As defined and what is an allegory in fiction. What is an allegory in literature and art? Examples, meaning and definition of the word

As defined and what is an allegory in fiction. What is an allegory in literature and art? Examples, meaning and definition of the word
As defined and what is an allegory in fiction. What is an allegory in literature and art? Examples, meaning and definition of the word

Allegory is the use of distracted concepts that symbolically transmit a specific image characteristics. One word is illustrated with the other. Allegory includes two important components. The semantic element of the allegory is an item that depicts the author, but does not call it.

For example, wisdom, courage, kindness, youth. The second element is the subject object that the title concept must be conveyed. For example, Owl is a creature that means wisdom.

Most often, the allegory is stable images that are moving from the work into the work. Most often used in bass or parables. So, Basney's main characters are allegories. For example, in the famous Basna of Krylov "Crow and Fox" Fox is an allegory of tricks. Almost all animals in Krylov's fables are constant allegories, so reading the name "Pig under the oak", the reader immediately understands that the fable ridicules human ignorance. After all, a pig for Krylova is an allegory of ignorance.

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In the translation of the allegory means "otherwise I say", allegory, that is, with the help of such hidden statements you can express your opinion without disturbing the ethics. Most often, such "statements" are found in painting, theatrical art, literature and sculpture. That is how often you can show not directly to the flaws, but with a kind of subtext, the transfer of the value of one word to another.

And the metaphor, and the allegory, in fact, mean the same thing, they are used to express it is not literally, but in another understanding. The difference consists only that the metaphor is used only in the literature, and the allegory in other art types, as well as it is much richer to different images and definitions. And one, and another value is carried out parallels in the consciousness of a person.

By and large, the metaphor can be understood as a comparison, but the allegory can take a form of a complete work. Such a comparison provokes a person's brain to work in a specified director. For example, such a phrase as an "iron character" literally needs to be understood as the power of the will and durability. The nature of the British can be attributed precisely to such an understanding if the Margaret Thatcher is to do. The metaphor in this phrase is the word "iron", it is it that means the strength of the Spirit, the fortress. The phrase "came autumn" can be interpreted as an approach of old age. But if there is not one metaphor in the text, but several, then they may well form an allegorical reception. By the way, very often the authors resort to this method.

A typical example of the application of the allegory is a fable. The most famous in our country are Basni Ivan Krylov. In each of them, the main character or heroes show animals, but we immediately understand about whom and what I wanted to tell us.

For example:

  1. the bear is good nature, strength and limitation;
  2. lisa is associated with cunning, arrogance and flattery;
  3. stubbornness, stupidity and stupidity exhibits donkey;
  4. pig or monkey show us ignorance.

In the bass I. Krylov, we can most often observe the donkey, as it is more endowed with human vices - stupid, stubborn, stupid. But not always one animal enters into several allegories. For example, bee is hardworking. Also, the author associates with animals representatives of people of different social groups. So, the old lion in the bass "The upbringing of a lion" identifies the image of the king. It is his upbringing that he trusts someone else's person, as he himself cannot teach him to manage his own state, he does not know how to lead himself. As a result, the ruler grows out of the lion and the ruler. Moreover, Lionca can clearly trace Alexander I.

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin also wrote Basni, in which revealed the essence of man. For example, in Mudrome Pescara, he describes the liberal, using a small fish as an allegory - a baker. Some people, like this fish, do not care except for their own life. They also burned out of society, depriving themselves all the joys of life, and as a result, no one benefits. This is a weak man refuse to fight for your life, rights. Saltykov-Shchedrin shows us that such people cannot be called citizens, since it is just a small, cowardly and useless fish. He believes that such people in vain are sitting in their positions, as well as relate to them and passive, indifferent people who do not benefit society.

In this video, examples of allegory are presented.

But not only animals show all the essence of the time, sometimes the authors choose a person as the main character. Having created a specific situation, they are denied human flavors. Does such a comparison of the reader help?

Saltykov-Shchedrin is known for his Yary statements for the abolition of serfdom, therefore, the Lords ridiculed, who directly depended on the "dirty and uneducated" men. Their helplessness is also shown in the fairy tale "as one man's two generals proceeded." They completely learned to do something on their own, only the ability to "play" a "bullet" remained, cracking and brugrim. "

Many Russian poets use trails, allegories, metaphors and other ways to transmit feelings, artistic image and work style. In the bass "Dragonfly and ant" clearly, not the actions of insects as such, and people. Some do nothing, hoping for others. And others work without downtrending hands in order to secure a decent future. Therefore, this is a great way to show the lazy, nothing of thinking people. Often with the help of allegorical statements, the authors reveal a deeper philosophy, which is sometimes not subject to the statement in the open text. This kind of allegory is greatly enriched and satisfied with our speech.

Of course, the most often used allegory in fairy tales, bass. But sometimes quite serious works will restrain some hidden meaning, which is capable of catching not every reader. For example, N.V. Gogol shows us the companion, Lyapkin-Tipkin or Plushkin just in such an image. D. Fonvizin talks about Prostakia, Pravdin, Starodam. Each hero is no coincidentally endowed with his last name. It is also a way of hidden allegory, which we must understand.

Artistic literature just like painting, music or sculpture displays life with certain images that the author of the work is trying to convey to us. Thanks to a huge variety of language, speech methods (metaphors, hyperboles, personification, irony), we can read, see and hear those hidden notes that are trying to convey the author, as well as understand the entire depth of feelings and experiences.

Moreover, the allegory is found even in religion. As a rule, all parables are written in such a way that a person understands what exactly he is trying to convey.

In this video, in the framework of one morning program, leaders tell about what an allegory is. Be sure to leave your questions, wishes and

When the author writes a literary work, writes the picture or creates another work of art, he aims to maximize accurately convey the character of heroes, their inner world and relationship. Poetry, painting, sculpture is not just a set of words and information. If only clear definitions are used in verses, they are unlikely to vouch the reader. Therefore, in Russian, so many means of artistic expression. One of them is an allegory. What such an allegory can be understood on specific examples.

How is used in different art types?

Allegoria, if you try to formulate a definition, you can call a certain means intended to be abstract to call a specific concept or subject.

Allegory is used as a means of expression in many types of art:

  1. In painting, In the era of Renaissance, artists are very often in the paintings, drawing various items, inserted a deep meaning in the paintings. It was not just a composition of incomprehensible elements, it was a call for an artist, his view of the world around. However, not all viewers could solve the meaning, but only those who were familiar with the concepts of allegory;
  2. In sculpture. The streets of cities, especially cultural centers, often decorate monuments, sculptures and statues. But in each monument, a certain idea is expressed;
  3. In literature. Very often, poets mask feelings, intangible concepts under animals, plants, subjects, giving verse a unique style and thereby giving the will's imagination of the reader.

In sculpture and painting

As an example of the allegory in painting, you can bring the picture "Freedom, the leading people" Ezhen Delacroix, a French artist. In the picture, freedom, which is an intangible, abstract concept, is depicted in the form of a woman with a red flag, which towers over other people. The weapon in her hand symbolizes the strength, and the turning head is a call for action.

Allegoria in sculpture is a bright example of "Motherland Mother", which personifies victory over the fascists, and says that Volgograd, as if the sword struck the enemy. And the "copper rider" in St. Petersburg emphasizes the greatness of Peter I, each detail has its own value: the lump in the form of a wave is the element, and the horse is overcoming obstacles.

What is an allegory in the literature?

If you open an explanatory dictionary, you can find the following allegory definition - this deployed metaphor, allegory, a trail that enhances the expressiveness of the work by presenting an abstract concept with a particular way or expression.

That is, it's like artistic synonym. For example, in Krylov's fables all characters animals, but each animal is an enhanced expression of human defects or the opposite of advantages. Fox is a cunning, crow - stupidity, and oak - wisdom.

If the author presented the same features of human characters, but in a different way, for example, would be described simply a cunning, just a stupid or just wise person, hardly if the reader would have to convey vital truths in such ironic, light and simple form.

What is the difference between the metaphor from the allegory?

Allegory can be confused with the metaphor, because both concepts are denoted expression of something through something .

But allegory is a more expanded metaphor:

  • Metaphor A more specific, narrow expression, allegory is wider, this is a whole picture of allegory;
  • The metaphor is a figurative value based on similarity, allegory more uses associations. For example, the metaphor will be the expression "chiter as a fox", but if you call someone "fox" will already be allegory;
  • The metaphor often expresses an animated concept, and an abstract allegory. That is, about a person, you can say "proud as a lion" and it will be a metaphor, but the image of a lion means power, power and pride is an example of the allegory.

What is allegory: examples

Allegory is very often used in the literature. The bright image of the allegory is a fable, in them every character is an personification.

Poetry also uses this means of expressing thoughts. Allegory is not easy for understanding.

For example, in the rows of Marina Tsvetaeva "poems grow as stars and like roses":

  • Stone plates are a creative lull when the poet has neither ideas or inspiration;
  • Heavenly guest - a sudden insight, muse, in four petals, meaning a flower, which in turn personifies something beautiful;
  • Star law is a certain vision of the world, its submarine currents;
  • Flower formula - suggests that only the poet knows how to convey all the truths by the word.

In the lines of "Winter Night" Boris Pasternak, there are also allegorical expressions:

  • Blizzard and winter mean adversity, which came everywhere,
  • Candle - non-permanent hope;
  • "On an illuminated ceiling" - an illuminated ceiling symbolizes what, despite difficulties, hope can highlight everything around;
  • "Hand crossed, leggalls" - passion and love;
  • "Melo all month in February, and that's the case of the candle burned on the table, the candle of warmed" - here in the last lines, as it were, how fast the little candle turned out to be, which, despite the month of adversity, burned.

Application in religion

Any religion is designed to change a person for the better. Proverbs and commandments teach people love, mercy, justice and humility. For example, in the Christian religion in every parable, all the characters, items and actions are allegorical.

Parable of talents: it tells about how the owner, leaving to another country, gave his slaves talents: one five, the other three, the third one. When he returned, he saw that one who had five talents, imagined them and received only ten, who had three, did the same, and that slave who had one talent, buried him into the ground.

  • The owner is God, talents are all what we have been awarded from birth: abilities, opportunities and health.
  • The slave, smearing in the land of talent - a lazy person who does not want to develop and improve.

Almost every parable was built on allegories, in order to convey to people more accessible to people.

Art is used to lead a person to perfection, otherwise it is not art, but a simple catering. In order to be better conveyed to a person, a particular understanding of the world, you need to create bright images and strengthen contrasts.

Therefore, art can not be dry, monotonous and open to understand. For this, there are various means of expression. Any true master knows not only what is an allegory, metaphor, epithet, symbol, but also knows how to apply all this in his creations.

Video: examples of allegories and metaphors in creativity

In this video, Elena Krasnova's literature teacher will tell you what an allegory is and how it is used in art will lead the brightest examples:

We often use words and expressions that in an allegorical form indicate any concepts or phenomena without calling them. For example, when we say "Crow in Pavlinich feathers," meaning a person trying to seem more important and significant than he really is. "First swallow" call signs of approaching something new, joyful, change for the better. Such a reception of portable speech in the literature and in art is an allegory, examples of which are given above.

The origins of this definition

Allegory comes from the Greek words: Allos - other and Agoreuo - I say. Abstracted concepts that cannot be briefly depicted in the form of a bright image, the name of which is an allegory. Examples of such images, understandable to all people, regardless of their nationality: The image of a woman with and with weights in hand is a well-known symbol of justice; Snake, whining the cup, is a symbol of medicine. Allegory as she came into art of and folklore. Most biblical images also bear allegorical. Examples of allegories in the Bible: Judas personifies false and betrayal, and the Virgin is moral purity and impurity.

Where you can find an allegory

In the artistic literature, allegorical images are most often used in bass and parables. The ancient Greek Basinist Esop resorted to the allegorical form of expressing his thoughts, since he could not express them right. Under the guise of animals, he ridiculed human nonsense, greed, hypocrisy. Later, an allegorical manner of the presentation of thoughts began to be called in Russian literature in Basnya I. A. Krylov, an allegory is widely used. Examples of this - images of animals, which are characteristics of the wallens of the Bass. Under them implies some definite human character trait. Piggy - an allegory of ignorance, fox - tricks, falsehood, lying at the same time, died - nonsense.

Compare in relations

Sometimes the allegorical image expresses a certain attitude to the concept that it depicts. For example, Ilf and Petrov use an image that personifies wealth and money. Having emphasizing his ironic attitude to this image, they turned the calf into the calf. And a somewhat different meaning acquired a well-known allegory - an example of a meaningless chase for wealth. This topic can be easily traced in many classic and modern literary plays.

Allegory. Examples in own names

Acceptance of allegory is used by writers in the names of the characters. Griboyedov - Molchanin and Scalozub, Gogol - Sobekhevich, Plushkin, Lapkin-Tipkin, Fonvizin - Pravdin, Starods, Prostaki. These "speaking" surnames are also an example of allegory. Fiction, like music, sculpture, painting, depicts life through artistic images, which carry the feelings of the creator, understanding one or another phenomenon through personal experience, the worldview. To be deeper in order to most accurately convey your experiences, writers use all the wealth and diversity of the tongue, including allegory.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Allegory is an ancient Greek word, and in translating it means " allegory».

It is believed that the very first one who began to actively use this technique in their works was the Basinist Ezop.

The fact is that Ezop was a slave. He wanted to make fun of the behavior and habits of his owners, but to do it in the open one inevitable death. So he came up with his own language, which completely consisted of hints, allegory and secret symbols.

Allegory is a masking of true meaning

A little lower definition of this term will be given, but first I want to continue the topic of its appearance. Just below, you can see the images of the author of this method of artistic speech (trail) - Ezopa.

Most often, he portrayed people in the form of animals, hanging them with the corresponding habits and character traits. And everyone, including the Lord, really liked the works of Ezop.

They gladly read them, without even suspecting that they laugh at this moment on themselves - with their vices and disadvantages. Later even appeared such a term as " Ezopov Language».

Now the promised determination of the allegory:

Very often in literary works and in ordinary life we \u200b\u200bmeet such compliance:

An example of allegory in modern literature

In front of you now excerpt one of the most famous poems Boris Pasternak "Winter Night". Read and answer a simple question - what is it about?

Melo, Chalot throughout the Earth
In all limits.
Candle burned on the table,
Candle burned.
On the illuminated ceiling
Laid the shadows
Hand crosses, leg crosses,
Fate crossed.
Chalk all month in February
And that's the point
Candle burned on the table,
Candle burned.

If you understand everything literally, it seems to be a picture clear. Before mental gaze, a harsh Russian winter is drawn, somewhere stands a lonely home. Everything is happening in some village, since there is no electricity, and the house is lit with candles. Well, inside there are two lovers who are periodically having sex. Looks like it's true? That's just not the droplets right.

To understand the meaning of the "Winter Night", you need to represent who Pasternak is. This is a rebel, beloved. The author who has long been banned in the USSR. And it would be strange to assume that he suddenly wrote such a banal love lyrics. And he did not write her! In this poem hidden much deeper meaning:

See, it seems to be a banal picture of winter Pasternak described one of the main laws of the universe. And it is better to say - disguised one in the other. This is an allegory.

Allegoria in Krylov's fables

The mass of the allegory uses in his fables and Ivan the wings. In each work, the main characters are animals. But in them we can easily learn human behavioral manners or actions, often not the most correct and exemplary.

The wings are very clearly ridiculed by human flavors or, on the contrary, praises the dignity. In each animal encrypted some kind of character:

But wings hides under allegory not only charactersBut even the entire foundations of life, the relationship between different layers of society and historical moments. A bright example is the fable "Wolf and a lamb".

Strong always powerless to blame:
In history, we are thinking of examples.

According to the plot, the wolf stresses and disgraces the lamb in every way, who dreamed of drinking water from the same stream as he. But not about this pair of animals. Over the images of the wolf and lamb of the wings hid the power of the property and simple people.

And there is a Basinista and a different work - "Wolf on Psarn".

Wolf at night, thinking to climb into sheepskirts,
Hit on the dog.
Suddenly suddenly the whole pot yard -
I expect gray so close to the gown.

In this bass, the wings skillfully disguised the events of 1812. Then Napoleon (Wolf), realizing that Russia would not overcome Russia, tried to spend peace negotiations.

But in the end, our commander led by Kutuzov did not bought this and drove the French army to Paris himself. And the fable just ends with the fact that an experienced catcher (Kutuzov) did not go to negotiations with Wolf (Napoleon) and lowered all dogs on him.

Other examples of allegories in literature

Of course, not only in Krylov, and not only in the fables we encounter allegory. For example, many tales Saltykov-Shchedrin full of allegory. The most striking example is "Wheel Pescar".

After all, under the mask of a little fish, which decided to exhaust themselves from everything in the world, not to put in any one, not to help anyone and live only for himself, you can consider passive people. They do not strive for anything, do not try to break into the very top, do not fight for improving their own life. And the author makes a fair conclusion that from such creatures (whether it is a fish or person) there is no benefit.

From them, no one is cold, neither heat or dishonor, or honor. They are just a gift occupy a place yes eating food.

One more example - "Song about the petrel" Maxim Gorky. After all, it is not about a bird, although it is the main character.

Stupid penguin timidly hides the body fat in the cliffs ... Only a proud petrel reheres boldly and freely over gray-sided from foam by the sea! ... storm! Soon the storm is born!

Penguins in this case - gray mass. People who are trembling in front of the government and are afraid to resist her. And the petrel is bolt, who are ready to challenge and dream of old orders.

The same discontent with centuries can be found and in the work of Alexander Blok.

Wagons walked the usual line,
Shuddered and creaked;
Silent yellow and blue,
In green cried and sang.

Although it is necessary to clarify what the author means. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the train consisted of multicolored cars. In the first and second grade (yellow and blue) we went to the rich, and the simple people juts in less comfortable cars of the third grade (green).

But in this case, the block, of course, does not mean some particular train.

Through the allegory, he describes the overall way of life in the country - the rich enjoy and do not want to notice anything around, and the poor does not have anything to be silent and tolerate.

As an allegory, some authors use family character. For example, Gogol has a companion and Treipkin-Lapkin. Fonvizina - Pravdin and spaces. Griboedov - Molchanin and Scalozub. And as soon as we see, we immediately understand what character from a hero, and how the author himself belongs to him.

Than allegory differs from metaphor

Attentive reader can ask a question - what difference of allegory from metaphor? After all, both of these concepts imply allegory.

The essence is really the same - through bright images to strengthen the value written. That's just a scale here different. As a rule, just one word, which is very noteworthy by character or properties.

For example, golden hands, silence silence, running time. And here allegory can take the form of a whole work. It is richer and deeper in meaning. And sometimes it is even so difficult that not every reader will be able to solve its meaning.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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