How to draw a balloon. Abstract drawing classes in the medium group in printing technician balloons Drawing on shaving foam

How to draw a balloon. Abstract drawing classes in the medium group in printing technician balloons Drawing on shaving foam

To raise the air aerostat, gas is needed, which will be easy. So how to draw a balloon? The design consists of a basket and a ball. They do not have the engine. It is impossible to manage such a device, because it does not have a control system. It flies there, where he carries the flow of air masses.

On this unit, it dreams to ride almost everyone, because it is not as scary on it, as in parachute. But people have the fear of height in people, because he is completely unmanaged. This is not very scary, because he cannot rise to the cold masses, but to fly into another country to him. Such flying devices each child can see in animated films. Therefore, we can try to disassemble one of these cartoon drawings.

Yellow-red balloon

Let's try to disassemble how to draw a balloon with a basket. To help you follow the work sheet to draw the cross. But the top bar of the vertical is done longer than the bottom. Under the horizontal short, we draw another same direct. Starting from the top little draw the ball, pulling it on the sides and up. From the bottom start to draw the basket. We connect the rafters of it with a ball.

For the volume of the ball, we draw parallel, but the lines are curves on the ball. We restrict it from below, and a little further we do a circle for the attachment, from which the ropes are departed into one point. From there we guide the rope to different ends of the basket. Auxiliary lines wipe. Pain the sky blue.

The last stage lies in staining. Through one strip we make them yellow and pink. The basket should be brown. On the sky make white clouds. It is best to make a glare on colorful stripes, then the bulk and reality of the picture will rise several times.


Now consider more than a long-time aerostat. We also draw an elongated circle to which the ropes are attached to the basket. From above on the third part of the figure, we make stripes that come out from the tops. Next, the middle of it will have three circles. And in the last part of the ball, we draw three provistent ropes. A bowl to the rope of the basket connect a large number of lines.

We carry the borders. Over and under the circles make horizontal stripes. From the circles we form flowers with five petals. Basket sketch with a square hatching and add two ropes on the sides of the ball.

Top we make green and black stripes, the flowers will be pink with a green cut, and by placing them on a yellow background. Saving ropes make green, and the background under them is gray. Next, draw pink petals. The basket will be brown. Such devices are now impossible to meet, because they are all more modern and not so bright and catchy.


In this part you need to disassemble how to draw a stack balloon. To do this, make some auxiliary actions. Draw a circle that is limited from above and on the sides of small segments. We divide the diagonal circle on halves and extend down. Practically from these side segments we drive two straight down, narrowing the distance between them. End them when they will almost come close to each other. Below make sketches of the future basket.

Add four ellipses of different sizes: from above, below the center, under the circle and slightly below the latter. We draw below the similarity of the basket in the form of a cube.

Now draw parallel lines from the tops to the penultimate ellipse. Add rope to basket.

Forward the front of the top and next ellipse behind it. Make the same with the bottom. Dorify some fastening elements.

We add wrinkles in the upper part of the device's fabric. Take the rope curves over the basket. Add tuchci.

I wipe the auxiliary lines.

Simple option

And now you can relax, parallel to disassemble how to draw a balloon with a pencil. Let's start with a circle.

I will add two ropes to it and connect them with a segment.

Testing down a rectangle. Its rope with three bags.

Add a ball with a horizontal wide band, on which we draw three stars. From them down drive lines and connect ropes with a basket. It is almost a children's option of air flying body, but it also needs to be able to draw it.

Nelli Romanov

Drawing technique:

"Writing with balloon"

AGE: From 4 years

Means of expressiveness: Spot, texture, color

Materials: Dense paper of any color, size (color cardboard, watercolor or gouache, diluted to medium consistency, painting brush, slightly inflated air balloon without pattern.

Master - Class


"Magic Flowers"

Method number 1.

The child holds the ball behind the knife tied and covers its surface on from all sides.

Puts a ball on paper perpendicularly and with a different force presses on top of it - it turns out a round shape.

In the process of drawing, you can change or add colors of paint. Details (stems, stamens, leaves, and. Etc.) are drawn to a brush.

Method No. 2.

Holding a ball for the tip, cover its surface at 2/3, using both one and several colors of paint

Put the ball on a sheet of paper perpendicularly, holding it for

Tilt the ball up and slightly pressing paper - return to its original position. In the future, apply it in any direction, painted by the side, rotating around its axis. When drawing terry colors, prints are superimposed several times each other.

In the process of drawing, it is possible to change or add color, parts (stalks of the leaf of stamens and. Etc.) are drawn to the brush.

One of the priorities for beginners is to learn how to depict simple figures, including the ball. To draw a ball, we denote the circle, and after I appline shadow stroke lines on it.

To work on the drawing of this basic figure, we will need:

  • paper, better album, but you can and standard A4;
  • eraser;
  • simple, graphite, well sharpened pencil.

The shape of the ball is guessing in many objects, so the resulting drawing skills will be useful when images of apples, balls, buds of unacceptable colors, and other round items. Consider the algorithm of actions, following which, we will understand how to draw a ball.

Step one. Marking

Draw first the basis of the future ball - a smooth circle. In the center of the sheet, we will spend the horizontal direct, referring it to the middle of the point. Through it, we will spend the same line in length, but vertically, at right angles to the first. The lines do not attend much, they should be light and not noticeable. If you find it difficult to determine the center of the segment of the line of the eye, you can use the ruler. But over time, try to train an "Eyemer", without it, not to do one artist.

Step second. A circle

We connect the extreme points of the resulting cross, the edges of our segments on the lines. If it turned out unevenly, we use the eraser, try again. We repeat until we see a relatively smooth circle. Now excess lines can be removed.

Step Three. Ellipse

We measure the distance from the marking of the shade to the center point, and mark the same cut point on the other side. Through them, we draw a drop-down oval - ellipse.

Step fourth. And again ellipses

We carry out horizontal lines from above and below, in parallel to the one that underlies the circle. They draw two more ovals on them - above and below the central one. They will denote the boundaries between the illuminated and darkened sections of the ball. Depending on how our figure interacts with the light, we highlight three sections: shadows, strong and weak light.

Pitch fifth. Add volume

The overall distribution scheme in the picture is shown in the picture. So that the ball turns out volumetric, breaking the lighting. We define where the light comes from. In the sample, the light source is on top, so we apply to the most illuminated place on top of our circle of the glare, with the stroke of the shadow width.

Step six. Light and shadow

Consider the question of the distribution of lighting. Depending on how to summarize the same region of the ball, we will apply hatching shadow. We have a glare from above, that is, the most illuminated place. In approximately in the middle - the darkest place with a dense stroke. The lower hemisphere is darker, the top is near the flare - lighter, there will be a half.

To make it clearer, how to draw a ball, put a round item next to you and carefully examine where bright areas turned out to be, and where is the shadows.

Step seventh. Toning

On the shadow region we apply arcuate strokes in parallel to the contour of the figure. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe half, we make a smooth transition, bringing lines with light pencil movements, leaving a light gray spot around the glare. We note the reflex - the place of reflection from the plane, where the ball is located, making it lighter than the incident shadow. Add the so-called "case" shadow from the ball. What she is closer from him, the darker. Optionally, you can add background details or other objects to the drawing.

Svetlana Legin

Subject: « Balloon»

Software tasks:

Teach Children Image Rounded Form (ball); distinguish between colors correctly call them; keep the brush correctly paint on the brush, MAKATING HER TO ALL VASS IN A jar, remove paintBy touching the pile about the edge of the jar.

Develop the aesthetic perception of children,

Educate the interest of children to drawing.

Equipment and materials:

Demonstration material: Teddy bear buzzed red, inflated air balls by the number of children

Handout: landscape sheet, gouache, tassels.

Travel course:

Guys, TS-S-C, hear, someone knocked on the door to us. Sit quietly, I will go and look, maybe someone came to visit us?

Baby see who came to us. Who is it? (Bear). Look, he cries. I ask him why he cries? (Yes). Teddy bear Why do you cry?

Guys, I walked to a hare for a birthday, carried ball as a gifthooked over a twig in the forest and ball burst, what to do? I do not know….

Let's calm the bear, and play the game « Ball»

Fingering game « BALL»

Fast ball inflation

He becomes big

Suddenly the ball burst,

The air came out,

He became thin

Guys you like paint? (Yes). Guys, and let's do we draw a bear balloons. What was ball at Mishk? (round, red)

And what colors are there balloons? (red, Yellow, etc.) Correctly guys balls we have multicolored

Show explaining

Show how we will draw our balls.

I take a tassel, above her clothes. And now dry brush in paint. . I take green paint And I begin to conduct a rounded line and connect one end with another. And I paint with a slight movement.

Opened ball?

Now draw a line. It will be a rope ball.

Here it turned out green ball.

And now the guys raised brushes. We spend all together in air rounded line. Connect one end with another, so that we get ball. AND pain the rope line to the ball.

Well done!

Tassel keep three fingers, right hand.

And now dry the brush in paint. Paints need to draw carefully. Like this. Now let's draw rounded lines so that one end is connected to another. Everything drawn? And now the light movements of the hand are painted balloons. Try not to go beyond the circle. Let's try to balls from us turned beautifuland bunny will walk and watch how you can beautiful draw.

FINAL PART (with a teddy)

Me Teddy said what everyone beautiful balls are obtained. Well done!

Guys see how a bear is praised, he even stopped crying.

Thank you guys for such balloons! Now I will go for a birthday, how my friend's bunny will be delighted! Goodbye, guys! (Bye).

Guys are all today, well done. I prepared for you balloonsPlay with them.

Publications on the topic:

Form Node: Fine activity - Application. Education area: artistic and aesthetic. Organization form: subgroup.

MUNICIPAL EDUCATIONAL EDUCATION CONSTRUCTION Kasternsitskaya Main secondary school Summary of directly organized activities.

Abstract Node for cognitive development in the middle group "Air ball" Objective: to summarize the presentation of children about the air and its properties, contributing to the formation of cognitive interest. Tasks: educational:.

Abstract Watercolor paints "Cosmeya" in the senior group An abstract classes in the older drawing group "Flowers" (Cosmeya) Tasks: Continue to acquaint with watercolor paints, teach ways to work.

"Aerial view of the air balloon." An abstract classes on artistic creativity (applique) Excretion on the applique "Air Type of Transport - Balloon". Purpose: Teach children to create an air type of transport from paper. Tasks:.

Abstract Classes on unconventional drawing in the middle group Subject: "Cosmos" (drawing test or 3D-paints) MDOU "Kindergarten" Birch "Abstract An unconventional drawing in the middle group Theme:" Cosmos "(drawing with test or 3D-paints).

Master - class of drawing flowers for children 4-5 years old stages with photos

Non-traditional drawing equipment by balloons: "Pansies".

Kirillova Irina Nikolaevna.
Educator MKDOU "Kindergarten №4" Roma ", Kaluga region, Kirov.
Purpose: This workshop will be useful to educators of kindergartens, educators of additional education, creative people and not indifferent parents.
Purpose: To acquaint children with unconventional drawing equipment slightly pound balloons.
1. Teach children draw flowers with a new way - balloons (slightly inflated).
2. Learning to take air balloons on a sheet of paper, mixing paint or apply one on top of another.
3. Teach children to see the beauty of color and various color combinations.
4. Cross children to creative activity, help in mastering the visual skills and skills.
5. Relieve confidence in the development of new art materials and ways to work with them.
6. Educating love for nature.
Children's age: 4-5 years.
Material: Watercolor, paper sheets A-4, slightly inflated balloons, wet and paper napkins, water cup, paint breeding tassels, thin and thick paint brushes.
Preliminary work: Consider illustrations with image of flowers, reading and examining encyclopedic material.
Why did the flower name the pansies?
There are quite a few legends about the origin of their name. According to an old belief, the girl Anuta was turned into a flower for excessive curiosity to someone else's life. And in Roman mythology, the gods turned into pansies to the gods, who secretly brushed on the bathing goddess of love - Venus.
In Russia, in different variations, there was a legend that Annie girl turned into this flower because of love. For one option, she was in love with the young man, and he replied to her. But parents made him marry a rich girl. On the day of their weddings, Anuta could not stand and died of grief and strong love.
On another legend, Annie turned into a flower after a long year of the groom's waiting, which went to the war, but never returned back. So pansies are standing by the road, with the hope of "peering" in the distance.

Pansies -
Flowers from a fairy tale
In green grass
They are motley.
Pansies -
Coloring flowers,
And sunny caress
Their eyes are full.

Master class.

1. Preparation of the workplace.

2. Purple paint weaving with water and dip the tip of the balloon in it.

3. We make two tip of the ball next to the print on a sheet of paper, we make the third typos below, in the middle. For some colors you can make two prints of the same color and the third imprint of another color. It all depends on your imagination.

4. Take a clean ball. You can draw the same ball, but it wipes it well with a wet cloth. We recruit yellow, then orange paint and make prints at the top, in the middle, between purple circles.
5. We give the drawing a little bit. Take a clean ball, and white paint make prints in the middle of purple circles. If the white paint did not work very brightly, you can repeat the application of the imprint.

6. While the paint dries, draw a green background around the colors. For drawing the background we use a thick brush. Thin brush draw around the grass.

7. We take a thin brush and draw a middle of colors on white fingerprints.

Colors of paint for prints You can take any, the main thing is that they are combined. After all, in nature there are many different varieties of pansies.

These are the works of children. "Flowers as a gift"

Thanks for attention! Creative success!