Air that makes you fat. Foods that make legs fat

Air that makes you fat.  Foods that make legs fat
Air that makes you fat. Foods that make legs fat

Do I need to put health warnings on crisps? This suggestion may come as a surprise to some, but recently there is growing evidence that eating this snack can lead to unpleasant consequences for human health. They contribute not only to the development of obesity and heart problems. Today, they are also associated with developmental problems in unborn children, hyperactivity in children and the possible development of cancer in adults. The risks would not be so dangerous if it were not for the frightening amount of chips consumed in the UK every day.

The British eat six billion packs of chips every year. This is comparable to one ton of chips every three minutes, or a hundred packs of chips for each person.

Not so long ago, a YouGov poll revealed that a third of British children eat chips every day. Another two-thirds of children use them several times a week, writes. One pack of chips a day is like eating five liters of cooking oil a year. And that's not to mention the fats, sugar, and salt found in packets of chips. It is hard to believe these frightening facts when you see these innocent bags of chips on the shelves of shops, supermarkets and stalls. But fun logos and bright colors disguise a product that has been industrially perfected to tease human taste buds to the point of addiction.

So says Michael Moss, author of a recently published book called Salt, Sugar, Fat: How The Food Giants Hooked Us. His investigation found that decades of research by food manufacturers had transformed chips from a mildly tempting snack in the '70s to mind-blowing, appetite-stimulating foods. When you pop the chips into your mouth, he explains, you can almost immediately taste the salt. This is the effect of what the salt industry calls "taste explosion". Modern chips are also saturated with fat, which helps create what is called "taste complex" in the mouth. This allows you to reproduce sensations comparable to the pleasure of a piece of delicious cheese.

We sense these fats through the trigeminal nerve located above and behind the mouth. This sends tactile information to the brain. The better the mouthfeel, the more we want this product again. Along with salt and fat, chips also contain sugar, which is present in potato starch. This completes the bouquet of tastes that our brain lacks. But the main secret weapon of chips today is their fragility. "Some studies have shown that the more noise a chip makes when eaten, the more people will like it," says Moss.

Today, scientific research reveals the truth about the hidden threats of eating chips

Another trick manufacturers have is labeling products as "delicacy". It's like it makes the ingredients used in the chips less harmful to health in case of overeating. All this helps to explain why many of us simply "love" chips. However, this tempting snack comes at a cost to our health.

If you eat chips in excess, these ingredients increase the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. In the case of children, overeating chips can worsen their health for the rest of their lives. Moreover, today's research shows that chips lead to even more serious consequences. They are currently the leading cause of obesity in the US. This is evidenced by study data published in the authoritative New England Journal of Medicine by cardiologist Dariush Mozaffarian.

He states: "All foodstuffs are not alike, and limiting their use is not enough." In his study, potatoes stand out among all foods as a weight gainer. Especially the chips. And it's not that the chips are affordable and full of fat, they make us want them even more. The high starch and refined carb content of crisp packets can increase blood glucose and insulin levels, he said. This imbalance results in a lack of satiety, increases hunger and results in more food being eaten throughout the day.

This can harm not only the health of adults and children, but also unborn babies. According to British scientists, pregnant women who eat a lot of chips can harm their children in the same way as if they smoked cigarettes. This is caused by a toxic chemical present in the snack. It's called acrylamide. It has no smell and taste, it is invisible, but harms DNA. This chemical was first discovered in the plastics and paint industry. Ten years ago, Swedish scientists came to the conclusion that it is produced in large quantities during the heat treatment of foods such as chips. Today, a Bradford Institute for Health Research study has found an association between high acrylamide levels and low birth weight and small head circumference in newborns. Mozaffarian adds that it also causes stunted brain and nervous system development, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

"Because of this kind of harm to the health of newborns, it makes sense to put warnings on packets of chips," he said. Meanwhile, the study of the effect of acrylamide on adults continues. However, findings to date have led the International Agency for Research on Cancer to designate the chemical as a "possible human carcinogen." The Snacma Chip Manufacturers Association (Snack, Nut and Crisp Manufacturers Association) says they are working to find ways to reduce acrylamide levels in chips.

In the absence of package warnings, only the consumer can stop self-indulgence, no matter how enticing snack makers make potato chips.

To the question Can you get fat from chips? given by the author Anyuta the best answer is CHIPS are a mixture of carbohydrates and fat, in the shell of dyes and flavor substitutes. Chips, both corn and potato, are very harmful to the body, and eating french fries will not bring anything good either.
A terrible statistic says that one bag of potato chips eaten a day is equal to five liters of sunflower oil drunk per year. These shocking data were published by British doctors talking about the harm caused to the body by foods such as hamburgers, chips and carbonated drinks.
Convincing facts - the problems of fans of chips: extra pounds, high cholesterol, blockage of blood vessels, heart attacks and diabetes. And yet, oddly enough, addiction ... Yes, scientists confirm the fact that potato chips can cause addiction akin to drugs.
But problems with the heart, pancreas and addiction, the list of organs suffering from "fast food" does not end there. Doctors from Oxford University claim that fast food, and chips are also included in this category, hits not only the heart and stomach, but also literally the brain.
The researchers came to this conclusion by conducting an experiment on laboratory rats. Rats, as you know, in their physiology are very similar to us humans. Scientists have put several animals on a diet high in fats similar to those used in the preparation of fried potatoes and chips. Calculations showed that the rats consumed about 55% of all their calories in the form of fat. As a result, only ten days were enough for the animals to become less attentive, unable to quickly concentrate, and poorly coped with ordinary tasks. They weakened, began to make mistakes in the passage of familiar labyrinths and began to get tired much faster.
Scientists have already given a name to this effect and dubbed it "fat hangover", explaining that for people it also threatens to worsen short-term memory, loss of concentration and a decrease in the speed of thinking. The authors of the study noted that their work gives a clear picture of how food affects the behavior and mental abilities of a person.
Potato chips, crispbread, fried nuts and other crunchy treats contain a substance that can cause mutations in hereditary material and has a pronounced carcinogenic effect.
Scientists at Stockholm University came to this terrible conclusion. They found that fried foods, as well as deep-fried foods rich in starch, contain high concentrations of acrylamide, a chemical used primarily as a raw material to make the widely used polymer, polyacrylamide. The carcinogen acrylamide, in turn, is used in the production of adhesives, paints, varnishes and resins. This substance, according to scientists, is capable of causing mutations in hereditary material and has a carcinogenic effect, such a conclusion can be drawn from the results of animal experiments. The International Agency for Research on Cancer also lists acrylamide as a "probably carcinogenic" substance. Research conducted by the California Institute of Health Effects Research includes acrylamide in the list of substances that cause cancer.
A group of scientists from the Technical University of Lisbon and Tilburg University in the Netherlands came to the conclusion that small packages in which chips are sold are much more dangerous for health and figure than large packages. A person who buys a large package of chips subconsciously limits himself, and often does not eat all the chips, while a small package provokes a person to a thoughtless attitude towards the portions eaten.
So think thrice before you buy a pack of chips.

Air that makes you fat

It is impossible to learn a foreign language in one week - no one argues with that. It is also impossible just by one strong-willed decision (decided to lose weight - period!) to acquire healthy eating skills.

Determination is good. This is just fine, but the habit of eating everything, or rather, the lack of the habit of evaluating our own diet, often nullifies our good intentions. After all, calories are sometimes so cleverly hidden! And it seems to us that we are getting fat, as some like to say, "from the air."

One of the features of our consciousness is its unwillingness to count very small portions as "eaten". If it was a piece of an apple or a slice of an orange - it's okay, but if a small portion consisted of really high-calorie foods (cheese, butter, high-fat yogurt, etc.), then the "unaccounted for" can literally "go sideways". Consciousness ignores - the body stores.

Here are some very common hideouts where they like to ambush completely extra calories in the diet.

- Crisps. The product is not only useless, but also harmful, besides it is very high-calorie. A few bags of chips a week regularly throughout the year - and here you have an increase of three to five kilos literally "from scratch"! Using chips as food or snacks is a real meanness to your body. After all, their calorie content reaches 600 kcal per 100 g of product, that is, it is almost pure, but alas, low quality oil. An attempt to use chips as a small portion of "delicious" is also not very successful - you will still consume quite a lot of calories, but you will not get a feeling of fullness. A thirty-gram bag of chips is already 150 - 200 kcal. And that's not to mention all the concentrates, preservatives and other chemicals stuffed with chips. There is only one way out - just do not eat this product. By the way, an irresistible desire to empty a crunchy bag of fat-soaked pressed mashed potatoes with a taste of "sour cream and onion" or "pizza" often indicates that you really miss meat and / or spicy food. Here, eat it. You can afford two small sausages, a good portion of lean chicken, a large beef patty, a 3-centimeter saw cut of boiled sausage, two lean fish steaks ... Don't waste calories on junk food. There are no chips in nature - period.

- Crackers. In the process of losing weight, a saving thought comes to some brilliant heads - to replace chips with crackers. Our crackers are made from bread, and they have less calories! The idea, of course, is gratifying (no, it's really gratifying when people think about their diet!), but bringing it to life usually does not lead to the expected result. Alas, bread, and even more so butter dried in the company, is a rather high-calorie meal, about 350 kcal per 100 g, usually 50 g in a bag. The contents of one bag of crackers are about 170 kcal. And how do you like it with a daily rate of 800 - 1200 kcal for a working lady? Too much. Among other things, there is too much salt and flavorings in ready-made crackers, and in some varieties there is too much oil (their calorie content is correspondingly higher), so it’s also impossible to call such a “snack” useful and reasonable. It is better to refrain from crackers and, as a last resort, indulge yourself with no more than one bag per week.

- Glazed curds. It seems to be such a good curd dessert, and besides, it evokes pleasant associations with a carefree childhood. But alas, curds are only slightly less caloric than chips - up to 400 kcal per 100 g. One cheese for an adult, that a mouse is for a wolf - swallowed and did not notice. In order to at least feel the taste, you have to consume a couple of pieces. To have a snack on 400 kcal is too "fat" pleasure for losing weight, in the literal sense of the word. The "usefulness" of the product, in which some citizens sincerely believe, is also greatly exaggerated - there is little cottage cheese in cheese, it is seasoned with a lot of butter and sugar. It was on this children's delicacy that one of my acquaintances gained about three kilos in a few months and sincerely could not understand why she was "swelling" ... Well, literally "from the air" ...

- Nuts. Salty and sweet nuts in the package at first glance may seem like a "healthy" snack. After all, so many times the media has talked about the benefits of nuts for our bodies! And here is such a variety - peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, almonds ... Or our national fun - seeds. After all, the bag is so small ... Small, small, and the calorie content of hazelnuts is just over 700 kcal, almonds - 645 kcal and even peanuts (which, strictly speaking, are not a nut at all) - 548 kcal per 100 g! Seeds, by the way, are even more nutritious than peanuts. But this is the calorie content of "clean" nuts. Fried in oil or with the addition of sugar, they become even more energy-intensive. Is it worth it again to repeat the simple idea that by throwing a fifty-gram bag of nuts into your mouth, you won’t get enough, but at the same time you will “get” 250 - 350 kcal? 350 kcal is a kilogram of grapefruits ... So losing weight people should not especially lean on nuts. You can add a few nuts or seeds (10 - 20 g) to breakfast, but they are completely unsuitable as an independent snack. Peanuts are especially popular among "air-fat" ladies because of their relative cheapness, their ubiquity, and the fact that they are often cooked in syrup or salted butter. Remember one exception. If you are on a very strict diet, accurately counting calories, and not always sure that healthy vegetable food will be available to you, carry unroasted, unsalted and unsweetened nuts (not peanuts) mixed with a small amount of dried fruit.

- Puff pastries. A variety of stalls with hot, freshly baked puff pastries have multiplied in recent years. What smells! What a variety of toppings! Hot, ruddy, for every taste - both sweet and meaty. You can eat right now, or you can take it home for tea. Citizens stand in line, buy, eat, rejoice ... The pie looks small, harmless. But alas, depending on the filling, the calorie content of such a pie is 450 - 500 kcal per 100 g, because puff pastry contains a lot of oil. So, you sat with your girlfriends, drank tea with pies. How many did you eat, three things? Consider that you have already “chosen” the daily caloric intake for a losing weight person ... So a daily tea pie at work in the not very distant future can cost you a noticeable amount of extra pounds. Until your weight, appearance and appetite return to normal, it is better to just forget about puffs. By the way, this is not such a terrible test as it might seem at first. It will take some time, and you will learn to enjoy ... the delicious smell of fresh pastries and at the same time not be tormented by the fact that you do not eat them! Checked!

By the way, you probably already noticed what category all of the above dishes belong to? To the so-called food waste - products that are so prepared and packaged that they do not saturate, they are not considered as a separate meal, and they bring a lot of calories to our body - here are the extra pounds that came from nowhere.


From every "dream of the sweet tooth"

And their dreams are:

  1. Chocolates.
  2. Eclairs.
  3. Glazed curds.
  4. Wafers.
  5. Ice cream.
  6. Cotton candy.
  7. Halva from seeds.
  8. Marmalade.
  9. Pies.
  10. Cherrypie.
  11. Cakes.
  12. Cakes.
  13. Paste.
  14. Halva from nuts.
  15. Marshmallow.

Women get fat from all the food that is sold in the "shell" of fast foods. Your favorite hot chocolate and your favorite french fries are those foods that, unfortunately, are under a huge ban. They spoil the figure very thoroughly! Therefore, if you decide to meet with your friends at Makka, order one small ice cream and that's it. No cheeseburgers or hamburgers!

Women "get fat" and from foods that contain a lot of calories:

  1. Cream.
  2. Pizza.
  3. Salo.
  4. Prunes in chocolate.
  5. Omelette (with additives).
  6. Smoked bacon and stuffed bacon.
  7. Margarine.
  8. Mayonnaise.
  9. Butter.
  10. Peanut butter.
  11. Pasta.
  12. Caviar is black.
  13. Tomato sauce.
  14. Dumplings.
  15. Olive oil.
  16. Nuts.
  17. Guacamole.
  18. White chicken meat.
  19. Kefir.
  20. Salmon.
  21. Curd.
  22. Bananas.
  23. Fat (pork).
  24. Avocado.
  25. Noodles.
  26. Instant broths.
  27. Red caviar.
  28. Crisps.
  29. Sausage.
  30. Sausages.
  31. Canned food.

Do not rejoice if you find "medium-calorie" foods or dishes! The fact is that they will not give anything good to the figure either. By the way, here they are:

  1. Boiled sausages.
  2. Salad of mango and tofu.
  3. Duck meat.
  4. Soup - mashed cauliflower.
  5. Chicken meat (broiler).
  6. Sour cream.
  7. Cheese khachapuri.
  8. Horsemeat.
  9. Eggs (quail and chicken).
  10. Rabbit meat.
  11. Tomato-egg salad.
  12. Lamb meat.

What to do in order not to gain weight?

Either give up all these products, or switch to those products that are safe for the figurine:

  1. Baked potato.
  2. Spinach.
  3. Muesli.
  4. Kiwi.
  5. Broccoli.
  6. Carrot.
  7. Tangerines.
  8. Cucumbers.
  9. Sauerkraut.
  10. Radish.
  11. oranges.
  12. Zucchini.
  13. Asparagus.
  14. Apples.
  15. Kelp.
  16. Celery.
  17. Rice is brown.
  18. Black radish.
  19. Dried fruits.

In order not to get fat from products, remember some simple rules:

  1. Drink red wine in moderation, because you can’t do without it at all. But this drink is considered high-calorie.
  2. Fruits are among the low-calorie foods. But this does not mean at all that they can be eaten by a kilogram or several! Enough, for example, and one apple a day. The same applies to oranges, kiwi and other “fruit delights”.
  3. Eat cabbage salad with bread. Then you will get full faster, and feel a rather unusual taste.
  4. I wanted to eat - arrange a "snack" of almond nuts. Appetite will be gone immediately!
  5. Eat the smallest portions. Imagine drinking coffee abroad! Remember what "amounts" it is customary to drink this wonderful drink there.

  6. Love an omelet? Cook dietary instead of regular! You can find a lot of recipes.
  7. Dishes. In which you added cream. Start adding grated potatoes or some starch.
  8. Hunting sausages can be easily “relieved” of calories. Pierce them with a fork while frying!
  9. In order not to add fat or oil to the dish, choose a non-stick pan.
  10. Use homemade light sauce (instead of mayonnaise). Mix ketchup (a little) with low-fat yogurt. It will turn out delicious!

From what other products do women “get fat” and gain weight?

There are periods when even the most low-calorie food "fills" the body with excess fat.

When it happens:

  1. During menstruation. Many women are drawn to overeating on critical days. They themselves understand that they need to control themselves, but they cannot.
  2. During stress, anxiety and depression. Try not to be influenced by these "negative" moments so that the food is whole!
  3. After diets. I would like, finally, to eat enough, forgetting about the "difficult moments of life" ....
  4. On holidays. So many goodies on the tables! With the eyes, of course, it turns out to “eat” more, but the stomach also suffers from the unusual stay of a “food overdose”.

  5. On the day of parting with a loved one. Food (on this day) seems to ask itself into the stomach. And women regret that there is no huge castle nearby! Dear women! It will not save if there is a strong feeling of hunger!
  6. On the eve of the "offensive" of some important event. Birthday, wedding, graduation, conference, job interview…. We are all nervous if any of the events is about to come. And the shelves of the refrigerator (freezer) are rapidly emptying….
  7. After a hunger strike, which is “arranged” if you urgently need to lose kilograms. Of course, anyone would pounce on the food like crazy!
  8. Women gain weight during pregnancy. At such a time, the girl (woman) literally "grows" before our eyes. And she does not stop this “growth” so that the child living inside her is satisfied.
  9. During cooking. While the hostess tries what she cooks, she eats. Before blaming yourself for being "pretty fat" - go to your scales (you have them, for sure) and weigh yourself two or three times. It is possible that you exaggerated.

Do not believe the envious neighbors who constantly say that something happened to your weight. They may deliberately mislead you so that you begin to complex and believe that you have seriously recovered.

There are people whose constitution (body structure) does not allow them to lose weight to size forty-two or size forty-four. Exercise equipment will help, gymnastics and walking on foot. Running is also good, but not everyone could “get involved” in running for a long time.

Women gain weight (get fat) from the food they eat when the irresistible appetite "returns". They don't even notice how much food is running out at that moment.

Eat any food, but just a little bit! Then no food will become enemies for your figure and for your stomach. Check it out if you don't believe me! Try to check at least.

In chapter Other to the question Can you get fat from chips? given by the author Anyuta the best answer is

But problems with the heart, pancreas and addiction, the list of organs suffering from "fast food" does not end there.
Dicks from Oxford University argue that fast food, and chips are also one of those, hits not only the heart and stomach, but literally the brain.

Scientists at Stockholm University came to this terrible conclusion.
and found that fried as well as deep-fried foods rich in starch contained acrylamide, a chemical used primarily as a starting material for the widely used polymer, polyacrylamide, in high concentrations. The carcinogen acrylamide, in turn, is used in the production of adhesives, paints, varnishes and resins. This substance, according to scientists, is capable of causing mutations in hereditary material and has a carcinogenic effect, such a conclusion can be drawn from the results of animal experiments. The International Agency for Research on Cancer also lists acrylamide as a "probably carcinogenic" substance. Research conducted by the California Institute of Health Effects Research includes acrylamide in the list of substances that cause cancer.

original source Remember, folk wisdom says: “You are what you eat!”

Fatty foods are hard to digest by the body, so they quickly get fat, it is better to refuse such foods. One gram of fat provides 9 calories, so high-fat foods should be limited.

Food to avoid:

  • fatty meat - pork, bacon, lard, sausages, bacon;
  • butter;
  • mayonnaise;
  • margarine;
  • dairy and sour-milk products with a fat content of more than 15%;
  • smoked fish;
  • chips and crackers (with various food additives);
  • seeds, nuts;
  • canned meat;
  • semi-finished products;
  • french fries and all deep-fried foods;
  • foods fried in a large amount of oil;
  • fast food.

Seasonings with food additives, such as E621, flavor enhancers and monosodium glutamate, have a great health hazard. Such food is harmful and can lead to improper functioning of the digestive system. For girls, in order to get rid of excess weight, it is important to follow proper nutrition and consume foods that make you fat in a limited way.

Products that affect the deposition of fat

Many parents from childhood teach their children to drink tea with a sandwich in the morning, drink food with cola or juice from a pack. Good behavior is rewarded with candy or other sweets. Improper nutrition is the first cause of obesity in children and the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The second category is foods high in carbohydrates, the excess of which adversely affects the figure. High-calorie carbohydrate foods include:

  • chocolate;
  • glazed curds;
  • confectionery and all products containing flour and starch;
  • ice cream;
  • sugar and products containing sugar;
  • fast foods;
  • potatoes (only young potatoes, boiled or baked, are considered healthy);
  • white polished rice;
  • instant cereals and ready-made muesli;
  • prepared fruit juices;
  • alcohol.

High-calorie foods are banned by nutritionists. These are the foods that make you fat in a short time. You went on a diet, but could not resist and ate a portion of your favorite chips, pizza or cake. In a week you dropped 2 kg, and in a day you gained it back. Therefore, it is important to monitor nutrition, and eat high-calorie foods in moderation, no more than 200 calories.

You should also limit your sugar intake. To stock up on energy for the whole day, it is not necessary that tea or porridge be sweet. For breakfast, it is recommended to eat cereal products (flakes, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge). Dinner should be light and consist of vegetables and protein, and the last meal 2 hours before bedtime.

medium calorie foods

There are also foods that are not so high in calories, but they should not be abused, as they can also gain extra pounds.

Any food can make you gain weight if consumed in excess. If you follow the measure, then in the diet with weight loss, you can include the most fatty and high-calorie foods, although their portion will be scanty.

For the health of our body, it is important that the diet is varied. This means that you need to eat food in moderation, from which you get fat. Food must be properly cooked, the safety of useful and nutritious elements depends on it. For example, it is not recommended to abuse fried foods, smoked and confectionery. Cutlets can be steamed, and fish can be baked with vegetables in the oven.

Medium-calorie food from which you can gain weight:

  • duck;
  • sour cream 15% fat;
  • chicken meat, namely broilers;
  • horsemeat;
  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • Pasta with cheese;
  • lamb meat;
  • soups;
  • bananas.

The most harmful of all foods that make you fat are considered margarine and artificial oils. The abuse of fatty foods leads to the fact that the level of cholesterol rises, the risks of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system increase. It is also necessary to give up smoking and alcoholic beverages.

Causes of extra pounds

Women during the critical days overeat and consume a large amount of high-calorie foods. You can gain excess weight during stressful situations and experiences. It is clear that you need to control yourself, but this is not always possible, at the moment when you want something special and tasty.

During what periods, even low-calorie food, can lead to the deposition of fat:

  • Often, people wait until the diet is over so they can eat their favorite treats. However, after the diet, if you overeat again, the kilograms will return again in a short period.
  • Many people gain extra pounds during the holidays, when the table is covered with various goodies. Such food is not only high in calories, but also harmful to our body.
  • A strong feeling of hunger arises after parting with a loved one.
  • Women gain weight during pregnancy. After all, during this period, it doesn’t matter what foods make you fat, the main thing is to satisfy the needs inside the growing baby.
  • While the food is being cooked, the housewives can eat enough, hence the extra pounds.

Rules for proper nutrition

Red wine also belongs to high-calorie foods, they should not be abused. And fruits, on the contrary, are low-calorie, but you should not eat kilograms of them in one day. To lose weight, eat in moderation and at a certain time. Doing sports, aerobics or step aerobics will allow you to achieve better results. You can bring down your appetite and hunger if you eat a few almonds.

Sometimes, you just want to treat yourself to sweets. Often these are the foods that make you fat. You cannot completely abandon them, it is important to make the right menu so that the food is healthy and varied, as they contain useful essential trace elements that are so necessary for the body.

How to turn bad into good

  • Be sure to count calories. You can lose weight on any set of products, if you follow the calorie content. True, portions of high-calorie food will be many times less than dietary food, but then you will not have to radically change your taste preferences.
  • Instead of mayonnaise, use 15% sour cream, slimming kefir or natural yogurt.
  • It is recommended to fry food in a pan with a non-stick coating. In this case, you do not need to add oil or fat.
  • When cooking, use boiling, stewing, baking or steaming.
  • Make your own drinks (smoothies, Sassi water, detox water, slimming drinks - the choice is huge).
  • Cook your own convenience foods (swap pork for chicken and turkey, mayonnaise for yogurt, white bread for whole grain)
  • Look for an alternative. Any product or dish can be replaced with a less high-calorie and more useful analogue.

In order not to gain excess weight, eat low-calorie foods. These include vegetables and fruits, cereals, dried fruits, chicken, fish. It is recommended to eat baked vegetables, as they retain the most beneficial and nutrients.

Foods that make you fat: enemies of a slim figure

1. Sugar

The very first product that should be eliminated from the diet is sugar! Of course, it is impossible to completely eliminate it, but it is quite possible to reduce it to a minimum amount. Many girls just love chocolate and cannot even live a day without it. But can you imagine how much sugar is there?!

A pack of yogurt contains as much as 3 tablespoons of sugar, which is very detrimental to your weight and therefore health. Yogurt can be replaced with fat-free, but it is advisable to refuse chocolate. Eliminate juice in packages. Also, do not drink tea or coffee with sugar. Try to do without it, and you will realize that this is a pretty tasty drink without this seemingly necessary additive.

2. Potato

Next comes the potato. How many different dishes can be prepared from potatoes alone: ​​delicious fried potatoes with onions, fried in sunflower oil, baked potatoes with browned sides, and many other dishes simply cannot leave anyone indifferent. But if you want to go on a diet, or just don't want to "accidentally" gain weight, you should give up this miracle product. Potatoes contain a lot of starch, which is why it should be excluded, or only boiled.

3. Baking

The third in line was the product of bakery products. Delicious pies, large ruddy pies with a variety of fillings, and just delicious bread for borscht or a sandwich. It would seem impossible to do without bread. But just it harms your weight. Try to do without it, or replace bread with whole grain bread, it does not affect weight so much, but it also has positive qualities for the body.

4. Rice

The fourth "stop" product is rice. It is he who affects your excess weight. The most "harmful" rice is white polished, which is very popular in Russia. Pilaf, delicious milk porridge, soup and much more are prepared from it. But it carries a lot of starch, so you should limit its consumption to 1 time per week.

5. Fast food, croutons, chips

Our top 5 most harmful foods are completed by instant cereals, chips, crackers, fast foods. It is far from a secret that this type of product is very dangerous for a person, not only because you can quickly recover, but also in its composition. Chips and crackers are not recommended at all. Don't be lazy and make your own porridge, as store-bought instant porridges are rich in "empty" carbohydrates.

List of foods that make you fat

Why do people get fat?! All due to malnutrition and due to the use of excess stop products. We have analyzed 5 harmful types of food from which you can get better. Now let's look at where else we expect extra calories that harm our figure.

1. Rich broth

On the one hand, the broth is very tasty and rich. People think that you can eat it without any special consequences. But this is far from true. The broth is really very tasty, it is difficult to refuse it, but it contains all the main fat from the meat. Cook vegetable broth, it is healthier and will not contain as much fat.

2. Semi-finished products

Of course, the easiest product to prepare, which is difficult to refuse, is semi-finished products. They are really easy to throw on the stove and dinner is ready in a couple of minutes. But is it worth it?! Not only are they very fatty, but they also adversely affect your health in general.

3. Butter

Butter. A product that some consume every day and in large quantities. This is absolutely impossible to do, since the oil has a large amount of fats and carbohydrates. But it should not be completely excluded from the diet either, it is rich in vitamins and trace elements.

4. Mayonnaise

Undoubtedly, mayonnaise is a very harmful product, it is not only very fatty, it also has adverse effects on the body.

The most popular questions asked by nutritionists about food. Are you wondering what nutritionists think about the following questions? Then read on.

Do beer get fat, or is it just a myth?

Beer itself, as a drink, affects weight relatively. Let's see how it is. Well, firstly, beer contains yeast, and of course, they also affect weight to some extent. But mostly they get fat not because of this. Have you thought about what you use it with? These are nuts, chips, crackers, and you get very fat from them. They also get fat from beer due to the fact that after drinking it you really want to eat. And all this because it is rich in carbon dioxide, which expands the stomach, which is why you want to eat more.

The answer to this popular question: whether they get fat from beer or not is yes. Beer is exactly the source, because of which weight gain happens.

Do they get better from honey or still not?

Many people think that this is just a very useful product that is quickly and easily absorbed into the body and it is impossible to get fat from it. But this is a completely wrong statement, since it is honey that carries a high calorie content.

CHIPS are a mixture of carbohydrates and fat, coated with dyes and flavor substitutes. Chips, both corn and potato, are very harmful to the body, and eating french fries will not bring anything good either.

A terrible statistic says that one bag of potato chips eaten a day is equal to five liters of sunflower oil drunk per year. These shocking data were published by British doctors talking about the harm caused to the body by foods such as hamburgers, chips and carbonated drinks.

Convincing facts - the problems of fans of chips: extra pounds, high cholesterol, blockage of blood vessels, heart attacks and diabetes. And yet, oddly enough, addiction ... Yes, scientists confirm the fact that potato chips can cause addiction akin to drugs.

But problems with the heart, pancreas and addiction, the list of organs suffering from "fast food" does not end there. Doctors from Oxford University claim that fast food, and chips are also included in this category, hits not only the heart and stomach, but also literally the brain.

The researchers came to this conclusion by conducting an experiment on laboratory rats. Rats, as you know, in their physiology are very similar to us humans. Scientists have put several animals on a diet high in fats similar to those used in the preparation of fried potatoes and chips. Calculations showed that the rats consumed about 55% of all their calories in the form of fat. As a result, only ten days were enough for the animals to become less attentive, unable to quickly concentrate, and poorly coped with ordinary tasks. They weakened, began to make mistakes in the passage of familiar labyrinths and began to get tired much faster.

Scientists have already given a name to this effect and dubbed it "fat hangover", explaining that for people it also threatens to worsen short-term memory, loss of concentration and a decrease in the speed of thinking. The authors of the study noted that their work gives a clear picture of how food affects the behavior and mental abilities of a person.

Potato chips, crispbread, fried nuts and other crunchy treats contain a substance that can cause mutations in hereditary material and has a pronounced carcinogenic effect.

Scientists at Stockholm University came to this terrible conclusion. They found that fried foods, as well as deep-fried foods rich in starch, contain high concentrations of acrylamide, a chemical used primarily as a raw material to make the widely used polymer, polyacrylamide. The carcinogen acrylamide, in turn, is used in the production of adhesives, paints, varnishes and resins. This substance, according to scientists, is capable of causing mutations in hereditary material and has a carcinogenic effect, such a conclusion can be drawn from the results of animal experiments. The International Agency for Research on Cancer also lists acrylamide as a "probably carcinogenic" substance. Research conducted by the California Institute of Health Effects Research includes acrylamide in the list of substances that cause cancer.

A group of scientists from the Technical University of Lisbon and Tilburg University in the Netherlands came to the conclusion that small packages in which chips are sold are much more dangerous for health and figure than large packages. A person who buys a large package of chips subconsciously limits himself, and often does not eat all the chips, while a small package provokes a person to a thoughtless attitude towards the portions eaten.

So think thrice before you buy a pack of chips.

10 foods that make you fat

Foods that make you fat should be excluded from your diet. We all are well aware that there are foods from which we get fat. Our body begins to gain excess weight and, if we exclude foods that make you fat from your diet, then you will begin to lose weight, and rapidly. The most important thing for losing weight in this way is willpower and habit. It is enough to hold out for only 21 days and not eat foods that make you fat, and you will notice that you are losing those extra pounds. What's more, 21 days is long enough to get used to giving up your favorite unhealthy foods. In the article, I will describe not only the products that make you fat, but also little tricks on how to refuse these products.

1. Sugar. The first and most harmful product from which you get fat is sugar. If you want to lose weight, then first of all give up coffee and tea with sugar. You should also limit the use of juices in packages, because they are excessively saturated with sugar. Try to drink tea without sugar for a week, and in a week you will perceive tea or coffee without sugar as a very tasty drink.
2. Potato. Potatoes are also a fattening food because they contain a lot of starch. If you love this vegetable very much, then limit the amount of potatoes you consume. Eat only boiled or baked potatoes. And exclude everything.
3. Bakery products. These are the most harmful products for weight loss. If you want to lose weight, then give up white bread, pies, muffins, cakes, etc., eat only black rye bread from their bakery products, it is the least harmful for weight loss.
4. Fig. White polished rice is also one of the foods that make you fat. Do not look at the fact that there are a huge number of rice diets. Remember - white polished rice contains a lot of starch, from which we get fat. Many people think that in China and Japan rice is eaten in huge quantities and their nation remains slender and graceful. The Chinese and Japanese do not eat our white polished rice, but brown rice, which retains all the nutrients and fiber. It is not worth completely abandoning the use of this cereal, it is enough to limit the consumption of rice to 1 time per week.
5. Instant cereals, muesli. Everyone believes that eating porridge for breakfast is healthy, and using instant porridge is also convenient. However, if you do not want to get fat and dream of losing weight, give up fast food breakfasts. They contain "empty" carbohydrates, which create the illusion of satiety and make our body get fat. Buy better oatmeal and cook it in the usual way. Add fruit or honey to it. The porridge will be tasty and healthy.
6. Broths. Chicken and meat broths are also among the foods that make you fat. After all, almost all the fat comes out of the broth from the meat. And we think it's water, you can eat more. No. If you like broths, then it is better to eat vegetable broths and cook first courses on vegetable broths, and not on rich meat or chicken.
7. Semi-finished products. All semi-finished products are products that make you fat. Fatty meat, lard, sausages, sausages, carbonates, etc. not only make our body fat, but also undermine our health. Refuse purchased dumplings, sausages, etc.
8. Butter. It is not recommended by doctors to completely exclude butter from the diet, because it contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. However, this product contains a huge amount of fats and carbohydrates, so it should not be consumed more than 10 grams per week.
9. Mayonnaise. In order to get fat, it is simply necessary to refuse to use mayonnaise. Any mayonnaise, even marked "light" or "light" is a product that makes you get fat and has a harmful effect on the body.
10. Chips and crackers. Chips, crackers, salted nuts, etc., all this is very harmful to the body. It contains a large amount of carcinogens that make our body get fat.

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