How to draw coal and what is needed for this? How to draw coal? Master class for beginner drawings with wood coal.

How to draw coal and what is needed for this? How to draw coal? Master class for beginner drawings with wood coal.

Charcoal is one of the most basic drawing tools. Like a pencil, he has his own set of advantages and disadvantages. To get the most out of the material from the material, you can learn about several basic hardware drawing techniques for beginners to start drawing a sketch with confidence.

As a rule, charcoal is excellent for sketches. It comes with a variety of degrees of hardness that allow you to quickly move your hand on paper, easy to mix and transfer small parts when necessary.

Common coal drawing techniques and tools

First, you need several types of coal. Charcoal has two different forms: wood and pressed. It is important to know the difference between them.

Left to right: Charcoal, extruded black coal and extruded white coal


Charcoal is a soft wand, very bright. It does not weigh anything and easily moves through paper. Due to the fact that it is light, you will not get a dark black color. Instead, you want to use charcoal for drawing and mixing.

Pressed coal

Pressed charcoal looks more like a pencil - in fact it is often done in the form of a pencil! Here coal is packaged very tight. It is difficult to mix and difficult to wash. Compressed charcoal is best suited for thin parts and when you need a bold shadow.
You can also find white pressed coal, which is well suited for highlights and accents.

Klyachka - Eraser for coal

This eraser is very much reminded of plasticine - you can form it with your fingers and use it in reductive drawings. To clean the eraser, just remember it in your hands. You will feel like a child again!

5 Wood coal that you need to know

Having charcoal, extruded coal and klyachka in their arsenal, you can start trying three simple method of drawing with charcoal. Then you can combine them into more interesting compositions. Experiment on rough paper.

Mixing charcoal

Charcoal is perfect as the basis for your drawing; You can cover your composition with charcoal and rub it into the paper with your fingers. Then you can apply more wood coal from above or rub it again.

Drawing with extruded coal lines

Pressed coal is best to leave for thin lines, complex parts and achievements of bold black. Since charcoal is very dense, it does not move as easily as charcoal. Although you can sketch the drawing and them, but pressed coal is not ideal for fast drawings, where your hand should move with lightning speed. Rather, it is best suited for work, where you draw the line, especially since the pressed coal is difficult to erase.

Drawing a klyachka

Have you ever tried to draw a pen for drawing perfectly fit! First create a base layer of wood coal, then use a cun to remove part of the coal by creating an image with contrasting lines.
This tool will not delete the lines as clean as an ordinary eraser, but it can pick up extra coal. I like to insert it into the tip and use as an erasing pencil.

Faucets with extruded and charcoal

Start drawing with charcoal as your database. Distribute it with your finger. Then draw more accurate parts with extruded coal. For a special accent, use white pressed coal.

Combining all methods in one composition

Here coal shows all its capabilities. When you combine the woody, extruded coal and a klyachka for drawing, you better feel your picture. You can achieve this in several ways, but start with blending charcoal on your paper. Then, using a whatch, draw an image by removing the coal layer. Finish the compressed coal composition by adding thin details and glare.

Whatever the reasons for the popularity of this fund (and there are many), there are certain equipment drawing techniques used by many artists every day. In this article, I will go through the most important aspects and show small tricks to help you. Look at the video below, and then follow the success.

You can use any kind of coal for these techniques. Just contact your local creativity store, and they will help you (see paragraph 09 about different types of coal). If this article will inspire you to study the topic yourself, why don't you go to the website, where you will find various courses, master classes, etc. It is just a wonderful way to learn a new one with professionals.

1. Make the main main

The main thing is to maintain the main thing. Speaking as an artist, the main thing is called the essence. It is also important when painting with coal, as in any other technique. What your drawing is about, and what you want to say - the main thing when it is created. As soon as you stop at the "main idea" or the essence, all that you do from now on, every movement and every detail you invest or decide to remove, should act on strengthening this aspect.

2. Certify the value of contrast

The word contrast is used everywhere in art, and it seems a little confuses. The contrast is a simple transition from white to black (from light to dark) on a scale from 1 to 10. 1 is a white sheet color, and 10 - black. Thus, 5 is 50% or "halftone", gray, something mean between white and black. Any drawing consists of contrasts (shadow and light), regardless of color.

To help you with this, I advise you to work from the middle to the edge. Keep your darker color dark (shadow), not darker than 6 or 7 on the contrast scale; And the brightest (light and everything in the light) - 3 or 4. Move towards the dark (accents) and light (glare).

Imagine that accents and glare are twins living in different areas. They are not the most important element of your drawing. But they are important in general.

3. Use the contrast hierarchy

There is no doubt that a successful drawing is read quickly and affects emotionally. The use of contrast or tone, the allocation of various patterns of the carbon pattern can be very useful when drawing.

In the picture from above, based on the photos of Josayia Bais, dark contrasts are used. Note the light on his cheek and shadow on the rest of the body.

The use of the contrast hierarchies allows the viewer to see what he needs first. In this picture, Steve smokes his tube. Everything else becomes less important. He is the essence of the drawing.

4. Sookinate

Sometimes one hundred percent eyesight helps. When we see that we draw, through our eyes there is a large amount of information. And from this picture is filled with many extraneous parts, worsening the effect of the image. The goal is to edit and simplify.

Square blurs the overall picture, and we see a simplified version of the picture as a whole, clearly noticing all simple forms. Playing these simple forms helps when creating the essence of the entire drawing.

5. Explore thick and thin lines

The use of thick and thin lines is an interesting idea, and it's funny that many artists do not use this useful technique in their work. If each line has the same width, and it is drawn with the same press, the drawing drawn by coal looks like an ordinary coloring, which makes it boring. The use of thin and thick lines revives the image.

And how will you apply this technique, and what do you need to know? The main rule is the upper lines of objects thinner, because the light falls on them, and the lower lines may be thicker due to the shadows. It's all. And it is very simple. Look at smooth lines and their thickness in the drawing of the dog from above. Now you know.

6. Use Eraser

The most interesting thing in the corner is that it can be easily controlled. You can easily move it. As soon as you draw something coal, you can remove it or erase where it is not needed. In the figure above, the erased part shows the place where the light falls on the head of the model.

7. Purchase tools

Usually artists have a whole set of tools, and tools for creating drawings with coal look cool. The above figure shows some of them: a very small eraser, erasing a thin line; Eraser-Klyachka, which can be crushed and crushed; and hardcore eraser handle for hard, heavy work on the erasure.

The use of coal or pastels requires them to apply them, and there are many ways to achieve this goal. The most obvious is your finger, but he can leave strips or be too small. Wipe Webril napkins are a great option when working with coal.

8. Put on the glove

Did you know that oils and fats on our hands can ruin the cleanliness of the paper? Oils can absorb paper and push the coal. To solve this problem, use the glove or put another sheet of paper under the arm to protect your work.

9. Try carbon pencils

Coal can be different types, from pencils and sticks to large pieces. The choice is yours. The photo above shows three examples of coal pencils. Know that they can create dirt, so after their use it is worth spraying your carbon pattern with a retainer for reliability.

10. Continue to improve

Remember that drawing is difficult and sometimes can be tired. Dont be upset. Art is extremely difficult, and it may take time to feel happy in this.

Training and development are always together. Find contact with the artists you admire. Be modest and ask for advice on your work. Ask about your weaknesses, how you start and on what to focus. Ask to be honest. These are good questions.

We all have moments when we feel unhappy. Even now I feel doubts, and sometimes inspiration overwhelms me. So keep your business, straighten your wings and catch the wind.

Coal. With high probability it can be assumed that the very first in the history of the person graphic material was a simple corner of the fire. They were painted at all times and surprisingly that even now he did not lose his relevance and love of artists.

Coal is a very beautiful material with large graphic features. It gives a large tone range, beautiful velvety and a variety of texture. They are drawn on paper, cardboard and canvas, combining with any other soft materials (sepia, sanguine and chalk), but more often used as a self-sufficient agent.

It is great for sketches and allows you to create dynamic live drawings. The material is beautifully rubbed, quickly adjusted, easily erased with rubber band and self-sharpening in the process of drawing. They can apply fine touches and create wide "strokes", drawing a plane. The technique of coal drawing even gave rise to such a strange term as a "picturesque drawing."

And all the coal is good, except for one - it is very fragile on the surface. This is the bulk graphic material. That is why coal works are very easy to smear and it is impossible to store in loosen.

Its softness has the pros. You can not be afraid to make a mistake - the material is easily knocked down from the surface of a cloth or a bristle brush and so the drawing can be adjusted many times, achieving the best result. It is why it is often used to apply a pattern on canvas before painting.

Zhaoming Wu. Carbon portrait. I.E.Pepin. Portrait of Eleanor Duza. Calval coal. Zhaoming Wu. Carbon portrait. Training. Coal. Chinese school. Coal. I.S. Kulikov. Portrait of a peasantry. Coal, pastel.

In the 15th century, in Italy, an interesting way of fixing coal was distributed, when the picture was applied to the melted glue surface, and after completion, it was kept over the ferry, and thus fixed coal.

It must be said that people invented many different ways of fixing - lowered the glue solution, treated with rosin dissolved in gasoline, sprayed from a spray with a pulverizer with a removed milk, splashed with beer, but none of them turned out perfect.

Nowadays, coal is fixed as well as other soft graphic materials - a special fixative or hair lacquer.

There are two types of coal - natural and pressed. Natural is distinguished by the wrong shape and different thickness, always has a core, as it is made of real wood sticks. Such sticks are tremendous, and sometimes among them are unevenly rooted copies. Such twigs pale paint and scratch paper.

If you live in a private house and you have a furnace, charcoal can be easily done yourself. When I was small, my father prepared her own coal for painting. To do this, he took a wand cleaned from the bark or birch label with a diameter of 3-6 mm, vertically pack them into a vertical tin can. Then I hose the holes between the rods of sand and very tightly closed the jar so that oxygen does not penetrate it. For greater confidence in the tightness of the seam cover, clay can be lured. After it, it was necessary to put in chimel coals for 5-6 hours and wait a few more hours until the bank cools. As a result, cool art coal was obtained.

I.E.Pepin. Portrait of Romanova. Coal Zhaoming Wu. Carbon portrait. N.I.Feshin. Sketch.. Zhaoming Wu. Carbon portrait. N.I.Feshin. Sketch.. I.E.Pepin. Portrait of M.O.levvenfeld. Coal, Sangin. N.I.Feshin. Male from Bali Island. Coal. Casey Childs. Coal. I.E. Repin. Portrait of I.Sostroyova. Coal.

The pressed rod was invented in the 19th century. It is made of coal crumb, bonding vegetable glue. In contrast to wood, it has the right form, uniform structure and gives a deeper tone and produced from one to four hardness numbers. In addition, it is better kept on the surface, although still requires fixation.

Such coal can be purchased in the form of wooden pencils. The coal pencil in practice turns out to be very convenient - it is convenient to draw small details. In Russia, such a pencil is produced under the name "Retouch" softness 3M (production of Krasin). Recently, the quality of "reties" leaves much to be desired. I bought it quite recently and was very disappointed - draws pale and besides, it constantly discovers as part of scratching clay lumps. It is a pity, because more than 15 years ago he was excellent.

The predecessor of the extruded coal in the 19th century was fatty coal - this is the usual wood, but additionally impregnated with vegetable oil. I have not tried to draw in such a material, they say that it gives a darker line and squeezed slightly less than simple woody.

Now you can find any coal, classic woody, in the form of pressed bars, rods and pencils in a wooden frame. To work with coal, taking into account his ramp, it makes sense to use paper or cardboard with a rough surface.

Coal pencils.

Paper chopsticks for roasting coal.

Coal pencils

A set of all types of coal.

A set of all types of coal.

A set of all types of coal.

Summing up, I note that I do not see much sense to draw wood coal when there is a pressed. At one time, I was very imperative with the brightness of my coal drawings, and most of them had to be thrown out due to poor safety. Therefore, when pressed coal appeared on sale, for me it was happiness and salvation.

But you should try to work and to others to make your own opinion.

There is another wonderful pencil, like coal, but the other in the composition is an Italian pencil. But about him in the next article.

It is known when a person first applied coal material for drawing. But coal, taken out of the extinct fire, became one of the first artistic materials. The technique has a centuries-old history, but does not lose the relevance and in modern artists.

Drawing coal - often the first thing to teach in an art school or courses. The first coal sketches are remembered for a long time. You will understand the tinting technique, the general principles of drawing and sketch. When working with this soft material, the student is not distracted by the secondary parts, but perceive the pattern as a whole.

History of technology

The first mention of the technique appeared in the XV century. At the same time they learned to fix the material on the sheet. At that time, artists used charcoal. The pressed form was invented in the XIX century. Already then noticed that he was more black and greasy. So, more tightly falls on paper.

From now on, many outstanding artists have grown coal to use it for future sketches. Although the technique of fragmentary, the masters learned how to create chic works of art.

Types of coal

  • wood - grape or dormant coal of different diameters and size;
  • pressed - artificial material made from powder.

Floral glue is added to the extruded corner, which helps him stay longer on paper.

What instruments need

Corner + paper. Do you need something in addition to this? Yes. More tools and materials are needed so that the coal does not crumble. So, will last at times longer. Our teachers teach working with such materials.

What can come in handy:

  • rough paper or special paper. The smooth surface will not fit - the coal crumb will crumble;
  • removal tools - ordinary eraser or cloth;
  • locks - special means fixing the material on the surface of the paper under a thin film layer.

What are the techniques

In the first lessons, you master the pencil drawing, and only then proceed to work with coal. Although the coal graph is mastered faster, it requires a certain skill. Different degree of pressure, drawing individual parts or decisive - all this requires skills and clear actions.

Here are the main techniques:

  • rubbing - distributed over paper with a finger or other devices;
  • cross hatching - drawing in various directions;
  • soft decisive - color distribution without the help of fingers or torch.
  • Details about the techniques will tell teachers of our courses. Tell me, will show, teach!

How to draw

Why is it important to make a sketch? Why compose still life? How can I use bread crumbs when drawing? It is unlikely that even an adult man will figure out such matters on their own. Why, if there are specialists?

To decide whether you need drawing courses for beginners, it is important to know the process at least about:

  1. Before drawing a picture, the artist usually makes a sketch and compounds it. It is necessary to understand the proportions of the subject, its location on the sheet.
  2. After the sketch is ready, the general outlines are transferred to paper. First - the outlines, then the painting of dark parts, and after - the application of light pastel tones.
  3. When the outlines are clearly visible, the artist draws separate details, objects, sites, background.
  4. In the end it is important to consolidate the drawing with a varnish or another lock, otherwise it can crumble.

Coal is the oldest belonging for drawing, which has not lost popularity to this day. Coal pencils and rods are easily drawn, besides, paintings made by them are distinguished by expressiveness and immediacy.

Working with coal is the first thing to teach novice artists in many drawing courses and painting. Students are immediately asked to take coal and make a sketch of large, clearly defined items. Such work makes it possible to better understand the principle of drawing, as well as to study the methods of toning. These skills are extremely important to master before switching to color images. In addition, working coal, artists learn to perceive the drawing as a whole, without being distracted by secondary details.

Artistic coal makes from burnt birch and yav branches or from a magnificent vine. It is sold in the form of rods and pencils. The coal from the grape vines draws a brownish-black color, and from IV and birch branches (common in the UK) - bluish-black.

Coal is one of the most ancient art materials; It is produced in the process of burning branches and branches of willow, grape vines and other plants at high temperatures in hermetically closed containers. This is the process of carbonization, or coking, wood, in which the structure of each branch or wand remains unchanged; They become suitable drawing tools. Cennino Cennini described this technique in the XV century: IV's rods were binding to bundles, tightly closed in clay pots, then placed in the furnace of the nearest bakery - there they left them for the night to full charring (acquisition of very black tone). He indicated the importance of the time factor: as a result of excessive firing, the finished coal during use will be split into pieces. Two centuries later, Volpano described how the pieces of wood were stuffed into the iron container of the tubular shape, which was then covered with hot ashes, it was hot and plunged into the water for cooling.

In the early descriptions it was understood that the coal was used as a means of creating a hand drawn image for frescoes or painting on the boards. Nowadays, despite the fact that the coal is being converted as a material for drawing before the painting process, it is rightfully an independent, independent and very expressive means.

Renaissance artists discovered the useful quality of coal - for example, they could easily adjust and modify the image at the drawing stage.

Production process and equipment

Nowadays, IVA (used in the production of high-quality artistic coal) is grown on cultivated plantations and is removed annually during the winter months. The most typical view is SALIX TRIANDRA - is the basis of standard coal sticks (pencils) for drawing. Yves rod grows over the summer in vivo two-meter long and gives dense rods of small, medium and large diameter. Another type of Iva Osier (S. vimlnalis) is collected every two years and provides raw materials for rods of even larger diameter - such a rod is used in the works of very large sizes.

After sorting cut-off scyed rods, they bind to bundles and are boiled in water for nine hours (for softening the crust). Then the material is triggered by rotation in special machines and dried outdoors. The dried rods are then tied up in bundles, saw on the blanks of standard length and are packaged in iron boxes for firing.

Boxes are filled with sand on the vibrationande, to prevent air access during firing in the furnace - in the rigging process, the rods are significantly compressed and the sand fills the formed emptiness. After preheating to the complete drying of the rods, they are subjected to firing in the furnace for several hours at high temperatures. Twenty-four hours, the material cools and is ready for packaging.

Art coal is of different hardness. Soft is well chosen and used for toning, and solid is ideal for drawing small parts.

The thickness of the rods is also unequal, which allows them to carry out various lines - from wide and clear to thin, barely noticeable. Coal pencils, unlike rods, do not pack hands, but the side of the pencil can not draw.

Paper and not only
Coal winning looks on matte rough paper. With a smooth or glossy, he just crepts.


Coal is easily distributed through paper, allowing you to attach a smooth, velvety look. Spend a row of strokes side of the rod and carefully disperse them with your finger or torch. Tone saturation can be varied by changing the degree of pressure.

Cross hatching.

Another coal toning method is drawing in different directions. Spend a range of parallel strokes, and then cross them at the angle of other strokes. In order to change the saturation of the tone, you need to change the density of the grid.

Soft decisive.

Rubbing the strokes with fingers or torch is optional. Slightly pour the rod using sandpaper, take it closer to the top end and try to draw so that the strokes merged with each other. To get brighter or darker tones, change the degree of pressure.

To begin with, you will need several coal rods of different thickness, paper and a fixing aerosol (coal easily smeared!). If you can't buy an aerosol in a specialized store, use the usual hair lacquer.

To drain the rods, an acute contiguous knife is necessary or sandpaper, and to correct errors and creating lumen - crumpled rubber band (klyachka). Ritish coal comfortable with finger pads, but sometimes so as not to stain the drawing, it is better to take a torch, rolled roller, cotton sticks or paper napkins.

What force should be pressed to coal, so that light and dark shadows are turned out, you will learn to determine with time. In the meantime, remember that it is impossible to put it on a thin coal rod, otherwise it will crumble and soak the drawing.

Coal is perfect for drawing from nature, as it is easy to wash it. In addition, it perfectly passes light and dark tones.