How to draw graffiti on paper. Learn to draw easily and simply with a pencil, pen and felt-tip pens

How to draw graffiti on paper.  Learn to draw easily and simply with a pencil, pen and felt-tip pens
How to draw graffiti on paper. Learn to draw easily and simply with a pencil, pen and felt-tip pens

Does the art of graffiti hurt you? If yes, then you have probably already drawn a bunch of sketches (outline) with a pencil on paper, and now is the time to go outside and create. Don't know how to do it right? Need advice? Then you've come to the right place! Read and memorize!

First, you need a finished sketch. It is very important that the layout of your future drawing is neat and legible. It must be carefully worked out, otherwise problems may arise when painting with paints on the wall.

Secondly, you need to find a good place for drawing. 50% of the result depends on the quality of the wall. It is best to paint on a smooth wall. But it should not be porous so as not to absorb paint and should not be smooth so that the paint does not flow. And don't forget to buy cans of paint. And to make sure that you have chosen a good place for the drawing, try to make a couple of strokes first, and only then get to work.

Thirdly, it is best to start from the background. Prepare the wall by painting it in the color you want. Of course, you can choose not to do this, but trust me, with a well-chosen background, your drawing will look much better. If the wall is smooth and the paint still flows, the wall can be pre-primed. Well, now that the workplace is ready, you can safely start creating.

Where to begin? You have to start with a sketch. Take a paler paint and mark the main elements of the picture on the wall (contours, outlines of letters, etc.). The more inconspicuous and paler the paint, the easier it will be to correct mistakes, if any. Evaluate what happened, better from afar. This way you can see better and it's easier to compare with a sketch made on paper. The main thing is that the drawings on paper and on the wall are as similar as possible. If it worked out well, now your task is to distribute the colors and estimate the amount of paint. It would be a shame if it ends prematurely.

How to draw? All lines must be drawn smoothly and accurately. It is necessary to draw rather quickly so that the paint does not flow. Try not to jerk your hand so as not to make a mistake and so that everything turns out neatly. First, the drawing needs to be painted, and only then draw the contours. Pay attention to right angles and arcs, there should not be a break in the line, so draw without taking your hands off. Now step back about two meters and evaluate your work. If there is something to correct, then carefully correct it and ... in general, everything. Your drawing is ready! Although no ... you forgot to sign, well, or sign a couple more words. And now that's all for sure. And now you are familiar with the technique of drawing large drawings.

But for small drawings and for bombing, the drawing technique is slightly different. In general, everything is conditional: for example, you can not prime the wall, you can immediately start drawing without a sketch on the wall, etc. You can even not draw a sketch. It's called freestyle. It all depends on the circumstances. I found a good wall, or an interesting idea suddenly appeared in my head ... in short, you start drawing right away, or you quickly draw a sketch right on the spot. In this case, the result can both please and disappoint, since it does not always work out what you intended. But some simply have talent or great experience in such drawings, and they don’t draw sketches at all, and the result of their work is amazing (in a good way, of course).

And here are some more tips from those who are pros in this matter:
In order not to get dirty in the paint (and it is washed off rather badly), it is better to wear gloves when you draw. In summer, ordinary rubber medical gloves are suitable, and in winter you can wear something warmer.
The quality of the drawing directly depends on the quality of the paint. Choose your paint carefully and don't buy the cheapest.
· The drawing on the wall should be well thought out. It is better not to improvise, but to draw a sketch. The wall is not paper after all.
· Whether you like it or not, the quality of your drawing also depends on the weather. I do not recommend painting at a temperature when the water freezes, the cylinders will be capricious, and the hands may not obey from the cold. Warm and calm weather is the most ideal option. And if the wind is still there, then it’s better to draw “in the wind” so that the paint does not end up on you.
· Before you paint, shake the can as hard as possible so that the paint and the solvent are mixed. Otherwise, you will paint with a solvent, and the paint will remain in the container. By shaking the paint, the color will be more saturated and there will be no smudges.
· When drawing, hold the balloon upright.
· Come up with your own tag - this is your signature, displayed in one solid line. In fact, it is an expression of your own style.
If you have a big drawing in mind, you can't do without a sketch. You can also help marking the wall. This can be done with crayon, marker or paint. This will make drawing easier.
You can adjust the thickness of the line with the help of nozzles. But if there are none, then the distance between the wall and the balloon will help you draw what you need. The closer the balloon is to the wall, the thinner the line, and vice versa. If you draw slowly - the color is more saturated, if you draw quickly - it is more scattered and pale.
· Avoid dirt and streaks in the drawing, otherwise your work is worthless. And don't forget to clean up after yourself after painting. You need to protect the environment and your work of art. After all, if the balloon with the remaining paint falls into bad hands, then your drawing can be “corrected”.
· All materials must be prepared in advance and there should be a little more than necessary, that is, with a margin. But you should not carry everything that you have for drawing with you.
When drawing, watch your hand. To avoid smudges, it must move quickly. If you still need to stop your hand, be sure to remove your finger from the cap.
· Color the drawing correctly. Apply lighter colors first, then darker ones. Agree, it is easier to paint over yellow with blue than blue with yellow.

That, in principle, is all you need to know about the technique of drawing graffiti. I hope these tips will help you avoid nasty mistakes that can ruin your drawing. Draw with pleasure!

Nowadays, graffiti is very popular among young people, but not everyone can draw graffiti in a beautiful and stylish way. "VKontakte" even has a special program, but we will try to learn how to draw graffiti on paper with a pencil, then coloring the resulting inscription with paints or colored felt-tip pens.

1. Choose a style for your word

Probably, almost every one of us has seen graffiti-style graffiti on the streets. Sometimes the city authorities even allocate special places for them. If not, then look on the Internet, there is a lot of such information and images.

It is difficult to talk about all styles of graffiti in a short article. It can only be noted that the most popular and rather light style is graffiti with rounded letter shapes. This style is called Bubble. You can choose rounded or sharp edges of the letters, letters that are the same size or large letters and some of them are smaller, etc. It's easier to imitate a style than to invent it, but once you get it right draw graffiti, you can design your own style.

2. Write down the word on paper

You can choose any word for graffiti. The main thing is to leave enough space between the letters, as you will expand them and fill the space between them. Make the space big enough to make room for the other layers, but not so big that there are big gaps.

3. Graffiti style from letter structure

You need to draw graffiti with light strokes of a pencil, as you may have to correct some lines and make small mistakes. This activity will require a lot of time and patience to get all the letters in the chosen style. Remember that in graffiti you need to draw words in an original way, if possible without copying anyone, without this there is no way in graffiti. Don't be afraid to change letters beyond recognition.

4. Line thickness options

You can make all lines the same thickness, but you can make shading and 3D effects. For example, the top and one side of the "C" may be very wide, while the bottom and other side are tapered. Use a pencil to vary the thickness if you're going to darken with ink or marker, so you don't want the color to be pitch black. This way you can imagine how the thickness of the line will change the look of the letter.

5. Add additional effects

Once you've finished drawing the letters, you can add more effects to your graffiti. Perhaps one of the letters will depict lightning or a drop, experiment. The letter with peeping eyes in the letter "R" looks very impressive. You can place a bubble around the word, just like in the comics. The possibilities of graffiti are only limited by your imagination and fantasy.

6. Copy the graffiti drawing

If you have made any serious mistakes while coloring the graffiti, then you will not be able to continue drawing it correctly. Be sure to copy the pencil drawing before final drawing or coloring. Use the scanner settings so that all shades and effects are reflected correctly on the copy paper.

7. Make the shadows soft with a simple pencil

Using a pencil or marker, you can darken the lines drawn in pencil. These lines are more or less permanent, so be extremely careful. Don't be discouraged by small mistakes, you can fix them so they don't show up. Let's say if the line is too thick or you've gone beyond the line, just fill it in to get extra volume.

8. Draw One Color Graffiti Letters

To fill in your words with color, you can look at other examples first, but don't fill in the letters with a pencil. The pencil makes only one-color drawing, despite the abundance of shadows and shades. And graffiti must be bright and catchy, which can only be achieved with paints.

9. Coloring graffiti letters

Almost no work in graffiti is done in one color. You can also fill each letter with a different color or just a slightly different color. You can only make additional parts of a different color. But not worth it draw graffiti too colorful. Bright colors will distract from the main graffiti effect and not focus on the word.

Everyone has probably tried to draw a rose, but not everyone succeeds. In fact, drawing a rose is easy, you just need to remember its features.

In this lesson you will be able to draw a tiger. Try it, drawing animals is just as fun as graffiti.

Pictures of a cat in boots or a kitten drawn with a pencil or paints can be a good decoration for a child's room. But in order to draw a cat correctly, let's learn a little.

Butterfly is easy to draw. But, however, there are tricks here. Pollen can be drawn using pencil strokes directed in one direction, then rub these strokes with a finger or other improvised objects, a piece of paper or an eraser.

Every anime fan wants to be able to draw manga, but it's not easy for everyone, since drawing a person is the most difficult, especially anime, in motion. However, try it, maybe manga is "on the shoulder" for you.

To begin with, let's draw an approximate general shape of the Firebird's body and its limbs. Remember these are only the initial contours, you should not draw the details at this stage.

It would seem that it is so easy to draw a star, but try to draw it evenly, in the correct form without reading this lesson. By the way, watch this tutorial if you like to draw graffiti. The method of how to add volume to a star can be used to draw graffiti with three-dimensional letters.

Surely in your city or in any other you paid attention to intricate inscriptions on fences, fences, garages or on concrete. Most often, these drawings are found in suburban areas, where you can express yourself without interference with the help of paints. The inscriptions on the walls are applied by writers, and their drawings are called graffiti. For beginners unfamiliar with this image, the images are often difficult to read. In fact, if you look closely, you can see that letters written in an ornate font are hidden behind incomprehensible symbols. In this article, we will describe how to learn how to apply graffiti step by step, for beginners.

Types of graffiti

Many countries perceive graffiti as vandalism. But there are cities in which the administration has allocated special places for inscriptions and images, for example, Copenhagen in Denmark, Warsaw in Poland, Melbourne in Australia. It is important to know that not every drawing can be called graffiti (especially for beginners) - this is a certain style that deserves attention and respect. Insults and vulgar inscriptions are inappropriate here.

Consider the most common types of drawing images:

Tagging - the signature of the graffiti writer;

Writing - represents beautiful and unusual inscriptions, as well as large paintings;

Bombing - drawings are applied in extreme places; here it is more important not the quality of the application, but the location of the inscription (these can be train cars or electric trains in the subway).

Graffiti for beginners can start with tagging. This is the simplest type of image that a future artist can learn.

In the beginning there was a name

In order to learn how to draw graffiti in stages with a pencil, you need to decide what you want to write. In order not to rack your brains for a long time, use your name or pseudonym for training. Usually writers sign their paintings with them. A common and uncomplicated font used to write a name is a bubble. This type is characterized by bright inflated letters without sharp corners. Which font to choose is up to you. Maybe you like straight lines, then try blockbuster style. In this case, the letters are depicted as straight lines with wide shadows. There is also a font called frow-up. In this style, ordinary letters are drawn with slightly elongated corners. This is the most appropriate font to use when learning graffiti for beginners on paper.

The play of shadows and lines

Graffiti requires individuality, so the more whimsical you create the lettering, the higher your art will be valued. Do not be afraid of improvisation and unusual font. Take a white sheet and try to create a sketch of your name on it. Play with the thickness and length of the lines. Applying graffiti in stages with a pencil, add three-dimensionality. Expand the boundaries of the letters by changing the thickness. Narrow the beginning of the letter, increasing it towards the end. With a pencil, you can create sketches, see mistakes, and as a result, correct inaccuracies or interference. You can use markers to darken lines. If the line turned out to be wider in one place than you would like, do not be afraid to increase its volume. Select places on your sketch where dark or light color will be present. If the edges of the letters, the inscription will acquire volume.

Adding color and effects

Work done in one color is considered simple graffiti. If you want to create something more eccentric, add colors. Color can be one letter, and maybe several. You can also paint over only the shadow, and leave the outline without filling. Additional details can be drawn in a distinctive tone. Graffiti is complicated by the presence of such elements as stars, dots, crowns. For originality, add artificial smudges or highlights. You can depict one of the letters in the form of a drop or lightning. Place the inscription in a large cartoon bubble or bring the letters to life by painting on their eyes. It all depends on your imagination. Connect your imagination and do not be afraid of non-triviality.

First, decide what your inscription will be. Easily readable or unrecognizable, whimsical.

Secondly, for the first sketches, take clean white paper. You should not draw on notebook sheets that have a linear application.

Thirdly, do not forget that graffiti is an abstraction. Consider perspective, volume, and jagged lines.

Fourthly, with the help of one simple pencil, you can apply different types of shading and shade.

Fifth, to create smooth lines, you can make stencils from cardboard. Many artists, achieving the desired result, use different patterns.

Drawing graffiti for beginners in stages on paper is much easier than applying it to the wall without training. Try sketching different letters, then words, moving from simple to complex, gradually developing your own individual style.

Today is my favorite lesson! We will learn how to draw 3D text.

Do you remember how great the first Superman movie started? (True, the film was released in 1978). It has a very cool super smooth lettering - a great example of angular perspective.

Another example: do you remember the opening scene of Star Wars where the warship floats into the frame and never seems to end? This is a great example of a frontal perspective.

Today we will learn one of the styles of writing 3D text. For this, we will use the angular perspective, because this is the most difficult, the most interesting, and the best to look at. Then you can experiment with longer words.

Let's start with the short word "Hi".

1. Easily draw a horizon line across the entire sheet of paper. Place arch points around the edges. (If you do not understand some terms, then first you should go through the lesson).

2. Draw a vertical line in the center.

3. Easily connect the vault points to the top and bottom ends of the vertical.

4. Determine the front width of the letters. Make sure the nearest letter is wider. This is a great size example. The letter that should be closer should automatically be drawn larger following the guide lines. This will be even more important when you draw three or more letters in the future.

5. Draw the shape of the letter “H” strictly following the reference lines. Remember how important vertical lines are. Now look at the sides of the sheet and the vertical line in the center to make sure the "H" is the right shape.

6. Now start drawing the letter “I”. Now you can clearly see what role size plays in the visual perception of 3D images.

7. Lightly draw reference lines to the right arch point to indicate the width of the letter.

8. Set the thickness of the letter “I” with two points. Connect these two points with a vertical line.

9. Complete the letter “I” with a vertical leg line. Now carefully draw all the corners of the letter "H" on the right.

10. Determine the position of the light and shade opposite surfaces. Erase all extra lines.


In this activity, you will practice (several times) each principle that you must remember as you draw the drawing below on your own. Don't let this drawing trample you. Remember - one line at a time. Everything is simple. Create vault points. Draw the blocks, stroke the letters and add thickness. Have some fun. This could take up an hour of your time, so make yourself comfortable. You can write these words, or you can choose your own. Good luck!

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If you are a fan of this type of street art like graffiti, but do not want to break the law or do not have the opportunity to draw on the walls, a piece of paper and a pencil will always come to the rescue.

Therefore, armed with these tools, start learning the basics of graffiti, namely the 3d signature.

1. Conditionally designate the area of ​​the future drawing.

4. Graffiti is the originality of the idea. Therefore, a 3d signature cannot be simple and uncomplicated, complicate it, add creativity.

5. How to draw graffiti with a pencil. Do the same with the rest of the letters of the nickname.

6. For showiness, you can highlight the outer contours of the inscription.

7. Now start decorating the overall composition. How difficult it will be depends only on you and your plan.

8. Since the signature will be in 3d format, do not forget about the competent study of light / shadow. How to draw a cat.

9. Shade the shadow sides of the letters.

10. How to draw graffiti with a pencil. In general, the entire inscription should be worked out in halftones.

11. Then, using a soft pencil, underline the outer borders and add an original pattern.

12. Complicate it as needed and depending on the artistic intent.