How to bend the vinyl record. How to reanimate the blacken vinyl record? Wine Bottles Stands

How to bend the vinyl record. How to reanimate the blacken vinyl record? Wine Bottles Stands
How to bend the vinyl record. How to reanimate the blacken vinyl record? Wine Bottles Stands

E. If you found old vinyl records on thenessians, do not rush to get rid of them. This is an excellent material for making various things! Passion. Ru offers to decorate his home with refined works of art of its own manufacture.

Of course, there are vases in your house. But, you see, there are no many them, and we all dream of decorating our interior with original details that are unique.

So, to make a vase, you need one record, door handle, screw with nut, superclauses, two colors acrylic paint and varnish.

2. Heat the oven to a temperature of 120-140 degrees and put a plate into it. Be careful, the vinyl very quickly becomes soft. You need to not miss the moment when it will be pliable, like plasticine, and has not yet melted.

3. Wearing gloves, get the record and form a vase with draped edges from it. In order for the shape of the vase to be relatively symmetric, you can put a preheated plate in a bowl by distributing it with folds along the inner surface of the dishes. Wait about a couple of minutes, and the form solidifies. If the vase failed from the first time, do not be mistaken, put the record back into the oven, the vinyl will straighten, and you can start sculpt again.

4. Pick the door handle with a flat surface, it will be the future leg of the vase.

5. Attach the knob to the record with the nut, through the already existing hole.

6. Thermoclaim or any superclaim apply arbitrary lines on the edges of the vase. The glue is spread, it will dry and get an abstract pattern.

7. Cover the entire acrylic paint vase in black.

8. The first layer will turn out to be sufficiently uneven and will serve as a soil. Therefore, wait, when the paint dries, and apply one more, two layers.

9. In order for the Vase to acquire a finished look, it needs to be tinting with gold. To do this, take a drip of paint on a dry brush and smear it on paper. When the paint remains on the brush, slightly spend it on the protruding surfaces of the vase.

10. Especially carefully "wipe" a brush with gold about the edge of the vase and bulge. In conclusion, be sure to cover the entire vase with acrylic varnish with one or more layers.

11. Such a vase can be used for fruits or sweets. It is well clean, it is difficult to break it, because the vinyl after heat treatment becomes more dense.

12. If you did not find the leg for the vase, make it flat. If you wish, apply the drawing along the edge in the form of hieroglyphs.

13. Similarly, you can make an unusual candy. Heated record to cover with scissors from four sides. Cuts must reach paper stickers. Fold the plate in the form of a cube, and get the sticking corners in different directions.

14. The outer surface is painted with white paint in several layers.

15. Draw any primitive drawing with a thin brush or black glove.

16. Then tinted the corners of black paint just as tinted with a gold vase.

17. This is a simple eye of the candy.

17 a. If you connect your fantasy, then make it anyone, even the most incredible form. And now we will make decorations. Determine the length and width of the desired bracelet. For example: 19 * 5 cm. Pencil Draw a rectangle with rounded corners of the desired size on the plate. Heat the plate and cut the shape.

18. If you do not have time to cut quickly, and the plate hardens, make the job in stages, every time heated vinyl.

19. Bend the part and hold in this state until the form is captured. For convenience, you can take a metal or wooden bracelet and wrap a rectangle around it.

20. Cover the workpiece with several layers of black paint.

21. 22. Tint the bracelet with gold or copper color not only from above, but also inside.

23. Apply slightly more paints on the side surface, thereby creating imitation of the metal's wretch.

24. Cut from a three-layer napkin strip of ornament.

25. Divide the layers, leaving only the top with the pattern.

26. Mix the bracelet edge of the bracelet and gently glue the ornament, smoothing it with a brush, moistened with glue. Especially gently glue the drawing on the rounded parts of the bracelet. If the thin paper broke out, cut off a small piece with a similar pattern and glue over the break - your oversight will be invisible.

27. Do not forget to cover the bracelet with varnish when the glue dries.

28. Here is another example: the original suspension.

And now come up with yourself what to make it a fuel material, as vinyl.

Svetlana Barsukova, designer
Photo A. Geerekova

Unusual, creative design can be performed using old vinyl records.

With the help of non-good manipulations with vinyl, it is possible to place any room very original: whether it is an apartment or office, home cooking or cafe-bar. You can perform painting on the plate with acrylic paints, make a wall clock, cutting out various patterns on any subject, decorate the interior with vases and original vinyl plates. You can even make jewelry, because vinyl is very fatty, easily bent the material, it is easy to drill any hole, it can be glued, can be decorated with beads and any girlfriend. Showing fantasy and patience, you can make the original, unique thing.

In order to be cut into the vase from the vinyl to heat up in the oven at a temperature of approximately 150s, within a few minutes (the temperature may be more, it all depends on your oven). The main vinyl does not overheat, and it can flow. As soon as the record becomes soft, put on the hands to wear gloves, and immediately begin to work. You can bend the edges of the plates in the form of a wave, and you can perform the original plate - then to the center of the heated vinyl to put the jar (warm, cold burst) and won the edges of the vinyl around the bank. Instead of banks you can use any item: a bowl, a saucepan, etc. The leg in the vase can be from the old furniture handle attached in the center of the plate using a screw. It is possible to heat the vinyl several times, until the product has occurred.

For the manufacture of jewelry, scissors will be required. From the hot vinyl, cut the strips of any size and tighten them with a spiral. At one end of the spiral to drill holes and insert the ear for future earrings. You can decorate jewelry with any pattern made using acrylic, or glue the glass and beads, and then the product is covered with varnish. In general, you can make from vinyl any item, any design, and wall clocks from vinyl records with various carved patterns look simply amazing.

For painting acrylic, the plate must first be prepared: to take a working surface, then coat acrylic paint in several layers. After that, you can proceed to the design of multi-colored acrylic paints, drawing any like drawing. If you are on the "you" artistic artistic art, then you take any drawing pictured on paper, cut out and glue it on the plate. Give the masterpiece to dry, and then cover with varnish. In general, working with Vinyl is where your fantasy is roaring.

With such an interesting material, many artists and masters of creative art work with such an interesting material.

Second life of vinyl records - 1
Second life of vinyl records - 2
Second life of vinyl records - 3
Second life of vinyl records - 4
Second life of vinyl records - 5
Second life of vinyl records - 6

The sounds became compact and capacious. Vinyl records remained dust on the shelves. Some of them represent a certain value, but most simply litto the space. Vinyl stocks will be found in almost every family. And if you can give a few unnecessary vinyl records with unnecessary vinyl records. 10 ideas scoop out of our selection.

1. Clock on the fireplace

  • The clock in the style of Salvador Dali will become a worthy decoration of the fireplace (or any shelf). In the oven preheated to 100-120 degrees, place the record. As soon as the plastic becomes plastic, and the vinyl heats up quickly, get it and give it the form of "fluids". Attach the mechanism from old hours and install the newly minted, and almost literally, the clock on the fireplace.

2. Wall design

  • Without special wisdom, attaching the plates to the wall, you can creatively decorate the room. With this design, the color of the walls and their quality goes to the background, which means that repair can not be spent.

3. Plafond to the lamp

  • Plafones from vinyl records look very retro and even with a luxury claim, if you are an addition to the interior in the style of Noir.

4. Designer bag

  • While you are sitting and thinking what to do with plates, others sew your bags and quite successfully, by the way, sell.

5. Decorative table

  • From a metal frame (weld such a frame from a metal rod for a modest remuneration will take any locksmith) and the vinyl record can make an original decorative table. The scenery may be applied.

6. Stand under the plates

  • With plates, you can do anything and use them as a coach under the plates. With one "but": do not put hot dishes and drinks on vinyl.

7. Cup holders

  • Even the sequences of vinyl plates can be adapted in the farm - as a coaster, for example.

8. Vases

  • VAZ and vases do not happen much, and the original parts are always missing in the interior. How to make a vase from the vinyl record? Heat the oven to 120 degrees, put an unnecessary saucepan or a cup of the bottom up and put a plate on it. Do not miss the moment! The plate should become soft, like plasticine, but not overheat to fluid state. Get out of the oven (in gloves!) And form a vase.

9. Flower pots

  • Similarly, a flower pot is made. Agree when they need a lot, substantial savings leave, if you adapt vinyl records for these needs.

10. Stand for books

  • One relic of the past can be used to support the second. From the vinyl records you can build a bookcover if there are still paper books in your house. To heat the lower end, warm the vinyl in the oven.

Consider you warned: Cooked cats - and at the same time amazingly cute creatures. They even do not even get involved - and nothing to do with it. Recently coming home, I discovered my cat on the sofa. He yawned and rose - and then I saw that he was not just on the sofa, but on my vinyl record. And not any, but on the record album Rumors group Fleetwood Mac. I heard this album to the holes when I was a teenager - he managed to brighten my life, and while I did endless homework in physics, and when I suffered from unrequited teenage love.

As it turned out, my cat produces as much heat as the forge of the fatal mountain [that in Mordor - approx. Transl.] - When I raised a cat from the record, it turned out that the outlines of his body were imprinted on it. The plate was bent.

I will not lie - I was terribly upset. Of course, I myself am to blame for leaving her lying on the sofa after nostalgia's bumping at night at night. And of course, my cat had no idea what kind of vinyl, and did not suspect the importance of the classic rock and roll. But this album was part of my youth - my thirteen teenage teenage showers.

My fluffy destroyer of children's memories

But everything was not so bad, right? I placed the record on the player. Voices of Nix and Buckingham [Stevie Nicks and Lindsay Buckingham - group vocalists] distorted due to the fact that the audio recording path was damaged. It was definitely the day when the music died.

When the composure was later returned to me, I decided that there was nothing irreparable in the problem. I had to fix everything - I just needed to understand how. Therefore, I called my friend (owner of a stunning collection of records), which told me what to do. So, I grabbed my record and began to work. In the process, I managed to take some photos, so that there was a small manual.

What if your vinyl record turned out to be moonsed:

You will need two pieces of glass in size more than a plate, but less than your oven. It is better to use heavy and thick glass.
Step 1
  • Remove the record from the package and make sure that there is no dust or dirt on it.
  • If the plate is dirty, clean it.
  • Put the plate in the center of a piece of glass.
Step 2.
  • Carefully cover the plate with another piece of glass

Step 3.
  • Preheat oven to 80 degrees.

Step 4.
  • Glass can crack from a sharp temperature difference. Make sure the glass has been stored before at room temperature or place it in a rather warm place to avoid the "temperature shock".
  • Place your plate, groping between pieces of glass, in the oven.
  • Constantly stay next to the oven. If you feel unpleasant odors or strange noises, immediately remove the entry from the oven.
  • Heat the "sandwich" from the plate and pieces of glass in the oven 2-3 minutes.
  • If you leave the furnace in the oven for a longer period, it can melt.

Step 5.
  • Using tape, remove the glass and the furnace plate.
  • Again, do not forget about the possibility of "temperature shock". Do not put the glass on the cold surfaces.
  • Put the glass on the surface temperature surface. To protect the surface, it is better to cover it with a towel or a special napkin "under hot."

Step 6.
  • Press the glass with a stack of books or other heavy, flat objects.
  • Leave the design until the glass is completely cooling.
  • When the glass is completely cooled, you can get a plate.

Step 7.
  • If when playing you still hear the distortion of sounds, it is possible to repeat the operation: to hold the plate in the oven just longer and in the process of cooling, press it slightly heavier objects.
  • In the future, keep vinyl vertically and in a rather cool place so that he will no longer get into.
Approx. Perev.: If your plate turned out to be so bad that it fails to reanimate, remember: this and many other vinyl records can be found in

Some old plates definitely represent the value for collectors. But all the copies that do not belong to those can be turned into new interesting accessories. Our review presents 7 items in retro-style, which are easy to make with your own hands.


A rather simple option is to turn the old vinyl record into the exquisite clock. The mechanism with arrows is easily attached to the disk, any person will cope with the task. A more complex option is to create a curly clock, cutting the plate along the pre-created stencil.


If the Book Tomiki is still told to fall from the shelves, you can build a stand from the old vinyl record for them. For this, the lower edge of the records must be cut to give it stability. It is done simply - in the form for baking, boiling water is poured into which the plate is immersed to the desired level. Under the action of hot water, the material will become soft and pliable. Under the pressure of the hand, the plate will be easily bent, and being taken out of the water - hardens again.

Mirror Rama

With several vinyl records, it is easy to make an original mirror, sticking them in a circle.

Small vases

Another interesting option is to build small elegant containers from old plates. The creation process is simple and very interesting.

1. Preheat oven to 100-120 ° C. Put the heat-resistant container on the baking sheet or, as in our example, colander.

2. Put the plate on top, send everything into the oven. Wait a few minutes while the vinyl does not start melting and becoming soft.

3. Get the design from the oven. The plate will be soft only for a few minutes, so you have to act quickly. It is necessary to gently beatened the plate on the sides to form a similarity of a vase. If the resulting result does not suit, the plate can be heated again in order to try again to get the right shape.

Wine Bottles Stands