How to make a purple paint color.

How to make a purple paint color.
How to make a purple paint color.

Lilac color is a variety of purple, his subtype. Like purple, it can be obtained when - taking a few basic colors and skillfully connecting them in the right proportions. There are several techniques how to get a lilac color - you need to choose the appropriate and use as needed.

Lilac - description, similarity and difference with purple

Lilac shade in the overall spectrum of tones symbolizes a bright future, nostalgia, sensuality, as well as mystery, mystery. In nature, it is rarely found (mainly in lilac colors), therefore received a mystical definition from person. With antiquity, it was used for rituals. This color is often choosing adolescents that psychologists explain this way: it is obtained by mixing the blue and red, which denote the male and women's start.

For many purple and lilac - the same thing. Both colors are cold, and generally recognized as close to "relatives". Both are obtained by connecting 2-3 of the colors and are referred to as the colors of the third order. Also, the common between the tones is that they can be made from a mixture of blue and red paints. So what is the difference? In purple (violent) tone red more, therefore, even among cold shades, it is warmer, bright. The lilac contains a lot of blue, its second name is wisteria (glycinium).

Other features of lilac color:

  • updarable in the interior can attack depressive thoughts;
  • many people have a hidden concern, rejection, but his connoisseurs are usually extraordinary personalities, very creative people;
  • a true lilac tone has only lilac, while plums are purple, a forest bell - a lilac, grapes - a sieu-blue.

Obtaining a lilac - instruction, rules

To make a lilac color, you need to prepare paints in advance. Usually artists prefer work with gouache, although watercolor, acrylic kokes, wall paints, ceiling (interior) can be used for mixing. Confectioners use food dyes, which are also well mixed, allow you to create real culinary "paintings". It is best to combine colors on a special white palette, which will precisely assess the intensity and shade of lilac. If the palettes are not, a white ceramic or plastic plate is suitable.

The easiest way to get lilac is to take blue and red paint, join them, mix thoroughly. It is necessary to take a little more blue tone so that it does not work out purple. But even the proximity of the finished paint to the purple can be corrected. To do this, the resulting color add a pair of droplets Belil - this allows you to "cool" the kel and bring it closer to the lilac.

What if there is a pink or red siren in the finished lilac? You can "soothe" the color by adding black. It absorbs redness perfectly, but it is important not to overdo it. Otherwise, the tone will be very dark, gloomy.

Light lilac tone can be obtained in a different way. First they prepare a pink and blue koler, adding to blue and red Belil. You can also purchase these shades in the finished form. Then approximately 4 parts of the blue and 3 pieces of pink paint are mixed, as a result, a pleasant lilac is obtained.

Professionals have their own secrets of the development of unique shades - bright, saturated. To obtain a color, "leaving" in blue, instead of standard gausea paints take ultramarine or Persian blue and raspberry. There are other rules when working with paints:

  • if the resulting shade did not like, you need to mix the tone again using other proportions of the colors;
  • after the mixture is obtained, test staining should be carried out on a draft sheet, canvas, the wall area is possible, in practice the tone will look different;
  • to work, it is necessary to use only absolutely clean brushes and a palette, otherwise the color will be with a dirty fold.

To obtain original shades of the lilac, you can use turquoise, yellow and even green, but with them it is necessary to observe accuracy. Usually, the dosage is meager, otherwise the paint will be hopelessly spoiled.

Shades of lilac

Lilac is not basic, but even he has a lot of tones, "swallowing" colors. By adding different pigments or lightening the paint, you can get up to 200 different shades - from pastel to dark. In this case, the transition from one tone to another has a barely distinguished face, therefore guess the proportions are very difficult.

Only professional colors and artists can distinguish between close shades. Here is an exemplary classification of the tones of the lilac:

  • according to the degree of brightness - pale, light, medium, bright, dark;
  • on heat (depends on the amount of red color) - Barquinky (the coldest), glycinium (warmer), orchid (medium);
  • according to the dominant tone - pink-lilac, lavender, amethyst, blue-lilac, beige-lilac, gray-lilac, etc.

You can make an interesting lavender shade. To do this, in equal shares of the blue and pink add a drop of green. If you connect the finished lilac with a small fraction of gray, it turns out a metal shade of this tone. The mixture of raspberry and indigo with the addition of Belil gives a gentle lilac color.

Application of lilac tones

This shade is able to give the room unique chic, therefore used in different types of interior design. Lilac will provide pompous classics, a sense of space with a high-tech style. The shade will be appropriate in the romantic style, especially in combination with white. Such a combination will visually increase the room, make it gentle, fresh.

Often designers combine lilac with beige, pistashkovy, greenish, blue. Contrast will not be too pronounced, but the room will look interesting. Widely used lilac color in the interior of rooms for girls - it gives a feeling of fabulous, light and joy.

In the bedroom for adults, a successful combination will be a staining of the ceiling pastel lilac, and the walls are creamy or beige in combination with bright plum or violent accents.

Often lilac tone is used in clothes design. He looks great with peach, golden sand, caramel, pink. To create a unique style, use accessories or details of malachite clothing, mint color. You can dilute the lilac can be brown - such a combination is perfect for office style.

Experiments with flowers can be carried out infinitely, because color is a fascinating science, giving an incredible scope for fantasy. It is only important not to paint lilac too large areas in the apartment or in the picture - it is necessary to combine tone to competently, providing full harmony.

Purple color with ease can be achieved by mixing the paints of other colors. This color does not apply to basic colors, so often absent in your set of paints. When adding a bleel or black, you will gain all sorts of shades of purple, from transparent light to deeply dark.

How to get purple color when mixing oil paints

In order to get purple, you should connect two basic, namely red and blue. If when mixed, use not "clean" colors, then as a result you do not get the necessary shade of purple. It is also necessary to regulate the proportions of the combined paints, they directly affect the brightness and depth of color.

How to get purple color when mixing paints - shades

The shade of purple color depends on the ratio of blue and red colors, as well as when adding Belil or black paint. With a different color ratio, you can get all sorts of shades of noble color.

  • To get a dark purple color you need to combine blue and red paint, and after adding some black paint. You need to add black paint with a special accuracy, not to add extra, otherwise the color will be close to black and do not save it.
  • To obtain light purple color, it is necessary to mix blue and red paint, and after adding Belil. Color will be an order of magnitude lighter. Also, light purple color can be obtained by mixing pink and blue colors.
  • To obtain a purple shade, you must add red paint in a greater ratio. To get a saturated, bright color, follows in the ratio of red and blue, add more blue paint.

How to get purple color when mixing paints - Features

When connecting paints, it is worth paying special attention to their appearance. Most often used gouache, watercolor or oil paints.

  • When drawing a gouache, you need to pay special attention to the fact that when drying, it brightens on several tones. Therefore, when mixing in red and blue colors it is worth considering this factor.
  • When painting with watercolor, you encounter that with this paint, do not achieve a saturated color, and it is shifted.

When making paints, stick to the main rule - do not rush! Mix the paints carefully and then you can easily get a "clean" purple color, as well as adjust the desired shade of this noble color.

First you should figure out what color is purple. If you ask people whose scope of whose activities are far from working with color, you can get different answers. For example, some believe that this is a shade of red. Many believe that purple is purple. Perhaps you can agree with this. The lilac really belongs to however, in contrast to this color in its pure form, it is somewhat lighter and a little warmer, it has notes pink. Purple is considered more natural than violet - they painted violets and lilac flowers.

Origin of the word

Where does the word "lilac" come from? This color designation is relatively new in Russian and has a rich and ambiguous history. The word came from French, where Lilas means lilac and her color. But in French, it came from Arabs, where a completely different plant was indicated - Indigo. His flowers really happen violet, with a pinkish tint, and there are much darker and blue.

What is interesting, the dye receives from it has the beginning of this borrowing chain can be found in India, where Nilas means "dark blue". As can be seen, and the sound of the word, and the color indicated by them completely does not look like what is now in Russian and French. But so often happens with the words.

All this, of course, is informative, but hardly helps to understand how to get a purple color. The method of obtaining this color will depend on what material you need to use. With different types of paints, it is necessary to work differently, and with the selection of colors on the computer there will be completely different manipulations.

Gouache and Oil

How to get a purple color when mixing paints? It is formed on the basis of violet. To get a purple paint, you can mix red and blue. Since purple lighter, you will need to add Belil. They need to take about the same amount as the resulting purple paint. If the desired shade is even brighter, closer to the lilac, Belil will need more.

Using a gouache, you can immediately take the paint of purple color. It should be borne in mind that purple is different - in the sets and separately there are paints "purple to", which has a more reddish tint, and "purple with", which has a light blue. Therefore, it should be carefully picking a purple paint and, if necessary, adjust the shade with the addition of red or blue, and only then add bleel.

There is another algorithm for receiving a lilac. In the dish for mixing paints, you must first wash the pink and blue colors, connecting in half a blue and red paint with her whites. After that, they need to mix each other, and it will be purple. Working with oil paints is almost completely coincided with the method described above.

For large surfaces

But not only artists enjoy oil colors. If the purple is the color of the interior, then it can be obtained in a completely different way. Economic stores are not as large as a large spectrum of shades, so you can contact a specialized store. You can choose the desired color using the colors directory. The paint is mixed in special automata, due to which it turns out to be quite a lot for staining surfaces.


In general, the way to get a purple color is similar to the previous one, but there is an important nuance. When drawing, the watercolor Belil is used extremely rarely. Their role plays water that makes paint more transparent. Therefore, in order to get a purple color, as already mentioned, Belil will not need. It is enough to take blue and red colors, mix them and dilute with water to the desired shade.

True, in many watercolor sets there are already purple paint, and it is possible to use it. If you need to give a lilac color to the shade closer to red or blue, you can add a little red or blue paint to purple. After that, you need to not forget to add enough water.

On the computer

Of course, the selection of the desired shade on the computer will differ from the process of paint mixing. How to implement it depends on what kind of shade is needed is approximate or accurate. If a purple is needed, then you can rely on your taste. Then the algorithm is very simple. It is enough to put a pipette on the color circle and choose the desired color. Then the square on the taskbar, which shows the selected color, paints purple.

If it is important to strictly convey a specific shade, then the accuracy does not do without numbers. When choosing a color of the font or background, its designation is entered using letters and numbers. And when selecting colors in Photoshop and other similar editors, you need to set several data. With RGB mode, the color is set by adding red, blue and green screen glow. You need to install the desired numbers for each color. It will be used red and blue, and since the purple color is quite light, their intensity will be large.

CMYK mode is created for printing, so it imitates the addition of colors at the same time. Although it can be called not by adding, but subtraction. The more colors are superimposed on each other, the darker color. And the colors used are somewhat different - raspberry, blue and yellow. In the lilac to prevail the raspberry and partly blue, and so that the color is light, you need a small intensity. Also on the computer you can use the colors catalog.

Decorating walls in the house or apartment is impossible without a creative approach. Finished shades of paints do not always meet the personal requirements or requirements of the customer, so it is important to know which colors and in what proportions to mix to get purple. Purple is amenable to adjustment produced by the introduction of bright shades. The article discusses the methods of obtaining violet mixing of paints.

Getting purple from Madzhenta, Blue or Ciana

The color spectrum perceived by the eye and the human brain is folded out of three colors. Shades are formed by mixing red, blue and yellow. The color saturation effect depends on the number of one of the three shades. This information provides an understanding that one color is formed with different variations of the main colors. Get a saturated purple can be from Madzhenta. Majer is a rich light pink color and well absorbs shades of green. After the absorption in the visible spectrum remains red and the spectrum of blue. When it is added to Madzhen, the blue and red absorption is absorbed, purple remains in the visible spectrum. The effect is explained by obtaining a color receptor of a strong signal from blue and weak from red. The brain, combining signals, perceives them as purple.

Tip! The brain perceives purple when adding Ciana to Maghent. Cyan covers the red spectrum, leaving bright purple for perception.

It will help in mixing shades five-color printer. One of the subtractive colors in it is Majer. A drawing or a figure created in a graphic editor will not be difficult to print. The sample is required to buy paint with a tint of Madzhenta. The store makes a small paint smear next to the sample for comparison. It is impossible to get Madzhenu mixing shades, since the color refers to the main spectrum. The result of adding yellow in various proportions to Madzhente in various proportions is a red and orange tint. When adding a cyana is formed not only purple, but also bright blue. The saturation of violet varies by adding blue and cyan in Madejant without a greenish shade.

Getting purple color from pure red and blue

It is possible to achieve a violent shade without using Madzhenta. The result will be in the presence of pure blue and red colors. It is important to determine their cleanliness, since the manufacturers are added to tubes with red paint yellow and orange pigments to produce saturated tone. In the container with blue paint contains pigments of yellow and red colors. If mixed tanks with non-pure flowers, a dirty brown is formed. Check the purity of the color can be leaky. For this, blue or red is divorced in a glass of water. Belil is added to the aqueous solution. Diffusion is visible shades of different colors. If peach is visible in the case of red and the color of the sea wave in the case of blue, then the colors are unclean.

Note! Clean red with a mixing with herbers forms pink, clean blue - blue.

It is convenient to mix clean colors on the palette. In cells, an equal amount of red and blue is poured, which are mixed with a brush. If the goal is purple, then some of the blue should be less. Additional fraction of red will create purple with a pink tint.

How to adjust the resulting purple color

The color result is adjusted until the desired shade is obtained. Apply for this can be black white, dark blue, blue and pink. Lighten the mixture can be white. At the same time, the method of obtaining the result is not important. A small part of the white, added in purple, makes it brighter. Increasing content Belil, pastel colors are formed. Black adds depth purple. The substance is added gradually, in small doses, so as not to turn the main shade into black. Believe the result of the leaks will not work, since it will be gray when adding white.

With the right combination of white and black together with purple, a lavender with a gray reflever is formed. Red or Majer is added to the predominance of pink. You can adjust the color to the lilac can be blue and cyan. Purplifier Purple is formed in a pair with blue or cyan.

For the purity of the resulting shade when working with substances, clean containers and tools are required that the composition is gained. Tools are washed several times, since the remnants of components are not always noticeable on a dark background. If left Belil, then the color will not be saturated, black wakes the result. Understanding the consistency and relationship comes with experience, therefore, at first, the layout of substances is made gradually so that it is not necessary to start again. On the palette, the substance may have one defill, and on the other canvas, therefore, after mixing, the part of the composition is applied to the edge of the canvas to compare the result. Mixing components before the formation of the required shade is required not only to artists, but also, for example, confidence.

The absorption effect may interfere with the result, so add components required with caution. The lilac belongs to the cold spectrum, so they get it correction of purple blue and red. Accompanying the correction of levies, the composition is saturated. Lilac can sample one of the components that the correction was carried out, it was possible to compensate for this by means of a saturated black, added with the brushes.

Shades of purple color: palette, color names

Experimenting with substances you can get all 196 elements of the Pantone palette. As a result, one substance becomes bright, dim, saturated, purple, with a gray-gray, lilac, bluish, with a pink overflow and others. Pastel tones flow into saturated dark. The names of each of them are shown in the diagram above.

Color mix table

The above is the table of obtaining each of the pigments shown on the left. Fashion prompts the use of non-standard pigments in the manufacture of clothing, accessories and furniture. Understanding the principle of formation of shades will give the opportunity to transfer the entire depth of the mood in the picture or photography. The artist achieves the result, expressing mood mixing components. Chromatic substances are located in the palette nearby, at a high distance are achromatic components. Stirring achromatic pigments makes a grayish glow to the result obtained. Video about the method of obtaining the required shade is below.

The use of pigments will not give the desired result if the chemical composition will be varied. Pigments are capable of reacting, which can lead to the fading of the composition during the mixing process. An example of this is the interaction of a red cinnaker and lead whitewash. A brief result will be a bright rose substance. At an exhibition, the substance darkens and loses its properties. Oil compositions are mixed with oil. Sensitivity to solvents is taken into account when processing surfaces. Mixing experiments are conveniently carried out with acrylic paints. This is explained by their versatility. Acrylic compositions are applied and fixed on glass, concrete, canvas and paper, so it is easy to write with them easily any surface. At the same time, it will take several colors to implement ideas, among which will necessarily be white and black to adjust.

Note! It is more difficult to obtain the required result when working with large volumes of substances, so the ratio is calculated mathematically and is checked almost, starting with drops.


As can be seen, in most cases it does not require the purchase of the entire spectrum of painting compositions to create unique paintings or interiors. Fantasia and understanding how one tones absorb others will give the opportunity to create exclusive solutions that will be difficult to repeat. After creating a masterpiece, even the author himself often finds it difficult to repeat the result obtained when mixing components. The sense of measure is important. The task of mixing components will simplify tools with applied scales. Thanks to the scales, you can make records of which component and in what proportions was mixed.

Create purple color with mixing other paint colors does not always succeed. From schools, we were taught that to obtain purple it is necessary to mix blue and red colors and everything will turn out.

But, despite the expectations, the combinations of the listed colors usually brings a dark burgundy or purple-gray sad shade. Mixing blue and red paint to get purple color should remember that:

If you add more red, then it turns out the raspberry shade;

If you add more blue paint, you can make a purple, which will be more striving for a saturated purulent color;

Mixing various combinations of clean colors, you can get a purple color of different shade;

It is more correct to use the red, but cold tint. If you take a warm red, which is close to orange color, then in this case it turns out a brown color;

It is necessary to avoid blue paint with a greenish tint.

Violet Ciana or Madzhenta

First you need to buy mashent colors paint (pink). The main reason why mixing blue and red paints does not bring the necessary violet bright color, is that blue and green color absorbs red paint, while blue paint absorbs both green and red.

It is explained by the fact that the eyes perceive the color as a combination of blue, green and red (for this reason, 3 main colors are distinguished), although it remains some blue and red, which eyes can perceive, because of which the brain that interprets the combination of colors, He considers such purple in almost black.

If you look at it on the other hand, the absorbing green color of the Majer gives the opportunity to see the considerable part of red and blue. If it is mixed with a slight amount of blue or cyan, which absorbs the red light exclusively, then your brain will receive a tangible signal from the nerve end and the signal is slightly weaker, emanating from nerve endings that are sensitive to red. So man and sees purple color!

Majer is one of the main "subtractive" colors that use in the work of printers and graphic design (along with cyan and yellow). You need to look for paint, which contains PV19 or PR122 pigment, but not PW (white) and not PB (blue).

When buying artistic paint, it can be compared with the insanity of the printer ink. It is necessary to print a sample and take it to the store with you.

It is known that Majenta refers to basic color and it is impossible to get it with the help of mixing other colors. If, for example, mix with yellow color Madzhenut, then the whole range of orange and red shades will be. If Madzhenh is mixed in various proportions with a cyan, then a lot of purple / blue shades will come out.

Next you need to mix Madzhenu with turquoise or bright blue, which you have. Any blue color or cyan is suitable, but that it is not greenish and not muffled. First add a little blue and be added a little by little before getting the desired shade of purple.

Purple from pure blue and red

First, you need to determine whether your blue and red colors are "clean". Blue and red mixing does not always give the desired shade due to the fact that the paint can not consist of one, but from different colors.

For example, in a tube with red paint, contain both yellow and orange pigments, and in the tube with blue paint it contains yellow and red. When blue with red is mixed, which do not belong to the "clean", you will eventually get a dirty-purple or brown color. Therefore, we are looking for a blue paint without a green and yellow shade.

When you are not sure that you have clean paint, it must be checked. You need to pour her a little on the palette and add a little bit, which helps see the present composition of pigments. Red should become pink, and the blue will turn into a blue.

Next you need to mix, clean red with blue. Equal than blue and red paint, pour onto the palette and apply a brush to mix them well and get a purple rich shade as a result.

To create a purple color, which will be very similar to the lilac, you need to add additionally blue paint. If you add red paint, you will see a purple color with a pinkish warm tint.

How to adjust purple color?

You must add white paint. It doesn't matter how you got purple color: from blue and red or mandgeni, if necessary, it can be lit and make it brighter if you add bleel. First you need to add a small amount of paint, after which it is stirred to obtain the desired shade. If the purple paint add the same amount of white, then pastel color will be.

Add black paint. If you add black to purple, it will turn out to make the color to a deeper, namely rich dark purple. You need to mix in small portions so as not to get the color too dark, because to return the original shade is quite difficult.

Mix white and black. This combination will give a lavender-gray color, while the shade will depend only on you. Lavender color, there is an opportunity to give and pinkish shade, for this you need to add red and madgents, or a purple shade - adding cyan or blue.

If you need to jump out the paint from the tank, you should always use clean dishes or a small bucket so as not to spoil the clean shade. Since then it is not possible to use it both in pure form and for mixing, because it may be unpredictable result;

To obtain the desired color, experts advise gently mix paint. This is due to the fact that there is always the opportunity to add more paints, but it is impossible to delete already added.

Also remember that all colors should be mixed thoroughly to form a homogeneous shade, it is impossible to leave even along the edge of the container components. Otherwise, during the coloring of the wallpaper under painting, walls and other interior items, either drawing can be inadvertently hooing the edge of the tank and thus put a dirty spot on the surface being processed.

And the last received shade must be checked not only on the palette, but, accordingly, on the surface on which the paint is planned to be applied.