studied badly.

He studied at the Kursk Music School in the Bas Guitar Class. In the army did not serve (dismissed by the state of health, due to the heavy concussion transferred at the school age after the car's departure). [ ]

In 1984 he played in one of Kursk restaurants, where he was noticed by the head of the popular ensemble "Integral" Bari Alibasov and called him a bass guitarist and a vocalist in his ensemble and Zhenya leaves for Moscow.

From 1987 to 1997 - Solo Career.

In July 1987, he appeared in the TV shows "Morning Mail" with the song Sergey Shustitsky "Far Streets", and then in the New Year's program "Shiry Circle" with the song Stalmakov "Stars touch" in the group "Integral".

On January 1, 1989, Belousov married the singer Natasha Vellytsky. The marriage lasted nine days. Subsequently, his wife became Elena Khudik, with which he was familiar from childhood; Kristina's daughter was born from Eugene and Elena Hudik even before marriage with a vettyck.

Until 1991, Belousov's spouses, Viktor Dorokhin, and composer Viktor Dorokhin were produced by Belousov's producers. For three years they wrote only seven songs.

At the end of 1991, Belousov moved to the composer Igor Matvienko, who became his producer. [ ] The composition "Girl-Girl" appeared in 1991 repeated the success of the song "My Blue Siegyglazaya". [ ]

In 1996, the singer reiterates the album "and again about love", but he remains not observed by listeners. [ ] Now Belousov worked with different authors, the main of which was V. Basshev.

In February 1997 gave the last large interview with the program "Rock up with a coup", and then the last television speech was held in the program Dog Show "I and My Dog".


At the same time, Belousov began serious health problems. Problems began with alcohol, against which pancreatitis developed - pancreatic disease. At the end of March 1997, he fell into an attack of acute pancreatitis.

In Britansk, there was a stroke - a break of the vessel in the head. At the end of April 1997, at the Institute of Sklifosovsky Belousov, an operation was carried out on the brain to remove the aneurysm of the brain. He lived for about a month and died at the Institute on the night from 1 to 2 June 1997.

A family

Personal life

Zhenya never hidden: Women in his life began to play hardly a major role since 14 years. At this age, he first knew the secret of adult love. Belousov's first woman became the counselor in the pioneer camp. Since then, the beauties appeared in his life regularly. Together with friends, they joked: "If there was no woman with a woman, it lives in vain."

Women who influenced his life:

Son Roman Evgenievich Belousov (1992), - welder;