How to care for a guitar and how to keep the tool at home? How to care for a classic guitar ... Guitar does not build.

How to care for a guitar and how to keep the tool at home? How to care for a classic guitar ... Guitar does not build.
How to care for a guitar and how to keep the tool at home? How to care for a classic guitar ... Guitar does not build.

Today we will talk about how to clean the pads of the Guitar Gray.

If you have a pad from a polystream or an ebony (and in my case it is), then the dirt on it is the usual thing, unless of course playing the guitar, and not keep it in Case. ;)

The same one of the maple is more lucky, as it is usually covered with a layer of varnish and requires smaller care.

This sticky substance accumulating near the lads and consisting of fat from the hands, dirt and simply pieces of the skin, even received a special name in English, "Gunk".

For people, this thing hinders this thing to play just with aesthetic point of sight, but there are someone who just do not care.

If you follow the tool, then, most likely, you have a habit (good habit, by the way) wipe the grinding overlay every time after, which (I hope!) You change, at least once, a month. Well, and at least once every half a year there must be more large-scale cleaning of the lining.

If your guitar pores a layer of dirt (this very "Ganka"), then definitely, this article is for you. ;)

But before proceeding to this large-scale procedure, make sure that the special air conditioner for the lining, such as lemon oil. Because It is this air condition that it is necessary to handle the lining after cleaning.

1. Preparation of lining
  • First, we need clean fabric, bandage or wool - what to wipe.
  • Then, we need a glass with a solution of soapy water. To do this, you can use liquid soap, or take advantage of usual, that of course a little longer.
  • If suffering perfectionism, you can prepare a slightly alcohol or vodka. This is for complete degreasing.
  • Put the guitar on a flat surface, for example, on the table. Under the guitar you can put some rag to not damage the coatings.
  • To hold the guitar in a horizontal state under the pen It is worth putting a small pillow, or just a rolled piece of matter.
  • Check whether the guitar lies stable, does it eloy it on the table.
  • Ideally, the strings need to be removed, but, in principle, you can leave.
2. Cleaning
  • If you still decided to leave the strings on the guitar, they should be loosen to such an extent that they are easily shifted.
  • Then wrap the previously cooked bandage on the index finger, and swing it into soap water. Do not overdo it, the water should not be too much, because It can badly affect the tree. Those. The fabric should be wet, but not wet.
  • Start from the first Lada, wipe the dirt easily. You will see how the mud will rub out with small whiten pieces, before dissolving in the milk color of the liquid.
  • Wipe the dry tree so that the moisture is not absorbed into the lining. Well, on a dry tree you can see whether all the dirt washed or not.
  • Continue further on the vulture, processing one way for one. Depending on which part of the grid you prefer to play, clean freedoms may come across (usually in high positions), in principle, it is not necessary to clean them.
  • When you finish with this, it is worth walking along the vulture with a clean dry cloth to remove all the remnants.
Perfectionists should be repeated procedure, but instead of soap use alcohol.

In principle, you can immediately use alcohol. I personally seems to me that so even better, because The alcohol of the bat, evaporates quickly and does not usually get absorbed into the lining, and the fat removes the soap better. But in any case, the vulture needs to wipe dry, and do not forget about lemon oil.

3. Air conditioning Grind
The purpose of purification of the grid was to remove dirt and fat, but some dry lining had a side effect. This is especially noticeable if you used alcohol.

Whatever to moisten and continue to protect the grind overlay, it is recommended to use lemon oil.

  • Apply some oil at the outlay.
  • Then, using a clean cloth, wrap it into every way, about the same method described above.
  • At the end, leave the neck alone for a few minutes, whatever the lemon oil has time to absorb the tree.
  • And then, a dry cloth remove the surplus oil, if any.


Feeling how pleasantly smells a lemon? \u003d)

Prevention is better than treatment<
What is really good, so it is habit to wipe the strings and the lining every time before and after the game. This, of course, may seem routine, but the pros are obvious - cleaning the grid, removal of dirt fat and moisture from the hands. In addition, the strings do not rust and retain their sound longer.

By the way, many firms sell lemon oil, for example,

If you want your guitar to serve you for a long time faith and truth, you have to care for her, as for your pet. Let's see how to spend guitar care And how to contact her.

For guitar, more suitable air temperature - about 20 degrees. It is not worth putting an acoustic guitar near the heating devices, drafts.

In no case do not allow water to enter the guitar, she does not like it.

Also not desirable sharp drops of temperatures. Therefore, if you wear a guitar in a cover on the street (for example, on the lessons to the teacher on the guitar), it is not worth it to immediately take out from the cover coming home. Give the guitar to stand a little in the case.

It is necessary every time at the end of the game on the guitar wipe the strings soft dry clothTo remove fat and sweat stains formed during the game. Also, the strings can be wiped with a mob, wet in alcohol.

Periodically, you need to shoot strings from the guitar and clean with a special solution for strings, which can be found in any music store, or if you wish to save, you can use the dishes or windows to wash.

Strings on an acoustic guitar wear out very quickly, especially cheap. Therefore, no matter how you care for them, they still have to be periodically, because the old strings will sound more worse over time, so not even a specialist can notice it. therefore i advise you to buy good strings, more expensive, if, of course, allows the budget.

Note: I read somehow on the Internet here's what: "Old worn strings need to be removed and lower for 5 minutes in boiling water. After that, put back. They will sound like new ones."

Honestly, I have not tried this business and I do not know how the strings will behave. If there is a desire, you can spend such an experiment and see if it is.

Also, do not forget before playing the guitar to wash your hands well, preferably with soap so that the strings are dirty less.

VERY IMPORTANT: In no case do not put iron strings on the classic guitar, otherwise the vulture can be twisted. I checked))

The vulture also needs special care, because the dirt also accumulates on it. To get rid of it, you need to shoot strings, after which wipe each way with a dry cloth. You should not wipe the neck with the alcohol, as it dries the tree, as a result of which microcracks can go.

Lady thresholds (ironers who separate the frets) during contamination also need to wipe.

Caring for the guitar case is that it is necessary to periodically clean from dust with a conventional soft cloth. If there are strong pollution, you can use a damp cloth, but at the end, be sure to wipe dry.

Guitar case - This is a very important part of it, so try to avoid the appearance of dents and scratches on it, because it may ultimately affect the quality of the guitar sound. Do not throw the guitar where it fell!

1. Tool You can not wet, keep on the frost. Brings home in a case with frost, do not remove from the cover right away, wait a bit.

2. Before playing your hands.

3. It often happens that on an acoustic guitar, the same string is constantly overwhelmed - especially the fourth (especially if the strings are nylon). I can advise you how to avoid a torn fourth string:

If you see that the string begins to carry, unscrew the flake and move the string a little down (to the guitar body) from the lade light, where, in fact, the string. When moving will already be nowhere, turn it over.

4. It happens that after you put new strings on acoustics, they begin to "lie" and play what they want. This is normal, because new strings are not yet stretched and start stretching in place. To avoid this, new strings are pre-pulling.

How to pull out a new string: Mock the string into the top of the griff (where the slices are there) and begin the threshing brushes to pull it out to the guitar body. And then put the string.

5. If you leave on vacation for a long time and leave the guitar at home, it will be better if you put it in the case, pre-fed the strings so that they become free. And how come from vacation - set up the guitar again.

6. So that the guitar is less "injured", you do not need to put it in an angle or just throw it is incomprehensible where. It is better to purchase a simple support for the guitar, or make it with your own hands. I did this:

True, I did this stand for the electric guitar, but the technology is the same. So the guitar will be less exposed to external influences and will serve longer. By the way, I will soon make a lesson on manufacturing a guitar stand with their own hands With detailed description and photo. So as not to miss a lesson, subscribe to

Good afternoon friends! Do you often play guitar and can't live without her day? Do you know that with a regular game on the string tool wear out pretty quickly and lose their original belling? I think yes, since you read these lines. In this article, I will tell you how to properly care for the guitar strings so that they will serve as longer as possible, but it certainly does not mean that they should not be changed at all. We talk about it and many other things on.

In the previous article, I talked about how to adjust Bridge and the height of the strings, you can read about it anyone. Let us now find out the causes due to which the strings lose the initial brightness and bellivity.

The main causes of "aging" strings

If you play an electric guitar or acoustics, then probably noticed as new strings installed on it, after some time after long-term classes, begin to sound very deeply. Why is this happening? This is due to their pollution or differently - planting, because sweat, fat and dirt from the hands of a guitarist fall during the string game. Not yet washed hands before you take the guitar.

- The most short-lived part on your guitar and, in fact, is the usual consumable material that you need to constantly change and update. But some guitarists still manage to play on the same strings for years. It is not right. The maximum life of their operation is 2-3 months if you play every day. With an average guitar active game, after a week, they gradually lose their timber characteristics, and a month later, it is desirable to replace them with a new kit.

To enjoy the net sound of the guitar, you need a regular care for strings and then they will retain a good timbre much longer. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that even with the most correct care and carefulness, the process of "aging" string is impossible to avoid, but here is a little slow to slow down. Now we will look at several major stages of "aging."

Exterior string

If you have noticed that the strings lost their original shine and hear a slight outset of the brightness of the sound, the timbre and discovered scuffs in the place where they are in contact with the frets, then you can safely change them if possible. This stage can last up to several weeks and is called a working, special intervention is not required, it is enough to wipe them with a cloth. It all depends on the conditions under which you exploit these strings.

Worsening sound

This is the second stage of "aging", which smoothly moves after the first. The sound becomes deaf and not expressive, scuffs are becoming even more, bass strings are stuck to the touch. You can, of course, to extend the life (dragging or wrapping), but it is best to change as quickly as possible. What does it mean to drag? To do this, it is necessary to remove all the strings and re-put them so that contact with the freaks is elsewhere - you need to shift the strings regarding the lands to the other side. And how to wash? To complete the bass strings and thus remove contamination from them, you can use the usual soap or washing powder, after the "bathing" they need to wipe it dry and give a little more time to dry in front of the installation. Then set taking into account the tanks. New strings, of course, will not be, but to return them for some time the timbre and the brightness is still possible.

Destruction of the winding

If you launched the strings to such a state, then you do not have anything to change them urgently. The main signs of the third stage are strong losses in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Ladov and a torn winding. Neither wash, nor the hauling will no longer help here, but only more hurt. For a long time, such a string does not disappear and inevitably breaks up, and before that will be "pleased with the outsiders of the chatting winding.

Always keep strings clean - This is the most important condition. Each time, after you have finished playing a guitar, you need a special soft cloth (which does not leave a pile) or a tissue napkin alternately wipe all the strings to remove moisture and sweat from them. And before the game it is advisable to wash your hands well to reduce dirt and fat. Moisture is the most important enemy of metal strings, which creates corrosion and oxides on their surface, which naturally leads to a significant impairment of sound. Another strips with a braid can remain a large number of dead skin, which fell from your fingers during the game, which will accumulate with time between the turns. In this regard, it is also always important to remember that you need to wipe the strings with a cloth after every guitar classes.

Special tool for cleaning strings - A good helper in the fight against pollution for every guitarist who wants to extend the life to his strings. In the stores of musical instruments, a large range of special means is quite widely represented for cleaning them. This means can be used once a week, it relieves all fatty pollution from the strings. This means will be enough for a long time. As an alternative to degreasing, alcohol can be used (some of my friends are clean even vodka). Using it, try to not fall ongrinding overlay And other parts of your guitar, in the event that some parts are not covered with varnish.

Use lubricants for strings - A good solution for those who want to maintain in good shape, both strings and their hands. Such lubricants are manufactured based on special ultra-light mineral oils. Such a means are applied to the surface of strings, after which it covers their thin film. This allows you to protect strings and relieve the game. Lyubikant having in its composition Silicone is less preferable due to the fact that it is quite difficult to remove from the surface of the tool, so a lubricant with an applicator is best suited, which will provide direct application directly on the strings. But the aerosol type applicators can spoil the tool tree, so when applied, it is necessary to set up at least a sheet of paper under the strings.

String Cleaning Device Tone Gear. - A unique invention in its kind, which helps to quickly and quickly clean with all the strings on your guitar and extends them to life several times. It can be used for a pair with special strings care fluids. ToneGear is suitable for any type of guitars, whether it is an acoustic, electric guitar or bass guitar. The price of such a miracle is only about $ 12.

In addition to the foregoing, when installing strings to the tool, it is very important to avoid dragging them. Also, you should not relaxally relax and pull them, because in the future it will lead to microscopic departure of the braid from the core and in connection with this the timbre can significantly deteriorate. If the strings were not installed on the guitar, then in this case they are best stored in a dry place in the original hermetic packaging, because the increased humidity adversely affects both metal and nylon strings. Although polymeric material and has special additives in its composition, but despite this, he can absorb moisture, and this only leads to a deterioration in the sound of nylon strings.

And also, you can use strings - a very cool thing! Their main "chip" is that the strings are applied on top with a special composition, which protects the winding from the fall of dirt from the fingers. Such strings serve much longer and retain a good sound, but also stand accordingly. In general, I advise, try not regret!

That's actually all! The theme of the correct care of the strings of the guitar for today is fully revealed. Additions and corrections are welcome, for this you can leave your comment below. Successes to you and fruitful classes!

Dear colleagues musicians.

I am very often asked as I care for my guitars, a large number of concerts in different regions, flights, a change in temperature and humidity, how to maintain 100% tool performance.

Especially relevant in winter, when frost on the street, and in the apartments due to heating it becomes very dry, even on the "home" guitars often begins, some of the frets begin to nourish, and in extreme cases it happens and here are the cracks on the lining (Photo recently sent one of the clients of the world of strings, the ESP guitar is absolutely new, she is only a few months).

I usually change the strings several times a week, the TC any two-hour speech kills any strings, then I spend the procedure for the care of a vulture, I do a minimum weekly, but now a small vacation and a month of active home musication of the neck on my Ash Faberge. Became completely evaporated, and the photo turned out to be the maximum


Do not think that I am not my hand or specially guided the lining. Anyone non-lacquered neck after 3-5 hours of occupation is exactly the same. Just on the barisandra and the usual black tree it is not so noticeable. Here, a piece of selected "lunar" ebena is installed on the lining (white black tree), so the dirt is very noticeable.

Stage First
Remove old strings. I do not ceremony, just weakening them and cut off in the middle, so much easier to pull out the tips from the rings and stop bar.

Stage two

Now that the strings are removed, you need to clean the grid overlay from all this dirt. For these purposes use a tool

This liquid is suitable for cleaning any non-plated vultures. We apply on the grinding lining and give liquids to act. Usually grabs 1-2 minutes. After that, clean circular motions with a small pressure remove all the liquid along with the mud. Before the next stage, you need to wait a bit until the residues of the liquid are dried.

Get this result

Stage Third
In order for the neck to be more stable and better experienced temperature and humidity differences, it is necessary to use or special. There is no difference between them, except for lemon fragrances in the first version. Oil is applied to clean neck, evenly over the entire surface of a very thin layer, we give it to absorb literally a minute and a clean napkin remove the remains. The oil creates a barrier that complicates the evaporation of water from the grid at low humidity, the frets stop getting out and the neck becomes more stable. Also oil protects the guitar during the high humidity period at concerts (sweat) and during spring and autumn precipitation. So such a bubble simply must be in the arsenal of any musician.

Stage fourth (optional)
Despite the fact that the cleaning of decks - as they say, does not affect speed, it is still much more pleasant to keep a clean brilliant tool, no matter how cool, and the guitar is a musician face.

Although the guitar is made of wood, it is impossible to treat it as furniture. No wonder we hug the guitar when they play on it. She is an expressant of our senses and thoughts. She is our "vest", our soothing. Therefore, if you are the owner of a good acoustic guitar, you must comply with the rules for the care of the instrument. Proper storage, operation and regular minor repairs will save not only the appearance of your six-string girlfriend, but also its pure charming sound.

Storage of tools

Having bought guitar, be prepared for new spending. You have to purchase a case (or coffer). At worst, buy a case, just keep in mind that it should be dense, with a good insulation. Please note: Some guitar manufacturers produce cases specifically under their acoustics.
If you are going to use the tool often, and manipulations with a case give you an inconvenience, purchase a special stand under acoustics with a holder under the vulture. The holder stand will not give the tool to fall, if they are interested in your child or a pet.
Remember that the guitar does not make the temperature differences! Therefore, do not put it next to the heating battery or at the balcony door. If you have a walk with acoustics around the frost, do not get enough and do not play on it as soon as you go to the room. Let the tool stand slightly in the case and will be deprived.
Another nuance: any musical instrument does not tolerate too low air humidity. With excessive dryness of air on the body, cracks can go, with the result that the sound will not be that. Support the humidity in the room where the guitar is stored, at about 50%. This rule is especially relevant during the heating season. The easiest solution to the problem will be the purchase of an air humidifier, however, if you can not afford it, then we argue the cans with water with water or spread around the battery a wet rag.

Care of strings and hull

If you are important to the quality of the sound of your acoustics, get ready for the strings to be changed about 2-3 times a year. In order not to do this too often, take advantage of the following tips:
Weaken the strings after each playback by 1-2 tones;
Regularly wipe the strings with a dry and soft cloth without a pile;
Remember that dirt and fat from our fingers clog the winding of the strings, as a result of which the sound becomes less bright, so always wash your hands before playing the instrument;
If you are prone to savings, do not hurry to throw out the strings that have come into disrepair! Put them in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Dirt will repel, fat will dissolve, and the strings will sound like new!
The tool must be regularly wiped from dust. For example, the Yamaxa guitar housings differ from other exceptional reflective surface properties, fatty spots are quite noticeable. To care for the body, make a rag with a soft pile. In no case, do not wipe the guitar with a damp cloth, it is better to apply a special tool to the fabric to care for musical instruments.
Do not forget to inform about the features of the care of the guitar and its storage with the seller-consultant of the Guitar Store, in which you are going to purchase a tool. He will give you detailed guidance instructions for each specific model.