As Svetlana Lazareva looks like, the performer of the most touching song about mom. Svetlana Lazareva: Dirt when divorced is unworthy! Childhood and family Svetlana Lazareva

As Svetlana Lazareva looks like, the performer of the most touching song about mom. Svetlana Lazareva: Dirt when divorced is unworthy! Childhood and family Svetlana Lazareva
As Svetlana Lazareva looks like, the performer of the most touching song about mom. Svetlana Lazareva: Dirt when divorced is unworthy! Childhood and family Svetlana Lazareva
Svetlana Lazareva is an artist who has become popular in the nineties. Since then, she has managed to make a lot - write down several albums, drive around with tour and ... Difficult to disappear from the Russian pop.

Today, its popularity is slowly declining. New hits appear in its repertoire extremely rarely. However, it should not be assumed that Svetlana Lazareva's star disappeared from the musical skyscland of Russia. It all also loves many loyal fans, and therefore our biographical article dedicated to the most important points in the creative fate of the singer, for sure, will be interested in many.

Childhood and family Svetlana Lazareva

Svetlana Lazarev was born on April 24, 1962 in a small provincial town of Upper Ufalya (Chelyabinsk region). In this place, our today's heroine spent all his childhood and youth. In the same place, she began to sing for the first time and dream of a quarry of pop artist.

The path of the lights to musical creativity was quite ordinary. At first she sat down mini-concerts for their friends and friends, and then began to engage in vocals in a music school. Working on themselves, the girl achieved considerable success, and it did not hide from the sensitive gaze of professional teachers. The girl began to invite to various school and youth concerts in various school and youth concerts. Thus, in the adolescence, Svetlana Lazarev began to perform often on stage.

The first songs Svetlana Lazareva

Having received a diploma on graduation, our today's heroine decided to follow the chosen expensive, and on the advice of acquaintances moved to Krasnodar, where he had already arranged at work in the local philharmonic. That is how, during one of the concerts, the famous Soviet composer Theodore Efimov noticed the girl.

The vocal data of the girl, as well as her bright appearance and artistry, made a favorable impression on the famous Matra. As a result, it was already very soon he recommended a girl in the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Blue Bird". Subsequently, this musical team became one of the main pages in the creative biography of provincial artist.

Star path singer Svetlana Lazareva

As part of VIA "Blue Bird", our today's heroine was already in 1983. It was in this musical ensemble Svetlana Lazarev who was improving and improved as an artist. The team was accompanied by success, however, as noted by musical historians, speaking in the "blue bird", a young vocalist was always under a tight press of Soviet censorship, and therefore it was impossible to call this creativity to fully.

Svetlana Lazareva - "Mom"

The situation has become even more serious when the VIA "Blue Bird" team began to tour outside the Soviet Union. During this period, the Group became very popular in some states of the socialist sense and subsequently even received national awards in Vietnam, Lebanon and a number of other countries, ideologically close to the USSR. Thus, VIA "Blue Bird" became a kind of visiting card of the Soviet Union. Therefore, the ideological pressure on it intensified even more.

Feeling it, at a certain moment Svetlana Lazareva decided to leave the team. And in the end, in 1988, he created his own group - "Women". The formation of the first in the USSR "Girls-Banda" passed immediately after the end of the music festival in Jurmala, during which our today's heroine met with two other young pop singers Alena Vitebskaya and Lada Dance. Together they decided to organize a trio, which, in fact, was called "female". This project sang more fun and incendiary songs than the "blue bird", and also distinguished by irrepressible energy and the use of rather unusual outfits during their speeches.

Svetlana Lazareva - Tel

As a result, the group "Women" became a kind of outbreak on the stage of the collapsed Soviet Union. The arrogant and french girls were a "product of their time", and therefore the popularity of the team was rather vehicle. Already at the end of the nineties, the group began to crack on the seams, and therefore it was very quickly broken. Each of the participants began his own musical career. And Svetlana Lazareva was not an exception to the rules.

Solo Career Svetlana Lazareva

In 1990, our today's heroine presented his first album - "Let's get married." The plate, which includes both funny songs and more lyrical compositions, has become quite popular among the listeners. It was on it that such famous songs as "yellow boats" were represented, "not scolding me, mom" and some others.

The second "Solnik" singer was also not less successful - "Telnyashka". This plate consisted mainly of "restaurant hits", and therefore became popular in a somewhat other visual environment.

Svetlana Lazareva on television

In parallel with the musical work, Svetlana Lazareva also worked as a TV presenter. In the middle of the nineties, together with a long-standing friend, Lada Dance, she led the "Morning Mail" transmission. However, television career was short. One of the reasons for this was a dense tour of the chart and an abundance of creative plans.

In 1995 and 1998, our today's heroine has released two more solo albums, and in a short time also engaged in creating their own production center, which began to closely cooperate with young musicians. The actress remained all the same, but at some point, its popularity slowly went. New songs began to appear in its repertoire extremely rarely, and released in 2002 album "Names for all times" remained almost unnoticed viewers.

Svetlana Lazareva is currently

Currently, Svetlana Lazareva continues to tour in Russia with teams and solo concerts, but the format of its speeches is already somewhat different. It often appears in the provincial cities, performs in the nursing homes and women's colonies. Nothing is known about the recording of new studio albums.

Personal life Svetlana Lazareva

For many years, Svetlana Lazarev has been married with a businessman named Valery Kuzmin. In 1996, the famous artist gave her wife to Natalin's daughter. As the celebrity itself says, she gave the name of his daughter in honor of his old singer's girlfriend

The singer Svetlana Lazarev first told about parting with a businessman Valery Kuzmin, with whom she was 19 years old.

[: RSame:]

Rumors that Svetlana Lazareva's singer's personal life is not everything smoothly, a few weeks ago appeared in a secular part. Rumored, the star broke up with her husband - a businessman Valery Kuzmin, with whom was happy for the last nineteen years. The singer itself until the last moment was depressed. However, for us she made an exception.

"We really broke up," Svetlana did not hide. "But I think that to water the dirt of the person with whom she lived nineteen years old, funny and stupid." Maybe someone will twist with his finger at the temple, but I am proud of what gathered and gone beautifully. I left the way a man should leave. I left without taking with you nothing. I counted you need to do so. I have very many suggested to start sharing a jointly acquired property, because there is something to share. But I'm not going to discern anything, because I am always leaving beautifully.

Valery Kuzmin / Frame

I do not want to say that he is so-shy, and I am so good. No, I always say only one thing: "Time puts everything into place." Because "God is not Timoshka, sees a little." In any case, in this marriage I am not ashamed for myself. I tried my best to keep the family. I tried to glue everything, I hid a lot, I did not want to endure the problem for discussion. Everything turned into a joke, smoothed sharp corners, but, apparently, did not work. You know, in life, I am a very faithful person. With his first husband - the poet Simon Osiashvili - she lived eight and a half years. And it would probably live so far if he wanted to have children. If we had a common child, I would never leave him. Because generally very hard part with people.

I perceive people as they are. But it comes such a moment when the partner begins to use it and does not control itself. I understand. I know that in every family there are unpleasant moments. But these moments should have a facet. And when the face is beyond, I believe that it makes no sense. Especially when one partner is trying. And one, as you know, in the field is not a warrior.

With Simon Osiashvili happily lived 8 years old / Boris Kremer

Now they are supported by friends. I have a lot of them: I am a person sociable, lightweight and open. So in communication I have no lack. Most recently concluded that all nineteen years of my marriage looked through the pink glasses. But now they broke. For me, my family was all - the most important thing that is in life. I clearly know: there are no road. If I make a decision, then finally. I am a strong person, I can endure for a very long time, but when the shutters fall, take and leaving. I remember once again: I do not pretend to anything.

All these nineteen years I have provided myself. All major purchases are cars, fur coats, jewels - bought for their money. Even clips shot herself: the spouse did not help it. I can not call myself a baulian fate. I just lived with a man who loved the crazy, sick love. Of course, I made a lot of stupid mistakes because of the sick love. If my mind was turned on, everything would be different.

Only loyal fans remember how Lazarev and Lada Dance lit up in a popular once group "Women" / Evgeny Matveyev

For the sake of family, I donated to many. I threw the scene, went to the most peak when my hits thundered from each iron: "shop", "Telnyashka", "Go home", "Treason" ... I left and do not regret. Gave birth to daughter. Natasha is already adult: it will soon be nineteen years old. For her, of course, our situation is a very unpleasant moment. She is experiencing, of course. I continue to work. I have many concerts, recently returned from Siberia. I work not only solo, but also with the Blue Bird group, with whom I started my career. Recently, in the tour in Krasnoyarsk, I opened my eyes in the morning and I remembered my song "Go to all four sides", which Simon Osiashvili wrote me: "I woke up with a smile today, because I woke up free. Not fate you are mine, but a mistake. It is a pity that it has opened so late. " The song, which was written so long ago, turned out to be relevant to me now.

Recently, a song appeared in my repertoire, where there are such words: "I will give a heartless heart in good hands, almost sinless." She was already loved by fans. But I don't strive to give your heart in good hands now. Today I am even afraid of the words "love." For these 19 years, it fell in so much that some horror arises in my men. For some reason, I now see only a solid egoism, a lie and betrayal.

After parting with his spouse Svetlana moved to the house on Novorizh's highway with Natasha's daughter / Natalia Loginova / Russian Look

I already bought myself with the daughter of Townhouse in New Riga. Now we will live there. Thank God, I worked all the time and secured a rear, you can say. I am not angry man, I'm not angry with him and I wish you all the best. You know, if I ask the question of journalists after some time: "Why did you break up with your husband? For what reason? ", I probably will answer this:" Let's talk better about my first husband - Simone Osiashvili. It is much more interesting! "


"My husband introduced the valley"

Svetlana Lazarev began a career in VIA "Blue Bird", and after, together with Freak, Dance and Alina Vitebskaya performed in the trio "female". In the late 80s, Lazareva got acquainted with Simon Osiashvili, who soon called her to the registry office. Thanks to this tandem, the loudest hits of the singer were born.

In the mid-90s, the singer met the second husband - Valery Kuzmin - at his birthday, where he came to speak. I was advised by Valery to draw the attention of Larisa Valley, which in that evening also performed. Businessman attracted the attention of the stars, and soon she, throwing a pop career, fully and completely plunged into family life. Their family was called almost perfect. The husband avoided publicity and almost never appeared next to the star in humans.

(1962-04-24 ) (57 years) Lua error in Module: CategoryForProfession on line 52: Attempt to Index Field "WikiBase" (A NIL VALUE).

Svetlana Yuryevna Lazarev (April 24, Upper Ufalya, Chelyabinsk region) - Soviet and Russian pop singer.


After graduating from high school worked as a singer in the Krasnodar Philharmonic. On the recommendation of the Composer Theodore Efimova becomes a soloist of VIA "Blue Bird", where he works in 1989. From this period of creativity, Lazareva listeners remembered her dramatically rich song "Edith Piaf is a small sparrow".

At the Television Festival of the Festival Song "Jurmala-88" meets the Lada Volkova (Dance) and Alena Vitebskaya. The result of the acquaintance becomes the creation of a vocal trio "fence".

Svetlana Lazarev works a TV presenter with the Ilona Armorian in the musical entertainment program Morning Mail.

The most famous songs

  1. "ABC of Love";
  2. - "Watercolor"
  3. "Soccer-plates";
  4. "Come home";
  5. "Guitar Sing";
  6. "Let's get married";
  7. "Yellow boats";
  8. "Treason";
  9. "Cinema";
  10. "Cleopatra";
  11. - "Bench";
  12. "Love me";
  13. - "Mum";
  14. "My strangers";
  15. "Really";
  16. "Remember me";
  17. "Under the sign of Taland";
  18. "Hello on wood";
  19. "I spent the boy in the army";
  20. "Singing bird";
  21. "Tell, captain";
  22. - "Telnyashka";
  23. "You are not Gagarin";
  24. "Kiss another";

Ranks, premiums, awards


  1. Let's get married
  2. Wet snow
  3. Cur
  4. Yellow ships
  5. Choose
  6. Penny price your words
  7. Devilry
  8. Snow White
  9. Do not scold me mom
  10. Tell me, Captain
  11. Waiting for you
  • "Telnyashka"
  1. Telnyashka
  2. Come home
  3. Under the sign of Tales
  4. remember me
  5. My stranger
  6. Shutting on a tree
  7. Choose
  8. Penny price your words
  9. Go to all four sides
  10. Wet snow
  11. Love me
  12. I spent a boy in the army
  13. Do not scold me, mom!
  14. Yellow ships
  • "ABC of Love"
  1. Bench
  2. Guitar Powek
  3. Soccer plates
  4. Alphabet Love
  5. Kiss
  6. Treason
  7. Speak
  8. Cinema
  9. Kiss another
  10. Mirror
  11. Singing bird
  • "Watercolor"
  1. Watercolor
  2. Tell me the truth
  3. Triangle
  4. Do not be silent
  6. Shura - Fisherman
  7. Hug and kiss
  8. I did not expect
  9. Red Rowan
  10. Cleopatra
  • "I am so different"
  1. Really
  2. Livni.
  3. It's you
  4. Parting
  5. You are not Gagarin
  6. Where are you now
  7. Get used to
  8. She was
  9. Fall
  10. Give
  11. Meeting and parting
  • "Names for all times"
  1. Telnyashka
  2. Come home
  3. Love me
  4. Do not scold me mom
  5. Bench
  6. Singing bird
  7. You are not Gagarin
  8. Kiss another
  9. My stranger
  10. Under the sign of Tales
  11. Really
  12. Treason
  13. Guitar Powek
  14. Let's get married

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Excerpt characterizing Lazarev, Svetlana Yuryevna

It will take many more years before the Svetar will return home. It will return to die ... But he will live a full and bright life ... will gain knowledge and understanding of the world. Find what so long and stubbornly went ...
I will show you them, Isidor ... I will show what I have never shown anyone else.
It turned around with cold and scorch, as if I suddenly plunged into eternity ... The feeling was unusual and strange - at the same time I was joying and anxious ... I seemed myself a little and insignificant, as if someone was wise and huge in that The moment I watched me, trying to understand who was dreamed of disturbing his peace. But soon this feel disappeared, and only a big and deep, "warm" silence remained ...
On the Emerald, Bescrane Polyana, crossed legs, two people were sitting against each other ... they sat, closing their eyes without uttering a word. And yet, it was clear - they said ...
I understood - they talked their thoughts ... The heart was killed, as if wishing to jump out! .. Having raised somehow to gather and calm down, so that in no way to prevent these collected people who went into his mysterious world, I watched with my breath, trying Remember in the soul of their images, because I knew - this will not happen. In addition to the north, no one will show me more that it was so closely connected with our past, with our suffering, but not surrendering the earth ...
One of the sitting looked very familiar, and, of course, looked at him well, I immediately recognized the Lamor ... He almost changed, only the hair became shorter. But the face remained almost as young and fresh, like that day when he left Montshegur ... The second was also relatively young and very high (which was visible even sitting). Its long, white, shut-off "Inem" hair, fell onto wide shoulders, lighting under the rays of the sun with clean silver. The color of this was very unusual for us - as if unreal ... But most of all hit his eyes - deep, wise and very big, they shone the same clean silver light ... as if someone had a generous hand in them scattered Miriada silver stars. .. The face of a stranger was hard and at the same time good, collected and detached, as if he lived at the same time, not only our, earthly, but also some other, someone else's life ...
If I understood correctly, it was exactly the one that the north called the wanderer. The one who watched ...
Both are dressed in white-red long clothes, spiderman, twisted, red cord. The world around this unusual couple smoothly cleaned, changing her outlines, as if they were sitting in some closed fluctuating space, accessible only to them in two. The air around the air stood fragrant and cool, smelled of forest herbs, fir and raspberry ... light, occasionally driving the breeze, gently caressed the juicy high grass, leaving the smells of distant lilac, fresh milk and cedar cones ... The land here was so surprisingly safe , clean and kind, as if she did not touch the worldly alarms, did not penetrate the human malice, as if not the step there was false, a variable person ...
Two talking rose and, smiling to each other, began to say goodbye. The first Svetzar spoke.
- Thank you, Wanderer ... Low Bow. I can't return, you know. I'm going home. But I remembered your lessons and refer to others. You will always live in my memory, as in my heart. Goodbye.
- Go, with the world, the son of bright people - Svetar. I'm glad I met you. And the sadness that I say goodbye to you ... I gave you everything you could comprehend ... And that you are able to give to others. But this does not mean that people will want to accept what you want to tell them. Remember, who knows, a person himself is responsible for his choice. Not gods, not fate - only the person himself! And while he does not understand this - the Earth will not change, will not be better ... Light you go home dedicated to you. Yes, your faith keeps you. And let me help you ...
The vision has disappeared. And around it became empty and lonely. Like the old warm sun quietly disappeared for the black cloud ...
- How much time has passed since the day, the Svetar gave out of the house, north? I thought it was that he left for a long time, maybe even on all his remaining life? ..
"And he stayed there all his life, Isidor." As many as six long decades.
- But does he look very young?! So he also managed to live long, not old? He knew the old secret? Or did it teach his wanderer?
"That I can't tell you, my friend, for I don't know." But I know the other - Svetodar did not have time to teach what the Wanderer was taught for years - he did not allow him ... But he managed to see the continuation of his wonderful kind - the little Rights. I managed to apply it to the real name. This gave the SVODAR a rare opportunity - to die happy ... sometimes it is even enough that life does not seem in vain, is Izidor?
- And again - fate chooses the best! .. Why did it have to learn all my life? Why did he leave his wife and child, if everything turned out to be in vain? Or was there any great meaning that I still can not comprehend, north?
- Do not kill in vain, Isidor. You understand everything perfectly - we look at yourself, for the answer is the whole of your life ... You're fighting, knowing great that you can't win - you can't win. But can you do otherwise? .. a person can not have the right to give up, allowing the possibility of losing. Even if this is not you, and someone else, who after your death will hesitate to your courage and courage - it is no longer in vain. Just the earthly person is not yet Doros, to be able to comprehend such. For most people, the struggle is interesting only as long as they remain alive, but no one is interested in what will happen after. They still do not know how to "live for descendants", Isidor.

Svetlana Lazareva (singer)

Svetlana Yuryevna Lazareva. Born on April 24, 1962 in the Upper Upalee of the Chelyabinsk region. Soviet and Russian pop singer, TV presenter. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2018).

Father - Yuri Ivanovich Lazarev, worked as director of the local house of culture, led the city's spiritual orchestra.

Mother - Zhanna Vasilyevna Lazarev, worked as artistic director of the House of Culture, who headed the Father Svetlana.

It has a sister.

From an early age, I loved to sing and play on the stage, participated in school amateur. He studied at the music school, played in the spirit of the orchestra under the leadership of the Father. She was engaged in ballroom dancing, played in theater studio. At the age of 12, she took part in the competition "Shiry Circle".

After graduating from high school, he moved to Krasnodar, where she worked as a singer in the local philharmonic.

In 1983, on the recommendation of the Composer of Theodore, Efimov became the soloist of the famous Soviet VIA "Blue Bird"The ensemble worked until 1989. At that time, she was especially remembered by the composition "Edith Piaf - a small sparrow."

The sign of the Central Committee of the VLKSM and the Soviet Preparatory Committee "for active participation in the preparation and holding of the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow" was noted.

In 1985 he received the "Vietnamese Order of Friendship". Also, the singer was awarded the "Order of Friendship of Lebanon."

Svetlana Lazareva and VIA "Blue Bird"

At the Television Festival of the Pop Song Song "Jurmala-88" was familiar with the Lada Volkova () and Alena Vitebsk. As a result, a female vocal trio was formed "Fence".

Svetlana Lazareva and a group of "fence"

In 1990, he left the "fence" and took up the solo career. Its first solo disk called "Let's get married!".

In 1994, the second album was presented - "Telnyashka". His songs were fundamentally different from the debut album and were almost completely represented by pop compositions.

Svetlana Lazareva - Tel

Lyrics in the work of Lazareva returns in the third album "Azbuch of Love", which was released in 1995.

Hits Lazareva "Telnyashka", "Mom", "Shop", "yellow ships" and many others made it one of the symbols of domestic pop music of the 1990s. Blonde beauty performed on the main concert venues of the country and collected thousandth halls, but suddenly left the scene for the sake of family.

Worked the TV host with the Morning Mail Music Entertainment Program.

In the summer of 1998, organized its own music center, which united young composers.

In the early 2000s released the video for the song "Mom".

On October 30, 2006, the only concert "Golden voices of" Blue Birds "was held in St. Petersburg." With the participation of Sergey Drozdov, Sergey Levkin and Svetlana Lazareva.

In 2006, she became the Kavaler of the Order of the Friendship of Peoples. In 2007, a silver Order "For the contribution to art" was received.

In the 2000s, there was a leading program "Direct Ether" on the TV channel MusicBox Russia.

In April 2014, the former soloists of VIA "Blue Bird" again presented the premium concert of the former participants of the ensemble in the Theater and Concert Hall of the World on Color Boulevard. Songs of the 1970s and 1980s sounded - "I don't dream of", "where Maple is noise," "So what you are", "white motor ship", "I go to you to meet", "Gorky", "Hello How you live "," Mine Planka "," You are now offended by love "and others.

In 2018, the singer was awarded the honorary title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

It continues to give solo concerts and participates in the national teams, gives the chef concerts in the nursing homes, women's colonies.

Svetlana Lazarev

Svetlana Lazareva growth: 170 centimeters.

Personal life Svetlana Lazareva:

Twice was married.

The first husband is Simon Osiashvili, a poet songwriter, a singer, honored artist of Russia. I got acquainted in the late 1980s. Thanks to this tandem, the loudest hits of the singer were born.

In marriage lived 8 years. According to the artist, their marriage collapsed due to the unwillingness of Simon to have children.

The second husband is Valery Kuzmin, entrepreneur. I got acquainted in the mid-1990s on the birthday of Valeria, where she came to speak. She advised to pay attention to Valeria, which in that evening also performed. Businessman attracted the attention of the stars, and soon she, throwing a pop career, fully and completely plunged into family life. The husband avoided publicity and almost never appeared next to the star in humans.

In 1996, Nataliya daughter was born in 1996, she was a journalist. He received his name in honor of the singer, who is her shaggy mother.

Severated early 2015 after 19 years of marriage.

Svetlana said that he left the second husband, leaving him all the property: "Maybe someone will twist with his finger at the temple, but I am proud of what gathered and gone beautifully. I left the way a man should leave. I left without taking with you nothing. I counted you need to do so. I have very many suggested to start sharing a jointly acquired property, because there is something to share. But I'm not going to discern anything, because I'm always leaving beautifully. "

The decision to leave the husband, for whom I donated with glory and career, was difficult for Svetlana. She told: "All these nineteen years I have provided myself. All major purchases are cars, fur coats, jewels - bought for their money. Even clips shot herself: the spouse did not help it. I can not call myself a baulian fate. I just lived with a man who loved the crazy, sick love. Of course, I made a lot of stupid mistakes because of the sick love. If my mind was turned on, everything would be different. "

After the divorce, along with the daughter of Natasha singer moved to the house in Novorizhskoye highway.

Svetlana Lazareva discography:

1990 - Let's get married
1994 - Telnyashka
1995 - ABC of Love
1998 - Watercolor
2001 - I am so different
2002 - Names for all times

Svetlana Lazareva songs:

Let's get married
Wet snow
Yellow ships
Penny price your words
Snow White
Do not scold me mom
Tell me, Captain
Waiting for you
Come home
Under the sign of Tales
remember me
My stranger
Shutting on a tree
Penny price your words
Go to all four sides
Wet snow
Love me
I spent a boy in the army
Do not scold me, mom!
Yellow ships
Guitar Powek
Soccer plates
Alphabet Love
Kiss another
Singing bird
Tell me the truth
Do not be silent
Shura - Fisherman
Hug and kiss
I did not expect
Red Rowan
It's you
You are not Gagarin
Where are you now
Get used to
She was
Meeting and parting

Svetlana Lazarev

Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:
upper Ufalya, Chelyabinsk region.


60 kg

170 cm

Biography Svetlana Lazareva

Svetlana Lazareva is an artist who has become popular in the nineties. Since then, she has managed to make a lot - write down several albums, drive around with tour and ... Difficult to disappear from the Russian pop.

Today, its popularity is slowly declining. New hits appear in its repertoire extremely rarely. However, it should not be assumed that Svetlana Lazareva's star disappeared from the musical skyscland of Russia. It all also loves many loyal fans, and therefore our biographical article dedicated to the most important points in the creative fate of the singer, for sure, will be interested in many.

Childhood and family Svetlana Lazareva

Svetlana Lazarev was born on April 24, 1962 in a small provincial town of Upper Ufalya (Chelyabinsk region). In this place, our today's heroine spent all his childhood and youth. In the same place, she began to sing for the first time and dream of a quarry of pop artist.

Svetlana Lazareva became famous in the Mirage group, and after the start of the solo career

The path of the lights to musical creativity was quite ordinary. At first she sat down mini-concerts for their friends and friends, and then began to engage in vocals in a music school. Working on themselves, the girl achieved considerable success, and it did not hide from the sensitive gaze of professional teachers. The girl began to invite to various school and youth concerts in various school and youth concerts. Thus, in the adolescence, Svetlana Lazarev began to perform often on stage.

The first songs Svetlana Lazareva

Having received a diploma on graduation, our today's heroine decided to follow the chosen expensive, and on the advice of acquaintances moved to Krasnodar, where he had already arranged at work in the local philharmonic. That is how, during one of the concerts, the famous Soviet composer Theodore Efimov noticed the girl.

The vocal data of the girl, as well as her bright appearance and artistry, made a favorable impression on the famous Matra. As a result, it was already very soon he recommended a girl in the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Blue Bird". Subsequently, this musical team became one of the main pages in the creative biography of provincial artist.

Star path singer Svetlana Lazareva

As part of VIA "Blue Bird", our today's heroine was already in 1983, when she was only nineteen years old. It was in this musical ensemble Svetlana Lazarev who was improving and improved as an artist. The team was accompanied by success, however, as noted by musical historians, speaking in the "blue bird", a young vocalist was always under a tight press of Soviet censorship, and therefore it was impossible to call this creativity to fully.

Svetlana Lazareva - Mom

The situation has become even more serious when the VIA "Blue Bird" team began to tour outside the Soviet Union. During this period, the Group became very popular in some states of the socialist sense and subsequently even received national awards in Vietnam, Lebanon and a number of other countries, ideologically close to the USSR. Thus, VIA "Blue Bird" became a kind of visiting card of the Soviet Union. Therefore, the ideological pressure on it intensified even more.

Feeling it, at a certain moment Svetlana Lazareva decided to leave the team. And in the end, in 1988, he created his own group - "Women". The formation of the first in the USSR "Girls-Banda" passed immediately after the end of the music festival in Jurmala, during which our today's heroine met with two other young pop singers Alena Vitebskaya and Lada Dance. Together they decided to organize a trio, which, in fact, was called "female". This project sang more fun and incendiary songs than the "blue bird", and also distinguished by irrepressible energy and the use of rather unusual outfits during their speeches.

Svetlana Lazareva - Tel

As a result, the group "Women" became a kind of outbreak on the stage of the collapsed Soviet Union. The arrogant and french girls were a "product of their time", and therefore the popularity of the team was rather vehicle. Already at the end of the nineties, the group began to crack on the seams, and therefore it was very quickly broken. Each of the participants began his own musical career. And Svetlana Lazareva was not an exception to the rules.

Solo Career Svetlana Lazareva

In 1990, our today's heroine presented his first album - "Let's get married." The plate, which includes both funny songs and more lyrical compositions, has become quite popular among the listeners. It was on it that such famous songs as "yellow boats" were represented, "not scolding me, mom" and some others.

The second "Solnik" singer was also not less successful - "Telnyashka". This plate consisted mainly of "restaurant hits", and therefore became popular in a somewhat other visual environment.

Svetlana Lazareva on television

In parallel with the musical work, Svetlana Lazareva also worked as a TV presenter. In the middle of the nineties, together with a long-standing friend, Lada Dance, she led the "Morning Mail" transmission. However, television career was short. One of the reasons for this was a dense tour of the chart and an abundance of creative plans.

Svetlana Svetlana Lazareva has a daughter named Natalia

In 1995 and 1998, our today's heroine has released two more solo albums, and in a short time also engaged in creating their own production center, which began to closely cooperate with young musicians. The actress remained all the same, but at some point, its popularity slowly went. New songs began to appear in its repertoire extremely rarely, and released in 2002 album "Names for all times" remained almost unnoticed viewers.

Svetlana Lazareva is currently

Currently, Svetlana Lazareva continues to tour in Russia with teams and solo concerts, but the format of its speeches is already somewhat different. It often appears in the provincial cities, performs in the nursing homes and women's colonies. Nothing is known about the recording of new studio albums.

Personal life Svetlana Lazareva

For many years, Svetlana Lazarev has been married with a businessman named Valery Kuzmin. In 1996, the famous artist gave her wife to Natalin's daughter. As the celebrity itself says, she gave the name of his daughter in honor of his old singer's girlfriend Natalia Vetlitsky.

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