Russian cosmonauts are the most famous. World famous astronauts and their records

Russian cosmonauts are the most famous.  World famous astronauts and their records
Russian cosmonauts are the most famous. World famous astronauts and their records

The cosmonauts of the USSR became the first in the mysterious and beautiful space. Mankind has always dreamed of getting in touch with other civilizations.

Cosmonautics stores knowledge of where the universe itself and man originated from. Is there another planet in observable space with similar conditions for life, and perhaps with its own history?

Whoever says that outer space is only black does not know too much about the world beyond the known planets. Modern residents may not remember how the history of space exploration began. Fantasists around the world come up with the possibility of moving in time (from the point of view of modern physics, portals are possible).

However, without memories of the discoverers, we are unlikely to cross the limits of accessible (visible) space. We will not go out to other galaxies and astronautics will die.

A space nation, our country received such a “title” after the successful flight of Gagarin. This was not just a national achievement or pride, but a bid for global dominance. The Russians brought down to earth from the black depths of space not only glory.

Nations all over the world have recognized the presence of a new "space" tactical advantage for any ongoing military operation, which in modern realities could be called "space wars".

The first space warrior

They became Yuri Gagarin, born in the Kashinsky village at the beginning of the twentieth century. His studies were interrupted during the Patriotic War. Six years after the end of the German attempts to conquer the Union, the future pilot entered the technical school of Saratov, where he became interested in air flights. Five years later, Yura enters the flight school.

By his first flight into dark space, Yuri managed to fly over two hundred hours. In April of the sixty-first year (XX century), he spent a little more than a hundred minutes (108) outside our planet on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. The landing was successful.

The need to make themselves known to the public forced the Americans to invest a lot of money in the fight against the "red country". Victory could bring spiritual uplift to the losing country.

The Soviets did not seek approval to fund space programs, but chose to cover exceptionally successful missions. Soviet citizens decided that the USSR program was not capable of failing. They were wrong.

The table below shows the cosmonauts of the USSR, the names of their spacecraft, the date of the flight, and other data in chronological order.

A space warrior named Constantine

Feoktistov Konstantin Petrovich - this researcher spent a day in space. Alas, he did not wait for the second flight "for health reasons." This "state" remained with him after the unsuccessful "execution" in German captivity.

After the hostilities, he chose the "peaceful" path and in the sixty-seventh received a doctorate.

Many events related to the death of pilots were classified for a long time. Even now, half a century later, their exact number is not known.

Few people know about Vladimir Komarov, the best friend of the Soviet hero Gagarin. Second after Gagarin, Vladimir died during the unsuccessful return of his Soyuz-1 capsule. There were rumors about his final moments, in which many claim he spoke out against the Soviet regime and blamed them for his impending death.

Officially, the successful second flight into space was the flight under the control of German Titov (this is Gagarin's former understudy).

There are many theories regarding deceased space pilots. The secrecy of the government has given rise to many hypotheses about people "missing" in space. Moreover, there are allegations that flights were made long before the first flight in 61 years (20th century). There is no public evidence, apart from the manipulation of some photos in the media.

All of the evidence supporting the "lost" astronaut theory has been dismissed as inconclusive, and some cases have been proven to be hoaxes. In the 1980s, an American journalist conducted his own investigation into the catastrophes in the Soviet Union, but also found no evidence.

Bondarenko Valentin Vasilievich

Deceased Russian pilot cosmonaut. Like many cosmonauts, he was preparing for a future flight into space, undergoing tests in the depressurization chamber at NII-7 of the Air Force. Selected pilots were tested by silence and loneliness. The tenth day of Valentine's stay in the depressurization chamber was coming to an end.

At the end of one of the medical experiments, Valentin Vasilievich detached special sensors from his body, wiped the attachment points with a swab dipped in alcohol, and then accidentally threw it away by mistake. The tampon, hitting the spiral of a hot electric stove, instantly flared up. The pilot's training suit caught fire.

When the pressure chamber was opened, Valentin was still alive. But in the hospital, after eight hours of attempts by doctors to help, he died, having experienced burn shock incompatible with life. 19 days before the first official flight into space, Valentin Bondarenko, who was in the cosmonaut training group, died.

Vladimir Mikhailovich Komarov

Born on the sixteenth of March in the twenty-seventh year in the Orenburg region. In the forty-fifth year he graduated from the aviation school in Borisoglebsk. In the list of pilot-cosmonauts, he was number seven. He made two flights into space on two spacecraft of the first generation "Soyuz" and "Voskhod".

The first space expedition without space suits (they were removed due to lack of space) took place in October 1964. The flight went well. Komarov spent a little more than a day in space (the duration of the flight), after which, using a soft landing system, he successfully completed his first expedition.

On the second flight, from the very beginning, there were many emergency situations and small failures that warned of impending disaster. At the final stage, due to the failure of the parachute landing system, the device entered an uncontrolled rotation, crashed into the ground at high speed in the Adamovsky district of the Orenburg region, collapsed and caught fire. "Union" of the second generation burned down in April of the sixty-seventh year.

Viktor Ivanovich Patsaev

He was born on the nineteenth of June in the thirty-third year on the territory of modern Kazakhstan, in Aktobe.

In the fifty-eighth year, he got a job in the design bureau of the famous Korolev. Thirteen years later, he flew as a research engineer as part of the Soyuz-11. Spent twenty-three days in space on the Salyut-1 orbital station.

However, when the Soyuz-11 landed, a depressurization occurred, all three crew members - Victor Patsaev, Georgy Dobrovolsky and Vladislav Volkov - died. Posthumously, in the same 71st year, they all received the award of the "Hero of the Soviet Union".

Volkov Vladislav Nikolaevich

Vladislav was born two years later than Patsaev in Moscow. After graduating from the Moscow Aviation Institute, he worked at the Korolev Design Bureau. Vladislav Volkov is one of the developers of many spacecraft, including the Vostok and Voskhod spacecraft.

The first expedition into space took place on the Soyuz-7 spacecraft in 1969 and lasted four days and twenty-two hours. In the second expedition, which took place in the seventy-first year, being part of Patsaev and Dobrovolsky, he died during the depressurization of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft.

Dobrovolsky Georgy Timofeevich

George was born in 1928, on the first day of summer, in Odessa. In 1944, he was captured by the occupying forces of Romania and sentenced to 25 years of hard labor. A month later, in March, the locals ransomed George from the prison guard.

After the liberation of his native city from occupation, he entered the special air force school, which he graduated in 1946. He studied at the Chuguev Aviation School, served as a fighter pilot, graduated from the Air Force Academy (now named after Yuri Gagarin).

In January 1962, when Georgy Timofeevich was 33 years old, he was invited to undergo training in the cosmonaut corps. Dobrovolsky was prepared according to the lunar program. In 1971, he made his first flight on the Soyuz-11 spacecraft, which ended in tragedy. All three crew members, in their prime, died.

Women-cosmonauts of the USSR and Russia

The fates of women who have devoted themselves to work in the space sphere are amazing.

Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna

The first woman to go into space, and even alone (the only one in the world today!), Was Valentina under the call sign "Seagull".

Valentina Vladimirovna was born four years before the start of the Patriotic War, on March 6. In the fifty-third she graduated from 7 classes of school, then she graduated from 3 more classes, combining education with work and helping her family. Possessing a good ear for music, she learned to play the domra.

Professions of Valentina before joining the cosmonaut corps:

  • a bracelet at the Tire Factory in Yaroslavl;
  • roving at the Technical Fabrics Combine in the same city;
  • student of the correspondence department of the Technical School of Light Industry, specialty - technician-technologist in cotton spinning;
  • secretary of the Komsomol committee;
  • student of the Yaroslavl Parachute Club (performed 90 jumps).

In 1962, she was selected from 100 applicants for the women's cosmonaut training squad. Valentina fully met the criteria by which the selection took place - up to 170 cm in height, up to 70 kg in weight, paratrooper, age up to 30 years. Also, in addition to excellent training in flight and successfully passing all the tests, the Soviet authorities looked at the social position (she was from the working class) and the ability to lead an active social life.

She made the flight on June 16, 1963, on the Vostok-6 spacecraft. Valentina's flight lasted almost three days, she made 48 orbits around the Earth, kept a logbook, took pictures of the planet.

After her triumphant return, Valentina became an instructor for astronauts, and she worked in this position until April 1997.

After flying into space, Valentina Vladimirovna graduated from the Air Force Academy. Zhukovsky, defended her dissertation, became a professor, published more than five dozen scientific papers. This amazing woman was ready to fly on one way.

Kondakova Elena Vladimirovna

Elena is the first female Russian cosmonaut to make a long-duration flight into outer space. She was born in the fifty-seventh year in Moscow.

Her flight took place in 1994, when the Union was no more. Elena returned to our planet in March 1995, after five months at the Mir station. The second flight on the American shuttle Atlantis took place in 1997 in May from the 15th to the 24th.

Here will be a list of the women's squad. Although some of these brave female astronauts are already dead, it’s worth remembering these six names:

Russian cosmonauts

In which town are domestic cosmonauts trained?

The Gagarin Flight and Space Training Center is the main Soviet and Russian institution of Roscosmos. "Star City" was created in the early sixties in the Moscow region Shchelkovsky.

S. G. Krikalev is listed as the leader. At the end of the same decade, the center was named after the first person who visited outer space.

A fairly young training center for preparing people for a journey into space is located in the forest, hidden from prying eyes. Getting into the city is difficult.

With a population of six thousand people, this closed administrative territorial division is surrounded by forest. Deputies are elected every five years, and all are subordinate to one large Russian corporation.

Few Western journalists or reporters have ever had access to the treasury of Russian cosmonautics, where the great conquerors of dark space were trained.

Only one photographer managed to get beautiful shots of the secret Mitch complex by the name of Karunaratne. He was allowed to go deep for 48 kilometers from the capital and see the center where the legendary cosmonaut with the call sign "Kedr" (Gagarin's call sign) was trained.


To this day, despite the fact that the area is no longer a military zone, but turned over to the space agency in 2009, it is still difficult for outsiders to gain access to Star City here.

1. The very first astronaut in the history of mankind Yuri Gagarin went to conquer space on April 12, 1961 on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. His flight lasted 108 minutes. Gagarin was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. In addition, he was awarded the "Volga" with the numbers 12-04 SAG - this is the date of the flight and the initials of the first cosmonaut.

2. First female astronaut Valentina Tereshkova flew into space on June 16, 1963 on the Vostok-6 spacecraft. In addition, Tereshkova is the only woman who has made a solo flight, all the rest flew only as part of crews.

3.Alexey Leonov- the first person to go into outer space on March 18, 1965. The duration of the first exit was 23 minutes, of which the cosmonaut spent 12 minutes outside the spacecraft. During his stay in open space, his spacesuit swelled and prevented him from returning to the ship. The cosmonaut managed to enter only after Leonov bled excess pressure from the spacesuit, while he climbed inside the ship head first, and not legs, as was supposed to be according to the instructions.

4. The first American astronaut to set foot on the lunar surface Neil Armstrong July 21, 1969 at 2:56 GMT. Joined him 15 minutes later Edwin Aldrin. In total, the astronauts spent two and a half hours on the Moon.

5. The world record for the number of spacewalks belongs to a Russian cosmonaut Anatoly Solovyov. He made 16 exits with a total duration of more than 78 hours. Solovyov's total flying time in space was 651 days.

6. The youngest astronaut is German Titov He was 25 at the time of the flight. In addition, Titov is also the second Soviet astronaut in space and the first person to make a long (more than a day) space flight. The astronaut made a flight lasting 1 day 1 hour from August 6 to 7, 1961.

7. The oldest astronaut who has made a space flight is considered an American John Glenn. He was 77 years old when he flew on the Discovery STS-95 in October 1998. In addition, Glenn set a kind of unique record - he had a break between flights into space for 36 years (the first time he was in space in 1962).

8. American astronauts have been on the moon the longest. Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmit as part of the Apollo 17 crew in 1972. In total, the astronauts were on the surface of the earth's satellite for 75 hours. During this time, they made three exits to the lunar surface with a total duration of 22 hours. They were the last to walk on the moon and, according to some reports, left a small disk on the moon with the inscription "Here man completed the first stage of the exploration of the moon, December 1972."

9. The first space tourist was an American multimillionaire Dennis Tito, which went into space on April 28, 2001. At the same time, a Japanese journalist is considered de facto the first tourist. Toyohiro Akiyama, which was paid for by the Tokyo Television Company in December 1990. In general, a person whose flight was paid for by any organization cannot be considered a space tourist.

10. The first British astronaut was a woman - Helena Sharmen(Helen Sharman), which took off on May 18, 1991 as part of the Soyuz TM-12 crew. She is considered the only astronaut who flew into space as an official representative of the UK, all the others had, in addition to British citizenship, another country. Interestingly, before becoming an astronaut, Sharmen worked as a chemist-technologist at a confectionery factory and responded to an appeal for competitive selection of space flight participants in 1989. Of the 13,000 participants, it was she who was chosen, after which she began training in Star City near Moscow.

The question of the existence of life on other planets has been tormenting the minds of scientists and the common man for many years. Previously, the cosmos seemed to be something mysterious and unknown, mysterious and inexplicable. With the development of technology, this mystery has been successfully solved so far. It all started with the launch of the first satellite into orbit, which made it possible to obtain data on the high layers of the atmosphere. Another giant leap in space exploration is the study of the nearest celestial body - the Moon. But the most memorable and large-scale event in the whole world is the first flight into space. Astronauts are the category of people that always causes awe and delight. They see the incredible beauty of planet Earth. And who, if not they, can say what the Universe is. So who are they - Russian cosmonauts, and what secrets does space hold?

The need for space exploration

Modern navigators, satellite dishes and television seem mundane and everyday, but this became possible only thanks to space exploration. His energy is colossal, it is a huge potential in the development of all spheres of life on the planet. Below are the most important aspects in the need to study the Universe:

  • Weather forecasting. The Meteorological Service reports the weather throughout the country every day. Heavy rains, heavy snowfall, raging winds or calm, calm weather are all predicted from space data, so you can take timely safety measures in case of an emergency.
  • In addition to the planets, the expanses of the Universe are criss-crossed by the remnants of once-existing stars, comets, asteroids, and meteorites. Their trajectory is unpredictable and their composition is unknown. Free wandering in the vastness of the Universe and the likelihood of their collision with the Earth can be tracked with the help of special equipment in observatories and catastrophes on a global scale can be prevented in time.
  • The study of space is important for the security of a country. Rockets, torpedoes or other weapons can cause significant harm to the inhabitants or the settlement as a whole. To prevent this, special satellites are used to monitor outer space and take action in the event of an attack.
  • Asteroids are rich in rare precious metals: platinum, gold, silver. Modern equipment allows them to be mined, thereby affecting the Earth in a smaller amount and allowing it to preserve its integrity.
  • Information for planes, ships, cars comes directly from space. This allows you to lay the right route and see the obstacle in time that interferes with the movement.
  • The environmental situation is one of the most important problems in modern times. Waste plastic, household chemicals, metal production occupy vast areas on the planet and cause significant harm to the environment and human health. The exploration of outer space for waste disposal will solve this global problem.

These important components are of great importance for the development of all spheres of human activity. The space of space is unique, immense and fraught with many interesting things. And it needs to be studied.

First steps in the field of astronautics

For the first time, the USSR decided to find out what is outside the planet. On October 4, 1957, the first satellite was launched - PS-1 (stands for the Simplest Sputnik-1). Many scientists and designers worked on the creation of the satellite, including Mikhail Klavdievich Tikhonravov, who developed the satellite, and Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, who created the launch vehicle. It was he who put the satellite into orbit.

PS-1: flight results and significance for the country

PS-1 was launched from the Research Institute of Polygon No. 5 (now Baikonur). 4 hours after launch, the satellite gave a signal, it was heard for several minutes, after which it disappeared into outer space. The device successfully reached the orbit and moved along it for about three months, having completed more than 1400 revolutions around the Earth. But at some point, the fuel supply system failed, which led to malfunctions in one of the engines. Because of this, the satellite began to decline and burned up in the atmosphere. And yet the launch of the first satellite of the Earth is the grandest event in the whole world. This marked the beginning of the space race between the two superpowers - the USSR and the USA.

Satellite flight results:

  • Successful testing of the technical condition of the apparatus and verification of calculations for its launch.
  • The possibility of studying the ionosphere using radio waves coming from a satellite from space and passing through the atmosphere.
  • Study of the upper layers of the atmosphere. Data can be obtained by observing the craft and its speed as it rubs against the atmosphere.

PS-1 is simple in its execution, it did not have special sensors, but despite this, scientists obtained important data about the Earth's atmosphere, which is necessary in the study of the planet.

Laika in space

Before the astronauts of Russia, the USSR and other countries began to explore space, dogs were the first in the vastness of the Universe. In November 1957, the astronaut dog Laika went into space. In the apparatus where Laika flew, special sensors were installed to monitor the well-being of the dog. In addition, there was an automatic power supply, a special installation for saturating the cabin with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide. The device with the dog on board was already on the way for several hours when she died from overheating due to an undeveloped thermal control system.

Belka and Strelka

On August 19, 1960, the Sputnik-5 spacecraft was launched with the dogs Belka and Strelka. As in the case of Laika, everything necessary was installed in the cockpit, but sad experience showed that improvement of previous shortcomings was required. The dogs endured the flight calmly, without visible deviations from the norm. The flight was recorded on film, where it was later possible to view all the comments and deviations.

At the appointed time, the apparatus with the dogs on board landed successfully. After examination, they felt satisfactory.

Animals in the vastness of the Universe: contribution to the development of astronautics

The flight of Belka and Strelka into space left an indelible mark on the exploration of outer space. Obtained data from the flight of dogs show that a person can fly around the Earth, but with fewer turns. And a few months later, the first man flies into space - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Human flight into space

This event became significant all over the world. Unprecedented discoveries have been made in this area, which made it possible to take a person into outer space. And it happened on April 12, 1961. The first person in the world to fly into space was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He was born on March 9, 34 in the small village of Klushino.

In 1945, the whole family moved to Gzhatsk (which was later renamed in honor of the astronaut). In 1951, he became a student at the Saratov Industrial College and, having entered an amateur flying club in 1954, made his first flight in an airplane. This predetermined his future life. As a future cosmonaut, Yuri went through regular medical commissions and hard training. In parallel with this, the Vostok-1 ship, on which the flight will be made, was being refined to perfection.

On April 12, 1961, a spacecraft with a man on board was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The flight itself lasted less than two hours, the device made one revolution around the planet. At the beginning of the flight, the ship climbed a little more than planned. But a special coating did not allow the device to burn out in the upper atmosphere. In general, the flight went smoothly, without any incidents.

But when the ship was lowered for landing, there were problems in the braking system, so the device landed further than planned. Nevertheless, Yuri Gagarin successfully completed the mission. The cosmonaut was greeted with honors by his relatives and the top leadership of the country. Subsequently, he traveled to different countries, where he was warmly received. In our time, April 12 is celebrated as Cosmonautics Day, and Yu. A. Gagarin will forever be remembered as the first man to fly into space.

Further exploration of outer space

After the flight of Yuri Gagarin, the cosmonauts of Russia and other countries actively explored space. During the flights, unique data on the planet were obtained, extensive research was carried out on the influence of space on the daily life of earthlings, and many discoveries were made in this area.

The cosmonauts of the USSR and Russia made a special contribution to the development of this area. The list and photos of them are presented to your attention:

  • Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. He flew on the twelfth of April 1961, the first man in space in the history of mankind.
  • German Stepanovich Titov, who flew on August 6, 1961. The first cosmonaut to spend a day in zero gravity.
  • Nikolaev Andriyan Grigorievich, who made his first flight on August 11, 1962.
  • Popovich Pavel Romanovich. The flight took place on August 12, 1962. This is the world's first flight of two ships (together with A. G. Nikolaev).
  • Bykovsky Valery Fyodorovich. The first flight took place on June 14, 1963.
  • Kaleri Alexander Yurievich. He flew on March 17, 1992 as a flight engineer on the Soyuz TM-24 spacecraft.

This list is very long, and this is only a small part of it. In fact, there are a lot of astronauts. This once again shows that space was actively studied at that time. This made a significant contribution to the development of astronautics and aviation.

Russia in space exploration

In modern times, outer space is being studied more specifically. The latest technologies make it possible to obtain more accurate data, calculations are carried out on powerful computers in just a matter of seconds. By the way, in the USSR it took more than an hour. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky is one of the first scientists who proposed the use of a rocket engine for the speed of a spacecraft. Now it has been perfected. Cosmonauts of the USSR and Russia, as well as other countries, must know all the subtleties of the ship, its structure, and capabilities. It is important to be able to behave in certain circumstances.

Below is a short list of Russian cosmonauts, in chronological order, who have flown into space:

  • Kaleri Alexander Yurievich. On March 17, 1992, he made his first flight as a flight engineer on the Soyuz TM-24 spacecraft.
  • Avdeev Sergey Vasilievich. On July 27, 1992, he went into space as a flight engineer on the Soyuz TM-15 spacecraft.
  • Poleshchuk Alexander Fedorovich. The flight was made on January 24, 1993 on Soyuz TM-16.
  • Tsibliyev Vasily Vasilyevich flew into space on July 1, 1993.

These are well-known cosmonauts of Russia. Photos of some of them are presented in this article.

Women in space

You can find information about astronauts in any source. Outstanding people who left a huge mark on history are the cosmonauts of Russia. The list and photos, the years of life of these people are information that is in the public domain. And now we will talk about the fair sex in astronautics. Even in Soviet times, cosmonauts seemed to be something "transcendental", "heavenly". Children of that time dreamed about the stars and actively studied this science. I must say that many have achieved significant success in this area, as evidenced by their names, which are on everyone's lips.

It always seemed that Russian cosmonauts were purely men. After successful flights, they decided to launch the first woman into space. And this woman was Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova. She came from a simple family. His father, a tractor driver, died in the war in 1939, his mother was a textile factory worker. The girl was gifted, science at school was easy for her. In her spare time, she played the domra.

Having matured, Valentina became interested in parachuting, and this played in her favor when choosing candidates for space flight. She made her first flight on June 16, 1963 from Baikonur on the Vostok-6 ship. In general, the flight, which lasted three days, went well. Despite feeling unwell, the female cosmonaut coped with the task (keeping a logbook and taking a photo of the planet's horizon).

Other female cosmonauts of Russia and the USSR who left their mark on history:

  • Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya. In August 1984, she made her first flight on the Soyuz T-7 spacecraft, and in 1984 she became the first woman in the world to go into outer space.
  • Elena Vladimirovna Kondakova. The first flight took place in early October 1994 on the Soyuz TM-20 spacecraft. This is the world's first female astronaut who has been in space for a long time - 179 days.
  • Serova Elena Olegovna She made her first flight on September 26, 2014 on the Soyuz TMA-14M spacecraft as a flight engineer.

As you can see, there are not as many representatives of the weaker sex as men. But all trainings, tasks, loads were carried out on a par with colleagues. Fortitude, perseverance, willpower, the ability to set a goal and achieve it - these are the qualities that Russian cosmonauts fully possess. The list of these qualities is replenished with each test passed for them. Despite the difficulties, they managed to conquer space and leave their mark on the history of mankind.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857 - 1935) - an outstanding Russian and Soviet scientist, the founder of modern cosmonautics, as well as a philosopher, a prominent representative of the school of Russian cosmism.

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Petr Leonidovich Kapitsa (1894-1984) Russian physicist and engineer, member of the Royal Society of London (1929), member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), Hero of Socialist Labor (1945, 1974). Proceedings on the physics of magnetic phenomena, physics and technology of low temperatures, quantum physics of the condensed state, electronics and plasma physics.

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Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (1934 - 1968) - Soviet cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the highest distinctions of a number of states, honorary citizen of many Russian and foreign cities. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in world history to fly into outer space. The carrier rocket "Vostok" with the ship "Vostok", on board of which Gagarin was, was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome. After 108 minutes in space, Gagarin successfully landed in the Saratov region, not far from the city of Engels. Starting from April 12, 1962, the day of Gagarin's flight into space was declared a holiday - Cosmonautics Day.

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Titov German Stepanovich (1935 - 2000) Cosmonaut of the USSR: No. 2; Cosmonaut of the world: No. 2; Number of flights: 1; Duration: 1 day 01 hour 18 minutes; Soviet cosmonaut, the second Soviet man in space, the second man in the world to make an orbital space flight on the Vostok-2 spacecraft, the youngest cosmonaut in history and the first man to make a long space flight; military leader. The hero of the USSR. Understudy of Yuri Gagarin; doctor of military sciences, associate professor.

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Nikolaev Andriyan Grigorievich (1929-2004) Cosmonaut of the USSR: No. 3; Cosmonaut of the world: No. 5; Number of flights: 2; Duration: 21 days 15 hours 20 minutes 55 seconds. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Air Major General. The first astronaut to work in orbit without a space suit. The first cosmonaut who participated in a military experiment in space.

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Popovich Pavel Romanovich (1930s) Cosmonaut of the USSR: No. 4; Cosmonaut of the world: No. 6; Number of flights: 2; Duration: 18 days 16 h 26 min 28 s. Soviet cosmonaut. Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Pilot of the Vostok-4 spacecraft; commander of the Soyuz-14 spacecraft, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR No. 4. Call sign - Berkut

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Bykovsky Valery Fedorovich (1934- gg.) Cosmonaut of the USSR: No. 5; Cosmonaut of the world: No. 9; Number of flights: 3; Duration: 0 days 17 hours 48 minutes 21 seconds. Soviet pilot Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. At the moment, he is a cosmonaut who made a space flight earlier than all other living Russian cosmonauts, and the only cosmonaut who flew on the spacecraft "Vostok" or "Voskhod" who made 3 space flights.

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Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna (1937) Cosmonaut of the USSR: No. 6; Cosmonaut of the world: No. 10; Number of flights: 1; Duration: 2 days 22 hours 50 minutes. Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, the world's first female cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor of Czechoslovakia, Hero of Socialist Labor of the People's Republic of Belarus, Hero of Labor of Vietnam, Hero of Labor of the MPR, major general, candidate of technical sciences, professor. Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR No. 6, 10th cosmonaut in the world.

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Komarov Vladimir Mikhailovich (1927-1967) Cosmonaut of the USSR: No. 7; Cosmonaut of the world: No. 11; Number of flights: 2; Duration: 2 days 03 hours 04 minutes 55 seconds; Pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, engineer-colonel. The commander of the world's first crew of a spacecraft, and at once from three people. He flew twice on the first ships of a new type: Voskhod-1 and Soyuz-1.

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Leonov Alexey Arkhipovich (1934- gg.) Cosmonaut of the USSR: No. 11; Cosmonaut of the world: No. 15; Number of flights: 2; Duration: 7 days 00 hours 33 minutes 08 seconds; Number of spacewalks: 1. Soviet cosmonaut, the first man to go into space. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR. Member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party.

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Avdeev Sergey Vasilievich (1956- gg.) Cosmonaut of Russia: No. 74; Cosmonaut of the world: No. 274; Number of flights: 3; EVAs: 10; Duration: 747 days 14 hours 14 minutes. 74th cosmonaut, Hero of Russia. Ex is the world record holder for the total time spent in space.

13 slide

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Volkov Alexander Alexandrovich (1948- gg.) Cosmonaut of the USSR: No. 60; Cosmonaut of the world: No. 183; Number of flights: 3; Duration: 391 days 11 hours 52 minutes 16 seconds; Number of spacewalks: 2. Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union. His son Sergei is also an astronaut.

Today, April 12, is International Day of Human Space Flight. The deputies of the "Fair Russia" proposed a bill in the State Duma, according to which this day should be an official public holiday. I do not think that even one Russian will refuse an additional day off, especially one dedicated to such an important event as a flight into space.

However, today we will not talk about legislation. We will remember famous people in the history of astronautics who set amazing records, honor their memory and pay tribute to their contribution to science.

So, world-famous astronauts and their records.

Yuri Gagarin

It would be strange if someone else was on the first line in this list. In the entire history of mankind, Gagarin was the first person to fearlessly set off to conquer outer space. On this day, exactly 52 years ago, Vostok-1 took Yuri Gagarin to the stars for 108 minutes. Naturally, the cosmonaut received the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Moreover, the Volga car, representative at that time, with amazing numbers - 12 04 YuAG, became an additional award.

Valentina Tereshkova

Valentina Tereshkova became the first female cosmonaut. "Vostok-6" became her means of transportation to the stars in the 63rd year. Only a brave and courageous woman could decide on a solo flight into space. Not a single space lady was able to repeat Tereshkova's act, all subsequent female cosmonauts went into space only with a crew.

Alexey Leonov

Alexei Leonov became the first cosmonaut to walk in outer space. A 12-minute tour of starry space took place in the 65th year. Interestingly, it took the astronaut almost the same amount of time to leave the ship. The return on board was not as planned. Alexei's spacesuit was greatly swollen, preventing a safe return to the ship. As a result, Leonov disregarded all the instructions, released the pressure in the suit and went on board head first.

Neil Armstrong

If Russian cosmonauts were the first to visit space, then American specialists were the first to get to the Earth's satellite. Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon in 1965. A quarter of an hour later, his colleague, the American cosmonaut Edwin Aldrin, joined him. For 150 minutes, the men walked on the lunar surface, after which they returned safely to the ship.

Anatoly Solovyov

Few people know, but Anatoly Solovyov is the undisputed record holder for the time spent in outer space. The Russian cosmonaut went out of the ship sixteen times, the total duration of the exits was 78 hours - more than three days. In general, Anatoly's flights in space took almost two years of his life.

German Titov

German Titov became the youngest cosmonaut - his first flight took place at the age of 25. Moreover, Herman was the first of the people to venture on a long flight - the astronaut spent 25 hours in outer space in the middle of the 61st year.

John Glenn

But John Glenn became the oldest of the astronauts who went into space. An American at the age of 77 decided to fly. Apparently, an astronaut is a way of life, not a profession. By the way, John flew into space only twice, and the time difference between the flights was as much as 36 years.

Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmit

These astronauts are the absolute record holders for the time spent on the lunar surface. In total, walks on the Moon for one expedition amounted to 75 hours, three times the astronauts left the ship for an earth satellite for an average of 22 hours. Colossal load. By the way, these Americans were the last of the people who visited the moon.

Dennis Tito

Dennis Tito is an American multimillionaire, and once he allowed himself to spend money on a tourist trip to space. I must say, such an unusual trip cost a lot of money. Tito is considered the first space tourist. True, some believe that the first was the journalist Akiyama, however, this is not so. The journalist's trip was paid for by the organization, which means that Akiyama cannot be considered a space tourist.

Helena Sharmen

Helena was the first to open space for the UK, it's amazing how the stiff British chose a woman for such a significant event. Charmaine in 1991 became a member of the Soyuz TM-12 crew and became a representative of Great Britain. Before the flight, the girl worked at a confectionery factory, she took part in the competitive selection of citizens who were supposed to fly into space and won.