What is the appearance of the Chubakki. Character History

What is the appearance of the Chubakki. Character History
What is the appearance of the Chubakki. Character History

In this article you will learn:

Chubacka (ChewBacca) - Vuki, talented pilot and mechanic. Nick Chii. Famous character of the Star Wars Universe.History of Chii as many famous characters of this universe to share on the coneon (original history from films) and legends (books written until 2014). Disney After buying a studio changed the rules of the game and the fate of the hero will probably change in the following films, but for now we have to read the leenads about the Vuko's Break.

Birth and childhood (legend)

Chubakka appeared in 200 dB on the forest planet Kashiik, in the Aticitkuka family.

Since childhood, Vuki dreamed of travel. He has repeatedly left the planet, to gain new skills that later shared with his people.

Chui was a good mechanic and for many years with friends revenge the cosmic ships. (Approximately 160 years).

Shock with a trading federation (legend)

Becoming an adult, Chubakka met a girl named Mallatobak. For her, Vuki had to fight with Toguvuk, whom he won, lubricating into the forest.

Chioo with his father were responsible for landing new trees on the planet. They mastered new territories on the planet, as well as created a colony on the Moon of Cashiak. Mastering the Alaris Prime system, Vuki stumbled upon a trading federation. Then, Chii first met - and who helped volu works to settle conflict with the federation.

War of clones (canon)

In the film "War of Clone" we can see the Chubakka, who fights on the side of the republic, so began his role in the canon.

In 22 DBY, Chubakka gathered to go out to the exile because of the wrath of Tredrdko, the father of the duly killed during the hand for his hand, Tozhvuk. But, the resulting conflict with a confederation of independent systems forced him to join the army of the King of the Vuko Grechchavvaa.

Vuki, together with clones and jadyami, led the war against the Confederation, manifes itself as a great warrior. He participated in the last battle on Cashiak, struggling with the 41st corps of the clones of the Republic, Tarffulu and General.

When clones turned against the Jedi, executing the order 66, Chubakka helped the iodine run from the planet.

Kashiik was disgust and china became a national hero. But, rejected did not have long, since the republic reorganized into the empire, introducing a martial law on the planet. Many Vuki fell into slavery. For the world, gloomy times have come.

Escape from the planet (legend)

Chubakka defended the Jedi who survived the order 66, trying to take them from Cashiak. Finding the Jedi on the planet of the WOOL, caused abundant bombing and arrival. Saving friends and himself from slavery, Chui flew away from the planet on the ship "Drunk dancer" to go to the run.

Meeting Khan Solo (Legend)

Salvation of Chubakki

After some time, the hero was caught by the leader of the slave traders. He managed to combine other wooks and help them run, capturing the ship. After meeting with Schuha, Chii snatched his hands.

With a new company, Chubakka began to make raids on the ships of the workers, until his team fell under the shelling of the Empire fighters led by Lieutenant.

Chubakka was captured and delivered to Officient Niklasu, who ordered the solo to kill the WOO. But, Khan refused, retaining his life.

Chii was a slave while he did not save him from the execution of solo, deserting the empire from the army.

Smuggler life (legend)

After the rescue of his life, Chubakka swore in loyalty to Khan Solo, becoming smugglers with him. Solo won the legendary ship "Millennary Falcon" on which friends put a record in speed and began to engage in a dirty workman.

Once, Khan and Chubakka pursued by the empire were forced to throw a cargo of Spice belonging to Jabbe, Hutt announced a reward for their heads.

Soon, Chubakka went to his native world, on the stuffy. There Vuki married Mallatobak's old girlfriend and his son Lumpavarmpa was born.

New Hope (Canon)

In the film "New Hope" of the 77th year, we first saw Chii, whose role was performed by Peter Maikhu.

Events, led to Chubakka on Tatinen, where he met a familiar - Obi-Vana Kenobi. Jedi is very old and he just did not recognize him. Kenobi, and two Drocee searched for a ship to fly to Alderan and Solo offered them their services.

Having reached the destination, the team discovered the planet destroyed. "Falcon" fell on the "Star Death" and the team had to hide in a cache. To get out of the Western, Chii had to participate in a save.

Battle for Yavin

Running from the star of death, Khan and Chui planned to go to Jabbe and give their duty, but were mired in the thick of events. They became participants in the battle of Javin, taking the side of the insurgent alliance struggling against the empire. In this battle, the star of death was destroyed. For heroism, manifested in Khan, Chubakka and Luke Skywalker were awarded medals. At the time, the Sokol team refused to work smugglers becoming the pilots of the Alliance.

Having gone to pay with the debts, Khan and Chii got into the paws of pirates. Only thanks to the new friends of the hatch and more, the Sokol team managed to run. Because of this solo donated the money to the Alliance than was dissatisfied with Chii. His discontent increased when Han went to look for new treasures in Yavin IV temples.

Heroes Alliance

The Empire is negotiated (canon)

In the flesh up to 3 years after the battle for Javin, Chui was engaged in the repair of the alliance ships.

When the battle began behind the planet, the Vuki helped Khan evacuate the princess leu, having left the cauldon to the old familiar Lando Calrissian. On the cane the team was captured by imperials. Khan was placed in carbonis and gave the hunter for heads. Chii could not help a friend.

From captivity Chubakka and Leu saved Lando, with whom Chubakka had to lead the "falcon".

The whole year of Chubakka spent looking for his best friend Khan Solo, along with Lando. For the year of Chui and Calrisian participated in a variety of adventures and assignments of the Alliance. The last order of Khan - "Berera Lei," Chii performed diligently. Voluki did not step away from the princess.

Chubakka was lucky to travel with Skywalker. With him, Vuki visited Shalivan, looking for a girl, the former pilot of the Alliance - Shira Bree, who was in his own it, Lady Lyumia.

Jedi's Return (Canon)

Soon, Khan was discovered in the Dzhabby Dzhabby Palace. Chii got there as a captive hunter bowl, which was disguised by Leia. Vuki was thrown into the dungeon, where time was hit and freed from Khan carbonite. From this meeting of friends, Chui almost strangled in the arms of solo.

Friends managed to escape when they were going to execute in the Sarlakka gorge. The whole company who came to the rescue: Luke, Leia and Lando, saved Khan and Chii, as well as destroyed Jabba, putting a point in his hunt for smugglers.

Chubakka and Leia

After salvation, Chui was present on the Alliance Council, where the plan for the destruction of the "Star Death II" was sought.

Together with Luho, Lei and Khan, Chubakka went to the Moon of Endor, where friends had to deactivate the shields of the Empire weapon. There, Vuki met with the race of Evok, who did not like roller, as they took his crossbow and almost eaten. Chubakka was associated with the aborigines with the forest spirit - a gigantic creature, according to the legend inhabited in the jungle and protected Evoks from the misfortune.

After the destruction of the second star of death, Chii and friends celebrated victory over the empire.

Subsequent years of life (legend)

However, even after the death of Darth Vader and the emperor, the empire did not give up. Chui continued to fight against the remnants of the empire, freeing his planet Kashiik and Bakur. After these victories, the alliance rebels became called the Alliance of free planets.

In the subsequent years, Chubakka spent a lot of time with his son and his wife.

In 9 Pbia, Khan Solo and Lei were born children and. Chubakka directly engaged in the child's supervision. For children, Chii became a security guard and a good friend. He fiercely defended the children of his best friend, considering them relatives.

In 10 Pbia, unexpectedly, the emperor returned in the body of the clone. The world again mired in war, which quickly ended with the defeat of Palpatine. In the same year, ley, gave birth to a third child from Solo - Anakin.

After the second defeat of the emperor, Chii and Khan went to the diplomatic mission to Kessel, where they were captured and sent to prison. There, smugglers met the boy by name, which was decided to take with them, when shooting.

After return, Chii helped hatch in search of gifted children.

When Jacein and Jane Solo began to study in ways of power in Praksulya Jedi, they joined the nephew Chii - Lowbakka.

Skywalker Family - Solo


In 25 Pbia, Khan, Chubakka and Anakin, went to Serrangeidal, who was threatened by a collision with a satellite Dyssion. Chii and Anakin organized the evacuation of the planet, in a terrible pressure, trying to save as much creatures as possible. Raised strong wind and fragments flying in rescuers, Anakina, and Chii was forced at the last moment to save him, throwing him to the fallen "falcon". Khan tried to save a friend, but the standing building began to collapse and the nasty for the steering wheel Anakin decided to fly away.

It was the last journey of Chii. He took death calmly, with courage, watching how the moon-embroidered moon is approaching it.

The death of Pubbaki became a shock for Khan Solo, who vinyl in his son Anakin. After his death, Lumpavaru and Lowbakka swore solo in what will continue to do the duty of the life of Chii.

On the cashiak in honor of the hero, the memorial tree was planted and the Chubakki's memory ceremony passed, actually replaced him funeral.

C-3PO and R2-D2 were searching for stories about Chusbak. They managed to collect a lot of materials telling about the life of the Great Wook.

Such a loss of the Universe entered a new war with the race of Yuuzhan-Wongov, who used the tactics of the "Yo'Ganda" tactics, which suggested the destruction of the enemy world with the help of the brigade, which was located in the center of the planet.

Forelock butkKA, he is Chii., Shushaka(eng. Chewbacca, Chewey, Sheewshaka.) (ok. 200 to me. b. -) - Character Kinoshai "Star Wars". Chubakka is a traveler from the Vuki tribe, a mechanic on the Khan Sospace Space Solo "Falcon Millennium". The son of Artyichitkuka, Father Lumpuparerapa.

An important role of Chubakka played in the action of the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh episodes as a companion of Khan Solo, in the third episode he was one of the Wook (the second was the warrior Tarful), who were present in the attack by the clones on the Master Yesod.

In the films of George Lucas, the role of Chubakki performed Peter Maikhu, a former sanitary. Peter's growth is 2 m 21 cm. At the same time, he is very thin, which also contributed to the choice of Peter into this role. The growth of the actor in the costume of Chubakki was about 3 m due to the worn feet and head.


The name "Chubakka" comes from the Russian word "Dog" , and the appearance of Chii is partially drawn from Indiana - Lucas Dogs of the Breed of Alaskan Malamut.


The earliest participation of Chubakki in the events of Kinosaga was shown in the "revenge of Sith." Together with Vuki Tarffulu Chubakka is the master's bodyguard of the Master of Joda on the planet Kashiik during the battle with the separatists. After execution by attack aircraft of the order, Tarfful and Chubakka help the iodine imperceptibly leave the planet, saying goodbye to him forever.

In the future, fate drives Chui with the Kororlian smuggler Khan Solo, Vuki becomes the mechanic of his ship "Millennary Falcon". On this ship Luke Skywalker, Obi-Van Kenobi and two droids together with Khan and Chii go to Alderaan. Later, together with Khan, Chubakka becomes a key part of the rescue plan of Princess Lei, playing the role of a "prisoner alien under the convoy of attack aircraft", which allows Hanu and hatch to penetrate the AA-23 prison unit at the death star.

Confrontation with the first Order and separation with Khan Solo

One of the strongest shocks in the life of Chubakki occurs thirty years after the victory over the empire of Sitchov.

Together with Khan, Solo Chui finds out in the open space stolen from them "thousand-year-old falcon", which detects those who were saved from the first Order of the Ray, the former Navigator Finn and DROID BB-8. Khan and Chui deliver new acquaintances on the planet tatter in the tavern (eng.)russianwhich can help the druid storing the data on without a tracely disappeared Skywalker's hatch, get to the forces of resistance. After a sudden attack on the planet of the Armed Forces of the first order, headed by Kylo Renom - the son of Khan, who took the dark side of the Force, is captured, and Chui, Khan and Finn save on Sokol.

Chubakka participates in the implementation of the Starkiller Base Disposal Plan. Together with Khan and Finn, he penetrates the base where all three are reunited with Rey and have time to turn off protective shields, after which they are witnessing the confrontation of Khan and Kaylo Rena. In the eyes of Chii Kaylo Ren, experiencing an inner struggle between the desire to renounce the dark side and the desire to achieve the power of Darth Vader, pierces his father's light sword. Amazed by the sudden death of the closest friend himself, the Chubakka comes into rage and opens fire on Renu and the database guards, but he does not manage to deal with the killer Khan.

After the successful destruction of Starkiller Chii, together with the restored Droid, R2-D2 is accompanied by the Rei in search of the Skywalker who went to the exile.


In the new canon, Chubakka is alive at least 34 Pbia. However, in Robert's novel, Salvatore "Vector-approx" from the series "New Order of the Jedi" describes the death of this character.

On the other hand, Roger Ebert in his 1997 review on a special reissue of the film "Empire is negotiated" said that the character gives the film a bad dynamics: "This hero was presented in the first film as a showcase, never thought and as a result was burdened One facial expression and one mournful screech. It would be possible to do much more. How can you be a pilot-astronaut and not be able to communicate in any normal way? Could Khan Solo really understand the monotonous sounds of Chui? Have they had long conversations at least sometimes? " .

the main galactic, Khattsky, Aqualis, Bokka, Lasatsky, ITORIAN, Robresky, Evoksky, etc.

On another day, Boris's dates with Rostov was a review of the Austrian and Russian troops, both fresh, who came from Russia and those who returned from the campaign with Kutuzov. Both emperors, Russian with the heir to Zesarevich and the Austrian with the Ersgertzog, did this review of the Allied 80 Titying Army.
From early morning, the schocholski was started to move the cleaned and cleaned troops, laying down on the field in front of the fortress. They moved thousands of legs and bayonets with fluttering banners and at the command of officers stopped, wrapped and built in the intervals, bypassing other such masses of infantry in other uniforms; THAT Mercrimal Topot and Brozenania sounded an elegant cavalry in blue, red, green flavored uniforms with embellished musicians ahead, on the crow, red, gray horses; That, stretching with his copper sound of growing on the boilers, cleaned, shiny guns and with their smell of fingers, crawled between infantry and cavalry artillery and was put on the appointed places. Not only the generals in full front-end shape, with dumpy donkey thick and thin wailies and blisters, underpened collars, necks, scarves and all orders; not only reimbracted, dispossed officers, but every soldier, - with a fresh, washed and shaved face and to the last brilliance possibility of cleaned ammunition, each horse, exhausted in such a way that, as the atlas, glowing wool and hairs to the hairs lay a recovered grinder, - Everyone felt that something serious, significant and solemn was performed. Each general and soldiers felt their insignificance, conscious of themselves with grain in this sea of \u200b\u200bpeople, and together felt their power, conscious of themselves part of this huge whole.
From the early morning, intense troubles and efforts began, and at 10 o'clock everything came to the desired order. On a huge field became rows. The army was all stretched into three lines. In front of the cavalry, from behind artillery, rear of the infantry.
There was a street between each of the troops. One of the other three parts of this army were sharply separated: the combat Kutuzovsky (in which Pavlogradians stood on the right flank in the front line), who came from Russia to the Army and Guards Shelves and the Austrian army. But everyone stood under the same line, under one bosy and in the same order.
How the wind on the leaves swept the excited shop: "Rout! go! " Frightened voices were heard, and the wave of the fuss of recent preparations ran through all the troops.
Ahead of Olmyuta appeared the native group. And at the same time, although the day was a windless, the light jet of the wind ran through the army and slightly smoked the peak fluger and the loose banners who were shred about their trets. It seemed that the army herself this light movement expressed his joy while approaching the sovereign. One voice was heard: "Smirno!" Then, like roosters at the dawn, they repeated voices at different ends. And everything calmed down.
In the dead silence, the horses only heard horses. That was the retinue of emperors. The state trucks drove up to the flank and the sounds of the trumpets of the first cavalry regiment, who played the general march were played. It seemed that the trumpeters were played, and the army itself, rejoicing the approach of the sovereign, naturally published these sounds. From behind these sounds, one young, gentle voice of Emperor Alexander was clearly heard. He said the greeting, and the first regiment was planted: Urra! So deafeningly, long, joyfully, that people themselves were horrified by the number and strength of the hodge, which they constituted.
Rostov, standing in the first rows of the Kutuzov army, to which the sovereign drove up to the first one, was experiencing the same feeling that every person was experiencing this army, - a sense of self-care, proud consciousness of power and passionate attraction to the one who was the cause of this celebration.
He felt that from one word of this man depended that all the romance would (and he associated with her - the insignificant sandbank) would go to the fire and into the water, for a crime, to death or the greatest heroism, and because he Could not do not tremble and do not dying at the sight of this approaching words.
- Urra! Urra! Urra! - thundered from all sides, and one regiment after another she accepted the sovereign by the sounds of General Marsha; Then Urra! ... General Marsh and again Urra! and Urra !! Which, all intensifying and arriving, merged into a deafening hum.
So far, the sovereign, every regiment in his silence and immobility seemed to be a lifeless body; Just compared the sovereign with him, the regiment was revived and thundered, joining the roar of the entire line, which the sovereign was drunk. With terrible, deafening sound of these votes, in the midst of the masses of the troops, immobile, as if petrified in their four-rollers, casually, but symmetrically, and most importantly, hundreds of riders of Sweets and there are two people in front of them - emperors. On them, it was recently concentrated by the restraint of the passionate attention of the entire mass of people.
Beautiful, young Emperor Alexander, in Hvardon Mundir, in a triangular hat, bowed from the field, his pleasant face and a sonorous, in a quiet voice attracted the full attention.
Rostov stood not far from the trumpeter and from afar with his greedy eyes recognized the sovereign and followed his approach. When the sovereign approached the distance of 20 steps and Nikolai is clear, until all the details, he considered the beautiful, young and happy face of the emperor, he experienced a sense of tenderness and delight, like he had not yet experienced. Everything is every feature, any move - it seemed charming in the sovereign.
Stopping against Pavlograd Regiment, the sovereign said something in French to the Austrian emperor and smiled.
Having seen this smile, Rostov himself involuntarily began to smile and felt an even strongest tide of love for his sovereign. He wanted to show something of his love for the sovereign. He knew that it was impossible, and he wanted to cry.
The sovereign called the regimental commander and told him a few words.
"Oh my God! What would happen to me, a sovereign turned to me! - Rostov thought: "I would die of happiness."
The sovereign addressed to officers:
"All, gentlemen (every word heard Rostov, like sound from the sky), thank you heartily.
How happy was Rostov, if he could now die for her king!
- You deserve the St. George banners and will be worthy of them.
"Just die, die for him!" Thought Rostov.
The sovereign still said that something that Rostov did not hear, and the soldiers, having their chest, shouted: Urra! Rostov shouted too, having sacked to the saddle, which was his strength, wanting to damage himself with this cry, only to express his delight to the sovereign.
The sovereign stood a few seconds against the hussar, as if he was in indispensability.
"How could the sovereign in noness?" Rostov thought, and then even this indecision seemed to be the Rostov majestic and charming, like all the sovereign.
The indecision of the sovereign continued an instant. The leg of the sovereign, with a narrow, sharp sock of the boot, as we wore at the time, touched to the groin of an annecated nood of the mare, on which he was driving; The sovereign's hand in the White Glove picked up the reins, he tried, accompanied by randomly stinging the arms of the adjutant. Further dripped down, stopping at other regiments, and finally, only a white plumage was seen by Rostov from the suite that surrounded the emperors.

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Long ago in the distant prealt of galaxy.

"Star Wars" is an integer generation. Many people rose on these films. Children played, making swords, represented that they have power, and they can command them, chose, they belong to the dark or light side of the force. "Star Wars" - a cult that always manifes the people with his universe and his mysteries.

To the Day of "Star Wars", which is celebrated on May 25, website Prepared for you 30 interesting facts about the recognizable film in the world:

  1. "Vader" in Dutch means "father."
  2. In "Jedi's Return", Darth Vader played by three people immediately - David Prause was his body (in armor), his voice was James Earl Jones, and his face was Sebastian Shaw.
  3. According to research, the sound of the TIE fighter is combined from the green elephant and sound of a car rushing along the wet highway.

© Guerra-De-las-Galaxias.blogspot.ru.

  1. The most famous quotation from the film "Star Wars" - "May strength will be with you" - in English sounds like "May The Force Be With You". This phrase can be understood as "May The 4th Be With You" ("May 4 with you"). That is why the day of the "Star Wars" the fans of this saga celebrate on May 4th.
  2. Lucasa was difficult to get financing for this film, most studios believed that no one would want to watch it.
  3. The ship "Millennium Falcon" was invented by Lucas in a diner: Mollyanic hamburger seemed a good model for creating a spacecraft.

© Anomalia.kulichki.ru.

  1. The word "jedi" comes from the Japanese "Jidai Geki", which means "Historical Drama": So in Japan, television series about the samurai warriors times.
  2. Initially, the role of Princess Lei was taken by Sissi Spacek, but when Carrie Fisher refused to be filmed naked in Karry (1976), they exchanged roles. Another candidate for the role of Princess Lei was Jody Foster.
  3. Initially, the role of Khan Solo was invited by Berta Reynolds, but he fell out of the competition; Nick Nicknote and Christopher Waolen were also offered.
  4. Every actor, whose hero on the film was relieved by a light sword, had the right to choose the color of the sword. Basically took blue, like Anakin Skywalker, green, like iodine, or red, like Darth Waider. Only Mais Windows has a sword of unusual purple. Full Samuel L. Jackson found that such a light sword will look funny.

© Angelfire.com.

  1. The numbers of the episode and subtitle "New Hope" was not in the original version of the film. They have been added later when re-released the film to designate the sequence between the first "Star Wars" and "The Empire Strikes Back" (1980).
  2. One of the songs that Evoki sing, sounds like "Det Luktar Flingor Har". In Swedish, this means "he knows, it smells like porridge."
  3. "Padme" translates from Sanskrit as "Lotos"
  4. Lucas at the first press conference on Star Wars said: "Gentlemen, I am well aware that there is no explosions and shots in vacuum, and now ask your questions"
  5. A device for negotiations CVI-Gon Ginna Comllink was "drawn" from the women's razor Gillete Sensor Excel.

© partsofsw.com.

  1. Skaiokher Luke Character has undergone many changes before it became what it is. At first George Lucas wanted to make his girl. Then he was thinking that the hatch was gnome. According to the next version of the director Skywalker could be a 60-year-old general.
  2. Peter Mayhew, who worked in the hospital Sanitar, received the role of Chubakki due to his huge growth - 2 m 18 cm. On the creation of the image of Chubakki from the "Star Wars" George Lucas inspired his dog, sitting on the front seat of the car. And the name of the Chubakka itself was invented on the basis of the Russian word "dog".

© huffingtonpost.com.

  1. At about 22 years old, I had to wait for Peter Maikhu (performer of the role of Chubaki) of his return to wide screens. It is so much time that divides the last parts of the trilogue ("Sitzhov Revenge" and "Jedi's Return).
  2. To hide the shocking ending in the fifth episode, Lucas said the actor who walked in Darth Vader's costume - David Abuse, so that he says "Obi-Van Kenobi killed your father!", But only at the finalization stage, this place was duplicated by the actor, Which spoke for Vader - James Jörl Jones, and changed to "Your Father!".
  3. And the sound of the opening door of the Shuttle Darth Vader - clanging lattice Chamber of the Alcatraz prison.
  4. Darth Vader's costume is really wearing Hayden Christensen, and not some abstract dubler. At the request of Kristensen, Darth Vader's costume was prepared anew, taking into account the characteristics of the body structure of the actor.

© richardgandy.com.

  1. The name "Jar-Jar" came up with the son of Lucas.
  2. In most scenes with Harrison Ford, Kerry Fisher stands on a special stand so that the difference in growth was not so noticeable: Kerry is about thirty centimeters below Ford, which would make funny kisses.
  3. Character Khan Solo Uncle Lucas "copied" from his friend - directed by Francis Ford Coppola, according to the initial idea of \u200b\u200bLucas Khan Solo was supposed to be a green alien monster without nose and with gills.
  4. In many frames of "Star Wars" you can meet the numbers of 1138, this reference to the film "THX 1138" (1970), whose director was George Lucas