How to teach a child to draw. Fundamentals of phased drawing

How to teach a child to draw. Fundamentals of phased drawing
How to teach a child to draw. Fundamentals of phased drawing

The drawing for the child is not art, but speech. Drawing makes it possible to express the fact that by virtue of age limitations he cannot express in words. In the process of drawing, the rational goes to the background, repaid prohibitions and restrictions. At this point, the child is absolutely free. Children's drawing most often clearly demonstrates the sphere of the interests of the smallest artist. In the early stages of development (up to three years) - these are dashes, lines, circles. The kid "tries" a pencil or brush, experiments. Usually he first makes the drawing, and then comes up with what I portrayed what this is May be like. Later (by four years) appears configure drawing . From a certain age (at 3.5 to 4 years), a person becomes close attention and study. From the point of view of psychodiagnostics, a person's drawing is one of the most accurate and reliable sources of information. The difficulty lies only in the fact that the information contained in such a message, figuratively speaking "encoded", and the drawing needs to competently "read". Psychologists who use pattern techniques in the work should have sufficient qualifications and experience with children. However, attentive parents can always notice something unusual in the creative works of the child, to feel his mood, catch the hidden tension. Therefore, as "trial aid" we offer several lessons for analyzing children's drawing.

Details of children's drawing depend on age

The child needs to be suggested to draw his family. Moreover, so that everyone has been occupied by some business. Let him be the choice of color pencils and enough paper - a regular album sheet (A4 format) is quite suitable. Do not rush the baby or comment on its drawing during the drawing process. And when he finishes a family portrait, it's time to turn with questions: who exactly did and what are all these characters are busy. Getting Started with drawing analysis, adults should take into account that its content and, conventionally speaking, quality depend on the age of the young artist. Three-year-old people have people most often look like "chasing": some creatures, the body and the head of which are a single "bubble" with legs. Rozhitsa may appear. But, strictly speaking, analyze the drawing from the point of view of personal development and psycho-emotional state will be or rather from 4-5 years. . By four years, the child usually already depicts a person in the form of two ovals with handles and legs - chopsticks. In the drawings of five year old children, head, eyes, torso, hands, legs appear. At six years to the above, the nose, mouth, fingers (their number is insignificant) are added. To seven years, "painters" no longer overlook such details of the human image, like the neck, hair (or cap), clothes (at least in a schematic form), and the hands and legs are depicted by double lines. Usually these criteria are focused when assessing the mental development of the child.

Analysis of children's drawing on ... own sensations

Homemade hierarchy

Special attention is paid to the analysis of the structure of the family drawing. It is necessary to compare its real composition with the one depicts a child on paper. It should also be estimated to draw the order of drawing, the size of the figures and their location on the sheet. The first and largest, as a rule, depicts the most significant family member in the understanding of the young artist. Children are usually drawn next to those who are experiencing the greatest attachment. And then everyone in the figure is the most incompatible kid relative. The image in profile or back also testifies to the tense relationship between this family member and the author of the drawing. Children live with momentary experiences. And often emotional relations with someone from the loved ones (recent quarrel, resentment) can make their own adjustments to the drawing. In this case, the baby can even "forget" someone. For example, 6-year-old Alyosha does not draw a father who pays little attention to him and is rude. And his absence in the figure explains the fact that "Dad went on a business trip." Alice (4 years) did not draw his youngest sister Ksyusha, explaining her absence that the baby "sleeps in another room." The girl cannot reconcile with the fact that Mom because of his sister does not give her as much attention as before. Inverse situations occur when a child is depicting in the figure of real non-existing family members. Sasha (5 years old) Many surprised his mother when he painted a baby's baby next to him and said that he finally appeared brother! Such "adjustments" in the family make children who are dissatisfied with their emotional position. They need more benevolent attention from adults and games "on equal", and better - entertainment in the company of other such babies. An important role in analyzing children's drawing is also played by the fact that family members are occupied. If they are combined by some common matter, most often this indicates a favorable family climate. Very significant an indicator of psychological proximity is the real distance between the figures depicted . Drawing itself separately from the rest, the child can "signal" about its isolated in the family. If he separates his native partitions from each other or places them in different "rooms", this may indicate problems in communication. The image size indicates what place this person is in the emotional life of the family. For example, if the younger brother or sister child draws a larger, then you can assume exceptional attention to it from the side of loved ones. He "takes a lot of space in their lives." The absence in the picture of the smallest artist himself is a frequent sign that the child feels lonely in the family, and he is "no place" in relations between loved ones. You can check it, asking the baby question: "Maybe you forgot someone to draw?" It happens that even direct indication: "You forgot to depict yourself" The child ignores or explains: "There is no place left", "then Doris". This situation is a serious reason to think about family relationships. A very dense image of figures, as if overlapping each other, talks about such close relationships of people close to the baby or his need for such connections.

Evaluation "Letter Manner"

A fairly common feature of an increased anxiety of a child is self-adaptation. Especially such that do not lead to improved image quality. There are drawings from individual small strokes - the kid as it may be afraid to conduct a decisive line. Sometimes the whole drawing or some of its parts strokes. In such cases, you can also assume an increased anxiety of a young artist. It is worth paying attention to exaggeratedly large eyes in the portrait, especially if pupils are hustled in them. Perhaps the kid is feeling a fear. Numerous decorations the presence of additional parts and items of the costume in the author of the figure indicate the demonstration of the child, his desire to be noticed, craving for external effects. It is more often found in girls. Highly weak Pressure Pencil, Low (Not Pattern) Details The drawing is found in the children of asthenic, prone to rapid fatigue, emotionally sensitive, psychologically unstable. And the children who are easy to change the mood without apparent reason, usually in the process of drawing often change pressure: some lines are barely noticeable, others have been made with a noticeable effort. Impulse kids often do not bring lines to the end or, on the contrary, they draw squeezed, so their pictures Certain careless, uncontrolled. There is a strong push and gross symmetry disorders. Sometimes the drawing "does not fit" on the sheet. There are pictures where everything The figures are depicted very finely. Usually the entire composition is oriented to any edge of the sheet. This means that the baby feels weak and does not believe in his strength. Perhaps one of the relatives are very strict with him or the requirements for the child do not correspond to its real possibilities. If baby pictures yourself in an open position (Hands and legs are widely placed, the figure is large, more often rounded), it speaks of his sociability and cheerfulness. And on the contrary, the "closed" posture (hands pressed to the body or hidden behind the back, the figure stretched, angular) rather indicates a person closed, inclined to restrain his feelings and thoughts. Both in the drawings of boys, and in the drawings of girls it is often possible to notice symbols of aggressive trends behavior: large accented fists, weapons, frightening posture, clearly painted nails and teeth. Despite the seeming hostility, they can be an expression of a protective form of behavior . Adults should be understood that it is for their child a source of increased emotional danger, and why he needed such a demonstration of his strength. Special place occupy pictures with violation of accepted images . In particular, the image of the genital organs. For young children (up to 4 years), it is rather frequent phenomenon. It reflects the trend towards the natural life of life in all its manifestations. Senior preschoolers have such a drawing about the demonstration, desire to draw attention to a provocative way, serves as an expression of aggression.

Palette - soul mirror?

Children are very early to "feel" color and pick it up in their mood and maidos. Dr. Max Lucher, a psychologist and a researcher in the field of color, studied the choice of shades from the colors of various people. He came to the conclusion that the choice of color reflects the psychological qualities of a person and the state of his health. The number of colors used by the child Can be viewed from several positions. First of all, this is the characteristic of the level of development of the emotional sphere as a whole. Usually children use 5-6 colors. In this case, we can talk about the normal average level of emotional development. The wider palette of the color implies a sensitive nature, rich in emotions. If the child older than 3-4 years old draws 1-2 color pencils, it is most likely indicated by its negative state at the moment: anxiety (blue), aggression (red), depression (black). Using only a simple pencil (if there is a choice), they are sometimes interpreted as the "absence" of color, so the child "reports" that in his life there is not enough bright colors, positive emotions. The most emotionally significant figures are highlighted by a large number of colors. And openly not taken characters are usually painted with black or dark brown. Colors can also transmit certain properties of character and condition. Each of the colors has its own symbolic meaning. :

  • dark blue - concentration, concentration on internal problems, need for peace and satisfaction, self-analysis;
  • green - balance, independence, perseverance, stubbornness, the desire for security;
  • red - Will power, eccentricity, focus, aggression, increased activity, excitability;
  • yellow - positive emotions, immediacy, curiosity, optimism;
  • purple - fantasy, intuition, emotional and intellectual immaturity (children often prefer this color);
  • brown - Sensual feeling, slowness, physical discomfort, often negative emotions;
  • the black - depression, protest, destruction, urgent need for changes;
  • grey - "No" color, indifference, detachment, desire to leave, not to notice what worries.

From theory to practice

So, the baby spent over a sheet of paper with pencils in his hands for a few minutes, and the picture is ready. How much important for himself and for parents is hidden in this picture! Let's try to read it? Here the child depicted himself, but the posture is unstable, and there is no face. And how to communicate without a face? - Complicated! Here is a baby in the crib - to relax. Maybe he is tired. Or maybe sick? And the color chose brown. Yes, it is - the temperature! Why do all girls draw princesses? That is how they feel or ... really want it. Just be the center of attention, to be the most ... Yes, and what about the princess demand? But the boy, armed to the teeth. He needs protection. Maybe someone offended him.

Examples of analyzing specific drawings:

Children's drawing 1.

The author of this "family portrait" is Alyosha (6 years old).

Age criterion In the behavior of the child there are features inherent in earlier age, the emotional-volitional sphere has immaturity. All characteristics of the figure are shown in one way. Clothing, with the details inherent in it, is missing. As a symbolic feature of the floor, the hairstyle appears. The characteristic absence of the neck in the depicted people in this case shows the difficulty of controlling the mind over bodily motivations, that is, in Alyosha's behavior there is high mobility, sometimes dismissance, impulsiveness. Emotional characteristic Figure bright, light, cheerful, ordered, rather friendly. Features of the image of the family Family in the figure is reflected in full. In the center of the composition - dad as an important entity in the home hierarchy. It is possible with sufficient confidence to assume that mom is physically and emotionally closer to Alya. The resulting couples are drawn: Mom - Son (Junior in the Family), Dad - Daughter. Lena's sister is farther from the author of the picture. Probably, not everything is fast in their relationship. It is significant that of all family members only dad "hard stands on Earth." The rest - soaring, slightly "twist in the clouds." In general, we can talk about sufficiently warm and close relations between family members. This is evidenced by a slight distance between them, the choice of general color and the image in the same range of the house with a smoke from the pipe, symbolizing the "Heat of Family Floral". "Letter's manner" All drawing lines are made by confident, decisive movements. It is probably the same style of behavior is the most characteristic of Alyosha. But strong push and accented bodies of the body of the boy talk about internal anxiety, anxiety, maybe physical (literally body) ailment. The hairstyle issues the nature active, at times, possibly aggressive. An interesting detail is peculiar antennas (according to Aleshi), which in the figure "grow" from the boy's ears. They symbolize the need to receive information to compensate for the difficulties in communicating (the child has no person in the image). Posses of all the characters are open, the figures are rounded, which involves people of cheerful, sociable. In the case of Alesh, this apparent contradiction may mean: "I want to communicate, play, but I do not always understand me." Palette The color solution of the pattern is very symbolic. Little artist opted his choice on alarm red for all family members, especially emphasized for himself. This indicates the focus on the outside, sociability, increased activity of the author of the picture. Additional green emphasizes the desire for independence and the desire to insist on its as a familiar way of behavior. An important detail of the drawing is a clearly painted surface of the Earth. If Alyosha spent a lot of time on her image, it is probably something important for him. In this case, it is possible to consider land as a need for a support, greater stability and stability. The purpose of the drawing analysis is always a deeper understanding of the child, a look at his family eyes and the definition of ways to positive changes. In this case, I would like to recommend the parents of Alyosha, so that they pay more attention to deep, trustful communication with her son, more often talked to him just as they were interested in his opinion on various issues. They should also think about the difficulty of contact between the son and daughter. And active rest, air games can significantly reduce emotional and physical tension.

Children's drawing 2.

His author - Maxim (4 years 10 months)

Age criterion Such a drawing is rather characteristic of six-year-old children. It can be said that the boy intellectually develops with a lead of his age. Emotional characteristic The drawing is bright, dynamic, however troubled. Features of the family image. The family is depicted in full. Attention to the sexual identification of a young author with dad (see clothing). However, the child's emotionally is still closer to his mother, which is characteristic of the preschooler. Interestingly, the boy seems to not enough space in the picture, it is not hard for his feet. His position is unstable and changeable. Palette The child chose purple color for himself, which, combined with his insecure position in the family (it was said above), indicates possible psycho-emotional instability, frequent mood differences. For Mom, a small artist chose an energetic somewhat chaotic, yellow color. Dad - brown. In its image, attention is concentrated on the physical body. Such a child sees his parents. "Letter's manner" Figures are large, angry - most likely, in communication of the child there are some rectinence and a tendency to conflict (sharp angles). A noticeable hatching and clearly painted pupils give reason to assume the presence of a hidden anxiety.

Children's drawing 3.

Petya, 6 years old.

The drawing is bright, rich, energetic, well organized. It is quite consistent with the age of the artist. In the structure of the family, "adult" and "children's" groups are allocated. The younger brother and sister seek emotionally and physically being closer to the pave. Probably in the family psychologically close, equal relationship. Mom is the brightest, emotional image. The child highlights the image of the mother with a color and draws it first. Petya depicts an adult. The hands are somewhat shortened compared to other images. This is usually found in the drawings of children who consider themselves insufficiently skillful, critically relate to their practical skills, opportunities. The sun and flowers are very often found in the drawings of children. It is worth paying attention if their appearance is unnecessarily by the situation. For example, the sun appears in the drawing of the room. Then we are talking about the need for warmer relationships in the family. In the Petita drawing, these characters most likely talk about a positive attitude towards their family.

Children's Figure 4.

Polina, 7 years.

Often children draw arbitrarily, without a special task, requests: "I draw a girl such as me." In this case, we see a somewhat idealized presentation of a child about yourself. Pay attention to the drawing of the polyna. It is located in the top of the sheet, quite large and bright. You can talk about the positive self-esteem of the child, activity, emotionality. Probably the girl has a high self-control, developed intelligence, sociability. But she lacks sustainability (pay attention to the focused land and small legs of the child). From a psychological point of view, we are talking about uncertainty. Usually it happens in the family where one child is brought up: he is given how it does not paradoxically sound, too much attention, control and direct each step. Thus, the child is deprived of the opportunity to somehow show independence. Gradually accustomed to this situation, the child is afraid to make an incorrect step and is waiting for "valuable instructions." Maybe polynet sometimes worth making their own mistakes and learn to them?

Children's drawing 5.

Alexandra, 4 years old.

The drawing is dynamic, bright, somewhat chaotic. The emotional center of the family is undoubtedly Mom: Heat (Sun), a child, dog focused around it. Her dress is decorated with a pattern. Please note that Sasha draws itself as equal to adults and only legs to the ground are not reached. The girl's character is probably a combat, impulsive, boyish. The lines of the pattern are squeezed, with a strong pressure involve the low level of self-control. For such children, games are useful with simple rules that assume that there are several players. Active sports will also be taught to better understand themselves and relate their desires with the interests of the team.

Children's drawing 6.

Petya, 4 years 6 months

A completely unusual drawing for a child of 4.5 years. Chats turned immediately into mature drawings. This is especially true of adult images. Undoubtedly, this is a drawing of a very observational, developed and at the same time anxious child. Abundant hatching, density, image pressure, are emphasized, the painted eyes indicate the presence of anxiety. The brightest, significant figure is dad. Pay attention to how the hatching of the clothes in family members differs. Pope - in a strictly defined direction, the official suit. Probably in the life of dad is very organized, business person. Figures in the figure are highly tight. This may indicate as closely close relationships and in reality. But our chief hero seems to be necessary for active life a greater physical and psychological space. At first glance, it may seem that the analysis of children's drawings is not such a difficult task. However, I would like to warn parents from harsh wording and setting a psychological diagnosis. After all, behind the seeming simplicity and elegance of the method there are many nuances, the relationships of individual manifestations and features. In addition, the person analyzing the drawing considers it through the prism of his personal experience and the state at the moment. Therefore, it is not necessary to independently do far-reaching conclusions. And if something in the picture is alerted or puzzled parents, it is better not to postpone the visit to a specialist. Let him help figure out!

Study on drawing "Storm at sea"

The lesson on the topic "Sea is worried" is designed for 3 academic hours (1 hour of theory and 2 hours of practice).

Age: 7-8 years.
Theory (1 academic hour).
Purpose: To acquaint children with the concepts of "heat-winding", "contrast", relying on the tables on the flowers and reproduction of paintings I. Aivazovsky.
- to acquaint with the work of the Russian artist I. Aivazovsky;
- to acquaint with the basics of flower science, relying on the table of heat-winding;
- Teach to determine the contrast combinations of warm and cold colors.
Materials: Reproductions of paintings by I. Aivazovsky, the table of heat-winding and a contrasting combination of warm and cold colors.
Practice (2 school hours).
Purpose: Make a scene composition using a contrast combination of colors.
- Teach: 1) Using a teacher's show, step by step to build the composition of the drawing and work out it in color;
2) mix watercolor paints, getting colors and use them in the figure;

Materials and Tools: Watercolor Sheet (A4), Watercolor Paints (24 Colors), Brushes (Protein No. 3 and No. 5), Water jar, Napkin (paper or x / b), Watercolor palette.

Today we will talk to you about color, its characteristics, about what a contrast is for what and how it is used in painting. We will get acquainted with the reproductions of the paintings of the Great Russian artist Ivan Aivazovsky.
We have already spoken in previous classes that all colors are divided into cold and warm. As we know, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple color make up a spectrum.
Warm colors: red, yellow, orange and all others, in which there is at least a piece of these colors.
Cold colors: blue, blue, green, blue-purple, blue-green and colors that can be obtained from mixing with these colors.
Knowledge of the bases of color, the system of color constructions is necessary for the successful creative work of any novice artist.

It is important to know that each color has three main properties: color tone (color itself), saturation and lightlock.
In the preservation, there are the concepts of "referral" and "color" contrast.
The phenomenon of color contrast is that the color changes under the influence of other colors surrounding it, or under the influence of colors previously observed.
Additional (or secondary) colors in the neighborhood with each other become brighter and rich. For example, a red tomato looks brighter next to the parsley greens, and the purple eggplant next to the yellow replica.

The contrast of blue and red - the prejudice of the contrast of cold and warm colors.
It can be said that the contrast is one of the main techniques of artistic creativity.
Border Contrast arises at the borders of contacts located next to each other.

- Guys, today in the lesson we will also get acquainted with the rules and techniques of the composition, so that in the next lesson you could independently build the compositions of your paintings.
The methods of composition include: the transfer of rhythm, symmetry and asymmetry, equilibrium of the composition of the composition and the selection of the plot-composite center.
Rhythm is the alternation of any elements in a certain sequence.

Consider the example of the picture I. Aivazovsky "among the waves".

Here we see a vivid example of the rhythm of the location of the sea waves. The artist so placed the waves that the impression of movement arises. And the center of the composition is a beam, breaking through the clouds, illuminating the wave in the center of the picture. And notice. What it makes up a contrast with dark waves in the far plan.
In the picture of the same author "Ninth Val", we again see a series, rhythm of huge blue-green and yellow-green waves. The greens of waves creates a contrast with a dawn red-yellow sky.
In the center of the composition - the sun, which seems to break the curtain of clouds. At the edge of the picture - people who managed to survive after the storm. They are in the Union with the Sun create a contrast with the raging sea. Victory over the elements - this is the plot of this composition. But as unusually passes the artist, the structure of the ridge of the ninth shaft is - the most disastrous ninth wave.

In general, in the work of I. Aivazovsky there are a number of paintings that personify the richness of the elements. Among them are the famous painting "Storm of the Sea".

In the center of the composition - two boats. In boats rowers who are absorbed against the waves. In the distant plan - the ship, the victim of the shipwreck. Dark gray coloring paintings is flawless. The far plan and the sky contrast with blue waves in the foreground. Due to the contrasting relationship, the foreground breaks forward, and the distant plan goes even deeper.
I. Ivazovsky has pictures dedicated to our Black Sea. Among them, the "storm in the Black Sea" (or "storm over Evpatoria") and the "storm at sea at night."

On these pictures, you can observe the contrast of additional colors (or the contrast of warm and cold).
- Today, these knowledge will help us to fulfill the storyline on the topic "Storm at the Sea". But first I will show you an example. Any work, whether it is picturesque or graphic, is conducted in several stages.
1 - Stage - Composition in thin lines.
We look at the horizon line, the far plan is the mountains and the sun. The line of the horizon is carried out above the middle so that the plane of the sea occupied more space. The sun draw low above the horizon - roll.

2 stage - rhythm of waves.
Since we need to portray the storm at sea, the waves should be high and rhythmically located throughout the plane of the sea. The closer to us, the better the waves, and the closer to the horizon line, the smallest. This is the phenomenon of the linear perspective.

3 Stage - Pouring the plane of the sky.
For the sky, choose the shades of yellow (but not lemon), ocher and orange, available in our paint palette. We remember that before proceeding to the fill, we need to mix the desired colors on the palette. Fill the "infusion of color in color" produce from the top edge of the leaf from left to right to the horizon line. Alternately picking up a brush prepared on a color palette - yellow, yellow with ocher and yellow with orange. After we perform the pouring to the horizon line, we collect the resulting drop with a dry brush.

The sun.
For the fill of the sun, use orange and red paints in the palette.
Far Plan - Mountains.
According to the Act of the Air Perspective for the Far Plan, we use cold colors - shades of purple and blue.

Sky - clouds.
During the storm in the sky, rain clouds are formed, which, thanks to air flows, can draw into themselves water from the sea, forming tornadoes. For clouds we will use black, dark blue and dark blue paint. Paint prepare on the palette and applied strokes of different colors.

4 Stage - Sea Plane.
For waves, use blue, ultramarine, dark blue (blue + black) watercolor colors and white gouache.
Let's start with the closest waves in the foreground. Alternately apply pre-mixed on the color palette (turquoise + blue, blue + ultramarine, ultramarin + black).
We first apply the light, then the half and the shadow of the wave.

Next, we give paint to dry up and, using a white gouache, we apply the tip of the brush paint along the top edge of the ridge of the wave and at the bottom edge, depicting splashes.

To portray the texture of the water of the raw sea, we carry out the thin brush of the longitudinal lines of white gouache.

Master class "Drawing for the smallest".

Shatokhina Rita Vyacheslavovna, teacher of additional education MBU to the "House of Children's Art of Kalininska of the Saratov region."
This master class is intended for educators of additional education, supporters of the Dow. The master class will also be interesting to small artists from 4 years old and their parents.
Purpose: This master class is a small drawing course for the smallest, which shows the methods of drawing by geometric shapes.
Purpose: Creating conditions for obtaining drawing skills.
Tasks: teach a child how to draw familiar images using geometric shapes;
Skill to accurately work with paints and tassel;
Develop creative fantasy and fine motility hands.
The guys come to the classroom in my union, but they really want to draw. From the experience of working with children, I realized that it was easier for them to draw geometric shapes. They draw children in my show, stepdown. Starting the occupation, I never tell the children that we will draw today. According to the experience, I know that they are so interesting. In the process, they guess who they draw, and it delivers much joy. And the drawings are obtained from all different.

Master class on drawing for children "Snail"

Prepare: album sheet A4, watercolor paints, brushes of different sizes, jar for water and napkin.

Before starting to draw, I tell the children that the paints are sleeping and they must be wake up, carefully stroking them with a tassel, I will wake yellow paint and start drawing.
Draw in the center of the leaf of a bun, gradually spoiling a brush, and then draw a brown paint arc.

Turn the arc into the loop.

Draw horns and paint.

Decorating a snail house.

Draw your eyes, snail's mouth. Next, the children themselves come up with and decorate the background of the picture: where is the snail?

Children's work:

Master class on drawing for children "Turtle".

We draw in the center of the sheet of yellow paint "Kolobok", brown paint draw 4 hinges.

The fifth loop is drawn more in size, all the loops are painted.

Draw your eyes-circles, from the beginning of white paint, then black.

Decorate the shell shell. A child can come up with his pattern.

Master class on drawing for children "Fish"

Draw a yellow paint "Kolobok", draw arcs: from above and below, it turned out like an eye.

Draw a triangle tail-triangle fish. Then decorate the fish using red paint. Draw applying brush: Rotik, fins.

We draw scales, decorate the tail.

"We print" with a brush: we draw pebbles and water, carrying the lines of green waterproof.

Draw a black paint eyefish. Black paint loves to foolish, so we are especially accurate with it.

"Winter Polyanka".

Take a sheet of blue, A4 format. Draw spools white paint. We carry out lines, draw the drifts.

Brown paint drawing trunk and twig trees, hands, eyes, mouth and brooms of a snowman.

Decorating the drawing with snowflakes. Decorating the snowman: draw a bucket on the head and scarf. Children complement the drawing, decorate.

By the same principle, you can draw the autumn forest, only the originally bunks will be yellow, orange and green, and leaf fall, draw applying tassel, printing. Works of children:

Master class on drawing for children "Hedgehog".

We draw a "bun" brown paint.

Draw a spout triangle.

Baby work.
Paint the hedgehog clearing, children fantasize.

Baby boy work:

Master class on drawing for children "Frog".

Take a sheet of blue, A4 format. Draw in the center of "Kolobok" green paint.

We draw another "bang", and from above two "bridge".

Draw a frog of the paws, we draw the attention of children that the legs of the frog differ in their structure, which helps the frog to jump well and hold even on the most skiing surface.

Draw a frog mouth, eyes. Decorating the picture, after having talked with children: Where does a frog live?

Master class on drawing for children "Cockerel".

Draw a big bang-torso, a smaller bun. We connect them with smooth lines, the neck is obtained.

Draw a foot-triangles and tail, arc lines.

Red paint draw a rooting crest (bridges), beak and beard, apply a brush.

Draw a foot root.

Master class "Owl on a branch"

Required tools and materials: Gouache, brush Round Beliches №1 and №4, brush flat bristle No. 4, napkins, water depth, silhouette of owls on a branch made by a simple pencil, ready-made sample.

Master class move:
In the morning sunny owl
The door is closed on the goal.
Owls sleep all day not away -
To work, owls on the night.
Only in the evening from owls
Mouse doors on Casov.
- Who is this poem? That's right, - about the owl.
- Day Owl sleeps in the forest more often, in the hollow of some old tree. She leads a nightlife. It feeds on mice and other small rodents. Owl is a predator. Look carefully what the beak is at her - it is very similar to the hook; Still pay attention to the paws of the owls - they are very chain with sharp claws. And what are her eyes like? They are like lanterns, in the dark, the owl sees very well. Tell me, what is the bird's body covered? That's right, feathers. With the help of bird feathers can fly. Pynes have different coloring at different parts of the body. Each Pyryshko has the shape of the droplet. Our owls have wings and a brown head, and around the eyes and on the trouser - gray. And now carefully look at how you can paint the silhouette of owls on the branch against the night sky.
- But before let's remember how to handle paints and tassels. Paint the paint on the brush neatly, rubbing it on the palette with water or other paint before getting the desired shade, before typing on the brush the paint of another color, the tassel need to rinse well and wipe the napkin. Tassel can not be dragging, shaking it. Be careful.
- Take the workpiece with the silhouette of owls.

First, a soft round brush №4 Draw the background - Night Sky. What color will take? I think it will suit purple. We collect violet gouache on the palette, add water and rub to the desired consistency. If you wish, you can add a little black and stir well. We make the space around the owl with water and put the paint evenly, without painting the owl, branch and month.

- Then brown gouache draw branches over his head owls and a large branch on which she sits. You can add more twigs.

- Now we need to get gray. We will prepare it, mixing the gouache of white and black. First, on the brush, we score a gouache of white and, mixing with water, stirred on the palette. Now we rinse the brush and type the gouache of black color, add to white and thoroughly rub to get gray. Tassel make "adjustment" around the eyes. Pynes have a "fan", turning the brush clockwise. We consistently impose prints of tassels in two layers, it looks like sunglasses. Next, the same color neatly "adjust" to the brush on the abdomen of the owls, try to impose the prints neatly, rows, without making big passes.

- Next we rinse the brush and score a brown and black gouache on the palette and mix. The resulting color way "adjustment" paint the head, wings and beard of owls.

- Now you can paint the eyes, beak, paws, month and star yellow.

- To achieve expressiveness, circle eye contours, beak, draw claws and color the pupils with a black gouache chassing number 1.

- It remains to revive the eyes with white droplets and a rigid brush number 4. Draw a cheva on branches. To do this, you recruit a little green paint on the brush, almost without wetting and, holding a brush vertically to the picture, hit it on paper. It turns out imitation of barbed textures-needles. This method is called the "Pickup method".

- And now let's get out of our fingers:
My fingers are well done
All handsome-units
Thumb all stronger, -
Massay as soon as possible.
Finger index
Comrade wonderful.
Middle finger is the most harmful.
Unnamed finger - Pumps permanent
And the Misinchik - Well done,
My handsome delets!
(self-massage of each finger).

You can proceed to independent performance.
Help children individually. Mutual assistance to each other.
At the end of the work, we arrange the exhibition of works, admiring the work. Remove your jobs.
After classes, play the game "Day-Night" or "Owl and Mice".

Man is the most amazing and unique creature in the world. And yet - one of the most beautiful. This is evidenced by the fact that images of men or women are present almost at every famous picture relating to the masterpieces of fine art. About how to draw a person: Mom, dad or yourself, the child is thinking from an early age. Some children inspire mugs and swirls independently, the rest requires learning.

Thought how to draw a person, starting with the younger preschool age. The first sketches of babies resemble doodles. If the child is constantly trained, then in the preparatory group it is able to quickly perform a person's drawing in different poses. Great, if at the same time the young artist transfers facial expressions, portrait similarity and individual characteristics.

The task of teachers in general education and art schools - to teach how to draw a person's body in accordance with an anatomical structure. For this, several hours in the course of the training course are allotted for academic pattern. The best learning effect gives the execution of outline from nature.

You can learn how to draw people well and at home yourself. For a beginner, all options are good: Image by photo, video tutorials, the use of paintings and reproductions for drawing, most importantly, choose drawing technique in the shower. Many novice artists constantly take a sketchbook with them and make sketches in 5 minutes at any time. If you do not want to perform sketches on the street, you can draw close and friends, reflected in the mirror.

From this article you will learn

How to build a picture of a person using geometric shapes

The lesson technique on a given topic in kindergarten is based on the similarity of certain parts of the body with geometric shapes. So, the head of the kids is round, in adults - oval, legs and hands are similar to rectangles, etc.

You can make a silhouette of a person from any shapes - circles, rectangles, squares.

To solve this problem, the preschooler is issued blanks from paper or cardboard, and it is a layout on a given scheme or invent his own sketch. A more difficult task is to draw a person yourself using geometric shapes.

Step-by-step man in the standing position

Children 6-7 years are already familiar with the main drawing techniques. They learned to portray a person in full growth, in a belt, in a static position and in motion. Draw from nature begin in the preparatory group and in primary classes. As an auxiliary material in the lesson, it is necessary to have reproductions of paintings, photos, samples of work. Before coming, it is advisable to talk to children about the beauty and aesthetics of a person, that any of us is beautiful and unique.

Step 1

As usual, the construction of the figure begins with a sketch of a simple pencil. First seek the correct location of large details on paper. Then there is an oval head and torso image consisting of two trapezes in contact with the waist area.

Step 2.

From the upper corners of a large trapezium you need to spend the lines of the hands, and from the bottom of the small trapezium - the leg line. A common mistake is the same length of the hands and legs, you need to pay attention to children that the upper limbs are shorter.

Step 3.

The next step is to give the limcks of volume. Shoulders, forearms, thighs and legs are depicted in the form of elongated oval, tapering down.

Step 4.

Non-easy task for a preschooler - draw hands and foot brushes. Therefore, the fingers with the palm are often recommended to portray the mittens, and the lower part of the leg is in the form of a triangle. But some children are persistent and want a real realistic drawing, they can be explained how small details are performed.

Step 5.

At the next stage, clean the extra lines and give the silhouette completion. Sketch of the figures outline with a pencil, the head is connected with the torso. Add a characteristic detail - the ball in the hand of the boy.

Step 6.

Now the little man needs to be put on, then draw lines of eyebrows, outline the location of the nose, eye, mouth.

Step 7.

Easy pencil drawing is completed by detailing garments and shoes, damn face. Hair is depicted with the help of rippled lines.

Step 8.

To get a natural hue of the skin, use beige or orange. Coloring, you do not need to put pressure on a pencil.

Step 9.

Coloring clothes, it is better to use different shades of one color, highlighting the light and shadow, so the drawing will be brighter and realistic.

Preschoolers need complete freedom in creativity. There is no single and correct drawing option, it is impossible to correct the work of the child if he wants to act in his own way. The right decision can be found by conversation and leading questions.

How to draw a person in motion

Schoolchildren of the middle of the study know a lot about the rules for the location of the subject in space, taking into account the prospects. For students of the 5-7 grams, the lesson on drawing is desirable to start with the analysis of the structure of a person's figure. It is necessary in order to correctly convey the proportions in the picture, professionally depict parts of the body, otherwise the real person in the picture will resemble a mannequin. Despite the fact that the anatomy is learn later, at this age, children already have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe skeleton, muscles and joints.

The first step in the phased construction of the outline is the determination of proportions. In adults, the length of the body from the crown to the hips is usually equal to the length of the legs. Height of the head is stacked at the distance from the chin before the beginning of the hip approximately 3 times. In children and adolescents, this rate is less. The length of the legs in a harmoniously folded person is equal to height of the head multiplied by 3.5-4.

You can portray a person depending on the angle or the location of the object and the artist. Basic provisions - in Afas, when a considerator is located face to looking, in the profile - when the side is located on the side, in the field or semi-induced, in which the face is not completely visible.

Step 1

Pencil drawing begins with an outline of the head and torso in the foreground. The spine is the basis of the whole figure, it can be outlined by a curved line. Large joints of the shoulders and pelvis are schematically depicted by circles. Sketch lines are easy, without pressure.

Step 2.

At the next stage, the upper and lower limbs draw. The elbows are located at the level of the waist, the length of the shoulder bone is equal to the length of the elbow bone, the knees are in the middle of the legs. The more precisely the sketch is, the better it will be possible to pass the movement.

Step 3.

Now you need to build muscle. The most bulk part of the forearm, hips and lower legs is located in the upper third, closer to the joint of the limbs gradually narrowed. Torso is easier to depict in the form of two oval.

Step 4.

Special attention is paid to brushes and feet. They are also depicted schematically by imitating the skeleton of the limbs. The feet should be longer brush.

Step 5.

After drawing all parts of the figure, extra lines are erased. The silhouette is given the necessary outlines: sharp corners are smoothed, the sides become palpable, parts of the body are connected by curved lines.

Step 6.

Depicting a person, also need to follow the proportions. The height of the forehead is equal to the distance from the line of eyebrows to the tip of the nose and from the tip of the nose to the chin. The distance between the eyes is equal to the length of the eye. The ear is depicted just below the eyebrow line. So that the girl turned out smiling, the corners of the lips need to lift a little. At this stage, you can perform an outline hairstyle.

Step 7.

The larger in the picture of the details, the more realistic it will be. It is necessary to draw clothes, shoes, accessories and other elements creating a bright image. Sprinkle hair can be highlighted with separate lines.

Step 8.

Coloring the drawing can be using color pencils or paints.

Pictures of man in full growth for drawing

Here you can download people templates and use them for drawing (click on the picture - it will increase, and download):