How to make a beautiful title page in Word. Registration of the title list of abstract: what you need to know

How to make a beautiful title page in Word. Registration of the title list of abstract: what you need to know
How to make a beautiful title page in Word. Registration of the title list of abstract: what you need to know

Title course paper sheet Contains information about your educational institution and faculty, includes the name of the work and surname of the artist and the teacher, as well as the city and year of writing. In this lesson, we will consider in detail registration of the title leaf.

In the uppermost part of the title list, information about the educational institution is placed. As a general rule, the "Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation" is written, and the name of the educational institution, its branch and the name of the department or the faculty, is being introduced by the Lesters below.

It is necessary that the text is aligned on the center. To do this, on the ribbon tasks in the tab "The main" in the task group "Paragraph" Select text alignment. It should be pre-highlight a part of the text to which you are going to apply alignment. Alignment methods are depicted in the form of pictograms: "On the left edge", "centered", "on the right edge" and "Width". Select Alignment Type "CENTER".

Now press the key several times. Input Either delete the pointer yourself at about the middle of the sheet. Here you must enter the name of your course work. For the name, as a rule, choose a larger font. To change the size of the font, simply select it from the drop-down list in the functions group. "Font" On the Test Task tab "The main". Below, already ordinary font, enter the text "Course work".

The next block, which we will fill - this is a block with the names of the author and the teacher. This unit must be located on the right. To comply with this rule, select Alignment on the right edge and enter alternately: "Completed: Surname and Initials," "Group name and course" and "Family and the position of the supervisor or a teacher."

The last block on the title page is a block with the name of the settlement where the educational institution is located and the year of passing this work. This unit is again located on the center in the last line on the page. Select the type of alignment and enter the name of the settlement and the year of execution.

That's all! We finished the design of the title page, and now we can move to the content of the work.

Chapter 1. New Word 2010 interface
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2. Task tape in Word 2010 1:53 1 3691
3. File tab in Word 2010 1:26 0 5076
4. Quick Access Panel and Status String 2:07 0 5518
5. Changing the topic of registration in Word 2010 0:50 1 6018
Chapter 2. Currency Design
6. Setting up fields and indents on the Word 2010 page 1:13 1 27460
7. Title page 2:18 1 51560
8. How to change the font and interval in Word 2010 1:54 0 14932
9. Using Styles in Word 2010 1:27 1 7913
10. How to add illustration and signature to her in Word 2010 1:39 0 6598
11. How to add a table in Word 2010 1:59 0 8462
12. Drawing up titles in Word 2010 1:31 0 11052
13. Navigation area in Word 2010 2:08 0 9418

There are many information about writing course. In this article, let's focus in detail on the design of the title page.

What is a title list

The title leaf of the course project is the first page of the work that precesses its content. Title sheets according to GOST 7.32-2001 "Report on research work. The structure and rules of registration "and GOST 2.105-95" Unified system of design documentation ". This standard is valid in the Russian Federation from July 1, 1996, he also adopted in Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

GOST does not regulate the type of font, but to set the title-sheet text, it is customary to use Times New Roman with the size of the symbols (kegle) 14 PT.. In this case, you can use both lowercase and capital (uppercase) letters.

The words "Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation" (or any other country), the name of the educational institution and the topic of work, we collect capital letters, the rest of the information - line. However, the requirements for the design of title sheets may vary depending on the university, so you need to be attentive.

For example, there is a sample of the design of a title list of practical work, where there are no words "the Ministry of Education and Science ...".

Registration of title sheets in practical work 2016

An indication of certain words depends not as much from the guests, but from the requirements of individual institutions of formations. So certainly familiarize yourself with the methods before we take for the design of the title list of practical work or any other project.

The examples of the design of the title sheets of other years approached in this article and for the requirements of the design in 2019!

Rules for registration of title sheets according to GOST

Despite these differences, there are certain rules for the design of title sheets, uniforms for all educational institutions. Any tituer's project project must contain the following information:

  • full name educational institutions;
  • title of the department;
  • name of educational discipline;
  • topic work;
  • FULL NAME. the author of the work;
  • course number or class;
  • type of form of training (day, correspondence, evening);
  • group sequence number;
  • FULL NAME. teacher indicating his post;
  • locality;
  • year of writing work.

It is also necessary to take into account that at least from the title leaf and the numbering of pages of work, the sequence number on it does not need to be put on it.

Procedure for the design of the title list

The design process looks like this:

  1. We recruit the name of the university at the top of the page with capital letters at the top of the page. We highlight bold fonts, we make alignment in the center (remind, the font Times New Roman, the interval is single).
  2. We indicate the type of student work (term, diploma, control, abstract, etc.).
  3. Write the topic of work.
  4. Next, we specify the author and the teacher (as a rule, using the words "performed" and "checked").
  5. At the bottom, we prescribe the city in which the educational institution is located, and the current year.
  6. I exhibit the size of the fields of the title leaf (the size of the title leaf fields: the left is 30 mm, the right - 10 mm, upper and lower - 20 mm).

By the way! It does not matter if you need to make only a title sheet for college practical works or write a whole diploma for the university from scratch. For our readers now there is a 10% discount on

As a result, something like this is such a titular:

Sample 1 Samples of title sheets can differ significantly depending on the methodological recommendations compiled in different universities. However, if you place your title page on the above sample, no one should fall asleep to you, because It will be a design strictly by GOST.

Title leaf of thesis

Here is an example of a title leaf of thesis:

It remains to add only one. If you do not want to mess around with the "tituer" yourself, download the template of the title leaf of thesis, in which all the basic rules of registration are already taken into account.

Title course paper sheet

Below, we simply give an example of how the coursework sheet may look like.

Sample 3.

Can Download the template of the title leaf of the course work and only to enter his personal data into it.

Good day, dear reader! Many students, especially at first-year students, have many questions related to the design of their study works. Sometimes it happens that the teacher gives his students a task to write, say, abstract, on a certain topic. At the same time, he usually talks about how this work should be issued.

However, it often happens that explanations of the teacher concerned about the design of the work or are unclear or incomplete. Therefore, often at first-year students you can hear, for example, such a question: " How to make a title list of abstract?"We decided that students would be useful to know how the title list of the abstract is made correctly, therefore this article was written.

Regulations of the title list of the abstract on the example

What represents title list of abstract? This is a regular A4 sheet. For a better understanding of its structure, it is concerned about 4 blocks:

1) top (where the name of your educational institution is contained);

2) the central (which contains the name of the type of work and its name);

3) Right (where obligatory details are contained: the author's name (student or group of students) and the supervisor, course, assessment for work and place for signatures of the student and teacher);

4) lower (where the city name contains where you are trained and the year of writing work)

For clarity, we give 4 pictures, where all these elements are shown in the example:

As for the alignment and allocation of fatty individual sections of the text title list of abstract, This formatting is regulated by the relevant GOST. However, not so simple here.

In addition to guests, which are developed by the state, the university is entitled to modify some points, in particular those that concern the design of title works of students. However, all the humor is that at each faculty and even for each department, other relevant regulations or other regulatory documents can be taken, which can also affect the appearance of the title list of abstract, course work, etc.

Therefore, to say something defined in terms of the design of the title leaf is difficult. Moreover, our state does not stand still and constantly finalizing its regulatory documents, incl. and GOST.

Therefore, our advice to you - always take a sample of the title page on your department - and you will be happy! And best of all - directly from the teacher who gives you a task to write a abstract. So it will be even more correct and more reliable, because Some teachers are often neglecting modern standards and work "on the old proven scheme."

If you have disagreements with the teacher about the standards for the design of the title page or other parts of the abstract, then it is better not to argue, but take all the requirements of your teacher. Why do you need unnecessary problems and difficulties? It is better to spend your time on writing work, and not to clarify relationships.

However, we will return directly to the title leaf of the abstract. Still, even though standards are constantly changing, and these changes are not the end and edges, however, we decided to give the basic requirements that act almost everywhere. Repeat again, always specify the requirements for registration of the title list of abstract On your department or at the teacher!

Regulations of the title list of abstract

1. Upper block. As of January 29, 2012 (the date of writing this article), all student scientific work should be written in all universities (abstract, term paper, a course project, etc.) This way:

As can be seen from the picture, all the text should be diallated by Times New Roman 14 Kehal (size), as well as the text you need to highlight with bold font (Ctrl + B), alignment in the center (Ctrl + E), the line interval is 1. As for the size and type of font, then these rules apply to the entire title list of the abstract.

In addition, almost all the text need to be written in large letters, with the exception of the phrase "Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation" and the city where you are trained. In theory, the phrase "Ministry ..." need to be written in large letters, but this does not allow the field of the title list of the abstract.

By the way about the fields. They must be as follows: upper and lower - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm. These requirements are naturally applied on all operations. However, this is just an example. In your university, the department has probably made different from these requirements on the size of the fields. From experience, let's say that the fields are the most frequently changing standard in all universities.

2. Central block.It consists of several elements. We will analyze them in more detail.

But first should be said about the positioning of this block on the title page. It is positioned as follows: from the lower edge of the upper block (where the city is written), you retreat down to the distance of the two clicks of the Enter key. This is the optimal distance in terms of the appearance of the title leaf.

Then you write the name of your faculty and departments. In our case, the name is written only the departments, which is also allowed, but it is best to write the names completely, as it should be. By the way, the name of the faculty is often written at the very top of the title leaf. Here again - specify the information from your teachers.

After you write the name of the department, retreating the distance of the two clicks of the Enter key. Write the phrase with large letters: abstract. This word is the most important thing in the title page, so it is allowed to write it and 16 keglem for greater release from the total weight of the text.

Then, retreat down to one press of Enter, write the key phrase: By discipline: (the name of the discipline). Return down to one press Enter down and write another keyword: Subject: (Name of the topic of your abstract). We finished with this block, go to the next.

3. Right block.

Return from the central block distance equal to pressing the Enter key and write the text as shown in the figure. At the same time, again, discrepancies among the standards: somewhere align this block along the right edge, somewhere - on the left.

Just understand correctly: Alignment on the left edge is aligned in the frame of the Red Frame in the figure, and not within the size of the entire title list of the abstract. And then some students, having heard the phrase "Alignment on the left edge", make this the most alignment from the left side of the page. However, this should not do - this is a mistake! In addition, it looks somehow ugly.

Some have a question: how can the rated counts be made to evaluate, date, etc.? The easiest way is to make several indents with spaces, and then highlight your indents and apply the lower downhill to them (Ctrl + U).

4. Lower block.

From the right block, 7-8 indents should be made by the Enter key. Then apply alignment in the center (Ctrl + E) and write: from above - the name of the city, where you traine, from below - the year of writing the abstract.

Download title list of abstract

However, everything that was described above - was made only so that you at least once in my life run in detail through the main points of the title list of the essay. In real life, no one ever remembers these rules. All students simply take a Word file with a sample of a title leaf and insert it into their work, customizing it, according to the topic of your task.

Therefore, we specifically prepared a sample of the title list of the essay in format.Do to simplify your life.

Conclusion: In this article we disassembled the structure of the title list of the essay. We specifically divided the entire tituer into 4 parts (block): upper, central, right and lower. Each blocks we described as much as necessary for the student. At the end of the article, we gave you a link to download the sample of the title list of the essay in format.doc

Now you know, how to make a title list of abstract.

Any text document begins with the cover. The MS Word editor from the MS Office package offers a whole set of already ready-made "titleists", in which you will only have to fill the necessary fields. However, what to do if you want to create your own title page, and even make it always ready to use, adding to the standard standard? We will talk about it today.

In the "Insert" panel in the page "Pages", click the "Title Page" link. By pressing the window opens with the proposed options for ready-made, pre-installed title-sheet templates. Select the resulting and click on it with the left mouse button.

Insert the title page in Word

If you right-click on the sheet, the optional menu will open. Although the title page must be the first page of the document, the MS Word editor allows you to insert it anywhere, which allows, for example, to break a large document on chapters and sections, each of which has its own cover.

If not one of the proposed standard options is not suitable, you can create your own. Make it is not at all difficult - to begin with, simply create an empty Word document (Ctrl + N) and decide on its background or drawing. If you decide to leave the white background, follow the next if you decide to add a little color, then simply add autofiguroes and fill them with color. In this example, I poured the entire surface of the sheet with a smooth dark blue.

The title page is not bad to provide text blocks - to have a ready-made frame that you will need to just fill after insertion. You can do this with the help of "express blocks" that can be found in the "Insert" panel in the Text group. Here, in the drop-down list you will find ready-made items for any occasion - you just need to insert them into the document and place, as the soul wishes. Elements date, topic, abstract, I believe - the required minimum.

Pay attention - the color, size and font of the elements can be changed like a regular text. Especially do not forget about the color - dark letters by default, for example, on my dark background MSKB would not be visible.

Create your own title page in Word

Once work on creating a title sheet is completed, you will only remain to save it in the list of existing. Highlight all the elements of the page and again passing along the path to insert the title page, select the latest item "Save the selected fragment to a collection of title pages".

Keep a new title page in the templates collection

In the window that opens, enter the name of your title template, and describe, if necessary. Click "OK"

Tasks at school are different. Some serve to better assimize the material studied, others are intended to ensure that the teacher can understand how well the student owns the topic has passed. Such tasks include control, abstracts and exams. Control and examination works are usually not required in writing prepared material, for this purpose, essays are intended. The word "abstract" in Latin means "I inform or report", and in fact, this is a creative task of a student in which you need to study and the value of a given topic. This work should be treated with seriousness, since the improper design of the text and the main page may affect the future mark, even despite the meaningful information. Therefore, in this article we will look at how to create the essay itself and its title page.

How to make a title list of abstract

Before you start working on a title page, you must accurately see the title of the topic, since the inaccuracy in writing a header can affect the evaluation obtained. If you make an essay in the text program (for example, Word), the title page must be filled with Times New Roman font. The size of the title of work must be within 28-36. A4 format, indenting the page - 2 cm on top and bottom, on sides - 1 cm. The order of registration occurs as follows:

  1. Name of work (in our case - abstract) is written in the middle of the title page. The main name of the topic is indicated by the line below, the second title or subtitle is written under it (if any)
  2. At the very top of the title page, the name of your educational institution is written.
  3. At the right side below the topic, you must specify your last name, name, patronymic, class, in some cases it is necessary to write data about the teacher (name, which item teaches, which category is assigned to the teacher)
  4. At the bottom of the title page, the city is written in the center of the title page, in which the work was created and the year of its writing

By the way, it will not be superfluous before writing an abstract to ask the teacher if the edges of the page can be arranged in a beautiful subtle frame, which will give completeness and more aesthetic look of your work. Also find out whether it is possible to insert a descriptive picture under the title.

What to do with handwritten abstracts?

Handwritten abstracts should be issued according to the same rules as printed options. The exception is the writing of the word "abstract". In educational institutions require this word to be written through the stencil of medium font, black or blue ink.

If the abstract on the creative theme is set, then the title sheets of these works can be made in an unusual style, on any background. You can add pictures, but only on the topic. You should not fill in illustrations to work only to increase the amount of pages. The remaining requirements remain the same as in the usual reports.

When complying with these requirements, the probability of higher evaluation is guaranteed. Do not be afraid before starting work to ask your teacher, which is possible and what can not be allowed when drawing up your report. It will be great if the pages of your abstract will be invested in transparent files and are listed in the folder. We hope that our recommendations will help you quickly and qualitatively cope with the task, and the result of your work will be the highest ball!