How to draw military equipment with a pencil step by step. How to draw a war so that the picture has a certain meaning Drawing on the theme of war through the eyes of children 1945

How to draw military equipment with a pencil step by step. How to draw a war so that the picture has a certain meaning Drawing on the theme of war through the eyes of children 1945

So today, continuing the military theme and ignoring all kinds of fantasy, and the like, we will draw a really cool dude with a sniper rifle. In anticipation, I'll tell you a little about snipers: So, a sniper is a specially trained dude who will give odds to any eagle eye, because, aiming at a small eye, he manages to hit the target exactly and hit this very target. But what are snipers:

  1. Sniper saboteur. This is the one found in many computer games. Works alone or with a partner. In every possible way he tries not to give himself away: quieter than water, lower than grass, that is. It can also kill at a distance of 1.5 - 2 kilometers. The weapon is a first-class, accurate rifle with a silencer.
  2. Infantry sniper. Works with infantry. He shoots at important targets under the general broads, because he doesn’t need a silencer. The distance is usually up to 400 meters, there is no time to aim especially.
  3. Police sniper. Well, this one is generally a loser compared to the previous two: it shoots at a distance of no more than two hundred meters. But not everything is so simple, it turns out. Usually the perpetrator is armed and has already pointed his cannon at the helpless victim. So you need to shoot in such a way as to hit the finger and prevent this bastard from shooting.

So let's get creative.

How to draw military equipment with a pencil step by step

Step one At the top of the sheet, draw an oval-head. From her down - a large torso. With large oval figures we outline other parts of the body. In the hands of a person is military equipment, but so far it is only an elongated figure.
Step Two Gradually turn all the defining details into the human body. Some of the clothing details are already visible. Let's give the desired shape to the rifle.
Step Three We draw clothes: a T-shirt, a cap, tucked up pants, as well as shoes. Let's pay more attention to weapons. It is gripped by strong gloved fingers. By the way, there are folds on the trousers and gloves. Now let's move on to the face. The eyes are covered with dark glasses, a small ear is clearly drawn. On the face is a thick beard.
Step Four Everything that we have drawn needs to be strengthened: outline, add lines, and then add the missing details. This is how we got a strong man, holding a serious barrel in his hands and carefully following the target.
I also advise you to look at the drawing lessons of other types of weapons, for example.

Time passes, years, centuries, events and experiences of terrible war days go further and further. But they are not forgotten, so each new generation draws their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers on sheets of paper, trying to capture the feat that they accomplished. How to draw a war so that it does not look like a heartless drawing that will be forgotten over time, but so that it is remembered, deposited in the soul and heart of every person?

Drawing on a military theme

Before going on the topic of "war", you should decide on several parameters. In your thoughts, you need to imagine how the drawing will look like, what will be depicted on it.
Will it be a separate character or part of a military action? Maybe it will be an image of some military equipment in the ruins of a city, or an airplane in a blazing sky, or a nurse in a hospital, or an old woman looking out the window with the hope of the return of her son or husband. The main thing is that it comes from the heart. Then the image will come out with a soul. Not a single person can remain indifferent, thinking about the past and drawing a war. A sheet of paper conveys the state of war, the hostile attitude towards it and the devastating consequences that it leaves behind.

Color and paint of military drawing

Each person who undertakes to draw on a military theme sees his future drawing in his own color. The palette of war is multifaceted. It can also be in black colors - a sign of mourning, horror and loss. Maybe in red colors - a symbol of spilled blood, rage and cruelty. Also, the drawing can be “colorless gray”, the war was seen by desperate people who lived in those years in such a color. The image may be bright, lively (in the color of hope). How to draw a war, what color or many shades? This everyone decides for himself.

An example of an image of a drawing about the war in stages with a pencil

In order to complete the drawing, we need: paper, pencil and thoughts about what will be depicted. So, how to draw a war with a pencil in stages, if you decide to depict some kind of battle scene, with a crowd of people, equipment, and so on? First, mark all the main lines of the drawing with very light strokes, so that if necessary, you can correct it without harm to the picture. When drawing a building, draw the main part of it (roof, walls), then mark the details, for example, a hole in the wall where a bomb fell, or part of a collapsed staircase. What if you decide to draw several soldiers on the battlefield? In this case, you should start from the farthest. In the figure, it should be the smallest in size, and all the rest should gradually increase.

When displaying various vehicles, be it an aircraft, a tank or a ship, you need to start in the same way as with various buildings, first drawing the base, and then gradually adding realities, colors or historical nuances to them. Also, in order to make your characters, vehicles and buildings look the most realistic, you should turn to literary sources. View photographs of those years, find out, for example, what uniform the soldiers had, what tanks and aircraft they were, how they differed from each other, and pay attention to this in the picture. With the help of books and various illustrations, you can easily understand how to draw a war or various military actions.

Great Patriotic War on a sheet of paper

How to draw the Patriotic War on a sheet of paper? The Great Patriotic War is often called the "war of engines". Indeed, at that time, motorized equipment began to operate in the arsenal of the Soviet troops. In particular, the appearance of tanks can be noted. In this regard, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat war looks like has also changed. The drawings began to appear tanks on various backgrounds. It could be a tank in an abandoned city or on the battlefield, or a separate element of the whole picture. Enemy tanks are drawn separately, they certainly have various elements of national identity (for example, a swastika).

In films about the Great Patriotic War, you can also see Soviet soldiers with machine guns, Shpagin pistols (PPSh), and fascists with angular MPs. Also, heavy and super-powerful installations of the Baltic Fleet took part in the Great Patriotic War. They are also often seen in the drawings. Given all this, the Great Patriotic War on a piece of paper is often depicted with drawings of various kinds of equipment and weapons.

Life without war, but with the memory of its heroes

How to draw a war with light colors? It is possible to display this event without using dark and terrifying colors. The image of a soldier who returned home, or an already gray-haired veteran and his family - can also be attributed to the military theme of the drawing. The task of the picture about the war is, first of all, the memory of those terrible events and one of the ways of warning for the future. Therefore, all drawings about the war are of tremendous importance, and the younger generation learns the history of their country from these stories.

In this lesson we will look at how to draw the Great Patriotic War (WWII) 1941-1945 with a pencil in stages. This is the war of the USSR against Germany and its allies. The Second World War itself began on September 1, 1939, if you are interested in how it all began and what were the prerequisites for development, then read the Wikipedia article. But let's get down to drawing.

Draw the horizon - a horizontal line, it is located about 1/3 of the sheet from the top. Draw a country road below and place three soldiers, the further away, the smaller the scale. Click on the picture to enlarge.

We draw houses and a or hills on the horizon, then the farthest soldier, it should not be big. Click on the image to view the details.

We draw the second one with a weapon behind a hillock, his head and body are slightly larger than those of the previous one, about 1.5 times.

Draw a soldier with a weapon in the foreground.

Apply dark areas on the bodies of the soldiers and on the weapons, draw a little grass.

Fill in the grass, slopes, and field with strokes.

Now, in a lighter tone, we imitate smoke from fires, hatch the steppe part, in the foreground we highlight the hillock and trench. This is how you can draw.

Heroes of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 known to everyone.

Songs are composed about them, many memorials are dedicated to them. However, few people remember that many children died during the war.

And those who survived, began to be called "children of war."

1941-1945 through the eyes of children

In those distant years, the kids lost the most precious thing in their lives - a carefree childhood. Many of them, along with adults, had to stand behind the machines at the factory, work in the field in order to feed their families. Many children of war are real heroes. They helped the military, went to reconnaissance, collected guns on the battlefield, and took care of the wounded. A huge role in the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. belongs precisely to kids and teenagers who did not spare their lives.

Unfortunately, it is now difficult to say how many children died then, because humanity does not know the exact number of those who died, even among the military. Children-heroes passed the siege of Leningrad, survived the presence of the Nazis in the cities, regular bombing, hunger. A lot of trials befell the kids of those years, sometimes even the death of their parents before their eyes. Today, these people are already over 70 years old, but they can still tell a lot about those years when they had to fight the Nazis. And although the parades. Dedicated to the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 mainly the military is honored, and one should not forget the children who bore the hunger and cold of a terrible time on their shoulders.

Related materials

About how the war looks through the eyes of these people, pictures and photos on the topic “Children of War” will help to tell.

Many of the photos known to modern children mainly show the heroes who fought for the liberation of our land and participated in the battles. On our site we offer pictures, drawings and photos on the theme "Children of War". Based on them, you can create presentations for schoolchildren about how children, together with the military, achieved victory in the fight against the Nazis.

Children should pay attention to the way of life, clothes, appearance of children of that time. Most often, photos show them wrapped in downy scarves, dressed in overcoats or sheepskin coats, in hats with earflaps.

However, perhaps the most terrible are the photos of children in concentration camps. These are real heroes whom time forced to endure unforgettable horrors.

It is worth including such photos in presentations for older children, because babies are still too impressionable, and such a story can adversely affect their psyche.

The war through the eyes of those guys looked something terrible, incomprehensible, but they had to live with it every day. It was a longing for the murdered parents, about the fate of which the kids sometimes did not know anything. Now the children who lived at that time and have survived to this day remember, first of all, hunger, a tired mother who worked for two at a factory and at home, schools where children of different ages studied in the same class, and they had to write on scraps of newspapers. All this is a reality that is hard to forget.


After the lesson and presentation, modern children can be given a task, timed to coincide with Victory Day or another military holiday, to create color drawings that depict children of war. Subsequently, the best drawings can be hung on the stand and photos and illustrations of modern guys can be compared, as they imagine those years.

The heroes who fought against fascism today remember the cruelty that the Germans also showed against children. They separated them from their mothers, sending them to concentration camps. After the war, these kids, having matured, tried for years to find their parents, and sometimes found them. What a meeting filled with joy and tears! But some still can't find out what happened to their parents. This pain is no less than that of parents who have lost their babies.

Vintage photos and drawings are not silent about those terrible days. And the modern generation should remember what they owe to their grandparents. Teachers and educators in kindergarten should tell kids about this, without hushing up the facts of bygone years. The better the youth remembers the exploits of their ancestors, the more they themselves are capable of exploits for the sake of their own descendants.