How to draw a Russian folk suit. How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil phased

How to draw a Russian folk suit. How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil phased
How to draw a Russian folk suit. How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil phased

Description how to draw Tatar national costume pencil stages

How to draw Russian Sarafan LESSDRAW - how to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil in stages. How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil in stages. Fox pencil stages like to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil stages, drawing a pencil. How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil in stages. Canding about how to draw a Russian folk costume step by step, follows. How to draw a Belarusian suit male and female pencil stages. How to draw Tatar folk costume in a phased pencil to the child, we draw with children. Tatar national costumes are very beautiful. How to draw a girl in the Tatar National Suit? How to draw a guy in Tatar. How to draw a suit in a phased pencil for beginners in a short period. How to draw clothes with a pencil stepmate. Russian folk suit; How to draw elements national. Tatar national suit in a phased pencil like. Learning to draw a suit from the entertainment of Crysis 3 on paper with a simple pencil. Stressed learning to draw a suit gradually. Inspiration Wolf Animal How to draw a pencil. A couple of days ago I wrote to Alena Belov with a request to show how to draw a folk costume. The video is a lesson, how to draw clothes with a pencil phased 8 options for different sketches of clothing. Answers to the question How to draw a Russian folk suit with a pencil, sthamanent? In the heading. If you do not know how to draw a suit and give the figure maximum similarity. How to draw a Russian folk suit with a pencil phased - drawing lessons - useful. National Russian costume How to draw Russian National Suit (21 photos) Pictures. How to draw a Russian folk costume in a phased pencil sew Russian People's Sarafan. Children in the first grade asked to draw a national Russian costume, whatever. We want to present to your attention a phased lesson drawing a Japanese pencil in Kimono. If you wondered how to draw a carnival costume, then for you we will offer. If you draw an iron man in a phased pencil how to draw cartoon. Hey! We have already tried to draw a variety of dresses, and this time we will try to draw. Like other national costumes, the Tatar Complex of National Clothing has passed a long one. Multicolored pencils pencil stages like. National costumes how to draw stages. Drawing lessons with a pencil phased in pictures. How to draw a woman in a Russian folk suit wallpaper Phased Pencil. How to paint the heroes of Disney Pencil in stages. How to draw a National Morder Suit 22. How to draw 2 Class Folk Suit Russian Tribe Dry XVII Running Turtle Russian Folk Costume Draw. How to draw a Russian folk suit; 3. Color the feet with a dark yellow pencil, and the costume. How to draw a kokoshnik pencil in stages? How to draw. How to draw flowers in stages for beginners how to draw a snowdrop with a pencil.

In chapter

Different tasks. So you sit other times and think how to draw a Russian folk costume? And - to the child?

Step-by-step instructions for

Russian people's female suit with sundress. Step-by-step instructions, how to draw a Russian folk suit with a pencil.

Russian folk girl costume - a shirt with a belt. Step-by-step instructions, as the most step-by-step female Russian folk costume with a pencil. Initially, we draw a vertical line - this is our axis of symmetry, then plan three horizontal lines - shoulder lines, hips and waist. Depending on what suit we draw: Seversky with a mandatory sundress or Yuzhnorussky -C. apron and a dust, the waistline is located in different ways. In the northern versions - it is overestimated, in the southern - is on the spot. Then the skirt is scheduled from the waist line, and the shoulder line is future sleeves. For simplicity, the sleeve line can be drawing parallel to the skirt lines. At the level of the hips, the sleeve finish. Thus, we are ready pseudo-layout, on the basis of which we will draw a suit.

1. Draw a Russian sundress-based suit.

Alenushka girl in Russian folk costume. Breakdown in individual stages, how to draw a suit itself.

In the preparatory group, preschoolers in the framework of the drawing is offered as interesting, albeit a complex topic as the image of the doll in the national costume. In addition to the development of artistic skills, such work has a great informative and educational significance - hosts the guys to the culture and life of the Russian people and thereby awakens patriotic feelings in them.

Aspects of drawing on the topic "Doll in Russian People's Suit" in the senior group

Preschoolers try to depict anthropomorphic items from an early age. First, it is primitive work on the principle of "stick, stick, cunechik, that man came out!". However, the development goes further requires a planned work of the teacher in this direction. Training in the art of drawing a portrait is inextricably linked with the development of perception and imagination. The teacher must find techniques that will break the interest of children to the image of a person.

Of course, preschoolers scares the task to draw a person, because they are afraid that they will not succeed. The task of the educator is to overcome this fear and replace it with a pleasant process of creativity. Ideally start an image not from a human figure, but from something similar to her. So, on average, the guys are happy to draw a nurse, a snowman. They know well from what parts these items consist of, and learn to portray face. Further offers drawing of the Snow Maiden in a wide fur coat and hands.

In the older group there is a detailed acquaintance with the portrait, the children assimilate the proportions of the face, ways to transfer the character and mood of man. They draw themselves, parents, friends, fabulous heroes.

In the preparatory group, the guys improve the ability to depict anthropomorphic creatures from nature and in memory. Children 6-7 years are already well noticed by the characteristic features of objects and objects and transmit them in artistic images. At this age, this complex, but an interesting topic, like a "doll in a national costume", is offered at the classification of preschoolers. As a rule, it is drawing from nature or based on the illustration. Note that the guys depict not a person, namely a doll. It makes it a bit easier for the work, since the proportions of the structure of the body and the face here will be not as strict: for example, the head can be big, as well as eyes, mouth, palm.

During this classes, the teacher should pay the focus on the viewing of the doll in the appropriate clothing. The form of Sarafan is discussed in detail (if this is a Russian national costume), shirts, headdress, shoes. Also, the educator focuses on the arrangement of hands, legs, shaped head. The puppet head in the picture may be oval or round shape. To portray a face, children should be a visually (or simple pencil) to divide it into three parts: forehead, eyes and nose, lips with chin. The teacher can remind the guys, how the eyes are drawn (depict them on the board), remind you that the nose can be designated only by its tip (nostrils or short diabert).

Sometimes children are offered a schematic drawing of dolls: with a mug (head) and several lines (parts of the body). Then this scheme is described by the missing elements, including clothing. Another option is drawing by ovals or arcs.

Phased image

In the preparatory group, it is especially important to give children the opportunity to exercise creative initiative, creative fantasy, encourage an independent choice of color solutions to the drawings. For example, the guys independently choose the color and character of the sranfana pattern of Russian beauty, as well as her kokoshnik. Note that at this age, preschoolers already know a lot of shades, such as lemon, sand, salad, etc.

An important point of classes in the preparatory group is the analysis of finished works. Considering your drawings, children learn to see their strengths and disadvantages. Together with the teacher, the guys are discussing what can be done better than supplement the composition.

Materials used and base

The preparatory group expands a set of materials with which children can work in the process of visual activity. Their connection in one drawing contributes to the creation of an expressive image. Since the image of the doll in the national costume requires a detailed drawing, it is advisable at the main work with paints (watercolor or gouache) or colored pencils to additionally use markers or gel pens. With the help of these tools, you can designate the features of the face or intricate patterns on the sundress and kokoshnik.

Such an image of the image, like a doll, requires a preliminary sketch of a simple pencil. This is especially true when working with paints. As for the crown, which is sometimes offered to preschoolers in the preparatory group, it is better not to give it, as often children use it irrational and spoil the drawing.

As the basis for drawing a doll in a national costume, the educator offers the guys paper sheets of standard size. When drawing paints, they are toned in advance in pastel colors. Working with color pencils, children can complete the composition with a suitable background.

Techniques and drawing techniques that need to be used when drawing a doll in a national costume in the preparatory group

An image technique is even more improved in the preparatory group. Movement of hand becomes more free and accurate, smooth and rhythmic.

The outline of a simple pencil is made by the rather fast movements of the hand, a lightly insecurable line (so that it is easy to correct inaccuracy). By the way, it will be useful if the child performs several trial sketches on the draft.

When drawing a pencil, the guys exercises in a smooth turn of the hand of hand - it is necessary for the image of rounded lines. Preschoolers learn to spend long lines without separating, just depict large forms. Small details (facial features, ornament on sundress) are drawn with short lines and strokes.

Similarly, different ways of working with a brush are improved (all pile and tip) when drawing a gouache or watercolor. Preschoolers develop technical skills - they learn to mix paint to get interesting shades.

Used additional types of visual activity when drawing a doll in a national costume in the preparatory group, the relevance of an individual approach

The preparatory group is already clearly viewed by the features of the development of children, some preschoolers pronounced abilities and interest in visual activity. Such children, no doubt, should be encouraged, even more stimulate their desire for artistic creativity. One way is to offer them to diversify the composition with additional applicative or plasticine elements.

For example, Sarafan or Kokoshnik Russian beauty can be decorated with plasticine elements (thin suitful flames or small balls) or glue shiny sequins.

Drawing can be combined with the application, especially if we are talking about the collective composition: the painted ladies are painted, cut out, are complemented by applicative parts and paste on a shared background.

Drawing with appliqué elements

Specific options for compositions within the framework of the "Doll in National Suit" in the preparatory group

Drawing on the topic is traditionally offered by pupils of the preparatory group at the very beginning of the school year (September). This topic can be somewhat interpreted: children can portray beauties from Russian folk fairy tales, for example, Alyonushka, Vasilisa, Marlushka (they will also be dressed in the Russian folk costume).

If the guys live in the area, where there are features of the national costume, they can be reflected in the figure, for example, the "Chuvash costume", "Mordovian outfit".

By the way, shortly before the class of "doll in a national costume", the guys can separately depict national hats or color the proposed templates: so they are taken out in the preparation of patterns, mixing colors. Similarly, it is possible to practice in drawing Russian folk shoes - Napti.

An interesting idea is to offer the guys after drawing a Russian national costume to portray the traditional outfit of some other country (for example, Ukraine, China, India, etc.). Note that such an occupation requires a detailed cognitive conversation. Depicting dolls of different nationalities, children must use such means of expressive as the transmission of skin and hair color, eye cut. The educator must demonstrate the doll preschoolers in the appropriate suit or its image.

If desired, the topic "Doll in National Suit" can be issued as a collective composition, for example, "dance". Children draw a young lady in a Russian folk suit, then cut them out and stick to the base (the educator thinks out the appropriate background in advance (meadow with green grass, flowers, etc.). As a simplified version of the guys, you can distribute the templates that they must paint.

Possible options for motivating start classes: viewing pictures, conversation on issues, fairy tale, poem, etc.

Even in the preparatory group, the leading type of children's activity remains the game. And the teacher should not forget about it when building a classes. Game motivation plays a very important role.

For example, the educator informs the guys that dolls came to visit them, but they are dressed somehow strange. It turns out that they arrived from the past. After all, this is how people dined, who long ago lived in Russia. Our grandmothers wore sundresses to the floor, and grandfathers - a shirt-spin with a belt. Motivation for the guys will be the request of dolls to take pictures of them, because in the distant past there were no cameras.

Dolls in the men's and women's Russian national costume

Doll in Russian folk costume

Another option - dolls (for example, Arina and Danila) gathered to go to the fair and want to get better to dress up. After all, people have fun at the fairs, danced. Children draw them in beautiful clothes, the emphasis is placed on her decoration (sleeve, hem of Sarafan, a masculine shirt collar).

You can come to visit preschoolers - it may be Alyonushka, Vasilisa is beautiful or marl (doll or picture). The educator emphasizes what kind of slim, elegant, ruddy, with a long river oblique. The teacher reports to children that previously such beauties were called the "winch", "wagon", "birch", "berry" (the vocabulary of the vocabulary stock of preschoolers). The heroine tells children a sad story: Baba Yaga or the evil witch stole and burned her the most beautiful sundress. Children will always vividly respond to someone else's trouble and seek to help - they gladly draw beauty a new outfit even more beautiful than the former.

The heroine of the Russian folk tale

The heroine of the Russian folk tale

Cracking can be started with a cognitive conversation about Russian national clothes. Children will be interested to know that embroidery and patterns that she decorated in the old days had a special meaning. People believed that embroidery did not just decorate, but also defended from evil forces - she was a guard. These were wavy lines, mugs, crosses. Also, masters embroidered trees, birds, animals. Motivation after such a story will be a proposal to children to draw a favorite doll in the outfit, which will defend it from any evil.

Traditional clothing pattern element Traditional clothes pattern element Traditional element of clothing pattern Traditional Russian embroidery

In addition, the guys can be announced that the red color in the Russian national costume was present in a huge variety of shades. And combined with green red seemed even more juicy and festive. The red color symbolized the fire, and the fire can give both joy (heat) and grief (fire). Also this is a color of love.

The illustration that can be used in class

Original Russian peasant shoes

If children draw a national costume not Russia, but any other country, then you must demonstrate to them the corresponding pictures, and even better a doll in such clothes.

Doll in National Suit

Thematic Pictures Poster Paper Toys Dolls

Motivation to drawing an elegant doll, of course, you can learn from fiction. The guys can come to the guests to visit the grandmother's grandmother (disguised aspectant) and tell them a fairy tale about the merchant Sadko. He had three daughters-beauties. When Sadko gathered in distant countries behind the goods, daughters ordered him to bring the Golden Crown, a beautiful shirt and sundress, embroidered with patterns and ribbons. In the overseas country, the merchant was looking for these gifts for a long time, finally found and bought. But my daughters, when I saw new clothes, began to envy each other: every wanted to have a sundress, and a shirt, and a crown. And so he asked for a talentry to appeal to children - let them help him and draw beautiful outfits for her daughters.

We also recommend the modern fairy tale Larisa Sergeyeva According to the plot of the work at one end of the village, Sarafan-Mr., and in the other - a shruh-plactory. Sarafan was tired of lying in the chest in anticipation of when the hostess would give him and put on, and decided to visit the shirt. She was very pleased with the guest, put a samovar. They sat down to drink tea, and Sarafan asked her shirt, which is why she is so kind and fit. She replied that the owner puts on the body and warms his soul. The shirt, in turn, protects a person from the unclean with the help of the gate (this is a collar and cuffs). And in order not to get cold, it helps the poverty. Sarafan thought-thought and began to be friends with a shirt - and now they always go together.

After reading this short fairy tale, children will be even more interesting to portray the original Russian clothing items.

Illustration for fairy tale

You can also start a lesson with a poem. For example, the following lines are interesting:

Prigidskaya Svetlana

Unfold, zarafan cereal,
In full swing, in full to become, in full bark.
And in the harsh years of Russia
Hang the women harsh thread.
Here in such a domain dress
A large mother went to church.
Sarafan-latitude of the one that is needed -
You can use the field of canvas!
Oh, you, cute, curly, desirable,
On the harmonica play fun!
Swim virgins in colored sundresses
Among the rainbows, meadows and fields.
All rosy, like matryoshki,
Horics led without end ...
Not one shook the harmonica -
Choose the best one!
And what darkens peeped!
And handkerchiefs flew out of the hands!
Our grandmother old has become
Sarafan his folded in the chest.
My mother Sarafan has tried
Saying: Ah, I would be asleep!
Thickets of villages Byriana,
And the harmonica does not hear for a long time.
We will not hear the cheerful chastushki,
Young now in cities ...
In the village will tell the old woman
About past dance years!

L.A. Kruglov

Dolls, Larshs, Matryoshki

Next to us all live.

Surprise, admire

And the rest does not give.

We sew the dolls all outfits

Studying ancient.

Learn from what edge

We are in a dream Ile to Java.

Together with nomadic people

We put yurt, waiting for guests.

Drink we are tea from samovar

And the nomad drinks koumiss.

In the house we go we relax

And the nomad Loe in Kuisie

Well, try to look.

People are different live ...

Everything is sowed,

Wearing different clothes

Believe in God as before ...

Chastushki about lapties:

Oh, my lapties,
My lapto
Gardens you have kopal
Dance came here. "

"Gulia Matvey
Do not regret the lapes.
Before Saturday, live
Novy Napti will be provoked.

It should be noted that on the eve of drawing a doll in a folk suit well to offer preschoolers didactic games on this topic. For example, during the game "Awesome doll to a national suit", children remember the features of traditional clothing of different peoples.

Didactic game "Awesome doll in a national costume" didactic game "Awesome doll to a national costume" didactic game "Awesome doll to a national costume" didactic game "Awesome doll to a national costume" didactic game "Awesome doll to a national costume" didactic game "Awesome doll In the national costume "didactic game" Awesome doll to a national costume "

Since the physical attacks or finger gymnastics are mandatory before productive activities, we will give the following wonderful option:

We are tailor, masteralternate stroking hands from the bottom up
You savory suit nowspend hands on the body from top to bottom and sit down
Do not be afraid of difficultieshead turns to sitting
Dress, decorate the gaze!bounce, show thumbs up
To begin with, we will measurehands forward - to the sides
How much fabric you need, -
We will discover and check again,
- Will not you know if you are.
slopes to sides, hands on the belt
Cut out from the fabric exactlyhands forward "Scissors"
- and savory all around the edges,imitate the movement of needle
And now decorate the doghands to the side, fingers apart
Feathers, beads, tapes there.cotton on the right, on the left, above the head
Now you can accurately
- Get out - and on the ball!
hands on the belt, turn around yourself
I will admire - everything is firmly
- And beautifully sewn to you.
hands on the belt, alternate feet on the heel

Abstract classes

FULL NAME Name of abstract
Kui A. "Doll in the National Suit"
Educational tasks: to acquaint children with Russian folk outfit, as well as costumes of other countries; Fasten the ability to depict a person figure.
Developing tasks: Fasten the skill to draw watercolor, pre-denoting the contour with a simple pencil.
Educational tasks: To educate interest in Russia's national clothing and other countries.
Integration of educational regions: "Artistic Creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demonstration material: Paper dolls in national costumes, doll in traditional Russian sundress and kokoshnik.
Handout:white paper sheets according to the number of children, watercolor paints, smaller cups, tassels, stands for them, napkins.
Travel course:
At the beginning of the classes, the teacher reports to children that they live in the largest country. But besides her, there are many other countries in the world. And each has its own culture, traditions and national clothing.
The teacher demonstrates paper dolls in national costumes and talks about each of them.
The Katya doll comes to visit the guys, dressed in the Russian folk costume - elegant silk sundress, subjected to a narrow belt, and kokoshnik. The sundress is embroidered, and the Kokoshnik is decorated with gold embroidery, pearl and beads. The hair dolls are braided into the braid and decorated with a ribbon.
The teacher offers the guys to draw Katya's doll in her beautiful outfit.
Yuzhakova O.N. "How to wear a male red sundress"

The occupation begins with the fact that the teacher together with the children see the exhibition dedicated to the Russian People's Costume.
For quiet music, children listen to the story of the teacher about the history of the Russian outfit. Demonstrate pictures with the image of a shirt (skirts), an apron, shushuna (outerwear for a cold period), wreath, dressings, bead jewelry, amber, pearls.
In more detail, the teacher stops at such an item as a Russian sundress. At first it was only rich ladies, and then Queen Catherine II allowed to wear it with all classs - he became popular among the peasants and merchant wives and daughters. From above, Sarafan was usually put on the apron, and shrugged on the shoulders.
On the legs, the peasants wore Napti, which was leaving or barks. By the way, besides them, the people still put on leather shoes, and in winter boots.
Also, the teacher briefly tells about Russian folk clothes of men.
The dance game "Wreath" (under the Russian folk composition) is organized.
Children are offered a gaming task - weaving a wreath of ribbons.
Productive activity - guys paint dolls Manya and Vanya dressed in a Russian suit.

Nikitina L. "Doll in Russian National Suit"

Initially, the educators welcomes the lines M. Shahanov:

  • Must be necessarily other than parents, four horses, like four mother:
  • Native land,
  • Native language,
  • Native culture,
  • Native story.

Song sounds "I see wonderful attribution." Conversation according to her content: what is happening in the song, what is the name of our native country, what is it largest.

The teacher asks in children who are our ancestors, from which sources you can learn about their lives. Children are invited to visit the museum - they are invited to the tale hall - fit the stand with illustrations to Russian folk tales. The teacher draws attention to how women are dressed in the pictures, where the clothes are everyday, and where is the festive.
Fizkultminutka "My" (under the musical composition) is carried out.

  • Lapti, yes lapties, yes, my napty,
  • Oh, lapties, yes lapti, yes napty my,
  • Eh, My Napti, Lipovy Lipty!
  • You do not be afraid
  • Tychka new salary.
  • Eh, well! Ugh! Putting alternately right and left legs on the heel
  • Cotton in your hands, slope down
  • Step to the right, desit, step left, tritop
  • Hands up, cotton over head. On the word "pah" let go of the hands down sharply.

Magic chest teacher pulls out the silhouettes of dolls in a Russian suit. They gathered for a holiday, and the task of the guys - decorate the sundresses and kokoshnikov using geometric patterns.
Children paint under Russian folk music.

Bublik L. "Doll in the National Suit" (Chinese woman)

In class, children get acquainted with the friendly country China, learns about its geographical position (a large area is washed by several seas), culture, consider the female national costume.

A Chinese woman's doll comes to visit the guys, welcomes them in Chinese. Her name is Jiya that translated from the Chinese "beautiful." Preschoolers are considering her national suit: pants made of silk fabric, on top of which a long dress with smell and wide sleeves (also from silk). Chinese outfit embroidered with colored patterns: these are flowers and butterflies that have a symbolic meaning.
Holding finger gymnastics "Friendship":

  • Friend bee and flower, (connect thumbs up)
  • Friends leaf and moth, (index fingers)
  • Friendly sun and forests, (medium)
  • Friends Fish and Wave, (Unnamed)
  • Friends in the sea ships, (Misintsy)
  • Kids friends all the earth. (palms hug each other)
  • Each other you need to go out,
  • We can't live without friendship. (threaten the index finger)

Independent productive activities of children - for Chinese music they draw a china-china in her national suit, come up with their own pattern for fabric.

Examples of finished works of pupils of the preparatory group on the topic "Doll in National Suit" with comments on the performance of work

Figures "Russian Beauty", "Russian Folk Suit", "Ivan da Marya" (they are all fulfilled by watercolor) demonstrate to us the national clothes of our Motherland. The work of "Russian Beauty" is permeated by positive mood: supplemented with a bright gentle blue sky. We see the usual Russian attribute - a slim birch in the front background. The drawing doll is depicted in the traditional bright red sundress, its long blond braid flies.

The work "Tatar outfit", "Tatar costume", "Mordovsky outfit", "Chuvash clothing" are drawn by children living in a certain region or on the border with him. It should be noted that the drawings very realistically transmit features of particular clothing, shoes and hats.

The composition of the Chinese woman deserves the attention of the composition of the Chinese woman where not only the image of national Chinese clothing, but also hairstyles.

The work of the "national headdress" is a kind of preparation for drawing a holistic image of dolls in a national costume.

Drawing pencil drawing watercolor drawing watercolor drawing watercolor drawing pencil drawing watercolor drawing watercolor drawing simulator template for coloring picture for coloring template for coloring

The doll in the national costume is a very exciting topic for drawing in the preparatory group. In such a lesson, preschoolers not only exercise in the drawing of a person, but also expand their horizons. A well-thought motivation is able to turn drawing to a fabulous action.

Russian culture is always, and now, in modern times, especially interested in many people. Our story is rich in painters, writers, poets. Russian culture has always been very interesting for the whole world. National costumes are an integral part of the culture of any nationality or nationality. Interest in the Russian national costume today is especially great in connection with not so long ago by the winter Olympics. Sochi. All foreigners want to acquire souvenirs for their memory - dolls in Russian costumes. But, you can draw or dolls, or figures of people in such costumes. What we will do today and teach you how it is correct to draw Russian national costumes - male and female.

Stage 1. First, we will conduct the initial lines of female and male figures. Two circles - heads, necks, quadrangles - body, hands and legs.

Stage 2. We begin to circle circles with smooth lines, gradually giving contours to individuals. Show the lines of the cheeks, chin, ears, and the start of the neck.

Stage 3. Now draw facial expressions. Using the auxiliary line inside the circle, show the eyes with eyelashes, above them eyebrows, outlines of the nose with nostrils and lips in a friendly benevolent smile.

Stage 4. Here, here we draw a beautiful thick braided braid, falling forward, head your head with a semicircle - Kokoshnik - Russian national headdress. From under Kokoshnik, a lace is visible, framing forehead. On the ears, we will show the beautiful earrings in the form of rhombus, the end of the braid is decorated with a satin bow. On the head of the guy put on a cap with a visor, on the side of which rose triggered.

Stage 5. Start drawing precisely suits (clothing). On it - draw a collar-rack, the chest department of the sundhan and the belt under the breast. On the neck two threads boots, draw them circles. On it - a shirt with a collar-rack, a rather long shirt, closes the top of the sharovar, rejected by a belt.

Stage 6. We will show the sleeve on the right hand from the shirt, captured below the brush cuff. The guy also has a sleeve shirt closes his hand itself. He keeps the national musical instrument - balalaika. We draw a triangle from which the balalaika handle leaves, the strings on it.

Stage 7. Dorify the left hands from both characters. The girl in the fingers will be clamped. Left hand guy holds a balalaika handle, clap strings.

Stage 8. We finish draw Russian national costumes, depicting the hem of Sarafan and pants. Sarafan broken down, collected folds. Pants - Sharovari, rather wide, refilled in boots. Feeding along direct from stage 1.

Stage 9. Now on the sundress, we draw patterns - vertical and horizontal lines. In the middle a row of buttons. Gun sharovar make striped.

    The Russian folk costume is filled with small patterns and many details, which is why its image will require scrupulsiness and diligence from you.

    I offer several options for similar patterns that can be printed, at daytime it is applied to the window, and over to impose a blank sheet of paper and simply draw an image.

    Let's start the drawing from the head of the Russian beauty and the Russian national head Upora - Kokoshnik.

    next step of sketch of laid hair and seg

    draw eyes and lips in a modest smile

    moving to the drawing of Kokoshnik

    now let's go to the national sundress

    clearly drawing a shirt and straps of sundress

    testing shirt sleeves

    and handkerchiefs in hand

    draw small details of Saranfan and Kokoshnik

    decrade Beauty

    In order to draw a woman in a Russian folk costume first need to draw a silhouette of a woman. And then draw a Russian folk suit on it. To do this, you need to know what the Russian folk suit looks like.

    First of all, the costume consists of sundress, shirt and head removal of Kokoshnik.

    Ideas can be learned here:

    A woman was lucky in those long-standing times, because the Russian folk costume was distinguished by a certain festive, which only one kokoshniki was standing with various embroidery and preciously iridescent on the lights.

    To draw exactly the costume, or rather if there is a dress or traditional Russian sundress of a woman, you can see a visual master class, how to draw it here.

    It will also be useful to look at drawing:

    How to draw a pencil woman in stages?

    A Russian woman can draw a pencil in such a sequence:

    to begin with, draw the silhouette of the future long robe, draw the line like this:

    Then the second stage is the drawing of parts:

    The third stage is the painting of the costume:

    It's really very hard to draw a National Russian costume, and even more so female. Male is much easier. But there are a lot of sketches and answers above, and I will give a roller, where it clearly shown how to draw a gradually this costume.

    Female Russian national costume looks much richer and brighter than male.

    Draw a female folk costume can someone who ever seen him and remember that the variety of embroidery on a long shirt.

    It is easiest to draw a female Russian folk suit, looking at the drawing example, as we see below:

    The most complex woman's face and small drawings in this drawing on the national Russian costume.

    Making the sketch of the main parts of the costume.

    Then you need to draw forms.