How to draw a treble key? Musical keys (bass key, violin, etc.) 1 How else is called a treble key

How to draw a treble key? Musical keys (bass key, violin, etc.) 1 How else is called a treble key
How to draw a treble key? Musical keys (bass key, violin, etc.) 1 How else is called a treble key

) We give a more complete list of existing keys. Recall that the key indicates the place a certain noteon a tiny mill. It is from this note that all other notes are counted.

Groups of keys

Despite the abundance of possible keys, they can all be divided into 3 groups:

There are also "neutral" keys. These are the keys for batches of drums, as well as for guitar parties (the so-called tabulature - see the article "Tabutura" [read]).

So, keys:

Keys "before" Picture Explanation
Soprana or Dotual key The same key has two names: sopranne and distant. Places a note "up to" the first octave on the bottom line of the Mot.
This key has a note "to" the first octave per line is higher than the sopranny key.
Specifies the note "to" the first octave.
The location of the notes "to" the first octave is indicated again.
Bariton key It has a note "to" the first octave on the upper line. See on the "Fa" keys of the bariton key.
Read more about Bariton Key

Various designation of the bariton key does not change the location of the notes on a tight mill: the Bariton key of the Fa group indicates the note of the "Fa" of the small octave (it is located on the middle line of the Method), and the bariton key of the group "to" - a note "to" the first octave It is on the top line of the new line). Those. With both keys, the location of the notes remains unchanged. In the figure below, we give a keyset from a note "to" small octave to a note "to" the first octave in both keys. The notation of notes in the diagram complies with the notes adopted by the letter designation (), i.e. The "Fa" small octave is indicated as "F", and "to" the first octave is marked as "C 1":

Figure 1. Bariton key of the group "Fa" and group "To"

To secure the material, we suggest you play: the program will show the key, and you will define its name.

The program is available in the section "Test: Musical Keys"

In this article we showed what keys exist. If you want to find out a detailed description of the key to destination and how to use them, refer to the "Keys" () article.

Surely anyone who did or wants to make a tattoo wants to know what it matters. After all, any inflicted drawing on the body means something. The most common tattoo is a treble key.

It is applied as guys and girls. There is no certain meaning of such a picture, because he began to recently appear. He is considered to be a modern tattoo (tattoo). Therefore, find out what can mean such a symbol at this time.

Value for girls

Everyone can guess that the tattoo in the form of a violin key means love for music.

Together with this tattoo, they can fill notes or some additions. Thus, it can be chopped by people who are somehow connected with the music or she just like it.

Can fill in three types of tattoo, each of them has its meaning.

  • The "salt" key is meant by the fact that people who pinch such a tattoo are associated with such tools as piano, violins or any brass instruments;
  • the "Fa" script key is caused by those people who write or wrote a party for cello, a fagota, double bass or for bass vocal parties;

  • The treble key "before" also has its meaning - its carrier shows that he wrote notes for trombones and alto.

The most beautifully girls look tattoos in the form of a violin key, if they are applied on the cervical bending, ankle, hand or waist. To emphasize your beauty and elegance of your body, girls can combine a treble key with notes, birds, flowers. It gives a tattoo a new appearance and shows that the man is happy.

Values \u200b\u200bin guys

Like the girls, the tattoo has exactly such importance from the guys - music, as the main occupation or as a hobby.

Men can apply such a tattoo where they will like them most.

But most appreciate the back either shoulder. To show love for some kind of tool type, guys can apply a violin key along with your favorite tool.

If girls have the opportunity to apply such a tattoo with anything, then men prefer more severe and courageous kind of violin key. Mostly guys choose a tattoo of classic black.

Also the tattoo has another meaning. She bears with the fact that her owner led stormy youth, the tattoo resembles the past.

The value of tattoo on the zone

At the zone of the tag under the guise of a violin key, it is completely different, both for women and for men. In the zone, it is extremely rare, but still happens. This tattoo is applied against his will or those people who sit with him in one chamber.

Often, in men, it means that he has a weak will or he was beaten in prison.

In a woman, she means that when she was sitting on the zone, she showed herself from a weak side - she has a weak character. Also, such a tattoo indicates that a person who sits in prison, a homosexual.

Under this sense, it could be seen both in men and women - it is easy behavior. This tattoo is caused by a sexual partner. Therefore, the treble key can bring its owner on the zone a lot of trouble.

In addition, the treble key was done on the zone of those people who stole, that is, they "walked around the music".

If you wanted to make a tattoo in the form of a violin key, then you can safely exercise your idea. The one who sees her will understand that its owner really like music, and he respects it. And in order to give her a more beautiful and fascinating view, you can combine like musical instruments - for men, and with flowers, notes, birds - for women.

When teachers in music schools tell young children, what is a treble key, they often say something very beautiful and motivating. For example: "This is a treble key! He opens a music string and will open your door to the huge world of music! ". Sounds poetic. But not quite understandable. Why is it all the "key"? And why exactly "violin"? After all, notes with such a sign not only in violinists. Strange?

The word "key" is really no coincidence, this sign is really the key. But not from the door, but rather, to the cipher. This cipher is a record of notes, because you can write them differently.

What are notes? Notes are graphic designations for the sounds of a certain height that are grouped and recorded in a special - octave system. The fact is that musical sounds, frequency (yes, it is measured in hertz) which differs exactly 2 times, it sounds very similar to our ear. As a repetition of one - only at different heights. The distance (interval) between them is called octava. Therefore, the entire range of musical sounds is divided into sections, which are also called octaves. Similar in each site sounds - notes - have the same names: to, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si. And next after a note - before, only to octave above. Etc.

The tight mill is the same 5 lines, on which notes are consistently recorded. Thus, the maximum can be recorded 11 notes. But notes, unlike Linek, do not end. And even adding a pair or the top three additional mini-lynets for individual notes, we will not cover all possible notes of all octave. And most importantly - on different tools you can take notes of only deciduous octave, not higher and no lower. The same with a human voice. So you need to determine which one we need a range and write in it - after all, by themselves the line of a music lot do not mean anything until we set the initial point of reference. You must specify a key note from which all others will be counted.

For this, you need the key. It is he who determines the "encoding" - which ruler corresponds to the "main" note, and therefore, and as relative to it, others are located. And options can be a lot - like music keys. Their characters seem intricate, but they make sense: the central element of each key indicates this very "initial" note.

Favorite by everyone (and us) The treble key is the key "Salt": his curl envelopes the second line of a tiny mill, on which the salt of the first octave is in a violin velection. So, under this second line will be Fa, but above the neuro. In a violin key, it is convenient to record notes for violin, female vocal, wind, some shock and right hand piano (but not always). Just because it is quite high sounds and a treble key suitable: it covers the first and second octaves. This is a range of middle human voice (and violins). Traditionally, the tenor party (male high voice) and guitars are also recorded in a violin veneer, only executed to octave below.

There are still "Fa" keys - bass, for example. The party's second hand is written in it for piano, cello and fagot - parties in big and small octave, that is, low sounds. His "curl" and two points place the Note of the Fa Male octave on the fourth line of a ton. If it is shifted by one line down, the bariton key will be: in it, accordingly, it is located on a third line.

And there are still keys "to": altove, tenor, sopranne. And we are silent about very special keys for drums that can not talk anything at all about the height of the sound! Indeed, the methods of encrypting music are a great set - but they are completely able to figure out. Unless able to choose the key to choose the key.

Basics of not a lot of letters - how serious music practices begin. In this short article there will be nothing superfluous, only the simple foundations of not a lot of letters.

Notes are only seven, their names are familiar with childhood: to re mi fao salt . This series of seven main notes can be continued by repetition in any direction - direct or reverse. Each new repetition of this series will be called octavoy.

Two most important measurements in which there is music - space and time. This is what reflected in the note: the component of space - soundness Time component - rhythm.

Notes are recorded by special icons in the form of ellipses (oval). To display the height of the sound: the higher the note sounds, the higher its location on the rules (or between the rules) of the Notonic. Notonic consist five Lineekwhich are considered from the bottom up.

To record accurate sound height notes are used keys - Special signs that indicate landmarks on notonic. For example:

Treble clef means that the note is taken for the point of reference, which takes the second line.

Bass clef It means that the point of the reference point becomes a type of small octave, which is written on the fourth line.

Aluminous key This means that the note before the first octave is written on the third line.

Tenor key It suggests that the note before the first octave is written on the fourth line.

It is most common in musical practice keys - not every musician can freely read notes in all these keys, most often the middle musician owns two-three keys. You can learn more about how to remember the notes in a violin and bass key from a special training that gives tangible results after studying all exercises. Click to familiarize yourself.

As a rule, the foundations of note literactions are explained by the example of a violin key. Look at how it looks, and let's go further.

Time in music is not measured in seconds, but in SharesHowever, by how they alternately alternate in their movement, they can be compared over seconds, with uniform pulse or bells. The speed or slowness shifts is determined by the total speed of movement of music, called temp. The duration of each share per second can be calculated by experienced by using an hourglass or stopwatch and is a special device that gives the exact number of identical strikes per minute.

To record rhythm in notes are displayed. duration Each note. The graphic expression of the duration refers to changes in the type of icon - it can be painted or not sharpened, have a calm (wand) or tail. Each duration occupies a certain number of fractions or their parts:

As already mentioned, the shares organize musical time, but not all the shares play the same role in this process. In the broad sense, the share is divided into strong (severe) and weak (lungs). Strong shares can be compared with strokes in words, and weak fractions, respectively, with unstressed syllables. And that's what's interesting! In music, shock and unstressed syllables (shares) alternate the same way as in poetic sizes. And even this alternation itself is not different as the size, Only in the poems of the sized cell is called a foot, and in music - tacom.

So, tact - This is the time from one strong share until the next strong lobe. The size of the tact has a numerical expression that resembles the fraction in which the "numerator" and "denominator" will indicate the parameters of the clock: the numerator is how many fractions, denominator - what a duration of the duration can be measured.

The size of the clock is indicated once at the beginning of the work after the keys. Dimensions are there simple and complex. Naturally, those who began to study the foundations of musical letters will first get acquainted with simple size. Simple sizes are two and three-column, complex are those that are compiled (composed) of two or more simple (for example, four-dollar or six-pole).

What is important to understand? It is important to understand that the size determines the exact "portion" of music, which can be "cramped" into one clock (nor more or less). If the size of the clock is 2/4, then this means that only two fourth notes will fit in the tact. Another thing is that these fourth can, how to get into the eights and sixteenth notes, and to unite in half durations (and then one half note will take all the beat).

Well, today is enough. This is not all a good letter, but really a good foundation. In the following articles, you will learn a lot of new things, for example, what a dieza and a farol, what the difference in the music records of vocal and instrumental, as the "famous" chords am and Em I.D are decrypted. In general, watch the updates, write your questions in the comments, share the material with friends in contact (use the social buttons at the bottom of the page).

Hello, dear friends. We completely did not speak about the types of musical keys and in this article we will fix it.

Today we know only about how to record notes in a violin veneer. By the way, the treble key is also called the salt key.

In it, notes, as we know, are written as follows:

fig. one

In Figure 1, we started moving up from the note to the first octave.

We also met with the bass key, for example, when Menuet Bach was disassembered:

fig. 2.

The bass key is also called the FA key. The fact is that middle of it (between two points) "indicates" on the note.

If you record a sound sequence 1 in the bass key, it will look like this:

fig. 3.

That is, in the bass key it is up in a violin, si in bass is a variety of violin and so on.

There are also exist keys system before.

And if we often encountered violin and bass keys, then this key will be possible for us with something new.

The keys of this system are moving upward. The meaning of these movements in order to indicate where the note will be up to the first octave.

For example, if the third ruler from above will cross the center of the key, then at the level of this line we will have sound to (it will be called Altovy key).

For example, we can write the same source as shown in Figure 1 like this:

fig. four

In the key keys to write, such tools like Alto (Figure 4 shows the notes just for this tool), trombone, cello.