How to quit it from work. How to competently quit from work: according to your own accord, agreement of the parties, the initiative of the employer

How to quit it from work. How to competently quit from work: according to your own accord, agreement of the parties, the initiative of the employer

According to Art. 80 TC RF employee who submitted an application for dismissal should work out at least two weeks. The law provides for dismissal without mandatory work? In what cases it may not be?

Labor code and dismissal without work

By itself, working out in two cases of dismissal:

  • At your own desire - 2 weeks (Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • To reduce the state - 2 months (Art. 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

However, the second option is usually not considered to work, in addition, it is all entirely depends on the employer - it has the right to dismiss the employee before, paying compensation for the indispensable time.

As a rule, the employee is interested in how to quit before the expiration of two weeks provided for by Art. 80 TC RF. This is possible: for example, if an employee on a probationary period, then to prevent the employer about the dismissal only for three days (Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, there are other options.

Dismissal on your own initiative

Articles 77, 78, 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provide the right to an employee on completing labor relations on his initiative, warning about its decision for 14 days. These days are for warning and are actually working out. But the same 80 article indicates the opportunity to quit without working, if it is impossible to continue the work due to the circumstances of the circumstances for a valid reason.

In art. 81 TK RF listed cases when an employee may not work out 2 weeks. These are such cases as:

  • The inability to continue its career in connection with the enrollment in the university or educational institutions of undergraduate and magistrate for the day office
  • Retirement employee
  • Violation by employee of labor legislation, as well as local acts and provisions of labor and collective contracts
  • Other cases

To other cases, labor legislation belongs:

  • Moving to another terrain for work
  • Direction of the second spouse to work abroad
  • Moving to a new place residence or medical testimony
  • Implementation of the patient with a family member, a child - disabled or child up to 14 years

Pensioners and pregnant women, as well as mothers and adopters, having a child under 14 years old can be resigned without working out.

If the employee filed an application for dismissal on his own request, implying workout, and insists on an earlier dismissal date, allegedly having this right, it will be incorrect. When he really has the right not to work out for the reason for the reasons mentioned above, he is obliged to notify the employer in writing.

E. if an employee has legitimate grounds for early termination of labor relations, they must be specified in the application and provide copies of documents proving it, (for example, a certificate of enrollment to the institute, a certificate on the transfer of a spouse to another locality to the service). Otherwise, he can earn absenteeism and be dismissed according to the appropriate article.

Carefully read your employment contract - reasons that make it possible to leave without working, can be spelled out in a collective agreement or in domestic labor regulations of the organization.

It must be said that the 2-week period specified in the 80th article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is not a strict condition, in the same article it is said that if the employer and employee are mutually interested in the termination of further labor cooperation, the enterprise management can fire him without work On the day of writing a statement or other specified date.

Dismissal without working two weeks

An employee may resign without working out of the required two weeks in 3 days. This is possible when the following circumstances occur:

  • On probation - art. 71 TK RF.
  • If the employment contract was concluded for less than 2 months - art. 292 TC RF
  • If the employee was busy in seasonal work - Art. 296 TC RF. Such a term is provided only for the employee. If the employer decides to dismiss a seasonal employee, he must warn the last for 7 calendar days

In order for the employee to be considered a seasonal employee, this should be necessarily indicated in the employment contract.

Dismissal application

In order to quit, the employee must write a statement in the name of the employer. Exactly the same order acts if the employee is dismissed without working out. In a statement, it is necessary to indicate "I ask me to dismiss without mandatory development of 2 weeks due to ...."

In some cases, the employee must submit evidence that it cannot work out for 2 weeks. For example, if it is impossible because of the move to another place of residence. To do this, it is enough to present documents about the discharge.

Vacation with subsequent dismissal

Another option to quit, avoiding working out, - write a statement with a request to provide not flowing vacation days and stop labor relations immediately after. The date of dismissal, that is, the final working day will be the day of the end of the vacation. On the same day, the employee must receive due cash payments and the labor book.

The duration of vacation in this case should not be shorter than 14 days. However, the management reserves the right to grant leave with the subsequent dismissal of the employee or not. An employee, issuing a statement on such a vacation, will correctly indicate in the text: "I ask you to give a vacation with such a number of such a number followed by dismissal." The end of the leave is prescribed in a statement so that there are no disagreements and disputes on the day of dismissal in the future.

If the employee wrote an application for dismissal on his own initiative, began to work out the last 14 days and issued a sheet of disability during this period, respectively, it will be on the hospital, in fact avoiding working out. In this case, he will be dismissed in absentia per day specified in the application with the mandatory payment of this sick leave.

Dismissal one afternoon

Another way is not to work out - ask for dismissal with the agreement of the Parties (Art. 78 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) when it occurs in the specified date.

It is necessary to competently draw up the statement itself in this case. Writing "I ask me to dismiss me from such that" - wrong, as it turns out that this is the dismissal on the initiative of the employee, and therefore implies legitimate effort.

It will correctly indicate: "I ask to dismiss the parties in agreement (paragraph 1 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Either submit a statement, but a proposal to terminate labor relations on the same basis with such a number with a request to provide a written response to this offer to such a date.

The written answer is necessary in case of disagreements. The notorious 14-day period of dismissal warning is used for no accident. After all, it is necessary to find a replacement for a leaving employee and make the transfer of cases and all calculations with him.

If the employer does not consider that the coming circumstance is the basis for the dismissal of the employee by the day, the latter may apply to the labor commission or to court to protect his rights.

Sample application for dismissal

Instruction: How to quit without testing 2 weeks?

So, you wish to quit, but at the same time do not want to work out for the law two weeks (let's say you are already waiting for another work, it is planned to learn abroad, or there are other reasons to hurry). What can I do here?

1. It should be remembered that the period specified in Art. 80 TC RF is not a hard requirement. In the same article it is stated that with the consent of the enterprise management, you have the right to quit at any time. Consequently, if you have a normal relationship with the employer, you can not work for two weeks

2. You can also offer to the employer to dismiss you by agreement of the parties (Art. 78 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). With this option, all the conditions of dismissal can be reduced to two words - "how to agree". You can agree on the timing of dismissal, you can handle the day off, you can discuss other conditions related to the termination of the employment contract

3. For some cases, law and register acts make exceptions to the general rules and allow you to demand dismissal on that day when it is convenient to employee. TK RF relates such cases:

  • retirement
  • admission to study
  • rough violation of labor legislation by the management of the enterprise
  • other cases when continuing work is impossible

Partially other cases are deciphered in acts, some of which were taken during the USSR, however, which else act. In the example, such cases include:

In the event that the employer does not consider these reasons with respectful, you have the right to apply to the court or the Rostrudinsky.

  • Moving to another region or city
  • Spouse (spouse) employee translates to work in another region or abroad
  • The impossibility of living in this area, confirmed by the conclusion of the Medical Commission
  • The inability to continue to work in the enterprise due to the disease (also confirmed by medical documents)
  • The need to care for a child-disabled child or other familiar family member
  • Pregnancy

4. The dismissal employee is entitled not to appear at work during the development, if it is on the hospital. In this case, the days of the disease are counted in the score.

5. Finally, with the consent of the employer, you can combine the deadline for the provision of leave, submitting a vacation application with subsequent dismissal.

Based on materials:, 2016.Life, TOPURIST.RU

Sooner or later, each employee comes the period when he wants to stop labor relations, but how to quit everything from work, not everyone knows. What can wake up a person to quit? Each has its own motives: someone does not suit the wages, and someone prefers to change the workplace every 5 years to the council of psychologists. Whatever the reasons for moving to leave work, the dismissal process should undergo in compliance with the norms of labor legislation.

Order of dismissal

The process of termination of labor relations depends on what an agreement is concluded between the parties. There are two types of contract: urgent and indefinite. In addition, the termination of urgent and indefinite treaties is governed by various articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In the first case, this is Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in the second article 78 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Termination of an indefinite agreement

The employment contract, which is concluded for an indefinite period, can be terminated on the initiative of the employee and is regulated by Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. To stop such a type of labor relations, there is enough will, the will of the employee is sufficient, but at the same time he must inform the employer about his decision 14 days before the planned date of dismissal.

Important! The warning must be set out in writing, as a rule, this is an application for dismissal at your own request. Oral statement of the employee: "I quarrel!" Not considered as a notification of the employer.

After 14 days from the moment of filing a written statement, the employee has the right no longer go to work. The employer's consent is required only if the employee decided to quit until the end of the warning period.

But how to quit quickly, until the expiration of 14 days, if the employer does not agree? The legislation provides such an opportunity, but in the presence of certain circumstances, in view of which the employee does not have the opportunity to continue to fulfill its labor duties. So circumstances include the following cases:

  1. Enrollment work in an educational institution.
  2. Changing the place of residence due to moving to another terrain.
  3. Violation by the employer of labor legislation.
  4. The state of health of the employee, by virtue of which he is no longer able to continue to work.

If there are similar circumstances, the employer must dismiss the employee per day specified in the dismissal statement.

Each employer values \u200b\u200bgood employees and reluctantly agrees to dismiss a valuable employee. However, it is not entitled to prevent dismissal dismissal and make a person work. Often there are cases when the employer refuses to dismiss the employee, referring to the fact that he did not finish the fulfillment of his obligations or did not sign the workaround, but such actions will be illegal. In such a situation, an employee has the right not to go to work, and if he did not receive a labor book and the final settlement, then it is entitled to sue the protection of his rights.

Termination of an urgent contract

If a contract concluded between the parties for a certain period, one employee's desire to stop labor relations is not enough. In this case, the obligatory consent of the employer is necessary. If he does not agree, the employee will be forced to wait for the expiration of the contract.

An employee must state his decision on early termination of the contract and transfer to the head for approval. The application formulation may look like: "I ask me to dismiss me from work on the Agreement of the Parties (specify the date)." If the employer does not object, then the contract will be terminated on the period specified by the employee. By mutual agreement between the parties, the date specified in the application may be changed.

But how to quit from work, if consent is not achieved? In the event that the employer refused to dismissal, and the person does not want to continue labor relations, he may simply do not go to work. This option is not suitable for those who want to leave beautifully, because in this case the employer has the right to dismiss a person for the absenteeism and make an entry about it in the employment record. Therefore, it is better to try to come to a consensus with the leader.

For reference! Application to the employee of disciplinary recovery in the form of dismissal is the right of an employer, but not a duty. Therefore, even if the employee is absent in the workplace, the employer may not dismiss it until the end of the contract.

When to quit the most profitable from work?

Many people wonder how to competently quit work to learn some benefit. Someone decides on the dismissal after the year of work, wanting to receive compensation for unused labor leave, and someone dismisses only when he found a new place to not interrupt the work experience.

When dismissal, the employer is obliged to pay the dismissal all the accruals that they are treated. This amount includes salary for actually spent time, as well as monetary compensation, which is paid for unused labor leave.

Working year is calculated not by the calendar year, which begins on January 1, and from the date of employment. The calculus of the working year is important for calculating compensation for working leave, which was not used. The more the person worked without vacation, the greater the amount of compensation.

Also, for some, the question is relevant, dismiss before vacation or after. Here everything is individually, since you can find a new place during the period of vacation. At the same time, the compensation received can be burned until a person is in finding suitable work.

According to the rules familiar to everyone, before quitting, you need to work for two weeks. This standard approval is not always true. There are situations where testing is not required, or may not occur in a number of grounds. Labor legislation clarifies how to quit from work without work. Consider cases where the employee can quit without working on his own desire, and when this requires the situation that has developed at the enterprise.

In what cases can not work

Focusing on your own request, you can find a way not to work out for the law of two weeks.

  1. I wrote an application for dismissal at your own request before leave to leave, two weeks that the employee will be on vacation will be taken into account on the period of exhaust;
  2. Being on leave to care for a child, you can quit, without leaving leave, then do not have to work out;
  3. You can apply for a dismissal application to the hospital, in this case, it does not occur in fact, the days of the hospital are taken into account in a two-week experience.

In practice, there are such situations where the employee is dismissed at his own desire because of the non-payment of wages, and in fact, he should also work. In this case, you can use the instructions of Art. 142 TK RF. That is, with non-payment of wages more than fifteen days in a row, the employee has a full right to write a statement to the head that he suspends the work, due to the non-payment of salary. This application can be submitted immediately, in one day. One thing is about the dismissal, and the second about the stop in the work. At the same time, the employee may not go to work.

If before the employee's dismissal, the salary is not paid to him, then he is fired then without working, because the days of stopping in work in the experience are considered, so it is not necessary to work. And for payment, the employee will already go to court. To such an employee, the employer has no right to apply sanctions. This article establishes both restrictions, employees of any enterprises and posts have the right to declare a stop in work (for example, civil servants, firefighters, etc.).

In the event of a disease of a relative, a child, or with other force majeure circumstances, dismissal without working out. But only in coordination with the employer. If such an employee was denied dismissal without working, he has the right to appeal against the decision of the head.

How to write an application for dismissal without work

Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulated the possibility of a worker to quit without work on the statement of care. The application must be written in such a way that it contains a request for a worker to fire it a certain number, without working, with the obligatory indication of the reason for exemption from working out.

Such reasons can be: retirement, admission to training in an educational institution, in violation by the employer of the terms of the contract or law. In case of violation by the enterprise, the norms of the law regarding the employee, the employer is obliged to dismiss the employee, that afternoon, which is listed in the statement. By virtue of established practices, respectful reasons for dismissal without work, serve:

  1. moving to another place residence (to another locality);
  2. moving to a new job of her husband (wife);
  3. in the presence of a medical conclusion about the inability to work in this area;
  4. if it is impossible to work in this position for health;
  5. care for minors, or sick relatives;
  6. if you wish a pregnant woman to quit.

But again, it all depends on the arrangements with the employer. Sometimes, if an employee has found another job, with the employer you can agree on dismissal without working, although receiving a new position and is not a direct reason not to work out.

There is still no possibility not to work if the employee is dismissed not at wishes, but by agreement with the employer. Then the work is not obligatory, and therefore dismissal occurs by a certain agreement between the parties, the number.

Before burning bridges and notify everyone about dismissal, think how hard you are in your decision. We give a simple example. It's one thing when you work for a few years in the company, where you are constantly cheating, delay wages, they cannot distinguish between employees' duties and make you do what you are completely uninteresting. And completely different if you just got a job and realized that, in fact, it is very different from the picture that your imagination has drawn.

Well, we think about everything

There are practically no ideal posts - at least before they need to grow. And the boss does not always turn out to be honest and fair. Or the work itself was not as interesting as it seemed to you. In these cases, perform the analysis of the resistance and think if there is no reason to stay in the workplace and adapt to the difficulties that have arisen.

Analysis of reasons

Before cutting the boss to his decision to quit on his own desire, we first understand the reasons. First, it is necessary to understand what kind of vacancy it is next. Secondly, it is possible to choose a way to part with the current job. You will have the opportunity to understand that the problem is not what you do now, but in you, and the change of post and the company will not solve anything.

Low salary

Most people call this reason for dismissal at their own request from the previous job, although the real percentage of displeased salary is lower. Before writing a statement about leaving, think about why you pay so little money. Maybe the case in the total level of salary, which was lower than the market (it was in this company). But often it happens that a little pay a person who works badly. Or do you lack knowledge and skills?

Proposal for new work

There will always be a work that is better than this. And if you change it too often, it is alarmed personnel managers. Therefore, before you go to a new place, appreciate all the pros and cons of future position.

Conflicts with chief

Few people relationship with the leadership add up such that the mosquito nose is not pumped. It is more often the opposite: an employee seems like a manager requires it to fulfill inappropriate job descriptions. Then you need to analyze whether you have no problems in order to obey and fulfill the orders of other people. Maybe you aggressively react to the requirements yourself, although they are justified.

In this regard, there are calls for those who are on the opposite side, for example, with a person who occupies a similar guiding position.

Climate in the collective

Sometimes the relationship does not fold with colleagues. Everyone quarrels, gossip and want to substitute. Some part of the responsibility lies in the organization's management, whose policy determines the organizational culture of the company. If you can not get along with any colleague, maybe in your behavior, too, something is wrong.

If the situation began to heat up recently, and this is due to some managerial solutions and working moments that you cannot affect, then the dismissal will become an adequate way out. Although there may be a hidden trap in the form of low stress resistance and the inability to adapt to complex changing conditions.

Essence of work

You started to realize what you do, no longer brings you satisfaction. Increasingly and more often, boredom and irritation become your familiar companions during the working day. Perhaps this position has never been interesting for you, and you perceived it as a transshipment point between idleness and dream work. And then the desire to quit justifically.

You could "grow" from this post and want more that in this company you are not ready for you (but it is necessary to clarify the boss). Another option, when you just get tired of stability: if the calm came in your professional field, you get bored. Outputs here can be two. The first is to look for the position where you will be on the volcano, but you must have high stress resistance and flexibility. The second is to figure out why you quickly come with monotony and stability, which makes you change the situation.

When notifying your decision of the head

It is necessary to warn two weeks before the date of the intended care, so that he has time to find you a replacement. But finding an employee for such a short term is difficult.

Therefore, do not be tightened with the alert of the head. Of course, it all depends on what kind of relationship you are with him. If you look into the eyes of harsh reality, it will become clear that they do not leave good leaders, and therefore you have some kind of misunderstanding. You may not have a desire to part peacefully with the boss. It is not known how aggressive dismissal may affect your destiny. Therefore, if you have strength and desire, try to behave decently towards the "future former" boss.

To do this, you need to warn him about the dismissal in advance. Not for two weeks, but somewhere for a month. Make it better polite, but decisive tone. Carefully select words, expressions and intonation. Speaking of the reasons for which you decide to dismiss, you should not call the character of the chief, the brutal working conditions and boredom. All this will cause aggression from the source, and there will be no sense. Be correct and neat - these are the main conditions for a successful conversation. For example, instead of a word about low salary, try to say the following: "I feel what reached my ceiling in this company. I would like to continue to grow and develop in order to be more efficient and efficient. "

Be prepared for negative emotions from the head. The news about the care of the employee will cause stress. But you are entitled to interrupt communication if the conversation goes all sorts of borders and frames. Find balance, and your conversation will end well.

What laws are defended by me

Labor Code of the Russian Federation on your side. Chapter 13 of this document is devoted to the entire document. Article No. 77 shows a general list of grounds for termination of labor relations. These include the agreement of the parties, the initiative of the employee or the employer, the expiration of the employment contract, the refusal to continue labor relations in connection with the change of the owner of the company, etc.

The boss notify at least fourteen days before the expected date of dismissal, which will need to be worked out. However, not everyone knows that there are exceptions to this rule. For example, if an organization is not your main job, and you work as a part-time. Or, subject to the conclusion of an urgent contract or seasonal contract, - in these cases, the notification period is reduced to three days. This is reported to us Article No. 292 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

What documents will be required for dismissal

To begin with, you will have to write a letter of dismissal in the prescribed form. If the bosses are loyal to you, you can simply leave a statement in the personnel department. If, with the solution of this question, there may be problems, then you should fix the fact of its filing. To do this, print an application in two copies and either send it by registered mail, or give the manager through the secretary with the signature of the latter on two versions of the document. This date will be considered the day of your prevention of care.

Two weeks later, the head must sign an order for your dismissal. You go to the personnel department and there you get all the documents related to the work, the labor book and the final settlement, supported by the service note. This amount should be compensated for unused vacation days. The last document with which you have to meet is a notice of termination of the employment contract.

How to tell colleagues about dismissal

If you have a tense relationship with colleagues, then you are not obliged to report them at all. The same applies to circumstances when the company is accepted to lower all dogs on the outgoing employee. We need to care yourself and your nerves. Calibly say goodbye to the former colleagues when the day of X is the day, and go "to freedom with a clean conscience."

It is possible to act in a completely different way if normal or even friendly relations have developed in the team. Then you can say about your dismissal to colleagues in a couple of weeks before final care. This will facilitate them adaptation to changes, and you will be able to make your care to the maximum painless.

On the day of care, you can offer former colleagues to drink tea with pastries right at work. Mark positive moments in communicating with them: how they helped you what you have learned. It will not make your care less sad, but will leave a bright and pleasant impression about him.

What obstacles can meet

Anger on the part of future former colleagues. Colleagues and especially the boss, most likely, will not be happy to your care. Sometimes it pours out in persecution on the "negligent" employee. It remains to be advised to be morally sustainable, do not succumb to their provocations and remember that it will end soon.

Legal traps. In order not to pay you half of the salary, the head can try to dismiss you not at your own request. All the grounds for this are listed in Article No. 580 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, during a period of two weeks, it is impossible to be late, walking, etc. Remember the commercial secret. It can relate to any information about the company's activities. If you signed this obligation, neither during or after dismissal you have the right to tell anything about the internal affairs of the organization.

Delay payments. Of course, in the Labor Code, it is written that you should make a calculation on your dismissal day. If not paid, then you need to contact the labor inspection with the relevant statement. Employers are afraid of inspectors, and easier to pay with you than to substitute the organization for serious fines.

How to behave in the remaining two weeks

The most important thing is to be decent towards the former employer. He is so awesome, because the news about your dismissal forces him to look for a new employee, teach him, to break his head over the fact that he will fit into the team.

Therefore, try to be loyal and patient. If the nervous breakdowns of the head are held within the boundaries of ethical norms, then it is best to suffer. Working responsibilities must be performed well, then the employer will not have a reason to find fault to you, and you manifest yourself as a responsible and decent person. Colleagues also do not want to do for you while still your work.

It is not known when and where you will need their help. Do not burn bridges on the old position. How to quit from work without it? Thank your colleagues for a joint time. You can recall positive moments. Adequately react to requests for help in these two weeks, try to be useful and friendly, - and then your former colleagues with a greater probability will remember you with a good word.

When to look for a new job

Looking for a job you need to start when you have accepted a firm decision on dismissal. Or even a little earlier: the study of this question will help you navigate in the situation in your professional sphere. There is a lack of frames, what is the level of salary and the necessary competence, - all this is important to know. It happens that the requirements for the employer are somewhat overestimated and you should think about their decline.

If you are sure that the work should be found to the intended date of dismissal, then it is impossible to slow down with this. Actively explore sites with vacancies, send a summary, call the company to your profile interesting to you. Human Resources Managers now go to meet applicants and appoint interviews for offside time. But be careful! The boss, learned about the search for work by his employee, can be very worried in anger, so do everything to "reveal the eyes" yourself and at the right moment.

What to live after dismissal

From each salary, postpone from five to ten percent in the "Fund of Crisis Savings". If you adhere to this scheme, you will not have such a question.

Go beautifully

No matter how in advance you warned an employer about your care, it is necessary to facilitate this period for the company. Of course, the temptation is great to idle all this time, but it is just dishonest! It is necessary to complete those projects in which you participated in order and leave the new employee all information on work (for example, contacts).

For the past two weeks at work, nothing to do with holidays do not have. Rather, on the contrary, it looks like summing up and bringing all things to the finished state. Therefore, behave, like the usual worker: Come on time, do not be lazy, conscientiously fulfill your duties. The employer pays these two weeks of your work, so take care of a decent return.

If the company adopted rapid wires, then do not oppose the proposal to go with colleagues in the next cafe after work.

Discussion 0.

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You received an attractive job offer and firmly decided to quit from the present place. It would seem that the case is for small: report this to the boss, write a statement about care, get the calculation - and hello, a new life! But for some reason, legs bring you past the office of the head, you pull out a difficult conversation, feel awkward before colleagues ...

How to quit work with the smallest loss for career and nervous system? Before making a decisive step, read the recommendations.

Go beautifully
This situation is familiar to many: a new employer is already preparing for you a workplace, and the current thing is not yet aware that the launch of a new project and corporate celebration will be held without your participation. When and how to tell the manager about the coming change?

The first rule of competent dismissal is not to burn bridges. Try to save good relationships with colleagues and boss. Often a wide professional circle in fact turns out to be narrow, and it is likely that you will still meet with former colleagues and the leader. Especially relevant for small cities.

A difficult conversation with the chief should be done with an eye on the eye. If your office is Open Space, it is better to go to the negotiation: for the time being, colleagues should not be aware of your plans. How the conversation with the leader will pass, depends on much: the work situation, your personal relationships, the situation in the team, etc.

Of course, the reasons for the care is better to tell the most sincerely as possible. However, no matter how much you want, do not tell the boss that you are not delighted with his team management style, work seems to you boring, and a salary is small. Diplomacy is a great thing: with its help you can save a good relationship even in a very difficult situation. Explain that the interesting offer has been received - the position is more serious, the salary is higher. You may have changed a family situation and you can no longer ride an office to another end of the city. Or maybe you are tired of constant processing and feel emotionally burnt. About such reasons need to be taught honestly, but at the same time delicately. Do not forget to add that you are very sorry to leave the team, but you are grateful for the experience gained during work in the company.

Adequate supervisor will understand your motives, but be morally ready for counterpart. Raising salary, new post, unscheduled vacation or an interesting business trip - to keep a valuable employee ,. Leave or stay on new conditions, solve only you. The main thing is that the head does not consider that you manipulate them in order to increase or salary.

Warn in advance
He obliges an employee to warn about his dismissal at his own request for 14 days, but by agreement with the employer this period can be reduced. But do you need it? On the contrary, for the sake of preserving relationships with the authorities and obtaining good recommendations, it is possible to talk before, for example, not for two, but three weeks before dismissal. Thus, you will give the company more time to search for a new employee and calmly complete the case. Your new employer will most likely understand your desire to finish started at the old place. In addition, you will show yourself a responsible person.

Regardless of whether you have the opportunity to warn the head of care or not, try to facilitate the company's transition period - the time when you will not be in the workplace, and the new employee will not enter the case. If possible, complete the current projects, take cases on time and leave the new employee key contacts. In short, facilitate the successor life.

The last two weeks of work should not be perceived as something similar to vacation - on the contrary, it is a kind of summing up. Come on time, do not seek to leave work early, because the past fourteen days are paid by the employer as well as all the previous ones.

Observe traditions
On the last working day you need not only to pick up the labor book, but also to say goodbye to the team. Separate the colleagues an email, thank them for cooperation and a good attitude, because surely the work in the company taught you something. Exchange contacts with key employees and with all who worked with you in one department. Colleagues from the department can be presented in a small souvenir in memory of how you prepared reports together, launched projects or fought for customers.

In some teams on the occasion of dismissal, it is customary to invite colleagues in the next cafe after working or treat during the donkey interruption in the office. Do not disturb the traditions and allow colleagues to congratulate you with a new step in a career.

Know your rights
Unfortunately, the dismissal procedure is not always smooth. It happens that the employer, having learned about the decision of the employee to quit, begins to behave like a feudal point, trying to keep it. Miscellaneous methods are going to move: from promises of golden mountains and high posts to threatens to focus on the article or not to sign a statement about the care.

But even in such situations should not be lost. As you know, serfdom in Russia canceled 150 years ago, and you can quit, without waiting for the signature of the head. To do this, it is necessary to document the fact of submitting an application for dismissal, or transferring it to the head through the office in compliance with all formalities, or by sending by mail by registered letter with the notice. Date notice that the letter is delivered, this is the date of your prevention on dismissal. After 14 days, the employer is obliged to give you a labor book and the calculation, in which, among other things, should be compensation for unused vacation. Keep in mind that you can refuse it and make a vacation with subsequent dismissal. In this case, the last day of work in the company will be the last day of vacation.

But how to survive two weeks in the conditions of pressure from the leader offended by your "infidelity"? Do not succumb to provocations, perform your work, clearly observe all paper formalities, do not be late and do not make the reason to make you comments. In the most extreme cases, you can help the hospital list: while the employee is sick, two weeks of working out are their guys.

Whatever your last days in the company, remember: before the expiration of the warning of the dismissal, the employee has the right at any time to withdraw its statement. And although both among employees and among employers there was an opinion that for those who decided to leave the company, there is no return path, there are still exceptions.