How to draw "Gravity Falls": Simple Tips. How to draw gravity folsters, all the characters are styled how to draw zombies from gravel fouls

How to draw
How to draw "Gravity Falls": Simple Tips. How to draw gravity folsters, all the characters are styled how to draw zombies from gravel fouls
Section: Blog / Date: 5 June, 2017 at 10:26 / Views: 12039

The American television cartoon series Gravity Folz fell in love not only to children, but even adults. The Cartoon Creator Alex Hirsch talks about the adventures of the twins Mablee and Dipper Pains, as well as other characters that we will now graduate to depict.

Let's start with the dipper

Dipper is one of the main characters, so let's start with it. How to draw dipper? First you need to create a head that resembles the shape of the bean, because the character has a slightly strange head with an outstanding cheek.
Now let's go to the face: draw round large eyes, pupils in the form of bold dots, smoky, but round nose and ear - depict the character as it were in the half-profile.
Then in the cells gently create a cap, the extra lines of the head need to erase. On the cap. Draw distinctive details: strip and Christmas tree.
Now we draw hair to your ear. Add a couple of turns and under the cap. And the head of the dipper from gravel is ready.
We start the body: draw two vest details and thin long handles. Under the vest you will throw small shorts in the form of two squares, thin legs and rather large sneakers of the cartoon hero.
The remaining details are better to draw from the hero in order to most accurately transfer his image: folds, laces on the dodes, socks, and so on.
Now it remains only to paint into suitable colors and the hero of the beloved cartoon is ready!
The dipper is depicted in almost all the books and diaries of gravity folse, so if you have a book, for example, "" or "" or any other book, you can draw from there.

Draw a little Mabl

How to draw dipper, we have already learned, try to create a twig. How to draw Mable Pines: Cooking the basis resembling an elongated mushroom form.
The drawing is also better to create in cells, it will be easier. Now around the foundation we create a magnificent label chapel. We create two huge eyes and a tiny nose on the face, we will add bangs with a surge, cilia, brings, a greater radiant smile with braces and sticking ears.

Draw a maple collar from a sweater on the neck, slightly stretched sweater sleeves sticking out small fingers from under them, under a sweater - skirt in the form of a rectangle and legs.

The most beloved Mab sweater - with a flying comet, do not forget about it. I raise the character in his colors and the answer to the question: how to draw a mail from gravel Falls, ready.

You can draw a mail from any book or if you have it, you can see and choose an attribute of gravel fouls in our.

Create Wendy

Wendy from Gravity Falls is a rather interesting character, try to create it in several stages. To begin with, we will create a head: a pencil will go on paper oval. We split it using horizontal and vertical lines on 4 parts.

Create a cap: We carry out the bottom caps of the line, and from it up the three small lines from it, one of which should be slightly shorter and complete the headdress. Head lines that turned out to be under the cap, you need to erase. Decessing hair lines, schematically.
Now we erase the lines from the face and sketch large eyes, riddled nose and slurry grin of the heroine.

If the question arises: how to draw Wendy most likely, then you should not forget about her sticking ear from under the hair.

To most conveniently draw the body - you need to create a frame, and it is better to do this in the cells: from the neck to the shoulders, then - to your hands and legs.
By frame and we will draw. Wendy dressed in a checkered shirt, narrow trousers and short shoes.

Do not forget to try your hair to the end. It remains only to gradually calculate the character, and he will be ready.

Portrait details

How to draw folse gravity without details? Yes, I learn how to create a diary dipper. First, draw a slightly tilted rectangle. Then, with one of the long sides, we correspond to a small bar - it will be the side side of the diary, now we do it as if bulk - from the bottom of the short side we draw a large rectangle.
Now details: sketching the sidewalls, circles, side strip. Well, the chief attribute is a sixpath hand and a figure inside it: 1, 2, 3, 4. I advise you to draw, as it is the newest and most popular diary. It remains only to neatly decompose the drawing and ready to answer the question: how to draw a diary from gravel Falls.

It remains only to portray the hut wonders and the full set ready. To know how to draw a hut, you need to be a real cartoon fan and a very attentive artist. You need to hold!

You can see the original, by clicking on the link, they will help you draw the real lines of gravity fouls.

This lesson is devoted to the Disney cartoon "Gravity Falls" (Gravity Falls). We draw the main character and the lesson is called how to draw a dipper in a phased pencil from gravel Falls. Dipper Pines is a boy who is 12 years old, he has a twin sister Mabeble, always trying to solve the riddles and builds plans.

We draw two eyes, first draw a circle, then on the right of it the second, but not complete, it intersects with the first. Further, exactly in the middle of each circle, draw small pupils, then the nose, mouth and the upper and lower part of the face, as well as the ear.

Draw a cap and eyebrows, then hair. Will erase a part of the head that will be not visible under the cap and hair.

Draw a body. You can start with the back of the back, then draw your legs and arms, draw a brush of the second hand, part of the vest and bottom of the pants.

Will erase unnecessary lines to be like in the picture and continue to draw the second part of the vest, T-shirt (its neck, bottom and sleeves), socks, sneakers. On the cap still need to draw a Christmas tree and dipper from gravel Falls ready.

"Gravity Falls" - all the famous, perhaps, American cartoon. He has hundreds of thousands of fans and lovers worldwide and, millions of views. Do you feel like that? If so, you certainly need to learn how to draw characters of your favorite cartoon, but if not - rather, run to watch and return here. This article will give a few ideas and tips, how to draw "Gravity Falls". This can be done both in the graphics editor and on paper, with the help of various tools and techniques. Let's start with the standard and understandable way. Let's try to draw "Gravity Falls" with a pencil or pen. The main thing is patience and accuracy.

"Gravity Falls" pencil or handle

The images of cartoon characters consist of accurate lines. Therefore, draw "Gravity Falls" is quite easy. It remains only to copy them to the most accurately. So, you need to start with the shape of the head. Each character has different, it should be considered. Then hold the middle lines of the head, considering the angle. At their intersection, to portray closely planted large round eyes, not forgetting about eyelashes. Immediately under them - nose. Its form should also be clarified on the image. It can be riddled, pointed or "potato", round and small. Then - mouth and eyebrows. Here you should consider emotions and the mood of the hero at the time of sketching. Please note that your teeth will be visible only with a wide smile, for example, like Mailed. Do not forget to draw cheeks and freckles, if any.

Here are the first features of the face. Please note if the hero has glasses as they are forms. Next - hairstyle and hats. The hair growth line should not be on the top, but just above the forehead. The next step is the ears. They have all the characters are small, except Stan - here you have to work a little. Doring the neck and shoulders, auxiliary elements (earrings, etc.), if you wish, the body, legs and hands. Ready drawing can be covered with gel handle and paint.

How to draw "Gravity Falls" in cells?

It is very easy to draw in this way, you should only not be mistaken in counting. Coloring such drawings can be both markers, markers or separators and colored pencils. We first advise you to schedule an image by a simple pencil, and then start painting. Here you can find examples of the image of the dipper and mabl.

"Gravity Falls" in a graphic editor

For those who are a little familiar with graphic editors, the question is how to draw "gravity fouls" will not seem difficult. Creating a picture on an electronic device, whether it is a computer or a special graphics tablet, is not very different from traditional methods. Everything will be similar to how to draw "Gravity Falls" on paper with the help of pencils and pens.

A huge plus drawing in an illustrator is that you have the opportunity to "play" with details, clothing, poses and emotions on the face, simply using the copying of the unenable parts. So you can create many absolutely different images of the same character. Here, for example, Wendy in 5 different images.

We will be glad if this article was useful and helped you figure out how to draw "Gravity Falls".

"Gravity Falls" is a fairly popular animated series, which is released by Disney. The audience was impressed by the original story, bright characters and memorable stories. Therefore, it does not surprise anyone that questions have become increasingly about how to draw "Gravity Falls".

The main characters of the series. Who are they?

To begin with, it is worth finding out who exactly is included in the list of the most popular characters of the animated series. They undoubtedly include the dipper and mail - twins, with the arrival of which in the "Gravity Falls" and all adventures began.

The rest of the characters are rather minor. These include the Vendy girl, in which the dipper is in love, and uncle walls are quite colorful and obese hero. You can also mention about ten more characters that are periodically found throughout the entire action. However, these four characters most often draw fans.

Draw Dipper and Mab

How to draw "Gravity Falls"? It is gradually to do it much easier. In order to draw a maleb, you will need red, green, brown and beige pencils. You can also use a black handle in order to circle the contours of the finished pattern.

First of all, you need to start with the image of the head. For this, a circle is drawn, which is separated by two arcs. Something it looks like a volleyball ball. At the intersection of these lines, two mug paint - it's eyes. Under one of the lines, you can designate the heroine ear.

Then make the body of Mabl. This is a rectangle directly connected to his head. Arms and feet are added in the form of sticks with feet and palms. And, in conclusion, they pour chin, mouth, decorations. Of course, it is impossible to do and without a lush hairstyle and a favorite male sweaters with any symbolism. How? Draw "Gravity Falls" not so and difficult? It remains only to erase the sketch, coloring and circling the contours with a handle.

Uncle Wall

How to draw "Gravity Falls", namely male characters? Also using the scheme. Uncle walls is drawn with squares. A small square is placed on great. The drawing is supplied with a schematic image of hands and legs. Then the volitional chin is drawn. By the way, he is also fair enough. Glasses, eyebrows and smile are drawn. Also can not do without charismatic beard.

Also can not be left without clothes. Therefore, the body will be burned, the contours of the costume and trousers are added to it, which always carries the hero. How does the beloved tie uncle look like? Viewing the series will tell you how. Draw "Gravity Falls" without this is impossible. The final stage is the destruction of the initial sketch.

Dipper - Just Dipper

Of course, the main hero of the series - Dipper. It is impossible to answer the question of how to draw "Gravity Falls", and skip this character. Its image also begins with a mug, like Maber. A constant cap is added to it. Also at this stage, eyes, smile and nose are drawn.

The body of the dipper consists of a rectangle on which the vest is typical. Hands are worth covering quite a bit, as they are thin. You can not forget about the drawing on the dipper cap. In conclusion, it is worth removing all sketches and color drawing.

How to draw from "gravity folz" of all characters? Quite simple. To begin with, to present them in the form of geometric figures, and then simply add their distinctive features.

Today we will look at how to draw "Gravity Falls" in stages. We are talking about cartoon. Thanks to this lesson, you can independently portray its main characters Wendy, Dipper and Mabel. Consider their features separately.


Let's start the decision of the issue, how to draw "Gravity Falls", from the image of the main beautiful character of the cartoon. First of all, we create oval faces of Wendy. We divide it on the zones. We note the circuit of the cap. Draw your hair. We proceed to the image of the face. Draw your nose, mouth, ears and eyes. Schematically depict the torso. Draw clothes and hands in more detail. Add legs. We supplement them with shoes and trousers. Draw a place for the girl's seating. Choose a palette. Color at first hair and body. Next, clothing items, as well as other elements. Wendy is ready.


When solving the question, how to draw "Gravity Falls", it is impossible to pass by another important character. It's about Mailed. She is now in phastening. Let's start with an image of an oval face. Next, draw the body. We depict your hair. Draw a face. We depict your ears. Draw collar. We depict clothes. Draw other elements. Color the created image. Mailed is ready.


When considering the issue, how to draw "Gravity Falls", we will not forget about the male character. We are talking about dipper. We begin to draw it with the face of faces. We depict your ears. Draw part details. Go to the next step. Draw a cap. We depict your hair. On the cap put the emblem. Draw clothes and body. We depict legs. We are complemented by pants. We depict various minor elements. Choose the palette of the appropriate colors. Color our hero. That's all, our friend Dipper is ready. Now you know how to draw "Gravity Falls". Above we outlined phased instructions for the image of the main cartoon characters.