How to make different things in minecraft. Recipes Kraft

How to make different things in minecraft. Recipes Kraft
How to make different things in minecraft. Recipes Kraft

Here we have collected all the main kraft recipes in minecraft

Kraft in Minecraft.
Kraft is a method of mining objects or blocks that exist in the game. For the first time, Kraft appeared in IndeV.
For the crafting in the game uses a special grid. The resources required to obtain a particular item are inserted into the cells. They are filled in a certain sequence, depending on the thing that the player wants to get. Kraft of any subject requires certain resources.
In Minecraft, there are two types of grids used for crafting: 2 to 2, and 3 by 3. 2 to 2 - this is a standard grid, it is enough to work with it just to go into the inventory. To obtain a grid 3 to 3, you need to create, and then install a special item - workbench.
Craft Terms in Minecraft.

  • The presence of certain ingredients for each recipe.
  • Resources are usually exhibited in cells in a certain sequence, but there are also exceptions that do not require compliance with the procedure. Such kraft recipes in minecraft You can cook in inventory if the cells are enough there. These include: spider eye, dyes, colored wool and others.
  • The sequence can be performed in the mirror reflection.
  • Ingredients such as wool, stone bricks, boards and sandstone can be used in any form.
  • For painting only white wool is suitable.
  • For one click on the result button, one cell of the resource is used. When clapped the Shift key, all things are formed.

Kraft on mobile devices.
Minecraft for mobile devices is a pocket edition of the game. This version uses the type of crafting Mattis. The main difference is in the absence of grids 2 to 2 and 3 by 3. To get an item, you need to select a specific recipe from the list.
In Mattis there are 4 types of crafting:

  • Scenery.
  • Food / armor.
  • Blocks.
  • Weapons / Tools.

It is not necessary to have items in the correct order here, but the list of recipes is quite extensive. In the Komnerisez block, it is brought to krafness most of the decorative plates and blocks.
How to do in minecraft Anvil.
Anvil in the game is used to rename things, or for their fixing. For Kraft, the player will need three iron blocks and four iron ingots. In the manufacture, a grid is used 3 to 3. The iron blocks have in the upper cells, in the second row we put one iron ingot in the middle cell, and the third row is completely fill in the ingots. This recipe refers to the main game recipes.
Kraft musical block.
This subject allows the player to create a musical composition while in the game. A music block is created in the grid 3 to 3. For its manufacture, we will need eight boards and one red dust. Boards insert around the perimeter, and dust into the middle cell. Refers to recipes of mechanisms.
Cooked spider eye.
Refers to the recipes of potion. A cooked spider eye is needed for the preparation of potions, which adds various negative properties. For Kraft, the player will need: a spider eye, brown mushroom and sugar (all 1 pcs.). We have ingredients in the described order vertically.

Kraft is the main engine of the cubic world. Without craft, you can not do anything. Kraft recipes will help you at the beginning of the game, and will be with you throughout the gameplay. But you still have to look at this page, as the game is updated, and accordingly new items and their crafts are added. The main window of the KRFT has a size of 2x2 cells. Here you can do, all the most basic objects: to scream out of the board of the board, make a stick and the like. But for more complex tools you will need a workbench, it has a crafting field with a size of 3x3 cells.

What is Kraft? This is the creation of certain objects from materials mined in nature, or previously "scaffed". To scratch one, or another item needs to know the crafting recipe, which is unique for each subject.

Strength of items:

  • Tree - 60 Use
  • Stone - 132 Uses
  • Iron - 251 Use
  • Gold - 33 Use
  • Diamond - 1562 Uses

Also, every tool, and the object of armor has strength. Each material has its own strength, in some material it is more, and someone has less. Accordingly, the strength, the time of using the subject or the armor attribute is different. But if you use the subject not for the purpose, let us extract the stone with a shovel, then damage will be considered for two units than you will use an appointment, and spend just one unit. Therefore, be careful when choosing a tool.

What happens How to craft What you need to have Description
Wood Construction material. Need for crafting of many things
Boards (4 pcs.) Need for crafting in grid 3x3
Boards (2 pcs.) Used for crafting tools, etc.
Coal + stick. Need for lighting
Cobblestone (8 pcs.) You can cook food and repay resources
Boards or iron bars (6 pcs.) Wooden opens with a click, and iron only when activated by the Redstone
Boards (6 pcs.) Opens (vertically) click or when activated by the Redstone
Chest Boards (8 pcs.) In it, you can store your resources, without fearing to lose them. If you put two next, it turns out one big
Chest trap Chest + Tension Sensor As an ordinary chest, but gives a signal when opening
Chest edge Obsidian (8 pcs.) + Eye of the edge As an ordinary chest, but in all the chests of the edge will be the same things. What put in one, then will appear in the other.
Wool (any) (3 pcs.) + Boards (3 pcs.) Used to sleep. Also is the point of your rebirth after death
Table of enchanting Diamonds (2 pcs.) + Obsidian (4 pcs.) + Book Used to improve tools and armor
Obsidian (3 pcs.) + Glass (5 pcs.) + Lower World Star Gives players in a small radius various effects
Iron blocks (3 pcs.) + Iron bars (4 pcs.) Used to repair tools with experience
Sticks or hello brick (6 pcs.)
Cobblestone walls Cobblestone (6 pcs.) Or Sauble Cobblestone (6 pcs.) Fencing. For player and mobs are considered as a block of block
Gate Boards (4 pcs.) + Sticks (2 pcs.) Special "door" for the fence. Opens with right clicks and is considered to be one and a half block
Sticks (7 pcs.) Used to move vertically
Sign Boards (6 pcs.) + Stick Sign with text which is written by a player
Sticks (8 pcs.) + Wool (any) Decoration. Perceived on the wall randomly. To hang another, remove this and hang again
Sticks (8 pcs.) + Leather Thing that can show a block or item in it
Pot Bricks (3 pcs.) Decorative block in which you can plant a seedling, mushroom, flower, cactus or bush
Iron bars \\ gold, diamonds, lags, Redstone or Emerald (9 pcs.) More compact storage
Reverse receipt Iron, Golden, Lazurite, Diamond or Emerald Block Unpacking resources from blocks
Glass panels Glass (6 pcs.) Analog glass. To get the glass, overheat in the furnace sand
Iron grille Iron bars (6 pcs.) Used as a fence or decoration
Lightman LED (4 pcs.) To illuminate terrain, as well as water space
Finemerene + Redstone (4 pcs.) Lamp illuminating at home and terrain. You can turn on and off.
Threads (4 pcs.) Decorative building material. Also mined with sheep
Dynamite (Trotil) Sand (4 pcs.) + Powder (5 pcs.) Explodes when activated by the Redstone and inflicts damage
Plates Boards, Cobblestone, Stone, Sandstone, Bricks, Stone Bricks, Hell's Bricks or Quartz Blocks (3 pcs.) Used as steps, roofs and scenery. If you put one on another, it turns out a full-fledged block
Boards, cobblestone, bricks (ordinary, hellish or stone) or quartz blocks (6 pcs.) Full-sized steps
Snowballs (4 pcs.) Both building material and compact storage of snow
Clay (4 pcs.) Compact storage of clay
Bricks (4 pcs.) Beautiful and durable building materials
Stones (4 pcs.)
Hell bricks (4 pcs.) Beautiful and durable building material
Sheets of paper Reed (3 pcs.) For the crafting of books and cards
Paper sheets (3 pcs.) + Leather For the crafting of bookcases and ports of the enchantment
Book + Feather + Ink Bag To record any text
Boards (6 pcs.) And books (3 pcs.) Used as scenery or to improve the enchantment effect
Quartz (4 pcs.) Decorative block
Quartz blocks (2 pcs.) Decorative block. Used to build columns
Quartz slabs (2 pcs.) Decorative building materials
Sand (4 pcs.)
Sandstone (4 pcs.) Decorative building material
Sand plates (2 pcs.) Decorative building material
Jack lamp Pumpkin + Torch Illuminator area
Carrots + rod Allows you to manage dotted pigs
Sticks (2pcs) + boards, cobblestone, iron \\ Gold bars or diamonds (3 pcs.) For mining stone and ore
Sticks (2 pcs.) + Boards, Cobblestone, Iron \\ Gold Brochock or Diamond For the extraction of land, herbs, sand, gravel, snow, clay and mycelium
Sticks (2 pcs.) + Boards, cobblestone, iron \\ Gold bars or diamonds (3 pcs.) For fast wood production and all wood
Sticks (2 pcs.) + Boards, cobblestone, iron \\ Gold bars or diamonds (2 pcs.) For an explosion of land \\ grass (right click)
Stick + boards, cobblestone, iron \\ Gold bars or diamonds (2 pcs.) Causes more damage to mobs and players than fist
Sticks (3 pcs.) + Threads (3 pcs.) For attack Mobs and other players arrings from far distance
Flint + stick + pen Ammunition for onions (also falls out of killed skeletons)
Leather, iron \\ gold bars, diamonds or fire Leather helmet gives 0.5 protection - 3Zolota - 2.5almal - 1.500E-1
See helmet Leather Bib gives 1.5 protection - 1zolo - 1Almas - 4 - 2.5
Trousers See helmet Leather pants give 1 unit protection - 2.5zole - 1.5almasters - 3-hour - 2
See helmet Leather shoes give 0.5 protection - 1-rolled - 0.5almasters - 1.5 thousand people - 0.5
Flint + iron ingot Lights fire
Fireballs Powder + fiery powder + coal Lights fire like a lighter. If you release from the distributor, it becomes a fiery projectile (like Iphritis)
Dye + powder Fireworks component responsible for the color, shape and character of salute. Dye can be any
Rocket Star + sheet of paper + powder Runs up a small rocket, which at a certain time explodes as salute
Iron bars (2 pcs.) For mining of foliage (left click) and wool with sheep (by the right client)
Sticks (3 pcs.) + Threads (2 pcs.) For fishing fish in water
Iron bars (3 pcs.) For dumping water and lava, as well as milk from cows
Gold bars (4 pcs.) + Redstone Show time of day
Iron bars (4 pcs.) + Redstone Indicates the place of your rebirth
Compass + paper (8 pcs.) Shows the image of the world surface
Oko region Fire powder + pearl Ederman Used as a means of detection of fortresses. Also need to activate the portal to the edge
Boards (3 pcs.) For storage of mushroom soup. After eating soup bowl remains
Mushroom soup Red and brown mushroom + bowl Restores 4 hunger
Bread Wheat (3 pcs.) Restores 2.5 hunger
Sugar Cane For cooking cake and cooking some potions
Cake Milk Veser (3 pcs.) + Sugar (2 pcs.) + Egg + Wheat (3 pcs.) Restores 1 hunger. You can eat 6 times. After the crafting, the shoulder remains
Pumpkin + egg + sugar Restores 4 hunger units
Cookies Wheat (2 pcs.) + Cocoa beans Restores 1 hunger
Carrots + Gold Nuggets (8 pcs.) Restores 3 hunger
Apple + Gold Nuggets (8 pcs.) Restores 2 hunger. Four seconds after eating health regenerates
Apple + Gold Blocks (8 pcs.) Old recipe (was up to version 1.1), returned under the enhanced version in version 12W21A (1.3). Unlike a conventional apple, it gives the effect of regeneration IV (restores health very quickly) for 30 seconds, as well as resistance and fire resistance for 5 minutes. This apple in the inventory has a purple signature and overflows, while the signature of an ordinary gold apple turquoise and it does not overflow.
Watermelon Slices (9 pcs.) For compact storage of watermelon slices, which restore 0.5 (half) of hunger. During the destruction, 3-7 watermelon slices falls
Watermelon Seeds Watermelon slice For growing watermelons. You can only plant on an explosive land (bed)
Pumpkin seeds Pumpkin For growing pumpkins. You can only plant on an explosive land (bed)
Bone flour Bone Used to paint wool in white. It can also be used as fertilizer for seedlings and wheat, which leads to their instant ripening
Iron bars (5 pcs.) Purses on the rails of players and mobs
Self-propelled trolley Oven + trolley Pushes (not dragging) Other trolleys with coal
Cargo trolley Chest + trolley Used to transport things on rails
Spray trolley Dynamite + trolley Activated by enabled activating rails and explodes after 4 seconds after activation
Boot funnel + trolley Absorbs objects lying on rails and in containers
Stick + iron bars (6 pcs.) Ways for trolleys
Stick + gold bars (6 pcs.) + Redstone When activated - accelerate the trolley when turned off - stop
Purpose rails Purpose plate + iron bars (6 pcs.) + Redstone Analogue of the pressure plate. However, it is not activated by a player, but a trolley
Activating rails Red torch + iron bars (6 pcs.) + Sticks (2 pcs.) Activate trolleys with dynamite that pass on them
A boat Boards (5 pcs.) Need for rapid movement on water and convenient fishing
Stone or boards Used to activate items when pressed. Turns off across a second. The wooden button can be activated by an arrow, and the stone is not. To version 1.4.2 crafted from 2 stones \\ boards
Stick + cobblestone Activates and deactivates objects
Purpose plate Boards (2 pcs.) Or stone (2 pcs.) Activates the items when the player or mob is coming. Wooden plates can be activated also and dropped on them, and stone only if a player comes on them
Weighted push plate Iron (2 pcs.) Or gold bars (2 pcs.) Only the discharged objects are activated.
Tension sensors Iron Brochock + Stick + Boards New type of switches. They can be placed opposite each other and joined the thread.
Red Torch Redstone + Stick Used as a power source for wires and schemes
Red Torches (2 pcs.) + Redstone + Stone (3 pcs.) Repeats, and also delays a signal. Used when creating schemes from Redstone
Red Torches (3 pcs.) + Quartz + Stone (3 pcs.) Allows you to compare two rastone signals among themselves, deduct one signal from the other and check the population of containers located behind it
Music block Boards (8 pcs.) + Redstone Allows you to create your own tracks right in the game. With the left click or activation, plays a note to which it is configured. Right click you can change the note
Boards (8 pcs.) + Diamond Reproduces music from the plates that fall out when killing cripes with skeletons. Music depends on the inserted plate
Glass (3 pcs.) + Quartz (3 pcs.) + Wooden stove (3 pcs.) Eats the signal of the Redstone in the presence of daylight and does not respond to artificial lighting
Cobblestone (7 pcs.) + Onions + Redstone Designed for issuing or emissions
Cobblestone (7 pcs.) + Redstone Unlike distributor, it does not use things to be destinated, but simply throws them as if they threw them a player
Hopper Iron bars (5 pcs.) + Chest Can move objects from containers on themselves to the container to which it is attached
Boards (3 pcs.) + Cobblestone (4 pcs.) + Redstone + Iron Ingot Block that can push other blocks in any direction
Mucus + piston Improved piston who can also return the block that he pushed
Wool + dye Painting wool
Ink bag + bone flour (2 pcs.), Either gray dye + bone flour For painting wool in light gray
Ink Bag + Bone Flour For painting wool in gray
rose flower For painting wool in red
Red Dye + Yellow Dye For painting wool in orange
Dandelion For painting wool in yellow color
Cactus Greenery + Bone Flour For painting wool in lime color
Lazuli + bone flour For painting wool in blue
Lapisy + cactus greens For painting wool in turquoise color
Lazuli + red dye For painting wool in purple color
Purple dye + pink dye For painting wool in lilac color
Red dye + bone flour For painting wool in pink color
Flask Glass (3 pcs.) Used during cooking potions
Cooking stand Fire rod + cobblestone (3 pcs.) Used for cooking potions
Iron bars (7 pcs.) To fill the flask with water or just for the scenery. Water poured into it from the bucket
Fire powder Fire wand It is an ingredient in the potion, and also used with an eye craft of edge and lava cream
Lava cream Mucus + fiery powder For cooking potion potentialness
Separated spider eye Mushroom + Pure Eye + Sugar Used in cooking potions. Adds negative effects to them
Sparkling slice of watermelon Watermelon Slice + Gold Nugget Ingredient for attending potions
Used with a sparkling slices of watermelon and a gold apple
Gold nuggets (9 pcs.) No comments

Each person who at least once played the "minecraft", has an idea that it is not very simple to understand this game. The thing is that it is based on the creation of items by combining other items. You can do this directly in the inventory or on the workbench, which is again created by combining other materials. The difference is that there are only four slots in the inventory in which the materials can be placed, while most advanced recipes are designed for the workbench. The workbench expands your capabilities, as not four available in it, but all nine slots. It is a three-three square, in each of the nine slots of which can be put on various materials. Here is the answer to the popular among beginners, the question of how to do it in the minecraft objects. Now it is worth considering different groups of items in more detail and their recipes.

Basic ways

In the game there are more than a hundred different recipes that you need in various cases of life. But you should not try to explore everything at once. If you want to find out how to do it in the "minecraft" items, it is better to start with basic recipes that are alone simple and easily remembered. The first thing you will need a recipe for boards. You need to place the tree block on the workbench, after which four boards will be at your disposal. But the boards can already be used to get sticks, make the chest and the very workbench on which it is so easy and convenient to crafting various objects. If you combine stick and coal, then the torch will turn out, without which it would be difficult at night. Without problems you will find both a cobblestone from which you can make a stove. And when you have a workbench, and the oven, you can move to more complex procedures. We gradually open all the secrets of how to do it in the minecraft.

Making instruments

The presence of useful tools is the key to your success in the minecraft. You can get many blocks with your hands, but keep in mind that it will take you at times more time than if it happened using special tools. At the same time, you do not even have to wonder how to do it in the "minecraft" items, because all tools are created very easily. If you have two sticks in the inventory and three blocks of any of the following materials: boards, stone, iron, gold, diamond, then you can create any of the basic tools. Of the two sticks and one additional block, the shovel, of two boards and two blocks - hoe, from two boards and three blocks - an ax or Kirk (depending on the placement of elements on the workbench). From metal and silica you will get a lighter, and from three metal blocks - an ordinary bucket. If this three add one more iron and one block and one - red dust, then you can make yourself a compass. From the same red dust and four pieces no longer metal, but gold can make hours to be able to determine the approximation of the night not only by natural factors. From three sticks and two threads you will have a fishing rod, and only two metal blocks will be required to create scissors. All items in the "minecraft" list is very difficult, because they are incredibly much, and every new update is added with each update. But, for example, recipes for creating protective equipment remain the same.

Necessary defense

List of items in Minecraft, which ensure the protection of the character, very brief. It contains only four positions - helmet, armor, pants and boots. All this can be made of leather, iron, fire or diamonds, but for each of the items it is necessary for its number of materials and their correct placement on the workbench. Kraft Items "Minecraft" very often requires the effects of fire, and defensive equipment is included in the list of such items. To create them, you will need not only the workbench, but also the oven.

Arms for the fight against opponents

It's no secret that the world of "minecraft" is full of dangers that lie on every step. Tools, actually, like fists, can serve but you should understand that they will not be too effective. To cope as quickly as possible with the enemies, you need a full weapon, which is even less in the game than armor. You can scream to yourself a sword and bow - for the first need a stick and two blocks of any of those materials that were listed to create tools, and for the second you will need three sticks and three threads. Do not forget that the bow in itself is useless, so you need to create arrows for it, which are obtained from a combination of stick, feather and silica.

Kraft blocks

Separately, it is worth considering the creation of blocks that can be used in the game to build. Also, special blocks in nature are not found. That is, you will not find a diamond or gold anywhere. To obtain such a block, you will need ingots, stones, diamonds, and so on. To create one element, you need to turn nine units of raw material. Of the ten gold bars, a gold block is obtained, one diamond and so on is from nine diamonds. You can also painlessly disassemble them into the components - from one element will be obtained nine units of raw materials, no fine is provided. The number of units of raw material may vary - so, for example, to create a sandy block, you need not nine sand units, but only four. Thanks to this, some blocks can be done in the inventory without using the workbench.

Variety of opportunities

All items that can be screaming in Mininraft, listed almost impossible. After all, there you can make a means of movement, create various advanced mechanisms that will bring you benefits. Naturally, there are food recipes that will allow you not to die from hunger. It is important to remember that in this game everything is clearly sorted. The IP objects play a huge role in the "minecraft" if you want to learn as much as possible recipes. Practice is extremely important here, because to learn how to craft useful things in this game with the skill you will definitely fail.

"Minecraft" is a world famous computer game in the genre of the sandbox, that is, here you can do anything, and you do not have any specific tasks. If you want, you can easily do hunting or fishing, you can simply travel around the world, contact with other players if you have chosen multiplayer mode. That is, no one limits you - you yourself owner. And many beginner players from such a development of events simply captures the spirit: they are lost, do not know where to go and what to do. Therefore, they should not be scattered with materials that are not so easy to get into various useless things, and consciously and with understanding to engage in construction. Naturally, in Mininraft you can do everything that only wants. You can build only one or two buildings for the whole game - this is your choice, just make sure that in this case you can survive. Nevertheless, it is recommended to do construction, as it is not only incredibly useful, but also very exciting. And also can lead to excellent results. But what can be built in minecraft?

Construction in "Maincraft"

If you decide to engage in construction, then you first need to figure it out in more detail in this process. Then you can think about what can be built in the "minecraft". But first of all you need to know how to do it. The construction process in this game is pretty simple. The whole world consists of blocks, and one of them you will need to make up your facilities. Some blocks can be minimized, others will come to search, some of them will have to be produced in the form of materials. For example, if you need a cobblestone, you will not succeed just to pick up a stone from the road. You will have to work on it picky to get the cherished materials. Well, then the process will be pretty simple: you just fold the blocks to each other, build them with rows, creating the form of a future building. Blocks have each of their characteristics, as well as various appearance, which will allow you to seriously approach this lesson. As a result, you will not notice how this process is hobbled, and you will not be able to break away from construction. And now it's time to consider what can be built in the "minecraft".

Basic construction

Of course, in the game you can build decorative sculptures of unprecedented beauty, but first of all you need to build functional buildings. And when you start the game, you can hardly think about what can be built in the "minecraft", because you will need only in the roof over your head. And it is possible to solve this problem quite quickly, because the basic house will not require the abundance of rare resources, big skill, and it takes very little time. You can build the simplest walls, make the door and windows in them, do not forget to build the floor and the roof - and the house is ready. It will look ugly and scarily, but protects you from the invasion of hostile beings at night. After all, the main function of the house is protection, and the appearance is already a secondary question. But you can think about it over time when the situation is not so critical, and you will have enough resources and free time.

Creating more cozy housing

In the "minecraft" there are no time frames, mission for speed and so on. You are not required to hurry from you somewhere, so you can do your affairs at any pace that you are comfortable. And this means that you can start building your new home immediately after the basic shelter has built. To do this, you will need brighter and colorful materials, as well as a little fantasy. If the first house was intended solely in order to spend the night in safety, the new housing will be completely different. Here you can and paint the glasses in different colors, and make a sloping roof with chimney, and create a full-fledged porch. You will even be able to separate your home from the inside so that it was pleasant to be in it. So you get the opportunity to show yourself as a designer. Naturally, the protective functions of the house should still be performed, but at the same time its beauty is a much more important aspect.

Construction of the portal

In fact, the house is the only mandatory structure that you will need in this game. Therefore, after creating and putting in order, you get up before the big choice. After all, if you like to build, then in the "minecraft" there is a huge number of designs that you still have to master. For example, you can create tools for instant movement to certain locations. If you are interested in how to build a portal in "Mininraft", which will endure a character from a particular point of the world directly to the city or to you home, then you will need a special mode Industrial Craft. Do not think that this is some kind of fan design that is not supported by most servers. In fact, this is the official mod, which is recognized absolutely everywhere. It may not be included where it is not suitable on the topics of the game, but in other cases it is perfectly expanding the already impressive possibilities of Mininraft. It is with this fashion that you can create special teleportation blocks, which can then be born with the help of wires. And if you activate one of the blocks, then immediately move to the location where the second is located. That's a simple answer to the question of how to build a portal in Maincraft. But this is not the only means of teleport, affordable in the game.

Portal to hell

Some gamers do not know that there are several worlds in Mininraft. Others are wondering how to build hell in Mininfraft. In fact, there are several worlds. But none of them cannot be built. You can only establish a connection between the two worlds through the portal, using which you are then moving from one to another. The first and basic is the aforementioned hell. The portal there can be done quite simply: you just need to find the obsidian deposits to use it to create a frame. As soon as it is posted, you will need to set fire to the lighter space in the frame, and it will delay the haze through which you have to go. It was then that you will get straight into hell, where many useful and even indispensable resources are located, and there are also new mobs that are really worth destroying to extract various unique things and rare resources.

Portal to paradise

Just as with hell, many gamers are trying to learn how to build a paradise in Mininfest. Again, it is an incorrect wording. Since the construction of a whole world player is not possible. It is generated by itself, as well as the main world, and hell, and all others. From you again, only one is required - to establish a connection between them. And again there is nothing particularly difficult: just this time you need to find a more rare stone, which is called moon. No matter how strange it sounded, but to open the portal to paradise, you need to get resources from hell. As soon as you have enough resources to create a frame for the portal, use the water bucket instead of a lighter to form a paddle. Pass through it and begin the study of a new fascinating world.

How to build a village (city)?

Many players mistakenly believe that in the Mininraft in a single game there are no more human beings except themselves. In fact, there are cities that are called so in Russian translation, although it is more correct to say "villages", since in English these settlements are called Village. And there you can always find villagers who will eventually form their attitude towards you. The better it is, the more profitable you can trade with them. Conversely: the worse, the more unfavorable the situation is for you. Trade will be not as profitable, and with a completely negative indicator, the defender of the village of the village can start the hunt for you. Settlement can be found, but you can create. How to build it is quite simple. You need as many special seeds as possible. If you want to learn how to build a village in "Mininraft", you will need to plant these seeds, of which they will grow by the very rural residents. What they are more, the more the final result will be. But these are just residents. And how to build the whole secret in the fact you do not need to build it, the inhabitants themselves will take. Leave them overnight, and in the morning you will see that a new village appeared in the world, which is very profitable for you.

Creating traps

Now you know how to build a city in Maincraft. But this is not enough - you need to protect him from ill-wishers. Moreover, you will have to guard your home, as well as many other points important for you. But it is impossible to clone yourself, so it will not be immediately in several places. Here you have to learn how to build a trap in the "minecraft". In fact, everything is not very difficult. You will need only the mechanism, red dust for the wire and the switch of any type. And, of course, connected fantasy. Create and install the mechanism that will shoot, explode, turn on the alarm and so on. Then make the switch that activates the trap mechanism. It can be a push plate, lever, button, stretching. The final step in solving the problem "How to build a trap in the" minecraft "" - the connection of the two elements between the red dust. Now that someone activates the switch, the mechanism will work, and the unfriendly will not appear.

Construction farm

Impregnation and some resources can be produced by our own in nature. Hunting in "Maincraft" is very widespread. But there is an alternative that will delight many - farming. "How to build a farm in" minecraft "?" - The question that interests many lovers. But at the same time it is impossible to say that there is a universal answer. There are only some recommendations for the placement of certain objects on specific farms. You can grow grain, vegetables and fruits, as well as various animals. All this will provide you with intake primarily, and also additional resources. For example, you can construct wool with sheep.

Organization of own castle

Naturally, everyone wants to learn how to build a castle in Minecraft. If at home, farms, traps and other structures seem rather landed, then the lock is something fabulous, sublime. Of course, it is necessary to take for such a massive construction only if you are fully aware that this project will take you incredibly much time and will require an unprecedented number of various resources. But the result is really worth it, so everyone has to learn how to build a castle in Maincraft.

Protective tower

If you have a castle, there must be a defensive tower, it is desirable not alone. How to build a tower in "minecraft"? The principle remains the same, only now you will need even more agility, since it will be necessary to create a high, vertical, narrow structure, which is not very simple. But from the top point you will have a great review and the opportunity to shoot on the enemy. In Luke with endless charges, such a solution is just perfect, and several towers come in handy if you have a mod on friendly non-characters that can be done by sentos.

Other defensive facilities

Naturally, for the defense of the castle, at home and other designs you may need not only the tower. First of all, you need to build a wall. And it is worth remembering that no creature can climb through the wall height in two blocks, but you will not be able to do this, so do not forget about the gate.

Decorative structures

If you are new to and look for a guide on how to create things in Minecraft, you hit the address. So, proceed to the basics of craft.

What do you need kraft

The manufacture of things in the game "Minecraft" is one of the most important occupations, since with the help of Kraft (and in our way - the manufacture of items) are created not only weapons, armor, household items and new materials, but also necessary to produce resources tools. Moreover, tools need to be needed almost as much as the resources themselves exist. Of course, you can use the same tool for producing most of them. However, this approach takes too much time and does not allow you to get a maximum pleasure from the gameplay. In addition, the tool itself comes in disrepair with such an appeal, and some other types of resources, for example, obsidian, can be obtained only by a special instrument of labor.

Basics of manufacturing items in minecraft

All items are made by combining several source materials in a special game menu. Initially, the menu is a square of the cells, the dimensions of which 2x2. It offers basic items and materials (for example, boards, sticks). However, to get more complex things and tools you will need a workbench. The workbench will make it to be manufactured (craft) objects that consist more than four identical or different elements, as the workbench is a square 3x3. The workbench itself is cracked in a square 2x2 by connecting four board units.

For items there are special recipes. They contain not only the necessary ingredients and their number, but also the procedure for placing the ingredients in squares. For example, to obtain scissors, you need to combine two silver ingots. It is necessary to arrange them one over the other diagonally (right or left - no difference). Scissors, in turn, will allow wool sheep. Wool is obtained by compassing with sheep. Sheep can be tamed. On how to do this, you can learn from the article "". Currently, there are 174 recipe for various items in the Minecraft game. Of course, it is rather difficult to describe them, moreover, it will be necessary to create additional equipment to get some resources. In addition, the disclosure of all secrets will deprive the game of a large share of creativity. Therefore, we will conduct recipes of the most necessary items.

Recipes for creating objects

How to make a workbench, it was written above. We will not stop on it. However, the boards mentioned there.

  • Boards are created from blocks of any wood. One block - four boards (also in blocks). Just put the block into a square for crafting and that's it.
  • Of the two blocks of boards, four blocks of sticks are obtained (needed for tools, parts of weapons, mechanisms, torches and other things).
  • The ax and Kirk are obtained from three blocks of any resource and two sticks.
  • The shovel and the hob can be obtained exactly as well, but not two, but three blocks.

Important! The location of the materials in the manufacture of the tool should remind the outlines of the item itself. For example, if it is a kirk, then three blocks are put in the top row of the square and two sticks are set from the middle block down. Bucket and other vessels are obtained if you put three blocks of materials in the form of a triangle.

Important subjects, although not essentials, are the map and compass. They will be very useful for traveling to the game world and. The map will turn out when you surround a compass paper. Well, the compass will give red dust (Radstone) surrounded by four iron ingots. More clearly about Kraft can be found from a small video:

Experiment - Get a lot of other items. Successful crafting to you.